THEN hr III IM IM Dfcimdi anil Sne Tmr tal Mt ^^lOQRBSSlVE B&imj,CJLS IfEWSPAFESt BEVOTED TO THE UP80ILDIXG OF AMRRICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES BUSLIMGTON. ALAMANCE CptTNTY, SfOBftH CABOLUiA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1915. liiitsE lyiijitiiiirr CHlEr XOVE OF THE PlitE DE- PARfHEKT A^S HSU*. - Chief John Love, of the Biitiineton Fire Department, lias asked that the residents of our city, in cass of fire to be sure in wKleh ward the fire is bnmiiig, and theii give “Central'* a full description of the location deaerifa* the house burning, and giTing also the jiinie soiee well^nown. store, hou^ cliureh or mill near tlse fire, in stance, if Chief liove’s home is tmm- ing, say “John tiove's house, near the Daisr Hosiery Mill, in Kr^ Ward tn» Town in divided into five fire wu^: The Fii« Limits, and four Wards. The Fire Umits begin at the rail road at the Standard Oil Co., and igc down Churcli street to the street pass- tag H. G. Kime’s stable, on through to Spring Street, talcing in the &ott- Mebane iHe. Co., plant; then up Spnng Street to the Railroad, takinic is the Southern Freight Depot, and then up the railroad to the SCendard Oil Co. A fire inside of these limits is given as “Inside Fire lamits," and the whistle blovs the general ularm or the short blows in quick succe^icn. The First Ward it that part of our eity, west of Main Street and South of the Kailroad. The whistle blows one long blow followed by the short alarm, and then repeats several times. The Second Ward is North of the neiilroad and West of Tarpley Streei:, taking in all territory from L. J. Fon- ville's residence up to the corporation Une abore Ehsink Th» whistle blom Two Liong Blows and then the ritort aiana and then repeats several Umes. 'fhe Third Ward is Ea^ of Tarpley and North of the Railroad, The alarm is Three Long Blows ard then the short alarm, this is repeated Sev ern! times. The Fourth Ward is South of the IMlroad ud East .of Main Street, tak ing from the F'airgroands on up to Main Street and oat as far as the Cemetery.' Tie allSSTS'Foiff'long Wows and the short Blarm, ropeate;! several time^ " - If you are hot sure in which ward you live pleasa FIND OUT NOW, as you never know wiien out firemon arc to receive a hurry call to YOUR house. Our firemen are all very very obliging gentlemen ntnd deaorve a great deal of cj«dit and praise for thdir liberal ity in aerviea for wluch they receive no pay, and ar AT YOUR SERVICE at ANY TIME—day or night, rain or riiine, warm or cold, whether YOU own any property or whether you are a millionaire. If ease of fire please go to the near est telephone and give “Central" the eorrset locatiiMi asd you will greatly JTOtp WUJL UKWMVU e«Vn 35?— er»I thousands dollars worth of prop erty by helping get them there as early poieSde. ^ey are '«^iins to come, won’t YOU do yOUR partt The alarm of Tuesday was given in wrong and a fireman was within ICO yards of the Kouse at th(> tine, but ran to get to ths lire s:i]4 met the company coming back to very near where he was. The alarm Tuesday was on account of a blazing chimney in Mrs. Hen derson May’s home. It did very little damage. The alarm yesterday afternoon was turned in correctly: “Fire in Aurora .hdUS^s, of LaFayette Holt’s. The coBi^ny 3sade an excellent run and got on the scene in a few minuttis t:> find tliat only a small outSioase was buring. It was caused by the some rubbish catching fire on the OBt^de. o—i -r,-., Tliis “nar zone” they talk about is the same thing ths t«»7id 'zunc, isn’t it? wnnN Th '«inzoNE THE SUBMARINE VALUE. VES ITS The tittle Uader WateriW^p Is Ne* CoBttasding Figure of the. War— BrklA: SLips MlssiiiK—Three Small Vemis Cannot Be.Aceounled For; Likewise T«ro iemu Submarines Are Oveidae at Thw Home Base; Germans Claim Eaormoos Victory. _0__ ■ ■■ FLEETS, BOMBARD DARDANEL- l:^ ('CRTS. Bittiah and French Fleets United in Attack on Constantinople Defensi* —Days’ Atta^—Action Still In Progress When Dispatdt Was Sent—Forts Siieseed— Aero- plaliea. ■ . . ■ _o— UNfFED STATES WILL “STAND PAT.” THE SEGil£6ilTIM M AT STATE UNIVEitSlTy ASIiSJlN |NNES11GA11SN BIG U)!ffiT0 THEm^ SEGREGATION BI[LL FACES BAT- TLiE IN LBGISLATUBE. —o— Fab. 18.—-The. s^regatioji bill of Senator Majette, ihiiroduc^ in both House and Senate has not been put in type or prints for the Use tf the men^jers of the two Houses. It will be intere^ing to lawyers in the light of constitutional points. A great many lawyers in the House tilnk it impracticable and in violation of the law of the land. More of this sort of talk has been heard today than at any other time. Tlie bill will fought if it is nec- sary. But the proponents are work ing for it. They believe it chance. Farmers’ Union men are here leady to pre» it. The bill is in both Houses and here is how it reads: Sec. 29. Si^ating to ownership of lands. The general assembly by r^u- All the British and German Flings at lations applicable to all racos, may Eadi Other Does Not Change The provide that by vote of the Qu&lifi^ DO^GS AT THE UNIVERSITY. TAKES r HIS Things—^America Not Concerned— This Coantry at Peace With Both aad Alleged Crimes Against Each Other Not Our Business; The Notes of Warning to Both Nations Heai^ Whit They Say. 0 GERMAN SUBMARINE GETS ONE SMALL BRITISH SHIP. voters or of the freeholders of any pre scribe district within a county, the lands in such district may be segre gated to the ownership, use or occu pancy of a particular race. But the percentage of the land of the Stata •segregated to any i>srticular r*ce by districts shall not be greater than the penentage which the population of that race ^rs to the total popuiativa Four of Crew Lose Their Lives. Being of the state: nor shall such fegrega- Given No Chance—^Battles ia Prog- tion impair the vested r^hts of pet- resa—Fighting General On Both sons who have previously bought or Eaatetn and Western Battle Fronts leased land in such district, nor pr«- —SaMiooB Again Win Ytctoi'tes in vent a person,of the race to wHicK such PsUari. j district is segregated from employini; O . —- ■ ! persons of a different race as his ser- U. S. WILL NOT BSyLY TO THE vants, laborers or agricultural crop- NOTES. !pe« or tenants and poviding homes —o— i ^or them on his land. Provided, also, Government Officials Beiiege Enoufth that no election shall be held under Has Already Been Said on Subject the proviEions of this section except —Breaking the Rules—^Violation of upon petition of a designated propor- the Rules of Warfare No Ct>nccr» tion of the free-holders within the of the American Govennnent. proposed district presented to a re^ Washington, Feb. 20.—The United viewing judge or board of county com- CASE TOLEGISLA- TU«E. Chapel Hill,; Fd>. 22.---Secretary ,—q.... Frank Graham, of the Young M^’s . Solicitcor 'Aberaaihy Aslis. Lawmakers CAristi^ -AssociaiiOii'iof the tiriivers-j to investigate Xudge Carierinci- ity, aptiy eptomized the far-reaching! dent—Matter Referr^ to Judii^ry consequence of the visit of Johrt R. j Committee. Mott and his five associates in the Raleigh/ F^. IS,—The House this International Student Mbvemeht when ' morning ^received a commumcatiori he said “The Mott Meetings redoubled from Solicitor Charles X! Abernethy, the force, the activeness, and eneg- of New Beni, asking that the Legisla- gles of all departments of the Y.; ture investigate the difliculty between Y’” himself and Judge Frank Carter, of Other than hi.s £ane and straight-1 Asheville, in which Judge Carter finei forward appeals to grip his iminedi- jhim for contempt and entered orders ate hearers, John H. Mott has the ca-;on the court records that the solici- pactty -to call students to social- and tor considers, detrimental to his- of- religious service. He l^t his itnpress. ficial and moral int-^-grity. The com- oa University students. Sesporisive to munication follows- Uis meetings, 400 students affixed: their signature to this pledge: “It; “The Honors*le House of Eepresenta- j is purpose, pay what it cost, to | tives of the Stata of North Caro- be a s^ere follower of Jesus Chriit." lina: Many students were seized with a! “At the last general election I was passion for service, and boys nave ap ; elected by the people of the Fifth Jn- pealed to the Y. M. C. A. for jobs inldicial District as solicitor of the sams, community work, leaders of Bible and have been duly commissioned ty I groups, and work in other fields of the Governor of the State as one c! service in the village and vicinity, j its constitutional officers. President Edward K. Graham’s ad-1 “On Saturday last ii' the Superiu ' dress, '‘A New Start,” was an added Court of Craveu County, his hone, I impetus to the movement for socica! Frank Carter, judge presiding, causc\ ■ and religious expansion. His addres? to be spread upon the permanent TOiii- BIG A.MOUNT MONEY THE STATE. LOST TO has been .supplemented by talks in the chapel by the various student leaders in the dwartment work of the Y. Si. ; C. A. I The stimulating effects of the Mott ; Meetings rivet attention on the bet- j tcrmer.t campaign ia the rural com munity around Chapel Hill inaugurat - I ed '&f the Y. M. C. A. a year a^. Hie work of the Association is divided in to twenty distinct departments each under the supervision of a chcirman and a committea. The Bible Study Department enlisted the services of .190 students, divided into twenty-fiva »— —!J , Citates prooiujly' wiir~jnnKS~nij ’ an-2 -a- S for the presiint at least, to either tie viewing authority that the estaUish- i Britiali-or Ger??!a^ re^rd'ng the meiit of the proposed QlStri?Ct »V*ll JSJXS- use of the American Hag on foreign mote'iac~giTisr5i-v.-c!fare-ef-t?>.e-peo^ vessels and he dangers to neutral ship- ple of the district, after i^towing time ping in the naval war zone, but will for counter petitions for change in th-j stand firmly on its warning against boundary line.- of the proposed dis- destniction of American lives or ves- trict. Provided, also, that no .>chciM gels. I district or township in which the land Many officials who know the situ- is wholly owned by persons of on 3 ation expect some further move «% in an event of an avert act. This was indicated in hig& official quarters ts- day. O 5 MORE BRITISH BOATS SUNK utes of said court a memorandum in the case of State vs. Baugham, over my soiemn protest, which said memc- randum, in effoct, charges me with being morally unfit to hold office, and during the said court his honur, Frani> Carter, judge presiding, did other and greatei- wrongs to my office and to nw; peptonaHy, aa is fully sot out my statement and affidavit supporting it, which were printed in full :ind pub- Ushed in the Raleigh News and Ob server on Sunday and Monday, Feb ruary 14 and 15. This serious controversy which ha.s itcather Coaditians and Ladt of La- tH>r prerenis Saving vf Cuttvn aad Peanut Cmp—Abolish Centr^ Piu- 6n~Pe9iteoliaTy at. White Elephax 00 Hands of tlie State'and Recdm- meadatioc Made That Conyictg Be Tracsferr^ to Farms and Buildings Used for lasaoe. Of gr^ interest to the tax payers of the State is the recoiiunehdztioa I made by the sub-committee to the fall committee on penal institutions in r^- erence to tlie State Prison and th* Stnte farm, located in Halifax Coiin- ty. It has been common r^rt airoufid the State for some time that much of the cotton at the State Fam ^s not picked and tlut it was rotting in the fields. The committee fim^ t^t a^ least 25 per cent of the value of the cotton and peanut crop of 1014 is a lo!» to tb« State and gives the rea sons therefor, unusual weather con ditions and lack of sufficient labor to take care of the crop. Thus the State is losing a large amount of money on account of the loss of these crops while its convicte are working on rail roads bdonging to private individnnls, taking in payment Cherefor stock of doubtful value. -0- groups. These groups conduct Bible arisen, in my hutiible judgment, sh^nild be investigated by the House of Rep resentatives, as the finding of fact so spread upon the minutes of said court hv his honor are untrue, unjustified classes on Sundays in the dormitories, and thrsc courses hat's been outlined: “Men of the Old Testament,” “Man- iioo«Lo£=.th9 Mast4r,”_and “New Stu- dies in the Accs.” and unwarranted, and do both me and f •i'h? ainrtent teacners in tne rural , my office and th-e administration Mhoola, in outlying districts around 1 Justice a great and. lasting %vrong. Chapul Hill, present the lessons of tjie "i fiereuy respectiiiiJy appeal OFF SOUTH AMERICA BY THE GERM ANS. London, Feb. 18.—3;37 P. M.~(De layed by censor)—BritisTi steam ers Holland Brse, Hemii^hm and Potaro atid the sailing ships Sumatfn and Wilifrsd have been saidi: in the Atlaatir, preis’imably by the German cruiser Karlsruhe. Crews and pas sengers were landed at Buenos Ayre.'t by the German steamer Holger. RESIGNS HIS POSITION. Mr. John R. Hoffman, tonner ma 1- ager isf the Grshaa: Loan & Real Es tate Co., has resigned uis position an4 returned to the city. It is not known just what Mr. Hoffman proposes to do, burt it is presumed that he will re sume the acti-ve practice of law. He is a shrewd ^siness man, but seems to like his chosen profession better titan an active business life, we trtist he will continue to make Burlington his hrtiTie, no matter what Une he en gages in. O PRESIDENT “MAD” WITH CON- Intemational Sunday School Quarter ly. A movement is to be launched to encourage various communities to raise funds for organs in the ruml Sunday Schools. Neighborhood social gatherings^ union piceics, and dis cussions of rural problems are pro moted by the student leaders in charge of the euantry-side program. The boys’ com club work under the auspice.» of the Young. Men’s CKri; - tian Association has developed into your honorsble body to appoint a com mittee, ^vith full authority to take tes timony, inquire into and investigate all matters which pertain to the ju dicial and moral fitness of the honor able Frank Carter and m.yadf to hold the oSces whicit we now hol-J under the auihority of the people.” Following the reading of the com munication from Solicitor Abernethy, there was presented a resolution by Representative Davis, of Carteret I ROUTE EIGHT NEWS, j There will be an entertaitunent ac ■I^ley’s School House Saturday night I of this week. The public is cordially invited. We had the pleasure of eating agsiii with E. K. Isiey Friday, and George Barker Saturday, and we filled up once more. We spent Sunday with George E. Wyatte and wife at Mcbane. Jim Foust, of Mebar.e, spent Mon day in Burlington. We see that he has gotten the mud “offen” his clothes. T. R. and Sam Hayes, of HdMUie, Route 2, spent Monday night -with ijt GliuJ.. ttt. fjhotw ' 3. A. Lowe spent Saturday till Mon day iirs ao>pftthin^ Uj eat, and 1m fpuTid plenty asjisual,. 0 FALL ADVOCATES POLICING MEXICO. New MextcQ Senator Wants Four Great America n Republic to InCcr- vese—Conld Stop the Trouble—So He Says, With a Small Foreei Back ed by United States, Brazil, Argen tine, and Chile; Declares Conditions Have Failed to Improve With thf Passing of Time. three departments: A com club of I county providing for an investigation country boys, a debating club at cot- tan mill boys, a boys’ cStab of .village Vays, and a night school fo!- working regro boys. The operation of two .'^'inday Schools and a course of study i.. “Present Fzi-ccs in Negrj Progj-e.'s” F’.ii’Pls'oiewi. ihc "i’^ht 3chi’ol. C The sinking of these five vEsseis and, in addition, the Briti^ Steamer | GRESSMBN AND TOLD Viscount Humphreys ant reported j THEM SO. from Bneno.? Ayrss FebraBiy 18. The: —o—- Buenos Ayres dispatch, however, said Used Short and Ugly Term in Kx- that the German auxiliary cruiser .Kroaprlnz Wilhelm not ihe Xarls- mhe, tank them. This version prob ably is correct, as it was given liy men on board the Holger. O “How did you come to say young j “We are all dead broke oat Thompson was intemperate?" j way tJiis fall." .i:‘Nevcr did gay such a thing.” I “How do you all ive, then?” .! ‘Yon told .somebody he drank like' “Oh, we lend each other a little,” afith.”.:i., . i O- pressing His FtcHnga Aboct Ship Bill—SIsscntiT'e Cells at Champ Clark’s Hor,?—Then House Rtishes Kii Throngh With Fwddal Speed For Effect, It Seemk O I .A LAYING HEN. I ■ j Mr. Chwle.^ Overman, of East Burl- i ington, went into the house la?t Sun day, pulled off his cap and laid it ii , the cradle. A hen came into the house, fiew up into the cradle und laid an egg in his cap. Charles h&d a pa per sweat-band in his cap, and the hen in some way got this around her neck and was doing alt kinds of Ken of the matter. Also there were com munications from members of the New Bern Bar and others against any in vestigation and coTomending the of ficial conduct of Judge Carter. One was signed by fourteen members of the L. ., in*'"-;;r.g O, H. Green, R. A. Nunn, D. L. Ward, W. R. B, Guoin and others, and members of the jury and sheriff and deputies. The communication from Solicitor Aberattby, the Davis resolution for investigation and the petitions from the bar fo New Bern endorsing Judge Carter were referred to the House Ju diciary Committee No. 1. The resolttbojis by Representative Clark of Bladen for the committee of stunts when first discovered. This ^ inquiry, five in number t« be appoint- hen is worth having, she lay,; where ■. ed by Speaker Wooten pjovidicg als-j for investigation of both Judge Carter and Solicitor Abem.^thy, contains the “Well, vilutt of that? ,Do fishes j O', all years, the devil cerbinly ever drlak anything but water, and ought to tjive bimself a real vacation and any more of that than you need?” i this Lent. But will he? you can find the e^s. i 0 ' Henry Goss was called to answer following special paragraphs: the charge of gaodjling but failed tc j “‘Whereas, St 15 generally know;n that :show up in court. He was out cn the said Hon. Frank Carter, whilo bond -Knd jodgment was entered for acting as judge of the Superior Ccuri. the-vmount of his bond.—The Sun. of North Carolina, has been harsh,’ opprMsive, dictatorial and unjust to litigants, witnesses, jurors and at torneys in his court, and; “Whereai?, it has long been publicly ruiu6feu tjiat. tihc said FraTUt I Carter has been guilty of acte and , things while holding the high offici !of judge of the Superior Court «. j North Carolina, ail of which said acts upon the part of the said Hon. Frank , Carter. ;/ tnie, are calculated to bring .the b- :h office of the judge of the Sup -rior Court into disreputs and dis- _re.'t>jct among the people of tha ' State, and which, if not true, injustipo to said judge, ought to be set at rest."* ! The commimications and the reao- j lutions for investigation were referred to the Judiciary Committee No. 1, >nd there will be a hearing within the next day or two on vs^sther there shall be favorable or unfavorable report. Rep resentative Ehinning is chairman of ihe committee. Others on the com mittee are: Allred, Battle, Bynum, Conley, Davis, DoHghton, Eanes, Kit- treil, :^ng, of Halifax, Faircloth, Pa- gram, Roberts, of Buncombe, Seawell, Stacy, Valei^tine, Witherspoon, Ver non, and Grier of Iredell, UNT *

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