tHS ‘Twics.A-wnK ner AToi MJKUMCTON, M PAGE FtVE Freeman Drug Co. ♦ ♦ 0 ♦ * ♦ ♦ ■■■,.— . •' ■ ♦ . . . . ■ . I ^resoiptioB Dn^(^ in^ >00 * nioiie 20. to call and sie dieiii 1 Mr. S. Allen Horne is in Durham this week. Miss Byrd McClure is tne ^est or refativfis iit 'Sarfoik. Charles Wa^ei', Jr., is visiting his grandparents in Bujrham. Miss Anna Cox is visiting: relatives m Thomasville this week. Mr. 1, J. Mazur will leavt this week for the Northern Markets. Mr. L: B. Whitted is confin«vi t-» his room this week with grij). Mrs. J. W. Price is -visiting her pa rents in Morganton this week. Miss Alice McPherson spent Suii- , day in Swepsonville wth friemis, Mrs. Cassie Boland was carried to Durham Saturday for operation. Miss Clara Roper, of Washiaffton, ia the guest of Miss Pearl Robertson. Miss Alice Boland is visiting rel atives in Mebane and Corbett this week. WANTED—Young laay for cashier at the Plaza Sestaurant, Main Street, Fonville Building. ^ Miss Mary Roberteon, of Gre*ns- boTti, spent Beverml days here' wJth Mi»8 Stary Parish. Mn. J. H. Vernon and little son, John Jr., artd Dr. J. p._ Spoon spent Friday in Kslei^h. Miss Della Shrieves, of ReidsviUu, ia the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. I'. Aualey, on W. Front StreJt. - J*Us:JSlarcie Loy has eone to Jack sonville, N. C., to spend several ‘ jTiir.ths -‘.'iih b*?>' Praf. I'.; .W. Lay. Miss Mary Kel-r Hall and Miss Gladys Brown, of Burlinftton, are vis iting Nick Mebane on South Forbis street. Mr. are sony to note the absence of Mr. John M. Fix from the AIamarc4 Loan & Trust p>-, this week on ac count of rheumatism. In formation received from Mr. Suoit, of Graham, states the Scott- Mebane Sewinc Room would resume operation Monday, the 8th. Mr. Onsie Barton went to Greens boro Sunday to attend the funeral of his cousin who will be brought theio today frorh Ohio for burial. Mr. Frank King returned to his home in Philadelphia this week after several days here the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. A, McPherson. Mi's. Ed. Murray was carried to the Hospital at High Point Saturday for treatment. It is remembered that she fell some weeks ago on the ice from which she has never recovered. Mrs. J. C. Crutchfield and Miss Ger trude Crutchfield, of Swepsonviliej are sp«n!ing the week here. Little Teddy Crutchfield who was shot is with them and in recovering fast. ;—0 BUCHANAN’S STORE CLOSED. Buchiir>an'$ 5, 10 & 25c. Store was closed this morning by order of the court. No particulars obtainable at this time. r—O—T Conere*sm;»tt Palmer charges that Senator Penrose is holding up pofit office appointments for the sole pur- pppe of embarrassing the Senator’s Democratic opponents That's just like Pt-nrois^, he has never had a r^u- tation for ijoing much in favor of Democrats, anj>A¥ay. O The minority leader in the House may not be the next Repuaiican nom- for President, nut the netx Pi-csi- dcnt is going to be a man and a Ke- publifan, with or without the capital M. o The President will have to look un- j der the bed once more. Somebody mui’h be lobbying against his ship purchase scheme. BOUSE WE&NaLING OT POSSl- BIJJTY OF WAJL Washiiigtoo, Jan. 30.—Possilnlities a{ war aiid the state of the eouotry'a deteases furnished the sul>j»t of ttn- other long discussion ia the House to day, where the naval appropriatio.i bill was under considenli)n. The no- val cansthMTtion program had . not been reached when the House and the bill yiat over until Tuesday. Pbinl» of order stimek out pravis- ions for creation of a chief of operat- tions t»ihead a war board in ibe Savy Department, and for authority to hm an uiiexpended ba^nee of fl,0O0,M0 for aeronautics, jSeprasentaVive Hp6- ^oM immediataly introduced the chief of o^rations sertion as a operate bill. Democratic leaders exp^t to provide the aeroi\autics money by ad ding a. million dollars to the Itital of the bill. ■ Bepresenlative . Gillett, of Massa- chu.«ctts inade the principal spcecH of the day, arguing for strong National dofen«es. .He .said he had voted against large armaments in the; past but that recent events had caused him to-change his mind. While the dan ger of such a thing is slight, he de clared it would be possible fpr the victor in the present war to disarm all other iiatiuns and become mistress of the world. “Among those Nations we consid ered the most progressive and civil ized,” he said, “has suddeniy burst I forth a worship of force, reversion to jthe primitive savage type, a lawless selfishness, a disregard of sacrcd ob ligations, of pity of mercy and of humanity which is depressing? atid confounding.” The Monroe Docti-ice, “without ba sis in law or justice and never ac- ki’owledged by Bnrope,’' might tccome a prolific source of trouble, he ssid. -He also criticised the attitude of “some of our States,” as "contemptttous” singling out the Japanese for un friendly legislation. “If this irritating conduct—this treatment of Japan as an inferior and an outcast cotitsuues,'’ be added, "i may cause a wve of resentment to sw«9^the Jpanese people into a hostile outbreak.” Reprtsentstive Padgett, in charge of the bill, told the House the Nation was amply prepared in mine supplies and in long range torpedoes. “We have * ful! fsupply of torpedoes for every tube we iwve," he baid, “and in addition a reserve supply ej'jal to tile attiouiit on lacking six, and if an order placcd abroad had nof been cut off by the war we would today have a surplus of one in the LOST—on Tarpley Street between Railroad and my residence on Satur day, Xau. 30, silver Mesh Bag, con taining C $5 bills and ^ior key. Find er vilt return to me and get t-ew&td. Mas; E, M. QUINN. It it's only a "state of mind” what's the matter with you Josiah? You should manage sotae-how to set rid of the “state of mind" and run your tind deep down in your pcoket and pul! o'ot that long green roll that you didn’t know you had and go to doing business.—^Th^i’s the stuph. CALOMEL WHEN BILIOUS? NO! STOP! MAKES YOU SICK AND SALIVATES MRCOMDBLE: in jilonty f*f fresh air the ted ro-n'r* tind a cuMHl of - VKKSS^SALVK over the throat and chest» covered ^'ixh a varm cloth; BoothinK anil- septfc vapors are lelcjiired Uy the bol.» warmth and inlvaJed direcily to the aT- ftiC%ed parti^ need of disturbini^ the fttotii&iCQ' with The- worst cold* i^lji»ved In oh%. nisht; croup in teerxT^nutes. At alt'drug’f^ists, 25c, 50c and $1^00, fr'AmpIe orv request, VJrk Chemical Co., Greensboro, N. C “Msw's Ukt Tm" is Rtniess Ti Ckas Ymt Shoisk Uw in ttfifc. IT^ht Calomel makes you slct. It’* tiorritilu! 'j’akc a dofse if tti* iUnct-roun drug tonight ilod tomorrow vuu may lose a day’s work. Calomel. is mereu^ or )uu>ksilv,>r Vlii^h cuitts ne«TO«is of tUe l»ne«: Calomel, when it oomea^iBto cuutact vritli Hour bi|e craxlies into ic, hreiktiig it up. This is when yiim' feel that awful naiuea and cramping. If you are vlug- eieh and "all kBodced U your Jivrr is ^ipid and toirela coeatipited Of -yuii have heedBAe, dizoiMa, coated . toi%tie, if breath in bad or itomaeU eour^ ju«t trya ■paoBful of faamlw Uodaoa'a liver Tone ionight oa say gvaraotee. e’« wj- g»aran«?T—lo to aay drny iuiil get a>5t cent bottle « Uod- . Here’s store :unl get ■ _ Hon'jt Liver 'i'one. J ake a ii[u»Bful if it iloeso'^' atraigiiten you ^ right up and make you fed liae tuul vigorous 1 vant yiu t> go back io the »ti>re and fi(t your moikv. Ttodion’a Liver 'Toae .itt de^t Having the sale- ^^-ealomel becoiae it ii- rf-al liver mi-uioine; enllrely y^. table, tlierefore it can ait' Mivate Or make you eiek. ^ 1. guafiintm thii one fipaoaful cf Dod- . son’s I.iver Tone will put yionc jteggilfi liver to work aod l«aa ywr bowM it' tliat fiour bile and eoaatipaled mate which is elcgging yoor aya(^ and aiak- ing you fjclinii!eriibl& 1 gaaraatM a M41e of DodsoB’s Liver Tjwe wal keep yiHir estin^ family iediog Cue for months. Rive it to yonr chiUteib It is harmlera; doesn’t gripe ukl fiiejr lilce ita dleasant tule. IT REALLY DOES RELIEVE MATISM. Everybody who is afflicted with Rheumatism in any form should by all means keep.a bottle of Sloan's Lin iment on hand. The minute you feei pain or soreness in a joint or muscle, bathe it with Sloan's Liniment- Do not rub it. Sloan's penetrates, al most instantly right to the seat of the pain, relieving the hot, tender, swolien feeling and making tha part easiy and comfortable. Get a bottle of Sloan’s Liniment for 25 ceiits of any druggiKt and have it in the house —ugainst CoId.s, Sore and Swollen Joints, LumV>ngo, Sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied, but it does give almost in stant relief. Buy a "bottle today. Vor SAL^^^^^SiS^ut^e^ at 4 cents pee bushel, appl? to . _L J. FOKVILLE. Corn, Cottpn Seed, and All Kind? of Hay. Win pay highest cash price. Will take Corn Shelled or Unshelled. -MERCHANT.S SUPPLV CO.. THE LJVEB regulates TflE BODY—A SLUGGISH LIVER NEEDS CARE. Someone has ,'iaid that people with {Chronic Liver Complaint should be j shut up away from humanity, for they are p^simists and i^e t^iroiigh a “glass darkly.” Why’ Because men tal states.depend upon physical .state)'. Biliousness, Headache, Dhzinssi! »nd Constipation disappear after using Dr. King's New Lif? Pills. 2.5c. at your Druggist. -0- r«iiin>iiy>Mi« rwii AiwwililH [HE OLDEST ANO UKGEST BANK IN THE COUNTY ITAKE CARE OF THE NICKELS Some day they may take care of you it is the miKht of the nickel that makes the riches of trolley lines of America. “PaticBce aarf PencTeraate ATatieili Mocli It takes twt ity nichels to make a dollar. Deposit year first dollar with us and add to it resularly. Give Nitkeit > CLtacf Thej' Will Hake Ym WecUit^, Wejtith is for those who profit by our advice and have energy enough to act upon the same. ALAMANCE LOAN & TRUSTGOMPANY “THE BANK, VYITH, THE CHIMES” E»t«kit(bed 1894 Bvrlisfftos^ N. C •‘^VIT ,\ND HUMOR.” Friday afternoon from 3 to a o'clo-;k ' the various clubs of the city and the faculty of the graded schools spent ;i delightful afternoon as the guests of the Tuesday Afternoon Club. Promptly at 3 the ladies began to gather in the Masonic temple where for ajt hour they were oharmingly en tertained by Professor McKey of tho bureau of public extension, of the uni versity. After H few brief introductory le- mark.s, by Rev. D. Mclver^, given in a very happy manner, the lecturer of the afternoon announced the subjei:t of “Wit and Humor” as the one he had chosen. Wiien Jic very estingly explained the classificatioii and present day development of hh topic, he delighted his audience w:*h several selections from the American humorists of today used ss types of the various styles. In his charming and sympathetic manner he interpret ed most pleasinly the piquant and sa tirical wit of Dorly and George Ade; the crude, silent humor of John Fox has so feelingly and ivith such keen appreeiai.ion ferreted oui of the moun tain fastnesses; the aniasihg dialect j lyrics ojf John Charles McNeil, anJ the breezy western humor ^ pecul iarly portrayed by O. Henry in his happiest veins. At the close of the lecture after a rising vote of thanks to the entertain er of the afternoon, the guests spent B very pleasant social Ji^jlf J>onr over the “te.'icup." 0 ■ Sunday’s .ftiondayg ere his own, but there are not many people who would fisll them days of i-eat. COLDS ARE OFTEN MOST SERI OUS—STOP POSSIBLE COM PLICATIONS. The disregard of a Cold has often brought many a regret. The iact of Sneezing, Coughing, or a Fever should be warning enough that your sys tem needs immediate attention. Cer tainly.£«{:s of Sleep i> most serioue. It is a warning given by Nature. It is man's duty to himself to assist by doing hia part. Dr. King’s New Dis covery is baaed or; •; Ei ientific analy sis of Colds. 50c. at your Druggist. Buy a bottle today. Good Things. F*r yeir akc Caltu. Pm »9i every tbiae t**4 JiW silk an4 WniJ. Give r»iir tntcr t* A* BiurliBsttm Bitkerj. STOP THAT COVGH^SOW. When you catch Cold, or begin to Cough, the first thing to do is to take Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar-Honey. It pene trates the linings of the Throat und Lungs and Agtits the Germs of the disease, giving quick relief and nat ural heaJing. "Our whole family de pend on Pine-Tar-Honey for Coughs and Colds,” writes M. E. Williams, Hamilton, Ohio. It always helps. 25c. at your RruS»iEt. Strictly First Quality Rubbers. Again wc want to call your attention to the quality of rubbers that we are selling and to urge you to buy ail of your rubbers from us. Tt means Quite a saving to you. Our rubbers are stictly first (juaiity, that is, none better made. So if you have been having any trouble in tlie wear or fitting of your rub- bei footwear, try us next time and see the difference in the fitting and wearing qualities of our rubbers with those you have been wear ing. Our rubber footwear always fit the feet. New supply just received. Boots, Shoes, Arctics and storm styles. Prices right FOSTER SxTOE CO. COMIISCG- I I ♦ i; W; > : ■iS#.-.--. ' - r - • . '* I THE [:e.'!:iEP. SBARK on the EEAOH AT MONTEREy, CALir;.::LV KoUii Now One of the Thousand Curiosities on I Of BAY COUNTIES EXHIBIT CARS fROM fAlliC m UndcubteVly th» Largett Fish EVSi^ Captur#4, the Only On« vn Public Exhibition |fi th^ States. Zysc^-^r Cne Belo-'jing to Prlwit^ ef Prof. iDavld fttarr Jordon; Leland Sx?rfo d University. Atto, C&i 4t^rnift. 35 FEET LONG, WEIEHIK3 10.383 POUNDS. 6D 'ir.:.Z CLD, AND OTHER WONDERS. MAN-KA’nNQ SHARK. NAMM^H.-^EAP SHARK. dHOVEL-NOSE SMARK, 4ACK«0ri SHARK. tARCe DiVIL FI8H. . WOHSTEf. SEA TURTtC, ALL.ieAT;R PLYING '.'»A aii.A r*”':sTER, CALIFIRt't^' ''GTRICM, ,DOUSLE J IIAOED LAMB^ MAVMOTrt TCRTOlSei AimI Over MCO Other*, TojetMr With !he “Wondarful" Product* From Our Orchard*,-Vln»- antf Ranehcf. CVIKV V)^ITt>R Reccivte a Bea utiful $«* t.'ialt, .Noyclty Mad* o th« California Bl> Tr*«, fksmba* riim^i «r fB» d# ««»Se» 8ean% FRES, •• a (afl'N'T MI68 IT. «matl Biil* Cat«rJ T ‘ -i. '

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