..... k, . • • ■ • ^ • * ‘ I ■ ■ • , UlLWIUiiJ Stfttt Libnunf i. PIROGKnitVE MISraBtlCllAN NEWSrAFEBnErorailTOi^ OFBIpHIf# OP AJUEUCAK BOHES AND AJU^AN iin>DS^^ BXmLINbTON, ALAMANCE COUNTY. CAROLINA, FRXDAY. JUNE 4. 1915, BEVIVAI, SESVIC^ AT TH£ BG- CUTT iffcMpBIAL BA^iaa* CHORCH, WEST BUBUNC^ TON, ; Rfevival services . at: the - Hpcutt Mtiittonal B.aptist chureii West Bur lington, will begin tonight, June 4th, and continue ten days or more. It .will be conducted by Kev. J. C. Owen of Adievilje, N. C, Mr. Owen is the mountain school evanffeiiat of 'the Home Board of the Southern Baptist conven tion. He has had wide experience in evangelistic -work and is specially gifted in per sonal work. He was also once a mia- sionary iii China, haying spent raoie than ten years there. Mr, Owen is just closing a two weeks’ meeting in Gr^m, in which there has been more than thirty pro fessions, and everybody is highly pleas^ with his sermons. The hours of service at the Hocutt Memorial church, durlue i"- "'eel£. will be at 3:00 P. M„ and 8:00 P. M. On Sundays al 11:00 A. M., 3:00 P. M., and 8.00 P. M. Everybody is invited to attend and take part in the services, especially the singing. JAS. W. BOSE, Pastor. OVERWHELMING DEFEAT GUIL. FORD BOND ISSUE. Majority Fails to Vole For New Court House. ^Qreen^^roj June I,—The propose*.! bond issue for a ten story county building wbs overwhelmingly defeated in the election today. A iheavy rain' prevented a large vote, A majority being necessary, every voter who stay ed at home counted against it. WEEKLY' WE.\THEB FORECAST. Issued by the IT. S. Weather Bureau, WaKhiRglon, D. C„ for the Week' Beginning Wednesday. Juae 2, WIS. For South Atlantic and East Gulf States; The cloudy, showery weather of the beginning of the period will give Wfly to warm, fair weather Thursday or Friday and the latter will continue until the end of the period. I " FAIR AND WARMER WEATHER. Predicted In We^y Bulletin For AU Soatltem Sections. Washington, D. C., Jane J.—Fair and wcrnier weather after Friday in ^11 sections of tine Southeast was fore cast by the weather bureau today in the weekly bulletin for the we2k be ginning tomorrow. Until Friday poh- ' ditions will be unsettled, says the bul letin, except in the West Golf States *-^wi!ere an entire week of fair weather is indicated. In that section and in the Middle Atlantic States tempsra- tui*es are expected to rise witlkin a few days to above seasonal averages. TO THE VOTERS OF BUBLINGTON We are told that the school hous. is' the temple which we ereo.t to the Ood'of childhood.. The scl^l room is the 'home of the child during the most important hour.? of the most import- antflrit years of its life. The school roof, the school house and the school grounds constitute the best index tj the degree of civilization and to the ideals of the conununity, Aa are the school and the school house, so ivill be the home, the city, State and the Nation. For every community the motto should be; “For our schools, health, comfort and beauty." We appeal to you in the name of Him who said, “Suffer Htfle children to come unto me and forbid them noV’ to go to the polls on election day and cast your ballot for the children of our town—the future citiiens of a Bigger, Better Burlington. The voters of Burtir.gtor. are a God-fearing and a God-serving people, therefore put your Christianity to some practical use— in building an up-to-date, sanitary, well heated, well lighted and well ventilated school house, you are using your .religion in a practical way. So, go to the polls on -June Sth anl cast your vote for the children—the future citizens of Burlington. Mrs. W. H. CARROLL. RESOL'nO.NS OF DAUGHTERS Of LIBERTY ORDER. INTERESTING SERMON FOB SUN DAY. Unless under special obligation to attend elsewheie, B«v. D. H. Tuitla invites the Burlington News’ readers to hear the apmahy iSeresting ser mon at Front Street Methodist church next Sunday. The pre-eminence of Christ in individual life and world government, will be the theme of the morning sermon. The children of Bgrling^a are do ing the can can ^ust, now. ^ . I got 39 cans, how nsnnjr caa* svi you g*t? Whereas, the order of the Daughters of Liberty stands at all times for the public school system of our country, and is desirous of doing all in; Its power to upbuild the same, and Whereas, there is now before th* voters of the city of Burlingto.n the question of issuing bonds for the erec tion of a new and modern school build ing tn said It'ity, where the children may be more comfortably and econo mically cared for, Therefore, be it resolved, that Purity Council, No. 22, Daughters of Liberty, composci of more than member'i, many of whom have children in the schools, desire to go on rccord as be ing in favor of the proposed bond is sue, and urge all voting members of said council to ui«e thcif votes and in fluence in every way possible to aid in carrying tite bond issue, and there.: by reflect credit upon the order, the city of Burlingtcii and themselves, And be it further resolved, that a copy f{ these rasoiutions be spread upon the minutes of this Council, and that the city papers be furnished with copies for publication. (Signed) MBS. NETTIE ISLEY, MRS. LELA. STAPFORD, 3taS. MATTIE SHARP, MRS. CIAYTIE ANDREWS. MISS SYLVINA WORKMAN, JOSS CLAYTIE PETTY, MISS IVY BROWN, Conmaittee. Approved this 2Sth day of May, 1915. SEVEN JOYOyj DAYS OF ciu|riuiiii. Prom June-Mth to July 6th, will be Chautauqua Week-^a week full of scries of entertainments and lectures of an even higher quality than pre- yious. J Some oif the world's famous short j orators w^ill be given. Among many j delightful features will be "Song Our • Grandmother Sang,” given in costuintis I of the .Vmerican period of 18iiO. Thi ! MtiL i; [s;bc I «TC ? This is a cut of the proposed graded school buiiding for which you are asked to vote a forty thousand dollar bond issue, its a beauty, but are also plans with it, hot there are no plans that can be made that music will be undei- Signor , Pasquale Colangelo, the world’s famous qrches.j tj'a. The organization is vesatile to a marked degree and the programs of-1 fered will be varied aihd filled with, enjoyable surprises. i The Chautauqua is especially favor- j ed by having Mrs. Yarnall as its: superintendent. She is a woman of brilliant attainments and extensive ex periences. I You are to nave the privi;«B« ycu fof the fsllow who drcw this picture to receive two hearing one of the world’s grMtest; ■ preachers, Dr. S. Parkes c4dman, the |t||ousand doUars out of thc bottd Issue forjthis pictufc, it is said there noted Brooklyn divine, in one of his ’ ' most famous lectures, “Life in Modern Dr. Cadman is not only a great '^rill permit such a building as this to be built for the remaining thifiy* praachei- himself, but he comes from' , i » ii a race of great preachers who have iNgiit thousand dollars, would 06 glsd to bave the opioiou of our indelibiy stamped the ablest of Eng-; > lisK’s clergy. He w&s born among th.- owu coutractors aud tax paycrs upon this proposition. Shropshire hilis of England, coming ' _ m _ —_ to America twenty-six years ago, and tHE PE.^RL OF DAYS, ITS PERIL, rest and cooling. Who will ber^n this RE> IVAL MEETING I.N PROGRESS now. In his fifty-first year, he is at; much needed work foi Iminanity? the height of lus powers, posst«sed of /Rv ftow r> H 'I'ntlU \ .Why not »t your home? Organi*.. j , endless physical and msntal vigor. j ley U. a. ^ The revival services which beean at His lectures are vital messages in ’ThS "LoriS'fe¥oKr)' of working clubGet your neigh-Meti»d«t ProtestaHt church last the truest sense, and his coming to,D»ys. A Love-lio« of divinely ten- oi*aniM. Read Ijaiah .58- jg/O^- any Chautauqua platform is an eveTit iered rest and spiritual recreation g. j_g ' 'jing to the accessive rains and the an- of marked importance, one that is rui»;inR through the Bible from end p g the Burlington News of condition of the streets, never forgotten by tJiose fortunate e»d. Have you tasted of its this week for a Bible study on thisi**'® attendance h^s not been as large enough to sit under tlie charm of his strength giving sweetneiSB? Are you subject. Will you look forward wonderful oratory and keen logic.' shortening and saddening your life'jg Sunday in the spirit" of these This man has often keen compared by stealing God’s day ? Are you put- Rev. A. G. Dixon of High PrtiU, to Henry Wsrd Beecher, possessing ting the Lord’s Day in peril by your^ ^ who ia assisting the paster, i.^ the same remarkable intuitive and'®*“niple? Are you using your ieg3, ths ptople plain, simple and iiral- praetical knowledge of human nstuie your horse, your bicycle, your motor- -^““thei six days work i* done, istirringf sermons. He is a very able and the same bro)^ sympathy. Un-|^y'le, your afltomobile to run down -^"other Sabbath is jegun. pleasing speaker, and hi:^ martner doubtedly those qualities—as was the Sunday? Are you trying to put God’s ^®turi. my soul enjoj t^o r«st, presenting thc Gospel creates n cjsiss with Beecher—have conatitutiit! ^authority under your feet? Under lasting iropressiop, on his hearers, one of the main elements contributing your wheels? Look outi This law ' services are being held each to his insrked success in all things,^od like all others is persistent; ~ l(jay_ ^t 9:30 in the morning and S;00 he has undertaken. not easily ave«hrown. but permane»t 0, That our thunks and thought may Dr, Cadman has declined tlie presi-^f®*" *'*1 time. Gud, nature, 8ible- dencyOf several colleges, but is special J thought conscience, and a great n.a- leetures- at Yale, Andicrst, Harvard! , tionsi organization stana for it steadi- and nu^ny other universities and oo3- Jy—they will not let up in exhorta- tflges, sod is in constant demand in majiy part* of the United States for •{Mciaii work. He has served his age splendidl.?, and tlie metropolitan papers and best magazines of the country have paid frequent and deserved tribute to his talents. He is magnetic i:i personali ty, ' thoroughly entertaining at all times, and his iMture alone will be rth ths "ric“ of a season ticket. tion and warning. The Lordi Day has two classes of enemies: The first are open and avowed, and are the lawless and covetous. Those who regard no law of God or men, and those whose greed for money is their nwin motive for run ning their business seven days in the week. The sicond class are tho3e who profess respect for the Lord's Dsy, yet indSfferent and vnconsisten; ■in their practical relationship to it. J.4PAN HOUSE VOTES PO'R MILI TARY DEVELOPMENT. Tokio, Jttjian, June 1.—The Govern ment's policy of military development ■w#s approved by the House today, in an exciting session. By a vote of SS2 to 131 the Hous^ adopted the provision for'an increase in the standing army of two divisions, or about 24,000 men. It then approved the entire budget, including the naval program, which provides for construc tion oi? three subm£rines and eight tor pedo boat destroyers. Italy will find that war is no “n»ntey” business. MR. E. M. LONG WITH CITY DRUG COMPANY. Mr. E. M. Long, who for the past several years was connected with the Hico Milling Co., and previous! to that was a successful merchant in the county, has taken an interest in the City Drug Co., and can now be found at that place serving customers in their drag wa)>is. The drug business is « new line to Mr. Long, but he be; ing a versatils citizen, is fast adapting himself to his surroundings aud now seems as much at heme as if he had grown there. With his iiddition to the business, it is expected that the con cern will grow even faster than « has in the past. Won't you pliifee loan nte a'can.? I need one 1* get'my ticket to the movies. This saccsai, cla-'s arc very largely church members and is by far the most dangerous. If the church mem bership of the Uniced States was sincerely loyal to God it could .save, not only the Lord’s Day but any other religious institution that they willed to save, "Svety professing Christian; every gool eitiien owes it-to himself, his posterity, hfs country and hi^ God to ■ stand by the day given of God to i^iysical >'est and spiritual worship. .'For the people of the world to slow up one day in seven in this time of breilc-neck speed for pleas ure, money and—^well nothing, and use that day for nerve-calming, blood- coating, and soul meditation would bring blessings of every kind to every heart.'-aikd liome. Experience, obser vation: and science all teach us th^t aot' Btichkury cf the human t>ody,'1wt o&er machinery wiii. last longer by tfeitting one day in seven for rise; .\s grateful incense to the skies; And draw from Christ that sweet is- pose Which none but he that feels it knows! This heavenly calm within the hreaiit Is Christ’s plec^e of glorious rest Which for the church of God remains. The end of cares, the end of pain.‘). In holy duties let the day; ,ln holy comforts pass away; fiow sweet » Sabbath thus to spend, In hope of one that ne’er shall end! in the eveningf. The meeting will pittb- abiy C'o,ntinue tiirsugh all rse.'tt weak. A cordi.ll invitation i.s extended to public to attend all tht services, aiiciS' the singers of other churchcs sihii e.spe’ciaily invited to attend and take iKirt in the song services. TRYING TPO^RELEASE AMERICAN GOODS. I NEW ORLEANS JITNEY DRIVERS ARE ARRESTED. Loi\-ion. June 1.—Efforts are bein^^ made to settle the case of the Ameri can sSiip Ogeechee. which was when homeward bound from Breioftn witii a general carfro, The Judge Procurator of tiie prize court ha~s informed the American Con- BUS sul General, Robert P. Skinner, that if the .A.merican claimants of various parts of the cargo will present H^ers, Sifveral Violated New Law Whi«h Re- provirc that they actually owT^ fl»e quire Big Boitd. |g6od>' >fore March 8, the British Gor- —0— .|«n;;-".iat will not compel these owners New Orleans, La., June 1.—Several to rake legal action to .recover tJieiv- jitney bus drivers, including one wo-' property, but will release the goods man were arrested here today for al- without further proceedings, leged violation of a city ordinance; regulating all pa'^senger-carrying ve- SECRETARY OF STATE IS JfQW hides operated on New Orleans streets. It provides thaj^ owners ^il give an indemidty bo;t^ of ^,OQ# icN!! each vehicle and went into effect to day. An organizatioh ot. jttneir Isi.s owntrs will contest tlie law. Sach of the 535 cars of the }I«wCrl©*S41^ilT way and Light Company bcg«n opera^ tion today ur.der a bond of $5,000 and the total amount of the ?oid- pany’s bond is ^,$15,)i>00. DOCTOR BRY^AN. University of MaryUnt Haa Conferred On Hiia the LL.Dc Degree, Baltimore, Md., June 1.—Sec;^tary State, Wm, j; S^i^n was the honorary degree “of LL.D. it tta coamtBDceBMnt exex«is&i of the isai- versity of i(f«ry5»nd fieire today.- C' : ,..|J PRINT

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