A PROGBESSIVE REPUBlMJAJf WEWSPAPE* OBVOi^EIJ TO THE VPWU^UHC OF AUBUCAH MOMB» ANB AMEKIC^. WDUS1Si£& BURLINGTON. AU^MANCE COUNTY. CAROLINA. TUESDAY. MAY 25. 1915, piOTBACTEb SERVICES : CHRISTIAN CHURCH. AT I the young MEN’S DEB,\TING ■ - i . ■■ CLUB. ■ The special services whicli have . l)Mn in pirojfi'ess at the Christias ^ churct for the pa*t week «?ntipuevrith iiu:reas«4 atten^nce OTd interest. It was thought by s6me that the cong:r^- gations would become larger than the. chui^ji would accomn^odate, but so fav *ihe aduitorium of the church has bare- j ly held the large crowds that have gathered at each service in the even ing. The mornirig services have beeii attended by fairly good congregations. Rev. Mr. Miller, the evangelist, has . been giving the people of Burlington some excellent sermons on vital sub- The Young Men's Debating Club of Burlvnjtton held its regular meet ing : on last Thur^ay night in tho Masonic Hall with a very good at tendance of members and a few visi tors. The program of the evening con sisted of a debate on the following query: Resolved, “That Capital Pun- idjjnent should be Abolished.” Th j afRrmative was represented by Messrs. Ralph Younger and Henry Jeffries and the negative was upheld by Messrs. Willie Teireli and J. R. Johnson. A DURHAM SCHOOL BURNED. BUlLDINi Morehcad Building Completely IK-- stroyed Early Yesterday Morn- . ingv.l^ttsiurBnce. principles of Christianity and the pre: ent status of the moral and religious conditions of the world. Rev, Miller is one the at>l£3t scholars that the people of Burlington have had the pleasure of hearing. His exposition i»f the doctrines of the Bible is so plain a;»d simple that everyone may under stand the teaching. The Bible lec tures that are given at the morning ^I'vices are very mteresting and Durham, May. 21.—Fire which caught in one of the tpper stories of the Moro’r.ead -school building at iin ^rly hour this morning So far got ahead of the iSre departrnant that the whole of this, the biggest school build ing in the city, was complctftly de^ stroyed. :. Tiie alarm came in from five Points on Main street at S;45 and the whole The com-’ was s smouldering, mass of The fireman splendid argamajpt was produced by - the speakers on both side. The com- jects pertaming to the fur.dame t ^ decision in fnvor cf/’“w® i" twohouw’ time. 'the affirmative. , were wholly unable to cope with the I At this meeting the club adpptied a situation. They did not fight the fife, ! slogan for the club which is “A. V. M. w>tl> a K^eat deal of efficiency, accord- C, A. For Bur'mplon.’* The club has 'n? to many witnesses. One of the under consideration the matter of ad- engines stopped at Five Points and ding a library and reading room for waited till the fire had gained such the use of the members. headway that thoir presence was The program for this week's meet- valueless before they want over >o ing promises to be verj' interesting', school buildmg. A debate on the que.stion of Woman Morchead school building is the oldest in the city. It was erected helpful. His sermons and lectures j Suffrage and a recitation of a colorevi t ^ ministers’ sermon are the main feat- about a quarter of a century ago, and have occasioned much comment by the program. "“s "«'"y chui-eh people of thecitywhohaveheard Every member of the club is urged s^l'stem, eontainii^ all of the him. His commit among our midst win ^ including the higth school a.? aoubiloss mean much to the ‘ ^ The meetings as the primary and granvmar uplifl; of our citizens ip. Thursday nights, begin- grades. It is now used as a grammar school and was the largest in the city. Jts destruction a week before the end of the school will to a certain extent de- —v— moralize the work in Uiat sclra^-ftt tl» Burlington. May 22.—Mi.wes Jes- the'records Mr. Bell, the singer, has won the, - , . „ , , Ining at eight o clock, favor and admiration oi all who nave j *een and heard iim. He continues tn ■ delight the conjcregations with his, beautiful voice, an*th^«a«e>-i1ihyrhii;h j he coziducts the song services is re- ( BURLINGTOX. markable. isamina a.id Corrnia Gant gave an uf- children for the past year as These services wiir contir.ao thru their lovely home on wvll as most of the school records, ami this week. The morning service be-street Tues.iay i:r honor of Mrs. ,^,„y children's books, left gins at 9:30 and the evening service N. Williamr-on and her house over night, were dssti-oyed, at 8.00. ^giic.^ts, Mrs. Robert Oatss, of Fiat „iada such headway , {togjj and Mrs. J. O. Margruder, of it was discovered that it was MR. TAVLOR HURT. jOanville. The parlor, halls, library, impossible to save any of the prop- Mr. H. C, Taylor, chief engineer a^ sitting-room and tUmng room were all The Piedmont Railway Co., wiiilc mak-((,0 occasion and beautifully ing an investigation on the boiler at jjecoratcd in sweet peas, peonies and th* power plant l>eeame overbalance'! thousands of roses,. The hours were and fell'about 24 fe^t Sunday morn-ijj^jigjitfuHy and informally spent in ihg, breaking his ann and bruising ‘ ^halting and being .sociablt?, Sefresh- his face. He was carried to the ht>s-^^ents consisting of a .salad cours« aad pital at Greetisboro in the afternoon cream and cake were served, and operated on ye.sterday. Whil* h6 I Lyr.n B. Wiiliaiii.son was ho.st- is very. painfully bruised, he is not ^53 Thursday afternoon to the Liter- seriously injur^ and at last report | ^.y club at her home at Grr.ham, De- received froni his family, he is rest-! (icjous refreshments were served. In- ing weli. Mrs. Taylor will leave to- _ vited gue.sts were Messdames Oates day to be with him a few days. and Magi'uder. The music pupils of Mrs. Dai' CHARGED WITH ROBBING MAH> goyd oravc their annual recital in the ' , , cOHBBodated. BOXfco. 'graded .school auditorium, the pri- ;mary and inCeinnediate pupils TJiars- Julia Bradshaw, colored, was beforenight and the advanced Fridajc insurance. Esquire W. A. Hall, United States ^ night. The auditorium was filled both Comsni.ssioner, last Saturday charged; nights with interested friends of the Superintendent E, D. Puscy has noiified all. of the children ■who ■wei'e attending this school to report at tho. FVller school on Monday mornSng. They Vifitl be met by their teacher, and arr.^ncemeni.^ will be Kvade carry on the work during the cominjr four weaks of the present term. Every building in the city is crowded at the present time. So Mr. Pusey hopes to make some arrangements for having two terms of school in some of the buildings in ori!er tiiat the Morehead school children can be ac The building was partially covered There was t$26,0S0 in- 'with robbing Wail l»oxes near Leas- ■ performers. Both psrograms were burg, in Caswell coanty. She was.splendidly selected. The pupils ren-j found guilty of the charge and bound over to the United States District ;«uvt at Greensboro June 7th, to ans wer the charge. In default of bailJMigses Adelaide Whittemore and was coirsmitted to jail. A CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. H. C. Taylor and family wish and showed splendid tiaimng. Espe- appreciation for thi «a!Iy good were the numbers of derea tneir rs with great skill THE OLD MAID'S CLUB. ance to them. They being recent j Vitus Nichdson. the song, ‘‘The Five residents makes the kindness rendersd I Little CKek-a-Iid:-ins" by the totr, ^aylot more jthe Milk Maids’ Drill and the violin ' Agnes Boyd. She plays per.sonally they take The comic play entitled >“The 01.1 with the skill of an artist and shows thanking each one an i Maid’s Club." was preacntwi at Swep- rare talent in thjs line. Mrs. Boyd has a large class and has taken greatapprgeiated. care ■sritb tham. Mrs. John L. Bridgers, of Tarboro, ^ C.^RSHERS. -«on's”l)e last Saturday night to a large »udiente. This play wy.s gotten up by the young ladies of the Webb Avenue Sunday School and has been, given in this city, and at Mebane with very gratifying results. The play is •4.« .«,n The Alamane County Rural Carrieva’ proving quite a sa^ss and FOR K 11,1.. l.i,,„eiatir,n will meet in annual eon ences have witnessed It at the mtferent.I places where it has bee« presented, i HUSBAND. .vention m the city of Burlington on came yesterday to visit Mr.s. John Q.jATTENTION Gant. ! 0 (Monday, May 31, 1915, Keystone Pinshing MiUs are finish-j Buffalo. N. Y.. May 5:1.—Mrj.j The election of officers and other ing heavy orders for «xpoi$. having! Cynthia Buffum, on trial 011 a charge.business will come before shipped out »hc past week, 1,200 .pairs jofkilling her husband, Willis Buffum, j the meeting. Come every member, of hosiery to.BuiaMS Ariens, Southjby giving him arsenic, pleaded guilty ^®'^cry carrier and sub. carrier. You America. This cotton grow in AJa-1 to second degree murder today. She. e^psct-ed.' v mancc conty, spun, knit and finished 1 was sentenced io twenty years im-' W.'J, B'ROOKS, Pres, in Burlington. jprisonment j J. A. LOWE, Sec. VOUTH is HELD ON CHARGE. SERIOUS Ymmg Woman Claims He Promised To Pay Her Expemeis in This City Ami Refiutt^ ito Do So. Charged .with violatton; ot the man so-called “white slave” Federal law, Garlise Altman, 20 years old, of South Carolina, expi-ess messenger belween Charlotte and Columbia, was arre&te.i last night by a policeman when he came in on hia run, and was placid in custody of United States Deputy Marshall E. S. Williams until he should he able to give $350 bond. This hi.? friends were endeavoring to secure. Ethel Pate, al^20 years old, a young woman who has been living iii Coluni- bia, S, C.. for two or thr^ years and who is bi'isinally from a smaller SOuth Carolina town; is the prosecuting ivit- ntfis. She told Chief of Police Moove tbM yoinijr Altman persuaded her io come here for an impi-oper purpose and that he promi.scd to pa.v her board and .■ other expenses. She came on Aprjl 17, she says, and he paid her board .-it s home on North College street one week. Afterwards he ra- fused to make further pKymeiits and ■so she invoked the “white slave” law i^puni,>ihment. They have been to- grther on a number of occasions dur- insr her stay here, she says. Iii other circumstances substantiaiiy sj^inr to the alleged facts, the person agirieveiJ would have redress in 0 civfl suit for damages resulting from a l^ach of a verbal contract, but re- veife.^ich'the young watnan has in veitced is of a much more serious cha. ;;-.ter, since the mnxlmum sent ence in case of conviction is a long term of years in the Federal prison. It i.f not generally known, however, that the law was changed several weeks ago so as to make it possibb, in some cases, to prosecute a woman who Itts beer, a party to the violation of the law. This change was made in order to decrease the likelihood of biuckmail which wrts cropping oat in all sections of the country. Ethel Pate says all her smnieSsate relative.s arc dsad. She tells a cii‘- cumstantial story, but makes no claim that any promise of marriage had bee i made or even discussed. The point at issue, say the police, wan that she had been left adrift here to look out for herself. The ouU-oroe of a prusecutioti for at - leged “J^hite slavery” is always uncci' tain because of divergent views of the class of cases , the law was designwl. One Federal judge has repeatedly thrown out cases where there wa-s no evidence that the element of com mercialism was involved. The statute j is very s'weeping in its terms and the previous character of a prosecuting v.itne** is not Kermane, Altman was noncommital last night and made no statement. The woman .states that they were registered sepa rately at a local hotel on the night of their arrival and this assertion is ca pable either of proof or disproof an 1 an investigation will have an impor".- ant bearing on the case. The eas€ is set for a bearing before U. 9. Commissioner S. W. Cobb tomor row afternoon at K o'clock.—Charlotte Observer, ' GUILFORD COMMENCEMENT, Exercises Begin N^xt Saturday With Conferring of Degiees Tuesday. Guilford College; May 22.^—The com- tnet'cement exei^isi^ begin here next Saturday evening. May 29, »ith a CHAPEL hill LETTER. Chapel Hill, May 24.—Prepwatioii» are ^ing, made in Chapel Hi!) for tho . approaching 120th commencemeht ot- the University of North Carollria. Ths exercises begin on Sunday, May 30ih, and the concluding event of the four- day occarfon cOmes with the com- mtixic recital given ^by Miss jSertha , ju,»ncement address on June 2. Judge Fox, assisted by her other students,Mitchell Palm'Sr, of Stroudsburg, in the music department. |Pa., prominent in political aiffairs at Sunday morning. May 30, ^v. F.j Washington, will deliver the com- WaJter Grabs, clasSs of 1894, will mencement address, preach the antiual baccalaureate ser- Tlie opening event is the baccalan- mon. The Rev. M. Grabs is now pa5- ireate sei-rooii in Gcreard Kali ori San- tor of Bethania Moravian chureh. The ^day morning, May .SO. Bishop JT. A. address to the Y. M. C. A. will be McKay, of Birmingham, Alabama, will delivered on Suriday ^^'ening at 8 make thii? sermon to the graduating: o’clock by Rev. W. M. Craig, pastor class of approximately 80. Tlie ser- of the First Baptist church 0/ Wii-'mon will be preached at IT o’clock in ■mington. The Christian associatiosi the morning. consider them^lves fortunate in secur- ‘ The annual sermon before the Youn;j Men’s Christian Association -will b» iiig the Rev, Mr. Craig. Monday, May 31. is almuni day. delivered in Gerrard Hall at 8 o’clock The antiiml baseball gaihe between the Sunday night. Rev. G. T. Bowc. pas- alumni and college students which is of Meiriorial Mp.thodist church, usually played in the afternoor. of High Point, will preach this seniKin. alumni day, is scheduled this year for Monday, May 31, will be devoted to 30 o’clock Monday morning in order the exercises of the graduating class> not to conflict with the play which in '^he contest for Mangum medal ■wi^l to be presented by the senior class .it ^ ^«>d in the morning in Gerrard 3 o’clock. This play promises to be Other events on the prpgram of the feature of the commencement as ^he day and night are senior “stunts” it seeks to portray “the fcleraents and under Datne Poplar ip. the afterjiooa influences operative in the growth of and the ;;o!nt banquet of the Dialectic Guilford college.” Consisting of two Philanthropic Literary Societies parts, each of which is divided into Swain Hall at night, five episodes, the play traces the de- Asumr-i Day comes on Tuesday, velopment of Guilford college from Jane 1, R. D, W. Connor, of the Un- 17o0, the time of the coming of tlio versity class of 1S99, and secretary of Friends to New Garden, .down to the North Carolina Historical Com- clr.st of the present year. mission, is the speaker of taie day. Monday ovening the annual business Univei^ty will liieeiins ot the alumri «s..ociution will on that day--Ias,ses of l.e held, .ftcr which comcs the alumni 1S95. 1890, and 18«ii. reception. All indications point to the presence of an unu.sually larnre number *** '*'* disposal, according' to the pro gram. In the afternoon a baseball game betw'eeii two of £fte classes will be played, and alumni “stunts” will intersperse the game. The annual meeting of the board of trustees, an nual debate between Dialectic and Philanthropic Literary Societiei:, and reception in Bynum gymnasium are the cojtcladerijf events of Alumni Day. ; Wedneiiday, June 2, is cammene«- nwnt day proper. Judge A. Mitc^ll Palmer Avill deliver his address in Memovi:;i Hat! in the morni?\g ;ijt 11 o'clock. The co>iien iiiK of logr?!a and announcements by the president I will follow the commencement ad dress. of aiumiii. Tuesday morning, .lune 1, at !(' o'clock i.s the conferring of degrees and ijaccalaadeate addres.'i. The 'id- dre'.j.i thi.s year to have been do- iivered by Dr, Rufus M. Jonc.s, pro fessor of philosophy in Haverford col lege, Pa., bat protracted illness has necessitated the cancellation of that engagement. In his stead Dr, Isaac SharpJe.s.:, pre.‘idei)f cf Kaverfonl coile.sfe, has been secured and will de liver the address. Dr. Sharpltss.s i:-? known to a large number of Guilford- ians ■who are always glad to h.ive him present aiid hear him spe&k. 1 .\E» PKOVIDENCE ME.MORIAL !»Ll!.NT,ES TO BLRNXNG CHILD. DAY. JUNE 6TH. I “Hark, Hark. DoesR^t' Clarence Darrow’s affirm- i»aon that American liberty “is a theo retical delusion” find some measure of refutation in the ’.-ery fact that Clar ence Darrow himself is at liberty? Los Angeles is reported to have ad- an aerc^Tane squad to its police fftr:e. An appreciable percsBtage of the criminals out there nwst be given to high flying. 11 A. M.—Song, Soul. Doxology. Invocation, Song—“On Joj-don’s Stomy Er'iiks.' Scripture Reading. SBoj- Breaks Both .Ankles in Juin|t T«» My, Savv Baby in Flameft. Sonjr—“Some Sweet Day.” Sermon by Dr. T. M. McConneli. Song—“Looking This Way,” j Peter Seyer. 14 years oid, was on jthe second floor of his home, 100 ', Fourth .street, when he heard a cjiild I screaming in pain. He ran to tJje , window and Andrew Seventko, 5, who ’■lived in the ?ame house, in iiames in the yard. I With a cry of encouragement, he 2. P. M.—Aiimial meeting. Naw leaped through the window. Pi-ovidence Memorial Association. j Both .-ii'kles were broken in the fall. Mr. W. H. HOLT, Pres, ^?but he hobbled to the child and rolled MISS ELLA J. ANDEWS, Se.’„^him i.-. the dirt until the tlames wer.> jest; gaished. Young Seventko, whj Kiremeti in many cities arc required ^ had lieen playing ■»vit3i matches, wa;> to inspect business houses at lea.st taken tn St. Mary’s hospitai where twice a year. This ,i?ivos the fircme'n he died.—Passaic tlispatch. knowledge of the interior, causes him 1 ; to warn the occupant and to see th?*^j “The Amt.'ican Chief Magistra.e proper conditions are maintained, j seems one chosen of heaven.” Hifci Where prevention is practiced, firemen is the editorialiy expressed opinion have more time for 3i£s sort of thing. In North Carolina qua-rterly inspection is required in the fire di.'strict and an ahnual inspection of ail premises in the city or town. An ice cream .supper wili be given on the la'wn of the Reformed Church Satarde.y night. Every one invited. of Col. Henry Watterson of The Louis ville Cour^r Journal. Verily, times change and men change with them. Billy Sund6y says- that if he were the judge'"ho wouW set- Harry Thd'*' free, but it is a safe statement thaij, if he did, he •wwild do It over the pro tests of not a few lawyers.