■V t »pi^ •"1^'r *""* TlM«d»T rrM*» ■B* State Diapstck PiiblUbinc BwlimKtop, C. >Vst Pinoi, lUahut Buil4iaC- TulephoM Uo. 286, . sakMriytWD, Oim DoU«r per y«av, p«7«bl« in a4vuie«. Sr«Mwi]ae»ti«M m M««r4 m ■ a*«* lt*«» «. iMMiayM »*t- 1 u TIm .MM ahMtU b« iwMrwMl I Stat* 3>Sfca!tSE.SS'«« AU nam» notM >b4 ciBTnttnfe>- .Oim «l imp«rt*nct Buist W liyBta -'>f lilA Ws^arc set rMNuaibla fat a^iniov tte eawayanwta. M^nibar* will Uka aatica tbat «a aviipt far fub«eri|>tiaB far Tha Staia V>i4|Mtek wil] ba boDorad st thia altlM inwaa it ii numbarcd wiA ctaMvai ■.-3#nwfaa. " , SHterci «* . »*i:aBd-cI»*» . BBittar i»y 1«, 1*«8, at tha vait aSca at SEtmilENT Strong For Root rnmm IM^.I il for Seal fas^fei(^^::;a0(iaActA and at no time wovld>« permit -^——; I the dignity of our .Govemment Former SenatiH- Is Beins Boom- jto ^ assailed. ed For President i “If the Mexican sitlliation has ' •' ' [not been cleaiirf u$ ^^*1917, it NlEW YORK STATE IS TO Plf'fi—** teke hiip k^, ifjia were President, to bniig ttie HIM FORWARD. Whitman Not Favored. By Re publican Leaders. Politicians Are cf Belief That Colonel Roosevelt Would Sup port Retir^ Empire Soloh. . New York, April 18.—Senti ment in favor of former Senator Elihu Root for i^resident hiis been growing rapidly among Murii>ct..,.-Nani> C.ralia«.:»«to tta ^Qi-k State Republicans If at fir.t vou .ion-t succeed, if has largely ^mpersceded -e ■ ^Associate Justice Charles K. diver.^irv again. i. ^ i. o \ Hughes, 01 the Supreme Court 'of the United States, as the msiTi reign of anarcl^ tq & sp«^y close, probably without report to jnter%’ention. “Since 1898, when he became Secretary of War in President McKinley’s cabinet, he has been devoting his great tAlenis to tbtf public interests, and 1 venture to s^y that no man has Made such tremendous Jhancial 'iaacrilices in our time.''For, at the time he entered the cabinet of McKiniey he was I’Sgarded as one of the foremost lawyers in the country ami I h.ave not doubt he. could jhave earned at least $200,000 a '. year in hi-i profession during ;il* i-onjvire with in connection oft %''hoi! nomination in 191f!. . honrie. people have deteachable stniles . that they lak company isn’t iU-oiind. Up to a short time ago Mv. —^—- Ilughes was looked upon as one A lot of; wonmi who wouldn't; of ^he strongest possibilitie.-;, buy a waist for S3, two at S2.98 each. this period. “insteiid. he. has been ac- lepting a salary of §8,000 as a cabinet officer under President 4rcKinle>' and, Rooseyelt and would buy'chteily as a dark horse, since Senator. .A,nd Ino intention of becoming a Altohy a.? didate while ph the bench. ; President of the Constitutional . ' Now, h()wever. Mr, Hoot js jjj jConveiition to remain there si.n If i Iiv6u 111 u j . .t i Hionths iTirl "for the ascendency so liir as the pre- ’ uv delictions of many Republican this body "will receive politicians anil bu.sines.^ men in New York are concerned. A| "Compared with the i: public The .0!)K "There'll be a Hoi j^trong^^ feeling e.sists in Repuy-jbcncfactiur.K of Rcelisfei!er and Time in the Old Town Toriight"‘jica,, circles that the former Sen-j("arnegie. Mr. Root’s efforts in wa.s \\ritten by a man who htnl ;itor will be Ne%v York’s fa\'orite |l>ehalf of ihe nation have been house she would want u coat of q.uicksilvev on ail tOte walls. nlone^■ to burn. I infinite);.- greater and more val’i- ■on at the national conventio.i . Mr. Root, himself has discovered ^hle. He has given not only of Rich widow.-^ appear to have t'> bec'Jf>!e Pre.sident, anti his intellect, but ^.is strength been tnade for meii^ \vh> are too;has cleciared that he would hone.'^t to steal, too pri.)ud to beg ''t'^ept the (.iffice. and too Ihzv to work. to Develop .Sentimenf. But there are many Republi iot! funds, accumulated more or less ^doubtfully, which could do them 'absolutely no g'ood. 'I believe New York will iii- CH.\R(;E efforts to URIHE VOTERS. cans of' privniiuenee who at thisifl^*'se him ior the nomination time are resolved to nominate .vear. him, if possible, and it is their ’ Wani Whjiniari. purpose CO develop sentiment in i hile Gin-evnvr Whitman is Affidavits obtiiined i)v oppon- his favor notwith.standing his ^presumably laj-ing his wires ents of the city administration ;ob.!ection to the use of his nanie!"'‘t^' view to capturing the Re in connection with yesterdjiv's j this coniiection. The advo-norrn'nation for Presi- primary charge the friends of icates of his nomination declaret'he Republicati leaders oi the administration with refus- that he is the iiest-equipped nian'this state are not in sympathy ing the right to vote to a young' in the country for the pre.sidenli- jhis aspirations. Up to this man who became tv.-enty-one!a! oRice. and go into details in : time he has not made a wry years of age. April i5 after the .describing iiis qualilicatioi-.s. jfleep impression upon the r^pie registration books had closed, al-;One conspic'uou.s Republican, state, and with most of so with trying to buy votes for; jiiember of Congress from tliis the influential Republicans fav- the administration in several jn-'state, cvpressed it tonight in!‘'i'”’K Mr. Root it would be a stance.s. this way: - comparatively easy matter for M. G. Wood who lives in the '‘i’resident Ronsevelt wj.s.'^he former Senator to‘have the second division of the first ward, right when in expressing an ap-' ''UPPort of the majority, if not made the affidavit that he was p-^eiat refused She right to vote al- latter though he was. twenty-one years he said that he was the greatest !’’-aus me aljandoned because of BY HENRY BEFRNSTEIN FEATURING D(NU)THT DONNEUT. Gritics all agree that this is a wonderful play^ wc nderful act- ing, wonderful photography. TO-DAY, APRIL 23rd. cs! Or^aniz-^tion of its kind on the road. Has been entertain* ing and delighting audiences ail over the world for the past quarter of a centurj'. Don’t miss this rarest of musical treats at THE GROTTO SATURDAY, APRIL 24th. Admissidn 10c To Xil iyii !)f Mv. Root « hen the'^'il '>f the delegates froin this was Secretary of .State, rt"*! unless their present sinan of the generatiori i his obd.uracy, the present indica- of age. William Wil.son. of the second jali the world. It is ju.st that^^*'*'^^ that Mr. Root will be division of the third ward, mat'.e 'kind of man whom this country: f«''^^^ed into becoming the Em- affidavit that he was offered .-'.'needs in the White House dur-jP‘^'® State’s favorite son. nioney consideration to vote for ing the period of international' Nothwithstanding the fjj^t the present administraition. recons'ruction which will follcwj^hat Mr. Root in his capacity as Charles Chappell made a?li- ; the European war. i permanent Chaiman of the davit that a worker for the a«l-' “The United States is soon de- Republican National Convention ministration offered.M. G. Wood Utined to }>icome the moat im-;'>f *912 collaborated very effec- a dollar if he would vote for the|portant nation in the world, notj^’Vely with Piresident Taft and worker's candidate. ^mly on account of its free gov-jhi.s managers in preventing ths ernment ana institution.-^, but on j I'omination (.f Colonel Roo.sevelt Statement of The Ownership. I account of its gro^\i:h to%vard ‘ri Chicago and was round’i de Management, Circulation, etc., | iinancial supremacy. jnounced for his standby tlie Required by The Act of Aligu.st. ‘ ■‘Would Be Able to Handle." iformer President, who a few 24,1912, ; “We neef! a man in the White;years before had described him of The Twice-A-Week Dispatch,!House who has a profound .=iuch exalted terms, it i;'. be- published twice a week at Bur-'kriowledge not only of domestic jheved by Republican leaders lington, N. C., for .April 1. 1915.:but of foreign affairs, and .Mj-. here that Mr. Roosevelt would Editor, J. Zeb Waller. Burlinfi--Root .stands out pre-eminently as support the former Senator if ton; Managing Editor. J. Zeb (the repre.sentative of this type.'the latter were nominated and Waller. Burlington : Business lie h;is an fritimate knowledge •'!f h' the event the Colonel 'liimself Manager. .J. Zeb Waller, Bui’- t'ne penile.’ving' intricacies of failed to get thj nomin;3tion. lington: Publisher. The State modem business and the re-' Oppose Deanpcratic Vit-lory; Dispatch. sponsibilities of Government to-1 ‘’or, as .stated in a recent dis- Owners: (If a corporation.'wart! business, as well a.s duties Patch, clo.se political friends of give its name and the names and of business toward Government, the Colonel have been urfjing-him addresses of stockholders h-old-!ile is an expert on the thef»ry of .to become a candidate for the ing 1 per cent or more of total-Government and our constitu-: Republican nomination despite amounl of .stock. If not a cor-jtion, and in the matter of the^Jiis bolt in 1912, and me conse-' poration. give names and ad-^conduct of our relations with quent disruption of the Kepubli- dresses of individual owners.) ;other Goven\ments. can party. The Colonel is very J. Zeb Waller. Burlington; Dr. '“.Many troublesome questioiis keen to assist in preventing a J- A. Pickett, Route 1; James vvill arise between the United ^Democratic triumpli in 1916, and E. Fou.st, Mebane; J. C, Me- States and other Powers in the | Republicans are of the opinion Adams. Elon College; J. H.[next few years which Mr. Root.that he will work in harmony return as a Republican for re- election after having enjoved ♦ * ih ♦ ♦ 4* ♦ Expert Cooks Everything New Tables for JLadies Fine Dgars lob acco Sanitary EXCELLENT SERVICE PRICE RIGHT being classified in the United State.s Senate as a Bull Moose,' ^ •shows how rapidly the Progres- j* sive.s are merging with the Re- ■ publicans. The next in order is ^ for Colonel Roosevelt himself to' ^ swear uUegjance, and it would ' ^ not be surprising if he should, ^ do .^o ;it iui early date. The task of cojnpro.«>ising t!he principles of the G. O. P. with those an- nuncipated by the Progressives is not e.vpeeted to be adifficulty. •Jf 4f + ♦ * The Plaza Restaurant MAIN STREE r. F0NV1I.LE BUILDING (iermany thinks she ought to ibe permitted to trade us some of her d> estuff for some of our die-.stuff. 1 ' \* t ;-f» Y”: >UR attention is re- ■pectfully called to an important paint j not generally known, i -f. _ I 1 4ft eewMSWs? mwv*# ^ a tome element to «tieceM> ; fully meet constipation. i .Mr. Johii B. Capers, of 6Ja Peean | 1*:.. Fort "WorUi; Texas, had a sl^- | rMUcaiit fexr».:rienoe In this particular. I He ntflicted with a severe case oi 1 t'.":iis«\paViCin. a?ii3 "howel trouble. He | a deal of money In trying ^ To his astnnlsJi- if h «!{(& ^ ||^ 41. .If Wfi. .If ^ 4.4, ^ .f, «|i. 4k 4; Ross, Route 8; and S. L. Patter-1 would be able to handle to the! with them no matter who son. No. 1. ] credit of this Government with-: nominated. THE STATE DISPATCH out having to employ interna- The recent return of Senator PUBLISHING CO. Sworn to and subscribed be fore me this 30th day of March, K15.. J. C. STALEY, N. P. itional lawyers to guide him; he^Clapp, of Minnesota, to the Re- would no even ^ave to reW on publican fold after being a mem* his Secretary of State in direct- ber of the Bull Moose for nearly ing our relations with other three years, and the later an- countrie.s. He would know hov.\nounced of Senator Poindexter,-^ to promote the material prf>s- of Wa*ington, that he would Und a rvme«lv. •jnor.t. PtruriSi wry reljev#*d him i'f liis bad s >' m p t o s . This happenp.l a riU:'i'5l^ir fif years then» Mr. states that he liiis - had Minilur attacks of trouble, ihe proml- Tjent svR-jpiom of Whie«i is cm5:tipa« tion, aiid has al~ t; a y s found prompt and cient roliet from Peruna, He s>ays5: '•Up to the tftne E started iisiTij? your Peruna I could dtink castor oil, like teatcr. It did' no go(»^. As for salts, they were of no use. all KUndx and closs^is were us^d> bu| we had to call on. the fountain syringe for help."' Peruna was abie to cor* \ Piet thisi condition completely in Mr. Oaj»r*' case, and tbere la evory rea- fiott lo beHev« that It waa the tontc CrQtukJttle^ of Pe(n>na. nided to the laxa- qiuaitlea, th&t Diocuied this very 'idfeilnible retult Physics of At Crystal Theatre TO-DAY, ^q„J APRIL ^OYQ. One Wore Surprise and Treat For Oar Patrons. JESS WILLARD The Hero of Today, the Man who Defeated Jack John son for Heavy Weight Championship on Monday, ApriP 5th, lyis. Thispictisre has,doneturn-a-way busi ness in oar neighboring towns and the, people of BnrOngton aifl sarroiinding conntig should not miss it