THE GOIDEN RULE--I8 Business Is to Pay Others, as You Would ray You. ggaje* ^iaSSSlVE REPUBLICAN >'EWSPAl»E» DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OK AMEBICAN UOMKS AXll AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. BUBUNGTQN, ALAMANCE COUNTY, NORTH CASOHNA, FKIDAY, FEBKUAKY 3, 19S5. Washington, Feb. \—The Sundry Civil Bill, repoi^ to the House to day, ciimes the foliowrig North Carolina items; To coinihence public pnild^ Burlinjrton, ?1.000; Shelby, ?1,000; Waynesville. «I,000. ^iiS pitflciJUMS Was PRflvisidNAt PRESIDENT OF MEXICO. Number of Preaid«nt8 in Mexico Inc*as«l—General VilU Issues a State ment In Wfcich lie Take* Unto Himself Chief Exeentive Powe^ fw the Tine Beine—He etaims His Cause is Gaiiiins. niRHS NUKE SUCCESSFUL AnAIK ON THE SUEZ cm, New Zealand ContinKent and Probably AttrtraUana Took Part in Battles— Fighting In Poiand—British Warships Again Bombarding German Po sitions on Belgiau Cssst—^nth African BebelUoiu MD HE SEE HJB SH.400W. Did the groundhog see his shad ow? That is the question that has cause'l genuine discussion since 'raes- day. One of the supet^iiioos said he did not, while others vtre just as sure that he did- The Jie-xt 39 days will prove conclusively just j what the groundhog did. One Jirm believer in the groundhop said ihst he came owt early Tuesday morning, but did not see his shadow at that time. It is claimed that ha did not come out ugafn. Others say he caiiie out in the afternoon and im- niediately saw Ms shadow. ' Staetoil tiua .Krdi^hoe business no one kmu to know. One dtixen said his pareiitB told him year*' ago that their parents told them, and so on, bat no one is willing to assume the responsibUity. Notwithstanding and nevertheless, he i» obb of tfcjt bast advertised institutions in the world. And naturally advertising pays. It would be hard to doubt the^ groundhog, for such and «ich a per son is always saying: “Well see what 4ii« gromdhog brings forth.” This b?»Rin«a8 aeetns to be the regular thing for February weather prediotion« and who will dare to dis pute his authority T It is difficult to sea why we should not have a bit of sonshine now and then, if wo are denied the rare and mdiant presc^e of iimi 'almost nqrtho* logical animal at whose shrine a por tion of the world Tn^ay wow*lp-- ped. But they say so, and so it must be. We only hope for the best. 0 — WE THINK SO. There are a good many merchants just about now who are loaded down with crcdit ^peis, merchants who 1;“C tru?ted furmerB and others for| jneruhandise with the expectation of j getting their mon^ back in the fall, | land they have not done it. They hftvo not sot their money back yet. It is said, it is hard times, but it is often he case that some people take adv&n- take of the cry of hard times to avoid meeting obligations that ihsy coaid meet, s-nd it is this class tha largely contribute to make hard tSmes. If some one has trusted you when the times were hard with you, with pro duce 'ta make yoyf crop, and fed J -“ur family^ d>n|t you think it is your duty now to help them all you caj, we do. —The lieader. O TAR HEEL CPNGRESSMEN VOTE to OVEK-BIDE VETO. Washington, Feb. 4.—^The North Cei-olina-ttelegation in Congr^ to over-ride the y^o.of the on the Immigration Bill,, • Re^^sen- t:>tiv^ Small, .Ejtchei^ ,i'«a, Stedinan, Page, Godwin, Doughton, Webb aad Gudger voter that way. Representa- iive Faison was absent. COMMENDS AND CIUTICKES THE DAILY NEWS. Editor of The Daily Naws: The News is everlastingly right in its conilusion:$ and remark^ rfxmt some of those corporation-owned lead ers of the legislstvirc aov.' in 5“"!on; and I, for one, hope you will “lay on McDufT,” etc. I’m a Democrat, too. Yours is the only daily in tihe State that can be depended upon to tell the tnith abaut matters like this any more. Just keep it up, do not. weary in well doing, and above all do not get “cold feet,” and yon will yet be nble to wt old North Csrolinfl on lire, and tmke it so hot for tlw crowd are iviw rtmni^ thiiigs diat th«y ^11 not only have to get out of politics, but some of them, I hope, will have to get off the earth. The only thing the matter with your paper is, that you throw off on, and try to belittle W. J. Bryan on the iiimsiest sort of prete:;t3 s :d cMrnses sometimes; and why you, a iuv.';fess- ive newspaper, should seek to destroy the influences of the daddy of pro- jrriseiven??' honnsty and decency, in polities, I do not know. In doing so, you are uirecUy is line witji the Qiarlotte Observer and other corpor ation sheets. 1 Jim hoping to see you improve along this Hne, at least. X. Z. Y. Salisbury, Jan. 28, ’IS. 0 CHUBCa NOTICE. N^xt Siiisday- is Sexagesimft San- day and the s&mees at the Chm^ «f the Holy Comforter wilt be aa fol lows: Sunday School, S:30 A. H. Morning Prsyer and Sermon at 11:00. Evening Prayer and serm»n bjr tho Rt. Rev. Joseph Bioont Cheshire, D. n. The BiAop will administer the Holy and Apostolic Sight ox uontiiw- ation to a class that will be presented by th.« rector of the parish. The pub- lis cordially invited. AH the pen's are free. O A GOOD REASON. Mrs. Charles B. Aycoek vnll not be given the appointment as itostmis- tress at Raleigh. Why should she be ? What h&3 she dont for the machjie? True.that she is the widow of the man who did 6ore for North Carolina than i^ny other man of bis day, and did it dnseir>shly, and in doing it f^ledl to lay by much for his widow and chil dren. Of course there would be no trouble to get money voted from ihe public treasury to erect a monument to Aycock, or something like tha^ but give his widow an - office which the mchine needs for one of the boys, thi^ is quite a '-dSFerent thingi Have a heart people a hcatti wlu^t is tha sacred and weU-oUed macliine for if not to give jA>« to tfee hoys?— Monroe Journal. SECRETARY BUY AN IN MASTER FITL APfiiBESS URGES THE GULDEN RULE. Gdden Rule Guide for Natio«at and For the ChiM-^No State Has fiight to Deny tile Oiiid a CiiMlira iv PIsy' Aid Study—Heard by Kg Aodlence —Mr. Bryan Plaiseii on the BSgbwt Pedestal Man’s Duty Toward God —Wears Skull Cap Given Him by Little Girl in Tennessee. Raleigh, Jan. 30.—Before nearly 4,000 applauding North Carolinians, an audience made up of people of all stations of life—preachers, teachers, students, lawyers and law-makers, rich and poor—William Jennings Bry an, Secretary of State in President Wilson’s cabinet, spoke in his usual masterful manner in the city audi torium this morinng, beginning at 10:15 o’clock. For approjumately one hour he held the undivided attention of his audience, as he expounded doc- , trines of service to humanity, coupled with love of God and right-dealing in all things. His message was sim ple—it was eloquent and forceful. He plac^ on the highest pedests! man’s duty toward God, declaring that rieht attitade towaivi the CTCat Cre ator would put man in a right atti tude toward his fellow beings, and that being in such an atfsitude, he could ^better exercise love and char ity toward all with malice toward none. Mr. Br>an advocated tha golden rule as a guide for both national and inter national dealiTigs between men. Man matrt have a clear coeeption of 'hft' duty to bis fellow mni:, It* decUrtd. leo m Burttagton who feel, that advertising is all r^ht for thi^, that and the otbef fellow, “but won’t io foriME,’ and ;thsy are in, this contention. If they will study their proposi- tSoiiS, they can see or they can be shown how it is Just as good for them as it is for the other , fellow. The Trsil Has Already Been Bbzed— the pioneering has already been don& Advtsrtising in; ^racticaSiy every lir.c has proved itselfi The pioneers have paid enormously for years finding the right trail; some of them are still paying enortnously, but most of them have learned that tJie nenrspape'r brings big proiitE and necSBsitate only a small expendi- tur*. This is a day of “SERVICE” and if you can serve well let it be knowii the thousands of Dispatch raadera—let as help yon. O : SEE LEITER WAD IN WHEAT BRAWN BATRE OYER SHIP PURGifilSE Bill IN SENATE CHAMBER. Senate in Continuous Session Since Friday Morning—The St^e; : A -Pi^l Vote-^Adininistratioh Lesters Finally Agree to Recess at MlSiiight Saturday—^Battle Again Vi'o-Morr6w---S«^ Air den William Smith I^lieves His Tired Republican CoUeagues and Bitterly Arreigns Administration's Policy. before he can j^rform any mik to j the best advantinke. He touched upon [the liquor question briefly, declaring I that the conservation of the health of i the country was of more importance I than all ot the country’s iiattiral re sources. Dealing with the child labor ques tion, Mr. Bryan said no sttiie, indi vidual or , community has a right to deny a child the chance to play and study. He asserted that persuiis who denied children this right should be made subject to drastic punishment. j —^ 0 GROUND HOG OFF FOR DISMAL j SWAMP. ! Fails To See Sis Sh^ow And Leaves In A Hurry. One minute past noon yesterday « small brown object with a £>u^ tail, sleek sides and a worried look flashed !out of a hallow in City Park and head- ‘sd for Dismal Swamp. WesAer pro- hets said it was the Krouhdhc^ who having failed to glimpse his shadow . on emerging from the winter quarter I under a logwas burring to spend the next sixweeks in tlie fatness of the I return to his burrow for another 40 d&ys of bad weath^ the groundhog must have been disappointed at the oveivast sky j which him about as n}uch chance cf seeing'his shitdow as a moonless night. '*• * He evidently thought it time tc pack his grip and proceed on his way. AVi of which means, according to the old superstition, that winter is over,— Virginia Pilot. ^ O VALENTINE f ARTT AT GLEN- HOPE. Gler.hope School wSil have a Valen tine Psrty Triday night, February 12. The girls' hearts will be sold in heart- shapes boxes filled by eatables. There will be other Valentine star.ts. 7:30 is the hour. The ] ubiic is cor dially invited. O ■ ■ ■ There will be plenty of candidates for the j(^ of city manager but it. jnsy not be so easy to find a auin that can fill it. BOOST. Chjes^, Jan. 29.—Who is getting the #on«y in the fifty cents a bushel advalce is wheat? Current gossip is the ieiter is getting a wad of it^ Has I«iter “come back?” It is com mon talk on the Board of Trade that he has.; It is said that Leitcr sofo- saw the Sudden upturn of the market (fn of the European war and jumped in and bought heavily while whMft was Mfitac ftround fX,2i. His jp^flta aloM aiw ^imsted in Board ‘Trade a;fc dose to |600,000. ■ who rrtiwd *«o* years returned with the wur. lie is credited with fabulous winnings. And there are lots of other report ed “killings.” Hen who usually dab ble in other investments have turned to the wheat'market. Even the fsrsi- ers who have sold their crops, it is said, are buying up the crops of oth ers for speculatnve piirposes. _0— ELON GRADUATE DEAD. Rev. Martin Luther Bryant Died Yes terday Morning and Buried Today. Eion College, Feb.2.—^A t^legrstia has just reached the college anounnc- iiig the death just after midnight yes- Washngton, Jan. 30.—A drawn battle on the .Adnjinistration Ship Purchase Bill in the Senate came tonight after one of the most strenuous parliamentary struggles Congress has; known in From 11 a. m. Friday, ail through last night and again today and tonight, the contest proceeded with a spirit of determination little short of desperation on both sides. The great stake, a final vote on the bill, which would break the Senate dead lock and release the blockade of legislation was just ahead, for the presiding officer has ordered that the ayes and nayes would be taken as soon as debate should end. No further parliamentaty device was available, and physical endurance alone remained to hold back the taking of the vote. Although the Democrats agreed to a recess at midnight at the end cf 37 hours of continuous debate, administration leaders in sisted that such action meant no let-up in their determination to press the bill. “We agreed to the recess because of Sunday,” said Senator Simmons, "just as we did in the filibuster against the rivers and harbors appropriation bill last fall. But beginning Monday £t 10 o’clock it is our purpose to press the bill with all the force that is in our power.” Late today Senator WjUiam Alden Smith relieved his Republi can coiteagaes who had been holding the floor since early morn ing. He turned bis attention to a bitter arraignment of the ad ministration’s policy and painted a gloomy word picture of the business condition of the country under the Democratic tariff. An “era of record breaking business mortality,’' had followed en- ftttment of that tariff, he said, and he characterized the sMppinc bill as the "fifth administration foUy.” “I don't think we have ever had a President who was so hopiv fu! with so little cause as the pres'’7it incumbent of the White House,” he said. ^‘From the day he signed the tariif bill he has not let a week go by without proclaiming that prosperity was here." ^ Senator Smith re&d many figures which he declared showed the conditions he had recited and repeatedly challenged the Democrats to answer his statement. Majority members refused to be drawn in a tarif[ debate, however, accepting the challenge with weary apathetic silence. Throughout the long Hay session the situation was tense. Many senators slept in their seats after the long watches tnirough last night; others stretched on the sofas circling the senate chaniber: others formwl team relays, offensive and defensiye, to crowd the measure to a vote or to hold it back. There was little sharp parliamentary fencing. In the main, it T 4.1. was steady speechmaking, with here and there a flash of wit or ter y morning o ^ fv. a u^ er show the intense undercurrents in the debate. Sen- Bp?ant, oae o ion s most uwn^s - Lodge again gave warning that the buying of interned ships ^ promising^ v: would precipitate grave international complications with Great Britain, France and Russia, and would “start this nation on the highway of war.” Daring the day it was expectation on both sides of the cham ber that the contest would be carried through tonight and into death has c».t a gloom over the enUre ^ ^ ^ ' ministraticn forces, secured unanimous consent for a recess until JO a. m., Monday. With the recess came the announcement from Democratic con- had been sick at Ashaville, N, C., for some time, but it was expected that he would soor. be restored to his usual health vigor and usefulness. His Mr. Bryant was especially gifted in evaugdisdc campmgns, and exposure in these services was repute fpj.g„ce rooms that from Monday morning the bill would be kept hp«n the prime cause of rear.- Senate continuously without adjournment or recess down. He leaves a wife to mourn , . , „ until It was passed. him, who was Miss Elizabeth erce ggn^tor Simmons announced he was authorized to deny reports that the administration was considering withdrawing the bill from the senate. He could say authoritatively, he declared, that there was not one scintilla of truth in the report. Early in the evening Senator Smoot, who talked all night last night, his remarks taking up 11 1-2 hours, reappeared on the floor apparently much refreshed and roady for another long dis tance debate should his service be nyeded. The galleries were filled with spectators, but there were few senators on the floor until toward 9 o’clock when many who had gone home for a brief rest returned to the chamber. Senator Smith, whose speech took the form of a general attack on the rtdministration, engaged several Democratic senators in Norfolk, Va., before her marriage. Mr. Bryant’s body was interred in Norfolk today. Kev. J. 0. Cox repre sented the college at the obsequies. O A New York woaian has not spoken !t> her husband in nine years. Tha more protracted aitd pronounced the calm, the more violent the storm is almost certain to be when it does , break. I O-.-; I But do yon suppo^s we will ever be coUoquies. iabei to agree as to how the eity man- heard the secretary of the treasury ask a distinguished au* ,airer plan worics ever aftei we have Diego, Gal., the Other day: ‘What is Uie matter with the country?’ said ,§^ator Smith. The people whio heard him were struck dumb. Nobody could answer and finally the sec retary of the treasury answer«d: ‘i^ot a damn thing.’” “Did I xmderstand the seiiator TOm ^cbigan to say that h« then Pje the r^oa pregent aad it§^d thjs?”,8sk^ |enal^r Chilton. ■ing it. itdoea not p^y ¥esk, I'pf««mt,’' Senatoi? Smith, replied, “And was struck dumb?” asked Senator Chifton, precipiiatias unroar in chambex and galleries. If you give a man your word to do a ^ing, do it, if it lays in your power, if you cannot, for your not doing i a' man to telL a falsehood to secure, anything. The price is too high, you can not afford it.—^The Lender, 11 NT