A Desperate Battle-^etween the Ground hij a! her Man Watch Results. 1.WICE- REPUBLICAN SEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE- UPB A PBOGHES ICAN IM \ ’ I vMi UlCW INUUSTIUES. ’itLINGTON, ALAMANCE COUNTY, NOItTH GA AV. FEBaUASy 8. 1315. WOMAN SUFFRAGE BILL PUT TO SLEEP. THE THOMAS BILL. THE DENOCIAI^ iUiiUN HOLD WHIP MNB IN THE SATE Bepublieiins Now TaiUng Agtinti Yiniei WUn of K« Adjonm-: nest Until Is Taken m Motioti to Recomnit Ship Purchase Bill —^tnii>^ Ma^: Mean Extra Sf* sion—Dentottats Say They Will Ketp the Measure Before the Senate and That the -Appropriation Bills Will Be Ignored. VAlBifflON OF PHOPEm IN NORTH CAROLINA IS SOUGHT Committee Would Keach This End in Two Years-—Work Out Real Worth —PlsiB to Have Men in AM Parts of the Setate to Ascertain True Values. PLANS PROGRESS FOR CAPTURE OF WARSAW THE GERMANS CLAIM Russians Qaint Several Minor Successes in E^st—Austrians Gain Ground T—At One P^ a Severe Snowstorm is Said to Have Material!; Aid ed Aoatrian^No Change in the West—Army Casualties Discussed in House of Commons and Britain’s Total Losses During the War Arc Placed at 104,000. DEATH OF MK. THOMPSON'. Early last Sunday snorning Mr. J. Bedford Thomp^n died at his home in East Burlington, after several months’ illness with cancer. Mr. Thomjwon was bom in Ala- ntance County, educated at Bingham and tie University. Early in life he taught sctiool, later becoming con- BecSed with the Oeprge W, Anthony LaiaM^ Cont|ttii}'. Twenty-three years ago nuqried Miss Byrde Holt, lAo survives him. Mr. Thompson was a meotber of the Metho^st Episcopal Cbarch, Th9 funeral services were held at Front Sireai SS. 2. Charch at 2.-S0 o’clsck Monday by Revs. V. H. TutUe and J. H. Shore, of Dunn, and burial follow ed at Pine Hill Cemetery. The floral offerings were many. The nallrbearers irore Me^s W. E. E. S. W. Danjerpp.; Jos. Ji. Islcy, J- ~ VJ. W. Brewn. ^ A. Lutterloh; Honorary pall-bear- ^s: Messrs. j. H. Atwaier, v. IS. Turner, A. L. Davis, O. P. Crowson.. A. A. AppJe and J. W, Cates. — 0 DEATH OP MKSI. J. P, HUFFMAN. Mrs. J. P. Buifman died at Klon College Oil tjie morning of February 6,1915, after a brief illness of asthma and heart failue. She was the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Low, of Guilford Coun ty, who together with two sons, Messrs. J. H. and W. F., merchants at Greensboro, and two daughters, Mrs. B. B. Greeson, of Alamaiice, aiia Mrs. D. W. Sainseor, of 6uiIfoi4 County, husband and son, and three daogltters survive her. The funeral services were held in the college chaptil at Eton on Satord&y inducted by Bev. D. jC. Cox, assisted by Sevs'. J. D. Andrew, of Newton, and J. 0. Atkinson, of Elcn. A. very large floral dfering together with thft extremely large congregation paints to the high esteem in which she was held. Mrs. Huffman's unexpected death has brou^Lt sorrow to the whole com munity. She was identified with ev ery measure in her town thaw was for its betterme-it morally. She was a member ot the Reformed Church, in Huriingtonr also a member of its Nonary Society and - was ^alwa^s ia the frort^«ak. Mrs. Huffrr.an was a woniaiR of strong filth in her Sav ior, a Srm believer in Hia r^tadio^ss and willingness to-answier prayer, nev er forgetting -to- ask hep friends to unite with hisr in prayer in times of affliction and sorrow. While she was so greatly intsrastcii in the welfare cf others she did not forget her loved ones at heme. Shs was perfectly de%'Oted to them, hav ing the highest ideala for her children. — 0 CITY UNION AT P.EFORMED CHURCH. The Bai-aca Fhilathea City Union met in the Befonned Church Sunday at 3 o’clock with the best attendance since the organitation of the Union. The first feature on the progi^M waj m ado by Miss Alen» Anuck, ioUowi ed by an address by Supt. W. E. Shacpo the Methodist Sunday School on Sterling Quality of Persist ence. TaT'o 0» Douglsss t^ndorcii his resignation br president of the UiJaB »Kd Mr. J- G. Sogers was unan imously elected to succeed him, Eev. J. 0. Andrew made a short talk ex pressing his pleasure in seeing the Sunday Schools doing so -well. The Philathea banner for attendance was awarded to the Philathea clas^f THe WofoMned Church, having 88 i>er cent, present. The M. P. Baracas won the Baraca banner having 27 P5r_ „^t. i present 0 “PEG O’ MY HEAKT." A Dramatic R^tsl by M>w Floreiire Shtvit at Gr»^ Scfa«si Aadi- toraim Satuiilay Night. Miss Florence Davis will appMT at the Graded Srhool Auditorum Satur day nigth, Feb. 13, at 8:00 o’clock in “Peg O’ My Heart.” DRAMATIC PERSONEL, Mrs. Chiohsi'tffi- Ethel, her Daughter, iLianC» atsr ovii» Christian Brent, a social lonnger. Montgomery Hawices, a Solicitor, Jarvis, the Bst!«r, Tba JCsid. Sir Gerald Adir, familiarl:r known as “Jerry.” Peg, Mrs. Chichester’s Niece. O BART GATLfNG NOMINATED BY PRESIDENT YESTERDAY. Washigton, Feb. 8.—Bartholomew M. Gatling was selected todey by Pres ident Wilson for postmaster at Ra^- tigh. ,v The President’s decision ends an ap- poi tment contest which aroused much interest in the South, Strong effortf were made to secure the position for Mrs. Charles B. Aycoek, wiiiow of former Governor Aycock. O ! VALENTINE PARTY. ' There will b? a Vaienlirie Part? Saturday night in thd vacar.t house formerly occupied by George Craw ford on Anthony Street, for the beae- fit cf the Webb Avenue M. .E Church. The Public Ccrdially Invited. The Twice-A-Week Dispatch. preciates the patroha^ of our aihsrr.ihf!rj! jinrf Jh ./irder to show OW! appre^ation in a siibsiantiai v?ay, fAr every dollar that you send us Sjetw^ now and April 1st, upon siibscripti^ we will send you free of charge, post^ age prepaid. One Hundred Frost Proof Cabbage Plants. This oflFer applies to new subscriptions as well as old. All you have to do is to send ^cng your money and say when you want your plants. A Hundred Plants for every dollar -i-Two Hundred Plants- for Two Dol lars, and Su on up. Five Dollars will get you Five Hundred Plants. You owe the mon^y anyway, why not send it and get the plants? This offer positively expires March 31st, 1913, Do not delay, but send NOW. TOis is the chance of your life-time to get Cabbage Plants absolutely free. Who will be the first to send ? Be sure to stnte when you want the plants. THE STATE DISPATCH PUB. CO., BUISLINCTON, N. C. _ The paper comes Twice Each Week and only costs you A DOLLAR PER YEAR, with a IIu>idi'ed Frost Proof Cabbage Plants FREE. Who said nobody wouldn’t give you nofing? 0 PART OF MONEY STOLEN IS RE. COVERED. Winston-Salem, Feb. 5.—The Bank og Stokes County has recovered tl,485 of the $3,000 alleged to have been sto len by “General" A. Hill, rente mail carrier last Tuesday. The money mts turned over to Sheriff W. C. Slate by J. H, Keaton, of V»de Hecum, who stated that the money was given him Tuesday night by Hi'il, with the re quest that 1^1,0^ of it be given to Mrs. Hill and the remaining $435 be used in settling Hill’s debts in the neighborhood. Mr. Keaton .states that he had no idea, that the" majicy'msi otolsr. vrhcf it was given him and that he had no idea of the present wueteaijuUti; of Hill. — O NEW RESIDENT FOR BURLING TON. Mr, E. R. HiU, -who hais be«n in our town, for the past montii, has moved his family here from FayetteviUs, ana will occupy the Hay house just below the post office. Mr. Hfll finds business much better in. our town than in much larger cities and we are glad to have him and his family become permanent residents. MEMORL\L SERVICE. A ^moiial service in view £ the iuoftih of Iwtw Mr. J- W-- It^uTTsy. who lost lus life off th« Carolina coast when the esplasicn occsned an the I yacht Jolia, will be held at the Luth- ; eran C3mrch next Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. j While Q>8 body has not been coveredmemorial is intended t^ take the place of a regular funeral service. Floral offerings can be sent to the church; after the service they will be I presented to the family cf the deceas ed, Tfc^ public generally ere cordial ly ;«vited. ^ 0 DR. LONG Vtsrrs ^RALEIGH. Dr. Daniel Albright Long, proiident of Union Christian College, Merot>i, j Indiana, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon on his way to Florida. He vrill spend a few days hsre with bis daughter, Mrs. Charles H. Belvia. will also spend a few detys is Barline- I ton with Mrs. G. A. btioie 1 going on to Florida. Dr^ IiOng has j many frien& in the city who are giv- j ing him a tordial greetiug;—^J«w» and Observer, F«b. T. ■W; B, Blackwdd- isil carirer here, who .Charlotte yesterday charging'Ai'm iiras given a beariig thU Police Justice Mc- CottJWBt .^KlcwMBr entered a plea cf ^il- ty, fi^. ;SMy three witnesses—Mr?. Bi«clsWi|d(j|^' No, 2, who was with him & Cftarlotte -when the arrest was Warden, her brother-in-law, and Chjef of Police Mabery—testi fied. Mrs. Blackwelder toid of her marrii^ to Blackwelder at Winston- SiUftu-¥o^day afternoon iui,of their visit ito Charlotte, Rock iSiii, York- vilie and Gastonia. Mr. Warden toid of'tea marriage also and Chief Ma bery eX th6 arr«st. Police Justice McConnell bound Biackweider over to court under a Considcratioii of. Measure by House Itidefitiitely Postpotied by Vote of 63 to. 39—Members Go on Record-- Mr. Kbbeii^. of'DiaiiSHnoer Cisaiir^ ioBed the Meawir^ and Went boM-n With Colors Flyiiig—Mr. King Be lieves It WoaM Bg Better t« Cor rect Industrial Conditioiui. The opositior. to woman Suffra^ in North Carolina was giv^n a consider able jolt yesterday and tte forces that have been jigkting for the measure were correspondingly elated over the showing made in the House when, v/hat was considered a test vote on the proposition, came before tliat body. The motion was made by Mr. Doughton to postpone indefinitely, ac tion . on the .bill and oh this motion there were 6S ayes, 39 noes, IS absent and not voting. The d«i>ate on the question pro- boo4 of |3,000, wiiich he was unable j ceeding the ovte was spicy and a good to sSve arid was remanded to Jail. {sprinkling of ladies were in the gal- Blackwelder appears to be indiffer- leries to listen to the oratory although ent as to the outcome of the case | the absence of aproval either way in against him. When he arrived with j the applause was noticeable. th^officers from Ciiarlotte last even- s —o in^fa greet crowd gathered at the | BUNCOMBE 3SIAN CHAMPION.? Unibn street corner and at the city h^^ll to see him come in. Gazing over the,:crowd he laughingly remarked to the , officers: “I didn’t know 1 could draw such a congregation. ’ ; He voluntarily told of his marriage asd trips to various towns mentioned above. When asked, ho';r»yer, why he burned he declined to state, say ing that he could not give the reason ba^Mcoaet o ^ivste matters. "I coidd luive giveti the' officers a lot of trouble, ^owever, but the matter had to be sotted som« time. I docided to face the issue and would have return ed here on No. 12 if the officers isad not arrested me in Charlotte. I am going to plpRiJ guilty and if thiy giv® me i(t years I am going to be perfect ly submissive to the penalty.” Mrs. Blackweldcr, her brother-in- law, Mr. Warden and brother, Mr. whfi-have bea.T.here since yes terday, returned this morning. Mr. isink M*". T. D. Maness of the local bar to have the marriage of his sister and BliicItTrelder declarsd ifoid. POSES AS MINISTER. Charlotte, Feb. 6.—The arrest of W, R. Blackwclder, of Concord, alias Edward Black, alisn Proposel Lkw to Require SecOAd Sale .of Seal Estate by Mortgagees, Traa- t^s-aad Tbosc'Mskiiig Sale By Vir- tue of the Power cOHitained iii Wiib. Ihterviisired in the House by Repre^n- tatfwe j. F. Thomas, of Anson. ' The Geiieral Assembiy of North Carolina do' enact : Section 1. That in the forwlosure of mortgages or de«ds in trust on real estate, or in case of the public sale of real estate by an executors, exe- ciitrix or any person by virtue of the power contained in a will, in all saea cases the sale shall not be deemed to be closed under 10 days. Sec. 2. That if in 10 day-^ from tbe date of tiie first sale, the sale price shall be inci^eased 10 per cent, where the first price does not exceed JJSOO, and Sre per cent where the Srst price exceeds $500 and provided the same shall be paid to the clerk of the court, it shall be the duty of the mortgagee, trustee, executor, executric or person offering said real estate for sale to re-open the sale of said pioperty and advertise the same in the same man ner as in the first instance: Provided, that the clerk of the Superior Court may in his discretion, also require the pet son making such advance bid, to execute a good and sufRdent bond in a sufficient amount to g^arant^ compliance with the term.; of sale should the person offering the advance bid be declared the purchaser at said second sale. Sec. 3. That in all cases where the MEASURE. Mr. Roberts, of Buncombe, opened the discussion by saying that he knew that three-fourths of the members had already made up their tninds how they expected to vote on the question and that tbeir minds were made up sn the vn'ong side. "The whole “his tory of woman sujfrege in the United States points that you are wrong” said Mr. Roberts, “and all of ycu will live to see -Uie day ^^fi'-nmmen wHl be Wd dull b« railed as prescribed itt voting in every nook and corner of North Carolina." The Buncombe wan wanxed to know of the House if they Wcrtfe nxxnid vf C»n»iituents. Tennessee, he declared had passed a bill giving the voter.s right to ex press tiiemseives on the subject and they were not afraid. West Virginia he declared had done the same thing and they were unafraid. Mr. Robertb said he was always ready and wliling to let the people pass in judgment on Section 2 of this act,eaid amount shall be paid to the clerk of the court, whereupon said clerk shall issue an oruKi to the mortgagee, or other per son, and require him to advertise and re-sell said real estate: Provided, it shall only be required to give ia dayn notice of said second sale. Sec. 3. That not more than one sale shall be required under this act. Sec.5. That upon the final sale of saia real thc--h:r.‘^ cf the - thc great qusstioni af ih5 diy and lit | Superior Court shall issue his order to was willing to let them have an ex pression o.n this question. told a circumstance of a man in Buncombe who employed his time sitting around on goods boxes all day whittling and chawing tobacco, while his good wife Rev. Edward;was at hoim at work and teaching Black, field evangeiiift, Metthodist | the children hovr to read. Do you tell Church” at the Southern station here ^ me said the Buncombe man that that yesterday on the charge of bigamy I woman hasn’t the right to vote v»hUc nipped in the bud a brazen attempt ta her sorry husband goes off and exer- ficece. the good people of several North Carolina towns and also brought to light one of the strangest affairs that has occurred in this section of the State in a long while. Blftcktrelder, who, under tho name * of Black, ms wedded last Monday night to Miss Sadie Sink, of Winston Salem, after having courted her un der that nom de plume for IS months, came tA ChoiJotte Wednesdajr where his name became Kev. Edward Black, field evangelist, Methodist Chnrch; went to Rock HiU, and Yorkville, S. C., Thursday and returned to Char lotte yesterday where he was prompt ly by the poUce. 'Ha has a wife and live children in Concord, his wife bfting now critically ill. cises the privilege. Mr. Bowie wanted to know in what way rvoman suffrage would help the case and Mr. Roberts replied to the member from Ashe by saying that he always asked that quas- tion when a measure was proposed ana iJiai he wtu. Si’iic au w^l, ths jnzrs light you pour on him the blinder he gets. WOULD FAVOR UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS. Mr. Page said that all his life he had been using his energies to get what women wanted end if he coull be shown that the women wanted the right of suffrage he would favor it evtai if it were against his judgment. He said that he ^new sotuethltig like the mortgagee, or oilief pcrgor.,^ and require him to make title to tha pur chaser, and the clerk shall make all such orders as may be just and ne cessary to safeguard the interest of all parties. Sec. 6. That the clerk of the court shall keep a record whidi shall shotr in detail the amount of each bid, the purchase price and the final settle ment between tne parties. Sec, 7. That this act shall not ap ply to the foreclosure of mortgages or deeds of trust executed prior ta April 1, 1915. See. 8. That this act ^11 be in force from and after the Arst day of Aj>?5.V 0 “What that guy doing with that camery? He’s been standing on that comer all day.“ “He’s taking a motion picture of that Messenger Boy .’’-^Buffalo Ex* press. Biackweider had bad persona! cards five hundred women and out of the printed either here or in Rack Hill which read as follows: REV. EDWARD BLACK Field Evangelist, Methodist Church. Of these cards, he had se'veral hun- could rc-.t hear him and asked that he spea' a little louder. He declared that the place for women was in the home and not at the polls. THE GOLDEN AGE. Mr. Brummitt said the human race dred in bis^ possession when arrested. Ia Yorkvilie he wrote a letter to the! North Carolina was concerned, postmaster at Concord saying that h'j had b«>ught a ticket through to Kan sas and that hia friends should not jWOJWjr or grieve over “spilt milk.” entire lot only one wanted the suf frage and she was the most incapable one of the lot when it came to the I was going onward, that this was the matter of voting. He hoped the agi-^golden age and he wanted to see old tatioi) would be settled for several things change t.nd give place to the years at least and he believed the new, honcc he was in favor of allow* matter was already settled as far as >r-g the amendment to be submitted t> I the voters of the State. They have & —r>— j right to vote on he qoesion, he de- HOME PLACE FOR tVOMEN. ' clared, and he wag no afraid t.o sub- Mr. Benton opposed the mesure In mit any question to the people. Th* I« vigorous manner, the only ,rouble women he declared will be back of tha I H« also h«d written cards in the fom | about his remarks being, some of men to correct all evil^Hewa ani eonticiMd /n Pi^r* 6. | the members complained, that they Observer, '•