AS TO SUBtUHE»Um THE HIOH SEAS. A PBOGRESSIVE KEPUBLICAN NEWSi'APElt ‘':\ 0'iEl> TO THt Ll-Bi;lLf>!NC OK AMF.UiCAN HOMI-.S AND VMEniCAX INDUSTRIES. State tiimtry DURLINGTOX. ALAMANCE COUNTY, NORTH CAUOLfNA,'TU'ESI* vV.'AUGUST 31. 1915. Comp. TO !E BEWH ANB BETAKE ilLSACE BEFORE MCE S!i=s EMith \V;;lr;er stave.;v.i lU'ter-i'fHIv .1 ' CKtMiNAL tOl’KT SVKKK. LAST oH Front atrect for her viisitor, Jliss [)iusy- Rogers, of Dui'harn. Potted plants were used fi?)’ decoi-ating th" .p.ii'lor. The. chief ot-eupatiofi of the afternoon was makiiiji: huts from'pink and white crepe paj>er Question Put Before Peppltv Says Premier Viviana, W o u I d B e iJlown To Nothing; Declares' Na’ ' „ _ _ . . ^ aiKl I’iil'e were rtcrvtid. Thvst were-ing iieforc the (‘nun: tion Will Defend Liberty of World' Thi; .SuperioJ' Couil of Couiiiy for-the: trial of'ci'iinina! ca.^er^ was lil'ld las' wc'ek wiih Judf^e Allc.r presi^jinjf. The .dofket \v*i? u fairly Miss'Bessio 1 large one,'and. tVio many :iLsc-s'wcro Holt, madfc the prettiest,hat .-and w>ts - diypo^ied oi‘, .st*me -oiitinued. till the griven the pi'ize, a pink crepe de. chine |Nt>vei}iut'r.toi-iii of court The foUow- tkc* cases conv CATHOLIl BiSHaP, SHOT AT MMS B1 CRAe PlilEST, MAV SfCOW ; enjentcd Ciu;rchrran f Arrested After Firing i wo Shots Into Body of Supericr irr Coiltgc Chapei; dciievc .Man ; JhbughtM Was Siighted in Parish Assignmcrit. I a doz^n present. BURLINGTON SOCIETY. Pat'is, Aug, 2G.---“Put the question, of peace before the country and it y would be blown to nothing-’ said (Greensboro Kews.) - Premier Viviana today, in an address Miss Cecile Holt gave an informal in the chamber of deputies. ‘*Xot uri- lOok party at her home on Park til heioJe Beljfium has been freed, not avenue Saturday evening, al 8:J0 until we have retaken Alsace and Lor- oVlock in honor of Miss Maude Idol, rain, jcould there be mischievous div:- who visited here from Hig:h Point, sions among us. Beautiful white and pink roses and “Our eiiemies may continue astray potted plants were used for decora in their duli error u" last year b'jt not t’ons. \ocal and instrumental mus'e \vc, who have seen workmen and em- furnished by Miss KatH Lea Ituit, I State vs. \V. P. Fowler—Charged "■ iwith mainiaitiing lottery . Pleat^s Mrs. G, \V. Hatch entertained the !guilty and juJj>:nient 5u;^pended upon Woman's , ciub in . regular monthly ’ payment, of costs. , meeting at her iiew .liome in. Piedmont .j State vs. Claylon F. Richardsons Saturday aftt‘rr*bon; The ladies went Charged with resisting oflieer. Piead^: out on the car and spent two hours, jg'uilt)’. Juds:m“n! . .‘UJ.spended upoii The entire ti»i:e was? taken, up In/payment of costs, routine business. . i State vs. John Host«r for retailini*’. * ® ;Committed to jail for six moiiths. A. I.. Davis entertained the) State vs. William {»arrett, Jr., ago Round HoiieJi club at her home Found ‘i'uihy of hpu.e-brcakiny Oavis street B'riday afternoon. krt-eny. Ser.t to reformatory home was decurafccd in sunflowers ,and ji^chool fur minimum period of. oik- potted ferni>, the color scheme, jrreen-year, with umKinunn of seven y.*i«rs. ployer. the rich eitizea and the poor, Flovine Rob.rtson .,«d B!a«^he Thonv fitted S.o Co.r,- men of every party ami every walk 0. D. Poythress. Hol..._ At-j The ladte Ny. Hon. , , .,,, » , f r* c4iiv« « »;:i i tr*muc;i The hldi^iS ' ty. of iife, fulfilling with a fingle purpo.^-e «>'d J- 'V. Lasley, .r. j e„,„,r,iaorinK ami ^^«eny. I then eng-aged in a contest, ‘‘What We j Arthur hoase-br^akin^ an-.i and wiih equal aeal their dutiiiS in dt- babies were used for rook inuil a fcnse of the liberty of the world. *'We muM destroy the legend that the republic of Franco, having borne for forty-live years in horrible wound, did not make provision for militaiy defence, I must repeat the words of the commander-in-chief durini? thir aesriion of the chamber: “Thn re public mtiy be proud of her armies/ “France has vrt-ated an army ful- \iUing the m.o-^t modern conceptiotu. She has instilled the love of justice., the love of rij?ht. uud on thii day the war began the children of France united in support of this hijrh ideal,: a.’sd Jack hour. Sandwiches, iced lea and mints' ,, ..Wear, and this was unique and en- found ^riuliy of house-breakin served by .Misses Holt and’ ^ I _ .| tertajiiinjj;. . Mrs. W, F. Dailey won -iren'.-y, a; v*e!'e Robertson and Mr Povthrcss, The Grave.*' vve»T and were ^iveii a sentence out‘of-to\TO. guests wert Miss Idol, ithe prize. Cream and cake wero;«^f tlve years ocich in tho Pj-i Miss Neely Dailey, of Reidsville, and j Aiessrs. Poythress, 6f Chapel Hill; At-1 kiiison. of Elon Collejfe; Allan Gra ham. of McCi'ay, and W. G. Lloy i, of SaxapiihaNv. served. The invited ffuests we»>j--*'on. Mesdames J. H, Vernon, J. A. Petti-- In tile case oi Wiii WiIliam!o}i, Kmv atnl Sallie Pate, of Barnwell.-vha.*;red with the murder of K:1 Moore, j Wii.ona, Min:;., 27.—The Kr. MOVKNC; GKOKGIA PEACH CHOP j ivfv. i’atrick R, Hetfron,• Bishop of KA-STKU'N. 3t;AKKIv!'S, j the Winona IMoi.'cs.s ' of the Ronian ,, ’• . . H-'atholic church who W£is sh'Ji iod;;y Atja:)t,a. Gu*V Au^> ^Ti—Fov the. :;is he was cclel.mass h\ u pri- nioVemeht of the GeorjrJa, pt'ach crop j vate chapel at St. Mary's Coiiejre by to Eastern markets during the st-as- ;a ciazed priest, tonij^.ht was beJie'.ed on extendan^ from Ma.v‘ 27, :o Aug- to ha\e a fair ‘hauce to recover. ir;'t 17, i^outhyrn Railway operated' ;. I.. M. Lesche.';, the priest, Was ar- 187- special trains from Atlanta to (ested. ■ He Was beUev'ed to have been Poto?r;nc yards on fast, passenjjc^^r lauo'iiig- under the delusion that he schedules handling cars, of had been sli^rhted as regards a parifh whkh :^,i'74, or 1*8.;-} per cent, mado a^sijcnnient. i-e.*'tei‘t schedule and v.'ere delivered 10 eonnectiuns in time to make nijr- ket on the date due. For. ea^h ot — ihese trains four engines and four. \\jiit."t.'it Institute’ has oj)ti.ud Ui-.* crews oi five nien each were requivf'd •■'•venty-eifjhth yeai* v.’ith an attend- ai'd as it Was necessary to j’un an L;iiee about ten per cent belter than i?qiiai iium'*er. of c.\trii trains in ihe ksi year, Jast yt^ar was one oj^posite direction, a very laru;',* nuni- the finest years in the history of the iier of employes were directly coa- school. Many improvements liave nected with the train movenient jn ad* been ina.di* durin^r ihe summer, and dition to the very much larger i\um- the outlook is very prinnising Tor th? ber who did their part in making up best year in the iiTe of the school, irain.s and in keepinjr roadwijy, mo- \>HrrSETT ITKMS. Miss Lucy Hatch ituve an ejoyab-e | picnic on the lawn and porch of her j beautiful new home on Piedmont i Heijfhts Tuesday evening iti honor of! her Kuest, Miss Tempe Boddie, of! n ithout which there would have l,oe...!Tho dozen guests went out| only armies of nioreennrie.,'^ ‘h.- «.r jU twiliKht and spent n| The deputies cheered the premier ' Then a deliffhtf.,1, wdily. When tho demon.^tration had '■>” j died down, I.eputv I.ouis ,\|1 who recently ha., several times erit-=-"‘* kizcd the Kovcrnnienfs. conduct of thc,'‘'^' "" war. took the floor and l.e«an an.idsi disorder a.rilici.m of Minister of War Millcrand. The deputy spoke for aVi hour, but little of what he said could be heard because of the confu:',Lon. Afterward several deputies >poke iin approval of the prejnier’s address and the chamber voted the .credits asked by the jrbvernment by 529 to 1. in the armory Monday.... - , ^ • in.strurtions from IJerlin, uskc^d Sec- inji an otiieer, was commitiod to jail («em*#rc Isley, Soninnj j , Coulter and J. O. Wal- MINERAL SPRING UiSCOYKKEl) I AT GRAHAM* A combination dance and rook par*y j , was lyiven ’ nijrhi by '’Sh.-irpe. W. ^ ker to their friends. Potted plants • wore used for decorations and tables Und chairs were tastily arranged. I Punch WiiSi served by Mit;&es Ji is Holt and Kdith Carrol). Rook was pluytni by not dancing. Several couples spent the evening in the late dnncej:. Ice cream and c-?.ke*e served. Mr.^, G. W* Hatch chaperon ed. S. C, I “.he jury returned a verdict of liOl l^uiity of murder, but guilty of nuin- (iERMANY DOES NOT WANT TO’»iauRhter, and the defendant w«8 sen- BKEAK. Itenced to the State Pnson for live I |ye;-r.s Fears More Americaii DoUar Than ! Perry, Georj^e Alston and \aval atid flMlitary Forces—En«r-j^roley ‘VViniams were befoj’e the court land Shorl Funds, f'u a cUurjre of havinju; in their posses- — atid ()frerin»i- for sale a certain |Ooes Not ^S ant United States to Re-I'luantity of liquoi-. Pei iy plead;3 iu*re Kronomieal Silualion. 'ijuilly and .Mstmi aiui WilUains pleud : noi jruilty. Washiniyton, Aujr, 28,--The United I State vs. Joh?j Crawford .ind Paul I ^States received further a.s.^urances Uichardson, Affray. .ludicmcnr from (Jermany of its decision to yield -uspendcd upon paymetjt of costs, to the denninds of this irovernment • State v:^_ Herta H(»lt. .\ssault with rejrardl**}T the p;’Oicction of .A.mericari' deailly weapon. Plea of statute of lives al .ea. ! limitations sustained and court direc- Cokint vcn UcrnstoWf, the German tctl verdict of not jrnilty. S‘‘udent.> wi]l ci-ntiriUe to ariive fy* some weeks. • The sc!\oui has im-reo;-- ed its rapiH'ity for boarding student's. and ean take more boarders thiib iit any previous time. live pr«\ver. and ro’din.i; stuck in re pair. This )jfavy extraoi’dlnary traiTjc was nvived over the i>V.i miles of thj .■Vtlanla-WashinV’t.oJi iine, cvr.*r 100 ambassador, havinjr received leiigthy ’ WiSl Walker, charged with resisi- Mr. W, n. Ausley has discovered a mineral spruip on his place in Gru- ham. Sometime ago Mr. Ausloy no ticed that the water brou^rht healtli to the u.sers of the water, and upon being analyzed was found to be a Vx^ater stronjr in mineral properties and beneiiciul for stomach and bloo 11 ailments. The watev is highly recom-... „ e r\ u i ^ ‘Miss Ibtisy Rogers, of Durham, be- mended by physicians who have seen). , . ^ u rnu ^ iinjr the guest of honor. The room.'? the ana1y.'?is a»id wnat it does, i , * i - > i * \ were decorat*d in potted plants, A Iconiesi was held, ‘‘The Romance of a ' i Shirtwaist,” and proved very enter- taininir. Refreshments in two Misses Mamie and Sadie FonvUle entertained the Priscilla club in regu lar meeting at their home on Tarpl^ 8(re«‘t Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock. tary of -Stale Lansinp: for an ap-j for four months and assiiined to wor'v [.ointment loiiay. Promptly at the*the public roads of the county, hour .set hv appeared at the depart- • Joshua Johnson, cHarjicd with menu. The ambassador informed the ^abandonment. Receive(i a verdict of j.Oi-rutury cf State that Germany I not guilty. * Would pive “full .^atisfact.jon to the j John McMallin, for carryinj^ con- United States’’ for the loss of Ameri- ic^aled weapon. Gu\'n jsix njonths on can Uves on the While Star linet-^'ounty roads- Ai’abic, j H^ H^ Beltun, for assault. Plead-^ iiiuilty, Judjjmer.i susj)endol upon IN HONOR OF (iCEST. :p;tyment of with provision that he furnish :^r»00 bond to keep peace. Miss !.rt?na Lii^ebl-rry ent«rt;ained j Graves, charj^ed with cscaii^‘- Pi-of. Eupetie M. Roiiitts ,who is miles uf which \s undergoing- double now county superintendent for Vuncc tracking and revisionj, v,dthout th« county has been here for some days 'slightest iutferferenee with the reg:uijU‘ on a visf'r. itJ'afiic, a result which could hare been The followinjr \wre here for the. accomplished only by a-splendid or- openinji:. and mad^ e.xcellent talks al jrani/ation in charge of a well equip- chapel service: Kev^ I>, C. Vix of pcd plant, ,Hv)i linf^tofjJ Ivei. G. A. ln,yi'le ot Xew-j I'or the n*ovemeni I’f jieaches to ion; Rev. W. L. Lo>- of Dufharn; a;id f Westcni markets '4c, special trains Mr. W. IK McLean of Andersen, S.:were run froin Athwjta to Chattanoo- hnnclUn):!' -Jlit eais=. :ill of which Quite a numlier ot parents h ue moved on perfect .schedule. Iieen here ihe-jinyt week, ■■omiii.u: ;o j The hig-hly perished characier of enter their se.n« a. .-tudons.s i'nr thi..^ the peach make.^ it neeessarv that jit he nii;ved with l!ir utnu)it di&r - Messrs. Boyd and Ki'iiewt Mi’Lean ; p;-.teh and the success of the industry left for New Yurk t’iry on .Saturday i is therefore, to a jrreat dejrree de- eveninjr’s train. They have I'.een hei'rj J pendent on the character of the l a;!- for some weeks on a vi.-it with their j way service to the (Treat cli^l^■umi;l;^ parents. jmarl^ets of the country. Kev. W. L. Loy vviil pj-cach spe-n'-i Mr. Ausley ha?^ decided to offer this water for sa^e to those who wish j a niinera] water that is genuine in quality, producintr the most satisfac- t,>vy results. We c.-ill your attention to the advcriistMuent of the ItlurcUa we?e serve*! .Sprinir in thi.^ issue of the nispaieh. i ^ ‘ ' .iv.ok party at her houu; on liro; ‘~l^treet Wednesday eveniaK'-* lo Mr. Ausley was very wise in Sielec the column?, of the i^^"'Patch | honor of her c>usin« Mi-ss thi'ou^jh which to convey the nows of j Mai'fcaroi Stroud of Greensboro, whoj his new discovery and a?k the u^erjij'--' visiting here. The sittins room L quite a number of her friends; at her '^*^'®^ days on the ioads. home on Ireland street last Thurs-j the case of State vs. M. K. da.v ei’tnine* from eight till eleven; *^’*d R. W. ('urtis. detcn- oVlock in honor of her guest and'*’^-'^^^ foiuid ^c-ui!ly ivy jnry. Motion cousin. Miss Maud Linebarry of AN'-"y defe?idants to siei aside ..the verdict Ian»a, Ga. .was overruled. The case was contiiui- The evening^ was enjoyed in social, conversaiicm and music. Delij^htfidj State vs, t-iam Totten. abia> Tii!~ refreshments consisting of cream f^'’' assault wit?; deadly weapi* i cake were served the jruests of iho earryinj? concealed weapon. p]'.'.al. party during the evening. About -^ruilty and jad^rment sn?per.d.-d il. May save a cluirmin-!'’’■'■'5' '™e present i-,; ).aynicnts of cosi. ,ienjov the «*cca.*ion. ’ Rainey Sh;:::!».s xi;:s t'.v> •I'.l ' * * ” • inoiuhs on the roaTfs for rftailinr. CHARLES E. TRULL CONFESSED ^ Will Cooi; ums: scntcnce-i to the Gl. ILT. .rojids four months for assiiMlt, ::1 sermon beioiv the >tadent body in the chapel Sunday nitfht. The V. M. C, A. will hold a public welcome s^%:rV'!ce at .10 A. ]VI. Sunday morning. The oce.asion will be made interesting: by special music, etc. The three Literary Societies beg-an their work f«)r the year on Friday by holding very interesting meetin.jys, and taking in quite a large numbc;' of the new situdents. R. F. I). No. 10. There will )iv an ice cream supper at Mr, i.uton CobleV Saturday nifiht, .September It-h. Everybody' is cordial ly invited to attejui. There will be a ball game at the Alamance Raitle (^Jround, Saturday afternoon, ; Mr. Ltvstev May called. tv^ set' hi?* ibe.iit girl S.iniday afternoon. f Miss Emily Shoffiici and daagh- HOV THIEF OK 10 GETS SoOli FR(i>5 tor, reiuractl to their honu» Satm day SANK. after spending the week visithig J, M. Shoffner’s .-nwl t>ihor re.lauves on Luinherton Negro .Arrv.sU‘(} w Minus the route. .’?22; Robbery in Broad Daylight. Mr. Clitus Shoffner spou Satnr- ' ■ -'iay iiighi wiUi ilr, Lo:uiie .Shoffaer LrjmlR’rion. Ai:g. 'JS.—A darjn.v'' .on Route No. 1. >ebbci-y o.vurred here today a’ ilevei^ M\ ■ Maude Slioirnrr 'Is sptmdin*;- oVlock when EUioit Merrick, a ten- thr .veek visiting her brother, visiting nere. of the mineral w:uev for their pat-j and reception hall were decoruted ia. ronape. We Mr. Ausley success and goldenrod, white- and, in his undcriaking. j Charges W. W. P. Harlon. Witne.'S For State, With Complicily in —T^uU Sought Interview Bryan'e sor-i^i-law has been men tioned in Rritish orders for con spicuous gallantry u?nier fife. His ff^ther-in-law under Hre v/osn’t par- ticularly gallant, bn: he wa? men- all riorht. gold being the color scheme. Mr>. J. M. Cook served punch in the hail. Progressive rook was tho feature of the oc'catfion and was played at. five tables. Ice cream and cake in wbito and gold was servecL The out-of -1 town guest was Miss Boddie of Dur- ha-m, -gineer. The ca*?e of the State vs. v,’as ct»n:ir;nod till the Novem- ner term of court. I Henry Jet^'rie:? .-onti-nccil to iVrsonal Kepresenialive of Governor jsi\ months on the roads f='r reT;uiIn-. Craig, Mr. John P. Kerr. Receivtd j Statement of Condemm'd Man; Will Not Change Decision of Govornoi; Trull to f)i« September :ird. year-old sU'gi'O. ’ st>U‘ in ca'^Ji fr-.^m :he Karnwr. and Merchani>. Uank. i Cas'iier liarne^ su-ppt-d ont a mi>- ' ?no.*;r askincT t'^no of tho dire^'Lors. who was pivseiit, \o Watch for hin\. Pul ing his absence tlio sneak thief s’ijpp^'vl j f:rpnnd behin.d The comuer and grab. i " ’ , r - . t-crman Onslaught Resisted Onlv in ning a pack'ige of money c>capc-.t i _ * wiLhv‘iti detectio!\. '^•v. i-pon his return Mr. Barno^ussed ‘i. \. \ ..irs, Aiu-e Amick of Kiiri!!isj:i{>n ';!endin$i' a few l.-iys on ihi* rou»e v'isjrin.^ rdalivo.-. KiVITES ON WHOLE FRONT A train of thought needs an en- Since Bvyan resii^ it i> pos.^ib^e ‘for the president to take a d;;y cfT iiosv and then withour fee’iag t.hai th3 country may go wror-ir during hl *: bsence. the money. Chii>f Kedfern arrcrsied , Aierriok and all the money liut $22 wa.' recovery, Merrick 5s in jail. People who live in glass liouses seldom see thesmseV^s as oihers se« them. ( ourland Where Russians Give BaN *10—-t zar's Men Fall Hack Vpon New PosiUons Stwculalion Aroii.-^ed as to 'VVhether Kafeer In!ends to Follow Grand Huke Nicholas Further and Take Offensive in Balkan^ or France; Expect Rush in October PR I NT •"Vr;