The Ground Hog Was Doing Some Weather Stunts Monday A PROGBESaiVE Ri»‘UBUCAN NEW’SPAPKR OEVOTEU TO THE Ui’Bt'lLIilM; OK AMERICAN HO MES AND AMKRICAN INDUSTBJES. BURUNGtON, ALAMANCK CpUNfY, NORTH CAPOUNA, TUi SDAV, MARCH 2S, iai5. eURHiUi INTERESTED IN WTEHDMAS IINE Sinca the last of the direc tors of the Commercial Club, at which time a committee was appointed to look into the proposition to aid in es tablishing' the Alamance, Durham & t Orange Railway Company, interest in the matter in this city has steadily ia- creas'jJ. Many cf the raty’s finattciars in spenkinff of the proposition have expressed confidence that it would pay the promoters and also would be a great thing for Durham county. WorJ received from Chapel Kill is to the effect that the business mfen and financiers of that sectioi are also *" greatly,interested in the proposal ana it seenu nearly certain that the people til Burljngrton and Alamance county will do their snare. The charter was passed in the last general assembly and according tc ^cod business men offers excellent ad- vasitag? from an investment stand point. It now .seems that the matter is up TO the promoters to get busy and pie- sent the prosition to the three coun- ses. The leaders of the movement live in Burlington, but Durham and Chap el Bill men have s%iiified their inter,- :ir-n ol" auiins in getting the line. One of ilie uttractivc features of the chi'.vter 3= that townships, or towns votiiijj bonds for the building^ of the road U'.ny keep all taxes collected on ihe. road in such townships, or towns, separate from the general fund and apply them to the payment of the l;onds. Thus they help finnticc the mad, and the road pays the money l;ack to them. That the road wou.d be pi-caU'ft niiuns ever ilcri.ed for opening up ihe country Ijotwecji Huriinjjton and liurhani is thouirhl eertain by local vAipit^ilists, They slate that oi’.e prom inent OraERe county man has already announced that he would erect a big VlCtlOti. llUU i:'t IftiiK i'sriilliV •.-Jt-.'.ii;:! “ [l*i line iHoVu At the present lime fit,* .slat£.i there are no facilities for getting the manufactured materl-. al. uway from the .’rite on which he pr'-.posi^s it> build. There have been many other rea sons offered as to why such a road would be a nucccjs, II is pointed out that Ourham would profit by the road more than any other town, city or county, as it would brinir thousands of dollar.s of trade hero monthly. It would al.M cause the population of Purhara to grow and would bring this city in dh^t toudi with Chapd Hill, making that town the same as a sub urb of Durham. f According to all cipilalLsts who have ;«-> estimated the nronosition, it seems that it should be a paying prop- Mition from the very start. No one can .see why the road diould not pay a good dividend and also be the means of bringing the tiiree counties men tioned into close communication. lii every way the road is expectsd to prove profitable to Durham and a convenioTice to tlie 30,000 population of this citi'. Miss HATCH ENTERTAINS. 0«Ugiitful St. : Patricks Day Party Giyen 1>y MiiM Hal A-at B«r Besatifid Home Askew St. One of the most ddiglitful social occasions of the season was that of a party given by Miss Geoirgia Hatch at: her home on Askew street last Fri day evening from eight till eleven, in honor of the members of the Senior class of tlve Graded School. He color scheme w^is green and white, the class colors, aiid decora tions of becuUful potted plants. Mu sic was furnished on a Victrola during the evening. Misses Ruth Lea Holt, Minnie Ellis, and Mamie Bamawell ren dered several beautiful selections bii tha piano. An Irish progressive contest was the feature game of the evening, in which Esther ■ Taylor won the pri^e and Melvin Stafford was award^ the booby, both being presented by Jfr, Sam Biu-ion. Souvenii-3 were passed to the mem- hcTR of llse party with orders to open. They contained light explosives and when oi>ened caused a frightful but unharmful report. They also contain ed beautifully colored paper caps und an Irish toast. Another contest of paper .‘ihanirock.s with vcrse.^ was aUo eiigaged in. IJainty refreshments, consisting of a isi-lad course and mints in clas.'s colors, wera Kervod. The party dispersed at eleven o'clock, .showering- upon Miss Haich many congratulations for the beauti ful and splendid manner in which they were entertained. YoH« for Mbs Hatch and the class yell were givca on the lawn as tile party departed for their honii|;. Those present were: Misses Verdlc Trollin>tcr, Mary Garriison, Esther Taylor, Ruther Holt, Sallie Mat- Tut tle, Minnie Mary Ellis, Saliie Patter son, Clara l*urccU, Manie MaloVtC, Kuby Teague, Una Mac Elder, Kather ine Stricklin, Mamie Barnwell, Gladys Bro‘-i5T;. White, Sam Bason, Walker Love, David C’uriis, Cp.rr^tt. Mf-1- vin Stafford, Prof. J. li. McEwen. liguralion," the col>rs being especially rich and beautiful. The final lecture wiUM[>e nert Mon day night, 29th, i'nst., at 8 p. m.j giv- ■ ing Chnst before Pilate, the Cruei- iS.\ion, Resurrection, His last days oti eai’Lh and clbiSng with the Ascension, all of whichTs'appropi late jast biJoro Easter. This is a rare privilejre and all are most cordially invited. tJrest Fratfriial Gathering. —O'—* One of the largest and, most iiiter- e^Xhig: fraternal gathorings. that has been held in Burlington for several years v,’as that of the. Class Initiation conduetod by the local council of the Daughters of Liberty last Saturday night in their hall over Freeman. Drug Co. The. occasion was the result of a campaign for new members, inaug urated several weeks ago by the local council under th» direcUdn of the Slate 5«;;d National officers of the order. Ne;u-ly ail tiic councils in the coun ty se.^^ candidates to be initiated with the class. Fifty-four candidates had bepii oiccted to membership, but owing to the inclemency of the weather sev eral did not come. Tlie following councils were represented either by candidate.-; or memhor.-i: Puril; No. 22, E’.irlingtnn; For-Get-Me-Not No. 34, Saxapahaw; Patriot No. H, Swepso.i viii^i; Stonewal! No. 18, Graham; Ala mance No. 10, Haw River; Mayflower No. 40, Trolli.-'.wood; Friendsship No. .•jl, Mcbune. Member.s from Danville, Va., Greci)sborr, and Durham were H18KS GIVE our STAH- ID Also A Mention jycnic and Get Shot Is Warn- ini; to ..'Vssutiated Prosa Man. I'o- sitioFi of Turkish Araiy Declared Good—Suez Canal Held to Be iio Obstacle; Ammunition and Other War Supplies Plentiful, Is Claim; No Truth in Uaitior That Turks Are Dying in Droves a Statement Says; Performance of Russians Called "Pitifal”; Claim (he British Fnrct' ■Hed l’|). PRZtMySAL’S FALL BE- SlfiNATED WAR’S WT CATOE London Newspapers Dp not Fven Except the Surrender of Antwerp, Opens Doftr to Cracow and Hun gary’s Plain’s—Moral Effect Will !>• Tremeadoas; .Stimulate Feeling i« Favor of Allies in Rumania ajnd Bulgaria, London Believes; italisn Sltuctiun Receives .‘Vttcntion But NewK is Scane; Several interest ing Rumors Arc Unconfirmed. ISSMNS CAPIURE ST1.0NG FORTS IN EASTERN liAffiA fttr 7i;« ths P-'ietnysl Capitaiates to Inviulin^ Army ■ - Opc'n \Vi!v toOiicow^JIuch Enthusiasm in Potro-jirad Over the V’ie:ory, Vviiich Is Regankd ^s.One I'e'.ioiij-ad, Maicli lii.—-7:30 p. m.—via London—The garrison of Przem^.sl rapiiul.-iicd to the I'sUii.sInn army today Without a fi^t. . - , ' The hcisun.T cf ihe white .flag oyer the fortres.% caus^ little surpri^. It Was gciici’aily known that the defeitders were in a terribly weakened condi- tioi>, ivitli-'iiit food ;tnd amiru.iiiion and their endurance was only a questori of day.s. War OiTn.e advices report thai niiK’ Austrian generals, more than 300 offiiers and riiKOOO men .^'tirroHderel. . . - Town Lacked Food. Lemberg Galicia, viu London, M.irch 2i.~^Austriiin prisor«is frjtn ?rj»- niysl captured shortly before the garrison surrendered say tile fortress for a long tiiMi wa.« in a cor.dition of semi-famiue, lacking bread and other foodls. Except for the horses of the Austriari officers no animal they say, was vi.siblc in the tow:i, all having been IuIImI to feed the soldiers who recently had little to ent except cor.cerves vviiich led to much typhoid and other slelc- r.e.«?. Conditiun:^ wcro such, the prisniicrs add, that.they almo.^ !ed to a mu- iiiiy of Uk- v.’ho ursTcd that, he city be surrendered. S.\LVATION SERVICES. —0— Pastor and Mfinhcrs of Front Str'Ht j M. E. Church to Conduct Special Salvation Services From Now UntU jEaster. The-pastor and members of the pve:ieiit. TiiO coiiiK-it opened promptly atii.'i.oi t Street Methodist E|;i.‘icopal 7::J9. «ith the Councilor, Mr. J. B. Churth extend a most hearty invifa- Turni‘T, in the chair. The hall was yon to all people in Uurlington |o taxed V) its utnnost .seatiiig capacity, a!! .=erv!ces. there being about 250 memljers of the ordei- present. The initiatory cere monies were rendered in a most beaa- Why We Jnvite You. Because wc s4cek your eternal good. There are many good f.jlk.s among tiful and impressive manner. State y,ju; soma of the salt of the earth, Councilor J. T. May of Durha^u w,is ahd we need the salt to help .'=;ive present and delivered an address on the principles of the order. His hnini'r v.hich t simiise the meniiiurs MRS. J. M. TINNIN PASSKS. After several years of decllaing health, Mrs. Sylvia Dixon Tinnin died Tuesday night about 11 o’clock at her home here in the 56th year of her age. frlie was a good woman and highly esteemed by her acquaintances. The intermert was at FHecdship yester day. She is survived by her husband, Sir. John M. Tinmn, four thildrcn, Mr. P. D. Tinnin, Mrs. Elraer Boone, as’i} Misses Ima and Bessie, who have the sympathy of a large circle cf friends in their sad bere.ave- m( -i.—Thf' Gleaner. Btraea CItiBS Organized. The young men of West Burlington met and organized a Baraca class at the Eimira Presbyterian diurdi last Sunday afternoon. A good number of the members of the M. P. Barsca class attended the meeting in a bs^ and assisted in tjie organization of ther class. The following oSScers wvre elected; .\rthur Amick. Pres.; Clyde Younger, Vice-^es.; C. A. Donnell, Secretary; Chsrlt's Hurley, A.ssistant Secretary; Samuel Pyles, Treasurer; C. B. Way, Press Reporter; Egbert Truitt, Teach er and B. fli. Clajrp, A5ai2t“r>t Tejich- ef. Before the election of officers ad dresses on tlie organized class work and the Barac.7 Movement in general, were made by Prof. W. A. Braxton of the Fairgx-ound School and Messr.s. L. W, Holt and M. A. Coble of the M. i'. Uaraca class. Mr. C. B. Way acted as chairman of the meeting and Sir. W. R. Ruth secretary. The class starts off with a member ship of seventeen, and bids fair to J'Ctromo one of the leading Bara,'a of the city. Sipoiliiig, sin-sick souls. Cone and Help lln. Arc-. there backsliders in Builin.?- '■’’tertain .and ton? Folks once “happy tn 'j ■ _! - ^ . 1 j^ociuiiV, Goo is I made special reference to the magni-;iji,oui, you. Hear Him .say; “Return tuile of the State of North Carolina thou backsliding Isrecl, saith the and a largo- flourishing membership ! Lord; .ind I will not mine a!\.«r'-‘r of the order which Uie State afford... Un f;U! ujittn you; for 1 am mercirul, Mr. May was followed by Rev. J. F. j saith the Ijord. Only acknowledge Morgan of the Graham Council, who;thine iniquity, that thou tran.v (iUKK.VSUORO .MAN TO WED VOU.NG L.IOV OK WHIT.SETT. W!ii;.-ru, Mai'cit £0.—L.a. night,- from ‘'-f 10 10 oV'loi’k, Mi;--s Elii>abetn V,'he.:.‘i‘-r cntcrtaiiicd in Iir,:;or of Mi«.i U’arrie M. Cartrran, who is to bKomo j thf- iii'iiic f'f C. ri.iyiiiii McKughan, of j on A;*rii tj. The guests Wv i-y n-.(:‘v at tiie doer by the host?.-''; and her ;'i^:ter, l.^la Wheeler. Ic.f Ole ivny to t!ie parlor. After the gue.ts b.aii all tiss-jmbK'd, they enjoyed several int-rry t^tnies. One of the girls p.^ovei! her laleiil as. an artisl, wtu-:i .-he 'hvw a on canva.s. I'acb Kue-.'t Wii> then given a little red h;;irt a.’ul I'ncrc was much mer-j to see er.i-b girl with blind-j fiildeil eyes tryinu 1o iiiii the heart , ever :he inaii'.^ iioari. (ier.try 1 jiroved to lie tiiu fnrtunalu one. The most inlei-cMing thinj? of the- i-vi-nii;: KNTKRTAINMSNT APRIL 9TH. .\fusical, Elocution and “Spelling Be*.'' G.irham Ohaptom of the Daugblers of the Confederacy is arranging for mos-.t ir.tere.sting entertainment to !je given al the Opera Houhc on Fvt- ;hty ni;;ht, April 9th. The programme will consist of vo cal u:;l in.-itruniental music, and elu- I'Jtion by the best talent of E!(>a College, Burlington and Graham. Tha “Spelling Bee" will be a feature »f the evening tho-t will eidist the heartie-t interest. In this the old “Bluc! R;u?k” will be tlu- orthographir arbiU>r. ihirinir the evening home-made can dy. cream, cako and other light re .r'-;:;hnifnt.s will Iks sold. MOKE THAN IICO .STOLtiN. week in the day-time, a smal! wa.^; a pu/./.el the hostes.s pre- j,oy ^nd two small nogroboy* seated for f h« guests to work out. .,;i whose n.%moa we withhold o« After many mimites of tedious th- account of ourmotion, entered thf. •’'’d tn Ibeir the pywfe revealed tht an- w. Ni.’ft:,', ^ r.ouiiccMUMit—• X .;.j ,;r'! r-js-nt' ^vfraoted something more 13>bi» -•\pril ir'l.'i." jjQo jf, L-urPency. It was found our Afi.-r rocsving froti\ the surprise righi away, but the matter was kept ::r.iS the with ouiot and the o/ficera aUisf»d. A 4ay MToiw.I rt>rrt»slimcnt.s were son*- cr y.o «nftcr Ihcy wero spotted on ae- J . l^v. tv., by her county of their spending money fre«- delivtircii a spvcndid .address on the pressed against I/>rd thy j nioih:.'!' whk'h cor.Msted of trult saloxi 5y. One o£ th« negro boys ^ Return ye backsliiiing children, and I ; IJnrlington and bought -),oc.s, clothex will heal yoiir backslidings. Behold,, There was much eager anticipationa bicycle. This gave the clue a*d principic.t for which the order stands. After the spcecii-making, refresh ments cor.&isting of cream and cake*we come unto thee; for thvu art the! I , ■ . j were served the members. At a late t^ord «w Gwd.” hour the council ndjourned anti each’ F;irir.ers in Burliiicton? Yes! WeJJ, one pre:-c-ni departed from the hailjevi.ry one of you come for “our Sa- wth a hceni^r interest in the order, jvior wants to be your Savior too."! Mit'n the cake wjiji cat to find who were in the hands of the off- the next bride shouM be*. Miss Dixon were gfivon a |>reiiminary ^'ut thi‘. rinff and Miss PhiUippi the, bound over to the Super- thinvbU*. 'The white h-cy eave bon'i , Thos-. p,v.-.ent were: Miss Carri-i As a result of the membership cam-1 ll4-ar Him say; “Seek ye the Lord- ;of them, we understand, is much, tf paign, the local council here gained ,^vhile he may l.e found, call ye I Rvddiag, Getrude ’Dixon Ktfie ’ «ge.-The Gle*ii- •JS members, making the pre.'sent mem-, Him while He i.«i Bear: Ixirt the wicked i ’ ” ’ «r ^ , I ■ . , . . Gentry, Janie Cl.tpp, Ollie Phiilippi,, ’ ber.«!hip about 2fiO, The council is m -iorfiine l.iS-s-ay, an'l Mo. unrighteous ! I ■’ .''hi:.:, r.rh.-’ Rilnico . tine -shape and is doing a splendid , i-.iar. his thoughts; and let him returrj work for the order. ' the Lord, and Ho will have mer.;y Phiilippi, Rnnice i Clapp>> Ro.^ Phillippi, Ruth Lamb, I Carnion. W. Moyn:T. MA!) IK>fi KITKS SIX AT SASA-; P.tHAW. ! CALLING HIM DOWN. ■ --o— 1'he rin'-iiiaati Knriuirer. ,\t'w; was i cceivfd here yesterday j rh:!C ..Messr.s. “Doc" Wii.iani.-ii>n, Wil- -on Williani-son, Bob Isley, Dave Cib-; st.n and Boss Freshwater and Willi Stereopticen Lectures. The fourth Stereopti^'on Lecture on ihe l,ife of Christ was given at the Church of the Holy Comforter on Monday night last by Rev^, -Tolin Ban ners GibbJe to a very large crowd. Was as entertaining as usual. The Miracles and Parables were really sermons in pictures. Copies from most costly and famous paintings were presented such as the “IVans- j ni'. 'n him; and 1 o our God, for He wii! Miss Heritage. .abundantly pardo;-.. I The members of the junior class of | Tome at onc^^—j^et bwsy—make the Ciradcd School g-ave Ava ! rc-nl honest effort lo‘icarn to do wt-ill/* a pleasant surprise party at i^' your caUipjr and election siiro.'’ her home on Gilmer street Friday | God has‘made it poff^ible. nivcKu The party met at the Graded ! School arri\ In^ at her home about j S oVlock. talvlnq: her by complelo sur*j prise. 4 vrero induljjed in for ■ ?om^ time followj l by refieslimcntf. | —♦- i iija.=i • \v;;.s famished on the piano and At least four time: violin. doWTi, Tl’f'Se presci-.t were: Misses | .iivl yet hi.s featurc.s wore no frwn; lC ; r H::il, Celesta Islcy, Befisle May For as he napped upstairs, the sinner,. Wi'i'.k-::!', Kithevine, Anna Dare Elder, She called him down to get his dinner. Mrtvi.ira Williams, Ester Vernon, j We nutice our enterprising Burlir.g- LyJia Spoon, Gn^re Moore, Le’.ia' ion friends are still talking that inte.-- Lamb. Mcsj-rs. Robort Blagg, Harvey jurtan electric railway through' Horne, Hcvbort Minnis, Jas. Heritage, iCounty via Chiipal Ilill and on to! When a woman is able to make .some RdSiort Cates. Carl Barrett, Raymond ,Dwrh.ira. Strength to the ram behi:-, l!other woman jealous she realizes that B:i.>Tett .Tnd llunlap 'White, ht.—Orange Cmmty Ol server. L-.ho r.ol }irc»} ij; vain. MIt. T() LEAVE, r-earl Phillipi; and Mesdames L. A.l Goldstein, The tailor wh« H. McLean and .1, 11.''’“^ located in our town for ths I past several years, has tlecided to 'locate in Durham and will ieave in a fuw we--' s. Mr. I and ; ilv., . .dstcir, has m,'\de many frinas . tomcr.s and will comc back each month and take orders. ! MOSES VS. THE LEHlSLATlJftS. Our Vortli Carolina law makers of L „ I ! Morrow, colore.-l, were bitten by Stic called hir-i; , went up to Raleigh and spent ‘ dog. The head cf the dog was sent to; six'ly-thiee days grinding out laws. , Raleigh at once for examination and the word came by wire last night thai ti.e dog wa^ mad. .Ml of them left , ' night for Raleigh to taket the iPa.-itctir treatrapnt.—The Gleaner. jai^d they returned home with 1,10S lew laws to trhcir credit. Moses went lip to Siaai and stayed forty day.s. He ietiirnod to his people, with ten law*, iberewero not lobbyist nor petition ers to bother Moses, and the folkj back home did not firj letters and te'egrams at him, nor threaten to do things to him r,e\rt election,—Montw Kiirjuirer. PR IN

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