From Mkarf Bond Issues and Good Democrats Deliver Us. ..V ri'i Stau Ufcw*? A PBOGKESSIVE BfiPDBUCAX NEWSCAl’K.'t DKVO'i Kl> TO THE UPBUILDING OK AMEEiCAN jlOiillS ANO A.MERICAX IXDUSTKIES. BlIBUNGTON, ALAMANCK COITXTY, XORtH CAROUNA, Tb’ ESPAY, MAKGH 2. 1815. COHIPIfrE ltUIGKilDE, GREAT BRITIAN’S ANSWER PI8BE lOMNini i: GIV- FORM AMERICAN LEGION GREATEST FIGHTING FLEET IN ALL HISTORY IS STORMING AT GATES OF CONSTANTINO^^ Replying to Germany Pi[0elan&ti0B liegsrding Use of SttbmarUtes, Asquith S*ys She Will Get S» Mere S-i (splies From Neatmls—Step Is Taken in Seif-Cefense-^A«i!i& Patieaca o f BelUgerents, Saying That Allies Find It Necessary, to Adopt Policy, in Line With Cotnmon-Selise and JuKt- ice. ■ THE VNITED STATES EXPECTED TO-ENTER VIGOROUS PROTEST. S., AIUps’ I'oUcy. Would Stop This ?«ation’s Commercs—Unprccedenied Steji —In Repriula Whieh Belligerents Are Maiking Rights of Xeutrals. ■ Are Lost Sight of—^The l^ifnatl-jn Is Grave—Stopping of Commerc-j to and From Germany Mtich More-Serious Than a Blockade^Stop Cot- ton and Machinery Shipments. Ta.Be.Coinpo^ of Former Army, . Navy and >UIil£a Men of Nation^- To Be Ready for War—prganization . Will Be I'irsl Reserve—Rno^veU and Sons to Join—Ready t> Form ! nivision of Cavalry for Vr'ar. j New York, Feb, 28.—Fohnal an-' SPEAKER EMMEH R. WOOTEN PASSES INTO^ GREAT BEYOND. ! ENeoiHiPflwas. . —0~ ■ Second Carter-Aher^tliy Re£otiiti>>n Pasi^ Assembly ^st Niglit, GirV ing CommittM Right tQ Subjoeiu Witnesses, Employ Counsel, and Clerks—May Be Special Session lo Try Celebrated Csse^Invesfigatiag uouncement was made here tonight; Committee Hears Interestins Slate- of the forixiatioii of an organizatiim; ments at Its First Session; Judge of Srst reserves, to be known as thi: Carter and Soliwor Aberafthy Pres- American Legion, and tp be compos-: eirt. With .Many Attorneys; In.Testi- ed of former army, na\-y and militi.i I gallon Will Go On, Says Chairman men, which will better insure the na-j Doughton; Carter’s Attorneys Mali« tion's; preparetlness Ir. case of war. Strong Pleas for Immediate Actioa Captain Oqrdo.T Johnston, i-ide-de- on Part of Committee, Who Hesi- camp to Major GencraV Leonard Wood, tated Fearing Resolution G«ve Them nade the announceinent on bshalf of Insufficient Authority—Slate to Pay a "roup of army and navy men in an the ffili. unofficial capacity with civiUans lu Q promoting the movement. Captain .\ilied Watehips Have P^ed the Destroyed Outer Forts Atid Are .ShcUiAg the Last Great Defense lit the Narrows of the Straights, WhUe the Sultan Prepares Household For Flight to z\sia Minor—The Big Dreadnaught. Vindicates Itself— Wheat Drops Two Shillings in England. Speaker Was Hiirt at the Tiihe Aycock Was Killed—^The End u w-,. in p Senator Johason Were in Ill-Fated AntomobUe—*Was Only 36 Years Old—Requsst Was Made That the Body Lie in State in Raleigh, but Wish of Family Was For Funeral in LaGrange Today (Sunday). GREAT BRITAIN WILL END ALL SHIPPING TO AND FROM GERMANY. Is to Make Public Announcement This Week—Will Save Crews' Lives—Declaration Will Not Affect Cargoes Shipped IMore Date of Notice—Washington Interested—No Confirmation, However, of the Report That Neutral Governments Had Been Notified—Date or Note of Utmost Importance. URGEST FLEET EVER IN .ACTION ATTACKING DARDANELLES FORTS. Fleet Ha« Already Destroyed The Outer Forts—Now at ihe In ner Forts—Jf'ae Sweepers Clear Passage For Ships oi' itht Allies in the Straitsr-Serious Work Is Ahead—^The All-Im portant FortificttiaiK Are at .\kilid Bahr and Ghanak. Which Guard the Narrowjst Part of the Stiait Approaches. London. Feb. 28.—^2:54 A. I,£.—Twenty Avarships of the AUtcd fleed entered the Dardanelles at noon Saturday and bombarded the inner forts, according to a dispatch from the Athens corres pondent of the Exchange Telegraph Company. The message adds that a battleship bombarded a Turkish camp oti the Gulf oi' Saraos. serve of between 250,000 and S03,OUO lurmsT array End nayj’ niilitiamen for i2i.«tant call in >‘Uso of emergency. Major General Wood has given tlie plan his unoffit-ial cndorsemci.t, and former President Rooseveit ha? writ ten a letter approvir.„' ihe proposal. Numerous other public men cn- d'^rsed the project, and a I'tutement by the promoters says that former Secre»arie.^ of Mar and of tiie Navy Believed That Anti-Jug Law Will I'’ Preferred to People—Polk in Fore- front—Says That He Will Estrange Senate Pufs Through Ihe Measure Of fered by McRae of Mecklenburg— Recalls .Bynum Bill—House to Re consider Vote on Measure Allowine Divorce After Five Years’ Separa tion. .4.GAIN THE SENATE DOES NOT WAR IS AOOUT 10 ENTER UPON NEW PHASE IS THE VIEW LONDON NOW TAXES. Much More Fighting Must Be Waged Ere DecUsion Is Reached— Battle in Central Poland Has iBeen Resumed—Fighting Is Desperate—The Russians, Despite Onslaughts Made Upon Them, Able to Maintain Their Striength—Germans Are Weakening—General Impression Among Militsu-y Meti in London is That the German OfTensive in the North Has aBout Exhausted Itself. REACH A VOTE. TURKEY READY TO REMOVE THE SEAT OF GOVERNMENT. V/ashingtou, Feb. 27.—Bombardment of the Dardanelles forts by the Angio-French fleet has caused apprehension in Constanti nople, according to advices to Washington, and Turkey is consid ering removing the seat of the goveniment to Scutari, opposite Constantinople on the Asiatic side of the Straits of Bosphorus. The apprach of the allied forces has caused some of the foreign embas.5ies and leorations to ask for instructions in case the Turk ish government moves, but .A.mbassador Morgenthau, it is un- dertbod, has decided to remain in Constantinople unles? otherwise instructed. Some dspaitments of the Turkish governmeiit, it i.^; said, will remain in Constantinople even if the others go. Old F.'k'iids but He Has Child Who Has to Have Egg-Nog. O WITH THE FIREMEN. The rireraen were called satu:Oay afternoon on a hurry call to Rev. 'I, S. Brown's residence on west Froiv; street. They made a nicc run nr.d 5oa;>. had the blaze under contrc!. The A fire v.':v:> burninHf on the roof of llte house .-ind nppear.-i to have been caii-;- e:> l;y a -spark falUn.i' on the »iry roof, or .-jome few kave.s on it Tlie damace was very sniall. ilOOSEVELT IS READY. -Asserting that he ai>d his four sons win become meinibers of tho legion, I Colonel _Eoosevelt, in a letter to the I organizers, says that in the event of I war he intend.s to ask Cor.^ires.s fo,- jicrmi.s-sion to raise a divi.sioi! of cav- :;!ry. Hr. RoosJi'veU’s letter in par: j “i :uHi li.y four, -suiis will i^iadly L't'- (fonie members, i very e;une-Si!y hopj ■Ti'.c! pray that theiu will be no war; iiUt the surest way to avert wj:r is to i Ih‘ prepared for iL; aad tho only way -■10 avert disaster amJ diMijraiio in war CO.M.MENCEMEXT PLANS AT THKUohed, That the United States Should irNlVEBSlTY. I Adopt the Policy of Subsidizing Itn —u— iMerchiint Marine Engasjpd in Foreign Scretary McAdoo fi ill l>i'!ivi r Con:-j Trade,” mencement Address—-.Mr. Taft In i The llifrh Si'hool Basketball Contest Speak—Dates Are March 17*19. jh:u; narrowed down to five teams in Chape! Hi!!., Feb. 27.~T1^!^ main j the east and six teams in the went, features of the university conmem'L- which are at present undergoing: an nu tit for Iftir', which have iii-a.-i an-jeiiniin.-ition co.itest to ,se! which two ri'^ticcd. promise to make ihe occa.i-j .'hiJ! iiaUle f:)r the .Slate InterschoSas- io ' one cf upusuul i'ilei'est ;ni at -1 tit! {'hampoin.?hij which wil! be held 3uiiuay afternoon they were callj i > , ... , 1-' liy preparation in advance. i« Mrs. Rudd’s home, just back Dr. Brooks’ Residence on Park Ave- “Iti the event of war I should ask permission of Congress to raise a di- !iue, here a small blase had started , . . , , . ,, . , I Vision of cavalry and unquestionably on the roof. Very little riiiniaKe wasj thc- of these reffimeiit'i \youlJ u;riiic£i rMlin yiTACIIOP RfAliy IW THF Ourfiremen,-,reveryoblisi..ff .-.n.lj: iiriiiaa* s''' •” ^ SENATE 29 TO Bill Is Pa£sed~-Aye and No RoScall oit the Measure Gives Biggest Excitement of Session—MeMichael and His Vot*— “It Wits in a Momene of Disgust and Pique That I Voted as ! Did,” Senator Tells the Daily New«’ Raleigh Correspondent. have better eo-operatici: in getting So Hope of Child Labor Legislation at This Session—Divorce jthc alarm turned In correctly- Ttie alarm Saturday was blown wrong and causcd some confusion, but the .Sun day'afternoon alarm was correct and they made a much nicer job of ths! fire. They are willing and ready— Won't YOU do your part ana tell thein NO EXTRA SESSION IS FINAL DECISION. G«*!»e«s Will Go Home on Nest Thursday After a Long Siege— Nominatioiis Confirmed—All But One of the Trade Commis sion Agreed Upon by the Senate—Ship Bill and Treaties Will Likely Sleep; Rural Credits Foremost Subject Before the House. CHIU) yitOR BILL IS SILIEO. Nash Substitute Providing For Inspection Leads the Way—Li quor Bill Monday—Absence of Senator White Anti-Jug Bili Is Postponed Until 8 O'CIock Monday Evening For Spec- ;al Order—Senator McMichael Speaks on Personal Privilege. it(;:on and \vould in theii.' entirety be in vonr honiv'. 1 . . , i. ■ i 1 itiiou oy iiivii r--i ti.c"'" :n !..*»■> when you want them, but they should , . , . , . legion; for in the event of war there will be no time to train the men iirsi called upon. “We should as a nation havj begun to prepare ourselves the minutes thi-s war broVe out. It i-i absolutely im possible to be sure that we snail not be drawn into it against our will. Th;- people of this country arc oniy be ginning to realize the extent, of our military and naval unpreparedness. ’ WILL HEAD ABVISORS- Colonei icopseveil siiys lie wiU ae-rv.- as a chairman of the legion’s board of honorary advisers and hopes the le sion will accompli-sh its pui-pose in organising a first reserve, for, h4 U'iictiv'jnes.s to ali uiumni and ihe fj—i- ii!e of the .Stale jreneraily. Th.? dutcM for the ooinmeiK'emeiit exen.-i.sps an’ JJi'.y ."!) and ;U and Juno 1 anJ '2. Tlie baccalaureate .scrmoi! !o tiie fraduatiiiir ciass will he delivered Su.:- day morning, May 3i>, by I!i«hop J. M. McCoy, of .Alabama. jii Hill probiihly Mas'i'li 12. Tho ii'Um'- ale IJaleigh, Cold.sboro, Middle- I l.'urfr. Knfii'ld and Beiisoi), in Die east, ■ Asheville, Win.stoii-.^alen!, Lex- iiiEtoa, Beimont, .M.ttthew.'^ and Siare'i- I ' vi3]‘ iij thou- Kmily McV'ea, dean of j Collopre for Womei* pi the University Monday iis .‘^tnior class day. In .ul- j of Cincinnati, *spoke to the? Chapel Hil? dition to the class exercises thv intcf-1 Kqual Leofrue Thursday af- r.Gciety. banquet and reunions will h-.* I toj noon. -O- niSSUNS. NUMBERS ARE COUNTING NOW STAFrOBD-WELCH. Ttes. announcement of the marriage of Mh^Charies K. Stafford a?.d Miss Lelia Welch, which occurred en Jan. 31, 1915, was made last Sunday mo:Tv- •nft'. The marriage ceremony was performed by Eisci. J. W. Montgomery j says: Tuesday, wliich is .‘Vlumni t.>ay, ii. i TtKKiSU i i-if- r>. W. Coi’nnr of the ciass of JSiK', [ Ccpenhagen, via London. Feb. -7. -secretary of the North Carolina His-’—;>;07 u. m.—.4. Beriin dispatch rc- toricai Commission. ■»!" deliver ih? ’ po7 t the e.vocution of a prominen- ah.imni address. The meeting of the ■ Tui kish g-eneral in Syria. Ilis dest.'i beard of tru-stees will be held this day. j w.15 ordered from Constantinople, it Is The annual debata between the Phi!- j said, the charge being that he com- aiithropic and Dialectic Literary so- mitteed trea-=ton in ende.ivoring to c»i - cit-ties wiH be beSd a'.-so. ly out peace negotiations with the Commencement Day, Weiiiie.sday,' -Allies of the triple entente. in the presence of a very few close friends of the contracting parties, and was kept a secret to their relatives and friends until Sunday morning, when the news was given out. “It i.s idJe for us to trust to arti-;- tration and neutrality treaties un backed by force. Let -is act justly toward others and let us also be pre pared with stout heart and sxronic The bvide is the beautiful and ac-jhand to defend oar rights against in- complished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I justice .'.-oin others.” T. J Welch, and is admired for her | In a fonnal statement of the aims kind and lovely disposidon. . and objects of the legion, given out Mr. Stafford is one of our most 1 tninght by Captain Johnston and as- popular and .splendid young men. and! .^ociates, it is said that the iegion, holds a responsible position with Jos.i new being incorpot-ated under the laws A. Isley & Bro. Co. ; of the State of Jleiw York Stale, plans We extend to Mr. and Mrs. Stafford;to enroll in its membership first all The Millions of The F>:t>zen North Stand Like Stone Against !n- vasion—Von Hindenburg Is Being Hurled Back—Grand Duke Nicholas Able to Reinforce Lines at Different Points Without ! coHgratulations and wish for them a; men who have had army and navy Weakening at Others; Forcing of Dardanelles and Isolation long and happy life. | training and therefore are equipped for instant service. But the legion of Germany May Mean the Beginning of the End; ^irited ■ Daily Clashes in l^rance Keep Up; Geneva} Botha Recom* j The road to success is ope.i to all, j seeks to enroll patriotic citizens gen- mends Mercy tor The Boers of South Africa Who Recently but too many want to get there wHb- erally -whose special qualifications Rebelled. I trouble of going, ir>al:e them immediately valuable. June 2, William J. McAdoo, secretary of the Treasury of the United Slate.=. will deliver the ;iddress before thv> graduating class- ' Ths ‘"•.vt.rnment Series of lectures will be delivered by ex- President V?. H. Taft. March 17, 18, 10. Three- lectures will be given i‘n the general subject of “The dcncy. Its Powers, Duties, Limitations and Responsibilities.” Many people from parts r.11 over the State .^re in terested in the talks to be made by Mr. Taft, and are e.*cpected to attend •lis lectures. Those interesled may obtain tickets by writing to Mr. E. B. Kaiikin, Chapel Hill. March 25 is the date set for the Triangular Debates which are to bt held under the Korth Carolina High School Debating Union thia Spring- After the first contests ovsr the en tire State the victorious teams will come to Cbapel Hill for the finals which -will be held April 9. Already a total of 250 liigu schools, represent ing 90 counties of the State have e'l- listed in the union. ■nie query for the debate this year is that concerning ship subsidies: ‘He- -0- KXTR-A SESSIOX CALLED. Charleston, W- Va„ Feb. 26.—Al though it held the iast legislative day tuiitii after midnight the West Virgin ia legislature failed to pass adequate revenue measures in the opinion Governor Hat^eld, who, at midnight, called an extra scssior. to meet Sat urday at noo’i. The legislature was to have adjourned at midnight. 0 PAGE-DEAX. :i Brona Page and Mr. Loaton ii:. ion Dean were happily united in mi; riage on last Tuesday oftcmoo.i .U Stcke.'dale, the ceremony being per formed by Rev. W. F. Kennett- The wed^.ii-jg was witnesses only by a faw iiitioate friends of the contraetiug par ties. The bride was formerly of Caswell county, but for the past two ycav.i had made her home with her sister. Mrs. J. A. Apple. The groom is a well-to-do farmer of the Bethel sec tion, ha being oaly sixty-five years oW, while the bride Is oxily I'orty-five. They have « host of fiiend.'> who wish for them a long and happy life. \m

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