THIS IS THE MONTH OF FIRES, USE CAUTION, and INCREASE YOUR INSURANCE. A PROCB®.^'E REPUBLICAN NEWiSPAPEK DEVOTED TO THE ITPBLMU)IX; Of AMEKICAN HOMK.S ANJ) AMEKJCAN INDOSTBIES. •UBUUGTON. AL4MANCK COUNTY, NOBH CABOUNA, Fill DAY, MARCH 12, 1315. VASlliNm B O L DS JOHN £. HAimN JML THE UFE OF CflRST. TO SINK WILUAM P. FRYE [ I'ormer BurKB^onian Convicted of | Stereoptieon Lectnres burins March Libel. i at the Chiirch of the Holy Comifort- I ■' ,6-'' I er, with Lectures by Rer. John Ben ners Gibble. MAY OFFER KEWAKO NEW HEAD FOR Pe S5M MtlE TRIP OF GAPTfiRE OF MURDERER Uiiless German Govertimeat Offeri Separation at Once, Such Will Be Beq nested by United StateB~“Tho Quarter Deck Courta" Are Not Rec* ogni*cd--Th'3r€ Wa* No Proof of Contrabaml on Vessel, and If Tliere Bad Been, a Prite Court Was (he Pro|»er Aaihorit; to Adindicate; Cniiser Had No Right to Place the lires of Aroeriean Crew in Jeop- ardjr. While Boring the Sea and Pre)4ng on Commerce, with Bisk of Battle, It Is Further Pcmte^ Out; Berlin Ma}' Be Asked to Court Mar* tia! TbiericheiiK, Though His VesavS May Be Allowed to Leave NewpOTt News. CAP. OF MFEL FRIED RICH SAYS HE WILL NOT INTERN SHIP I Creedmoor, N. C.i Mar. Mr. John E. Hart, Oxford, N. Ci . j Duriiig Lent,: on every Monday Dear Sir:— iii:g'ht (8:00 o’clock) in March at the I wo?;der how you are feeling this ^ Church of the Holy Comforter, Rev. cold day, with nothing to do, and some ^ John Benners. Gibble delivers & series one to make you a Sre, and bring you I cf stereoptico-i lectures on the “Life your soup. 1, had planned to come to | of Christ from the Nativity to the see you today, but the weather has ■ Ascension,” for five consecutive weeks, been had, and I’m not well either. | which are especially thrilling, ent«r- Hope to come tomorrow, 1 have taining and educational, thought often of yoii, atid your fam-j The slides are the most beautiful 16 slight hopes of detecting the sly since Saturday, but you have be secured. • ^ murderer, of Mr. Burkhead. N, Mann, trampsd, and printed, long enough, 1 Beginning on 1st. inst., the subject Hayti merchant and resident of you must stop and rest from your li-: wiis introduced with familiar maps be* ^'™ty Heights, who was slain Mon- bor a while, and thy works will fol- fore the Christian era, including the low you. You have advertised for ot!>- Eoman Empire and views of the Holy officers brought into the policc Sevenl Suspicious Characters Were. Arrest^ Last Night- But Not Held —Combing City for Criminal—Butt ertd of Billiard Cue . Found Covered With Bloud—Funeral Services of Dead Merchant Are Held Today. Baffled on every hand and without clnes that are suificient to lead to the holding of any one person, the city ■ police force continues to drag the e) s, you are Bow advertising -yourself.; Land depicting historic points. station last night a num.ber of al- But, you editors say advertising | The rich colorings brought out so vagrants and others suspicioned pays, but some times it ts very costly. : vividly, copies from the famous mas- knowing something conected with I hope your keepers are kind, and nice tcrs, both old and modern, such as to you though it must seem sad, and the "Annunciation of the Blessed Vir- lonely, to you on the first SafaiwtU gin.” the “Magi,” the "Shepherds,” the criine, but all efforts failed Ui give them the inforniatlon tney were seeking. Acting Chief of Police J. R, jday to be absent from home, church, the “Manger," “Plight into Egypt,” Penderjrast held sn inquisition in the iand loved ones. |»nd many of the celebrated “Ma- But, be of good cheer, Paul and donnas.’’ chief's oiSce and did not allow any of those arrested to leave until he had Silas prayedi ssng and rejoiced, while ■ This week's lecture portrayed His satisfi^ him detective instincts that NONl TRtlSl [0. lOERMAN CRUISER ENDS AT NEWPORT NEWS 'in your circumstances, and why not - childhood, Baptism, learning the ost- l^ew nothing that ivould aid in jyou? j tenter's trade, His first miracle, bo- fic^ing of the man wanted, j While you are alone get the Bible.' ing tempted in the wilderness, thuo Today the entire police force con- If Wa^ington Will Not Give Time lor and read the thirty seventh Psalm, and ircidentally bringing ii; Joha the Bap- .jts sweep among the criminal Repairs, He Eipcrts to Take His t think you will find comfort and joy, '-ist, Nicodomus and a number as -well- sections »f city. At intervals, ru- Chancc of Getting Away-Maybe of sa'Sfc. Your femily ere ali well,' known as the River Jordan, pictur- ^ gathered, but they The Captain Has Another Thought everything getting on nicely. I hope esque views of mountains, cities and swept away as boinj^ of no Due—in Vk» of Sinking of the to .see you tomorrow. ■ viniages associated with Sacred his- NBBMuke oC ISui. JHilwe ^ ^ Your friend, ;tory. Hoffman’s “Christ Oiiild" was . •---0: Mr. W. J. Graham M^e New Head Of Burlington Big Financial Insti- tutioit—.4fl:airs Are in Good Shape :—Increased Capital Stock Nearly ^Id and. Prospects Look Good far. the Near Future. At a meeting of the board of diriw- tors of the Piedmont Trust Company, Mr. W. J. Graham, of this county, was elected president of the company in place of Mr. Muray, who met ^ch a tragic death last January. This news will be . hailed with pleasure by the friends of the company, for Mi-. Gra ham is recogr.ized throughout this sec tion as a progressive businoss man, and successful fanner. His election to the head of the company will add prestige to the already popular insti tution, arid give a feeling of security that the affairs of the company -will bs carefully safeguarded by his adminis tration. Mr. Graham has been a director and stockholder of the company since its organiEation, and he and and father have b«h among the largest invest ing clients of the institution since it began business. This shows he had faith in his company and he was not afraid to put his money where he ask- The Prim Eitel Friedrich Almoei. Belts the Globe and Sinks Kgbt Merchantmen linring Her Voyage:— Sank Ataerican Ship in Soatfa At- lantic-^Captain Telis of How HU Ship and Carijro of ViTieat Were Dynamited, After Crew Hail Been Taken Off; Among the Eight Criews on Cruiser, Take^ from Destroyed Veswls, Are People From Every Quarter of the Globe; The EUel Friediick Masi Stay in Virgiiti* Port Until the War Eud% As Short age of SnppUes and Crippled En gines Do Not Permit cf Early be- parture; Left Tsing Taw, China, bnt Found No Work in Pacific, Hobm Coming to Atlantic Where Buidaess . is Good; Slipped Past Four British Warships When Nearing Fimil Des tination at Night. DRUG CLERK ARRESTBD. Senator, the Up at HW Btg Dome May Conskler Herr lliierifb- ens Has "Got in Dutch" and May most attractive. One picture, new to ■all was “The Shadow of the Cross,” YESTEBI>A*-. . Burlington Fire Departmftjvt yes- O.-dlord, N. C, Mar. 9, lSt5. ^ rcp«sents the ChiUi tt-rday made another record for the Be Cotistrained upon tt? Hang About Dear Fri,n,i._ iJtsus standing not far from Hjs moth- n“tn.ber of hurry calls which were for Some Time Yet; There May Be . and, re-'.'’' outstretched arms and the: niade upon it—three in one day. Tlie Someone Outside Looking for Trou- ' piy;„g thereto, 1 wish to say that 1 ' malting a perfect cross ir. boys and wagons answered each one hie; British Crews, Released, Strike jj. ^ jj^j^ difficult to adjust myself r' on-Ptiy and in each case soon had to my present environments, but ere Norman Dixt^Held for Trial Em bezzlement Charge. Asheville, Mar. 10.—^Norman Dixon, a well known young business man of ed others to invest, and his faith has ithis city, who has been employed =s been fully justified by the trusts of L clerk at the wholesale drug house the workings of the company. Mr.jof T. Smith Company yesterday Graham wiil not move to Burlington, i v;as arraigned in the police court on but will keep in touch with toe affairs by rifiin; over in bis nuulune and look ing iikto t^e busisoss and giving ooiic- ««1 ami- . the Re mands. The business of the comlpftny will be wholly under the control of an ex ecutive committei* composed of W, J. Graham, John M. Cook and C. Brovm Cox. niis committee will meet f.vicc a week, or oftener if necessary, to consult and advise with each other. a charge of embezzlement and was held for trial at the next tern of thQ superior court for the trial yf otiai- ioal «sc$. H« did tiat take th« stacd ill his tiwn beJmlf and tut Tir, . i;eisoi> were examined by the cutior.. One of thsm was a porter em- pk-yeil at the drug house who swore that he frequently made deliveries of jiljars iiid chewing gum to a local res taurant for which no sales slip was n-ide, the amount to be coll«3tod bo LAKKaNZa Ai)hti! lu MARE OGOD HIS iWAl Up "Tipperary"; Crew of Frys Sign present e.ivironments, but ere ' coneregatioi to join in the the blaao under control. Sworn Statements; Thrilling Stor- elose^ I shal!, I hope, become i 'Vords arc also thrown on the a. m. they vrere called to iea of Romantic Voyage Rceounted. thoroughly adjusted to and reconciled baiutiful S.3rd Psalai, Mrs. Shoffncr’s residence oh Cameron In this manner it is operated by a com-|i„jr wj-jtten oh the.package. Ho swore i.itV. !/;>-i Or .“s to appropri- •‘^'■'‘cet, where a spark liad set the roof mittee rather than by an executive ' !l regret to have been snatched fromi^ Ar: n.aia the Thereihead. This should give added socuri- l:iy lamiiy, irienus “In £ he Hour of Trial.” “i "'as practically no damage done. Uc Vr.^, iir.,; 5 rf ;;.'e r.-. r Fccially after having rj^umed work Thee," etc. ^ .\l lO;iQ y c-aUsd realized after n period cf three months of cn- ’ 'J'ca'^i'mg through the eye makes ev-' W. E. Hay’s house on Tarpley streen, 1 j.-.volve the company in an- Tsc forctfd idleness; but twenty days »;6 'simple to all and to the ’ '«’upicd by Mrs. Moser, where a sma’.l | office will remain intact, which is good I i:ot iong.'except to those incarcerated, i ""'‘•’h in so‘V- Waze was burrnng on the roof. The j Well, my keepers are not only kind “rousing interesi ■l-’-n’-age in this- c:,«- only .•>bout I and considerate, but big hearted act- i study of our Blessed Lord anil If Food Is Allow»:d to. Go to Meiico effectioinato. Sheriff Hobgood I’rincc of Peace. AH ia' -^t 11:55 a. m. they were called to City Then Open Up Railroad Uiies a,j(j'f;onrad Walters are showing me ‘spiritually refreshing, and is si big pile of stubs from piles a:td —The Docamcnt He Got Easily Un-i conceivable countesy and con-unusually rare privilege fo? tic-^tles, on the side of the railroa-i derstood—Note from Washington; gjderation. Then, too, tlil's town has'community. 1 near the Old Shops on Tarpley stre?-.^ Set Out in Unmistakcable Terms: big-hearted ■ - I men. That the Limit of Human Sisuur'- aace Had Been Passed When a Man | Conrad Walters. D. C. Hunt and! “ invitation is extended Like Obregon Set About to Starve morning! Folks into Submission to His Oe-; D|.^ Hays ga’-e me a ■' crecs and Add to nieir Misery by | cigars Saturday. D. C.j Elon College, N. C. ^reat to Abandon Them to thej dinner Sunday. Gen. j Mr. J. L. Scott, Chairman, Mercy u. as's'!c2s Vi!!«>na;Carran*# likewise yesterday and I! Burlington, N. C. Benles All This, Despite Nuraerous; jjiformed that I am to have such ^I>ear Sir:— and considerate i lectures will The piles had been coated with creb- Sheriff Krt'i- ^ be equally as heipfui, and. sute ar.d in some manner fire got i.'ito the lot, v.'hich contained about ' three or four carloads, and they burn- ■ « d very rapidly. The company had the ,ire under control in about ten miniites I with practically no damage to the tim- ' I-er. that he gave the moneyJ.g the defend ant when returning from making these ? r: rvi -a,, n; TH=wrter SW^rfetian'^V- that no one person can | times, Mr. Oison sent ni,n. o'f the ."i.yrir “iyi jujjs linseed oil and that on one occasion he drop- for the company, as the corps of clerks I re,(J j.e jug and learned that it con* has been drilled into the working of alcohol. the company and knows the j fhe arrc-st of the young man has from every angle. In last December tha company had a private audit of all its business in cluding tha subsidiary companies con trolled by the company. This audit cf the company showed the book value of itsi outstanding stock to be $366 per share. For four or five years the company had not paid a dividend on its capital stock, but liad used all created much inleres.t here, the de fendant bt'ing wli knoivn in the bu.'ii- re.^3 circles -o-f this city. (There are peopie. in this town no doubt who ape acting in the ss&tne way. So many are tempted and ^1, we wish every rottn or woman was strong enough to sptirn such temptation. Wo also every firm who emfdoya peo ple ha.l some way of learning jus: Reports of its Truth to th« State Department at Washington. treatment throughout my stay here.! I am employing this means of urg- Now, of course, it helps the heart that, Ing the County Board of Education to for which tlio fireman are thankful. ^ my pride and self-respect has sustain-; consider mosz carefully the employ-' O j ed to be thus remeuibered, for but ment of a health officer for his entire GENERAL ODEOON AND fev/prisoners are so lucky: but I foar'time. Alamance is fast approaching HUGER STILL HOU raco cin PAX'IS GETS VERDICT FOR $5,000. Raleigh, Mar. 11.—William S. D.ivis, 'that with no exercise my digestion will the lead, but so as she neglects hoy of 18 yehrs, was awarded .1 ver I he ruitied. jthis important factor, her progross diet of $5,000 this evening against the I Now, friend, give my love and good will continue tn be impeded. Such a I wishes to all friends in Southern progressive move wculd be of untoM ! Granville. Voltaire, wiicn dying, is , value to the citizens of Alanm-nce— I accredited with saying, "I die loving; not only for this generation, but for Mexican Firebrand Has Not Yet Evac- 'my friends, not iiaung my enemies, j*^>6 future. Realizing how much thi-, uated. Say the Latest Reports—^Thi*' glorying in God and detesting hypoc- ^ *s needed I again implore you "Think American Note Has Had a Good Ef- : risy. ” I am serving my prison | o-i tnis thing.” feet—So Wires the British Consul, I not ever “detecting hyi-ocricy.” My i Sincerely, In eju'Jt .case yesterday the alarm | lime the company deemed it advisable was turned in and sounded iorrectly, j to declare a stock dividend and did declare a stock dividend of 250 per cent., and set aside the remainder of the accumulated earnings as surplus. At the same time the company decid ed to increase its capital stock, of which $C0,00 was common stock and Southern Siuiway for lo.-^s of .1 Ic-i; P«ferr«d .stock, fnur years ago. i Following the death of Mr. Murray Davis, then 24, ssid ho was stanil- jit was deemed advisable to have an iiiK on the .Southern track above Bay- •''udit of the business of the com.pany of its earnings in the pr-jmotion of its. wjiat kind of employees they have, various enterprises. Therefore at this I jjany firms go to the waU thiwigh Who Advises That Railway Line be ; enemy is not satisfied with vindica-1 Kept Open; Carranza Appears Yet'ition, but has a vengeance to gratify. | to Be Dallying for Tiaie Before -4n-; But that is his defcct not mine; I aiii MYRTLE NICHOLSON, Principal Ossipee School, Hn Avenue bridprs, when a doubl.'?- Vcader frpig'.it cane by. His story was that the train was running so fast tiia' Suction caught him .snd pulled him vTider, the wheels cutting off his made by an oiBcial auditor and ac countant, and Mr. J. P. Hightower, official auditor and accountant was employed for this purpose. In connec tion v.-ith this audit the company sub- ! faction, which caused Mr. Hart to be I sued for libir, convicted and sentenced a fifth of the amount of complaint. 0 swering Dems-id, and Food Problem j under the circumstances, quite hap Has Not Been Alleviated; No More py. 1 sued for libir, convicted and sentenced We do not believe all the people Warships Ordered to Vera Cruz,! Good bye, j io twenty days in jail. We tru!5t Mr. who ask questions of the editor are But,Uncle Sam Has Fleet of Eighty j ' JOHN E. HART. ^Hart will fair well and lose none of rcaily interested in knowing the an- Three Vessels Not Far A way, Villa 1 iMr. Hart’s trouble was caused by his former prestige. We must have a swer. They just want to find out if Woold Join Carr«n*a Against In-; two factions of Democi-ats and he and free press if we can’t get a fair court, the editor knows, arid uf course ho vrill lefT. The jury though; the story worth mitted a list of all its real estate holdings to a committee composed of two of the leading business rae.i of Burlington, who were neither directly nor indirectly connected with the com pany in any way, aiid who were whol ly disinterested parties, vision. his papor e.>!pocsed the cause of one —Ed.) ' never admit chat he doesn’t. the dishonesty of tlieir employees, and are never aule lu ur™cr:r;:ir.d caused their downfall. It is an awfu! thing to have a trusted perison in your employ that is disloyal to you. and yei many of you have them and may not know it until it is too late to help y"I. we believe it is the duty of every - ,od citizen to let peoi>3e know any’ ^ they see wrong with their err jyee'b. Often outsiders can see it hen the owners cannot. A private tip may often save both trccble and cmbiirr.issment.—^E'J.) O Men who are treate-i form tha li- quo* habit, aiai then they arc treated for it. • ated the private audit previously made. The company, therefore, is upon » firmer footing than ever before, and. though it will sadly miss the stroni; It is inter- _ personality of Mr. Murray a^ the gaid* esting that this second audit made in [ ing spirit of its business, it faces tiui this way wholly verified and substanti •, future with hrtllant prospects. PRINT

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