ipiff mm Tl^ Tax liii^c Hatne hsibfactiwx Fran Tlie Coanfy GMnmisnmien To Raise Hie A«sen* ment, .Why Akw.*]^ Ass^t^^ 4JHiPT3 .n«te Libiwy ONMk A rapeaxssivs B>rVBUCAl( NEW^AP£B devoted 1X> the m>BUltDlN6 OF AiixaiCAN HOIIES AND A3UBB1CAN wDusnosa. !# BimUNGTON. ALAMANCE COONTYf NORTH CAROLINA; TUESDAY, JONE 8. 1915, MilMElMlW TBIDST BEGUN A ARIY ENDS IN FALL OF P8ZEHYSL it is Epected That the Victorious Teutons Will Now Push on To Lemberg or Even Farther—British Government is Begging Pdr More Shells, Lloyd-George Even Touring the Country on This Mission. lElMNSrilATIONS WARJIUMM Speeches Bulogizing Italy Made Before Italian Legation at Bucharest WAR PARTY IN MAJORITY M. Morghiiotnan, a Qennzv. Sympathizer, Is Condemned B’or leadership in Anti-War Forty; Further Demonstra tions Were Announced To Take Place Today. VILLA DEFEA1EB WmiJiHIfY LOSS Capture of Town Reported To gether With Trains and Ar tillery OREGON MAKE 3 REPORT Says Railroad and Teleirraph Have Been Ordered Recon structed With Vera Cruz, Con- ^sider’g Capture of Lqor an Im- *^portant Victory For Carranza THE CABINET DISCUSS- EO GBAN^OF WAB. K«isc7 4imS Not President Mu»t Ac- cept BraponsiUUty—Killing of More Amerieaaa Would Meai Opening of Houtiiitieg. Wa&hington, June S.—If war must come bet^vecn the United States and Germany, the kaiser and not the President will be compelled to accept full responsibility. The President will use every hon orable means within Ws power to Avoid hostiliUes. If the kaiser is de termined to draa' the United States i^o the present conflict, he may do 30 by killing more Americans. This, in fact, is the statement made by a mojority of President Wilson’s rtbsnet. There was but one question in the minds of (rovemmenta! minis ters: “Wi!! Germany give up its warfare on innocent non-combatants?” The cabinet stands squarely behind the President in his determination to make Gerniany abawion submarine warfare on non-cpmbatants as the price of America’s continued friend ship. Even Secretaries Bryan and Dan iels, who were opposed to drastic ac tion at the outset, are now satisfied that the United States must take a firm sand against Germany if the progress of civilization is to be main- taine!. ELON CLOSES SPLENDID YEAR. IX THE RELIGIOUS WOBLU. I BARACA-PHILATI^EA CITY LSI-1 i OX ME£TS. . niieii A King FoumI His Song T%e InterBational Sunday School Les son for 13th is ‘^The jSlessed of For^veness.’*—rwlm 32. Elon College, on May 26th, rounded out its 25th year. The entire com mencement was marked by dignity and simplicity. Every exercise was of a high order. The barealani'eate ser mon by Dr. F. G; CoflBii Wa»' a noble utterance. This theme was: “Digni fying the - Common Task.” His dis- couree produced a fine impression. Pi-esident Fairfax Harrison of the Southern Railway, upon whom the College conferred the LL.D, degre;, was a most happy speaker in his de livery of the literary address. Presi dent Harrison is one of the South'u biggejt men. Hu is a ca-ptain of in dustry, bat he regards the South’s noblest asset as her sons and daugh ters. He exalted manhood in his dis course and pleaded for reel education as against the wild clamor for voca tional training. The unexpectedness of his position on this nmtter gave his utterances all the greater weigh and vivacity. The year just cloead was marked by the largest enrollment yat ^itt^ined, mo!-e than 400 having been in attend ance. The Board of Trustees decided that for the futuru the enroUment should be limited to 400. They be lieve the college of that ftizc is able to render a definite conti-ibution to character development not possible under other conditions. Their atten tion for the next few years, if itoj permanently, will be directed to the making of Eion an ideal small College for Just 400 studesRts. The President and faculty are in thorough sym pathy with this policy. (By William T. Ellis.) In some matters we bow to oar tyranmis modernity, but in all fun damentals of life we know that there is no change. Eswntials of life' re main as they were millenuVms ago. What was most important in the days of King David is still most important today. Three thousand years have passed since King IJavid on his throne is splendor, and in that day his su preme concern was his relation with Jehovah, Spiritual values were pla>;- ed higher than all material interests. The profoundest utterances of David had to do '.vith the state of the human oul. Spiritual peace concerneri him mnio than military glory. "Ah, but that was long ago,” says some up-to-date youngster. “Theii modern days are more practical.” Not bit of it, my boy. Look deeply enough into life and you will And the things which matter today are the same things which mattered in the days of Noah. Let me tell you two stories to illusti-ate my points. The first was told me by a good friend with whom I lunched at the Union League Club on Fifth Avenue in New York. My friend had named a “big business" man, known as hard and cold and relentless in all his trans actions. a veritable money-making machine. One day Istst Febraary he POPE PREPARINtr WHITE BOOK. ■London, June 4.—The Daily Tele graph’s Rome correspondent says Pope Benedict is preparing a White Book, in -which he will show the steps h« took in support of peace. CHARGES OF FRAUO AIRED AT RALEIGH. Nicholas DtBoy on Trial for AUegciI Stuffing Ballot Box—Will Be Acquitted, Raleigh, June 2,—The trial of Nicholas DeBoy, judg« of election in the recent city election, on the charge of putting a ballot in the box when no one was voting it, began this after noon, N. A, Dnnn, C. H. Anderson and others testifying that they saw DeBoy do this. Testimony for the defense, sub stantiated by DeBoy’s assoMate ju(^s was that an old soidier, Mr. Wiiiis, from the home, came in to vote, there was difficulty in iinding his name on the poll book and DeBoy, haaving pre pared the ballot at request, held it while the name was being looked up. When found the old man had gone unobserved and they put in his ballot anyway. They heard the alk charg ing fraud, but attached no importance to it at the time. , A verdict of acquital is generally conceded. Ballots in the box tally with the poll book of voters, A true bill has also come from tha grand jury against Deputy United States Marshal Sturdivant charging him with fraudulent voting, in that he voted without being qualified as a resident of Raleigh. He had been here officially several months, but his family had not been moved here. His case comes up tomorrow. His plea is that he was told and believed I he had a right to vote. Holds DfUghtful Meeting at M. P. Church .Sunday AfteraooB—''r. Jno. M. Cook Speafcer-^Sannera For Best Attendance .\ward^ NIUE MORE BRITISB VESSELS SUNK BY ffiRNAN SUBIARINES Bombs Were Dropped Along Southeast Coast of London And Anonymous Telephone Galls Warn London Families. Tj£UTONIC ALLIES .MAKE STILL FURTHER ADVANCE Great Batti4||}s Indicated Near Grodek Lakes Between Aus- cro-Cermans and Russians, Italians Make Slow Invasion in Southern Tryol; British Vessels Destroyed In clude One Steamer. Three Trawlers and Steam Drifter, Crews Were Saved The June meeting of the Baraca- Philathea City Onion of BurUngtpii was held in the Methodist Protestant church Suiuiay r.fternoon at four o’clock with a good attendance an 1 the usual rimount of interest. -4fter spei ial music by the orchestra and devoiio!!:i! service conducted by Mr. W. -A.. Clmn, the speaker of the hour, Mr. John JL Cook, was introduc ed to the siudicm'e. Mr. Cook spoke in his nsuu! pleasing style, giving his hearers .some great truths concerning the Sunday school work. Following the address the business of the Union was transactd. The ro'.l of classes was called and the .number present recorded. The two classes having the best, percentage of their members iji eseiit and thus winnmg tht> Attendance Banners woie; Webb Avenue II. E. Junior Philathea ani M. P. Senior Baraca. The next meeting of the Union w’ill be held in Webb Avenue M. E. church Lieutenant on the first Sunday in July at four o’clock. MEXIC.4XS MURDER SIX MOKE AMERICANS. -\ccording to the Report of Cantain Lane Who Came From Oil Fields. KIUED AT AN OKKICEK, Houston, Texas, June 2.—Six Amer icans have been slain by Mexicans in jvice since REVIVAL MEETING CONTINUES. T!ie revival meeting that is beioj conducted at the Methodist Protest*- ant chui-ch by the pastor, assisted by Eev. G. Di.'co.n of High Point, vrill cd;ai:!u»; tI:rou^h Friday of this Vveel;. Both the attends nee and in- tci'est have increased with each ser- the weather lias become TWO WO .MEN LOOTED PASSENG ER'S PURSE. Made a Daring Robbery While Lady ^ Turned Back Fi»r a Moment. i Lieutenant Green was accompanied ® by the United State.'; consul at Tam- One.of tha boldest cases of purse Their launch was flying the wag going along Fifth Avenue when pUfering occurring in Durham for stripes at the stern and a navy attached I 1^®'''- Dixon h-js been prcaching with to the Uiiited States ship Sacramen- ^ great force and power, r.nd his se.r- * to, was fired upon when he went i:i moni; have been very effectual, caus- 'a launch to invcstigaie one of tho ing mcch interest to be manifested by killings, according to Captain Oscar both the Christians and the unsaved. ; Lane, of the stjainship WinKifrcd, Mr. Dixon has had a wide experience which docked at I.ynchburg this af- *" evangelistic work and his efforts here are proving fruitful as there have he hailwl my friend, saying, “Look time was committed yesterday in here. You are the very man I want Mrs. Bobert John- to see. I want to talk with some- from the city, body. I was over in Philadelphia the waiting room ai ocher day, and I went to hear that ‘>>e fetation yesterday prior to the di man Billy Sunday. Ithought I was ‘'e*' ‘“""‘•‘'I past all emotionalism, but Sunday stir- ‘‘ >"0*nent to sec about some af- red depths in roe that I didn’t know “«* "hen sha glanced again at existed. The spiritual emotions that ™°"'> I have experienced as a young mau *he noticed that her purse, which had came flooding over me again, I con- *’**•* there, was missing. .'V. fess tiv you that I wept as I listened to immediately begun and him." Can it be that this man of was Snaily found behind ciiliions, ivhose time was so precious * mirror, which hangs on the vrai. was spondingdaylighthoiirs andsitting: purse y,as entirely empty when on a board bench listening to an un- » ticket and a tutoretl preacher talk about sin and having been removed white flag at the blow. A bullet pass ed through Green’s hat and grazed his skull. The launch was immediately head ed ashore where ths party of sol diers was encountered. They threat ened Green with execution when ha d*;manded an i'>vest!gatioh>,^ CaptAin Lane says only the efforts of the con sul prevented the Mexican.^ from aar- rying out their threats. already beer, a good number of con versions in the meeting. The hour of th* day service !ms been changed from 9:30 to 9:00. The e\-ening service begins at eight o’clock. A cordial welcome awaits every per son who mdy attend these services. The singers of the other churchca are especially invited to r.ttcnd and tafco part in the .‘song services. BAPTIZED 21 TI.MES. Hili LIVES OF CREWS IN forgiveness and the love of Christ? Ah, my friend, there are. many men of aiieht and money who would give their last dollar to kno'# the searet at peaae which the Gospel proclaims. When The Millionaire Wept. Here is another story, and it, too, is relatftd to Billy Sunday. It W.-4S told me by one millionaire concerning another, 1 had seen them both at the Billy Sunday tabCTnacle in Philads- phia whie the preacher was swayir.g! a mutitude. The ct'O^u was moved! Mrs- Johnson at once made know i her loss and two wrrasn, who were the only ones in the ladies’ waiting room at that time, immediately bega>; to assert that they knew' nothing ahout the affair. In spite of their seeming lack of knowledge iii regard to the matter, they soon made it convenient to skip from tKis locality on one of the trains; and from what could be learned, it seems that these two women were tne guilty ones. Twslvtf-Year-Old Girl of Snow Has ’‘Vision,” Kinston, June 2.—Ruth Marshburn, between 1.! and 12 year.s of age, came here yesterday from her home about five miles oa , th? north side of Snow Hill on a scls be driven on the bea;h by a remarkable mission. The little ricane which ha.'! been sweeping ths^^j^ Tuesday night a week ago Virginia coast for .iG hours, tho _ She was live.s of the crew of at least two tept awake all nighi, she asserted, schooners are in jeopardy tonight. . j,y spirit of her fathei', who died in a hospital Some weeks ago. Ths Norfolk, Va., Jane U,—With' guards to .save them should their'' DOLLAR spirit admonisihed her to be baptized I 121 times in order to be cured, of n FORTY-EIGHT MILLION DIVIDED BY FORD COMPANY. ! physical ailment which had afHctcd '^prd },e,. fo,. years. She plainly saw the Detroit, Mich., June 4.—The Motor company today announced that departed parent in heaven, she it had increased its authorized capi-'anj was with him for hours, • ca! St.wk from $2,000,000 to *100,000,- ^he manifold baptism, she was iu- The women were evidently profes- ^(^,0 a„d had declared a stock of $48,- f„„^ed, .she would be relieved of her mightly by him; but then, says the jsionals at the art of shoplifting, lor *i. |0g0,(j00 payable July 1. 'afficton on her 12 birthday. e*W, s, critics, they were only the bullible ^ t**® i A cash dividend was declared on the j Jenkins, a Holiness miniswr, Vet these two millionaires have suchjP“rse of its contents and stow it be- authorized stock of 5a,000,- pj-egeiiee of a small party, isi a standing that there is no business hind the mirror. No indication can qoO. but the amount was not made ’ Marshburn on and one man in America who would not admit i be gamed so far as to their where-jp^^Uc. The stock divided increases' times in the water of Neuse ^ the holdings of Henry Ford, presi- gjygr ti,g ^f Parrott's bridfe. jdent of the company, ?27,840,000. J^he r-.ite gii-1 was the guest of reia- president, re- jjjg day, and in the their practical aherdness and modern efficiency Both are a power in the national lu'e. The oQder, himself an active Chris tian, said to me a few days later, “I never saw X so affected as he was that night. Tears ran down Wa face. He was touched to hta deepest heart by that simple m^sage. Aftet th? meeting he want with me to my home and w talked for a long while about the sermon, and about faith in Christ and about what it means.” Spiritual peace is still the supreme concern of mankind. There are un numbered lives today, which outward ly seem brilliant and prosperous and favored, which nevertheiess cany breaking hearts because of dte spirita- (Continued on 4th Page.) abotits, HOW PAINT. James Couzens, vice ' jccives $5,000,000. jafttinoon surpiised a party by pick- The first cost of a good job of paint] increase brings the issued „p ^ Bible, opening it carelessly, —Devoe~is $50 (average size, of ^ ,and reading whole chapters with the couise.) The first cost of a second$50,000,000. The re^inmg ^ ^f an educated person, with. or third or fourth rate job, ?55 ta|^ flawless pronounciation and perfect ipar.y’.s treasury “to be used a?, condi- punctuation, Ruth Marshburn te rtians demand in the future. ?100. The wear is likewise. The better you paint, of course, the longer, it wears. And the more you pay for your job, the shorter it wears! Devoe is one of a dozen good paints. There are hundreds of bad one. As likely, as not, Devoe >.■! the only good one jii this town, DEVOE HOmr & MAY sell it. THE INKUM IS TORPEDOED. Falmouth, June 4.—^The Britisii steamer Inkum, from New York to London, was torpedoed at 4:30 o’clock this morning 43 n\iles southwest of Lizard Head. The crew was landed punctuation, turned home confident that on a day in next October when she will be a round dozen years old will becoiae a physically normal as well as a beauti ful little girl. If faith can heal, sho wdll probaby have her deisire. When Germany talks about intcrna- tional rights a laugh goes round the here by the Norwegian steamer Wiend- ^orld. !a, . PRINT •*