., -V::'- v^^4W5^v;v-::ivv>’ir* -•••••' If You Like the Twice-A-Week Dispatch, Ask Your Neighbor to Subscribe. WIOE - SSIVB BBPUBUCAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE ITPBtlLbiM; Ot AMEKICAX HOlll S ,VM> AMtKiC AN IXUUSTitJES. X BUBLINGTOX. ALAMANCK COUNTY, NtHSTH CAKOLIXA, FK IDA Y, .MARCH 1», 1915. dr S. WitRSHIPS Wia PEEBLES . LOSES TWO SEE THAT NEXIGAN CONrEMrT CASES IN niRT ilEMAINS OPEN I THE SUPREME COURT Wilsott Tells Carranza jle Catt Not _4_ and G, W. Bron'a, of GoldBiMro, Ctoai Fmgreso and That Des M«ne. WIU Enforce Ord^r if Necessaiir— No Time Is Lost in Obeying U. S.' I>einan4s—Blockade Is Raised and Two Amcricau Ships Ijiden Wilii Sisal Sail—Situation in Capital is Imprured. GEN. BLOCKADE AGAINST GERMANY GOES INTO EffECT Uet Decisioa:—Sentenced t>? Peebles —^oktebora Newspaper Men Had Bwn Fined $250 Each and Srat to Pri^A—Reflected on the Judge~ It W.HS Charged “Judge Peebles Fre quently Went to Sleep oh the Beach and Woke Up a^ Played Hell;” Also Drank Too Much. SFRlNt; .MILLINEBY OPESIMG TO- ; DAY. The city is thronged today for the Spring Millinery Opening, which be- brn today Bnd continues tomorroiv. —^— Much intei-est is being manifested over Britain .Makes Public Entire Text of gpring models and never in the Order Declaring AbsA«ite Block- history of these popular esi^blish- nde of AM German Ports—Tio Ships Are .Allowed to Enter Enemy Ports —Ships Which Sail^ After March nients have hats been more beautiful. The Icjding colors are blue, browns, lattJe.^hip gray, sand and black and X, for German Ports, WiU Be Stop- •ivhitc. More flowers are used th.in ped and Cargo Taken Before Prize Court. anything else and all kinds of fruits. The opening will continue through Siiturday. GERMANS MAXING DE SPERATE LUNOES ON LINES IN WEST H.XRACA CLASS TO BE ORGAN IZED. Special Program Will Be Rendered at Elmira Presbyterian Church. Next Sunday afternoon at 2:30, tho —o—' Suiiilay Si-hool of the Elmira Presby- Krench Itepuiw Kaiser’s Attacks in terian Church, will hold its roguiar Cliampagiie and the Argonn* Dis* .sessioi'., which will be followed by a tricis, Says Paris—British Adnit Hpecial program tu bt rendered by the SUght Haverses .JNmt Ypree-^Bel- young men. Addresses oxi t^e Organ- gi»n Armye Adire Asain, Pro- isr.ed Class and the Baraca Movement gresses Against Germans in Bend «>f will be jnade. Special music, vocal and Yser River—-Fighting in The East Is instrumental, wiH be .“endered. Im- Fierce. EX-PRESIDENT TAFT GUEST OF U.VIYERSITY, ■ ■ ^-0— .■ . Urges f^npport of Mr. Wilson in This Critical Periad of:Nation's History- -^Should Defer Criticism. Chipel Hill, Mar. 17.-^TSic united support -of .the country for tha ^li-: cies of President Wilson in “this «rit- ical period” o.f the nation’s history was urged here tonight by former President William Howard Taft, who delivered the first of A series of three lec^res to students of the Univsrsity of North Carolina on the Presidency. Mr. Taft declared that the office of I’resident' is representative of the dig nity of the American people and that at bucli u time ;s this it must have the heai'ty «pprovJil of the whole people if that dimity is to be preserved. Whatever party criticism there might be of the present policies, he said, should he deferred until the crisis i? passed. Emphasizing what he termed the seneness and conservati.sm which char acterized the framers of the consti tution in their work, the former Pres ident entered a vigorous protesi against a constitutional convention to amend the nation’s fundamental law. "There are those,” he declared, “who think they can impi ove the constitu tion by blowing it up. Fortunately, they ar',5 in the minority." With the statement that 6&.000 law.s have been enacted by Congress in the past five years, the speaker charac- tprizcd the flood of legislature as s tendency to yield the “magic," “Be iv Enacted,” and advocated a rest for the coimtry from legislation. Mr. Taft reiterated his belief iti- a’ single term of from six to seven yenrf for the President. aERHl,« CONm ANOi' Biw THE PENNSYLVANIA TAKES la WATER purged VVilh Conspiracy to. Induce American to .Sell Dry Dock Cdnp- ■ny Secrets—American IJndef .\r- resl. OfTHiUL MOTHER ACC'»;SES FATHER. ■ -—o— . . ; Hixteeii-Veiir.Old Girl Says Her Fa(h- : er Is in Turn Father of Her Child. ' ' ^~o-^ Eiizaabeth City, Mar. 17.—Nona Witlf a Praper for Peace and a Wisk THREAT TO BLOW UP THE PRIXZ EiFEl. FRIEOKICH. NeVl'pi.i't Ne.vs; Va.,-51ar. I?,—-Vs the reiMli of threatening letters said to have- been received by converted cruisc-J Eitel Friedrich, prec;iu- iiciiar>-.iiu.ysures were taken tonight to guard asRir;.^t any attempt to de stroy ti-e .ship. The captain at .first Fcoffed ill the iinunymous oommuiiic- tioiis, but when it was pointed out to him ho’.v easy it “would be to blow him up in the dead hours of the night he decided, ii said, to take every pva- caution. The j iei- at -»-lijeh the Eitel Fried rich is lied up has been fencod in, guards piitroi the pier and a shart Rtlfe, sixtcen-year-pld apd a mother j v. ith a'child six w'eek.s o!d in her arms, i testified on the witness stand, in Su- ! perior Court here yestei-day that hei; father, Joshua Relfe, of this county, ivds the fathei' of her babe. j Noni Relfe \vus the first- vjitnesi , i'f>r ..the State in the case against,' Joshua Rslfe, H'ho was under a fifteen , hundred dollar bond for his appearance • at this term of Superior Court -jn ! a- charge of willfully and fleoniously c .nipelliJig. his own daughter lo be hi' I pL:r-artiour. Her testimony vras.c6n-i- vii’.cingly told and not .only did a half : hour's gruelliiiiT cross-examination by ■ ex-Judge George W. Ward, who with i •J. B. Ixjigh was representing the de-1 fei-dant, fail tu shake it, but even j the testimony of the witnesses put on ; „ jvgyer That She May Prove , From Fresldcnt 'That Machine .Mtty Xev-.T Be Nc^ed, LauiwUng Take* Placc—Oor Navy Ready to Figlit Says Secretary Daniels-^Believes in Peac^‘. But Als^ Thinks NatiM Should Be "Up To Fightin’”; AmCT- ican Xavy Leads The World in the Building of Powerful SubmariBes, As W'ell As Strongest Big Ships; \ew Craft can Hurl Fifteen Tans of Si^l at Touch of One ^ver— "Sweeiest Girl in Pennsylvania'' Crashes Bottle of Wine on Pro*-, While Captain of German Cruiser Joins in Shout Frbm Ten Thousand Throats. THE NEW VVJVSSHIP. ' lij stand yesterday by i^ie defens appeared rather ty strengthen than l-ti lookout j.s kept on board. In addition, j woaken the girl’.s story. iin unnsuii'ly bright light tonigiht il luminates the stern, which is nearest the river, and the water in that direc tion ic constantly watched by mem- biirs of the crew. One of the letter received by tht; Prinz Eitei captain demanded that hi? leave this }>ort at once or his vessel wouid be (ivnaniited. MRS. UOBERl'A JAMES DEAD. Meliane, March 17.—Mrs. Roberta James (I’ied about midnight Tuesday night .'t the home of her daughter, | ing to find relief through them, the Kelfo was arrested in April, : ini a Warrant svvorri out b yhls daagii-1 tor and was Hiraigncd in police court i on Saturday, Mar 2nd, before Judge i Turner, The girl told at that time [ uf how she had been forced to Jive with ' her father *‘just, a? if she were his; wife” and of how she had gone tj hi“: si.'ter, her aunt, Mrs. J, H. iJumly,! it this city, and complait'.ed of tho shamsfu! relation between them. H'jr itunt a;id her grandmother, however, would not believer her story, and fail- inediately foUowing the program a i liaraca Class will be organised. Thej \v'[LI t’lJElCH TO .MUTES t« attend this meet- ITALY LINGERS ON iup and the yoiing nien of West Bu, l-| T.ilinshast, «f ISurhan. Will Be EDGE OF CONFLICT Mrt; L.- S. Str!iufs,'hn, ia Meiyanf?. Sev- ciTi! w-;eks ago Mrs. Janies fell, injur ing or fracturing her hip. She neve; ftdly recovered from this. Catchiti;; (■(lid, after which complications set in, and the restiUs of her injury caused h. She iiicl-pii only two days lie- .cirl ran away from home and canic to Eltz»beth City, determined herself to a))peiil tci the court for pi'Otecti-.m. Af ter having niiide the complaint against lii.r father, .‘(he went to Norfulli to live and xiyf. that .“inco tiiat time she has been worMiin- for a Mrs. Wadsteir., a ingtoii arc present. flspecialiy isiviled to Ihj Hires' i.*! I>ickering Over Drmuiids on .\ustria or rert'iior) - ■ ijipioiuacj^ f?!ra!s:r.g-r-Von R!>e- ICXECUTIVK COMMITTEE MEETS. The Esfecutive Committee of the Ba- i aca-Plliiat«c-ii City ‘ Here at KpiscoDul Church Sunday. Miss Koltbie Tiiiinghast, of Duriiani, i!;jiighter of Prof. V. R. Tiiiinghast, o£ Morganion, N. C„ who is doing mis sionary w'ork umphg the detif mutes ing 70 years of age. Besides ;he ■ ■'camstre.'.s on Wake .street, in Imi dmighter, Mr.'i. Straughn, .she is sur-jfily. itwasnt Mrs. W'adstein » hunic fcw W hispers in One Ear and Allies chxxrch last Tuesday nipht. A SB Otfceir; No Cnsiice/O*. Austria Giv- volume of business pertiumng moetinsr at the | liiirlintrtoa this week :ind on Sundity ing All Asked, While Allies Promise All for Help, Nothing For Neutral- itr. COTTON RONS UP EX CITEDLY AND OVER COMES DROP —o The Mills uf This Country Arc Con suming a l^igs Amount and IJver- pss! Is 5::”!)“? flsnvilyi The Close b StesAy With ». fC«a«anabIe Rise. lo the work of the union was trans acted. The various standing commit tees were elected and a delegate and alternate to the State Convention Lt Raleigh, were nominated. This com mittee is; cotnposed of the officers and chairmen of standing committees of the union and one member from eaeii class* belonging to the Union. "Hie Committee meets quarterly for the transaction of the business of the or ganization. MBS. PORCH’S BODY FOUND. lihc will prcach to then! at ths lipis- copal Church. Miss Tillinghast is thoroughly ir. love %vith her work and has devoted iter life to unlift of the deaf mutes of the State, one of the nobiest sitcri- fices a woman ever ftiade. She will spent Tomorrow in visitinp among the mutes of the vicinity and get them to come to the meeting on Sunday. She .taik.s to them in the sign !ai'.- gaage, and as each sign means a word, !-he can deiiver a sermon as qufckly a.-i a per.?on who uses the tongue. Miss Tiilinghast is not a mute hci- vivi'd by one son, William .James, of Scrogslxjro, and threii sisters, Mis.T Sliirtha Clay, of Mebane, Mrs. T. 'fhaxton, of Scrc>gsboro, and Miss Sa- \v!is a fsicitiitc'- of Mcbane Baptist ('hiii'ch and had been a niemtior of U’.e church for mort> thnn 40 years. The iiilevirjent took piai‘(- this afternoon j iiired i/i poltoc court and complained of i;i the Jame.s burial >rrim>'ii near JIi,!?h-jh..i- faihe:’.-! treatment, Mrs. Bu:i- litwors in Caswell county. | dy wor-d of the girl's story to her mother, Mr.s. Russcil, who got Mr. ‘iic claims, that her i)abe was born. Other witnesses put or. the stand yoKterday wore Mrs. Bundy, a Mr. Me- I’her.son, of tliis county; RiiSfe hijii- ~ if. -inu :;•? tr-O'Mi-r, -7?|!S=,.1!.';;!I' wiiiiesscs for the defense. Mi\~. i!u:;- (i:iy inliiiits Uwt thi^ iriri ‘-r.nir *■'. H.t a few veek-S before the scandivl wa.s YOUNG MAN. KI-IRTIN’G. KILLED BY A TRAIN’. West P()jnt. Ga. Mar. Itj.—While ilirtinp; with some young gitl.s in Langs Cotton Mills this morning, Kar- ■y M. Kendrick, a young man or iff, j SScPher.son, a neighbor, to tiikc her out to Relfe’s home. Mrs. Russell ten- titied that she »sked Nona i\-hy she, Nona had ioid so aivful a story ok Messenger of Peace Rather Than Engine of W'ur Ship Is Launched i’ensylvania Slips Down the Ways into the Historic James—ls Largest Fighting Ship in the W'orid—Ktek» ^ German Cruiser—Swell Created b.v*^ Her Phmgf into the W'ater Make-s Eitel Boh Up and Down—i0,000 The Launching—By Orders of Her Commander the German Sea Raid er, I’rini Eitel, Joins in Noisy Wel come lo the Great Fighting Craft. .Neivpoct News, Va., Ma.-. IG.—The largest tiphting ship in the world, the Uiiiteii States superdreudnought Penn sylvania, was launched here today. A prayer that she might prove a meii- senger of peace r»th*r than, an en gine of destruction went with her as .“ihc glid«l down the inclined w’ays in to the James river. As the triggers wvrc .‘fprung at -i signal from Secretary of the Navy Daniels and the 1.5,000 ton red hull was ielea.-ed. Miss Ei!/.aocL?i Kulb, oS Germantown, J*a., nan'ined the .ship for her native Slate, by cra.‘hing a bot tle of wine against the steel prow. When the hulk plunged iMo the water, it cieat=!!l u swell which rocked the ?hin ;i nstion now at war, Che. tli'i'maji converted i-mioei rn,-.i. Tk-i! ntoore^l f*v a r,;^r 'less that'. 100 yards away. Capt. Jfax Thierichens, commander of this famous sea vaUlcr, which tiui a few weeks ago had sunk a«i Ameri can ship in the S(iuth Atlantic, and had S(>i;ght refugo in this American port from its enemy ships, was pres ent on the launching platform and jejiied with 10,000 other .spectators in her father and the girl replied that cheering the new warship. By his c,v- sho did it in order to get free of him dcrs, the raider's whistle also assbt- was run over and killed, nad his com- i cai‘e of his children, her ffl in the noisy welcome which nearby panion, W. A. Knikht, was knocked 1 half 1 csthers and sistrs. McPh^r- sii-nm craft gave the Pennsylvania. >fr. W. J. Spencer, the man who j self, hut has grown into Ihe work from found body, says; )>'er iisaotmtior. vfitV. her T’alher,-vvh; “Mrs. Porch’s body was found on been teaching in the Noith Caro- the beach, about west or southwest of ‘ina School for the Deaf at Morganton fov a number of years. down and his right arm cut off by : sen testified that the girl admitted that; The German commander, in. full freight train on the (Chattahoochee j , tiniform, reached the launching plat- Valley Railway at a poi?\t. near the , f“>™ earlyan d mingled jovially with jhaii iiiadiv this f.tatan’ORt whpn court American naval o!f.cer.«; throughout HOR-NE’S shop BROKEN INTO. L«st night some time during the where the boat was anchored and night some one broke into Horne’s where Mr. D-jdson’s body was found. Ijicycle Shop cutting the window pro- We found the body about seven feet 1 adjourned yesterday ovcniug at about che ceremony, .si-’c o‘c!ofk. The ca.se will be oontiiio-' STGREOPTiCON LECTURES. —D— tpctor and by some way getting the above average water, showing that i window raised and taking about ^i50 she went ashore seven or ei^t days.” | The third stereopticon lecture on worth of repairs, otc., and got away A Mr. Cherry, of Newbern, who j Life of Christ” was delivered at and the robbery was not dis(;oyered viewed the body in the undertaking ihe Church of the Holy Comforter on until this morning. It is supposed estahJishmsnf, says that anyone who j Monday night, last by Rev. John Ben- that the same party on the night be- ver knew her could recognize her at | i:ers GibWe. fore made an atteia.pt to break into cnee in the corpse. j This w'as especially interesting, li- Raahut’s, Shop, but did not succeed. ; Mr. J. W. Murray’s body has not iustrated the many parables and mir- . been found. The track.s ‘f the Wc.st Point Route and C. V. railway run parallel with e..ch other. The young men saw a today and the verdict is expected ^ I>»rth bound freight on the A. & %v. jj\Vo!f and Miss Bessie Gordon, sisters, I', road and .steppcil on the C. V. j Rofe m the stand protested his in ^ ^}„,y (}^„y been bequeathed ?50,00tl tiaek. They did not see the switch j i^'cence and claimcKi that the girl ran ' hungry, engine which was backing comet reiu.'ii way fi-om home because she could |^,,, i at their door four year.s ago •ars into the Lanneu Miil.s Yard. I'.ot submit to restraint. At the time ' ^ ,.sked for food. OSBORN'S YACHT IN DISTRESS.: Beaufort, Mar. 17.—The ship in dis- Miss Fearless & Co., a comedy in Sress late last night offi this part, was three acts, will be given by the teach- Herbert Osborn’s power yncht La- crs and ladies of the Maywood Cotn- Vedettaft from Miami to N-ew York, manity at Maywood School House Sat- The coast guards from Fort Macon urday, March 27, 1915-, beginning at ■station took off the crew, but replaced eight P. M. Admission 10 and 20 j them on the LaVadette today when the c^nts.. The proceeds will go for thejicxt, 22nd. inst., at 8 p. m., to which yacht was towed into Beaufort. benefit of the sdsocl. j all the most cordially invited. ' scles, and other touching scenes. Among the artists represented were Tissot. The stereopticon is operated by Mr. Hobart Steele, the Assistant Sunday School Superintendent. The fourth lecture of this series will be at the chiirch on Monday aight. Dondrick was lcivackef down und^jr i!ic train and his head comple*.e!y sev ered and Knight had liis right arm cui The railroad surgeons that that Knighl -vill recovcr. O PLAY AT GRADED SCHOOL. A play composed of about 12 young men was given at the graded school i.iiditorium iast Friday night. The play was in the nature of a negro miii- strel, and was entirely local talent and reflected muoh credit upon the younff men of our town. the case (irst came up he was employ- j v. illiam Popper, son of a Prague (d .-,s a “squatter- by the i-'oremm,-1 R^hentia, art dealer, was the man Blades Lumber Co., and lived back t^ey befriended. He told Mrs. from the road in a small three-room ^volf and her sister that he was to,, house, eleven miles from town. his people know his con- r.or any of hi.s family can read jje was given clothing, shel- i tor and medical attention. In 1911 ha The Relfc case wont to the jury '.it ; returned to Bohemia, advising the si.stors that when he died he wwuld o’clock this afternoon, but no vcr- dict had been reached .it a late hour; "remember them in hi.s will.” tonight. Rvimor has it that the jury j "The sisters were notified of the be- stands ten to two for conviction, but quest through Chicago attorneys com- a mistrial is predicted. General sen-! missjoner by an atiorjiey in Prsigus liment r.ppears to be against ReKe. j to find them—Chicago Evening Pos^. f PRINT .'•r..

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