*. The Di A PBOGRESSn e EEPUBMCA jS MgWSPAHER DEVOTED TO THE UPB^^l-DING OK AMBBiCAX HOWES Aj«Z) AMKJliCAN lNpi’STBIB& BURUNGTON. ALAMANCE COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, APRIL 9. 1915 miA STRIKES BECISffE Blow AT C41ISE BF HRRMil General Obregon Defeated By Villa A nd In Full Retreat Southward, Pursued By Victorious A rmy- President Wilson’s Representative Has Arrived In Mexico C?ty And Will Confer With Factions And Report Mre. T. O. Coble Dies Suddenly. The death of Mrs. Mary Coble, wife of “Mr. Thos. 0. Cobie, about 11 o’eiocK !a«f- ThUisday night, came as a severe shock to her family, friends and neighbors. She retired apparently in her usual health a short while be fore 10 o’clock. At tiroes she has .suffered from asthma. Soon after retiring she was seised with a paroxysm iiuch as those afflicted with asthma are sub ject to. A doctor was called but in a very few minutes she died sitting on her bedside before a doctor could be reached. Mrs. Coble was a most estim able woman, highly esteemed by all who knew her. She lived h quiet home life, devoted to her husband and only child, Miss Beuiah Coble. Mrs. Coble WRR about 36 years of age. She was a daughter of the late Jessa Johnson, formerly of Graham, but later of Dur- liam. where he died about two BURLINGTON DEBATERS IN CHAPEL HILL. The Burlington debaters,! I EDISON MAKING DYES TO GBEAT TREAT WOR BUR- { SHOW OTHERS HOW. I ING^ON AND SURROUNDING i . -O- ■ 1 . COUNTRY. New York, April 8.—Thoiiiasj . A. Edison predicts that the Uriit- . Monday, April 19th at 8 ed States will sodn be. mahufac-j M.,. Hon. J. G. Woolley, and turing its own. dyes, aind. thatlDr. G. W, Morrow, D. D., nat- the so-called fimine in dyes, duejtional, Ant-S^pon Lecturers, to war, is about to end. At his; will speak in Front street Metho- : plant at Silver Lake, N. J., he 'dist church. The^ are men of said, he had already made large. more than national reputation quantities of the best aniline and deserve a great audience to dyes, and he assei'ted that it was,hear them. Mr. Woolley has only neces.sary for textile manu-.takea part in pirohibition cam- facturers to follow his example j paigns in Europe, Australia to break the monopoly which;and other foreign countries, Gerjnani'has hitherto had,in the Remember the date and be dye industry. there. All our churches are “Since the outbreak of the |“*»tirig to make this a great, war,” he said, “I have been mak-' success-—Come. jing carbolic acid, aniline oil, and, j benzol. The last sold at twenty- : LONG. jfive a gallon before the war.: ^ Misses N^.a Ingile and Cordeha,manufacturers are pay-j Nincy Long died at her home Cox and Me&srs, Sam Bason cind.j^g gjxty to seventy-five cenU m Gram.m, N. C., March 26. Hobart Steele, accompanied by | her 88th year. She Prot. King, left yeste^rduy mom-twelve cents a pound before united with the Christian church u -n war. Now it is up to .seven-'Providence when she was a Hi.1 where they will participate eents. I am not making very very young woman and lived an in the final contests for the this line, but I exemplarv Christian life. She cock cup. There was a prehmm-1 thought 1 would at least make a slave and belonged to my aiy hearing ot tne speeches by gome of father, Jacob Lojig, who died a the debaters last e'er.ni^' these timid Americans who lack years ago in his 88th year. this moraing from which speak-; to farther a movement When^h; slaves became free ert, for the final contest wei^^.y^th while will now come along nearly all that were members t follow .suit, of the white churches withdrew ,^i-f'tk ' R "^1 Germans controlled th? and^formed churches of their aw.tr tng o e cup. c trade to siieh degree that no one ow»| color. Nancy remained in hngton High School is proud or. , , .., , , . . „ .-i 5, , ^ , that her debaters suc-'®*'“' thought to ir„ the t-hurch with, as she express- p B«t the textile men in this ed it, her people. She was faith- ceeded m getting th^ pnv^^^^^ hot be worried. a servant. Mv and can make for them all the tenderly nursed me, my brothers primary colors they wish, and and sisters and remainded d-a- more too. What we need most votedl> attached to the family is a protective law such as Cana- to the last. Her childlike faith da has. We should prevent in the gospel was beautiful, and j “dumping” here of foreign she died happilv and peueefuily. At the late session of the goods." None but those'who had the e.K- Vear's *aKo Her mother Mrs I^^®&'-'^*5tture the following named | they tell us there is perieiice knew the strength of Inw.Knn.si nr.nomtPfl .T.isiir^s . ties that boiind the true fnaster and servant. Fimeral bv be prouder stih if they get the’, cup. New .lu.stices of The Peace. BHSSMNS GUT tUSTIlUN ARNr Austrian Aviators Kill Non Comba tants and Destroy Buildings-Ual_. Ready To Pounce On Austria But Bides Her fime-Decisive Struggle To Corne In Early Sum mer-To Exhaust All Diplomatic Means First THE CHICAGO ELECTION. WILLARD NOW AUTOCRAT OF HEAVYWEIGHTS. We suspect that the politici ans of all persuasions, and of all conditions of servitude, will feel an interest in the result of the election held Tuesday in Chicago. Thompson, the Republican can- dato, ?.ppps>r« tr> have won by 1 about the figures that had been i ^ claimed for him by confident !^®”' Champion, Cool and Col- Cowbpy Knocks Out Jack jJin- son in Twenty-sixth Round Havana. USED RIGHT WING. lected. Grew Stronger As Fight Progressed. ^ WILL TOUR COUNTRY Loser Had Better of First Twenty Rounds, But Age Then Told. - , t. 1 1.U J • i ‘per.s?ns were apoointed Justices Johnson, her brother and sis-ter, ^ , .. nodje - itr J »»• tr, 1 tneir re.spective towrs.ihips . ?r^d Mias Vida or|. 'if 4- ■ ^ , . . 1 .'-'-".rrance mnntv. for terms' Durham, and her brother, M>-. i , . . , TT’-.i..-,.,- e-xcept when a dit-: A. ouai*£>wA ed and another brother, Oliver who lives in Virginia, but at this writing, he had been located and wa.-? also at the bedside. The funeral was conducted by Rev. J. E. Thompson, former pastor of the M. E. Church. The .sorely bereaved husband, daughter and relatives have the heartfelt sympathy of a large circle of friends. Thinks.. Two Yeggmen. Men .\re W. S. LONG. —Htin. Terms of office began .4pri! l.st,! 1915. or, if already in oifice, ati the e.xpiration of their preseiit;,. term. They have si.xty davs _» pp. H/MI'l'T Marion, Apr^l 8.—OBleers bs- ! lievo that they have behind the very beautiful wedding was managers—a plurality of 130,-i 000. The Democrats had claim-1 ed they would poll a plurality of! more tlian s. hundred thousand j for their man Sweit^er. We had I supposed there was a gnud basis’ for these Democratic claims,! since Chicago is Democratic, all ^ things being eveji. ‘ — The division of the forces in ^ ‘ REFUSES TO ADMIT that he would resign as secret- I^RITISH E.MBARGO RIGHT ary of st.ate, should the admin-i iatration lend to Sullivan its Cleims for Justification of Ban moral support. i Commerce to It was Sullivan who helped to turn the tide for Mr. Wilson | at Baltimore, and he felt that ■ the Pre.sident should have come' ,,, , , 1,- , I- i A lues Warned That Damages to hi.f rescue v;ithout reference; ® to the views of S;cretary Bry-; an. U may be that Sullivan con-; eluded to let the Democrats find! out how well they could getl along without his aid in Illi-i \ ~~ nois. There is food for thought; L Chandler, night operator to., u i.h .-..th.r national W^tern Lam at election coming along. Thohip- i" T “ of.'.""** .were bitten by a cat nv IbrCrnlttHy "vE TO ASK REPARATION for \'iolation cf International l.aw Espected. BITTEN BY MAD CAT. from March 9, 1915, in which to j ^ operating at"Wii- bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. V\ qualify, or from the expiration Honeiaths and other R- White, in St. Mark’s neigl. of their present term: Patterson—R. J. Thomp.son. Coble—-C. t. Robertson, Chas. *>-.-• Effie M. Whitt weie united who were strangers appeared in . , , , , , . ,in the bonds of holy matrimony, automobile _ , ^ Oiily a few friends ot the con- bars I'.ere tvvo noted yeggmen solemnised at the home of the points in South Carolina. • boi’hood last Wednesday even- Thomas, J. F. Homewood. Boon Station—Jerry A. Whit- Marion driving an Yesterday afternoon two men ing when Mr. Ren B. Clapp and DK. HORNADAY TO LEAVE. Dr. W. A. Hornaday, member of the firm of Spoon & Iloma-! will ■ pii ibearing a Florida license. Soon i 1 • • ii. tracting parties were present. , Morton-W. A. Paschal. John a telegram authorizing the ar- ^ W. Gan-ison. l^est of the panics being the de- ceremony ‘ Faucette~A. O. Huffman. jscription of the two strangers Graham—T. P. Bradshaw, J. '^as received. They were soon located at a hotel and their what is left of the old Lorimer organization. Kf-iiprion was brought into the Ciiicago campaign. Sweitzor is a Catholic, and a fight was made for anti against him for this reason. It was asserted that some of the Thompson meetings were broken up by Catholic .sympathizers. However, the re ligious issue could not have been a determining factor. Some say We extend best v.’ishes with tlic hope that their journey day, Veterinary Surgeons. ^ ^ a.- c* leave Burlington in a few days ^ Thompson | upon the regis- and locate m the city of Greens-1 ™ r. boro for the practice of his ^ vears.) profession Dr. Hornaday came to Bur lington in April, 1911, and has enjoyed a very lucrative prac tice ii s a veternarian and has gained the good will and high re spect of the citizens of Burling ton and surrounding country. He has become identified with the busine.ss, social and religious life of the city, and his depart ure will be felt very keenly by our town and community. Nicholson; Leighsen, San F'ran (two year.s.) jci.sco, and E. D. Davis, Chicago.! ' Newlin-^ohn M. Foust. vigorously protested, but^ Pleasant Grove~W. B. gel-were locked up to await; jthe airrival of a postoffice irspee- Burlington—J. 3. Cheek, E.j''-®' the case in W. Atwater, H. M. Scott. H. M.|eJ>-rge. The automobile with Love. Waiter L. Cates. A. M. I the baggage of the two men whs Gai-wood, E. H. Murrav. »P in a garage. Death of Mr. Patterson. Mr. L. L, Patterson of Coble’s township died as the result of a pisto! wound self inflicted hi his home Wednesday e'.-ening about 1 o'clock, and was buried phobia and taken to Raleigh to day for the Pasteur treatment. Mr. {’handler noticed a kittcu following him Sunday morning as he was on his way from the postofTice to the depot and en couraged it to go with him to his place of business. When he got ready to go home Ait 7:30, he co.rried it home with him, put ting it on the bed where his wife and child were lying. Mr^;. that 60 per cent of the voters m. ,, , ^ \ ^ , . Chandler attempted to stroke Chicago are Catholics, and yet , ™ * 11 iu t-n lelme when it caught her Thompson got all the votes that „ ■ ^ ■ f nnger in its teeth, tearing out nartisan supporters ana fnends . ^ .a i , , . J u. w „ f ot shook it oS and it immediatelv attacked The Republicans were success ful in St. Louis, and Oklahoma City. ! W. A. Stout was appointed; Constable for Patterson town-^ ship.—Alamance Gleaner. Chandler went to the assi.stanoe of the child and received ;i j wound in the thumb. The c;it PEORI-\ M.\YOR REELE!'TED -^vas killed and its head sent to “““■ ■ Raleigh for examination—it be- Peoria. 111.. April 6.—Edward pv jounced mad, Mr. Chand- in Friendship grave yard Thurs-1N. V/oodniff. Republican, who is jer i. his wife and child to day evening at ;> o’clock. Mr. Evening in Music at Glen- Patterson was of mature years I hope. fairly good lieidth. but he brooded over imaginary trou- bies which caused him to coni- Billy Sunday says that to kiss; Dr. Hornaday has made a host a .modern girl is to run the risk ' fiddlers and lovers of music niit the deed. He was a good of friends since locating here, of painter’s colic. Maybe so,; are cordially invited to Glen-' farmei-, a splendid citizen and who regret e.xceedingly to learn but to refuse to take the chance; hope school for an evening in hac! many friends who mourn of hiS' decision to leave. We would be to incur and deserve |music on Friday night, April l»j. his untimely death, wish him the full measure of the charge of having “cold feet.” j Bring your dimes along for ad- completing his fourth term as'R;,; mayor of Peoria, was re-elected i .;h. today by an estimated plurality of 7.000 votes. The entire Re publican ticket was elected NEXT SUNDAY MORNING REPUBLICAN TICKET ELEC TED. success in his new field. The Norfolk Ledger \ mission. Prizes will be given People have been known to of las.t j for the best fiddler. Come early, acquire mental and spiritual in- In Birmingham^ Alabama, the p •. announced that Norfolk^digestion by being fed on flat- city commissioners have volun- Friday announced that xNorfolk proceeds tery. tarily reduced their ovm salaries. to «n»ble us to add to our library | . What is this good old game of the next day it blew sixty-three a much-needed encyiopedia. 7:S0' A kiss, scientifieally speaking, politico coming to anyhow? miles an hour. is the hour. is but an exchange cf microbes. 1 desire a wide-spread hearing on the subject of Untimely Death.s—deatli by suicide, and othenvise. Why should one die before his time, or why do the St. Louis, Mo., April 6.—The wicked hve but half or less entire Republican ticket of tivVn-. their days? Come and ty-eight alderman, led by A. If. Frederick for chaiman of the board, was elected here today | Many a man seeks a job as by a plurality estimated at janitor so his wife can do most 25,000. jof the work. ; hear the cause and cure. D. K. TURTLE. i. t. XselSiitiiiSi: PRINT ■ \ v.t