m FBISAY, MAiai U. ttUL. tin TWKX-A- wnac vvrAicB; wiLiNeTON, k. c. PA(m mmm I] I ill Americans in Fcroign Legion Want National Gai'i'c. (- Pope WSI Lack Guards if Italy Enters tiie War. Tht* Modi' fnr Shwt Top CMts add Volunteer* Frani Mit L'nice] States With the FrencH Army Get Ui* Fever si Dec£pl.ivc of Spring. Paris.—Tho cc-.rraspcmV^t of Tfew Itorfc Suu witii tile Foreign Legloa ,ftl tlK? front vvrliCii; ■ A.j^Stcard came from Toroid say^ log thAi lie is atting as ijisch.mic for aa Ameritan aviator wltli the flfteentii; saoadroa of the royal flying corps at t^iruslioTougli, E;j£!ai:cl. lie atlla tiiat Jus been gnated tea days' vacatioa *nd leceived Jitf aoyance pay and that tlia fee'i;E£ is (ine, cspecialjy tte ba.m and eggs. SVed Sioiie. I NVvv- Yorker, has .fcetn wounded l>y sUrapnel wUila on sen- Lfnei dut.v in ;Iie f.'taclibs at t!ie town of . T«o liullota entfered bis body, but Dr. Vau Vorst^ wiio attended liliUi iisured us ha was all right. A later letter sa.ys; This is my birthday. Heavy snow has I'alieu- Stran;'?, for only yester-. flay !!s WQ wore ou bur way to the, Bhpoting trenches from the sugar re- hnery on tbo canal, \\hcre we had all taken hot shower baths, I ^as think ing of writing to asfc you to send us A baseball oulRt. Spring was in the air;, aud everything v.as beautiful, so no wonder we all got baseball fever. Many p£ the Americas Tiere are col lege msn. Therti are at least three in the rear and tbirteen here^ We bad but Carstaira is gone. Rocltwell is In the hospital at Mont Meriel. Ollager is at the depot at Orleans, and so Is Coliiiss, who ts still ill. Marwieh ha* just joined us again with. Ecme others who tavu coroe to fill our ranks. Gansoa is also at Orleans. Casey has soae for an eight-day rest. You laay think the idea ot bairbaU here is rrazy, but why not? The Eng lish plaj football in the rear of the lines. Vo not forgot that this war is the most remarka’jlo war in many oth er wiiys thr.D its size. It has been pointed out often pnougU ihat the tiriEg line is -’09 iniies in length, but not much attention has beea paid to iis width. It.s depth is eo cotDparatively inEigniCcant that we can play ball if wa will when oi:t of the trenches. OE course shells fall ia this village where I am writing, whsrc.wo rest, but we can go another lialf mile or so to the rear and b« entirely oat of (lie dan ger zone. People are living there again as befijre the war. Tiicy hear the distant roar ot cannon, but the noise bccomes a habit. Anyone v.hc wanta a Bna roproJ'iction of th:; front when firing is going oo~-cot a battle but the ordinary firitig—has uniy to go to some big ccnstruction work i:i .’vcw York, where bs) will hear exactly what we hear every day. Ihi! blastin'; imitates the cannon, tho hanU’Kf sttikins tlio stool Rlrder gives (Iii^ I'illo shot, a Et',:-1 ,t;!rdi.‘r when dropped reproduces :i cnnnoii lira offect, especially through ‘.!;o vi- braiioni) caused. Hut tho :.:o. i ro- martabie imit&tlon is the V.ydruulic bKciniflr, 4h;it contrivanto with which 4 Woritman bores iioles in steel. This insthiaVnnt exuictly imitates a ni.icitine gun iti action, it I ev>;r get back to 4* fr^n!! luitip whenovoT- I heSf i!--'.'. Cirtlre Vatican Force t-lAble to Call to Color*, and Unpr«ceiented Situa tion May Ariss-^Law of Guai^ •ntees Silent. Rome.—In cSs? Italy goes to war one ot the most s«lous complications' which will foHosv i;3 the relations be? tween the Italian government and the Holy will be In coanection witli the papal :army. There is no pro-.-i.5ion in t!io !iw of euareutees coat cmylating. the eVentu- aliiy of war. ‘.. ha.i this law was be fore the Italian parliament In 1S71 a member ptopoaed 'ah amendment , fc the effect that air privileges accorded to the popa should be suspended "in case of v.ar between Italy and other nations, as" aiso In the base Of war between foreign nations when Italy had declared heraelf neutral, and in every eircunistauee when such.a tneas- nre shoulc! he necessary for ths.iatei^ n.il and eiternal security of the state." This amendineiit was aeCeptec!, biit not embodied >« the lawj which, it w’aa then oxplained. was concerned with the riglita of peace and not with thoso of war. Art'clo " or the la-w of guarantees j deals ,Milh the pontifical army as fol lows: “Tho sovereign ijontiff can retain i the usual nurober of guards attached j to bi.«: person and employed for the J custody of the palace* without prelu- dice, to Hie obligations and duties in cumbent on those guards by reason ot the laws In force in the kingdoro." The pblisatjons and duties men tioned in thia article are those of every Italian citiien’s liability to serve in the hrmy, and Ihiis the law exBliclt- j ly provides that pontifical guards can- p.nt, claim eiiemption from military .‘•?rv!ce. T;s fact the poniincal gen-1 tlarme?, who are all Italian titizsns, ; rrs piirr)-).'?;'!.!' rceriiited from men i wsMts «» made witk loDj;, close deeve and kdjustabk coUars; that is, eoilars I wjiidi ai£ closed high sroivul the neck or may be left oi^n as iiesired. Dresses are l*cing finished wound Shorter Jackrt.^Tfce lUfe for S€mI- bottom of the skirts in vmri- jous ways. A dress of net has a deep Now 'i ork, -Uarch 2iJ.—:The proper hem ol white taffeta fibred in .pink, ;ai(, f:ii- Sining are tiie fir^t qtiestjons^which vras cut in deep acdllops *t the whiL'h crop into the woman’s mind witli' top edge. A close-fitting bodiciK rf the the beginning of the balmy weather. a flowering bul- The winter coat has l)eeh worn until which was bound'Afourid the edjfc.s irith the figured silk cut oh tJie basis. Othe* skirts of net or chiffon have hem.s eighteen inches deep of taffetas! or satin many orsrandy dresses sh6w;n have 2ecp hen>s of colored silk, model illustrated shows a new and hew Nets alio deep bems of colors.'l !■' rhed of iti and besides on tho day it feels r-o h^vy and di'i;!;s . ;i!;-oi;t the ntck, ;,i:u "we ne«d :.uhiL>ChinK iiirJuer tu take ils piace. ; (a- general we^ with the dreso comes;th6 coat in various styles. The '; ¥ Vhen Anybody Finds a Cure He Is Generally WilKng To TeD His Neighbor i lV.ni rerun::, ■'htiti ali *!’.c ad- •>r;;^tic;i! .'i.iyle-.in coati. In the bitii. it is very full and falls in ripples while '.;v ihe it has leis fulness, wide gauntlet cuff is used on the sleeve si-.cf thj high collar which flares up ;>.s li!.;fh ::k ti'.e rhiii. is u-'.u.^n!ly Jiew anj liiouil i.'i devlo[jed in blue -i-SfX". Oi.hc'.- fabric. wliich aro bo.in.i; itK-.-d f'. :■ such co:it I'.re bl;ick and whire fbecj;ed coaling, vovcrt cloiJi, tU ciolh, s::ib;'.rdine, and for ll'.« fanry coat faile silk is used c.f .fail.e silk rcjninds hie of an ur.sual model which was . shown i”. one of the shops of oyster wjiite faiUc. Zt was very I'ui!, black and front and the entire thing w'as edged with a wide bi nd of black velevut. Of no Je5.; importance is the suli. The materials used are covert, serg^?, gabardine, voile ^bardine* which is a light-weight fabric of the gabardine type, khalvi or field cloth, grosgrain cloth, covert cord, twetKi, or homc- ipun^ The .suits this season show a icturo Of course popul;u‘. .fT'l - - V"^ •' & .:i4 "ho havg KrrrvGd in tlie Italian army. the strictly tailored type. The Nobis ^^jiards nzsd fhs Palatine , . "UjirOs, frho nre nearly all Italian cit’ rniljiary siyle is higrhly I ':er«, n»>t on permanent iuty .This 1=! no named iKoro Wcaiise of the •*t the \aticuii, but only callcd rcnice when occasjoo requires, g«?t , ET'ccial leave of absence ■wUen called general cut, nthou^h thoi e fop Fervfce in Jta?Ian armr* a*'o ^ome that hnve a vet-y In cnF.3 ponoral mobilization is ot- fn Tt-’Jy pnK'(ic?r?!y all the ”00 '•rtntifxal r‘^5«lnrrn$s wonld hav« to •>*in (h^ colors and tluis ttie tvs^o per« 'naiicnt corps of Ibe pa;>al army, the g:n?rds. reditccd from to only ?bout e?"hty rank and filf?, ■'I’d the K?’ndar\-.v.'’, vrill b® to a!? fn* ttid purposes dlRbnr^Ocil- Nor ^•art (lie pope rt'Iy o:i th»3 Nobli^ t-utxrds ■’''d the Palr.tir.9 fmard?? for the pro- r'ction of his person end (he custody ''f fh« spostollc palaces, as the great ; Tnaic-ity of these m-an!*^ r.*fjr r.lsn be [ ■'’ailed to rri^if*. And th^^ hnndrri!.*? of ‘ rn’!:lcyed in the the cur- "ilan5? of the s'.vfl the fal- lories, the l?.y rlcr'^s in the di^^art- *r!cnt3 r.rv.l cn'CC?. ?:nr:lt‘n^rs and coaci’.ri'.f’ii and earMal'ers, ail tbess v'tU h‘.'\e to loin l*aV.nr\ r.tmy. S':?h a eontinseiL' v \% unprecedent ed. in hj'.lory ard without a parallel international taw ar.d it will Kerv» *0 provi the anomaly of a state with- .cfnt'A, • Rtf^Wfrrtlv- -Whflf* RIVAL TO “TWILIGHT SLEEP” In “Sunrise Slumber" Paticrit Is Conscious, But Feelt No Pain. Columbus. O. — "Twilight sloep,” hailed as a godsend to women, has a rival. It is knows aa “srinrise clum ber,” the latest in painless childbirth. It was originated bere by Dr. C. T. Turner, obstetrical expert at Mount Carmel hospital, and Dr. W. I. Jones, aneatbetlst. The new method 1» cot iu its in fancy. This fact is emphasiiscd by 15 Columbus lEOtherF. who proclaim Its virtues, these doctors say. The new treatment ditters from "twilight sleep” in that nitrous oxide, commonly known a* “laughing gas,” ia used, and it does not aim to produce complete anesthe- The patient, it is is able to cOBTerse atui receive impressiona, but feels no jialn. MUSTACHE IS REAL BEAUTY Life Guardsman Diet Curling Hirsute Adornment of Ki« Upper Lip. "One man of the Life Guards was very particular about his apearance," saj's Trooper 'W'aiter Dale, now at Newcastle-on-Tyne. “and even in war time always carried a little hand mir ror with him. I happened to pn.sa him on the field when he had been badly wounded. There he lay. with the gl&ss in bis bond, curling hi;! mus tache. “I had to pass on that time, but th® next journey we intended to take him 10 the hospital. I" was ioo laie. He was dead and his glass was still clutched in his hand. His mustache had been curled till it was a beaaty.” 1i/^-Pound Baby Lives In Oven. Sharon, Pa.—A baby daughter weighing f'he and one-halt pourd.^ w^..s born recently to Mr. and Mrs. William N'ewell of Ced.-.r street. The parents are of norma! build. Xewell is a car penter. T:i lio’t of an inoubator fas psi- rents are ccdcavorins to fisvclop tbi baby In the ovca ol the kitchen ranfifl. organdy. , The ■sc*i:l}r,pod lower edges are par- tieuIiSriy pretty and can- be used with ;^ood cfrL-^’i .on the bottom of sheer sumraar drusses, if yoii are beginning; to think of maki,^g these. Points are also as well as squafe.=i. When very sheer material is iisedj a n.irrow ruiSlo of the sanie nwturial may be used to run arouinl the ed^es. In others, of a little heavier fabric a simple bindingr may bo used to finish the edges. . ; 1[ The willingness of c iic ntiglib'.r i;or in a private y. n\' i -f the lH:rn.-!it c-xplaiu.s tlic'uopalariiy i t t’eruiia itv., ^ vertidinj; t!'.at I’.ns cl.,iic. - ^ Thi; i'car- : (.'-t .tjrv-veii; majority of stii-h [n-ojiiv froi’O \vr;t;:uj .iVstitiiw’iiai used in ti;e licv.-.-jjr.pcr, lir.t i;i > f tli:;>. cciviiig- line ttstijvior.iali ' • ' . n;ri-drk\vn c-iudUicii. ..I,;..* . SPSIKSCGLSS u;:5; r;Ji: t-i . spares r -.U : ■■■ , I lion, of -•:d\erti -;M llicy iioai* i.i*.! iy (-re ltd; • •'■■Uc hi,‘ h:i Finmcl !^r:itc-fv:I i'ciiicins 1.- MiTcli more. ;,li!>or h a ciirc*. tiy,2.y:r. u." u. ■Kvi^h).}viy]y I .;rn c'.-iv u'.r i’cruna I’u: Weather Song. Blow—blavv—thou \vintry wnd— As Shakei?p?iire said before me; Blow till yo'ur bully breath Sfives out Atid >'tni you -Aill not l>orc me. Blow rains jind sU>Mns from hills and seas. Across the plains and medders; And not a j-ap I’!l .*are until You blow in double-headers. The “liis of Life/’ sent free. The Veruna Ct)., Columbus, Ohio. The doctors who write syndicate ar ticles for some of the -newspapers hand out i^ome valuiible hints? advice and su^fgejylions. One of them gre\;s this inquiry; ’‘Would smoking one box of cigarettes a day have any ill offect on ;i womun 40 years old?’' The doctor comes back with this eminently pertinent inquiry: “Don’t you think a 'kvomii'.i who would lake up ci|?»v- ette smokin/? at 40 ouffht to have her head exaniir.cd?*’ Hal Ha! W'e dil yer Pianos & Organa right into your borne. “Goo^ tinfs” are comins Get your Piano or Player Piano now and pay us some down and balance on time. Have you seen cur $17500 & $250 Pianos? ELLIS AiACHiNii S MliSIC COMPANY, Barlinnton, laroiino. 2TZ$5.’’51it3EStSKB I a'ter that of the rope, pxistins like- j Italian tr'oliillration, and not a singlo i !f the diminiitivf^ rr::i^n.li!ic of i ^"■an Marino will be co^rpelled to f\?ht j fn the Italian army, the army of tii* r^opo v.ill practically cease to exist when Italy goes to war. Tho reason for fh’s diftlnction be- twepn 5he two armies Is that San Marino is Italy’s a.ny while the TToly Sep, althDiigh its territory Is only ft palace and a garden, is considered Italy’s enemr- Officially the vope i.g- norea the kingdom of Italy. 7t Is a well-known fact that many rarticai chanc-!S will follow as a re- ^ •««!t of this great war. Old nations i will disappear and new ones will be formed; boandarlea .'shd peonies will I change their nationality, while En- I rope will be remapped. Great as nil i, ^ , . , , , , these changes will be their historical “tmost to be Uiroroughly neuti-a] importance xvill, hotrever, be le5sthan jin her dress, it can h0 done, however^ /khanrr-A •wrhif‘h i ^ — - a unian na:. niuy ue wvTfi wltTt S dress ;cut on strictly field iinifonn 2ines. LONG SEARCH FOR HUSBAND ! The Jackets vary in length, some are moderately long in the back and cut Find Spouse Who Ceserted underarm Her. seam... Others are cut short al the way .around...The bolero with or without Live Oak Cal.—SIrs. Mary Ellers i . walked into'town, making nearly the sleeves ,= worn especially .n the of aliv^ost eight Iwndred suits, miles. Fhc said, on foot from southern : *phe separate uaists which of cour.?e Idaho, in search of her husbar.d. who i . . > ... she alleges deferred li»r three months are in great demand with the popular- ago, ,ity of the suit, arc shown in a largo iii! Pepsi ■ Cola Makes Rosy , . Full Separate C‘«al with '\’ew Style military cut, and with pockets and belt in the places jifcoraed them by the ma kers of liritish'and French uniform.*!. It is really .str:tnge how thoroughly It taxes the fair -minded woman to affect the Vatican, tbs oldest Inatita. i tlon la the world. U c know of a large number of families uho have adopted Pcpsi-CoJa as the beverage to use in the home, to drink between meals, and with the meals, who have the healthiest and most robusi children to be seen today. There is fio longer any doubt as to the Superior Merits of Pepsi-Cola As a beverage unequalled for indigcistion. k is the very best drink available today for relieving that heaw, uneasy feeling afrer eating—-AND WHEN USED CONTINUOUSLY you will never have ind.gestion. Pepsi-Coia is The King of Drinks. Jfrs. sr.id sh- left ^om;> with -.^.a^ty this year. ino piain and hnd earned $40 on the read. . -xi. i. i ^ The last she heard about her husb-.na tnmm=d only wnth buttons and faster,- was in ^ITarysrflle. , iiig: Jowt the frojjt are corjsidered the “When I fird him hsl? never epcape correct^ but they r*re slowly be ivas the rcas-^urins: remnrk* of the rlncl-.y won.an ss she left town or, comms a kttle more el-.uwrate Nvilh olectrie car. few tuc;k.% and a shirrin^r. The.-^c- Z. uro made of voile, ehiiton, and cr-^pe Fatall> fnjurcd by TocJ in Pocket. Atchi^o-. Kan.—UaiUvoy men report ones shovm for sum- r-n unusutifl accideiii which b-''foU I. J. mer aj'e developed in handkerchief lin- .''inrrem. who lives near S:,>-«vior. ^ organdy, ypb. Quarrel!? bearded a tr.Tni a; Superior and when it passed his hotr'' plain covered buttons are used on these p:oi'ng twenty mHos an hoar he %-aists some of the'/^ry latest have A chisel !3 h.s pocket ivory buttons shaped like quiniae penatratrd hi.; iie^.rt. He is in a hos- « i ■= pital at CoKCOidia, fatally injurvd capsul-:s down the front. Most of the Pepsi“Cola Bottling Works L. M. Squires, Proprietor PR I NT V- ' ' i Burliiigton, N. C

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