m CA»Ca.!NA, **6 ‘fitnQr DEISWVE STilTES m FUKEUIUm X«kM LmJct Eaii YMital Afief- 'Mtt a( Laat WlMwr.—4UiriiMH Make* R«VMt. ••awtwy ^ ITm Hfilw Triyt f»in Iwhind a larse knile tl» w»ap«n iu«4 I^taik’a Ju(aUir |||in wM cat, bat mltiMT the spinal teH nor Injnried. «B' ^nk ma mad* fo ItM.doraitory tbe priaonerv oc> copy in amsam at ni^t. AU lifU* 'mm ottt 'at'tha.time. Gr««D is aU«0«d to twTo had tlM IcnjfA *aei«(ed in hi* yrlaen datiiinv. S«- tnWi m>* th* iiMui« th^ •m fnri! ^ tiwa j> IflM^a. Fnidi tis FUTDK mmm \ , -. • Sewtiwe Fln^ H[iU 1^ A«M t* ' W «i ijkla.' li io tfraBlktUf CtliidM Ofto mt iUTAif smEfMi I- CalMMi S>iialri"ait -■» P*fc- , ‘Ilir War. Buiw^e* -'.iSa'ftiMta*. ■•■ a' fnvmmm iriiinuv Pfateaa Hikiw H XiiM. WmkbM aad MMsg Since At- at 4MM OttMis u>£ llMk->ltiahii CnMr S«ak »r Aaa-' tHa« SntwariBB,. •>; iT'v' ’ - ffaria 0«dal,|*p?»t ; aU G«rw!,>^k* -Tirrr ... «L. jj-:■ ’«f K|a Daflj >»««»: 'A«./'ih»^ an^ar. ts' niW ;4i*Ss M j^ torpviWife a rcK^^f^B ^«n ''■' ' * fuT th«'illat «w*#r;«t in r*.»»rtirtjpt M-^baViaK all th^.facta b«f«r«..:ktt\^^; :«t ^^M' 'aiet^ vi the tip^ in r*t^: ■'•'''''i)V *>»—*■ Tjaal^na. ii toAeient. i'^ eya^:>jr tiB# di» in Hm «»• to W do I tiOnk it nacMMir .ijK^t. '■>'"■■' »ntw>ve*aj.i(^ ! ritili, a»e|Us'a*M-d»e*r-wttadt »ho ^ 1. .«»ln» 4 Hfi t«« Air «• fVaiaV ratW i* »« *• i» P?Mfc b« dmibtfnl. f0»^0r_ _ „ . j., t ■ to »«ne ona' i* i)»ak* an t»i1. Tte W! Fnmk mieh vai :.■ ' . . . >va«k£MV4vfi ftSw SIV- tH? flictfi to Diade iho]^ aftw 11 o'ctock, was 'i R. W, SOiQTT, ,: Haw Rto«r, July 17, ISIS. lUU U UiMir Jbii Pae^ nial Sailuf y«McIa Ww* |^n liimh War 'FrifktC^'. y ..■ .f«r i« . ' Haa Pdlar* ud Diaeaae Unf ®^*«" PHaaiw™ Afcctcd Bla Brabk; Said ta : SacsMd UttbalaM^ at Tbiie^; Beaw^ For The Criaie, Wmm IIBPP^ * GcrmaA Milttary 04U«1 Serre bit OB E«jrt«^ea vt Warlu.- iteprraoAatfrec Aak For Wafw. 'M Gfrneva,^ SvritzerliUid, July 19, The Torkiah Ships W«t*!w f V^f* important ntfetin*wa» Wild U TrelMMMia, a Seaport tf ^^tie! yesterday, according to *i- Turfccy an the BUek Sea; Wi^ dt j"'*® received at Bm*! betwae* ^ Dcatrnetion by Rw^bs. ' a^nistration 4' the Kiupp. Boat Ocatrayer. *t(w, July Id,—Cooper Hill, a Run farmw, is in tiw Lenoir 20.—A fleet of 59 h«, w,fe. ^ Turkish sailing vessel^ laden ^ - younger tban to. H.11. a the Turkish arm, of Hm ReMlolifm. i • '• .• The. board into exaentivs »es> »ion. Mr. Scott asked that Dr. KU^' (ort, T. B. PaHcer a^ J. h. Burg*" ba -nitHi lie n«Btv Mr.. Sbotord Mr. 3eott, after iriiiek Mt.. >«K««iUnx cbnCM made IkcaiMt llttfi to tlM :gv»WMK ralatiac ta Ua ta> victim. It is bdieved the affected bis i>»in. in a cell in , lie pitiably protests his gr«at 5» V.is wife, b”t rtudiouslv ra te discuss the motive for the wwks and the repTiasentatives of workmen, in order to settle the d^ psite which -has arisen oVes- tlM ^ n^nds of the nun for wage IneresjHh Directly and indirectly about 00(> men ai« involved- Minor i which mnchinery has been hav« been reported. the Caucasus has been destroyed by RusaiMi torpedo boat deitroy^, ac cording to a dispatch from. StelMtstopol tu JUr.tsr’s Ts’.cgras! Csispsny. ' Th« .. • . sailing vessels were on a voyage to It is thought he w»» waious rr ^ . ..iS.. „ ^ Trebisond, a seaport of JUustl^'nf^ key on the Black Sen. .^e ci^s fif th* Turkish ships were Rwde pri^n- cilor of the universe, has seen littf.. ers by the destroyers, ■ .f; V.-^|Hi» wisdom, to call from our Con^l t cause. He gave the officers went to arrest him no trouble, actions are those of an ihsitne RESOLUTIONS Or BESFECtlfi f-r WHEREAS; The Supreme and the woman were sheHing in lata ly when hs left ^r. for a few ints. Betoraing with an oak eiiilL without warning he struck her PROF. E L. MIDDLETON, STATE **• *“* i to tbo Council above, our brothefi^S. SUNDAY SCHOOL SECI WHSRTAS; the deceased has i juii ii^ymiil til tiiB fleeci uttariitt"* ** * «f tto (^,.|i|ribie blow over the head with it. ^ g ^ Sh. Uy p««.trate he r*p«>t«i Prof. E. L. Middleton, Secretary of That hie death removes mo Sicl,er«:’wid “****•“,‘^ iS^®W"varal times. One of their the Baptist State Sunday ^liool 7^” b. missed in Ms home, his prMtwta qa ihe iS^, Uo^ BAPTIST CHURCH NEXT SUN-'Ws in*u«nee will be missed amo«g'' DAY. its members, THEREFORE be it resolved: )V to im’ txyifti^ ta naki-Uii in«^, b«l. ' 'k tCT.ife^t iiad been m^ of a die and'which t|>e eoavkts had used in "killing hogs during the day was found on the dormiioVy floor. How ^ knife w«a «i|i,(iggled i»to the pris on One at their the Mitlialti draft reaelotioine saw^nrehg4„„ ^ Board will be at all of the services at ""** '”*«*• .'“'V “If Q!^«W«b n^ Sun- ' 2™1. »» deeply mou« 'rfed ffill into the houi»r Tb«~^;1Sc visit ^•ditwl and'cias- ;'*"^^ Whereas, E, W. ^S«ott, inamber «! iUy«r loitered abdut, making no rit- ses from 9:30 to 11:00 o’clock. subiniBiion td the wlll irf our Fatiei' the board of agriculture from tha iifA‘tempt to eteapc. He wilt discuss at the lliOQ o’clockonly that which is bealc'fijr district, has submitted io thia body a, Re„i„tag consciousness fw a time, hour: “The Efficient Sunday children. ■ copy of charges a^n^ him filed Mrs, HUUold the neighbor* tl»t after «nd »t the evening hour it 3:00 o’elock 8rd. That we assure tha family the governor in oppotiUon 6oJj,t^ikj„j jj„t blow her husband, subject will be “Unifying and “»r sincere sympathy in his re-appointment and has »ab»»itted ^is inten. complately and in detail an aU^r ;o if there each and all of ^e iteniks tber; enj>p>' Dr. Geo^ B. Compton, tbe prison *^,*,(1. piling, therefor*, that it >* heTrelativi^''*** Utilixing pur Young People." trying hour. - Prof, Middleton is an import lu Sun-' That a copy of these re»rt«- I she V'siied to leave **y “"«* a!! "who are In- '>■*»>» *>» »pr*ad on our minutes, a so ay aurgeon, was imuediaiioly called, bat gttj^g ^j^nt we put on record some ex-, . bi^e he eouU tbt pHaon don&- ptee^efi of tha feelinga of thoae who i v v u [itW^; ia«^ iBtfttetoly and tifcorO»i^y . kX-r'*‘ tarws ta h., bee„ the chii^ir JT administirinit «d; - Mr. Scptf. record, be it.' rthe a^ the tragedy be ap- ttrested in Sundiiy Schools are especi- >>« *«"* *> the grief stricken fattdly, ,. ^ ^ , , . ally invit«l to be present, and copies be aent to the City paper* 19 MM to hftve been unbaiancea LUMBER VfBkLS^ “I guess tiiayVe ^bt itie,” Ksink Is Kosc^ved, by the nien^rs of S****’*® ^aw. pown worse He pro- Bowmsn Asxerta BaaiiaeiM, fessed remorsa for tiie deed to news- for pnblieativn, I Signed: ! . I A. A. A^tE, I CLAUD CATSS. CommitU«. A. r, LEATH, . ' qjiMad as to.tlw doctor state bwd.of agricultuiw, that we, iri^n tii#y him^ Me ^ not cowjemh the attack made on', , ley, ^ ‘ « vieiOurty unfair, unjairt a^ :p3v Tbe msujterer is ^e son of » is(«» 'llw statement of those married to i^ 0B*?»fd show na, as a matter of tact, of the i^wb WM tiurt Mr. So^ bas nevjr aoiii^t »ia- dM*^ SW -pSyaifiap' h*v* nat ployaj^t ^A the depart^nt or in'# swcM4adinch*lWw'^ llowof Mead atitt^, for himself or for a^ And 5Pi*iik ia gr«st«l)(« weatosr. .- ■ *iM|y aoi^jMtftioa of hia; tha!t nojwiste- Prison cdBdala.wbo bad been-wilk^-«f We family is now employed! the do«l^ daring the op«»tio* aM- ^ ;tlj* dii^ment or was so «m-: «d that Frank had a diwnce to Meow time these unjust in-' wwe mnda; anjl that ^le largest in CouAtiy, B^ly DenrsH' led. North State Councit,' No 34, Jr. 0. A. M. l». I the viefiia, who died yestei^y about ten yea^ Three children are left motherSMii.'- ^ “NOT A MAN IN raE HOUSE.” pm directory of farmars* insUtutes have At the graded school Friday evening at 8:30 the conUdy in two acts, “Not 'a inaa-in the Houses" will be given by^ Chicago, July 1S>.—Jo^n H. Jirby ^'AU DIVING, MEETS WITH FA’ of Hougton, Texas, head rf a firm INJURY. which does a Urge tumbar .eistport """■' business, told the Pedaral.tt^ Cim- T ^ * feet of water yesterday afterno^.^t missioners today that competition for - ^ . m.. “e Montford quarry pond, near Rjtf*. the foreign market w«8 keen. The ... _ , AB Ji A erside Park, John McIntyre, of Ei*u^, bulk of European and South Amenean * j • u*^ - j t 1.J *■ 1. y**" W) SMiwJt bi» b^ trade is obtained by comirinations, he . . , ' . : 3^ ' I against a rock and vns not found ««' |;ci} some minutes later whei; Dick “Credits can be secured, shipa su.v^j„„^ summoned ^ FranK.ww.'^M^^^ #ri»- .*»» ««m«W ««te^..Mr, fiim'" a«Mi *1. nloyiBMit wai ma^ fftaiasa, ~ and he efaent aya.a„!* ^ ft* the «»« ^ t»Sii,' Wkf^n Smi* awl prfs-|l«»P»>ety of mich eocmM, ^s ae- ^ ^ on oAetals bad Green bnMU^ befoiM tion being taken with •^e knowledge ■“ synip*taj» hia st^em^ wm taken. ‘f’li- awfilly sorry that I did &s^’* anuktew parfoTj^s for the benefit of “diied and agents in he j Riverside J^rk, brought the boy to eitiec raamtftined fey «»r isneig# rir-1^^ surface aft«r ^vittg several ttie^ aU,** Mr. Kfehy added, “but we caa^J.j^ fflt 'effoita to revive bin^ ;not do that.” - *cbjM dies within w ilk llOVu* “How are yoa proJiibited from en^ the dived iisto the pond. Yon will sympethisB with tering into sucJi combination.^’ askad and approval of the b«*r^ and »»id,.Mi^s Ijucy, the Commissioner Sublee. aioner. ]maid*«^aiitw, *ad *ts^, the cham- “By the restraint of trade clause in ^ U repovla^ ^ have said. "At the y f-: . vj j-doing baa earnestly endeavored to look af- ig (Jiai; ouffbt to done. ter the int«rests of tobacco farmers, U i wouldn't and 'ib4t while he baa UmM dif- a? it for anytising in the world. J, fered witii departAwrt ^ials and We find furthersnorettat Mr. ScottAd- the Sherman law.” Mr. mission, adults 25 cents: children 15 wered. “I have searched dili^ritly cents. The boy nas playing with tkita companiot^. im th«.^nd and tbqr liiiii Mi. spent the lAternisikt diving spiing board. A jagged rock the board tos ^luek by the vict^ for a lawyer who thinks otherwise, (vbo attjinpted a headlong drop rath^ fbut everyone has talked against it. |;%KTi n slantitig diy^sfor^ttinj^^^ Diirbaui, Caawell, Kocking*^ and.The lumber men are afraid to takejt^ >oek was benea^TtJ^* board.,, ^to» ««Nri*ay'*wtj^nowt«atIreali*e'with 'b^ of tke Wd.!Orange,i. «kboc his te-»p»iptmw, the cbance." ' ' Sr - ... in view pf the,yicjjsualj. mi/air R. M, Downman, presid^t of the ‘wne. t&is •wiouanaw oC ttie criiiM.' OFr^ERS COMMISSIONED. be 'hu db»0’ ^ are 'persuaded, -front a 'ind' pHiiw^v^rthy ‘aease of 'diity^ iiiVd l!‘as'^ at alt th^ eoh" ductedi iiimsel? with that etfwrttny. Adjutant Ce»«^ W«ivth»t Young tratlkfttlmsa. straigtttforwardn^ and jeiVa^, ia*M ««w^^ to|fresidt>» frdfti both Wttarnaas and aU '■ «^r» of the CompaKy 1, Third nndeMft*nd scheming that among iiigtmMnt, locrtid ' Bnriington. |the ft^st attribirtea ^'^^letaan. TOa,jUieB^nt 'it W. isaiai^ter gets ^^1l1ierefo:% be 'it, '•'i' fc '-*' ' .' 'aa 'c^p^:' 'Seewidr lU*>Wed, &at wWW'Wr: See« tai#- yet assault m-ule on bim, ^ aaapciat^ National Lumber Mai^atareir^s As- cannot reArain.^«m putting o» record I socistipn, describes the situation as. this expression of their uiu^talified one of demoralization f^r th;.Jai‘t conSdenee in his integrity, efficiency eight years, including at this time af- and cbttoeter, and of their personal conditioi of actual loss ai'4 pleasnu« at th«-. action of Govei-nor ful waste pf for^, t^sour^ ' 0^ hundred thousand lives Wa^Aington, July 20.—Bioin Craig, w3s^ d^n^aaticn. to ^P- fate of the. necessity of iky tt the'. ^fe%raeter,, of the are dependent S.‘ UMrt«Mknf .i. D. TiBdl^ t« i«ie»|-..biv. .. flpures. h% a^ jiSiw ^ Li««bmnt.- • 'fiii-Alwiwea, *W«- poinfclir. Ssott was only intensified ployment |ot $»5,000 me^ Canton, (^n^' according '^^ ' ' 'oil^lef^ to (ill!* Stete taAqr from Pekit^. Connl Owi^'nil Ch«shit« bM,:9M^;f«r --Htnne* FLOODS IN CHINA. . ■■" ■ • • •■ ■' 'lrttkyk.\:-c\*i CosuHl General CMre App«J, AssUUm^c by N»Ty %put»e«l^ bMn lost in in