uroamaattacm C«nMr ioteM flbwu. Bot. Ik. C. Otf. « is«A.lL Fmdrii« jniA ife* ThM 81A' te* at ll;i« A. It. mi »M f, ML IQ*.W«!* avHw ««MT Wifcwil«y. ■ S49 F. It,, FuMMf* Gohmt Ft^t Md Tnl* Iiaa«r BfaCMtf. HOCinr lUiMOttiAL SAPTfST GHVBC8. . Adsau Avenm bb4 H«il SCtoaC Say. JtMtt W. Bom, Paatw. Fr«iiehing' ev«ry Fonrtk Scaday •t 11:00 A. M. alKl 8 :00 P. U. Syndkj ScWI twf Swrf»7 at 8:30 A. M Pray«i Meeting Weinc«lay, 8:00 P. *• LadiM’ Aid Societj' FM Sunday At- tarnooD. ETiSCOI'AL CHUBCH. Chuftk Tke H4y Caatfaitcr. Ike Rev. John B«nnei« Qibble, Baetor. cn^KSi' ■aat Oawla Btiiat Ba*. Gao^ L. Cn^, Paatar. haadbC Senrka* avcry Sanday at 11.-00 A. M., and £:«0 P. if. PnjtT MaaiUsfi Wednesday 8:00 K Ki . ■ tadiaa’ Aid and MiariiwMy SocMte a*ary Hwday aftanMoii after Flw Soi^y ta aM^ nMntk. 3MitiBa fodttavw Sei^ mttu •> 7dW Evai^ &wday Bvaninc. SonSay Sdunol, 9:30 A. M. If. A , Mile, SnpeHntendMit , (kod Bamea ^ Fhfiatbea danaii Yoa aca Invtted, t« atcaad all tkaa* ■' serHeea. mcm^ laiL vsiniim crnr d» Assmm*. Vice CeatialaAe Bc^aita 2tS WaatM ef' (^acalianaUe' ,CMme(ef, bi tlv Maaatei* Ctty. Serricea «very Sunday, lltOO A. M. and 8:0a P. M. . Holy Comnunioii: First Sunday, 11:09 A. If., Third Sunday, 7;S0 A. X. Hdy and Saint’s Days, 10:00 A. M> Sunday School 9;S0 A. U. The public is cordially invited. All Pews Frae. Fine Tasted Clu>ir. S^^RONT »TRE£T M. S. CHUBCB; soum R«v. D. H, Tattle Pastor. resce to those who enter. Blessing's to those who go. 'breaching every Sunday, 11:00 A. lf.'8ad 8:00 P. If. Sacrament of the Lcrd’a Supper offering for Church charities, Firat Sunday ’n each month. Sunday School, every Sunday, 9:S0 A. M, Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 8.00 P. M. Board of. Stewards meet an Monday, 8:00 P. M., after Fourth Sunday of each month. Woman’s Ifissionary Society meats «:00 P. M., on Monday, after 1ft aad 3rd Sundays. Parsonage, next door to Church, Front Street. Paster’s Telephone, No. 168. Rinjr-r-Talk—Hang TJp—^“Busy.'' MACiBDOinA LEJTHSBAN CHUBCH, ^nt 'Street. Rev. t. S. Brows, Paster. Morning Service 11:00 A. M. * ' ys»p*r* 8:00 P. M. Service* every Sunday except ttw morning of Third Sunday. Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. Prof. I, 3 Robertson, Sopt. Tsscfcers’ Meeting Wednesday 8:00 -P. M. (Pastor's Study). Woman's Missionary Society, Firai Thnrsrijty. Monthly, 3:S0 P. M, L. C. B. Society, Secomi I'harsday Monthly,, 8:00 P. M. Voiing People’s Meeting, Second Sun day at 8 P. M AVENUE M. E. CHUBCH SOUTH. Bar. E. C. Oarham, Factor. Preaching every first Sunday at 11:01 A. M., and 8:00 P. M. Second Stia- day art 8:00 P. M. Siiaday School entry Sunday at 10:M A. M. A, M. H. F. Moore, 8apa(tBtan4aaat. svafyaody BAPTtST CVOBCa. Bev. M. W. iMdt. Pastor. Sunday Worship, ll:Od A. aac, 8:00 P. M. Sunday School at 9:W A. M. 3. li. VertMHi, Superintendent. Praise and Prayer Services, Wedsra- day at 8:00 P. M. Christian Culture CiasS, Saturday a 8.00 P. It OiDreh Confemice, Wednesday b*- fora First Siuday of eacik month 7:80 P. Obaerviinee of Lord’s Supper, Firu> Sunday in each month. Woman’s Union, l^st MoniUy of eae^ Month, S:30 P. M. Ash«viUe, jun« ’iifi.—That titere are 226 -rmata here who are making their living hy ptuUcipating in . ihe; •oeial evil waa t^ statonent of the Vte. Canuoission which was made at yesterday’s meeting of repivsentative Asheville eitiiens invited to att^ a aaaaion called by Jud^ J. Fraiser Glenn^ of tl» city pdiee cowt. tnM meeting, adopted resolittaa«ta aAing the city and county to build a hom of refuge for these unf»iwiate wo- r.'ien and a committ^ was named to investigate the advisability or re-«s^! tablishing die eiegregated district ^ich was eradicated several months ago. Strong addresses in favor and against the sergregated distri^ were .made at yesterday’s meeting. The Vice Commission branded pre sent conditions as deplorable. PR«SB¥TEBU» CHUBCH. Rev. Donald Melver, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11:00 A. M and 8:00 P. M. Sunday School at 946 A. M. B. B Sellars, Superintendwt. Prayer Meeting, Wadncsday at 8;Ufl P. M. The Public is cordially invited to all services. MINE RESCUERS TOO LATE; FIN'D ENTOMBED .MEN DEAD. Dug Fourteen Days in Effort to Reach Workmen Caught by Csive-in at Neck City, Mo. Joplin^ Mo., June 24.—Rescue work ers, after foui-teen days of toil,> dus: their way into the face af the Lons- acre-Chapman mine at Neck City this afternoon, and on top of a pil; of timbers found the bodies of Daniel Hardendorf arid Reed Taylor. The ~.sn upparon.Hy had been dead sever',1 days. Last Thursday morning when the rescue crew tapped on an air Uiie pipe running through the drift they repoi-ted they had received a response from .the imprisoned men. Four other men, who were at work in the min e.when the cave-in occur red were rescued alive five days later. VKAjtTKW LAWS. ELBCnON ivy Ktbtnm PMictttHcat* Agaisit T«te B«yen Ik WUauag- toa EleetieB. Wilmington, June SO,—Juat before bang discharged for. the term early thi* ttftemoon, the suptiriM court grand jory, which has been engaged almost et^tinually since Monday in pro^inc the alleged violation of the ijteetion laws in the last nunict- pal eaaqwign, retomed psreaentments •^oba^iy 10 or 20—^presoBiably against persons allege to have uwd or other' tUags of value, to buy and bifluence votes. The jneaant- ments. were handed down to Judge Bovndtreei who, after glueing over on^ of them, sealed the envelope and. then thanked the Jury for its service in investigatihg the alleged yiolatipus election laws and stated that the setviee would doubtless ever prove a blesaing to this community. He said Aat the presentments would be turn ed over to the nex grand jury for acioh. Judge Roundtree probably will preside, as he says he is deter mined to brealt up vote buying in Wil mington. ,. The jury also recommended thiat steps be taken to prevent the exhi bition of pictures of an imittoral na ture at moving picture thearers. 71m Itatiao soidief is not o«i/ ae^rely drilled but lie ia al«o expect ed to p«form a g«od many duties not usually regarded as fiUiinc with in tJ>e requirement* military stf ■ vice. It is consider^ incumbent on every man wearing the Xing’s uni- fonn to give aid whenever and where ver it rosy be needed for the pro tection of life and property, against crime, accident or disa^r, and wiien* ITALY LOOKS FOB LONG WAS. MwutiwM Fa«t«(ic* Are BmwiiBg Day Aad Night. Rome, Jiiae 27.—via Paris—Kalian military authorities today asserted that all the arms, ammnnitkm and «v.r a calamity befall»~^h as tte factories in the kingdom recent «arthquake-the flrst TUove is night, making always to send tr«ps to asrist the ’■**^5' poasibJlity of a eontin- suffering. That U one reason why y*««- Italy re^itds her army with alTectiai ^ — M her protector at home as wdl as j BwrUagton .Chautauqua—aevea hig her defender against foreign aggres- daya—June M to July 6w CHBISTIAM CHUBCH. CoTMtr Church and Davh Straeta. Rev. A. B. Kendall, D. D., Pastnr. Preaching every Sunday 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. Sunday School. 0:46 A. M. John B. Foster, Superintendent. Senior, Intermediate and Junior £ln- deavor Societies meet for worship every Sunday evening at 7:00 P. M.. Mid-Week Prayer and Social Service, every Wednesday at 8:00 P. M. Wonian's Home and Foreign Mission ary Society meets on Monday after the first Sunday in eacli month. Mrs. Ada A. Teague, Pres. Ladies* Aid Soci^y meets on Mond- ^ay after the second Sunday ir. eacti month, at 8:00 P. M. Mrs. W. R. Sel’ars, Pres. A cordial invitation extended to sit. A Chntch Rome for Visitors and fot Strangers. THE STRAWBERRY * CBOP IN TENNESSEE, PANAMraUFWA EX?8Si- TiON SsB IHego, C«L PAj^AMAPiiGlFH; INTERNA- TIONAL ^>an Franclsoii Cat VARIABLE BOUTE TOURS —asid— itEDUCEn ROUND-TBIP PABB8 —via— MtiFSUI I WESTERN Ull- SAl March 1 to November 39, ISIS. V1EBY LIBERAL STOP-OVEB PBIV ILEfiES The Best Bante to the WEST and NOBTHWGST. Fint Claaa and Mixed Car Tiefcets Semeaeekers Fsrea t« Many Peiets. PULLMAN SLEEPEBS —— ^DDi|N6 CABS. All Irfomation upon Apptieation to W. C SAUNDERS, Genera] Passenger Agent, M. F. ERAGG, Traveling Passetsgar Agvat, BCANOSE. VA. Chattanooga, Tenn,, June 29.—Over 70U solid carloads of strawberries have been shipped from the East Tennes see section an.i p»nts south of Chat tanooga to Cincinnati and other west ern markest during the season now coming to aclose, according to ii^re.i of the Queen and Crescent Route, over which practically the entire «;rop moved. The great bulk of this move ment comes from stations north of Chattanooga on the C, N. O. & P. Ry. A number cf cars also come from points on Southern Railway iii Salt Tennessee, the total from these two sections for this year running over six hundred cars. Eighty cars came from Cuba, Ala., and other stations in that territory on the Alabama Great Southern Railroad, There were a few scattering shipments making up the total. The crop this year was much larger than last year, but despite this fact good prices were realized, ero>7ers receiving an average of ?1.75 a crate, or about $700.0C a car, which will mea nthat this year practically $500,- dOO.OO has been brought jnto this sec tion for strawberrie.c alone, giving the growers a handsome profit and furnishing employment to a lar^e number. CRIPPLES FATHER’S CAR, EMP. TIES HJS SHOTGUN, ELOPES WITH HULSEY, Eockmart, Ga., June 24.—Cupid scored today by taking out the valves of an irate lather s auto tires and hid ing them so they could not be found. This prevented the chasg until it was too late. Mr. Buford Hulsey had been trying for more than a week to steal away Miss Inez Peek from her fath er’s home at Byrd station. But a handy shotgun had kept the would-bS bridegroom at bay. Attempt aftur attempt had failed, until the genius of the bride came to the rescue. Her first move was to send her trunk by some duse to Rockmart. This • she did several days ago and had it stored at o friend’s house. Next she slip ped all thj shells out of her father’s gun and hunted up all the others tliat could be found on the table, Tlien she went to her father’s garage and let all the air out of the tires and to make sure she removed the valires and hid them. At this time the mail train pullet^ up and her father went to perform his regulat.- ^,uty puttinjj the mail on the train. On a prearranged signal by tha bride an auto came by picking up the bride-to-be. They arrived in Rock- mart and were married by Rev. C. M. Li.ohan. It is free—^it tells hov/ you can have local and long distance telephone Ser vice in your honae at veiy small cost. Send for it today. Write nearest Bell Tele phone Manager, or FAKMERS' LINE DEPARTMENT POINT FOR BUILDERS, In Icttirsg the eontract for a resi dence or other building, it would be a good idea to consult your architect on the relative costs of the difFe>*ent materiaU. Ask him about the iidvan- tr.gcs of a slate roof, whether in the long run this roofing wil" not be cheap er than one of shingles. The fire hazard is not great, the insurance cost is much less thnn fot a shingU roof, and the wear is negligible. The archtitact might give you any num ber of pointers that will save you money and preserve ycur building. THREE STILLS SEIZED. Asheirille, June 27.—^Three large distilleries were destroyed by officers in Transylvania county, according to reports made at the local headtiUar- ters today. The thr^ plants were seized during tht; later ptat of the week and all showed the effficte of recent operations. "HENCHSIA.N," The Roxboro Courier lashes itseli into a mild frenzy; “Senator Simmons and his hcnmen, J. W. Bailey and A, D. Watts,” is the way a certain daily in this state re ferred to these gentlemen a few days sine*;. TMs inelegant language, as applied to these gentlemen, and wo are surprised that any reputable ■journal in this state would allow a i regular correspondent to refer to men I of their prominence. JJo man in the .state stands higher in the estimation jOf the people than does Senator Sim- imon.s,, and the otliar two are high I ioiiid, and to our fc.nowledg® as to Jine I of them, Clwistian gentlemen, and I such language should not be tolerated I in high class jcizrnalisr!.” ^ j Tiie primary or literal meaning of j the word, leaving out of eonsidara- 'tion its derivative meaning, which is ob.solcte, is, as used by Scott and da- i fined by Webster, the gillie, or right hand man of a highland chieftain; “a i trusted followe/- and suppci ter. ’ And s highland chief in the time of Scott j commonly rated himself and v.'as rated I by his clan as about the same as a king, if not a little betioJ-. Might one advise the Ku^„iO paper against yielding to such violcn pre judice against the mere appearance of a word? A dictionary i.! a handy thing to have around. Burliagtoa ChauUaqoa—seven big dsye—Jsne SO to July 6. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY M CAKES and CANDIES Reduced In Price, All Twenty* Cent Cakes and Candy now 10c - - - Ten Cents - - - Fresh Roasted Peanuts, full line of Fancy Groceries. When you trade at this store yon do not have to pay other people’s debts. Nothing delivered. Nothing charged. Your patronage solicited, Ralph’s Place "THE LADIES’ STORE.” Give Us Your Orders FOR Peas, Soy Beans, Late Seed Irish Potatoes, r’river Seed, and other grain you expee to need for late pianiing, if we do not have it in stock, will order it for you at lowest market price. WE ALSO Have full line of Corn, Oats, C. S. Mea! and Hulls, Sweet Dairy and Horse Feed, Shipstaff, Bran, Good Bread Meat and all kinds of produce. WE ARE Exclusive Agents for J, ALLEN SMITH'S PEERLESS, and MOUNTAIN CITY Fine Feed. Also DAN VALLEY and MELROSE Flour and Feed, whicii is the VERY BEST! :: Come To Headquarters :: MERCHMS SllPPLy COMPANY Burlington and Graham. N. C