PAGXnGET VMCE 6F UNOI m it; The New York Mail has recently published a ^ries of ^i* torials infused to an uiiusual degree with the optimistic, forwards looking spirit The Sun. as a joumai of optimism, believes that it can brin^ to its readei-s no better is contained iii on^ of th^‘'^toriala, *ti!ch follow^: ,... “The one toice heard 'round the >\;orld today is that of Uncle J3am—farmer, nianiifacturer, salesman. “It is cordially welcomed everywhere.. “It has ineaiit more than $!00.000,n00 to the good in our for eign trade thus month. The January figures will be tvyice as high.. So will every month of 1915. . “A wai^paralyzed world is looking to us to sell; it all the food and maiiufacturei'S we can spare. "Made ?n U. S. A.” is the hope dt other nations for 1915. We can girdle the world with our pro ducts. V That much is settled beyond doubt. , “It means work and wages for thousands i»\y idle—and work ICR& wages m^n a big buying power at home. “Everywhere throughout the country we are picking up t^ threads of prosperity. Mill owiiers are'calling tifeii ilien back furnaces are lighting up anew, factories beginning to turn wt increased product, - “Men of confidence of gift and of tarsightedness have forgot ten 1914, with its troubles. It is in the past. 'Iliey are looking to 1915. It is new. It is full of hope—:of opportunity. “We begin it with a basic conditions as sound aa a gold dollai’s; with out own 100,000,000 people ready to engage SiPiritedly in the peaceful conquest of the world’s trade, determined to win it' for all time. “We have only to be equally determined about creating a home trade in order to make that what it should be. “Everybody agrees that prosperity is on the way to the United States. Opinion!? differ only as to the time of its arrival. “Why -wait? Why not fix today as the time: and }Dlan, and work, and struggle for it NOW? “Prosperity doe,« not come by %vaiting for it. The tomorrow that you wait for never comes. Today is the time that counts; today is the gong that strikes twelve. “‘Straight ahead,’ is the starting signal for the new year. The road i."! not cleared of obstacle.s. No worthwhile road ever is. It is your work to clear it—to look bej’ond the obstacles and vision the sure reivai'd of effort. “Mr. Big Business M;-n. Mr, Financier, give up doubts that have loaded you down through 1914! “If you don’t the Little Biisine.'s IVIan will get ahead of you before 191-5 is out. “He is today the advance agent of prosperity, pushing ahead everywhere, taking a risk now and then, never looking for a dead certainty, but moving steadily on toward bigger things i'!I the time. “He does not talk hard times; he talks good times. “His is the voice that the country wants to hear, that th'i whole world is listening to and heeding.” Ur. iwd Un. 'Pu—«itr ]b«0(! friends. &od «e »m sm* tiiat we vill like this arranennk«t. Thanks tD our toed Aierui, Kev. A. F. Islsy for a nice large "mess” of ^usage and fresh meat. ' We do ap preciate it so The Honpr Roll tli« Sctnior Class at Buriin^a ' renuii^ the skme— no worse. . The Honor Eoil as ^hoo?, under our good friwiiK' JCiis' Clar.i Hue^ies, has the ^Misses>ay Simpaon. Lena and Biitb Simp^ri Fauc^e,' Henry Uanily aid'lCi>%ui:Canli«U. We thank W. L.'his good work on the road BaT^- ' If It Meiety is |wwhr»ih>i> at atei*- ty,” then Ugh «mMt mmt be fully lax OR its duty. ' * riacea. iinOMr asd doiaand «nceaie tf^aida. ia fdrfk oOee-holders. * . tell the truth to iftmntiTVkywj y»jtag lead to onr sidMcription it often results in a blaek eye. ixmg. Are you U-avelingT A..,.. tard Xltdbeaet- is iroadertet 'tor ka k goicg to &ad gvu for that «mt *rmy he is tnumoK. Easy, old to^ '' take titein froai tlie "*86ed MornitiK name of today’s president? 6r’.s to his house, worst road. ', Misses Theltni Wari-en, of A!' a bee.Q our ;and Zonn jn^^ed , , ,Wondei- what flia siatter with John P. Sutton and Joe ICornodie? They canw home the ither day with the top and seat bath torii off the buggy. Must have sMn i ‘e^ook’ ot> the road soniie where. •Ve are fflad to besr Utat Mrs. JiAh Sutton is some better, ^e was right sick. . Hope she will soon be entire ly well.. W. S. t!alTey is able to sit up sotiio now. We had some rain today (Monday} looks like the weather man might tiave a pity or the poor maf! varrievs. Our friend, Freeman Kijig. is^ great lover of dogs, esp^ial '’coon \XT-. 1 VV^V^ieU *tV UWtl.b. AllLUM er they are black or yellovr. about it. O Ask him IJBERTY ROUTE 3 ECHOES. Mrs. Ida Pike and Miss Margaret Hinshaw of IndianpoHs, Ind., are visi ting relatives and friends in X. C- thi^ week. Mr. DoIpK Kiitiey's little child ii iin- piovirig, We are glad to Icani. Ai-s i Mr DojpH Aired'.s boy who ba- been very .sick with pneumonia much betsr. Mr. Williijnj .Steel who has been :it'~ Acted for little svhile n~a.- cwrricii i;>st week to b.iiu.'nuT?ft^‘“ tion. Mrs. Jot McPherson i. very sick at this wTiting. Hope she wiH be bet- te.-. soon. Thers will Ije a pie-pciity srivei: ,it Oakdaic Saturday night the .‘JOth for the benefit of the school. Everybody come, don’t forget to bring your po cket book ar.d let us eat pie. Wc are P'jpecting the wedding bet’s to ring soon for two or three of oui- route. Miss Margaret Hinshaw wsi- visit ing Mr. Bertie Jones’ Thursday night. .‘Vt !a.=t the sun is shining! How good it looks! May be it will dry up some of our nvjd. Neivsis .“care, ev erybody has to slay at horne—can't get any\vhere, the roads are somethiiie Oh ye?, the macadimized ones are ^11 right r.ut we have'iit scon “them" in a long long time. O ^ ROUTE 8 n'EM.S. \V, M. Kenion, of Hijlsbci'e, spent !?.)-j i'riiiay and Saturday and .suiiday in Burlington, visiting Mrs. R. L. Barn well. He .spent Friday night with u-s. We are always glad to see Unele Ceil: He is one of our best friends. T. L. Hayes spent a few hours be tween trains with us Thursday night. Mr. ar.ii Mrs. George Wyatte. of Mebane, spent Sund&y with us. We are always glad to see our “kids." We have rented our Koxtse to J. .\. Bosivell, .ind we will live with theitt. This move was necessary on ac.count of Miss Margaret going to school. SIGN THIS COUPON. Are you in favor of Abolishin" th" '’f Cni'nt.v Treas urer? Are you in favor of changing the Road Law? If Road Law is Changed, do you favor Contract System ? If not the Contract System, what is Your Idea? Are there people in your tovmship who do not work, nor J. O. Foy i. again editor of the “>Ic- bane I.eader," a local weekly. Last fall he sold the paper to otRer parties here, feeluig that his baalth forbade his being con.nned as closely as oiTive work required. Since that time, se veral have taken theii' stand at tiie eilitornial wheel only to yield it ty other hands aflej- the voyage through o!ic or inoie issues. During :he ab sence of the old pilot, a variety of talent has been called upon to diiw. hi.^ adishivcwig kogkiS d ,of fiokbow the movements of the local news craft: pedaj^agical, legal, business, political, etc.; none of which stood the strain, of whatever kind it w^as, many weeks. Your correspondent; has not been given an authoritative statement of the re-isons for relinquishing hohl of the steering wheel of the "Leader," but severai suggestions Iiave been jr.ade. it has been hinted that perhaps the steering gear was out of order; hat possibly enough oil was not furn ished the machinery—whatever thit may mt'an—or, may be, t-nQUgh fuel was not put into the engine—^what ever that indicates: that a teacher can handle a school, and a lawyer can look after his practice, and an insurance man can work insurance, and a reiil estati; man manage houses and land.*-., and a politican can direct Dlunicipal affairs, each with more ease and to greater advantage that either can run the editorial page of a weekly paper. These street comments maV: Iw mere prod'jcts of the imaginatfon. The fact remains that several wrote, and then stopped WThing; that M!r. Foy is again editor, though he is a weak man ■physically still. The general hope is, that he may grow stronger till health and strength have been fully restoteiU Tli^. ,.r,TTiTm,nitw hirrs AO^tn to do his part in boosting Mebane, “the biggtst little town on earth.” O We have felt that there are other crops that would pay the sonthern farmer better than cotton at its best price. Still that is a matter for th& farmer to decide for himself. 0 Our idea has been that prohKtition was intended to prohibit, as £ar as possible, and it wonid seem that any law loolcinf; to tWs end would be wel comed by all real prohibitiomsts. 0 Of courie the Legislature could do a great deal of work in forty days, and yoj we havs known st to sfemain in session the full sixty days and leave mighty little to its credit. O ia DottU Airoiit What to Fe^, CoBsah Those Wko Kiioif ■" ;; ^~v' . ■ Formore Pol it op to the Hen. r For more Mm and Batter, Pot it lap to the Cow. For more work from your Horse or Mtde, Pot^ op to them. We k«7e the feed that wiH pre^ce alt ^ tke resolii^ YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE, WE GUARANTEE gESUlTS. F«r mutt Efi*, Feed CUckes Ch»w^, if joar lint ^’t by tltey mit be R^trs, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE, WE CqARANTEE RESULTS. For niOTc Milk aad Bstter, Feed, Beet €. 1 Meal, Feed and Good Bran. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE, WE GURANTEE RESULTS. For more and Better Work from yoar Horsi* or JfnTe* Feed Alfalfa Sweet Feed. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE, WE GUARANTEE RESULTS We also have full line, Corn, Oats, Shipstuff, Meal, C. S. HulISj Chicken Feed, Flour, Coffee, Molasses, Lard, Cakes, Candies, Tobacco, Snuff, Lemons, Can ned Goods, Potatbes, Onions, Peanuts, Ground Peas, and Gobers, White, Pink, and Limon Beans, Tirno- thy, Alfalfa, and Soy Bean Hay. Come to Headquarters when you want anything^ in feed, Why hunt over town, When you can find it here without Hoating. MERCHANTS SUPPLY CO. BURLINGTON AND GRAHAM, N. C. MlLlSaS AGENTS. MELSOSE AND DAN VALLEY FLOU.^ AND FEED. FOGLEMAN BROS. The Big Horse & Mole Dealers Of Burlington, are on the mscrket this week buying two cai* ioitds. We*ll unload one car at Roxhoro February 1st, and one at Burlinfton same date. e^U ha?e some Ei^a Good Mules and Mates. Come and see our stock and prices be* fore buying. Name Township Po,stoffice Please answer ali of these questions except the fourth v. ;th "Yes” or “No” and answer it with Your Idea, and ruail It to The Twice-A-Week Dispatch, Buriingrton, N. C If the legislature, shoold taka HP the tax matter the cImdccs 'are' tb*t no attempt would be made to settle it jusly, so what’s the use of wouTiaj? I .1 FOGLEMAN BROS. POOR PF