A V VJBESSIVE BEPUBtJCAN NEWSPAPEB DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILPING Ot AMERICAN.UOMf 8 ANiJ INDVStSiES. BUBUKGTOM, ALAMANCE COUNTY. NOBTH CAj«)U;iA. TUESDAY, MARCH 9, i9l5. TBIEE B16 FORTS OF tUntONia f G OILl D^ANEIiEj PUT. ISOFFGiED TO SLEEP 'file Allied Ships However, Are Struck Man? Times by Grrnum Gu»s—B«r distance Growing'. More Terrific— Cerman Guns, Gantten and SheSk I Concealed Outnde the Foit» in Pelting the Giattt Flecia Tiiat , Shake the Earth; the Queen EUia* beth Oanag^ bat SiiU LeadiiiK the OasUnght—British Seapla^ Fly Iiow Over taod and Have Their Wings Riddled in JBtart to I.4>oU- Concealtd Batteries—Greeee Next in Interest—Laiid Fighting Featured bjr Air Raid on Oatend^avrna Forts Again Shelled. cabinet" RESlilST ArrER DECLARING FOR ms King Wauls Peace, but Cccntry Wants War With Turkey, which Means a War with Cermny and Anstria, Great Battles I>eTeloping Along thi Vistula—So Omsive Battles in the WoBt. WASHINGTON TELLS CARRANZA CONOfTIONS MOST INPHOVE AND WARSHIPS GET UNDER ST^ M(-yican Leader Reeeivca Strongest Talk Sent South Since the Paaaing of Huerta—Two More Battleship:! Will Be .Ordered Toward Mexican Only Two and a Half Days Away change in Atfairs at Mexico City. .—o- ; PEOPLE STARVE !N NEXico^ cmf The Pr^Mttt) Are FuU Bui Stomachs Empty, Decbre Late&t Reports— Situation Is Sertous—Prerfdent Wil son Studies The {^roblem Eanteslly a2H) May Take Drastic Action Un less Relief is Given by Carranza— Allied Expeditioa Talked in Some Quarters. S^te Wants Time .tp lUjcoosider Its Vote for Refereodum—iKnuse Marks. Time—Fropos^ MMsure ilaa Fif teen Sections Each Aimed at Mak- , ihg a Quart the Limit. GREElfMEr WANT ED TOffliHI The King Deairet Neutrality, Hence His Ministers. Resign^Wjant to Fight Turkey—Or tha' Other Hand, Germany and Auatria Will !>eciare War on Greece If She Moves Oh the Sultan; Waitt In at the Carving Ceremony. 0 YEGGMEN GET DIG HAUL AT W. DUJiHAM P. 0. Thre« Thousand Dollars in Cash and Stamps Lost in Raid—Third Rob bery of Postoffice Within Three Months—Safa Wrecked with Nitro glycerine—Work Shows Evidence of Professionalism.—No CIu?». VeggTnaa last night entered the West. Durham Postoffice for the third lime -within the past three month:;. A'- on the two occasions, they made a good haul, nr.d as a result the post master today is minus about $2,800 in stamps and about $200 in cash. The entry was made iri the same manner aa that o? the second robliory. Thn il'ior leadinf? from the lobby of the cffiee into the private compartment was opened with a sledge hammer and 'the safe was opened with nitro-glyc- erin. Tho opening of the safe .iv-as I the most complete .of the three at- I tempts and gave plenty of evidence . ^3rnerts. Tho , front door of hte safe was blown en- . LiiU;j rr':“- ar„i Si^COnd ^ door was turned. Ijack as though it were a piece of cardboixd. Remnants ;uf so.ip used in fiiling the cracks uround the door were plastered agaiiist ! the walls of thr office and front of the HIGH SCHOOL BASE BALVVBAM. [ COUN'TV COMMISSIONERS. ■. ' ■ ....■ ■' . Profress of, and Candidates f «r, Burl- / Met yiigt Aionday and transacted LAW GOOD rvnuClA MAD’MAN K1L» ^ DAVIS. RANDO.M. *T intEton High School Base Ball Teabi | . Forms. > Only Koutine f - The Board of County Cdjnmissione-ra Not All The Temperance Folks Asked t>ix Dead aiid Over itilrty Shot By d' FWr Bui Gta4 of CoBjpreiBise. ; The p rO£jpu).ts'fur 11. iliTOijg and Monday; |n *;e8ular monthly mee^ "Np, the Gerteral A^embly did noi eessful High Sdioirfeam looks.more !“'S .'■£ 10 «V!nnk a..m;, jrith thi fp'l-'' favorable this year than ever befbro | .*‘'■’*1^ present: George T. in the history of the High School. ; W. H. Turren- Most of the candidates kre rather 1Charles F, Catea light in weight, but what-thicy lack in C. McBajic. tveight they more than make up ir. speed. What is more noticeable this year than in years before, is the spirit in which the boys “go to it.” They have bean taking advantage of the favorable w^U>er by putting in hard and faithful practice under the super-! vision of Coaches R, L. Coleman and J. H, McAdams. “Shag” Thomp^n, cf the Philadelphia “.Athletics” also gave the boys several pointers during the week or so he spent here. The names of the “tryouts” ate numerous and interesting since many of theift aj-e having their initial experience on a team vrfth the class of Old B. H. S. The nanien of a few of the boys follow: together wjth the position each is trying for: Henderson (an old man) and Pennington, base; Garrett (old man) and Mcran, second base; Fowler and Woods, 3rd base; Bason (old man) and Stafford, sliortstops; Martin (“the old reliable”) catcher; Garrison, Bryant and iieritage, left field; Wilson (oid man) White, and The foilo'winf' business’was trans acted; Ordered, Thiii J. Fred Barber fae relieved of graded school tax in fl,- SOO.OO-.in Mairwood graded school for 1M14, OTd one poll. Ordered that J. Fred Barber be fis- lieVed of oiie poll tay in Burlington township. Ordered, That iichood 4lBetion in Faucfitte and Mortoii td^ships be declared carried to favor Of special tax. J Ot^CTed, That J. A. Chrisman l» r€-Iieved of one poll tax and graded school poll :a Elon College. Ordered, That P. F. Kidjte be re lieved of one poll tax $2 and graded eive us what we asked for,” said Sup- 'jrihiJrndef.'t R, X. Davis, of the Norih Carolina Anti-Saloon League, aver ring to the liquor bill pasiicd by the House last night. "Nor does the new law, which a). -. Framinent Mm pt Ik-unsirick—He Is Finsliy Killed—Kill^ La^ar Then Steps. Into Street and Tunw Loose on Crowd with. Automatb: Shotgun, FiUing the HospitaU->Pr^ able Sudden Insanity. Over Finaaclat Trouble. Brunswick, Ga., March 6.—Armai lows a person-to receive a qiiart c? with an aatoma'Ue shot ^jn,. Monro* whiskey or five gallons of beer in fif- Phillips;, a real estate and timber deal- teen days meet the; petitions of thous- c*i, ran amuck an the busiiness district ands of citizens and the memorials o' .^re today, killed five citizens, wound- hundreds of chiirohes and oijier bodies «d tbirtyvtwo «nd was himself ii>at presented to this legislature. c’ead. Of the wounded, .Gunner Ttd- •'However, the Anti-Saloon League jias, a bank collector, and Ernest Ke- is glad that the Senate and House DqoaM pralMbly will die. ^Hie dMd agreed on this conrpromise meaSuri, are: Thought it the St^te secures legisla- Hany F. Doitwoady, pn>iBiainl tt’ tion that wiU go a long way towards torney. putting an end to the liquor business William M. Hackett, undertaker. school tax ao cent;? in Boon Station Township. Ordered, That S. W. Hughes be re lieved of tax to the amount of ?4.40. Ordered, That P. M. Coble be re lieve of graded school tax in Elon graded school. Qrtered, That DtWitt Klapp be re in North Carolina. “The law is a good one and I have no disposition to agree with, any one thinkinff otherwise. The law, however does not stop the delivery of liquiv Cato.s center field; Davis, Steele. H^it i and TrolUnger, right field. jpoll. tax in Elon graded school tax; Love, an old man, who has a guoi record and who pitched one of tho two Mut-out games last year, is on the niound agriin thjs year. He op- po.io5 a new man, Euiis by nacie, who comes with good recommendations as lalsi road duty on account of disabil- itiei. 1 ulr( 'Ue\^ of 8: Grn teams. dered, That T. W. Murray be re- 81c graded school tax in raded School. Ordc-red, Thai T. W. Cheek be ra- i lU'vcd of $11,15 ^radel school tax in Coming from the rural dis-!graded school, also one dcg tcx of ?1,00. B. M, Deaver, policeman. Georga W. Asbeil, Biotorman. Monroe PhDlipd, real e-rtate aatf timber dealer. The police believe that Phillips be came sud-derJy insane because of »1- SENATE AGAINST LANB SEGRUN Votes Dowb Proposed Amendment ta State Constitutlcm by 17 to 15— Nash Opposes It—In Stormy Argu ment Senator From Orange Urges That Proposal is Unconstitutionai, Unjust, and Dangerous; Majetts, McXider and Snow Speak for the Bill. I !;afe. AU of the meohapiam of tJie I ,^.cfe was blown apart and the various ■ parts were collected from all sec- tioBB of the room. i Just what tinM therobbers put in I ' their appcarance arid did the work is ^nyt known. No one heard the noise. The night was a bad one and very ' tew people were stirring in West Dur ham thus making tho occasion favor- ‘ aWe to tho.se committing the crime. ; o ' The professional cord of Messrs I Ward & Mc-ser, appears in this issue, i These young men have associated ! themselves together in the practice o! law, and those who need council ; in their line, will make no mistake to consult them. Both posited creditabla * examinations when receivir«g their di- strong. Everythirig cci^snderedj wc' think wc are juutiliad in heraldini; him as the original “Big Smoke." But,: for fear of fiatterihg him, we wiil; say no more at present, but let hii People of Burlington! you will have i “Top Notch” team in action for the t, v » i j. vi. , I Hclt s house, at the forks of the road, firat time on Saturday, March 13th»! ... j j ,u » .v j U IS ordered that the jnafter oi Gome out. one and all, and give the. , , v ■ , r u j “ appeal of Lewis lioli from th* de boys a big send-off toward a success- . ., . , ^ , ' ! oi.sion ot iJii; jurv in regard to dam- ful season. We are depending on I , , - , . ■ , . j age caused by road on his pia«e be you for your loyal and “’'swervinjj sui>i>ort. Will you f^) us? W. E. LOVE, Manager. N. H. GARRET, Asst. Mgiv S. M. BASON, Captain. M. C. STAFFORD, Sec. 0 ^ ,'rtiievcd of tax on 115 acres va'u-.id 581,000 WAR PRISONERS. j at ?S70,0C. Beriiii, Mar. 7.—^By Wireless to Say- I Ordered, Thrt J. H. Isley be reliev- vslle, L. }.—Items given out today: i-d of tax on $1,000.00 solvent credit:;, by the Overseas News Agency in- { Ordered, That John Warren be fyf tax on one doit. for beverage purposes and the Anti- Sfi'oon League hereby served notice It-ged financial difficulties, that the fight will be continued until It, was at tie busiest hour of th« this t,-vil i.s prohibited. day that Phillips, carrying a shot gun, —0— or.tered the oiRce of Harry F. Dun- GRATEFUL TO FRIENDS. wnody, a lawyer, tgainst whom he is “I fee! grateful to tihe many friends said to have cherished ill-feeling, and of the Anti-Saloon League’s bill who killed him. Phillips then shot Albere stood so nobly by the measure. M. Way, who wis in OunwoodyV o/- “They put it through the House fcy fice. Although badly woundesi, Wr.y, an overwhelming majority. Then, too, probably will recover, after the Senate decided to submit it —o— to a vote of the people they refused FIRES INTO .STREET CROWD, to concur. This saved the day for a Walking calmly from the ofSkie, msasate that v.-ould bccomc effective Phillips faced a crowd which had bec« April 1. aUracted by tha firing. Without a “Th^ Senate, however, did not {yord he siTddenfsr-ehootinff in- so nobly. Sume of its members played to the throng and a wild stampede for politics and thus sacrificed the inter- .shelter followed. K. M. Denver, a po- ests of the Stale's citieins. When Uccinun, -.vas killed ■^•heu he attempted Senators are fully advised as to the k'- i.o ;irrest the oroz=d man. Phillips .sires of a jTreat majority of their eon- ctrlinued to fire on everybody in aght stitucncy, ai^d in some in.stances ir- until he was shot down by E, C. Balts, structied, it jittle becomes them to tn, attorney, mere than haif an hour evade the main 'ijjsae by voting lO after Dunwoody hid been killed. Butt* commit tho question to the people and had been wounded heforo he killed thus, by indirec^qn, defeai ^n(^ aui r.f th.fir r->n''tituepicy. Thn wounded were taken to tlse lo- —^— cal hospital, every ward ucius PEOl'LE PREFER THIS. u,,j. evory physician in the city wa* “!fcs, 1 feel sure that the people called out to dross tJie- wounds, prefer to ai-ccpt tJte cammittee'.s su;r- —o— stitutf bill, effective April 1, to the HAD MUCH LITIGATION, deal the Senate ga^^e us. That was I'hillips had been a resident of a vote on the House bill in .\ug:ust and Brunswick about twelve yeora and the law to become effective thcreafte-r. had been involved in consideraUe Uti- “Not that wo fear carrying the.elec- jr;,tion in local courtV, It was stat&i tion, but that the benefits would be he recently lost con.siderablo money ir. O.'-dored, Thnt. F. R. Pettier^w be Iposponed five months, and the churehos yeal estate transactions and had had and moral forces of the State wouM dealings with Mr, Du!”VQyiy He own- Ordered, That L. B. McAdams & S;r, be reJieved of tax on ?150 solvent credits. Ordered, Tha'. Mr.i. Nancy Curl be itlievcd of tax on one dog. , I Ordered, That Fletcher Williams tijfate the advisability of running the V-.. ? ' Ordered, That 0. Ab. Fogleman be ii^structed to work the road froni cor porate limits of Gibsonville to J, P. Westntoreland’s tobacco bam. lie engaged in a campaign costing time and money, angendering hard feelings and estmnging friend.Vnip. “From the vantage ground nov»- ! gained the ,\nti-Saloon League will Ordered, That the petition, for road j continue its wort to oaermiuivit- t;-..: plomas and are well equipped to ren- GREECE REACHES PART ING OFWAYS Whether Venizelos an3 War, or Kinjc and Peace, Big Question—People With the Prenuer—Bombardment of Dardanelles Has Aroiieed the Hel lenic Race; Germans Start Aii($her Big Battle in Poland, Whit French W^arm Up to Task on The ’Western Front, j der valuable service to their clients. Mr. Ward is a graduate of both Trin- ; its and the University, and Mr. Mo.ssr . is a graduate of the latter, only, bat j 5,toc-'’ well in his classes, frequently ; leading them, both we young men of ; the hi^iest ambitions and strictest in- i tegrity, we bespeak for them a suc cessful career in their chosen pro- ' lession, ' o ^ The member who explained that a The member who explained to the ■ liCgislature that a primary would de- ■ feat the Democratic party iis his coun ty should have explained how the pojr- ' iy now manp.gcs to win. sludea: Members of the PrussiaK Diet who have been visiting: prisoners camps in Burlj*igto)i township leading out j beverage liquor traffic in State and have received infonriaEion that at the from Elmira Cotton Mill be hoard .it i nation,"—News and Obseixer. present tiiere are 781,000 war prison-' next nieeting of this board. i O ers interned in Germany an increase! Ordered, That K. M. Spoon be re-1 The Dispatch is still giving~'t>j^r,- sinco the end of 1914 of more than; lieved of one poll t:ix on Pattcriin;'. | dred cabbage plants for every dollar 200,000 men. j Township. j paid upon sub.scription, this offer hoids O I Ordered, That the report of 1) ! good until March Slst, This is a DEATH OF MRS. WORKMAN. 1 Kc-rnodle, clerk superior court, be ,nr 1 crood chance to get your plants free, Mrs, Susan D. Workman died at her .U-cpted and fiJcd. jvou owe the money and wiil pay ir c;l several tr-icts of land near Macon, Ga. Mr. Dunwoody was one oi the most prf.minent citiiens of Brunswick. K« at 0.1C time was mavor -nnd also h»4 M.-rv‘od in the legislature as a representative and a State Senator. He ws CL nephew of Justice S. C. Ai- kir.son of the State Supreme C^urt. home on We.U Front Street, Thursday ■ Ordered, That upon recommenda- j right after several months’ sickness.! tion of superintendent of roads that j She leaves two sens, Me-ssrs. W. W.. fhu cart way asked to be vridened of Richmond, Va,, and Eniest E., of through the village of .Mtamahaw he Portsmouth, Va., and one brother, tfranted. Funeral services were conducted (i, Ab. Fogrleman, superintcndoni o; from the Luthem Church Ijy Rev. T.' rtiads, presented his ofTjcial bond, in S. Brown on Saturday and interment the sum of two thoasawl (^2,000.00) at Pine Hill CemeteiT, i dullars, and upon motion duly made U f-iiiti seconded, it was ordered accep;- No '.natter who may Iiappen to be; ed, approved, recorded, and filed, bnck cf it, everybody understands that • Ordered, T^iat the old road from but for xhe incident at Newljem those | Aycock Graded School to TrolinwvoJ charges would not have been pre- j be discontinued as a public road, ferred against Judge Carter. ! Ordered, That the report of George anyway, why not pay now and the plants. _o •‘TViE LIFE OF CHRIST." Re’ . John Benners Gibble is dolit- eri ' course of very interesting lec- ti - at the Cbarch of the Holy Com- (;er on “The Life of Christ from the nati-.-ity to the ascension. His lec tures arc iilustrated by slides of soma the the most interesting and pictwr- o^tiae scenes of the Mast^er’s time. show all the prk:ipai Considering the amount of it that has hepn consumed in this state since These slides it went dry it must be that the State points of interest visited l.y the Mas- l'.,'*ohibition law also came in a few ter while on eartU and art very vtry ye.ars ahead of a healthy temperanoc interesting as well as educational, .sentiment. Rev, Mr, Gibble’s lectures are the 1 heard anj-where near hero W, Ixjr.g, M. U,, .c.uperintendent .f on this subject. health, bo accepted and filed. o Order£^, That the report of Cha.-^..js also a fact that very few ^Ml- I>, john.son. register of deeds, as to ^noi timploy^i in tike mills wh» fees ooIle..‘ted be accepted and filed. do not need the work.

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