I isftr; Bs^I ■ :'.i "^sFIW! ‘ WKHl^ MwT4*- »«•..-'■•, jUrf •Jtmiwit ifl -' ?'• ■ • ‘ . •. G. J; JtofW WiwrttnrSakw : Mik. vWiftar' «iffiUMaai J* -viaMii« [keie-i*^, M»- P«^. -' ’■•^ '■ ■’;=■’■ "'-' TmSw Aimaf* Wcleam at Wm Maggi* CMe of OutlKi^'.its |iiw giM«t Mlaf Oart«l4 . Hiaa N«tti« Bid^ «t Smp^w WednMday S»er* witt rdrtiws. Hka BUifilM nionas «)U leave londay to attund a house partjr at Karttam. )b. and Mrs. J. M. Cranford and rilr. J. C. GriSiM are p^ndinr a few day* ia Orange CooAty. Kin Mary TJios^eoa ^cc the first of the week wit^ her parents .neyr Graliam. Mias Mary Barriscer of Winston- Sateia was the goest of Miss Fannie Clapp this week. Mrs. Addie La. Fond left yesterday to spend her vacation at Norfolk and Portsmouth. Mrs. J. L. Kembdle and dautrhter of Greensboro are the g;uest of Misses lifatie and Jntia Fogleman. Mrs, E. t>. Boland retamed Wed nesday from Greensbcro -where she visitad friends. Free ice water at Walker’s 5, 10 & 25c Store, Main. Street. Make our vton beadqwrten Chautauqua vreek. The friends of Mr, George A. Gar> risen 'i!iU be grlad to know that he i.; getting alone all right. Ho had 3 cancer taken off. M^ f, R... Mqbafie and . daisgfater,^ Miw Annie Maud spent sereral days in Greensboro. They were met there bj his son, W. V, Mebane of Rome, Ga., iM from there they spent some time^in Winston-Salein visiting: Mrs. G, J. Raper. «£- COCG* BWroWT- TKAT Ufa |»#aM;iKoat d« Tw^lint PSnic ] BalMM;tkr m4 fMwyi ail Miawd ic » tlrattirt. WMlkiw Co^ SffV Or. 9M ' FtM-T«i>CrMM»f. bgr its^iiM miti et fma «aa»rt^ Att ••- • dancen^i' CoUL G» V TMr taicr, wk far a* tSe w^tiul bmh |bubM OOMPAMY, Pw>p«„ start at aate aM S*'" - eif Co«|^ and CU. Mt iSvcy. 1 >TM«r«d Da«'i| m4 iitcy Mad* ali tStatenent si*» Pycwbgr tt^ . N* On jama^ t91S, Ufr. aaid:. “Xy kidv^s hamt hattemd for SMM itin# and I am Mftic I have for a Vmc whBe."; ■ .;v, ; - .Prtoe Btc,. ..at aak t» A; Mrs. Bacba* {mC POSTQUfE|»; iBaiaif^ »V.Y. t«AW SAtS BVXLTN Hmatizt. WANTS He CmM Net Keep Ber Pmn Hia Fartaae if Kept in Mattewaa. N«w York. Juoe^Stl.—Or. Charies A. Mills, of Philadelphia, a witoeas ia the jury trial to test the swoity of Harry K. Thaw, tMtiOed today that tlunr believed that Ids wife, Evelyn Neshit Thaw, wanted him kept in the Matteawan asyhsm so that as an in- sana persona he would be unable to make a will euttinf hor off froni his fortune. / > nie qtteetion put by one of Thaw’s attorneys was said to have been WABNIKG! ! DeKaqaeKt Tax Payers. T'fcMifcir *•••« ^ ««*I to «5, pH aUows^ ita-VU' .tiat *t Hum.--'-mi o An Idli and prior’ taxes wbkh are not iMid to aut btfore noon of Hon> dsy, the 5th of July^ 1915, will posi* tivdy be adv»ti8ed and the property to cover sold. ^ The law allows no further indo- ^cnee to Oelioquents. I am an officer sworn to obey dre law. I have no ot^r t««oui^ than to advertise and ^I. 1 shall, there fore, be unable to evade the unpleas ant duty of levyine oh the pn^erty or ^misheeinK the wages of each and every delinquent who does not settle r.t once the amount of hi& delinqu- prompted by a published article quot- ency. ing Mrs. Thaw as beinp fean'ui lor ti»e i i can inake not or.* «»ntion- safety of her son if her husband jvnll be useless to ask further time— should be released. Mrs. Thaw, who it is beyond my power snd legal right has been ssrved with a expected to testify as a the Stste next week. “Thaw., told me,” Dr. sbpoens, s*to extend it. , - ’ ifitness for Those who have not settled 1 me by July lOdi, can only blatne Mills said, themselves; ’. and I solemnly worn “tiiat his wife had motives in wanting ^ those, here a»d iinsU/, that if they to keep him in Matteawen, He did do not at once respond to this notice, not think she had anything against the steps requirsd by law, will with- him personally, or was apprehensive out further w-rniag—be regretfully for her son, but thought she believed but unhesitatingly taken, that as long as he was in Matteewan,' It cannot be expected tbat I shall he could not make a will cutting her peroonally cul! on every delinquent, ofl'.'’ end t shall not attempt to do so. — — — 1 It is your duty to settle for your ITAL.V PKEPAKING FOR S YEARS’ taxes at my oflice, and unle» you do : -WAR. ■ AH the Mudtlm Faeliiric* « Kiag^oa Weridsig Da; aad Tliglit Ob Sapplir*. Rom^ June 27.—ital^ military Walker’s 5, J.0 4 25c Store clerks authorities today asaerted that aii tfa«! sp*nt one evening last week at .the arms,' aiAmuititton and expiostves fac- Piedmont Park, carrying supper and torie.^ in the kingdM are workirtjf enjoying the evening. After laach|ia^ snd night to sarare not only what they went to Hiss Patterson’s home where diey were entejrUjned with muakal selections. . ' jso before noon on Monday, he 5th ' day of July, 1 regret to advise that T(k! the unpleasant and expensive meth od of enforcing collection by law mast be employed against you. , Rtspeeaoffr, , , j ,cook,, Sheriff Alamance Coun^. 1)—; by 'fwii Baeeb)^, ^ i* M,applkiiN«,^r^ Wta^af.as to tjhe young nuut to vdiow .adfreeMd. is Nbr. BeeeWs tetter: "Itoo ^ nowi for tt* to«* ti*H*f ntduri int4j tor yoataalf. Y«J BF'*w ■ ■ !»«■«,> aad Jlil fuilly •"« way in » is a flMd Uy Bake ji new stjui, t» &nits ^ «teac «ndt ytm ha«: fW''a99*>ieiiie^ aiU teke on..lMbiU a^tjek ym .have fooAd t» “Yta must net go. into d^.: Avoid 4^ as you woo{d m d^. “'Ibke it a fandamental ruie. No debt— or no^ng. “Make few pronuses. Religiously obs^e even the smallest promise. A man why means to keep his promise eanaot^alfdrd to make many. “Be scrupulously careful of ail t»ta»«nts. Accuracy and perfect No guesswork. Either «r accurate truth, "ISbw working for others, sink si^ yourjell out of sight. Seek their int«K^ Make yourself necessary to tbose who emidoy you, by industry, fidelit^r and scrupulous integrity. SeillSlmess is fatal, “Hold yoursef responsible for a standard than anyboly expects of you. Keep your personal stand ard high. Never pity yoursef. Ba a hsird master to yourself, but lenient to everybody else. “Concentrate your force' on yonv own proper business; do not turn off. Be constant, steadfast and perserv- ing. “Do not speculate or gamble., You go to s lane where everybody is ex cited and stiives to make money suddenly, targeiy, snd without work ing tor it. They blow soap bubbles. Steady, patient industry is both the surest and the safest wcy. Greediness and haste are the two devils that de stroy thouisands every year,” jrticre are only two things I wo«ld add to this remarkable letter. One's, to be polite and tactful. The other is, be sure that you are really in terested in tjii work you undertake tie do. PoUtness and fact are perhaps not absolutely indispensable to success. Wte «C \ -a-. 1 IIm iMTve tmUn. ' Y«a diBA mwd t« iH he>^ tas, itntae. Ti haa^: Jm Perna’s we wiB yw direct. Ih* ^fee of « Jui* bottte ii SiU». S«ad thif amstmt and >our dealer s Kane to: Bl^EDY SALES COBPOBATlOX. ■ Chaiiolt3,-N.:C ' Mrs. Joe Person’s Wash dwuld bt uai^ in conneedon wit& dhe Remsdy for the cure of ai»m owl the rdief of iidamed and e»«eeted aui'faceif. It ia eqpaciailf valuable tor waaett, and should always be used for ulcera tions. •etiPB IS to reafBV);^ 1^1^ MW* ewfclJih ^ ^ lie fWa tS hm» i w«s in^ fiiuaSii win SK be able to niiime ‘Oft' for. months. WhM uestt. A driva against Iti^y be Jf .tte..Tcar.; t»ni$‘ ailiiK, feidl.ab^ to pres^e tlbe virtual deadlock in the w^tem thea ter of inr. . m NOtlH CAIOUMA (sum W UMOIITUE 018 HECIUklC UTS RG-CAPTCKE OF LEMBERG. The success of the Austro>Germ«n forces in driving the Russians out of Lemberg marks the close of one im portant phaise of the war. It matter!! little whether the Russians retirement ordcily. eVacuaiuZi o" tfcst the Teutonic allies entered the city after a desperate battle. Evidently thers was considerable fighting' in the past three days. That is was not ail rear guard engagements covering the Mus covite retreat is c)ear fro mthe Rus sian official claims of victory at vari ous points where the Czar’s troops ha'1 taken the offensive. Where the real 'si^iftcatice of the re-capture of lemberg lies is’ in the fact that Rassa hais been forced to abandon every ;'osit)on taken from Austria until March iest when Prwm- ysl surrendered. In the beginnig o’ the war. Russia overran Galicia. Aus- tria-Hungat7 «eemed on the verge, if NEW SANITARY CANNERY. 1 bag to anounce thct our new Sanitary Cannery is new coinplctej and we will be abie to can tomatoes, Iwans, etc., for the public on Tues days, Thursdays and Sctuidays. Let us da some of your canning for a trial and we are sure that you ■»ri!J always send to us. Very truly, WILUAM T. STOKES, JR. ■■ . : ^ ,®ie reinstatement of 700 men by tb^ Ss'jthcioi Railway, even though for only three days in the week at fil«t, is the kind of news to whi!h apace is most cheerfully given. ~?9i^ day end will be Siunnicr and the coming Autumn, but Kot with drums loud bray, for the possibility of a contincunee Grim old reminder of war time, of the inflict lor three years, in- t^t us welcome the 4th today, eluding the supplies of arras wUch it will be necessary to . replace. FOR SOW LONG? Burlinj(4on Raiae* a Pertinent Qoes- ■■ HOW TO KEEP THE TOI. j®“t they certainly count for much i;i ■ ^l>clping to win success, and they count ,/or piucli in making life more coni- foi’tabl^ both for you and for n!I with .whom you have dealings, ^ .4.S to beiiig interested that em- ;phat:i;«ily is indispensable, j man. can be truly efficient, or attain his highest posstbilitie^* : unless he is int«nfi«ly, Absorbingly I interested iii his work, A iatevest means mediocre .results, when it does not mean outrisht iailure. But with gt«titude and Thscsgivinig, With deeds of beauty and worth, t>et us once again do honor, To the day of the nation s birth. With prayer and praise, gladness. Let us welcome this blessed day. Young men ^king to equip themseJvea for practiml life in Agriculture and aii its altied braitchce; in Civi), Electrical and X!e e h a n i c a I j^nsnneering; in Ctemi'try and Dyeing; in Tex tile Industry, and in Afrricultral Teach.ng will find excellent pro» vidon for their chosen careers at the Stftta’s Industrial College. This College fits men for life. Faculty for the coining year of 65 men: 767 studedt*^; 25 build ings. Admirably equipped la boratories in each department. County examinations at &BCh county scat on July 8th. For catalogue, write E B. OWEN. Kegislrar* West Raieigh, N. C. tUJCAU) In this time of industrial opportu nity, :t is gratifying to ««e what a firm grasp the men trained at tha Agricultural and Mechnnical College are taking on the iAdustrial life ot military collapse. After being a men- ace to Europe for over forty year*, tbs ^ut they are doing- unknown forces of the dual mo„»rcfav. themselves and to when called into the fMd. were seen' to be pitifully, weak under the condi- ' tions of moduli'^HirfBrf. ' are directing cotton miiis. On our When a neighbor fclis us that he Under the Star-Spangled Banner, has recovered from a serious illness, While the Spirit of P^ec holds sway the first question that naturally arises is, “How long will he keep yell?” May progress and Independence, Temporary relief is one thing, but a With wisdom wiilk hand in band; lasting cure is altogether, different. To dtiye each skulking evil* There is ecthing t^poftry about ihts Out of our dear homeland, work of Doan’s Ktdo^ Hlls as the foUowing evickine' provra beyond a doubt., To promote the .easise of peace, : Hrs. Saul Hughes, 926 Dixie St., To war with .ail evil forces, ■ Oivly so shall our land Increase, Lemberg, a city of about-140,000,highways you ilnd the.;, fell on September 2, a ,scant month „,;th transit and rod. They aro after the war began. Austro-Hung«.-men who need draughts- iar. troops melted a%vay before the in- machinists. Young men wb,> vader. At last an army as large ... ^,„bUiouH and detormined to make *he combined armies of Napoleon and iMrt»sh.ff- WeUington at Waterloo, or the com- makinfr their way to this bined armies of Meade and Ue nt s„stilution. The faii announc- Gettysburg shut itself up in Przem- announcement in this paper will ysl. The Russians twreviith out heavy j^^^est .scores of youn^ men. siege guns and could onjy reduce the great fortess fby invejtmdt and starvation, Austria could not send an army to relieve the b^iegfil garrison. l^' tHe fortress MI when U£ YOUR RESOLU TIONS. When .you open the >?iue pot and don’t use it—it jjets dry and worthlesa-doesn’t it? When you nriake a resofntion ?j)d don’t keep it - it doe* you ni> good— do::sit? You are sroing to open an aecsunt here Yes, ever sitice ye>u have been- reading ^’baf we have been saying to you, yosj've bfen raaking that resolution Glue that resnlutior> * Do it now! Make it stfek? easy to start —and wlien you start it’s done. Isn’t that £0? We pay Interest on Time De posits. ^ > vaUII^CE I^ll AND WUSLl^OliRAHf ■IhE LARGEsQ^Np 'OLDiS'l BA!^- m TflE COBNTy. (T^ Oas MTitf) th« CUms.) BURLINGTOii K C This ii the vehJict of al) the ages. i^““* 8“"®- Then.it seemed as if fevery inan who .Sis' achieved much |serious obstacle stood in th j' has had a thie'passion for the tasks j'*™y the victorious Russian march !he set himself to complete. j*“ Cracow. AustWah pHwsners cap-^ I Also, my young friend, I would ask;Pvzemysl exceeded 127,000J ',v6« to ri^' espeelSfi'y'Mr. Bceeher’:: thousands of soldiers were lost; : three-word stkte^ent, SelAsh is fatal, fruitless sorties; | i The ifaiui who works only for him- Teutonic plan ’ For our country needs brave soldiers, may perhaps amass money-, hnt l»P«ng "had an-ived. In-, he will not win rear success. Money ;slc.*id of maksnj^ a detorr.iined drive alj is,after all, the last iten in a really "est^rn theater .-«r' successful life. The most impoitant j , is tbtr consciousness that your life has *** ® gigaJitic movement to, beon so spent that it has meant much ’’’ecapture Przemysl and Lemberg an-l , fa:- the go6d of others,- Russia from Galicia. Kitch->-J , ner had predicted that the real fighting: i ! would begin in May. This led British' 1 people to expect a vigorous ofFensiva' ^by the allies. .Instead there came tlrj j I vigorous drive by the Germans at ‘ In yroodnc^s, in wealth, in power;. ^;Ti).I the stars which shtce above, The be.-:utiful star-Spanklcd Banner, i Shall look on a land of love. TIRED. RE- I Where all men dwell as brothers, j Wfc'jre wealth is accounts^ ACHING MUSCLES LIEVEO. Hard worft, overexcrtion, mean stiff, sore muscles. Sioan’s Liniment lightly I Let us work for the advance- fjppiie^^ a'little quiet, and your sore- ment, So best shall woskiep the ,^ta-th. lYpres, which startled England, RUB-MY-TfSii Will cure Rheomatitm, ral|^». HeadachM, Oamp«.,Co!ie Spraiitt. Br»iie». QilfcBaWJiiOW Sores. T^r« Kitti>Wo^ £e> zem«, etc. / lised ioterni T^TOUNG MEN*, (By H. Addinton £ntc«.>^ I *>» Mk«d viMt I thlnr Mnpz sns«, (vyM tc 6a it, Apparently Ypres was -merely a strategical movenient-.,.At least, it wa.^ not followed up, while the ,Kaiser ds- tached immense numbers «f,|roops to join with the Austro-Hur.r;~i-jans in tJie tremendous drive ai,-;-,L.ist the Rus sians in Galicia. Never before in thj history of warftsre has there been sui-h a determined effort to win regardless of the cost in men and munitions. Carnage incalculable has attended the progrMS of Ae Teutons as they beat (back fte Ru«>^n armies. As to the Nothing atinff* Sike the knowledge j amount of uaw^ikm consumed, tlw tut yon 3l«w allowed a fool to stiiig | Rasgians calci^W^iM Ae four 7^”^^ Anarim. |dayt whfle fornd •ness disappear* ,'ikc ma^c, “Noth !ing ever help^ jika your Span's"Lini-1 mer.t. I cai^'hever thank you enough.” writes one grateful user. Stops suf fering, aches and pains. .\n excellent counter-irritant, better and cleaner than mustard. All Druggist, 25c, Get a bottje today/ Penetrates without W»RSE STiNfif' We are .^howinjr j o.i here- «ith f.nc- of our liost .>:c Sle/s jr. the celebrased HOWARD & FOSTER line of Aien’s fine shoes at $4.00 worth $5.00 today. Ail umssriMii- ty as to whether your sheee; will v;ear and keeo their, shape is ended whesj; yo?,f; walk out in a pair of H. F. Shoes. Faien!s/.*^viit^ Leather and Russet oiS the latest English and othei- po pular lasts. Full iine of \ Hosiery to inatcli. k-^Aav/v."*-'c/v/. Burlington,^