'.■v.T'H -v Wmm Sbtte Lnravy wWllMiij pi^WW^rON. AlAMAl^oapHTT lAROLfNA.. ^YJCLY27 mfi. BIWI OWPUN^fite EVERY GUILTY PARTY wifbtB'gnjiih lMiaribre4« w«nt to 4eatk detpite Mwrr rfort at rtaeae. Ofi«’ «fot&er sr»«{)ed her two «l^> dr^. in iwr ttnas m Ae «lipp*d fron the utM^r into the mteti Ota e)i3M «rM Itiiea hom her but the' and otliM /w«re saved. Fathers we» droiv&«d after aidiiiK their wives and jchiidran to safety. tJae Maa aa LaiUer. Fint it was a Ksily drew^ | Im teens iriio.hi^ been eaoght a pile chairs and a cabin Next it was a slii^t boy, faUi- om the li^eae anb» of a fo'id who ;h^ eianc to bis pffr even in dea^; .^^ii ioUowed woman, yiho bad gone aboard ip to watch the youthful pieas- if her graiidchi](^en« or a little' (I. S. ViLLItaATilW illE mmtffmM Note to Germany Pre^es Hoiii That Rrpetitioa Will Be Regarded as Uzi^iendly Act Numerous Theories Advanced to Account for the Accident; F»uitv Construc»ionwMlced By Some as Cause. Deniett tty Own««and lfi«i>eet(R«; Ara.itect Dedares^ land Was Not a Boat Oil« man was swn to cling to « i^^pMth bare legs and bootees with spike in the side of the whaii' n^ile |^i^,^bons sodden against the lace oi two women and three ehildjren sf^ppAd vpo4 his body as on a Isd- d«r, to safety. He fell exhausted into the^riw as the last on» of the five reaetied the pier. Instances of heroism were almost 'l^oliday gown. Baby Found Aiive. thrill passed through the crowd M came from the steamer that a 1^1 baby had been foiuid alive the hundreds of dead in tlie The child was discovered in a ird state room where she had WILL NOT RECOGNIZE CLAIM OF EXPEDIENCY Rights of NeutraJs in Time of War are Barred on PrincipKs, Says Note, and If a BeiUserent ' A# 11 & ib A L ^ Paa*»gcn, Mwtly «f career, was the first ta as nuroewus as the number of poi-- ' me> and QiiQdrea. Oiwweed on the scene. Bonta as soon as a Few Feet of Whmtf tt CUcago.^ Aboard. T“H. twt rescned passengers to the fi^Jield from the water by s chairj ' ‘ Rain began to fall as the wharf wharf or to the steamer Theodore d^^^ammed against the berth. The ' superintendents lifted the gang planks Roosevelt, which was held up oppo> ]^i continued 831 Bodies, Be««vered; SearehUghta .Aid Worlc—Several Perwise IVtkea AKve Fren tiie CaMiu tf the Ship Afl« it Hadi Lain on lit SUe For Fwir Hours; Many More Bodisa ' Said to be ia Hull of Veaeei; Marine Architects Dedaie Ship Was Fan«y ■ in DeaSgB-' Chicago, July 24,—More than one thonsand persons, possibly 1,300, most of them woinen and children, were drowned today wi&in a few feet of land by the eapsiiing of the steel steamer Eastland as it was about to leave its wharf in the Chicago river witli 3,600 relative* tud friends of eui^ojes ^ tiie WesteAi EtMtric Cutkfamr, Lake MicMgBn; The liiJp tolled wr from the vessel, declaring that the sit* the Sastland. government limit of 2,500 passengers In an hour the water was cleared be 'had been reached. White dresses of excursionists. Those who had not Ifeeped from raincoats along the been taken to land had sunk or were ^om raila as those aboard waved swirling down the river towards the £:i)ed-bye to friends on shore who drainage canal locks st Lockport, 11)., were waiting to board the steamer many miles away. Th» locks were ^eodore Roosevelt and other vessels, raised to stop the cunrent and ar- Then the passengers swarmed t/> rangetnents were made to take bod' the left side of the ship, as the other ie4 from the river along tltec. eoma«., steamers drew up the river towards throegh the southwest jw'rt' the wharf. A tng was hitched to the cago. ' ’ only half awakened as it wasj^^g CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOK SO- to land. Its mother couid not: ce^y CHATHAM FRIENDS’ ^ "** I CHRUCH ENTERTAIN. 1^0 women were found alive in ; anallier state room in a protruding the Eastland, but that ended tirtfopes that any number had es- So^.ty of Ch,»- CM>« to»th in the trap. Jt.ere were ““ Church deiightfuUy entsr- sjim aOO persons in the hold when ‘“'"“I Vounf people tlffW titfee txsrspns were taken out «iitd '^e; ^sples^n oi^.tbe hull ^-that. all were dMd. on its side in twenty-feei of ^t«r „> startling that many paasengers pier end the capsSsed ship within (I've minute* aftbr it oegan to ■ joined the large concoursc already on at the home of Mr. Charlie Newlin, from 7:30 to 10:30, The firsc feature of Ae piog^ta was "a Biblical Contest,” given orally by Mr. C’jrtis Newiin. The prize, which was a beautiful bunch of roses, was won by tite Sf r. Mrs. Ada Lee, of Greensboro, Next Identification was slow and scenes ^Khile music w»* rendered by Mias ^ . ... . ' tile river »*en the *teanier:f-o„‘iv^ -j.ii,,. ♦„ *w- tn# was moored as a bridge between . . „ . „ ■ . “* “ “® sitting «»««: eapsizcd. Mothers fell across the where they were given instructions, as „ , , 1 j • 'TOris of tagging the bodies of the EasU^d, ropes were o«lered cast off . shortly after the water was cleared accessible and tiie stumer enguies ctty t^^en, ship engineers and help- identification proceeded all hura. The Elastland had not budged, were on the exposed side of the however. Eastlsnd's hull, cutting through its . iMtowi, the heavily laden ship ^eer jiktes vrith ps ftwaes; Divers l«ai(iHg fttrt wMie'liatfii^ int« tiftdeiilrat^’mits; wards the rfvor bank. The lurch wss wm SHIP GIVES 17 820 BODIES EsUnated Tatid tf Theee Who Pcridi^ ' ed SeawlM at Apt«KdiHUdy MfPt —1,072 Are Reported Safe^ Of 388 RemiaUlig VnaccouBted far It ia Believed 4M Are Alive ;and That IM Badie* Are StitI in the River; H«9e For Safety of Loved Oaea Still in Hearts of' Many. PUNS FOR DEFENSIVE list. Coroner's physician Springer to night declared that, I,SOO persons were killed, while other estimates ran its high as 2,000, but these did not the river side of the decks. The ehip never heeled back. It WareheoM as MorgaM, As' the divers gained entrance to agree ■with the. staterxjrt.-.that not falling. Th* w&ole tsrgo was in»- titore than 2,500 pasaengere were on bMrd th^; ^sel. Ddiw^ jthe iay t^ .Mier ;rci« .Mcea irvei ovetternte- sfyj^ si^;w4ri»' cut open witli gas flames to idnut divert. ■. Several persons were talcen from the cabins of the ship aJfter it nad Iain on its side in rirer tor tin ■lamts, bnt the 800 o^ers aaid to be in tte IkisU axe sll ' #e«i^ Aid «r SearrikB^ii^ .. ^ari of seai>dinghta to- itNires of men wori^' in th* hoU of tfce- vessels to )fe!ROve the bodies. The steamer lay on the bot^ tcitB of the Ti««r,'one side protruding like *• m^WDdent \o the handles' ‘t itii drowned as 'it VstmA ot«& ' invesjjSrtSitM''''' & 'irbetHer'. froin 'faidty ^fts^i'air,' Ws't:^r^artir bil.^ lasted cer wm poerly fcanaieiflrf w^- ii^ fi-om t2te wh^. Mariite ^^hitects asserted thart the W|M,^clty in def^Q, the top deck had bacj^^.remove^ Ite- ,««use of the tendency of the s^ to )ist and also poiid^ to the tiie.ship had been uMveiUy, or iimtfficintly bailasted. The. Eastland ased water ballast, so ^t it e««ld j>saixf dot some oa eotering: shallow ii&e harl)ors, so some inyestsgators are woridpg * tbe^y. that tlw bal led tanks Were not jUM and,tiie mah- ing of pasMngers-to one side of the i4ecks caused it .to_ F*Ji Under misty skies, 7,000 men, wo- ]»en ao^ t^ildi^i weftded thotr /wy % the 'fl^,ftp|eV .dofik ^^ly ^toi^jl to ill five 1«^ steano*^ Wid«y lai^ in.» inp U p. Tlkp ftMktwr Bxatiud, braigiit to intfL Lake after •» the halt ^ scene of distress moved turned slowly but stea^Iy toward it. j^e river to left side. CMldreu clutcl>ed the skirts e««vori»ed morgues. Ware houses of Wholesale companies alor>g tKk rivei^wtefe thrown open and bod ies were placed in rows on the floors. biers of children whom they had sent to how to meet their partners. After iPresidelit Ex- av«y a few hour* before on what was jhe instruction, were completed, thej *® ** Sabmitted With Few Uaya—UnpnKcdented Program. ef motifsrs and •sifters to keep fron pelled towards the falling side of the ship. Water began to enter lower „ . . . Scores of persons rescued from the portholes and the hawser* tote out j ^ . water were utjured and thete were ‘the pij)»s ..L. . tied;.-,-;' Fel^w Exetinriatiists Bel^Seaa. ' Sraama fron passengers attracted Ithe attwition «f feilow ezeoraioiiiste the dock awaiting tlte next WhMfinen and picnickers Navy Plans Centcsspiste Fifty Sti>- ■urines. Several Battle CmisWs^ I OreadBonghts, Big Increase in A«^» iliary Fteei a^ Aircraft; Araur Plans for Big laereaae. ■con llaed th* edge of the embuuc- ^ver wre gene^iy th* ttu&en vessel to determine’>"e that this should not be the last TMKtdnc oat heletessly towards .^he uiiderlying e&l»es of the accident. Ps'-ty «‘ven by T»ie Christian Endeav- the wavering ^»er. Oemcks on *:ows were taken to the ,»«• For nearly five nunotes the ship side of the Eastland and marine engi- ' turned btfome it finally dived, under consterr,a- engaged to inspect the GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP tho awift ewwnt of the river which treacherous ship. FOB GRAHAM. is due to ^ drainage canale. sfsiw tS^sieeident spread rapidly and to Ote Those in charge of the vario is yhi^Ui 5pwa .?roni the l^ke. Ouruig )ji,m^nds already at or near the works of clearing up the toll of caa- ; Mr. Jonathan Thompson of Has? the . mighty tunHtig . of the a(up with other thousands added them- ualties and deterir-ining the respon- River, who bought a lot on E.. Elm : B^>ni^y^lif^^tc> ch«ira^^^^^. - street bridi^ near sibility for Ithe capsizing of the boat St., at the sale of the Whitsett prop- ,*nd :«««w loose .OB tic tonight'said that the endeayoT would erty a few weeks ago, broke dirt this d^S'SliN>^ .4p*m ^e^^C!^^.oor3, ncces^r^f Jte slow be»as« of the morning for a new brSck Ixiilding eim^nir F^saenvm t^w^^ tiw iiftlirr tft^lhhr fhi- large'iMiajber of persons-aboard the which will be M by 100 feet, one- watnr. ^ «iam!anceK, - Eastiand w>d the diiScalty of gettinjr‘stoiy, and will be used for a garage Pt^fea to w.t-ia • at thehnll of tJ»e stearaer. land machine shop, Mr. Tnoitipsoh intended to i>e a day of pleasure. sskep into the hall, whore Investigatiwis Started. they mat their partners and returned Federal Ju4||v LJa.ndie ordered k to the parlor for "the dime contest.” grand jury, empanellod to investigate The prize, u box uf chocolate sandy, the cataistrophe; States Attorney was awiirdeti to Mr. Ben Nicholson Hoyne prepared a county grand jury and Miss Jennie Newiin. inquiry; Coroner Hoffman selected a f'oiiowing thin we were enjoyab'.y f^ury to. look into the cause of the amused by a comical recitation,given to vASeh-the vessel was , '11- k'«* deaths; thf police arrested all the by Miss Nettie Lewis. Last, but not Governor Whitmnu throws cold.:M- : -.T in’fif the” ^ w in* * fhl! oiBc3«»«f tl|» EastUuid sad the health least, we were invited into the dining “r o** the latest "confetsions" Itt lia . ^ commiasiejim'a.arranged- to purify the room, where two tables were bounti- Bsdt-er caae, and If Becker fails drsn and a fow men who were burned and crushed to death in the Iroquois theatre, New Year’s eve, some years ago. Efforts to reseositate those takeis river, f^ fear disea&e might be spread f^^lly loaded with delicious cream and to get a new court hearing oil fby the presence of sa many bodies in cake, which we all greatly enjoyed. plea of newly discovered eviden^, it the stream, i Al! went away declaring they had looks ae if the t^eclric cheir will jprb Armngemeiits also were made »„ been pleasrfntly entertained and desir- Wm this week. WHEAT IjPWARD WrTH (IBSWNG Reports That BUck Ruat Began Atlaridng the Stena of Wk*»t in South Dakota Cauacs Qiuek l|ife. Then thM» was » plunge with a Tyijfflta Are XMaed. .s^h lf escaoinT from'the holi.* Business Cinen aent their automo- *** Recovered. « u « — - *— aigh of air escaiang ^ spectators ready to aid and the wJurf At 9 o'clock tonight 831 bodies had ™**me snop for general work is very with cryiag of c3uidr»t» and ^ ^ g ^ Bc«- here.-The Gieanct. W„m«n and the shin was Mes ^ motor truck* to help «d the «“»ved to tiie Second Beg. . 'is a practical machinist and a good They were laid in: N0AIM1MNT shrieka af womeii and the ship was - the bottom of the river, casting injured and carry away the dead. One ^opr. , , «£ ilvjng creatures to the warohonse soon was fllied wiOi bod- °* aight.y-Sve, aaross the who.e THE WORKS HOLD IXITIATION ies, and other dead were taken to the — " Mnny «ank entangled with cloth- B^ment Annory,' a mile Keyised fibres showed 176 bodies On last Friday night, the Sigifla W «»i bnndlU and did not rise, but '*W- had been identmed. Of lU partiaUy Oelta Sigma Charter of the Rby.if lw»iU«d« cane to the surface, seiied' M^ybr William Haie Thompson was identifiod bodies 47 were men, 48 wo- Order of Works, Burlington, N. C., flo«ting diaira and otbtf objects. ^ foancisco and Chief of 'Pdice men, seven, boys and IZ girlfc iGagnaki Division held an initiation, ■ntoaa 0= shore thrsw oat ropes axti p- H. ll^ley also v?as out of toWn, but The armory, situated in a Ihickly (fragged in those who cotild hold these' Mayor Moorhouse sent oat a settled part of the Wost Side, was life Unes. Employes of commission *»»»* the .Sty display aigns of surrounded this evening by , a great The following members having madr themselves eligible were initiated in due order. These are Miss Ii^ Hpit,' UtaB along the liv^ threw crates, “>*>”!•'«. Fl*srs on public buildings throng.'* Most of the victims were!and Miss SadV Montgomery of Bnr- ^icke^-CMp*^ and other floatable ■- many lyesidentsof the West Side, jlington; U\r^- Elizabeth Craddock of 04«c« into the carr^ but Tmret of ^1* M«*»fing. It hoped to have the recovered |Houston, Va.; and Miss Peari C^J»t were twe'^t %way by the strean. Baseball'games were poistponed and rtx»d«*all j^ory bp 10 o’clock!of Nashville, N, C. We ate prondli) wkrti rans five an hour. ' festiyitfM iargeiy iSeased; -and.-sntil that tiim» no one was ad-,declare these as honored with ft^l, ‘ B-TfltiT p«rt cqt, tsga ruahed to the , *»se *h land WWW ’aispos-jniittad, A«c«rd»gly, thousands fbem- membership. aeaM with jng of tht -Mi, injured arf 'mami. *«d Ip 1ji«y Iwwjo , before th«.,. great j After the initiationj ttife nW ttem- fa»af mm «« di1r^‘ln ai« heart of iW (SwS^ ifciora. iM* oj>ewri,j^ w^ given an infonr^. Iwoqaefc U»e.* «4 8jtw»inte «» ri»w *" be- which was enjoyed by tlM . Witk Decisive Action on Fronts Not Ex pected to be Fousht in Few Days Yet—Position Favors Ruwiam^ (zerir:r.s Claim to Hare Made Smw I'i egress; Severe Fighting ics Ml in Argons and in Vosfe^ ^ the Western Battle Front, But oot Much Change, WINGHIN ctnf .-'Hs *Will Start Octobe 1 With Fmst aid. ■fi T • i ■ Washingtot^ ^^yiy 22.—aRy tos bMii to f*ftS1^1i|j^ four wrtSa?^^- 1st. -•■■ ■ • *K-K,

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