The Ground hog Says: There Are Other Weather Hogs but Me. ■X ■■ A PROGKESSIVE REPUBUCAN NEWSPAPER nEVOTED TO THE UPDUILDlNG OF A.MER1CAN HO.'i! « ANit AMERlCA.N INDUSTRIES. .... .J BURLINGTOX. A1..4MANCK C0UXTV, XOBTH CAEOUNlV FUIDAY. MARCH 5, 1915. SnntlNG SCENES MM THE Lawmakers Finally Free After S^ion Almost Continuous for^^ 'iy Twc Yeais and Wikli Made Many ChanKes in Xatioa’s Law»~^t .iident in OSite ai Ck|>UuI—Sssc Important Mrasnr^ Fail«d tb Pass, Among lliese Being the PpstoiEte and .Indian Appropmtion Bills—Airc^iii^ Scenes iir Cifisingi Witil Some Tears. PRESENT BAHllS MAY HAVE MMEB BEARINO 8N THE WAR Strunrsle in tiie £ast and Bombardmenot of the Dardanell« Looknu Upon Hopefully by the Allies—XuFtriana Continue Attacks—Cold and Snow Add Hardships—Relays of Battksbips Keep Up An Almost Cnniinu- «us BmaUardmenl Againsi the Uaritanell^ Forts—The Price of Wheat Contes Down, COMPROMISE ALLOWS ONE QUART OF UPOR TWICE EfERV MONTH 0— House and Senate Conferees (let To- . gcther on Grier Bill—Five Gallons of Beer—Conterence Coromitiee Adopts the Compromise Wilh-Only One Dissenting Vote—No “Dolivery by Hand”—Supeijntendent Davis Says the Bill Will Bs a Gr«ai. Help. “That No BUirf Tiger Ever Cnt Ricii That Way"—Won’t Move Peniten tiary. GOV. JARVIS, ANTI-SUF- FRAOETIE of the Oardahelles are const4ered tc -have a marked bearinj; on the firturc of the war. Having pressed tHe Ger-' . rAans back from Przasnysz to’-vardr! MIrwa, the Russians are now eierting ' Oieir efforts, ar.d, according to their own ^cpante, succe^ully, to drive them back in the di^rict farther to the iiorth, from ■reest lo Kovno to wesi. of Grodno, «nd at the ?anie time fror.i i'l front of LomKa. Tl^iise movemo-lts, ’ ir s'jccesfful, mij^ht forct th: Ger- r.iar.s to withdraw from jr. front of Ossowetx, which, fortress thpy c.6h- viiiue to bombard with their heavy ^ns. j —0— AUSTRIANS FORCED BACK. ! The Austrian* continue their fierce attacks under -most disadvantageoui ' conditions, owing to the snow a:id the rold, against the Russian entrench ments in the Carpathians.'Vbile an^ other of their armies, confronted ■with strong Russian reinforcements, ii fall- infi back iii Eastern Galicia. —0— BATTLESHIPS AKE KELAVED. ' Relays of battleships keep ijp an Russians Continue to Push the Ger- continuous! bombardment -•■n man and Austrian Armies Back- Oardanelles fort. Th«:y have ward—Fleet Makes Progress in the eleared the outer strait.^, and are at- Dardanelles — German Submarine forts which line the narrows li-8 Is Destroyed in EngUsU Chan- which are considered the most n»l. Sister Boat of the Famous U-9: irifflcdlt to deal iWth. French Fleet Fires Across Peninsu- The destruction of what the British la and Makes it Warm for th ? Turks. :,dmiralty calls fort number nine was “Progress of Fleet Slow ^Micat ^ necessaiy operation before the war- Still Falls in England at Prospect if ghjps ^ove farther into the Rassian Supply; British l.Aboiers gtvjiitsj as this fort v/as designed -.o FORINES OF WAR ARE ilNCHANGEIi ON EITHER FRONT DESPERATE ' SOUTH OBJECTS TO AW MAY OF iWPRY. jitt Statement Judge Carter Declsres Reputations Of Women at ) Stafce-r-Ready tft Answer ImnioraIitj Charge.s. . „ . . , , ,’ i Raleigh, Feb. 28.—^Judge Fiank Carter^ve out a statement ' * pr[natioiis .ea n sm Agam afternoon protestinff against what he d^lares to be a studiet' ^ ar„e . orfUons pf^he Russians^ - on the part of Soiicitoi' C. L. Abeniethy and Certain,of. his vemiit leve zemj^^ friends to d^Uiy the investigation by the Ijegislative Committee t™, -!'' ^ * Ruiisjaiis S augjiti;!' appointed, just as long as possible, and to stave off the fijsal findings in.the tnatter for a whole two. year’s, legislative interiin. if pos.sible to do so. Judge Carter says it has come to one of his „ , .. . attorneys that there is a boast, “Now that Carter is on the griddle, to Push ton Hihdenburg Bc.cKwatd in tjie North and Rescus AVarsaw . , , . „ , . * . . from Dauger-Soil of Poland Blood- insjstinjr SoalMd Thrdnghoat - The Allied Speediest possible inve.stigation arid report of findings, and Heet Still Hammering Away in ihe Abetnethy forces had in hand any tangible etidence Against Their Breastworks; Armies of Grand Duke Nicholas CQntinuv.i Return to W-:jrk in .^nswer to triotic Pless of Leaders. Pa- protect or.° of the mine depots of the Diirdanalles. It was built at th; wat- er’s edge on the European .•=ide op ■ posite Cape Kephes. GERMAN SUBMARINE SASK. Paris, March 4. iO:39 P. —^Thc I German submarine U-8 has been suiik j by destroyers belonging ta tha Doirev Would Not Vote for Woiasn Suffrage [ flotilla, according to 5innouncem*^nt by in Thousand Years, Says He ^Wanl 11],^, jjurdstvy of marine tonight. The jn hombardi.''.jf from the sea the Sarcs- Bulair line of forts which stretchei FIRE ACROSS PENINSULA. More important still is the work bc- ’.njj carried out by the French ships No Mquor Election Legislature | ^5,.^ taken prisoners. iHhauld Have Courage to Kill Anti-j ^ Jiig Bill or to Pass it.- Says Ve»er:| able Gwcroor: Doesn^ Wasst -SlaK i :"n ft'ish Another LinDor j C’sffijs.’.'SJi. j - - n. The submarinfe U-S wa,s built in She had a speed of 13 kncvts on NO SUPPLIES TO HOHT- INGjillPS 'r Congress Gives President The Power to St&p Alleged Practice—^Big Pen alty Provided—A False Clearance Would Bring Fine or Prison, Sus pected Cargoes Under Dobue Bond and Thoae That Slip By Heavily Zjable; Foreign Vessels May Be In terned. O COTTON IS STILL OOING FORWARS .AT STEADY OAIT Her / Net Gain of Fr®m Thirteen to Fifteer Prnnts la Rcanit of a Day of Heavy ' Btiying By Liverpool, But After ^ English Masket Closes The Advance 1M0N ALLES PLAY ING LOSING GAME SMS EU German Warships On Way to Darda nelles—Political Comment in En^- iand Relates Prii^pally to Great BritaUt’a Prsposal to Shut Off All Sea Traffic With Geimny—Monte negrin Port Bombarded, by Auiitrran Gunboats—Gennans'' "Say Riuiaa . Has Won. No Sneeess. in.ixin'.iim radius of operations was 1,200 'ir*o vo:j:i£i thrco torpedo tubes. Her compU.nieiit was 12 men. The U-S was a sister of the ia^sssas U-9. which early in tie war sarJc tiie British cruisers Hogue, Aboukir and Crecsy and in October itlie Britiaii cruiser Hawk. Wreckage picked up late in February olf Christiania -eras said to belong to the U-9 and it was rumored ir>, Norway that the submarine had been lost. —»— SITUATION IS UNCHANGED. London, March 4.-10:33 P. M.~ There has been little change in tiie military an d naval sitaaAion 'i«ring thci last 24 hours. Hussian^t con- i tinned their croeress a^iiist tho Ger mans in North Poland, and according to their official report, are pursuing and capturing many of tlis retr«atii'-e AustriauB in £ast«m Galicia and are repulsing with heavy losses per-cistent day and night attacks of the Gertnaa'C allies in the Carpathians. They by na means have disposed, however, of any of the forces opposing tnenu It is the same with the allied fleet in the Dardanelles. In their hombard- msnt the war^^igs have toM? pe^te'ii. ■“ 1 , ,«d;i; across the peninsula of Gallipoli at a point where it is only three mi'ej wide. So Jong as the guns of the war- shi’^s this of larrd com- ii£*utiiCAUu:i bettVsTfi?^ thii iuX'ts: Dr. i.?ic ir^T-np^an .Bide of the :rtraits; anM Con- ffcantinople are cut off. Giic of the most welcome effects of the bombai-dmerit so far as Englssnd is concerned is the reduction in the price of wheat, v.-hich sold today in the Bristol market at from 55 to 58 shill ings a quarter, as compared with sixty shiilinff and more, le*;? than a fortnight ago. —T DANCE AT THE HOME OF MRS. DR. CKOUSE. At the country home of Mrs. Dr. Crouse on No. 4, Wednesday night about 75 young people gathered there and enjoyed an old time counti-y danca. The dancing room was decorated with ferns and potted plants, making every thing a lovely vision and wiiai tiia hos- pitaiKty of Mrs. Crouse extended to all present the evening was one nevai- to be forgotten by the dancers. Quitf- a tiumber of people were there from Grcensbo-.-o and Burlington. _^0 We have tried to get information ir. regai'u to the uOUiga a,L cuuxt tl**^ week but have heard of nothing of special interest to our readers. The case against Mr. H&rry Goodmnn ter- tinated by allowing him to Dardanrlles. ■—o— , THREE FORTS SILiENCED. London. Mar. 3.—^11:50 P. M.—A Eeuter, Dispatch from Athens, says; “The allied fleet today bombarded and reduced to silence the forts cl Dardanus, Hamidich, and TchemeriiK. Abetnethy forces had in hand any tangible to break up their charges against Jud^ Carter of immoraiitj-, then this should be produced without delay. On the other hand, if there was nothing but rumors then, in justice to Judge Carter this should likewise be knovfn at once. JUDGE CABTER’S STATEMENT. *ie statement by Judge Carter follows: “I’d the H6noi*able House Committee appointed pafsuant u» on the Asiatic side of the inside ar- the Clark resolutions; to the of liepresentatives itself, daneiies. The telegraph station ai and to the people of North Carolinfc: Bezikia also was demolished. “Sustained by the hope «f a speedy vindication, I have kept “The bombai-djnert was carried out silence under the severest provocation. I have seen malice dc its by nine ships, which advanced two worst in spreading broadcast through the press and through miles up the straits." private channels the most reckless falsehoods calculated and de- .0 signed to blast the reputations of innocent defenseless women as IIICDirilL'' niDIUrCC m anspeakabl*; anguish have bided the tiK^- AlntnluAn i AlilllLUU when I could face my accusers and on oath denounce every due nDCOQCQ rCDIHMV their monstrous imputations. But in the face of the cleaily I KLuULu disclosed purpose of my enemies to employ dilatory tactics to _o— prevent these charges from being brought to the judgment of tbe Contents of America Notes of Feb. Present House of Representatives, and thereby leave me for two 2* and Germany’s Reply Tiiereto years Under the cloud of a legislative investigation of my rnoral Made Public-Agrws to Drifting character, I can hold ray peace no longer. Mine Prop«e»!s But Not to Proposal methods employed by the promoters of this attack to com- to Limit U»e ot Anchored Mines to demand an investigation tre illustrated by the charge of 1 gross immorality with women at Panacea Spmngs, amongst other - [places. A.5 a matter of fact I was never at or near Panacea Spring.s but one time, when I went there with John H. Kerr, so licitor of that district, who was constantly with me during the two or three days of my stay there. The falsity of the other Rnther Mr. Burton Objccts to Certain' charges will. Upon examination, be found almost equally self-evi- -tcts of th? Serenaders and Will dent. But the consciousness of their falsity w'as not enough; once 'made, the record could oniy be cleared by investigation. Partly SirfesisEv** lists. O KESF-NTS A SERENADE. Them.’’'— Other ReidsvHle ‘Xaw News. Eeidsvilic, Mar. 2.7—John Burtois, a came a benedict about two months i the committee and With n: PLAYING FOR TIME. ..■f . .1 , ;;e«. i,s planm'ng to bring justice to the ring-lerdcrs of a gang of young men who a few nights ago ser^'naded him wiU> cow Ijelis smd other musical iii^iruments in the smai! hours o£ thfc morniiig. Biiiton it seems did not mind the unearthly sound:; which aivakened him f>rom his slumbers, but dees object ti> the gang having broken into th« house and demolished a stove and removing one of the chimncys of his new house. iiave the most i p;-. f (jjuf, 01 .’i tl'-jusand -'?’irs and tno of the straits to go through. costs, tliis case attracted morj than Along the western front the french continue their attacks in Champagne and the Argonne, bijf beyond those the only movement of consequence has been made Borth of Arrss, where the Germans captured a newly constnicted French trench. MAY RtitiRVE bSSOWEFZ. Battles in east for |k>s'sesslon \ ordinary interest. Mr. Goodman had many friends who were intense'y in terested in the outcome of his oass and we presume they are satisfied wiUi the way it was disposed of, while, otlicrs have different opinions, right or wrong there is no disputing tlte fact that Harry is a clever fellow and wc trust he will not have further trou ble along this or any other line. to put their damning accusations io ir? wort—v information comes to one of my attorneys that it has been boast fully remarked, “Now that Cartel* is on the griddle, the fire must bum slow.” That such is the ;k)licy sufficiently appears from Mr. Abernethy’s declared purpose to have all the 300 or 400 persons in the courtroom at Newbern subpoenaed as witnesses. The law allows only two witnesses to one fact, and the Scripture says that out of the mouths of two witnesses the truth shall be establish ed; and yet, Mr^ Abemethy, instead af bringing four ot fiv*; cred ible witnesses who had the best opportunities for observing the incidents of which he complains, is willing himself to incur, or I impose upon the State the expense of bringing the entire throng Warrants are to be issued fur the j that Crowded the court-room. What possible explanation is there men whose Jiame.s it is said are knowr ‘for such a course except a deliberate purpose to overwhelm the to Burton. i committee with such a mass of evidence that in the crowded Burton, who carries an insurance |last week of the legislative session it will be impossible for them policy against burglars, cyclones ami to complete the investigation, in other words to “bum the firo fire, has notified the company and ex-. slow.” pects to be reimbursed for the dam- ■ “It would seem that all needful evidence upon Mr. Abemethy's age done to him. ’cuijiplaiiit could be prciscr.ted in lesB than one day’s time; and i* *'A magnificent address,” was the is inconceivable that any evidence relied upon to support Mr. representative audience cf the busi- Clark’s charges of immorality is not ready for prompt presenbi- iiess mien who beard Col. Z. P. Smith tion. Surely Mr. Clark would not base charges so ruinous to the at the Rocsingham Club rooms. The character of self-supporting women of prior good reputs, to say 'speaker was happily introduced by nothing of the character of a .iudge, ur’>n gossip and street ru- ’ Attorney J. R. Joyce. mor, which he would w'ant the commi': ^e to take time and rur. Ileidsvi’le’s nev.' business orgmiza-^down. iiui: will be kno'vji ns “The ReidsviUe Cf-mmercial and Agi-icultiiral .Asso ciation,” This name was choscn at a meeting of the orgaiiization Friday - T^ r.f.incci povation for a ei i/ee.'. 2^nt to and upon their return a , be called for an election of ofRceri? and for the transaction of other mat- tovs ni imiportance. 0—r- Anothoj* case of sex discfimiviation; It is reported that while men were paid three dollars each for their votes in a certain Kentucky election, the women in no instance received over twc. WHAT WELAY WO. Ll> MEAN. “It ne made such charges without having in hand evidence reasonr.bly calculated to sustain them he has done an utterly ih- defensible thing. If he has such evidence, W'hy hold it back? To -. , pum up the argument, if he has the evidence, he shouM product, meeting wi!^ ;it forthwith; if he has not the evidence^ the making of charges is a monstrous wrong, which the committee should hasten to right, as far as such a wrong can be righted. “What, upon the other hand, would be the effect of holding these matters over for another legislature. Think what it would metn to the administration of justice to have the presiding judge always an object of curiosity to the by-standers as a man under charges of gross immorality with various women. It would not avail him that throughout a more or less cb^picuous up to the moment of incurring, the ill .y^il of .Rpsperfu! criminaV interests his (Continued on page Four.) UNT