, TBE BBtXBSPOm. Yes, the DaWanelles i« th« HeJlapDOt cf the »nci«t Greeks —Qie gamachMiad «C»iBS Leaader swam wheo he vteited his lady love, th« tait Hero- only he 8w®ni once too ofte& uid was drown^ aiid the love-sick maiden went and did likewee by castiiig iiersElf into the bosom of thP waters tiiat had swallowr ed up her lover, if the bosom of watere can swallow lovers. ' At any rate it is Hdlespont, on the sea of Helle—right where hetielf was drpwh^ and where began> perhaps,., the liret-moth- er*in-law joke, for Helle was flieing from her moKher-iri'*^' wh^ she inet her fate. Mythology has it as Hdle was fletang through the air updh a golden fleeced ram, in order to get away from the aforesaid mother-in-law. Some kind of an accident must have‘hkppehed to her airship, the ram, because it is related that she fell into the sea and perished, and ever after the waters bore the name of the sea of HeUe, and the straits 1!hat name of the Heelepoat. And it is a prettier name tlian that which the Turks have stuck onto it.—Bahr-Sfed Bog- hazi. Just as interesting as the my thology conceming the place in an “Ctiial story of the American who sailed the seas a hundTed years ago. That was in 1800, and the Ainsrican was Captain Bainbridge in command of the United States frigate George Washington. Captain Bainbridge ■was on his way to the court of Turkey, to protest against the actions of the pirates off the coast of Tripoli in holding up American vessels and deniand- in tribute. 1' !i'i iiiiWilWi A ^ SAlASmD MEN. got and gr^tiy helped Dhe meeting with her singing. vant^of Gad. And what tlwy ca^ fw. There were upward ot 100 con- Syatc^ticatly laying siwde verts as the result of Mr. Light- a portioa cf our earnings, during bourne’s etforts, ';vhlle nearly all prosperous times, for a Im Christians present reconsecrated fortunate day, is as ancient in | themselves to the service of God. principle, as it is desirable.”— Mrs. Lightboume was present Franklin Pierce- This conversation between an executive and a subordinate ask ing for inore pay.. “Own your home t" ■“No.".' “Never been able to make any —salary *too small." “If you can’t mianage . such things for yourself, how can you for the house?” ■ : A word-to the- wise is..suffkit eat '' -. i As far as saving; and making mon^ is concerned, there are GOOSE YIELDS ■«EGG.” GOLDEN SUN STBOKiiS. Aft«r the war is over we won’t care a whoop whether it is pro nounced Shem-zel or Shem-e-sel. If Villa wants to beat Ob- regon it is evident that he will have to keep pretty close to the telegraph station. QOPS AND QUIDDITIES. A lot of weather freaks are explained when it is remembered that the moon was full twice during March. To find imbedded in the giz zard of a goose which he killed a gold nugget yalu^ at the sum of ?15 was the experience of Weller, of Live Oakl The gold 'i- u ii * [he .about victories as fluently ‘ Fetrograo of Consiiintiiioyle. - “ A wedding company on its way to the magistrate's office had to cross a river iyi a skiff, when as luck woiild have it, the bridegroom fell into the water. V/nnging her hands, the bride cried out that somebody should save her beloved. “Whaat for?” ask^ one of the company. “He’s a good swimmer.” “Tha^s just it!" ’ried the bride. “E>on’t you see that he is swiminirig toward the other bank?" The Mexican genei~jiis are learning from Europe. They can was in ail ,irrsgula” adher^^ to the gizzard of the bird. According to a physiciaii. The man who will make one stalk of cotton grow \-here two two kmds of peoplein this world —^those who are always getting I® t ^ ’grew before will be no slouch 'fore some tmie, but tailed to ■ , „ » , . .. 1-11x1. u- 1 a benefactor to ihe race, kill the bird. ready to do something, and those who go ahead and do it. The aVei-age salaried man’s problem is a hard one. He mast adjust his living expenses very closely to his income. Heihas a “fixed use” for every penny that comes into his hands. Weller has had the nugget j mounted on a handsome gold! We’vt jjut the PrinK Eitul watch alarm by a Marys\ille Fr^a and the Kron Prin^ jeweler, and prizes the same veiyi Wilhelm. Now if we can only highly, It is believed th| goose , hock dei- Kaiser, the war may A DISGBACEFUL ORGY. picked ttie nugget up somewhere be said to l>e prat-ticall}* over. Each year his salary may be it; | , / increased a few dollars, but : ^ Germ.my .ays that Uncle Sam these few dollars quickly find r«eiy- isn’t ^ neutruL But Germany themselves “fixed" among the get up an argument expenditures ifnends on his capture of such with England about that. He still lacks a surplus. 'a prize.-Yura City fCal) Dis-; Of course, this system wrong! | We all know that. But tho; question is how can the system j be changed? How can the Two LancanMiire boys were expatiating on the' relative meriCs ur their as musi cians. “My father is the greatest musician in town/’ .said one. ^ , “Oh!” the other said. “Wheni'^“^ *‘- my father .starts every nian i ice water drunk be. stops work.” :ifore,^e evening was over. ; “How’s that?” said the other, j the.vinegar-oh, mother! “What does he do?” ' They call it a “temperance banqiiet”—rbut who was deceiv ed? Just because only “soft drinks” were supposed to be served they had the assurance to designate it thus; The onions were pickled. The potatoes were stewed ti> the eyes. The cpffee was in Its cups. The candles! were all lit lip. The mirice pie was groggy. Each bread pUite had a bun on. Every steel knife had an edgt*. The crkcked tumbler had had one drop too much befcfre it was. brought in. T.h«-aiIt;cellals_,^^^ere. full- The blooms with v^icli the table, wa.s .decorated had been . 'patch. IS , -u-— HE WASN’T DEAD. “He blo'vs . the . whistle foj' meals up at the mill,’’ A well-dressijd, portly man stood for several moments Watching a brawny porter, who was labiJriously. tugging at a large, heavy box which seemed almost as wide as t?he doonvay jthough which he wa.s trying to ; . - .L 1/. I move it. Presently the kindly • >eing a your.se , "- ,^igpQge(j on-looker approached have never quite convinced our-j^^ . porter and said, self w'iieiner a fiit man !K goo^i ‘ --- , ._ri, . , , » • j» L witn a pciix‘ui»i/«uig • ,naii^«l berause-he isfet, or. white, totter-bec,\ii,>e he is good ratuied.| plied and for the next two minutes the two men on op- The same v/ind that ' A boy, ghastly average salaried man get ahead‘ed up to Policeman Mitchell at without uncomfortably chang- West Eandol{fli and North Clark' ing his way of living? 'streets, says the Chicago News, m nature. There is a v;ay. Not a mere! “I’nfi sick,” he gasped, and fell.taKes liberties with the ladies wheezed, but it did theory, but a real way that oth-^jnto the bluecoat’s arms, >kirt blows dust into the eye.s of c-r salari^ men are now using- “What’s the matter-” exclaim-gauking loafed. I weH-dre-ssed one straightened uj. .^uccesstuUy. ied the policeman. | land said between his puiTs: Yop can save a dollar or two i “The hospital,' When his ves#l entered t*he jj ^’eek if you assume an obliga-lij^jp youth, straits a shot was fired by the to put this aside hf a savings! Xen minutes later mumbled the "Cotton And the war is .still going on. “Why, you idiot. I’m trying jto get it out!’’ consumption estab-| “I don’t believe we can get if ilishe-'i new record. Over a mil-1 there.” ■ +i i_ 1 ' i tr 1- lion shares of stock change hands 1 “Get it in?” shouted the oth- oattery from the pmntMhere tl^e b^nk account. You can ad.iust lance was nishing/him to the .^ock market.” |er. Turks are now finng at the ai- amount to your cost of hv- iroquoi.s Memorial hospital. The - - ' lies. He knew that if be stop- jj,g never miss it. You will doctor came out in a few ped to tell the officers where he inconvenience yourself. All - f^inutes. was going he would not be al-J jj, necessary is to agree with | “Dead yet' lowed to pass, so he slowed down youraelf that your savings ac-'ed anxiously. and fired a .salute to the fort count deposit will be a “fixed j "Humph!” ejaculated the doc- several shots wth the miserable charge” the same as your rent'tor and shrugged his shoulder. black powder which was then in your tradesmen’s bills or your “Here is my report to the deski| UvSe. linsurance premiums, all of which sergeant: In fact, all the food and drink was on the downward road.— Judge. Refinement. “Have you been making any progress since my last %'isit to Crimson Gulch?” asked the seri ous stranger. ' “Yes. Ever .since some whist players struck the town we have been more reiined. They didn’t last long, but their influence lingers. Every time a player says he can open a jackpot evrj’- body around the tables say. “Pray do.”—Washington Star. —o- LIST YOUR TAXES. List Taker and Assessor for South Burlington Township will serve the people at the office of J. W. Cates, during the month of May. .411 real and personul property must be assessed and liste-d this year. some one inqusr- The powder frora tflio guii yQ^ ^nanage to meet because hung about the ship like a pail, pj^j, f^jj. them in advance. and Captain Bainbridge took ad vantage of the blind and sailed ■>is ?hk> -past the fort. Wlien the smoke cleared awaj' he was beyond the reach of the guns, and was able to make his way to Constantinople. There were no mines in the channel at that time, and the guns from the battery did not cany far a.s do the great guns of the present. But when Captain Bainbridge reached t)he capital without hav ing obtained permission to pass the forts, there was a good deal of explaining to be done, and it is exceedingly doiibtful if the captain told the absolute truth about the matter. Certainly he could be pardoned for saying that he supposed after Will you do it? 0~ BEVIVAL AT GRAHAM. Great Crowds Attend Services Condacted By Rev. Mr. Light- bourne. “Joseph Dryeh, 17, errand boy, 3718 South Lockwood avenue; became ill from cigarette—fir.st amoke.” Graham, April 19.—^The ser vice held at the courthouse Sun day evening at 7:45, brought to a close the 10 days’ rivival that started out to be the regular an nual meeting of l!he Christian church. When J. F. Morgan, pastor of the Christian church, announced that Rev. Victor Lightboume would conduct the annual meet- ing this spring, it meant nothing friendir sa“iutrpemi"s;ion had Graham tnereby b^en given for him tojthan it had always meant. At proceed. At any rate he pro- the first service that was held ceeded, and accomplished his conpegation of the mission, although we had sub-jCh^" sequently to whiy the Tripoliti- siders neard Mr. LightDoume. ans before there was an end to,'rhos‘* Present were dehgnted pirady in the region. ^nd told others and each mght the congregation grew until the ! church would not accommodate NEGRO WOMAN COMES TOj LIFE WHEN BEING PLAC ED IN COFFIN. them. The services were then ^ moved to the courthouse, and •w'iifii every night the crowd was ~ : larger until standing room was Golas^ro, A^l ^ premium and the last night a hara job >or Sheriff ® every available space was filled to ke^ hi3 deputJes and the scores of people were tum- jailer from mdulging m the joys of the small ocean of “booze” re- fi'e^ments recently stored away I has Graham had such a revival. What promised to be a deno- m the jari, this atteraoon, when a negro woman confined in the|tj^^ non-nomina- ,^il and who was supposed to be dead suddenly came to hfe agam^ while-a ne^oundert^wasje^j.^^^ ***«! ^ ^ J flocked in from Burlington, Eion I frame dwelling, co^ The anderteker's hearse Allege, Haw River. Swenson-! This 3lst day of March. 1915. ^ horse are still on the jail.^,.3j^ surroundingl G. W. HOFFMAN, grounds, but wtiere is the under- ' SALE OF REAL ES-i'ATE, - —0 — By virtue of the power i;on- I'tained in a certain mortgage ex- 'ecuted by Henry Rogers to the undersigned on the 22nd day of September, 1914, and duly regi8 > tered in the office of the Regi.s- ter of Deeds for Alamance coun ty, North Carolina, in iaouk No. 66 of Mortgage Deeds, pages 31^-317, to secure the payment of a certain bond, conveyed a certain real estate, and whereas default having been made in the payment of said bond and in terest, I will expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash ai the courthouse door of the eouri^ of Alamance, on Mon day, May lOi 1915, at twelve o’clock P. M., the land convey ed in said Mortgage Deed to- wit; A certain tract or parcel of land in Thompson township. Alamance county, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of William Bason and ot’ners a?id bounded as follows; BEGINNING at a stone, com er with Bason and Newlin’s line running North 45 deg. East with Bason’s line 19 poles to a stone; the ice 45 deg. West 24 poles to stone; thence South S4 deg. West 4 poles to a «tone, comer of Church lot; thence South 12 deg. East with said line to first starting, containing one and one- half acres, more or less, upon which is situate a three room taker? 'jcountry to (hear thi% great sgr-| Mortgagee. Pepsi - Cola Makes Rosy Cheeks 3 Healthy Children We kiiow of a large number of fantiiiies who have adopted Pepsi Cola as the beverage to use in the home, to drink between meals, and with the meals, who have the hcahhiest and most to be seen today There is no longer any robusL children doubt as to the Superior Merits of Pepsi-Cola As a beverage unequaiied for indigestion. It is the very best drir.k available today for relieving that heavy, uneasy feeling after eating—.4ND WHEN USED CONTiNUOUSLY you will never have indigestion. Fepsi-Cok is The King of Drinks. Pepsi-Cola Bottling Works L. M. Squires, Proprietor Buriington, N. C nmsvn a

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