A PE0GBE3SIVE EEPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDIXC OJ'’ AMERICAN HOJIKS A.NP aMEBICAN SOUStJlIEiS. BURUNGTON, AIAMANCE COUNTY. NORTH CAROLiNA. TUEi^DAY, MAY 4, 1915. Progresslv* Republicans Re-oi' gain^e. Graham Gommcrcial sanized. Club Or-1 VOTERS DENOUNCE FRAUD DEATH OF MRS. TURNER T. ELECTION JUDGE CLAIMS i o VUGHTERS OF LIBERTY IN MUNICIPAL PRIORY, i fiUMMER. | FRAUD, j STATE MEETING. A number of Progressive Re-j - . , publicans met in the Mayor’sL ^ ^ed^meet- Hall at 8:15 P. M„ April 30,:ff th" citizens of Graham, « *i915, and . elected Mn j. Waller township chairman and the court house to T I. -o tr perfect a business men s organiz- John R. Hoffman, secretary. , u jv -a,, „ „ . „ „ .. ation which was named Graham The following executive com- ^ , ... 1 4-„j. Commercial Club, mittees were eleeted: i First Ward-^W. W. Brown, ' ^h® constitution and by-laws, T w nnvis r r r«(-P r s with a few minor amendments m Danieron’ and W. D. Knott. ’ adopted as drafted by the Second Ward—B. M. Rose, committee appointed at a form- A..Donnell, G. D. Smith, H. J, er meeting. After the adoptiOR Capps, and Brice Hall. , of the Constitution arid By-law’-s Third Ward-J. L. Faulkner, Club proceeded to the J. A. Ireland. L. V. Macomson, election of officers, and the fol- W. C. Jones, and R. L. Barn- *«wiag were selected: ..veJl. ■ President, W. I. Ward. Fourth W-ard^Chas. A. Hin- ist Vice-President, W. H. Hav- shaw, W. J. Home, Ed H. Steele, den. Gaston Hart, and T. I.,. Curlee. A YOUTHFUL LANDLORD. Last week Master Dsrward T. Stokes of Burlington, in com pany with h|s grandfather, Capt. ^ .lames A. lurrentine, came to 2nii, Vice-President, J. S. Hoit. I Secretary and Tj’ea^^urer. Phil. S. Dixon. Corresponding Secretary, J. J. Henderson. Executive Committee: J. M. Rousing Mass Meeting of Citi- zeas Agrees to Watch at the Polls on Election Pay. In the early morning of April T. J. Barefoot Makes Affidavit i 30th, Mrs. turiier T. Summer : of Iliegal Voting In City entered into her final res from' Primary at Raleigh. I’he State Council of the. I Daughters of Liberty met in an^ her. late home on Eaast Davis ^ . ■ ' inual session at Wilminitton last SOME ONE iMAY WEAR Street. Tk-deceased had been LIQUOR SELLING ALLOWED I'''®dne.^da.v, Apr;! STRIPES IS SLOGAN. a sufferer for months from the — - 2rth;^nd 28th.: |915. There malady which eventually proved Ballots Put in For Men Who A roushig fnas.s-meeting of fatal, and for weeks it had been: the voters of Raleigh in th*^i evident that she could not re- - Raney Hall last night in .scath- cover from I’.ie disease that had ing terms denounced ' the City fastened upon her system. She Administration for alleged fraud was a great sufferer, especially: Were Not Even in Town On Day of Primary, He Testifies, Affidavits Made .4s To Barc- foofs Reliability; Statement Prom Candidate. in t^ie primarjs and to a man the toward the last, but bore her af- . crowded hall promised to spend fiictions with Christian fortitude BARACA-PHILATHEA CITY the day at the polls on Monday and re.signation, and weeks he- UNION MEETS, next to prevent a I’epitition of foi*e her death: she made pi"e-' - ■ - the occurrence. paration.s for her burial. Mrs.; The May meeting of the Bar-!Mr. A. W. were in attendance about 100 representatives of the various local councils of the order from all part.s of the State. the representatives of the council at this place returned Thur-sday morning. In the elec tion of the state officers; three of the in embers of the local coun cil were honored with po-sitiohs Cole, who held the o.^ce of State Secretary during the past yeai% Graham on a purely busines.s trip. His grandfather had deed ed him a small plat of land and he broug^it the deed to have it put on record. First he went to the Clerk and had it pi'obated, then he can-ied it to the Register of Deeds for registration. Though only six years of age he trans acted the business with rare in- McClure, E. L. Henderson, A. K. Hardee. Will E. White. E. S. Parker, .Jr., was chosen At torney for the Club. During the meeting t'he mnt- ter of the establishment of a hospital in Graham was discus- .aed and the Executive Commit tee of the Commercial Clnb wa5^ reijue.^’terJ to consult with thrj “If you’ll do this,” declared Summer was a young wife and aca-Philathea City Union was Mr. Walter L. Watson, address- motlher, haiahg been born NV'held at the First Bapti.^t church * mg t'.ie mass-meting, “they’ll vember 12, 1S86. Noveniberl2, last Sunday afternoon at three h™-’i’e-elected to that office with- never en.joy the fruits of this 1902 she was married to Mr.'u’ciock. 5n the absence of th«^'^'-‘t opposition! Mr. Thomas T. election and some of them will Turner T. .Summer. Three chil- President of tlie Union Mr. R.j Stafford was elected Associat-;- sleep behind t’lie bar.'-, v.’hen it is dren were born, of whom two;0. Browning, Vice-Pre.'?ident.iState Secretary, and Mr. J. T. over.” girls, Lain and Ada, aged rs- presided. Devotional sen ices; elt'h. vras elected a member of spectively eleven and nine years, was conducted by Hon. J. H. I Lav, Committee. The next j YOUNG MEN’S DEBATING survive the mother and live to Vernon. ; annual meeting of the State : CLUB. share the grief and the bereaved; The speaker of the afternoonK'ouncil v,il] be held S7i Winston- “0— husband. A little baby boy died was Mr. W. S. Coulter ofthoi&’iem. , The Young Men’s Debating in infancy. An only brother, local bar. Mr. Coulter’s address ■ Club which was ox’ganized in our Mr. Thwrnas Isley svirvives the ^vas a genuine treat to those so pjiEv,£DEj^’j’ \VILSON NOW city recently met last Thursday deceased, and with the husband fortunate to'hear it. His thenit*^ " GODFATHER night in the Masonic Hal!. The and chikh’en lives to mourn their was, "The View of the Earaca- progi'am for the evening con- loss. -Mrs. Summer was con- Philathwi Movement to an Out- ~ telligence. He is perhaps the doctors of the town and decide younge.st freeholder in the State most feasible plan foi and is a bright little fellow and establishment of the insti- i.'. very proud of being a land tution. owner. He goes to Sunda.v Great interest w;ts shown in .school, leads his.class and mani- the organization of the Coni' fests the same degree of intell!- merciai Club, practically all of gence in doing things there that tie citizens of Graham .joining si.sted of a debate, the (juery of vei'ted in young v^-omanhood and sider. which was, Resolved, “That united with the First Baptist Following the addi-oss of Mr. I City Life i.s. better than Country cTiurch of thi.s city in the late Coulter. Miss Bertha Cates, who jLile. * The afHrmative was up- Fall of 1904. She was a faith- attended the State conventioii held by Messrs. David Cilrtia, ful wife.^ii devoted mother, and at Raleigh as the representative Graham I^aucett and Virgil tjarne.'^t Christian and a coii- of the Union, made ;i verv in- Only Few Present To Witness i'hristianil.v of Hi.' Grand son. he .':howeri in getting hi? on record.—Gleaner. deed NEW PROVIDENCE RALLY DAY SERVICE. in the movement looking to the de\ eiopnie3t uf thc^ assets of the town and county. The Commercial Club is an organization that has started out —along the right lines, and with On ne.Kt 2nd, Sunday after- the loyal support of the whole noon, May 9th. at 2:30 there w^itl town will be one of the greatest be a special New Providence factors in causing Graham to Rally Day Service. Every mem- take the place that her natural ber of New Providence chiireh advantages and possibilities is expected to be present but all make rightfully hers, who have ever been members of a lot of people may want to this great historial church, ail know: “Why is a Commercial friends of this church are invit- club, anyway? Haven't we a ed to be present. We want to eity administration?” Yes. but make this go-to-church Sunday ^^at is more or less politics, for New Pravidence. The mem-, \ Commercial Club represents burs of New Providence at pre- should represent, unselfish, sent will be supposed to wear a loyal civic patriotism. And ^hite flower, and those that among the objects of the Com- have been members but for some ^nercial Club the following migl.t reason, have moved their mem- 'mf>ntion(»d • bership, will wear a red flower, i ™ + ki \ f f ,,r . , , ^ I The establishment of a news pro^Sr * 2:30-^Song, “All Hail the* publjcation of the facts on Power of Jesus’ Name.» attractions of the Scripture reading and prayer, 2:.35—Words of welcome bv‘ Seeing that strangers and visi- 'VilUamr-town, !Mass.. May :i. President Wilson became the Reitzel, while the negative was sistent member of the church, teresting report of the conven- gw'-faiiier ut' hi. only grandson defended by Messrs. J. R. John- The funeral services were hekrtion. 'here today and added to his i.soR, Lonnie Braxton and C. B. freni her late residence. Satur-j The banners for attendance duties by promising to .safeguard Way. The committee to decide day. -May 1st, at 2:00 P. M.. her were awarded as follows: Bar-: the reiigious Welfare of the child, the merits of the debate render- pastor officiating. The inter- laca banner to the Baraca class;the .-on of .Mr. and Mrs. !>'raniis ed a deci.sion in favor of the neg- merit was in Pine Hill cemetery, of the Reformed church, and;!!- Sayre. The child was chris- ative. where her body peacefully rest^i Philathea banner to tlie Phila-;ti.'ned Francis Woodrow Sayre. The club has a membership of awaiting the call of the resurrec- thea class of the Webb Avenue Only a .small party, includin;:: twcuty-.secen and new members tioii morning,, while here Spirit M. E. t'hurch. the President. Mr. and Miv, are .joining tach week. The is with the god tUat gave it. meetings are held each Thurs- “it is not death to fling day evening at eight o’clock. All Aside this sinful dust, young men who are interested in And rise on strong, exultant this kind of work are invited to winfe attend the meeting next Thun;- To live among the .iusi. day night and become members of the dub. Jesus, Thou Prince of life. O ! Thy chosen cannot die! ; Special music was furnished Francis B. Sayiv, John Xevi?'. by the Wilson orchestra. Sayrs. 'Mr. .Sayre’s brother; Mr.-, ; The Union will meet at the;Robert H. Sayre, his mother; Methodist Protestant church oulMis;* Maragaret Wilson, Mi.H-s ! next First Sunday, at foiir; Helen Woodrow Bones, Dr. Cary o'clock, the 5iour ha'. ing been 'T. Grayson. President Harry A. icSianged from three lo four,'Gar(ie!d. of William C>>!.'ege and i o’clock. ;3fr^. Giirlield. and a fc'v other ; friends witnessetl llie ceremony-. LAWN PARTY .\T FRIEND- Like Thee, iJhey conquer in the SjENNINGS VS. GODWIN SUlTl Arthur Brooks, a negro employ SHIP. I strife i IS COMPROMISED. jat the \\Tiite House for several j I'd reign with Thee on high." ; —__—. '.vears was pre-sent. There will be a lawn party on; j Thoniasville. Mav 1.—The The President attended regu- the school grounds at Friend- AT THE FIRST BAPTIST:famous law suit, Jennings, vs.' ship High School on next Satur- CHURCH. iGodwin, was compromised on day night, May 8th, 1915, given I Thursday of tibis week. Thi;. iar Sunday service at the \^'illi- am College chapel today and lat ter visited President Gariield. He left in the afternoon for Mr. J. A. Bailiff, Supt. S. S. tors to the town are properly Quartett, “The church in the Wildwood.” j Seeing that new citizens are 2:45—New Providence in *«ade to feel at home; other years, by Dr. W, S. Long,; Promoting and encouraging Chapel Hill, N. C. .factories to locate iu Graham; Song, “In the Sweet by andi Encouraging public institu- by.” itions; 3:15—New Providence since; Influencing the public to ap- 1911, by Rev. J. F. Morgan of preciate their city and its ad- Graham, N. C. | vantages, and to patronize home Song, “Take the name of industries; Jesus with you.” j Promoting a spirit of fellow- 3:30—What the church has ship and co-operation among the meant to me, member of tlie' citizens.—^The Gleaner. church and congregation,{ two! minut«s speeches.) I W’e have our doubts, however. Song, “God be with you tiiL about any actual money chang' we meet again.” jing hands after the Roosevelt- BenedSction. Bames libel suit. under the auspices of the Conn- revivaF meetings at the case that had attraacted Fir.'st Baptist Church will con-! staate-wide attention and gre.v W.ssliington. vited to 06 present. A good time '^ut of the elecion last fail. Mr.! and pleasant evening are promis- r._ p.^stor of the!Godwin was the Democratie : GERMANS DROP BOMBS . AT attend. p.^j. (.huVch at High 'nominee for clerk of the Superi-! A.MERICAN VESSG!-, MATIPF Tn “ pleasing and forceful|or court, of this county, while: NOTICE TO WOODMEN. gpeaker, who holds the interest'Mr- Jennings was the nominee 'of his congregation from .start the Republicans. Mr. Jen- to finish. T'he meetings have J'iugs was defeated by just a been well attended and there is'very few votes, which he claims a growing interest. Already,'was the result of the throwing tliere have been a number of'out of the south precinct box in accessions to the church. AI Thoniasville. By the terms of cordial invitation is extended to; the compromise Jlr. Jennings ro the public to attend these meet-;ceives Sl.oOO in cash and J Ciodwin pays all the cost of i..v; i case. The local camp of the Wood men of the World will meet Thursday night. May 6th, at 8 o’clock, over Freeman Drug Co. All members are urged to be present. E: M. CHEEK, Clerk. At Graded School Tonight. mgs. Dr. Janies B. Bullit,, a mem ber of the University faculty at Chapel Hill, will deliver a lee-' ture in the Graded School Audi torium tonight at 8 o’clock on Medical Inspection of Schools. Every one interested in the LEAPS THROUGH WINDOW; - OF MOVING TRAIN. i GERMAN EMBASSY ADVERTISING. idisbury, April 29.—While a: western passenger train, number; London, April 30.—A Reuter dispatch from Rotterdam .•;ays the .A.meriean steamer Cushing' from Philadelphia, ari'ived at Rotterdam today and reported ha\ing been attacked by Ger- ■v.an airmen in the North sea last Wednesday. The airmen bombs, but no 'done. I The Cushing was flying the l;^»ES i .\merican flag at tihe taue, and her name was displayed on her ■sides :n huge letters. 1.—The' The Cu.shing left Philadelphia liropped damage tw.^-. was Washington, May twelve, was between Barber and State Department has not de-j April It, for Rotterdam, Sali."!bury tonight, and running'cided to take any action, so farj at its u.sual rate of speed, a'fis could be learned tonight over | Relations between the oid- betterment oi the child hte ot passenger, who was!the German Embas.sy ad\ei-tise- fashioned milkman and the hyd- KiirlincriAri ij? iiroran Tn Viaot- T^v* ' * i . . .a Burlington is urged to hear Dr. Bullitt, Admission free. As most of the cussin’ seems to be between England and Ger many, it would appear lhata most of the ftghting is there, too. unknown to the other pa.s.sengers ment in numerous newspapers rant are frequently strained. and conductor, suddenly, and ^warning American travelers of without warning, jumped thru'the ri.sk they run in traversing! Some people seem to ttiiak pay rent for the occupy in their a window. The Southern ha.slthe war zone in merchant ves- sent out searchers to look for | sels belonging to Germany’s him. ! enemies. you should place you thoughts.

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