Advertisers, They Will Treat Hight i A PBOGRESSIVE EEPOBUCA NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO UPBUILDIN'O OK AMEaiCA>: miUES AND AMEB1CAJ4 INDUSTBIES. BURUNGTON, ALAMANCE COUNTY, NQjPtyH GAROLTNA, TUESDAY. APWL 13th. 1915. i?he Fourth Anftual ' COUNTY COMMENCEMENT. Of Tlie Alamance Couaty Schools At Graham, N .C., April 21, 1915. - The Grairf Wifiid Up Day of The Year. “We belicTC in the education of ail the children of all the people.” monument unveiled. An .e^oyable picnic and mem- brial depkation wasigiven East- In order to. gniduate students from t'ne Public Schools, and thiis give them credit for what they have done, and passports in to the State High Schools, to ex- 'hibit school products and pic tures, to gather information and inspiratiori,' the County Com mencement has its existence. In obedience to these several demands the Coarity Supwin- ■j^ndent of Schools has set apart Saturday, April 24, 1915, as the day for the fourth Annual Coun ty Commencement for the Pub lic Schools. (Should April 24th be a rainy day the Commence ment will be postponed one week, or to Saturday, May 1st.) Every committeeman, teacher, patron, pupil and friend to the cause of education in the county is invited most cordially to co operate in one grand united ef fort to make this a great day in educational uplift. PROGRAMME. 10:30.—Parade from Graded School Grounds around Court House to Baptist Church. 11:80.—Prayer, Song, “A!i Haii the Power of Jesus’ name.” Address by Prof. E. C. Brooks, Editor of N. C. Journal of Edu cation. Pre?or!tation of Diplomas, and prizes. j 00,—iiunch ■4-*eriod. 1:30.—Declamation and Rsjcit- ation Contest. Opera House and Court House, 2:45.^—Spelling Contest, at Court House. 3;00.—Athletic Contest, Grad ed School Grounds. Basket Ball Ring Games 100 Yard Dash Mile Eace Shot Put High Jump Broad Jump Hurdle 880 Run Pole Vault Relay Race. Music by Oneida Brass Band. Marshals. E. P. McClure, Graham, Chief. Patterson Township—J. A. Homaday, Liberty, No. 3. Coble Tovraship—^D. M. Elder, Burlington, No. 1. Boon Station Township—J. B, Somers, Elon College. Morton Township—A. E. Pat terson, Altamahaw. Faucette Township—^W. J. Graham, Burlington, No. 2. Graham Township—J. Doiph Long, Gi'aham. Albright Township—G. M, laley, Graham, No. 1. NewJin Township—James Guy Braxton, Snow Camp. Thompson Township—Wm. H. Eason, Swepsonville, Melville Township—S. P. Cook, |ileb^e. PJea^nt Grove Township—C. L. Gilliam, Watson, No. 1. Bdrlington Township—John : The Exhibition. M. Cook, Burlington. The exhibition of School,pro- liaw River Township—George ducts will be shown in the Oneida A. Blackmon, Haw River. ; Store building on Main Str^t. ^ jThis is a large, spacious room er Moiwiay on the battle-ground Parade.; ;^nd will furnish a splendidlof Lihfiey’s Mill, iiow knov?n as The Parade will start at the Pl^ce for displaying samples of jSudj^Pri’s mill, Southern Ala- Graded School Building and pro- the year’s work. Any school ;mM^. ceed down Main Street around .work may be placed on exhibition, Th« exercise began about 11 the Court House and back to the but we expect especially writ-,i30 A. The student body of Baptist Church Grove. It is the inu. drawing, compositions, Sprmg Graded School formed a purpose this year to make the Primary number work, cooking. | line of March which extended in Parade larger than ever. The sewing, boxes, maps, pictures, a crescent shape about the monu- Floats, the school floats, tho and reports. The exhibition;ment as it stood on the top of Tomato Club floats, the Com >ould interest every one. It in-; the hiH. ^ Club floats, the music floats,, all structs with samples of whatr To rnariv the place of^ battle sorts of floats Corn Clubs To-bejWhere W higs and Tones fought, mato Clubs, G^duates, Commit- done. It is at the exhibition jthe monument selected was one teemen. Teachers, Children, lit- hall that we exchange ideas and,of simpluity yet very neat and tie children, large children, coun-. learn from the best. jmcdy erected. Ihe marble slai) try children, city children, all | which bears an appppnate m- wiU be in one grand parade. ; .smption was placed ar a boulder The Brass Band will lead, the The day will not be without ^ facing th^ floats will follow. Then will its reA-ards. Under the auspices south, come the Graduates and Clubs, of the Country Life Club of Ala-j i tnitnce ’f>untv, the following Ameiica The Beautiful , after these will follow 'was “iiinsr hv the students a!- ANOTH£R GERMAN RAIDER STEAMS INTO NEWPORT rinz Wilhelm, Former Liner, ReaGhes Port After Haying Been on the Open Sea Since August 3.—Destroyed Many M^.rchant- men. SllPPEO PAST BRITISH WARSiia Raider Came Into Port Early Sunday Morn’ng, Passing Four British Cruisers Off the Capes-Captain Says He Can Go Out The Same Way. schools in regular order. The prizes will be given for donated, ,, j i new Main Stftet in Graham will impi-ovement work: fil.J “ai 14ar, ' be finished bv the 24th and it 1st Prize—$50.00 given by the lowrf b> a full oescription of the j ALLIES ARE ENGAGED IN who spent much time endeavor- wili make a most excellent place Primary Teachers of Alamance tattle by Iv. iss \enie Lewis of j HOPEI.ESS CAUSE.” ;ing to locate them, says that for tftie parade. Schools are ask- county. MISTAKEN FOR ROBBERS. .Sunduy niglit iluring the rai'i Spring Schoo!. Her information I ' -when he wa.^ finally told they ^\rprovidr them^TfcT'^wi^^^ 2nd‘'. Prixe—PO.OO giv.-rt by!driven did much to promote in-,E.x-Consul Reiterates in a Book had gone on to Archangel by such banners as thev like. Al- «he Local Country Life Ciub. occasion. After , His Pro-Gerroan Commiuni- ;way of the Arctic he gave up so such flags and other colors' 3rd Prize-$20.00~F!ve dol-|tJ**« cations to Bryan. the search," and uniform.s. What should be lars given by each of the fol-;*' ® o f —— an inspiring sight is the parade, lowing: B. A. Sellars & Son.s,;naniea .^orne one to unevil the New ^ork, April lO.-Robcrt Freeman Drug Co., M. B. Smith , perform- J, Thompson, recently America,! Literary Address. ■ Furniture Co.. and J. D. & L. B. Ajr.-Sa-Chapelle, Ger- The Literary Address will be Whitted. resigned his post be- Mp- i-- ah, i made in fhe Baptist Church 4th Prize-^16.00 given by the pro-German communi- f'h“r Lankforri gro^e immediately after the Central Loan & Trust Comply. ^' the veil o Red, cations to Washington displeased « parade, by Prof, E. C. Brook.s.' 5th Priie-flO.OO given by the, ^^ite, and Blue from the in- Secretary of State Bryan, ha. Scf.t professor of Eudation in Trini^ National Bank of Alamance, ;visio^.ornament, the waiting pubhshed his letters under th. of «he store of ty College. Prof. Bi-ooks is one 6th Frize-$10.00 given by the 'f "lence, to see utie “England and Oerman> In Co. It bang very of the State’s foremost Educa- Piedmont Trust Company. .the monument brought before the War.” tors He is the author of tho' their eyes, -Just immediatelv Mr. Thompson say.^; that tie? **Shi. to see. The reiiec- story of cotton. Editor of No. c' i Sne-ial Prke.s. appropri- of blood, friendship, sentiment the light appeared to the Education and a speaker f}i' powci'. *' ■■ — — Cl” no '11 Is •. 1 presentation was persoFud reUitions bind hinj ressdent;-? to be in the ist~5>la.0U wsiJ be given lo .((.[^ ersd by Mr. Percy E. Lind- to England ami France: he wears =‘nd thinking Chat some „he school iiaving .ne gr^ es student body. Then the ribbon of the French Legion were robbing the store. the emblem was checrfally ac- of Honor and is of English des- "'ei' surrounded the Cerificates i 2nd.--.$10.00 will be given to store in order to catch the sup- A Certificate of Or-aduation the school having the **«cond ^is as.sur- A shot gun v:-;]’,ve to each student greates^ number of community meting as a substi- ances to Xdr. Bryan, for vvhich he secured and when the men who passes satisfactory ' for Prof; ; .L B. Roberson. asgume.s all responsibility: «PProached near where Lankfonl alion on the Public SchooF The Row-Peterson tompaiiy r?sard the endeavor fo iso- Syices w«re, one- course. certificates will win give i.!> that pupil 'vVin!, be presented from the platform makes' immediately after t4ie address, lish All students who were neither^ A silver pin will be given the:.among which “I ,«sy all this with reluct^ice they were iis- absent nor tardy for the year pupil m.aking the second highest «Alamance,” “Carolina," and mokification, for Hove ^o .shoot, .so he fired, will receive a certificate of at- grade. ^ iand “Columbia, The Gem of The England and France. I believe’^**‘*accidental, a-* tendance from the Superintend-; Float prizes will be awarded program was nov-- thev are engaged in a hopeie.vs Party knew who the oth. ent’3 office. These certificates as follows: (1) $10.00, (2) Ljoscd. except a few remark.? be- jf ^ot, indeed, a wicked causo, shooting was not may be had any time in the af-: (3) $5.00, (4) ?2.50. jing made by the teacher, Prof. measured both by the .sacrifice and the young men are temoon. ! , • j , r. • ' Di,xon. ' and woes Chey bring on them- fretting along nicely. I Inds^daat Prizes. 1 When the exercise closed r. gej^es snd by their effort t-j ' Dinner. i Graham Hardware -Company ^ served in com- check the world by laying low it. One lialf hour is given for ^ jSfnon. This was indeed a joyous ehief and most brilliant expon dinner. Schools should come in * ^ rir Every one present seem- ^ut.’- groups, and if they do, it will 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Stl^ed pleased to attend the sacred 01 ini: Doys TO HAVE CAKE SALE. Contest in Reciaiion And De clamation. *.• i. - VI 6th, or 7th grade w^io makes be easy to retire to tfieir vehicles . , 1. 1 • - J- the highest average in spelhng. have a school picmc dinner., , . >.. ^ ! 2nd Prize.—$5.00 in gold to I the pupil in any of the above I grades who make the second ! highest average. All graduates may contest in; ■ Recitation or Declamation byi sending his or her name to the,''^^*^® FORESTBE.\TS ELON. Superintendent by April 20th. | This contest should be one of the College, April 10. ^In a attracti%'e features of .the com- slow, uninteresting game Wake mencement. defeated Elon by a score 'of 17 to 9 at Hardin park, Bur- 4ih!etics. j lington. There were no features i ^ other than numerous errors.- The field day part of Che pro-. gram will be given on the Grad-securing 14 safeties,' ed School grounds. Basket ball , ^ ^ j-i. ! by the girls, Rings games for *o her credit, j small children will be given on'was not a test of strength of the girls*^ ground, and on the a team, for no team could show j boys* ground will be given by'team work under such circuni-j the l)Ox& at the same time stances. Jump, Broad Jump, shot put and „ .. . ^ ^ n -1 nru- t ■ t Battenes for Elon: Bailey, races. This plan gives iiorai girk and boy^ » chancs at the Massey and Moore- saine time and furnishes a fnl! field. Wake Forest: Ellis, field athletic feats. Moore and Holding. The Ladies’ Aid Society of DW,. “Donald Thompson, the Kan- Methodist ProtestantChurchwiil spot ^vliere year.^ before a dcf>- ^^r photographer of the conduct a cake sale at Holt perate^battle had been wagged j^ew York World. Who was ar- Brothers grocery store next Fi-i- for the cause 01 l.iberty. reisted a dozen times by the Ger- day and Saturday, April ifith u- aut?horitie.s wound- and 17th. They will have ? i tobies Township Sunda> School ^nce by shrapnel, and pre- sale some verv nice cakes ui Convention. ggpted in ao odd engagements, reasonable prices. 1»he proceeds coverinsr pretty much all of of the sale will be used for the western Belgium, said to me benefit of «he church. You are School convention will be held learned of no single case cordially invited Coble’s town.-^hip Sunday ' with Mt. HeiTOon church. Sun^ day, April 18, 1&15. The following will be the speakers for the day: Rev. C. H. Whitaker. Rev. H. S. B. Thompson. I.. H. Holt. J. W. K. Isley. W: V/ Clapp. Rev. J. A. Branson. W. L. Kinney. Rev. B. Kindall. .Mso Orchestra from Elon Col- of brutality or unprovoked re prisal on tlie pt;'t of the Ger man troops. This man was be ing paid a large sum of money, both b;' the New York W^orld ■and the London Daily Mai! for I war photographs, and atrocity ! stories, as well as pictures, wei 0 jnt a premium, liie baby with 'its hands cut off and the msrse !with amputated breasts were fd- ;ways in the town or village just ! ahead of him, until finally these !two paxticular atrocities reach- sn to patroniw these i,.dies and thereby heip then- their efforts to aid the chu; Ji in this wav. ilege. Dinner wiU l>e served on the^^^ London, in violation of all ground. Come and let us enjoy strangula- theday. p 'tion and bleeding to death. They J o , .have been .sought for religiously 1 J. E, Stroud, Sec y by many, and Bernard Shaw,j VOLl NTARY BANKRUPTCY. O—■ The Alamance Fair Associa tion voluntarily filed a petition in bankruptcy last week and is now in the hands of receiv ers. 'Fhe association wil! be re organized in the near future. you can lead a lush to liquor, but you can’t make him bre<, Philadelphia Inquirer.