mmm A rucaamtn tvniJKAir MimriPU nr!uira&^ ni inmnuHm cv ahebican stniEs and AipBiicAif iNi»»tiiii,-^ _ i ..; v 3!^ -.—_..L«gs_j. ui_ BOiii(IIaON, AUUCANCE COUNTK. NOETH JA80LINA, TUESDAY AUGVkr 17. 1915. USni UBI UTS 2NDGM1. AT GBAIAlf. M. C lUuas ifai7 and BaeU EmImt •ttterteliiei 9ur ^ Mmi* TaMiay af^U, Asiast lOth^ w iwnw ti tk^ ftrtad, MiM Vatu* 0. BnA- (kitw 9ttt«rt Ciici* Hp«pitel Bideaead, wh» ia mmt tt hMM ia GnkMi. XhoM preMst were «s Amass^ Troops on Frontier to Aid Tur- kcy.—Lattcr Needs Shells—-Rou-j*^ maniiin Army Already Partly .Clsppt Minnie, Lixzie aod VlUlie O. MobiHi^d While Bulgaria Has; nA SMtreL Boo*, Agaee Siawi, Made No Move. -Miatift AIbm Md rtCNIC ON Ny 8. Tim . 'waaal R: P. D. No. . 8 picnic «ir at the aeca«tomed place, ifhieHiiinii, oa i^ S^tatdm^, Annj^mt The attendMm WM Mti- TOO to 1,0M sod m oMal, was » ^ptmdid aueeesa.! in «mf w»r—ully up to the stands i •ni :lfe. S pieaie, and that meana a KndiiN iMm m inriiTm ilw rmk of tiw Testonie advsnce MISS iatiMtvd in lV>lai>d !• MpUIr fcoR/- to iMr Mcond liM PAVUNX COBLE TA1K8. ENTEB- B»n» JtMies, Mn. .John Eatlow; Mwifi. Unej BtrnUmw, Coj WUBr uia, TlMina* Steel*, Ettell McAdnia, Ja^ FovtemMi, Glady* Foster, .Ar- !dmr EsBell, Oqitivcr Pk«^ Bandolph Buf^caw and J. H. MMea. Many good gaiaes were indtdcM^n. («npM cMit«rii« upon the From 8:30 to 11:30, Tnetdai^ e««c-| r ing Mia. I^nline Coble entertaiaed in ^ ^ ^ Wieantratioii «t effort aeema to he in honor o her houN eueeta, Mie« Liz- ^ - 1 thought of »rei» liidiNetio«otthieat«oask4dfTomsieWr*imof8aerCityaadHiaaHe.' Refreshment, of varionc) *** thlr fotcea at poinu «». !«. Tr«»p, of N^Uminfton. Pa. ^ Ud7 40 aiil.. I Golden rod. d««oi»ted Tory prttdy ^ ^ ^piaioB in aUied capital, aeema di- the porch haU. and abrary ^ ^ ^ Mwt «a te wiwther the Onnd Dake The punch bovl wm in a bower of on their departure declared MiMet gMMt d«at. There wore the uMai! «f athletic^ speaking andj Short, iwthy apeechea w«n: aw# if Mdnsrs. J. M. Cook, 0. F I Ck4)*m. Bw- i- H. Holt, E. S. W. t «ad J. M. Hayes, and Mr, | Ceele aetaA aa master of eeremoaies' ■, . ■ iai^ iiteitable atyte. The table Waahin«ton, Aur. 12.—Activity of gBodaed ^ender ita weight ot choicest Mexican bandita on the Texas border **ia^ demonstrating the long the situation at Vera Crus coa- rie* eetdiiiiihed repntation of the tinned to oecnpy the attention of of- eeekiBC ahiitty of the good women on yciats today, although tliere was less that jioit^. Many visitors were pre- apprehension. aeai froien other Koutcs ajid upon the General Fiinston is being given a wh^ the occasion was a typical Jim h,„t( o„ the border and he has Carranza Issues Statement Protnising^^ Protection to AH Foi^ners—Sit uation HopefuL-»Covernor of Texas Has Right to Command Services of Citizens to Prevent Trouble. Raj^ Picnic, with ten^ implies. all that such a TOMATO AND CORN CLUB PICNIC ■’A» Tomato Club girls and the not asked that the 17,900 troops at his disposal be reinforced. No action was taken today on an app%l from Gover nor Ferguson of Texas for additional Federal soldiers. Conditions at Vera Cruz are said M is- [i^ will he ahJ. to hold thi« awr r5~ aod «xi and wm pr«id«l m. Petrepad miKtary obserrers over moat gi-a«oasly by Miss Jose- l^reaa coa^hknce that the Tei^oni phine Bivwn and Mr. Ben May, i PAWy.,C>>^.Clah boy, ^.etat^ont Park h.,* improved and Carran» h«. itatlMr a farther ratoeiaent of the ceiving limi a*ich waa compoaed of The kr was anouncement taHiaaa wili iwt be aeceesitated. . Mr*. Thos, F. Coble, Wrern | A party of Ofte«> from Bw«acU»n. tW i^ prote^on to foreigners. T^ bat- Th* Jatert oSeialf nporU loMn to and Troup aad Mr. Herbert Coble. •«» Sw^waviJle sjwat laat Hr#«ha Xaaalaaa li» »pidly yield- MiM Moiaa Mamty aiat them at ««r Sutphia's SUUat »“• N> »na ^ an well on tn«r way do*a the the and ta the S«th, th. stairway and th« ladiM were es- , Cw«? w ‘‘Chigar Wand." The p«-. E. Brown of Atlantic coast bound COMMCNmr BALLT. Methadiiit Piateataal Saaiay S^Mria aad Chatdiee ef AlaauMce OMUty to Meet ia Aaaaai Picak at PM- m«ai Paik. osf.vz^j, Asgsst !l=t. The Methodist Protestant Sunday Schools and Churches of Alamaaca County will gather at the Piedmont Parle on Saturday, August Slat, in an nual picnic rally. The occasion it « fixed annual aSair, this being the second, and the Burlington M. P. 'Church is making arrangements for the event. The place which has been selected is an idea! one, being centrally located and witiiin easy reach of a majority of the churches. The train schedule is such that those churches located on and near the railroad may reach t^ie place on the morning trains and letum on the evening trains. Tha- spaetoat jpvanit, ^ btfuitif^ aer^ I«tWWe.t. th. rtkf«c6ivhyi. in ^ilTinitti., the r^ o* the Ora J*CI^ Work In ^t th* War ba Arrmae, where the Freach re- ladies, the rmag-en uader th. dir.c- !-»«« »*=rt.y «i Mean,. w fTT /T T place fhl« for picnicfani 3ua- the «puU. of a«r German at- Kon ef MiM Gertrud. Coble r^fr-,WaJter Ba«» «id David ^ »»r. J. M Turner with purely domestic d.«,rders ,n the .eta, Beriia claim. ao»agn>u»d ha, «1 for th.rn.dve. aad ladiea. n,' Curtiss; From Grahaa^Mr. ««l Mr. were ia char^cf the ^ ^ i L tTlS; «ii be as soon « couple were then coadMt«l to th. J- »• Albright. Misses Jetais PhiUip.. Ch* boys. Mrs. CorneRa C. Moms, ‘The aituation u clearly deaned/', to begin w i be as soon as Poke MeCraken, Julia Cooper, Cooley I l>«monstr»tor, wtth six sub- he wid. “In so far a* disturbances re iiir- In --- haia fMd Marshal tMi MackaaMa'. ccrtwl to the flrat iaadiag where they *Paat si* joyous days Miacv boat i|Ms hai» paaetratad to the KMstb- were mat by Misoet Miriam WnUaau bathing, fchisting, daadng, iaiwe* lia% «Wte la th* aactik tlie and Laeill* aad at th* Mcand. motanag aad ea gaged ia otW ^ms- itiijtf a nil'll mu'ta hi maWnc n untm iaadiag by MImw I^auis* Blagg aad ^ eaaip li£» 3k* pai^ lanaiae^'MMOi’ ' CM*: 0"^ fWwia*: 7mm Mr. T. E. Brown of Atlantic coast bound for Southern present and made an in- waters” to reinforce the gunboat talk. Kis. Margaret Scott, gqeadron at Vera Cruz if necesMxy Agent, in Home 0*cMns- Collier Jnpiter was ordered to Nirk, was alw present. Min 'v«ra Crat today from Newport. ilMI fc*i9wn In Ah9pTC«'aa'•TS^erifiiry Cattrhwa ncdo it pMar . I the people c*n get there and the good ■ap*rts from th* Dardaa*!!** catty P»«eh bowi by Mi» Louis. Murray. 1*'“^V i> w u . time will continue as lone a. the neo- 'Albrigilt and Babwt Tate and •**“•*> Myrtle Eiwll, Mrs. M. u,te to repelling invasion of American p~- im, if aay, tkaa that «»ld ia recent editing of a aewspaper fa whidi each Cearg* Haadin; From SwspwmTiU*-;**. Wilk*r»Mi, Mrs, J. D. Eos., Miss territory «r to border uprising, t***?, ^ st^ of the opeiatkma little far* T1i« faatart ot the evening wfa the,'^ t^di oaclal aM«a»at«. whkh ra- pera«, |«««.t was mantionad. Th.,»*•««. »•"* ^ J«ry B*««. ^ to^ £1!Cj TaiSst *'^irT::itoSLbZ^rn:i^^m l -tte-*. ..-vin. «.y ^ - fadathome. Mr. Karr Seott pre.«.t- .rfthto the SUte of TexaMhey are for the mo« promine^ mi*.ist.« liqr aby ferilitr gains hy the eotentc.aMistaat*. The d*partmeata • »v .j*- - th* lavmen of the church in this atata Jfiaa. «»»*•» tbe Mlowlag niperviaion SKSMONS ON SANCrmCA-RON.l^* ^ w f ^ SUtt author^ ^ I ^t 'and nn enterUiamant by the ddldrea th* people of AiaasJic* begeinf for a state oOciala have been informed i from the Methodist Protestant Chil- On the Attstfb-Italian front th* Mieial—Miaa Sadie Montgomery, as- j^ag ot late seeaM t* hate haea da«d fegp Miwea JoSiette laley cad ] preach on this »ni* c«niti». I^aad chiafly to artUkiry aetim Bath Tbartoe a»d Macsn. Kai Mc-^y«iad and miaandarstaod sabjact on meie change of frouad threi|||h CJwta, KiBv Pa*, aad Vtwjtm 'nfxt laaday, at 11 oVaock. A. M., and ^tnr attacks. am*. |9 p, ff. The, derS owy hkk, bet no The hour . *. . . a o ^ t. I ' » laupervisor, and Mias Cates aaperrised »M)r cwtifie* conditions to the Presi- A IWte aaws ageacy haa racoivad Spertiae-Mr. Sodney.Chman, aa- .^tter »i* BibK teache. SwaSilictwn number of g»w» which «... hearti- d«t of the Unit«l State* ii» a proper Whether th* President j strike case. . I “The Governor of Texas can use the, dKipftteh frem Bom. dedaria* that siat«i by MisMo Curia WilHa, Sattia -tto is the will o God, even 7^" » k Ta^anaa to the rw*at p*ae* a^eal May Tutt!* «nd Meatrs. MiOTia Xc- saneti^tioo.’' 1 IWa. 4:4 *0 7.' ” * maner, f BcMdict the Genoaa Km-PheNoa and Baaadl CoM*. nishioaa Agab^very God of Peace Saacti- Kwdtaeiaiad his wiUiagaasa t* «B**f —Miw Alva 1«» Tsrrentiae. aasiatafl fy jmi whi^y." 1 These. 5:23. Jude St* |*W!* aagotiatiow providsd ^ by MissM Lorraine Islay, Jfartha 'writea them that an *aiKtii!ed,«te., rst tm» fbMA «ha Natiana Pof aad Messrs. Hugh lalay aad Ver. t. See Heb. 10; », 10 and 14. (wivaFitkGemaBy.Aastrialraptied Hilary Baahant. j Every ward of th* Bible ia by in-1 !nila(ly» it was aded. ! Current Event*—Mias Lney Hwteh, apintion of the B«fy &tast thM«forel ■■ asaistadhyMlsaee Jennie Baaaa^a•n,'it ia rise net to crtkSaa or be ashamed! IIOQTB !«. CJiiei P«stead aad Mw^a. Veraaajsf th-as. Oa* s^ .! aay^ i —WadkWI aad CJaad FaaiiiD*. [tlMire is aoa* withoat sin, as not one,"! :into. wffl h*** is* *»^ *^ Addle ■asr.aasistpfthy L,,,** bat TfceBSbtaal.**^^ "The ^ ^ ^ , , . , bi Mnfe at 3. M. Sa»ar- »rth BnMidaf. Mee«a GH^ Utood of Jema n»ist U. i ^ Chamber of Comraeree of the State I do not know. Mr alfht, Aacaat H «• 7 t» li Hornaday aad Vitua Holt. ’ i„, fr»« all ain.” Xhe first «:riptarcI®*' Burfington are arranginir for* “In so far, a* the Fed^l Govwn. Humor-Mr. Snm«i.|,«*^.r.f«. to Man ia hU natural i » J ^ ,^1. J i ' the organisatioe at Psedmont Park bow are entirely in the hand of Gen. ' oy Hisseft TIielmator upegenerated atata, the second toj „^„ . v 1. ^ . . J J. 1 ion Friday evening, August 20th, at Funston who has been told he can man after he has exercised f«th in I ., . _ . 8 oclocK. Thete are several inatteris the mobile Federal troops he ^blaek. Kvarybo^ is cordiany invit- wit and > Sharpe, aniited jn* catorad peopl* at Spin«d«i« are Stafford. Mamie 5«airie aod Maasrs. fifing their protracted meeting this Olins Isley and Ben May. faak. *.'» J ■ ■ ; •, - ' ; " f Reporter*—Mr. W. S. Coulter, as- aereraifnmthia route attend the sistted by Misses Thelma Thurston, MViee* at St Mark’a Suoday. Josephine Browa and Messrs. Graham tanneni an idl bo*y plowing. Harden and Herbert Cotrt*. firom thia nrnte *tteaded J One- of the most enjoyable paris of ha’ CoUes* re-nnim Wednesday, Aug- at lltk :]&uty thanics to all who have pat not, etc in their boxes for me. Ttie writvf, and baby spent from leitday until Tuesday visitii>g on No; aad No. 4, and attended the pro- dieted me«ting at St. Mark’s, 'jk lilte hot weather {a wry iittla> pw aad tkNt.i* Mtishwl by th. fas- U *«Hry 4ac is to hare hia day there M h* « lot «f dec 4*n- the *««ung came whun the diiTerent departmeats toroed in tiieir copy aiad the editor in-chief read the fost sum- ber of the Bogville Bugle; MisMS Helen Troop and Buth Thurston gave several vocai aelectious, being acctaa- panied on the piano by Misses Thelma Staifi^rd aad Miriam Williams, aad Freyher WiUiains as th* violin. B*- ficehmeats comistis^r *f cBica- aad crcam wem served bf Mia*es-'liKili* Pag*, Looia* Murray. Bi«ab*th-iMa«t Miriam WilliaMs, Geitrad* a«d tMm CoU*.. tlie all cleasing blood of Christ. If you are interested bring your Bible aad pencil acd let‘s search for this truth n*^ Sunday. Yours to ktKiw and enjoy the free dom of truth. D. H. TUTTLE. Fam life SdMoI. Several other hat the Federal Government is pcw- short talks w«* mad* on this sub- etlcss to interfere in these intwaal!*®"* ** P«nt. i«t. Aft«-th*ma«itiful dinned, pic- dirturbanw. unless they art b*yonJ ““ ^ «^tertaio- ttir«a nw made. Misa Jaffcaat, rural th. control of the State atsd th* Gov- **“ decidwl upon yrt, but the dinner will b« tetrved between 1:00 and 1:30 P. M. , The gathering last y«ar was a su^ County Superintendent. Mr. J. B. would then order Federal troops to , ““® ***• occasion this year shoold Sofaertson, spoke on * number of sub- t»it» charge of ths internal situation; P*'®’* • g**at*r succew aad ®*an iecta, interesting to club worl-ers. A jg » matter entirely within hi. dis-i^^*" * *** ball game between Graham and Bur- crotion, as in the recetrt Colorado', otestants m mance count,. ^significance of ne event in brief, is to becoiM better acquainled State mUai. and call upon every able I «» bodied citi«n to defend th* righU of ^ *6 State. Whether the aituation "“7 s»«*s»faUy done; sec- . . . ,,1.^ ond, to develop the social life of the there is bf-yond the controi of the ^ , people, and third, to get a larger visloQ of tiie possibilities and s>^t opportunities which this denominataoti haa in advancing and building up the cauRe of Christianity, The Builington M. P. Church es- ■tends a most cordial and urgent in fer any yit^tion to every Methodist Protest ant i.'hurch and Sunday school in Ala- mvce county to attend and partici pate in the celebration of vjiis Second I Annual Picnic and Community. Bally. liotton was played later in the after noon. cKiiiinn OF coiiMBBCE ab RANGES FOB A MEETIKG. STATED MIUTA I& FOKM. IN of importance to the orgamzation and which the Executive Committee feel that the entice membership should be caBed upon to consider. It is earnest ly hoped that every member will en- deevor to be present in person or have some one to represent them, j There will be a special car operated FINE jfoy the occasion, leaving Main street (promptly at 7:40 P. H., furnishing free i transportation to the park and return wants. He has not asked VON H8NDENBUB6 LEADS GER MANS IN KOVNO ATTACK. Orgasdsed Troop* a» Sect al Camp Gleao Comnaad CmvcinBl Reject Dsty N*( Aa Empty Ward. Ykitid Bfi«iiae*l tai Ctmp Th* Paat ''^•ek''aadi it CseaHHw Favarattr WRh FiMt a*d ernm, maAlBSt» . AlMMly Itoi 'IMr mytly. Bmk Caaiji Ttaniay. Don’t forget th* date, Friday, August 20th. Get out and .get together. B. F. WILUAMS, 2t. Secretary. A vacation Is a jrteat thing. Nine It of IM& ptanMis come back AmuI A»-)««w^g tet faont. ia the greatest «A . SUNDAY SCHOOL PlCNIC^l#- POBTANT NOTICE. - Teutonic Hero Himself Takes Charge I of Campaigas. Against BusaUns—| aviUaas Evac«Ue Hard Pressed; Sunday Ci****. ^School will hold its annual picnic at ; Piedmont Park next Saturday, Aug. Berlin's Aclloa Believed to Show I«-' 1915. Alt taembers of tho school portaace General Staff Attachec to church ar*. requested to io*?t at Operatio*: Tw* Zeppdias Baid th* chuidi and will be given free Ki^ Si* b^asiag transportfttioa *► Park. Cars vKll 23 Permm *. C«* IW.; Six-l^'Tl mortaur-^ , 10;30 and ia th* «eteraeo& aV lsOO. teerth Air Brii 8S«* »gta-«t f ^^3, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ naist be at th* dteidt on time.'