V-r'': Jr-fx Oiff Cbwity Offices Are Asking For Monty—Ha?e You Got It For Them? A P»t^’S8IVB BEPimM^ NfiW&PAPEE DEVOTED TO THE rrPipUiWING OF AMBKICAN HOv.ks AN7j AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. BUItUNtiTON. ALAMAlSCli COUNTY, NOSTH CiUtOtmA, TUESDAY. F£BKUARY 16, 1915. i»niSI)N jilt^ HilUL 1UI^$EjtVICE IVRIHIGIOUTm^ Order Will Cartai! the Rosites in This Statie OtierHalf-r-Hudship on the Pe(9te—In iilany Instances Daily Routes Are Cut to llirke a Week; Oth«M Are Abolished—Is Ti^iiigf to Make Good —If Is Claimed That Burleson’s Efforts to Miaike the Pwtofficc Departaient Sfelf-Sustaining Have Besulted Thus Far in Mis erable FaUure. ALLOWANCES t'OE COUNTY OF- FICEB& When the new law goes into eff«in inereasUtg the aUownnce ior the varU oas cqiintf officers the amount allow ed eaA office will be ns follows: Clerk Superior Court ;. Eegistor of Deeds . .7- Sheriff’s Office .. .. .. POUET;WrrHIN THEWiUI ZONE liatE OF COMMERCE , BANQUET. ■ ■ ■ . j Jjftst Friday, ni^ht the Annual Ban- 1,4UO.OO ■ «ie Ch'a Com'mercS of 1.SOO.OO By Parker R. Anderson. ■■ Washinsftos, Feb. 13.—Albert Sidney Burleson, postmaster general in President Wilson’s Cabinet, will be the most unpopulai’ man in North Carolina before the sun goes down tomprrow night. The Honorable Albert Sidney has just issued an order which will practically annihilate the rural delivery service throughout the county and make it almost impossible for people living in the sparsely settle ^strictS to have additional routes established. The order v.'ill curtail the rural routes in North Carolina almost SO per cent. In ti^ny instances where the routes are now operr ated six limes a week they will be cut to three-times-a-week ami in other instances routes will be aboUslied for good. When Burleson’s order accidentally reached members of Con gress today there was an indignation meeting among the North Carolina and othar State delegations. They see that if Burlteon is allowed to have his way about the only mens the average citizen living in the country will have of getting his mail will be by priv ately owned airship lines or hot foot it to the nearest postoffice. The only reason any one can give for the postmaster generar» order is that he wants to make good his declaration that he would make the postoffice department self-sustaining. So far Mr. Burleson has made a miserable failure along this particular line it is claimed. There is already a deficit of some dozen or so mil lions of dollars and the end is not yet. He now proposes to inconvenience thousands of good American citizens throughut the couniay by depriving them of their daily newspapers and other mail in order that he make a good financial showing to Congress when he hands in his annual report next December. I%6 |(grl0^ i^erJiii Ml foUw ,, ^ . "Section 718 of this portal laWaitt rtg^ is amended to as to eliminate the present paisgraph 4 thereof, and to add the following paragraph: "4.—^The establishment of a rural route less than 10 miles in length shall not be considered unless at least six families to the mile are prospective citizens. “5.—^Persons within one mile of travel of existing mail facil ities shall not be counted as prospective patrons warranting the establishment of a route except in exceptional cases. “(a)—Such persons cannot be added to existing routes without ov«rburdetung such routes, or “(b)—Cannot secure available location for their buies on ex- Isting routes, or "(c)—Are in suctf numbers that 20 families per trayelM mail be supplied directly from the proposed route. “6.—A route proposed, with duplication upon existing rural or star route service, shall not be established, unless that portion which is not such duplication will serve a sufficient number of families to warrant under these rules, a route of the entire length proposed. “7.—A route shall not be ^tablished for the supply of m^. factories, or isolated compact communities in a region where tiie general rural settlement is sparse and not of the character origin- jiUy contemplated to receive the benefit of rural delivery service. “8.—^Authorized service shall not be entered upon until ap proval boxes have actually been erected by the prospective pa trons, nor until all requirements have been met and the entire route (roads, bridges, gates, etc.,) is in a suitable condition for the performance of continuous service, which fact shall be cer tified by the postmaster. ”9.—Tne ir^ueuey of s£Tvic£ c:; a aswly Mtsblished route shall not exceed three times a week unless such route is formed wholly, or in greater part, by rearrang«n»it of six times a week service. “10.—^A r^ute willi service of iihrce times a wedc shall not be increased in frequency until fcr a period of six months it has been regularly supplying permanent patrons in the ratio of four families, and collection and delivering 150 pieces of mail per month to the mile. “11,—^Routes on which for six consecutive months the quan> tity of mail collected and delivered has averaged less than 75 pieces per month per mile shall not be continued unless such route can be rearranged to secure patronage coming within these rules. “A new ^tion is ad^ed to the postal laws and regulations to be known as section 7161-2, and to read as follows: ' Section 7161-2; An extension (without retrace) of a rural route shall not be authorized, unless patrons more than one mile more than one mOe of travel from existing facilities can be added in the xatio of four families for each mile of additional travel in volved. Exceptonal conditions stated in paragraph 5, section 7iH may be recognized as modifying this rule. “2—^An extension involving a retrace shall not be made, unless patrons more than one i^ile of travel from existing facilities can be added in the ratio of six families for each mile of additional travel involv^, except^ that accommodations retrace extensions may be made where 12 families for ^ch mHe of trav^ involved (Continued from Page One.) Total Allowance .. .. .. . ?3,600.W Three thousand and five hundred dollars, allowance for extra help, be sides. the salaries of the officers. Biit the tax payers do. net mind this ad ditional burden times axe good and money plentiful, hurrah for Woodrow ! Wilson and the Alamance County office holders. . Eight cent cotton and four cent tobacco. Gee, but tines are good. I o — ow'was given at the Piodmoht H^l, t» about sixty of Burlingtcn’s m^. ptbgressive bustDess men and ciljfee^is and their ■mves. Quite a number of short speeches were mades by different members around the banquet board, which were greatly enjoyed and inspired the hsai-- ers to better and nobler thoughts for the in^Tpvemsnt of our city, and look ing fbrward.to a number of new entev- prisw ia the near future. . Nenr offl.;ers were elects as follows; W.^E. Sbaii>e, president; D. R. Pon- yille, Vive President: R. V. WiHiams, secretary- John M. Cook, W. K. Holt, W. E- -Sharpe, A. L. Davis, W. W Brown, J, H. Vernon, p. F. Crcwscn, S. L. Scott, D. S. Fonville, directors. The following is the monu; PRETTY LINE FOE MADE-TO- MliASURE SUITS. Mr. J. Ben Ferrell says he has the prettiest line of samples for his Spring’s suits that he has ever han dled, aud that is saying a lot for Ben a.5 he has had some extremely nice lines before. He evidently, believes in it as he is carrying an ad in this issue to tell you exactly what he thinks of his line and to ti-y to convince yon that his store is the place that has the right quality with the right price, however it might be well for you to see his samples before you buy. He docs not charge anything to see his samples. Smith & Qualls, on Logan Street, Hoi Minced Pie in West Burlington, are among our most progrsDsivc nurchants. '^ey ' — are; haying a speeiid Uile «s they An^^an Cheese Lkaye^tob much stodc oo tbsiv sludves ■ and wish to convert it into caiiK. They j Mixed Nuts have a nice line of Genera) Merchan- Coffee, dise and wilt be glad to show you o ■ ( Cream of Chicken Mixed Pickles Celery Hearts Ro4st Country Ham—^Alanjance Gravy —o— Sauer Kraut Sugar Corn —0— Staffer Country Ham, Progress Sauca V.TUt« Potatoes Green Peaa IS HELD imOlIT M JAILED AT SM1THF;^LD ON SESI- CUARGE. Cepiuis Cole, IS-Year-Old Negro, BeU For. Attuk on Tbree-Vear'-uid ■ ■ GirL ■ ■ Smithfield, Feb. 15.—About liiiie this morning Cephas Cole, a negrs boy of 18 is said to have assault^ Cleo, the three and a half years old daughter of John William Wood, of Meadow Township, a county coimnis- sioner who was in Smithfield on bus iness at the time. The negro was left plowing and had gone to the house purposely for water. The girl was at the barn lot and as the negro pass ed back to the field he took the little girl over the fience and towards the woods. J. Mangum Wood, a grown brother, was some distance off and this at- GERMAN PRESS NOT SO FKIENU- LY TO UNITED STATES. Several Leading Papers Aire Iiii^ine^ ioShdw a Very Hostiie spirit— DeinaBd Is Bliilf and . Wcu’t Be H^ed—^otint Reventlow Rep«a(s the Admiralty Order and Says Tone of the Note is Not “Suited for Communications With the German. Empire,” and United States Must Obey Wamink if Good Relations Continue; Others Say American Aboard British Ships Will ^ Given No Chance to Escape if Torpedoed by Submarine. KAISER INVITES MR. GERARD TO CONFER AT HEADQUARTERS. Germany Regards American Note of Supreme Importance aid Quick Ac tion is Likely on Account of Limi:-1 tracted his attention and he followed ed Time—Germany May Snggesit; them. When he got near the woods he* American Warships lo Convoy ! heard his sister cry out. He started Merchant Ships. : tovt'ards them and the negro, meeting j him, disclaimed any wrongdoing, say- GERARD INVITED TO CONFER- ! ing he was picking flowers for the Ht- ENCE. tie girl. Wood beat him with a sticlc London, Feb. 14, 10:10 P. M.—The ant) the negro ran to the house and German Emperor, according to an Ex- j told Mrs. Wood he had done noth- change telegraph dispatch f rom The; ing. The child had gone to the house Hague, has invited the Ameri-ain Am bassador to Germany, James Vv'. Ger ard, to a conference at Eastern head quarters. Fruits ■ Crackers Assorted Cake KEEN INTEREST AT WASHING TON. Washington, Feb. 14.~Press reports announcing that the German Enqier- or had inyiied Ambassador Geiwrd io*'«!a«ftwttlr front Were tead tonight with kaen in terest by officials of the United Statej crying and was clinging to her moth er’s knees; her clothes were soiled and her person bruised. Mrs. Wood telephoned for her hus band to come and bring the sheriff. They farted, but before they arrived Deputy Sheriff Will Moore, of Benson, was passing and was called. . He an^ Mangum Wood went In pursuit of the r.egro, who Jeft v^en Sirs. Wood tsla- iii a swrnmp near the Wood home. Sheriff Moore carried the negro by anything in their line that you wsh. NEGRO DRAYMAN KILLED BY A Call to see them—it will save you TRAIN, money. | —o— 0~ i Grcsnsboro, Feb. 16.—-John W'alker, "TREY 0’ HE.ARTS” CLOSES. u negro man, was instantly killed yes- Manager Coley, of The Crystal, terday afternoon shortly after 4:00 yesterday and last night showed the o’clock when he was knocked from a 15th. ^d-.Ia^-.spiso'ie ofO* the wheels of. Hearts.” which has been rutiiiins; for a box car tKat we.s being moved by & | the niteeu Tf'C wjr-■ The picture is indeed ^ good oi’e„an^ red at South Davie street crossing | has mot the aprovai of a large hum- -during a very hard downpour oi rain. -I ber of psople who attended his the- Thi* negro was driving the wagon and j posed that one of the chief purposes swear out warrant and propecuts the ater daring its run. Quite a puwber another negro was on the rear, the I of tho informal confercnce was to case. have expressed regret that the picture latter making a saft break for safety | elicit from {he American gcTernment ^ — o is over. when the ears struck the wagon. some understanding as to its position In the last episode Allan and Rose Walker -was tlirown directly undei' the are being inarriod when the lightning wheels of a car and Ws body w»s Uoveroment. Aside from the indi- 'Benson aiid ‘ henice brough him to cation that the American note hud pro-! Biiiithfield, where he was lodged in duced an impression of supreme im-ljail. portance, it was thought the fimperor | Feeling in lower Johnson is not k»d decided on a conference so quick-' tempor&te, but there is no fear of ly because only four days remain be-! summary punishment. Mr. Wood fore the German admiralty’s procla-1 speaking to your correspondent over mation for a submarine catn^aien on | the '^^ho^. tonight, stated that merchant ships goes into ettect, ;his child was not hurt, though badly —''— ! scared, that he wanted the negro pun- MAY DISCUSS CONTRABAKp. | ished to the full extent of the l&w, and In many quarters sieio it '»iras sup- tiiat fio would 'be 'here tcniorro^ ts' strikes tha hotel, killing Bi>se and practically several, death ensuing in- Senect Trine, and Allen receives a stantly. CHURCH NOTICE, regarding shipments of conditional The- Chweh of the Holy Comforter, ceatraband destined to Germany’s civ- ' Nejrt Wednesday is Ash-Wednesday iJian population. The growing import-; or the First Day of Lent. There ■•ill I unce of this quastion was admitted on! be servicc and seriooh at 10:80 A. ¥., tdegr&m which announice^ that he Owing to the hard rain it is said to ; all sides here and there is every rea ls lawfully marired to Judith, and have been practicaclly impossible for | son to believe it will be one of the the picture ends leaving everybody the engineer to see from the cab of j chief points made by the United States in a happy mood. O- MR. GROSS HAS FjqtE. Sunday morning about 8:30 the fire alarm was sounded, and upon investi gation ths residence of Mr. L. B. Gross OE W. Davis Street was fund to be burning around a chimney. The company responded promptly the engine to the car that struck the in its next communication to Great wagon, there being seven or eight cars i Britain on the subject of contraband, in thc| string. The load of crates be- j The long supplementary reply from longing to the theatrical company was | the British Government to the Aincr- scattered for several feet in every dl- ican note of protest of Dec. 26, had not rcction and as lack would have it, with comparatively little or no dam age. The remains of the negro were tak- and very little damage was done to en to a local undertaking establish- tho buil&Dg. The fire is supposed 1 ment and pr^pnred for burial. They to have started from a epork falling j will probably be sent to Mebane, the on the roof from the chimney. O been transmitted in full tonight, but officials expected a complete copy of it would be ready for their perasal to morrow. It became knowii today that Count Von Bemsiorff, the G^xman AifJbas- sador, pointed out to Secretary Bry- jforaier home of the negro, for barinl an yesterday that Germany desired (this momi&s. The deceased is said to encourage American shipping. K:!s We are m^ing out a cumber of to have been unmEtrried. extra papers this issue. If you re- O ceive one and are not a subscriber, it is an invitaticn to skbscribe. Be- meirdier twice each vnek for the price of once, and a hundred cahbage plants free. Read this issue care fully and note what a good paper we are giving you, then send us your subscription. The J. B. Jone.'^ Clothing Company have moved into their new store, and have about the nicest display win dows in this or any other town in the State. They have changed the ap pearance of that section of the street ■ —o— by having their windows attractively, ICAY REQUEST WARSHIPS, displayed and well lighted. It r^llyj Berlin, Feb, 14.—Via London, 11:30 looks Uk» some of the bigger city P. H.—^The American Ambassador X was shown clearly by his government, ilie Ambassador asserted, when short ly after the beginning of tho wa/, Germany expressed its irillingness to accept the Declaration of London as the law of tlie seas, applicable dnr- ing the war. , 0 JAPAN AND CHINA NEARING' stores. They have sa extra nice line)W. Gera^, conferred last night with and Si«rvice and address at 8:00 P. M., by Jfr. B. P. Finney, Southern Field Secretary of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, who is making visits to the Pan;^ and lielping jlie men to organ ize a Chaper of the Brotherhood. Evening Prayer on TTiursday and F^ay at 5:00 P. ii. Public cordially invited to all the servicea. 'raOUBLE. Tokion insists on Demands and Pe kin Ntfuses; Japanese fortify raihmy. Our county officers seems to want some one to do all the work, and let them spend their time, plaanini' to get clccled again. If those elected are f ' : capable to keep their books ar.{ Viiiline to do eo, there are good men in both parties in this county who will do their own book-keepin|' an4 gladly accept the office at the prev ent salary. has been tnade public retraiding tha conference but it is learned the fo»- eign office is prepaiing to answer the American note and the idea is enter tained in certain quarters that Geiv many may suggest that the United States sent wvr^bips to convoy Amer- ot goods OB the Inside, and invite | the German Foreign Secretary Hcrrjic&n merchantmen thTOUgh the dan- you to eocae and se«. No admi3si.on|Vori Jagow, rei^arding the Anieriwn j ger zone, thus guaranteeing the cob- fee. at t&ftJ&ttez’s reqoeot. Notfcint traHty of &«'T«esei!t. RINT