kWBiwi »M9 tvMte uMl Minr B- ,>ir^ !«**** ''1^'liiiiwirfwtiMi ib'' )«a(r fMMM eMUMcM iM «*••»»• 4lt dttMtflMn wtu uk* iMtiM tkat a* jMUfi l*r MbMj^ptiM tut TtM iUto wil} b* kwMmri at tUi aflhit . jiiiM«« it U namtwfJ #itk «t«nip»it ■i^^wre*. SktiMil M MeMi4-«UM AiMT M> 1*M, At tiM »Mt ••es U ^^miingtoB, N*rth C«i*lb^ ante ti» FARMERS’ HITCHING LOT. ' WBBBB DOIXAIIS WIU.C(HJi^^ ^ Hiei« jaever wM «' tim« in the liistoy.flt Akmi$^ fmnfy whee a doHMT •vUI count for as mttfeh in Bi»liifgt6o il: Look over tiiet^iiuu ot ife the butt issoe «M te s»^ y«Mi wfff iltad Kve^vH|MWr|]ce bicUii^ t« age, and bid4itt|r k>w^ tiuw ifivw befoi«i idtisi?^ down with scMdnabie meeehandise at unbiard »f ffiii^ Valaea that eoiild -not he nqilaecd «t asFtbine like th« |>ii^ w^- Alt titif RteKAtaadiae is new'ihd iipi-tcHlnte. The fitec detf' SUM to niaite room fof ^all troiode, «sd arit the pfiem in some ihstaiiMia l«tt than haU and in a sub- atiotial radtietioe. If you hav« ncft been to litdsr, it iriD jMjr yoo to eoine, and come di^; |fit^ bai^' lidtui as are offers win not ranaii! on tcM low, h»e& shrewd traders qaicfcly reeegi^ h«rj(irii^ as: these and an^ thm tip. These salee wiiliwt «b on ion»Ta|> If yoji would hen^t by them, you niust act qui^--rJ]|g are her^ they wiJl not last Grab a Twice-A-Wei* Wi^t^ in hand, hiteh up and start for Burlinirton. Proeiiutiiuitiaa is to thief of time, do npt be robbed by procjjwtiaatipB. Di^ are daniKerousi Now is the time, act now, do jt today. Burlin^n needs a farmers hitching Ipt and needs it bad. BurUnrton has 'e«r been the fr?end of the farmer, she'is his friend nOw and w« must prtmde Icr his comfort r.nd the com fort of his wife and family, Otir ■MCehants are offering al! kinds of ia^ements in good clean merchant- merchandise at less than half ew^. in some instanres and substantial vp^Ktion in all lines, uut nC do Ifttiifiitter oar prospective customers ftj in the way of conveniences as #e;|»hould. Let’s (ict busy and pro- yikiB our visitors with comforts in with the progress of our and the bargain? offered by our tttre wide-awafee merchants. This is natter that should receive the at- ta^on of our chamber of commerce. (Everyone should take advantage of |the special’ prices in men's and boys’ I'clothing, men's ladies’ and childreji’s Oxfords! (rent’s furnishings and dry £«ods. Look up the . ad, of this firm in this issue of the Dispatch. DAMAGE AT UMA, REST ROOM A^JD TOILET. Lima, Ohio, July tS.—With three iSead the property loss exceeding today faced unpreced ented flood conditions. The Ottawa iriver was rising agam and auuitiori:;! territory in Lima was submereged. More than 300 homes are under watef, but the police announced tonight that everyone had been removed. A thou- ;sand persons driven from their homes iare being cared for in other parts of 'the city. Mayor Miles Stanaish iu a |procIamation issued today, said the ’city would not ask for outside aid in belief work. 4 ♦ THOUSANDS DROWN. IN CHJNA ..FIX»I)a.-i ■ ■ Fire Brealia Out Fariripa Threat-, etts Mlllieu ia 4lte StfMWi Area-- CantM Still lacjlated. kiMlIf 4uaM|ML TK* fcdeM*' niirM BMr tnm» .Kuttf 'Cpt'' in ttm TidlBltr «l tktr* ka^ :bera n«r9 wnt^' and pMpt« kiM «n ftceaoat tl^ st anr poiiit oii tile A* tMek jiaf ttrtity wu b«4Iy tdM «|), and althp a ««•« knriyad on the tethe ‘aJr'it 4 o'«)Mk .m tlw afteFhoon, it WM net t)>Mlskt tV*^^ *iw Wi«duge would te elMMtf awi^ before 2 o'elcek Smsdtf ttoniafi, 'PiuutiBgtr tr«>0* a «o(isid«rable d*> «>d o* be tnuiAfanwd at th»'aeent'.Hf' tf^.'aeoideitt, 'Thi^' ilifin the wroek loa^ 4MiI, while one carrUd a big ra>ii0uMift df flour. The eoiil vm'Mattered 9yer a btvad area ad- jaeeot trSeks, and the flour ear was !s^,in'Wn^ After exposai^ to the'rain that afternoon, the con signee of ttee fldttFshould liii the pos sessor of a large amount of “dough" whin he rae«ivas. the shipment. The train was operated by Conduc tor llclver and Engineer Jack CaiMM. No ciuse for the trouble has yet been assigned. The Liat of Dead WiU ftip Far Into the Tkraaanda, While Hiuqr Thoti- ■aiida More Starve m Hills and Rouk Tops, Cut, of Fr*M Help By Germany Water aaiS Fire.,,. f,v WHKAT FIELDS LARGEST. Hon" Kone. July 16^—Tens of thousands of natives, it is estimati^d have been drjwned by the floods in the Chinese provinces of Ewantan?, Kvvangsi and Kiangsi, e^nd the desola tion in the devastated districta is ter rible atcording to-the latnrt \ reports ACHLNG MUSCLES LIKVF.0. RE- Burlington needs a rest room and toilet for our farmers, their wives and family, also for visitors and stranger-s who visit our city. A live progres-' overexertwn, mean stiff, «iy« town like Burlington should have ®°'’* ”'“****• Sloan's Liniment lightly • these conveniences and we mast have aPPli***. « >>ttie quiet, and your sorc- thoro. If it were known that these -‘e®* disappears like magic. “Noth- thinS'S were here, we would have more picnics, excursions, more visitors and more shoppers, Peepi* with money to spend, want to go to n town or eity where all these things are pro vided and who can blame them? We must provide them, too. Why not oor city fathers bear this in mind when they build the city hall and provide rooms with all modern con veniences attached, rest room, read ing room, lunch room and toilets for both .sexes with a competent, white or colored woman in charge for the con venience of those who care to visit t^ rooms ? This would not cost much 4^ would add more to the reputation of Burlington for hospitality than any- ti£uig we could do. Will our city fathers take this matter under advise- iMnt and give it to us if possible T injf ever helped like your Sloan’s Lini ment. I can never thank you enough." writes one grateful user. Stops suf fering, aches and pains. An excellent '.•ounter-ifritant, better and cleaner than mustard. .All Druggist, 25c. Get a bottle today. Penetrates without rubbing. GOODMAN'S CLEARAWAY SALE STILL GOING ON. B, Goodman's great clearaway sale ia stUl going on and Wednesday, miiiradBy, Friday and Saturday will he the four big days of the sale. ' Senator Cummins now puts the 'blame for the law requiring the valu ation of baggage on Senator Reed, cf ■Missouri, Well, no matter; somebody 'did it. reaching here. A fire twept area of one mile nnd raging flood* are handi capping rcscue work in Canton, Tho city was in darkness last night, the water having innndated the cSec- tric light DlanJt, _■ Missionari«s have »it|||iljjj|^re seek- int: the nssietsnce of tba U^ted Statss gunboat Catlno to aid- in tta work rescue. Last report from Canton befove oomrounicatioR was cut -Mid the Christidn hospital was in danger from •firo. and Ruaiia Make Big In- ereaae; WasbiDgton, D. C,, July 17.-! -War apparently has not ravag^ the Euro- pssn whMt fields .as extensively as generally was supposed, according to figiires announced today by the De partment of Agriculture. No figures are available from Germany or Rus sia, but in Germany the acreage prob ably has been increased and Russia’s acreage probably still is the world’s largest. cwcHEsnRsnus attAMO 5 c; thi ipacket ci* two ‘‘Boba*’ for a stands and stores. ^'^O^kikehoy for evarybo^l Candied over witK peppy peppeniiint--tiie hecurt d tkekeart!sthegiim.itgete better with every chew. ^Bohs** Is One Good Get! The court, it seems, nUo h«4m> nichment for Evelyn. (f.. "1 ,.■8 ! i>»nu I Ml^w HnnM for C7n-CHS.l.Tlta« ' uuAona stum rius la OttB aiMitlUi boxn, puMl widi Mi libkoa, T«c> »o OTSaa. Su ai jm w* w cavoa^'M »i£N«K» Maax* rillrt, for ttrral SOLD I^Y ALL ORUGGISTi EVEilYWHERE BAD FREIGHT WRECK ON GOI,l>S. BORO DIVISION. COTTON GINNERS WILL MEBT IN RALEIGH. The Convention of Cotton Gingers to ».ssenibl* in Raleigh July 2911i, of Representative is cxpectod to be one of the largest assembly of A COUGH REMEDY THAT RE- LIEVea It's prepared from the healing IMno Balsam, Tar and Honey—all mixed in £ pleasant, soothing Cough Syrup ciJled Or. Bell'$ Mne-Tsir-Hccey. ’Thousands have ^ncfited by its use —no need of yoar enduring that an noying Cough Y I'i^ing a dangerous Cold, Go to your dealer, aslc for a Thirteen Car* «f Freight 164 lecvea Track Neat' HillaboiKi—Are Tfcrawn 60 Yard»-N«.r Fam«us Ha«l Cut. Cotton Ginners ever h«ld. Invitations ' 'are extended to all Cottw Ginnevs There was a serious freight through your columns a^'.a special on the Goldsboro division of the,^»th- ;„vit.ntion has been mailed. The pro em railway Saturday afterno.*. July ,hi, convention will be mall ir. shortly after noon, whea^y^^p next few days.'' of freight train No, 164, wcstteand. lsft the track about a mile w«iit of Hillsboro. It wm a train of 42 br«, and 21 in front of the wrecked^aes iv^maiaad on tke track, fii did wix in the rear. TweW* of the cars deraUinj were pitched for a distance of «bout 68 yards according to reports received here, while one skidded along ea the I 25c original htittie Dr, BcU^ Pine-Tar- crossties for a considerable diitaiwa Honey, start /using at once and get | and cne of its trucks was thrown » rid of your paugh /auu j the w»f of a car in front. They ware m The commissioners of Agriculture and Insurant^, Pras.ldent Veigh Cock- rum, F. Hajrward and others will make addntMW. i The Season’s Advance Styles are ihown to the liett tdvantaga ia THE NEW AUGUST McCALL Patterns and Fashion Publications Nota On Sale 5ub»cnb^ To^y foir McCALL’S MAGAZINE ',0»ly ft wHtn pttt- ^■•dwiihur !3c McCsD P»)M. k it-MI • Ue- : M HaeMhvU Subhmm t» a laMMMwf Stwitiw ''FaiWtia Nn^,t)e. Smart SlummKv JlWii McCaK ' raitrnis - r &#jr)-666». ta* :■ ' bcw A Cm! Smmtf Cioin 3KcOaI1 Fliitcftu' «f ItM Htw V Awfwr Mffss. • RUB-IMY-TISai WiH cot* RheamiUJanv Wiifc nritfb, Haaijwhic, CnuapvC^tta Disaoiii^N or foulam « ike- LAN^LUMBER COMl^ANY. attar. .ete. _ , .mfd {ntorttalb’ or extaraally. 25e Pursuant to aiiiele of contract and agreement under , dat« of April 5t^, me. I r.':r\r"*. .kauiiiteaiaBgB«BB The PollaHi A Irela^ Lambtf Com- p,i.ny has b«en dissolvad, H, C; Tollard buying all raol aatata mi material invantories, also boA a«e«unts of raeanl on this data; . This ind day «f July, IMS, i Goodman^ Clearaway Sdfe k jfow On ' \ '"V '' ^^ ,. ■■■ ■ ■ ' The entire line of Men’s andi Boys’ Clothing, Men’s, Ladies' and thfldren’s Oxfords. Gent’s 1 urnishings and Dry Goods. a Friday WilrBe the four big days o| the Sak. « ikwBt of Good ,0 t»KA «•• •* j.j

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