- ■ ■ ; ‘*“* ^r’ ■- DYNAipmD iSiliSllB^^ amBm or mtttCAM BOiqCBANO AJfCXKUif WDWHUM. ir^ M..J .jti^fii 'Hvonco TO Tint f T".,:iii*'#!ifpvi# tmmvt 6, m isM iKT nBiD 111 HiniiEi FWATO SUN Cnranza Forces J^ Offkecs Are ^boidiiMe----tioeitc'8; : €kNfidnaied-"Carranza Soldten WUh Wi*w# Aod €hii«|lren Are Kifl^ M Trtiif '^recfc—^ * ^ pea6fR^ft^Ststrv- irtg People In-' If w Wuhin«ton, July l.—One*n of tte Jltpkta foices in Mcueo City iit^- n^^wlbv onlm' .«f tlM. e(>nvMittoit gewmneBt nomiitknir in «ontre] are ehaiged ^th indtiiic tlM .mHSM to Tiol«nee, accoidins to am- mges Mbled t^y to the stet« d«- pwrtment. Tbit toxta htrc not t>Mi> eta^ pnblie, bat ftmj are kncnim tv itat« tbat the insubonUmtion df ■om* Zapata oflfcers is renderinv the sitBation more aeatie. ' No pidspect for nifof o^ th* st)i*v- ing; Msgdean pmple is held oat.. Tha- cobTention ofleials,. it ^9 ^tadf claim to .have re^lsod tbe Casr^iiSi fotw date CaoM (Sonxalea, Ckmditkons in Mexico City defcribed as frcwini; more chaotk looned 'larg est today in the oStdal view at tbe Kxican situiMm, sttsatioB in tbe .cApital l8 said to Itava baen tsade danscrgus tor iMitet nports fh>m Mesioo Ci^, i»Ucli came by way of cowrtier by way of yera Ctw, said th«i mdim *wtw riWns and lootia* ' zens of Graham had pfoiiiei to^g were used to fill in the |*ps. ! Besidee the members there, were fccs- jent, Mrs. W, S. Freeman of Sp^heer, BL P. BAKACAS TO CELHBKATE M^aea Bessie Bennett and Susie >Stolc«s of Seidbville, Mrs. Sam Gaatt day momlngr, ceiebniie hav« diarye of this exercises of the|lj8btfnl salad course and tea and hot Sjinday School and tender a program rolls to the guosts. of qtecial mnsic and addresses. | Mrs, Walter E. Sharpe gave a de> ilie class will also have charfe of^liirhtfql party, fof the little folks at the church serricei, b^ moroinff and her home on Davi^ Street Wednes- GRAHAM PHOPLE HEAR JUDGE .lAMES E. BOYD. j Burtiuitont July 3.—Mrs. I>. Pbte «h«Tiuoe)y ei^rteinad the Ea' brotitery Club in icfcJsv aieietiiic mcvnisc Si':^y t*aia »' Ftilhar si^W The ma luti .at ten o’eloik, k»tead of ^jdleraooB, aa nao«!,' on account at the Chaaten- fqili’going on. The lai»e reeep^; ition i^t->vas entirely siiitabla for ‘th* goeats to arrange SiemaelTes in .'a chat busily the white _ -cTMiat w^es, tatti^ rttnttlaa, «as- t ^ ^broidery' hoops and otl^r femlniiie ail the/Other, eventa which the eiti- ;'f^ar wha' lMr« he«s waUag a* ii|w for pataia aH^ «M Mai far. 4m wmw, Vtmr are htc*. tr« have aatr hectt •hit t« ! \tha Vartaa .YaM aa' ytt, !• the beat vaHaty,.pnii4i^' wV-bc cM t« tat Pisaaa tS year aeii^Aai^ awl ease 4«ldE|y, petata pbata 4a Mt laat Isac luilcfa vtaated. Will have Hall plaata aesl week, bat fat tlMae while they are ta be . A.NMIVEB8ARY. j of Beaumont, Cal., Mrs. W. H. Wil- Tha Baraca Gm of the Methodist liamson of Locust Hill and Miss Protestant chnrei wiU, on next Sun- ^lorine Robertson. The hostasc, aa- •n- sisted by Mrs. Frost, Mrs. Damerson niversary of the class. The class will 'and Mrs. Williamson, served a de- Ba^Uw tlte members there were pres ent: Mrs. Sam Gantt, Mrs. L. L. Stoop, Mra., I>. H. Tuttle. Mrs.'Goforth, Mrs. C. A. Anderson and Mrs. W. M. Brown. Mra. P. E. Morrow was hostess to tha Embroidery Club in extra xneet- inK ai ifcvi ncuic day afternoon at four o'clock in honor ^f the fifth birthday of her a«h,‘'Mas- ter Wr E. Jr. The P^y wto. on the spacious lawn AlaManre Celcbratce Fawrtft WKh OKeaabora Jarlat aa Cl|lef 3i»Hk- ’ 'ar^ldge'a NatiTe Caasaty. (^ham, July 8,—-Ifhera waa a cele- bra^n ci th«F«>brtft of Jiitly iu Gra- haio trfay. ThfSrt were groat crowds from tSie country in town. Tha out standing feat4T« of the day waa. the- address deUvared by Judge Janck Sv Soyd. Jodga Boyd is a natire of Alamance; and atarted in the praistiee of law in Graham, and when his old ' fri^ds and .theiT'-sons and daugbitei^ learned Ijhpt i» waa eoming t^ nctka »n adinm, turned out in g»iX jiambers. At tile hour for C&e speiUc' ing every seat in 'Che very large ^nrt- roosi waa taken and the aislao were filled. Qte axwdaaa met oaened with aa address by Beenait Baffas, the may-' or of 'Smi ani ha waa Allowed by E. S. Paricer, Ir;. who ]^t«sented Judge Boyd as. one of tha hMne folks hsd com* JtotM for a vUt. Judge #m>ing. Rev. A. G. Dixon of BSgh Po^nt wGI be pnmst and speak at both services. He cornea to preach espwiatly to the Baraeas and all men who may be ppewat. The decorated in patriotic colors bn ac-' pnWfc is favjH^ to Atftind, and e#p«c- count of the naar approach of In- laHy *H Baracas and young men of | I>ay. All kinds at ganies the church and oomnmnlty. were played by the little lads and T^ ciasa ^ organized in July, l»s»ie#, who numbered fifteen. LitUe witth members, and has Misses Mildred Sharpe and NeUie prase^ Ht,f fiirft. aaaiatad . )s iBieMtarrt^p ia 119, and the average craam cones and «SSSy i!6^ the guerfs^ att«ndanec per Banday for the past a number of nice little gifts were twelve months was 47. It is recognia- priaeated the little host, ed as one of the largest and. most PriJny night, «ght to eleven actiirs «l*sse»=tn tke city. v.j«:k. Mis* Iris Holt gave a progrea- , jgiyg jiai-ty at her hotne on Webh AN JCXJOYABLE OCCASION. ! avenue in honor of Ler guest. Hiss Kate Jones, of the Normal College FiWiLY IF stabtling confession made BY MAN WHO S80T FfNANCt- BE AND OONVBSSBP TO EX- n/OOpiG BOMB AT WASBING- TON. vice-president has THREATENED. BEEN Mf. MsnriiaU Haa Reecived Mare Thaa Daaea AneayaMMia Lettera ia Six Wedca.—Holt Says H« Meant ta tfold Mrs. Moi^aa and CtdUrea Hostages fat Roam. ITader Thrtit of Dynamite Death, While Seiti Banker to'Ask FrieBda to St^ Ex- poh af Mnttltion; Morgan ia Rest ing Well; Guard Around Home Haa Been Inereased—More Secret Ser vice Men go to Cbrsish to Goaid PyooM^nt. honor of her guests, Misses Bessie \ Bennett and Susie Stokes, of Seids- yiCE-PKESIDENT THREATENED, ville. Pretty dacoraUons of potted t gt. Louis, Mo„ July 4.—TbaaWa R, plants apd cut flowers were used on Marthalf, Vice-PresSdent af Ole ffnilid the spacious porsh and in the din- states, in a statement tw newspaper. saom. wl»ere the party was held.tonight, said he had been ,rw(gr«**Ke spelling a new and threatened with death in more tiian ^^WStSng for».e anonymous tetters whid« he had rec^ved dcriiig the limt Irfis te^s 'linBbrld^ to' fittd the many ^reeka. unheard-of words coined. Master Chalmers Glenn, ot Winston, and Miss B«nnctt assisted the hostess in terviag ices and cake and salted al- n ijt I .V .were to be held as hostages in their mMda. Besida the members there' ^ , ws^j^t: **•. 3«« G«itt. ^ kmed with dywmite Chalate!riiannt Mra, Charles Sharpe,' arjpnir ^to »sa ' jn- %r m a K m fluencB to stop the exportation of war Mr*. D. E.. £^ars, Mrs. W. S. Free- „ . . „ , muMtions. Frank Holt, who yester- man and Mrs. L. L. Slcop. , ^ „ day attempted to assassinate Mr, Mor- ^gan at hia home near hers, told Policc GERMAN SUBMARINES SINK 5'Commisaoner Arthur Woods, in his BOATS IN ONE DAY. Mineola today. HoH said his ,Boyd Binda > for tha ]i ooea^cn. Thei^ wna enough o£ ra- foiMM'to tha. day ■tuA whsft it signiC On July tha Stmt the Elmira Pres- Summer School. Rook was played bytirian church Singing'ClMt gave four tables in the parlor. A 'box ei an ice craam tuppar at the homa of ^atationery was presented Ue guest of K.r- and Mrs. W. B, S«ath, T!ia class ihpnor. Ices were served. The guests finit met at the ^ureh and sang a few ^re: Misses Sadie Montgomery, Etla aongs after whi«h all were invited to Hae Carroll, Ella . Tuttle, Pauline the home «f Mb', and MM; Sototh iaBd Coble, Verna Cates^ Imogen S«ott, wer* all served with cream and cake Lucy Hatch and Messrs. Coujter, Chris a» long as any one would eat. The and Hugh Isley, Waddell, Erwin partjr was then delighted wift sevariJ^ Montgomery and Vitus and Corrie aebcjtions by 'a- male ^c^tte jsom- ffott. ^sad a#'Meei( ^ ArB^, j - jjj. g j|j^y gave an en- Aimjek, D. C. Bopkioa aw BayKtndljpy^y^ party at their home on M«n Loy. There were about fhirty-five or eight to el*ye« forly present and the occasion was al„n^^ j^eir guests, Jfcs, very pleasant one. HUO«^S-fiABiKETT. M. B. Seale and Mieses Ruth Oar:.' vin and Julia Brad^w, of Salisbory. For the first hour games were played on the lovely lawn surrounding the house. Then they repaired io' the house, which wks decorated in {Mutted and cut flowers, and played took and progressive hearts in the parlor, hall an4 dining room. FoUowing, this a conte.'^t, “A Trip Thrcugh K*^-€ar- plina,” was engaged in, Mis« Celeatio Isley winning the prize, a box sf candy, while Glenn Holt and Miss louise Murray won itte 'Wb;, a tin horn. Cream and cake . ael mints were sei-ved by the hostess assisted ■8USPiu:SE MBZSDAT DINNER hy Mrs. Some and Misses Sdna and Mr, Thomas T. Hudgins ar.d Miss IaIa W. Garrett, both at this city, were united in marritga San&y, July 4^ 191S at the ItbBt* oi He. Oscar Bos- w^. . {Hder WwC. Joo^'at the Primi- )ii« .Ba$&t dnttdi oflMated in the cenau>njr, Mr, and M^. Hudgins wiii BMka iheir home in BotSiagton, 13>nDispUIi extends congrstolations for tMes • long and r fiai^.bot most of the time he sfvki; ' to ^s.^d friends «nd neighbors. At- ■ ter'tbe speakinip it E«(|sied that a'«erj;^ on^^ wanted to shake ha^ ^t^ith th^. spefic^, and to himt hov nnKh. th«7'nt|io^ 'l^ (tpeedi and mw t^iid to see him; , »r ,i dWham did hawelf proud in the] Mrs. Calvin Perry waa givm a sar-jFannie Lee Walker. rnvme' in which tJm «r>tertaii^ t^EHsa btehdey dinner at he th^-flve prewnt. gt«M crowd, and tha citiaens of tho ^9”^^ Saturday by her childteB. town, together with tha local chapterThere in of ibe Daughters of 0>b Confederacy,,thirty-aite present to onjoy had as their invitad guest* all of the I*®* *"* vetMtass of the coun^. When they other reUtiTW, there. we sevml lliere The N. N. Club met wi^ Ki^ Ella Ba# Carroll Thursday aftrnioon at four o’clock at her home oh 'I^nt street. Progressive cozKvirsation and da.>icing to the music of the Victrola gathered around the board. Judge Among those pres-1 were the features of ihe meeting. Bosd, at the haed «f tSia table, aairi ®*’‘ Mrs. A. ^ices were served. s fc joy Mrs. Maggie John- j of '4ther dMJf*, *®** Mannd^, Rev. J. W. ^^^tjHound Dozen gTMa, and than ft. was * joy, indaad'fl';^ taoasa* »n« ®rs. mMgsie jonn- i j- Ij*»h!y entertained the to these-* s^iais «f'4ther 4gjf* ,*®“'Mannd^, Rev. J. W. Round Dozen Club'at ter home on anja^ the good had-fansily | union avenue Thnrsdsl^'aftei*hra«k. A- prariiid, ■ ■ ,'-rc , Barfengton. Coni*gt|'yas engMge^'ife ^ fiw day waa a-igrao* aaeeum ifl] j^roved. very e^nkal fjnjf and the giyA.an^iam^ traai 0;M>ttt 1^ t« A.;L. wwa iy’boik.- ' 'ti»y."'ilfiads and teas Glen Cove, N. Y., July 4.—Mrs. J P. Morgan and the Morgan cliildren plans miscarried; that he planned to capitol. M To pemmisMoner Woods, tted ^t today told hriefly j»w' ha planned to hc4d as hostage M^’ Mmrgan. and the Morgan children «^e he sent Mr, Morgan oat tS stop the exportation of munitions of war. . Hold F^atOy Hostages. “My plan,” said Holt, “was to get hold of Mrs.- Moigan and the chil- . dren and take them into an upstairs .iroom and then setul Mr. Morgan out to see his influential friends to ' stop the exportation of aitununitions frM this country. “I planned to take the dynamite the room with me and cut a holtt m the door iud have the food shoved in .. through it. I planned to keep them there until Mr. Morgan returned and gavs me hU promise that the expor tation of war munitions would stop. Unless he stopped it, I would tell him of iny intention to kill Mrs. Morgan and the children and myself by ex ploding the dynanute.” Holt then tried to tall CominissioiK?'^ Woods about the terrible slaughter: resulting from the war. He said he knew Mr. Morgan could stop the war and that is the reason he went to him. Hq insisted he did not intend to harm him, but just wanted him to ‘‘see his influential friends end manufacturers and get them to put an embargo OR arma from this ctMinty.” ^ Bseitewat .Upaet Plana. Holt said he , took the'dynamite irticks with him to show Hr. Morgati the very material that was, kUliag so many people in Europe. ComntisifoD^r Wjoods, 4^ed Hio^f| - w4iy his plans miBcarrled, The fotr mer University instructor’s eyes brightcnad and he said the excite ment that foUowed his apj^oranee ia the Morgan home upset them. Holt declared he started for the xtairs when he met the Morgan chil- London, July 3.~German subma- send Mr. Morgan out to stop the ax ■rines today sank five steamers, four portation of munitions while he held British and one Belgian. The crews the other members of the family in of all are believed to have been saved. *n upstairs room. The British steamer Crugard, 3,-' Mr, Morgan, the victim of the bnl- 2M tons gross, was also sunk by a let* which Holt fired, continued to dren and was walking ahead of them torpedoHred by a German submarine, show improvements today. The only when he was intercepted. He had a The Crcigard sailed from Galveston bulletin Issued was reassuring, U lrevolver in each hand, he said, but Jane 3, and Newport News June 11 said the bullet did not enter tJie abdo-j that did not prevent some one from for Havr* and the first suggestion wen and that an X-ray examination, hutching one or his hands. He said that she had nwt with some mishap »hOwed that no bonea had been dam was when an empty life-boat and an- agad, ^ other boat marked "Craigard. Leith,” , Lata tonight it was said the finan- were towad into Peniance. t«r was rasting easily; that he had The Belgian steamer sent down »l«pt all the afternoon. No reference was the Boduognat. Thfe British was made to anoth«- ballet which steamers sunk wen, the Gadsby, 3,497 WM said yesterday to have come out tons; the Larchmore, 4,356 tons; the the «??•«• Pnrf of the leg. ^nfrew, 2,248 tons, and tho Richmond,' H«ae Claaety Guarded. 3 211 tons. Neither Mr. Morgan nor members - .. of his family were told of the start ling statement made by Holt to Com missioner Woods. The Morgan home was closely guarded today. The force WILSON IS NOW A WIDE OPEN TOWN ON SUNDAY. WiUon, July 3.~WUson is now. in surrounding the estate so fas as town ordinances are coacern- was doubled as the day wore on and ed, a wide open.town on Sunday. For i^,king persons were several yfara the town has had ^ di.stanee. Every incoming ordinance forbidding the sale of mer- watched. Not more than a chandise of any chara^er, .except me- reseived at tho dicines 6r undertaking sjjppJies on remained Sunday, and which furflier prohibited ^ busba»d; Jnaius the drug store rooms being open Morgan's son, the sale of medicines except at cer- ;^„^ Mrg. H*r- tain houri- bdt when the board of _ commi^sionierB jnet Thjuraday night chapel, where prayers j^ion. He appears to bo in a staU. of. tne ordipcnce waa reeled. . he thought Mr. Morgan attempted to step him and that a scuflle followed. He became unconscious and retDeta^ b«i%d nothing until he was lodged in . Jail, “I did not want, to hurt Mr. Mor- v gan,” he persisted in reiterating. "liv enly wanted him to do something tJ stop this terrible war.” - Holt then told the Commissiofler^', that he had studied hard until -siR months ago, when he began to brooj Over the war, “still hope that go*i ’ may be accomplished by my act,” ite added, “1 did not care about war. I di.dn't want America in it, but if America was not interested in it, ths war would .stop.” Holt Mentally Unbalanced. \ After the interview Coimnissioner Woods, ^ic-Iared the man had spent many ;U.«plesE nights. -“The man «p> prar.? i.0 be mentally unbalanced,” ho said. "He has cs’idently brought hijftt- oelf to this very poor mental condi- BAIN-GRAHAM. were offered for Mr. Morten’s speedy recovery. iPtayers for the stricken j financier rlso were said in all the Mr. Grover Bain and Miss Pearl i Glen Covs churches. Gi-aham,.lxJth of near Eaw River, | Hoit, who had spent a sleepless were .matrted at the Methodist Pro-^ night in hia cell at the Minolo Jail, testant Parsonage last, Saturday af- appeared dejected today. Ha spent ternoon, Rev. G. L, Caxxy performing most of hi* time writing lettertV They yomg paf>ple!waa visited by Chicif^'ilynn, taji^^nMghbot^ood.Mtrei; aervice, who ^ti96#'4oTS»tn ‘ ' lAio wjA'^inore about his movetttsnts In Wadi* weddod ii>gtoa oiior to aetUng the bomb ^ wWcit ^Mtad in tlM United Sl^ Utter mental and physical collapsi»iii?-^> Holt stoutly protested that he had no accomplices. “I acted alone," he said. “I realize that I did a wrong. ’ but that wrong waa dono to aecom- ptish a great right.” Dr. Guy Cleig&om, the jail physi«*- cian was the only medical roan visit Holt todcf. ‘^Ha is in a* ex- tiMiieiy bad aantal-asad phjrwMS dition,” taid I>r. CMs>x»n. tpa'lafttaM •“ 'Si- ’• '•'V . i. • ^INT -V - . ■ ■ ■ '

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