e I*-:?.%;, AND4M1WCAII A.t1Ktpt99lll NtWAMW "^OTEfttO TIU V Mflfijljfe 8Bi '■ 'ififS:-: JULY 20, 1915. SOaSTT or Bl^ttJSeRNI^ .^PieentitaMi Wi m m.lw, BMtor aad dm Twenty Fiye Stitel^s Taken In His Afid Flow of Blot^ Stop ped aif^^n 11^ PRISON COHUISSION MAY INVESTIGATE Cnen, His Aasftiteiit, Atked Perminikm To AriK, Gnbbad Pmnk'tf Hmitr and deeiiitnKly Attmpted To Sever Ueid; Guard Saw Attempt and Over powered Man With Bloody Batcher Knife; Pamily Phyri- cians and Nu^s Sssh^-d FrsR! Atlanta; The Wounded Man Knew (^nria Hob Was Thir- ■tins For Hit Biood; Cut Half Way Aroacd Kesk. «EIATIONS FUBTtUBR STRAJNKD . BT UNWARNED TOKPBDO SKNT AT ORDUfiA WHILE HER PAS SENGERS SLEPT. Oficttk 8t WMbington Loiklc «t Sitm- . tioM Im Maat P«Mlmiatic Light, ai It SiiowB G«rmaa]r Has Net CcMcd Attaete «« pMB»een SWp^ No ^ assaUant. Through Matter What Tlielr Chanteter; llie Neil Note 'Hwt Gom t» BerDn Wilt tania’s fate by.ane haU a'aeeottd of tiiM or t«n f«ei tpiee, the GitamA toniedo «hn^uns H>» ynUg 'tot dis- tance behiod tlie User’s rodder. Then the Orduna sj^ awaji ~ £D«^1ns fol lowed by the sabiterine vfiUi Mte to Ute Borfao*, mniied. a: cun and shelled the Amng steamer. A Race Afainat Death. The attack vras timad at ten niiri- utes to 6 o’clock in the woriung when all but a few of her passen gers were asleep. Aroused by stew ards, the passensers dressed hurried ly and weat t% the upper deck where they donned life belts and took their places at the life boats. They heard the scream of the shells and saw the ocean Spit up coIutnnE of ^ater where the missiles struck. When the fire yrew hot they were ordered for their own protection to the next de;k below. For half an hour the Orduna show- Sfoit Likely C«U Atteotkw to Lateat AffWi^ly Daatarily AtficKpt I* 'fiai^wt 'tiriM; SMbc'CaMaet Member* WiJt Imsiat CTpaa Stnm? Action. Washinicion, D. C., July 17.—Into the (rave situation that has developed tietween the UBited- States and Ger~ nutny oVer ttse.tinkins at the Lusi tania was ilirust- anotiier'-issuc today witan it xras revtSAid that the British stieBiMr OKtuna, carrying ft score of Am«ti'i!aiis> 1m4 been attccked by • ^srmain «tbiMrin>r; ' - ' Should first reports of an .attempt to torpedo without waminir be born^ out by an ofSeial iavestigation about to be instiff&ted, it was indicated in official quarters that the United' State« probably would regard the in-^ cident as adding: a grave eiement to the already strained relations between tk* two countries. marine glasses thit passengers watch ed the low-ring German w«irship coming on, but the Otdnna’s flight was faster than the parsmt and ■ev«n si>ots hiid -Iieen fired witb«ut effect the submarine gave up the chaati. A wireless call for help was sent out by the Orduna when the torpedo was seen. She was then 3? miles South of Queenstown. The repiy, Captain Taylor seys in his official re port, was that help would be given within an hour. It was four hours before the first BrRish vessel, a amall armbred yacht, the Jeftnnette, ap pealed. .TRAIN HKTS AUTO; TWO CHiL- DBEN DIE. Bdton C. Slcufeni, of Brookfnoi, in 'WUk Son and- DMghter Dead. Hickory, July 18,—Belton C. Shu- iford, manager of the Brookfoid cot- I* Lacking information as to the cir- [ton mill store, was seriottsly injured, cumstances of the attack, officials and his two children, Caxl, aged five, were unable to predict tonight tojand Ruth aged three, killed outright this eveniiig, when pasNoger train ,Mo. 12 struck Uteir automobile at a what extent the Orduna ess« would aggravate the situation but they th«^t the would eertainJy.|crossing in Longview, just we.it of Hi^ory, Mrs. Shtfo^^. Miss Bettie Mrsi L. Banks WQlian^n gave -«n * i»g mis and the eelor aejMSM 'euiW'fpt in.dM tcfirokawnts. enjoyable daaoe at the lovely countiy . home rf Mr. Robert L. Holt, “tV«t W ^ Snu#,*’ near Glencoe, -nwrsday even- tag f«,«*.nine to twdve «*k>ck, in Miffi- honor of ^ ««se. Jli^,May CricV ton, of who is-visiti^ her. CilPiMiN (INRIlTED ASiUNST 1^ Over a Front of a Thousand The German-Aujstrians Are At tacking With Viciousness M^ted tlw iMstejiS in ' sBtvingtte retrertuMnts, saiail, • ,'saiid:ii^i3be«i ties and i«Us. -n«r» were The spacious porches running arovnd tihis novel bungalow ww cleai«d for the dancing and the reeep^ tion room was used also. n»e vk- ^ trola turmshed music for the bai^y daMers to trip the light fantastic.* Hit. Xnbe Love unison and Hiss The guests were: Misses Etheen and ;lbafUN4 Faucett^ ot Balei|^, ^ve Bonner WilliamsOti and Messrs Geo. a deKgk^l mos^l recital at Front iuid Wilson Williamson of Sa^pa- stiW Metiiedist church Thursday haw; Thoouia Wharton of Raleigh; 'ev»iiiQg. *t. 9 o'clock. This ^s a Misses Margaret and Manr Ifolt bei^ Mici^g(v« JW tlM PhUathea. Spencer, of Martinsville, Va.; Misses ciai» of -^ dinreh, aid was attended Rebeeea and Blanche and Don Scon, by a good. sixed crowd. Both proved of Graham; Hiss Dorothy Brigham, of thwissivif artists of rare ability. Augusta; His* Kathleen and George lEa^ nnmW was cordially received, BARACA SPEAKER AT BAPTIST CHURCH. Son. W, J, BregdeB. ex>May«r of Diidua, Speaks to Large Aadteoee at Baptist Church Sumday Night— Subject of Addrecs: '‘Baiiding a Maa.“ RUSSIAN LINES WAVES BEFORE SLEDGEHAMMER Never Before Were So Many . Men Ciashin? at One Timeasd'' Nieveir an Active Battle Lia« So Large; Ton Hindeob«# &fal(es Good Proraiae of Staitit in? The Wovid; Both Riga fii Warsaw Threatened; The Mans RemitmbAr Mobco^|- Flght Heavy Toil For Ev«r^ Step Given Up. RESOLUTIONS OP RESPECT. WHEREAS, our Heavenly Father, in His all wise providence has seen lit to call from our Council here to the Great Council above, the sou! of our deceased brother, Edwin M, Kenny, '.and, WHEEEAS, the long connection Hon. W, J, Brogden, ex-Maybi- of ■DuTha.m, and nn enthusiastic Baraca _ . . , . . .and Sunday School worker, delivered Long, of Graham; Hrs. Logan Crteh- M.s,.P««etf chWng the crowd by ,p,,„did address at the First Bapti.t ion, of Atlanta; Hiifees Jfesasmine her sweet voice, while Mrs. Wiison’s; and Corinna and Messrs. Edwin, Bu- acconv»n.ments were splendid. “Building a Man.’= This noted seU. Roger and Allan Gant; Hi«> Hary | Archer Williamson and Saunders and jj jj niembers were the speak in this .'huvch ty the Baraca Rnley Willianuion, Hiss Hinnie Wil- honoris at an evening picnie given | Class and the 'exercise? wet« held uii- liamson, Hessrs, R. L. Holt and Tuesdv. 6 to 9 o’cloek, at Coble's der the ausp'ces of the tlass. Holt and Mr. and Mrs. L. Banks Wil- town, by Sum- j The auditorium of the cliurch was hamson. mi*.Sli«r^, Vitas Holt, Verne Wad-^filled almost to overflowing with mere. ■ . - - V, S.. Baraca and Philathea Mrs. Finley L. Williamson w*a hi>8-’Cjass iUley, Ttse i^ty, c3iap«rOned by j classes of the different churches -jf tess at ‘*'The dansant" at her beauti- Hr. awi Mrs. C. V. Sharpe, drove out the city and others interested in the' ful home, Willba Hall, on Davis in aotomobiles and spent the time message which the speaker brought. I street Friday evening from six to wWing, fishing and chatting. A de- The meeting was presided over by '"’***'* fitting that we eight o’clock, in honor of Miss M»y ,’l«fitfttl rapper was served, Upon the President of the Baraca class. Mr. “P®" reco™ a short ap- Crichtoii, ®* Atlanta. The i*MignS'^r.t t«tom to town they went to the Walter L. Cates. The choir r*ndered t*** deceased, colonial hall was clesrcd' and used pleto*# Aow. Betides the club the > special music consisting of beautiful THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, for H»r iaacing wMdh WM ciirried pn «»dier ihvi^ were Mis«M Inwgen ; anthems. A short sddrMs of welcome members of Purity Coancil e«tfa»o^iy; Little Virginia W)l- ' ' ftb liie VWffiigTitertos aT« fliflfctiMs No. 22, liamscn snd Margaset HoH received - ■— .from other churches was delivered by ® ftithful brother, and one who the guests at tite door. Hiss Bettie Miss Ediih Walker entertained the A. H. King, after whirh the was •'! t™«s r««ly to do anything iVan Ward, assisted by Misses Nome* club in re^ruiar meeting at' sP«»ker was introduced in a fevy welt- within his power to advance the best Moore and Josephine Brcwn, served ^sr home on Front street Tuesday *words by Hon. J. H. Vernon. interests of the Council, and to aid in punch during the evening. Little Hiss iifternoon. 4 to 6 o’clock. The regular i Brogden proved to be all that “'1 works, Agnes Boyd rendered several violin hi’siness of indus^iously plying the^'^**® said of him prior to his coming ^ RESOLVED THIRD, That a copy solos for the entertainment of tikeedle was gone through with, ac- aucceedad in holding the atten- bow in humble submission to the will party between dances. Ice cream eompanied by the buz* of voices en- •’** audience despite the ex- of our Father in this dispensatioa of and caKe were served, fhe guests small talk. Ices were aerv- treme hot weather. His subject was His providence, and tbiit we commend were; Mesdames L, Banks William- ^he invited gliests were Misses ^ great one and he handled it in a the family of this, our deceased bro- ion, Logan Crichton, Cr B. Irwin, Er- m^tic Lovett and I^rriette HaBimer. * splendid and masterful manr ^ther to Him who can bind up the win Hclt, J. H, Holt, and F. L. Wil- Aisiiboro. brokeri-hearted, and make those who liamwn And Mr, Williamson. CEup- | separated to i» united again, erone»: Hisses Crid«t!>ni Kathleen' , „ REV. AND MBS. KENDALL TAKE'' EBSOLVED THiSD, Tl»t a copy Long, Rebecca and Blanche Scott. EtJiet and Bonner Williamson, Jessa- Little' Mary Elizabeth Ezzell cele' , ■brated her sixth birthday fay giving a ‘ VACATION, J .-> ■ »r J part; to a few of her friends at the' mine and Cormna Gant, Martha and , " , , :of these resolutions be sent to the family of our brother, and to the city Lucille Page, Esrriette Hummer, of Asheboro; E!ia- Rae Carroll, Ann* Morgan Faucette, Bettie Vann Ward, and Josephine Brown, and Messrs. Adrian Carroti, Hugh and Chris Isley, •heme of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.! A. B. Kendal) will ,P'‘Pe>’= piiblication, utid that a "W. P. Etsell, on South Main gtrefet.the Virginia Beacli, i'opy Iw spread upon ths minutes of Wednesday afternoon, 5 to 7 o’clock.! ^*»‘‘“«tto"> C.. an^ points in Pen- j‘he Council. The tittle tots spent the time playing where thej\ will spend a games on the spacious lawn. Many ™*nth’s vacation, Dr,\ Kendall will j the hostess. {*«*iver an address to th\ Chautauqua [ _Wharton,_of Raleigh, John were'of the Christian Church\at the Vir-' .ginia Beach. l%ey will\ visit Mrs. | : Kendall’s relatives in Pennsylvania, j There will be no preachi^ services '.THE BIG SHOE SALE A GREAT SUCCESS. absence of the Pastor. Rev.! and Mrs. ( The big shoe sale that Ls being con- Kendall wilt return about tl|e 20th of ducted by the Jas. D. Ray & Co., of 'Cream and cake in profusion were ‘ served. ! Luiey, Saunders Williamson, Finley Will^msoD Jr., Ed Povye, of Durlum, Roger Gant, Allan Gant and Bussell Gant, George and Wilson Williamson CHAUTAUQUA OF THE CHRIST!-Christian Church 4iring thej and Dor. Scott. AN CHUBCB. JULY 19. 1915. , ..v. ! EUNICE THOMPSON. T. T. STAFFORD, MAUD CAMPBELL, Committee. Purity Cottncil. No. 22. Daughters of Liberty. com^ Mrieu’s c^sM«t«tion by Pr«sc- &nt Wllaon mad i^s esbteet in formu- ... tW r*it stjsp iii tie »s!ssy of occupants of the car, w«qe Rightly in- ' Miss Martha Page was hostess at The annual Chatauqua and School .August and the services wjll be re- j Raleigh, at Poster Shoe Co. Store, has tl» Usiiad Stataii faawri tl» jnred. Mr; Sfcuford’a injuries were I* rec^uon given at the hc-me of her methods for the Christian church willjsumed- on Sunday, August 22nd. tbean a groat success so far, Bemark- of Geniuui subouiriitM and the safety .right leg crushed aad hemd bruised. |'?**^nts, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. I^ge, on be held at .Virginia Beach, lieginning: l 5 able bargains in shoes aie afforded of-A»ericans on tile hi^ aeu. ^He is now in a hoapital here, Thftj®*'^*® street, Tuesday ev»ning, 8;M ."Monday, July 19, and closing Sunday j READY TO BUILD SCHOOLS. ' the people of Burlington and vicinity, — . |bodies of the two children w«re Only a Half Settmi ef Tiaie Saved Hnrned over to an undertaker, flimiieds Ftmb Destli in W»tm of The Jiody of the boy was found on the Night, 'Twenty-two Annat taejitbe pilot of the engine witj). one leg Noiaber Beii; Aaerieaas; Near ^ctit off when the train was brought t-> Gnveyard af Tk« LnaitaBia, A«ewrd- fe stop. . ing to PuwBgera, SnbaKtiiae | Conductor Hanger was in charge of Seads. tr^, £n|tineer W. W. Pitts was ’^ouM-be Blaia&g WitUn Feet of Rod der; Hie Vease! Oatraa SheU» of Ssbmsrine; No CoAtralMuid of War / Carried on Way to Kew York. \ New York, July 17.—The Cunard 'liner Orduna from Liverpool to New ^»Tork witii 227 passengers iocludihg Ainericans, was attacked wiihont I Kraming by a Gers\an submarine on f |b^ morning of was learn* •fi wi her arrival.hai* todair. ' 'Twenty miles from the of IiWtitania off Old HMd. of KSjbi.' Ml«, ibe Ordtma e»c«p*d tbe Laai. at the throttle and both are greatly affected. to 11:30, in honor of Miss Harriette evening. July 25th, Many persons | ^ | Hundreds of satisfied customers testi- Kammer. of Asheboro. Decorations'from this section will go, as usOal. 'Greensboro Will Lose Ko Time in',fy to the gr^t values and money- of banks of green were used in the Three members of the Eton College, Getting New Buildings. (saving purchases during the past week reception room and parlor, where the|Faculty are represented in the roster^ Greensboro, July 14.—Tl.s citylth.it the sale has been in progress. irecepi>ion was uctu, tnisa xii^t vf lectur^vTS und teschers of the Chau-jccnunissjonsrs market the $60,-*If you t'.;tv'e not visited this store yet, 'the guests at the door, end hermother itauqua. These are; Dr. J, A, At- 000 issue of school bonds, which wereand me in need of tiie kiiid vf goo.'!^ introduced them to tl»e guest of hon- khison, w>o makes four addresses on 'voted yesterday just as sbon as pos- ^that r.;us firm handles, you should 4a or. Miss Loa OU Tattle presided over inissions, delivers one popular lec-'sible. Plans have already been j..6. and avail yourselves of the op.5, the punch bowl,' which decorated fture. asd pre«cfae& one sermon, Dr. W.,drawn for two new buildings, of Iportunity to purchase these goods al ' in ipMtuFciums, Jbhn; LMl|ey ’C. Wicker, -who speaks on A Sunday j these will t>e on Bragg street op^iosite Jgreatly reduced prices. See their big THIS W£EK to BE AN EVENTFUL ONR WilMG Retanw i* WaaUagton Today to^Make Ready Mote to Germany— No ATgaMent HiU 'Haie. ' America Will Stand Firm On Platfarm, at HnnaB 1&gkt» ami Germuty WiU be TM WItai Will : F«II«w in Ccait 8k* CtattKMa Yieia- ti«Mr OrdoM Aida Wsig!^. Aliss Margaret John gave .some .is-School Vision;'and President W. A. j’the present Asheboro street sdiool. iligbtful vocal solos, and Mr. l^aaley Harper, v?iio haf fiv« periods devoted(and the other wiil tnj for segroes-and [gave a couple of good readings. A to Christian Endeavor work. Other | will be located on East Washington (spelling bee next engaged the attsn- members of the Chautauqua are: Dr. 'street. An addition is to be made to tion of the party, and this was .follow-1 John McCalman, Dr. O. W. Powers, .(the West Lee street school. Two' ied by progrMjive conversation. Ice 'Miss Elisabeth Harris, Dr. W. O. Ww buildings will be erected in- thi^' cream, cake and sherbert wont served Sergent. Etdridge, Rev. H. C, Northern part of the city, one ini the to the 80 guests. ,Rcwe, A,>>B. Kendall, Mrs. D. M. .Summit avenue section and the other IBuHock. J>r. F. C, CofBn. Dr. Mar- probably near the Simpson school^ Mrs, A. L. Davis *»te an siftern»en'tyn Summerbell, Dr, 0, B. Whitelsei-,1 } [party at her home' oh Dftvik atMft, S ^v.’Victor ^laghtboarfie, William J«n- Straage tiiat none of the-warring to 7 o’cteek Mo#d»y, have issued a “crinvsonV )p»st,Mh» M*ry book, | advertisement in Dispatch. this issue of this' PICNIC AND RE-UNION. All the members of Mt. Hei'mon. Sunday School and chruch are re- i^uested to meet at Mt. Hermon Church .oip Saturday. July 24th, at 10 o’clock, prt^red ta take an important part' in X^Sunday School pienjic and chuM% >e-unjon, Evetj^iody iavited to at-. tend, VSisod speMdnc; trood ice cream, “iMioiaa^, music, «tc, 4)ome. -%