[]|ppin Ijpf^pppipp^ W|. I Pay Your Poll tax,In Orjer fliat Yoa May Be Qoaitfied to Take Part in Tlw Affairs of Goyemiiieiit. A PBOGBSSSIVE EEPUBLICAfi NEWSPAPER HE VOTED TO tHE UPBUItpiNC OF AHi^CAX HUitlilS ANO AMERICAN LVDUSTBIES. BURLINGTON, ALAMANCE COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY. APRIL £0. 1915. m HCIOWK- ING SUCCESS. he was expected to speak to all the people of Alamance county, and that if he pitehed his voice soniewhat liigh he only meant to be heal'd i?i Burlinjgton and in j Mebane. In his discoui^e he I dealt with binding the soul of '.man tp Glod by bringing the child i in contact with those things that ' “ ■ i would cause the best impulses People Came In Crowfc ®^™*“,to be developed in the child. Hs Every Corner of The Conn- how that might be I language pr letters, the maniula- Uion of metal or other material, Many Flowering Flrats, Mil« of nature hersdf. It Children, An Inspiring Sight. a masterful address, and ~ iw'orthy of deep consideration by EIGHTY-FIVE GRADUATES, concerned in develbp- _ ;ing the best manhood and wo- A Handsome Exhibition, Pretty njanhood. Weather, Every Feature A Immediately after the address, Success, A Great And Good : certificates were presented to eighty-five graduates that coin- — _ poned th*? class of 1915. This The Heavens shown abovewith jg largest class that has yet bright skies and the earth made graduated from the Publi..- a mild melody of music with an' (jf the county. They did unfolding of tlie .spring tide as represent every school in the good people from all over j.^pj.gggujgj the county gathered in Gra- every section of the county, ham on last Saturday for hold- xheir names are a.s follows; ing their 4th Annual county ^ Dacy Spurgeon Isley, David Commencement. Plans had been pleasant Teague, Ruth Elnor made early in the school year for Williams, Effie Susan Braxton, special lines of endeavors; some ^Ita Newlin, Ollie Victoria M;: definite things v.'ere to be done; Rane, Lacy W. D. Guthrie, Wil to the large number of beauti ful oiies. This coinmitte award ed 1st prize of $10.00 to Shal- lowfoisd; 2nd prize of $7.50 to \VpodIawn; 3rd prize of $5.00 to McCray and 4th piiae of $2:50 to Glenwood, with honorable mem- tion for Sylvan, Friendship, Glenliope, Spring, Center, Haw- fields, Sidney, Mahan, Elder- nibnt. Sunny Side Music School, and the Tomato Club. After a brief busy dinner period, the contest* public speaking by fourteen of the graduates took place in the court house and opera house—7 ih each group. Miss Annie Belle Tickle of Shallowford was award ed the prize in the court house and Miss Nannie Teague of Sylvan was awarded the prize in the opera house. oiMr. Josepil Newlin fm BARACA-PHILATHEA 1. ..UNION.. CITY -I Will Be Brought Here For Buri al. ; The BaracarPhilathea City Union will meet in regular monthly meeting next Sunda.y afternoon at three o'clock in th“. First Bapti.'^t church. A pro- ■ gram consisting of special in- : strumental music by the Wilson ; OrehestKi, : an address by I, Mr. W. S. Coulter, and reports' BASE BALL. Greenwood 6; Glenhope 4. Saturday afternoon at Green woods Gienhope team met Gree:;- wood team in a very interesting game. In this game good work was done by the players of both teams, especial by the pitcher, . J J *1, ui- • • •(. « George Nicholson for Glenhooe. lin «ton of ATr and Mrs H M tend and the public is invit-.M j ■ " i. im, SOI. 01 *vir. ana lurs. ii. lu. rr». , ^ u The game resulted in a scoi*e of Newlin, >.«hich occurred at Vixc banners for the ^ ^ Greenwood. Sprinfield. Mo., Tuesday morn- percentage of attenaance will -r. g^tteries: for Gienhope, Gos- ing after two days intense suffer- awarded as usual. Nicholson and Johnson; fo-: ing, caused by an accident whik > . Greenwood: Relatives Will Accompany The from delegates to the Stiite Cor-' Body Here. venion will.be rendered. — .. - All classes belonging to the The death of Mr. Joseph New- Union are especially urged to at- „ . Jones, Shepheri riding a motorcycle, has cast a REVIVAL AT FIRST BAPTISI gloom over his home here in CHURCH. . ... which place he was the genenil fnvnrite and over the entire sec- The revival meeting whicti be- ppson\ ille 17; Keystone ti. tion of the county. gan at the First Baptist churcti Swepsonvifie base bail teai-i The accident occurred late last Sunday morning is 'beiiiif ti>ok the first game of the series Sunday ufternoon and ^'le was largely attended and there is from Key.stone last Saturday by ation were Lois Sharp, Evelyn immediately rushed to the hos- much interest manifested in the ;i score of 17 to 3. ' J. Graham, loner Burch, Flor- pj^ai where every thing that ^d'^'Ces. ence Garrison, William Mitchell, gi^iHed physicians could do for W. A. Claxton, 1). D., of Edith Moore and Zolobei Me- ^ut from the be- High Point is delivering spkn- ginning no hope was entertained did and forceful sermons, vihicn for Ms recovery, his .jaw bone be- being felt by the congreg;i- ing br.oken and t*he base of his tions. Tlie results of the meei.- Whils the recitals were on, the spelling coniest w; Those that report for the final race and who*had perfect record.s for the. year and on the examin- Pherson. William Mitchell won first prize of $16.00 and Edith E. C. BARR DROWNED MOREHEAD CITY. AT Moore second prize of $5.00. - . . There vvas no better test of’skull fractured, leaving him un- 'ug wil! doubtless be .very satis- and the people came together to ijgn, Ressie Guthrie, lola Emma}t!,e year’s work manifested dur-lconcious till his death- His wife factory. The serx ices begin ,il consumate a work in which ad B/axton, Luther Jeffreys, Vallie ii„g ^he day and no betterinstrue-!remained with him in the ho.spit- ^:4o P. M.; each evening. Th.-: Accident At The Inlet. engaged with interest and pride. spo„n, Virgie Alexander, Oppiejtion given than the exhibition. |al until his death. Early in the morning the people Spoon, Claude Simpson, Loh xhi.^; exhibition was put on in thi began to come. First to appear shar-p, Nellie Tapscott, Nannie was the automobile with its Alderidge, Francis Hurdle, Paul speed and load. Then the fleete.'jt Thompson, Berty Stuart, Emma horses with buggies and carri- Gibson, Watson Garrison, Ottis ages. Soon all kinds of convey-- h. Ross. Wallace Barnett, Sadie ^here were displaved compost-ni^rht ance were coming together, and Ross, Jessie Barker, Sherman luons histores drawing.j of all' public is cordially invited to at- continued to come till the town juij^ McCulloch, was filled with folks. , Mr. .James Newlin left on the meetings. Oneida store. It was an excellent J g^j,jy morning train Monday to display and spoke in no uneer-jaccompat^fi^Hts, Joseph Newlin tain tones of some of the workig^^^ j-jje remains of the body in the schools represented, jjjgj.g ^yhich will reach here Fri- if good connections are made. PROGRESSIVE REPfBLICAM •MASS MEEI'ING. There will be a mass m^etin^ of the Progressixe Republican.^ of Burlington township tonight, caster, Morehead City, Aprii 2-5.—Mr. E. C. Barr of Lancastw county. Va., was drowned here this af ternoon and Mr. D. B. Wade, Jr., of this city was re.scued after having gone down the third time. ... Mr. Wade left fhere early thi.s momiiig with a party, composed of Messrs.* E. C. Barr, of Lan- Pa., and T. G, Phillips. Mary kinds, pictures, cooking, sewing, j T.menh -i vo-intr man iut McCulloch, Mez Foster, Euriejhaskets, picture frames, etc, etc.!:„ 4.j,p Woom of vouth beine on- ***' o’clock, in the Mayors of Atlanta, Ga., both of whom The program was taken up EUgn Teague, Anna PaulineigaA ,'^pecime.*i of the work .seem-'«hout 24 vears of aVe with a purpose of reor- are foremen on the sewer con- r o,. ^ ^ deserve ju„“t of relative^ ard friends in g^inizing the party and discus- strution work now in progress special mention. But the li.st sections of the State who ’^’C*‘-''ures for the good of here, and Mr. Ned Willis..of this too long for that. Several school Sj soJowerS his the party. Every person who city hou-ses .were well sketched, so | 50 that the', co;ild ^ ” ' Food CivV and carried out almost exactly Gritlin, Lee Roy Thompson, a-s scheduled. The first on pro- Nannie Irene Teague, Margaret gram was the parade. It formed Frances Engle, Bonnie Fcgle- :it Graded 'School building jTjan. Iri^i Parrish, Sylvia Anci- and moved down Main and around the Court House and Somers, Florence Beckom, Lewis . , , ~ . il.v recognized. Other drawings back lO the Baptist Church. It paucette^ Litha Jane Stockard, of locai interest were displayed was large and very beautiful. Florence The parade was headed by the Desmond Helen Durham, Fred Fowler, Jacob K. Oneida Band in uniform, which slaughter, Jesse R. Hilliard, was followed by Uncle Sam aiid , Ralph F. Younger, Leona Scott, Aunt Columbia on the town’s'c. A. Trollinger, John Barnwell, white match horses. Then came Kate Roney, Felcie Fern Patter- a long line of elegantly planned son, Elia Isley, Garland Isley. and beautifully finished floats. Lillian Graves, Callie E. Isley, ae,ving! -the Alamance battle field monument, the birth -home of'-.rsonality \%iiich has .■surround- . They had loeen to Shackle- ,.na«.=nrr,!n,- bcHeves that ttie policies of the ford banks and it wa/while ffliey Although unas^« Rgp„bHcan party are the best were crossing the inlet that Mr. in the Barr accidently slipped off the cjvcr.v one Knew county, stiite and nation, and cabin striking a3i. rt i.i-y words and sumerged his own who intends to act and vote with was sitting on the deck, both friends. he would not wound with harsh Governor Holt, the Supei'intend- ent and his machine. Five schools had a good display of cooking. Six a good display of Ossipee had cooking, caping, wood work, and literary work. sewing, drawing Spring had an excellent com- Each one unique and pretty car- -Marvin Elizabeth Walker, Lo- rying out some special design >ena Wellons. Hubei-t Nelson and color scheme. A proces.sion ^ Graham, John Mitchell. Claude of twenty and more of these Levi Walker, Ethel Patterson, large floats drawn by pretty Zolabel McPherson, Lora Foust,ihgajjg gg chapter’s: horses and filled with sweet!Ella Roberson, Beatrice Huf-settlements- 2.-^> children presented a scene of fines, Annie Belle Tickle, Mamie beauty Jinked on to beauty Sijxis-kle, Laura Silen Marlptt W. they lined up on the new a.sphaltij. Pace, Margie Tate, Bessie M. streets that were viewed and ad-1 Sample, Lillian Sam.ple, Myra B. mired by solid phalanks of peo-' Anderson, Wml. A. Tate, Flioebe pie that stood on the side as the'small, Lula Tate, Lillian Tate, grfiat procession moved by. And I Addie Cates, Gunley Dodson, then the scene did not cease, jmia Stallings, Jim Simpson, Hundreds and hundreds of chil-; John Handy Kenny and Vergie dren followed the floats in the'.ormond Strickler. line of mardh. They wore their j Prizes were awarded and an- colors, carried their banners, ■ |^om-,ced as follow’s: Under the and marched with the beauti'|au3picies of the Country Life ful bearing of the trained ;ciub, for donated improvement soldscr. A beautiful sight, a; \jrork, 1st prize of $50.00 was most magnificent demonstration' given to Ossipee; 2nd prize of was the parade. i$30.00 to Spring School; 3rd The large grove at the Baptist Ipxize of $20.00 to Sylvan; 4th church formed a shady retreat:pj.jgg of $15.00 to Friendship; and out door auditorium for flhe 5th p^ze of $10.00 to Mahan and crowd while it listened to thelgth prize of $10.00 to Concord. litei*ary address. Just before j Tlie gold pin for the best the address ail joined in singing ig^-ade in English Grammar was “All Hail the Power of Jesu^jvvon by Bonnie Fogleman of Name,” and Rev. Rose of the ^ Sylvan and ISie silver pin for Baptist church made the invoca-j second best grade in English tion. The addre.ss was made by Grammar was won by lola Emma Prof. E. C. Bix>oks of Trinity Braxton of the Green school. CoWege. Prof. Brooks began by, -nig committee for iudging saying that he did not know that pioats had a difficult task owing us in the future i.‘; invited to be men falling overboard. Tell vour friends and Members of the Coast Guard ed him with many broad frie^^^^^ about it, and th.a who were watching in.mediateiy -Me leaves a mother and tath- ^ er, four sisters, Mrs. Arthur ■’ w'ith you. life boats for the scene of the accident. In the meantime Wil- Pierce of Greensboro^ Mrs. E. 1'. Ferrell of Mebane and Mrs. Car son Durham and Mre. J. W. Ford of this city. Also two brothers^ Messrs. James Newlin munity history written by the j^£jke Newlin. students under the following 1 jjo definite plans have been Schools ' andjf,ui.taf^ut^L*in*p^^^^ infm-matiou as declaring Greec- made an effort to swim Churches; 3,-^griculture; 4.-L.jii ^ buried at Pine Hill Ceme- ^ ^»ite with the allie.s Barr, who couldn’t swim, and Manufacturing; 5.—jterj-, Saturday afternoon. Tlie Part Laken in War; 6. Most|services wili be hekt at Noted Mc-n; 7.—Social Life and home. Anecdotes. Many schools had e.Kcelient exhibits and many I other things desrve special men-i OPENING OF ' g^t, GREECE IS READY TO UNITE lis and Phillips had stopped the WITH THE ALLIES. engine in the boat and were ^ making frantic efforts to save Paris, April 24,--Christaki>i their comi>j»nions by throwing Zographos, foreign minister of several life preservers to the Greece, is quoted today by the men in the water. Mr. Willis made an effort to swim to Mr. ■eady to unite with the allies Barr, who couldn’t swim, but af- in the Dardanelles operations, it ter having seen -liim sink, Mr. i«vit«i to do so. Willis returned to the boat. At The information says M. Zo- this point Uie tion. 'Fhc MeCi’ay school ■■.yas awarded the banner on the best ■ general exSiibit. j The day was thus filled full oJ' entertainment and instruction. The people were interested iii the entertainment of their com mencement. No more orderly crowd was evsr seen. There was scarcely a sign of drinking and no disorder. All the people, patron.';, and pupils had planned and worked and had come to gether to listen and learn. They went away pleased and were planning fi'om what they had learned v/hat they would make and bring next year; SOUTHERN BELL TELE PHONE. graphos made this statement to reached the scene and after Mr. Hubert Jacques, its corresponl- Wade had sunk the third time. Up to the present, time, ho Captain Leslie Moore, of the said, Greece had not been asked Coast Guards, dived to save him. to cb-operate with lilies. I'eaehing him about fifteen feet AMien it comes to drawing con clusions, all women are natun-I born artists. The foreign minister is qaotefl -'elow the surface of the water, as saying the war policy of hi ^ 'VTien brought to the top and placed in the life boat, Mr. Wade was apparently dead, but efforts of re.susciation tinallj' revived thir. city, were sunimoned, reach ing the station about ar,' hour after the accident and gave We are in receipt of an inviti! tion announcing the fonnal cabinet is identical with that opening of the new exchangi', M. Venizeloa, the former prt ...-| Friday the 30th. The building er, whose retirement gener.aly inis just bean completed and will has been understood to have been I'-ini. be open to the public on that due to his desire for Greece's Doctors Royall and Headen of da\- from 2 to 5 P. and participation in the war on the from 6 to 9 P. M. of the allies. The manager is extremely. “It simply is a question or anxious to have every subscrib- propitious m(Knent,” the foreign medical assistance. They brought er present and will take gi'eat minister is quoted as saying. Mr. Wade home, who is nowrest- pleasre in showing them over the new plant and explaning the Probably the worst thing The body of Mr. Barr has not new equipments. about rich relations is the way yet been recovered. Several Refreshments will be servd they look down on you because yachts and fish boats are drag- during the day bv sev^sral ladies you are not rich enough to Iook ging the water in search of I't* of the city. w?io will endeavor do^vn on them. address of Mr. Barr’s re- ^ j3jalce every one enjoy the —Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telc- latives has not been ascer^ain- day. g’’apft. ed.

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