rvmm-t, Bi'TMMWi u, ma. fan mtii if Mifiu&ies roc JUU.SSOBO 8 AS WOMA» ATTOB- XEV. Chapel Hill, Sept. S.—An event of! :r -HraAT WE OOVT KN4Mr« Old No«h, now must bear the blaoie For wreekiji’ aU the isce; This thing you’ve had to face. Since men charged up this lootj ‘Nflw: it turns out you’re not the guy At all. that ate the frtiit. DO YOU KNOW -.that hundKds of publishers would he * j «j~ > glad to send you a fnse sain^e wpy some interest took placc in the old ji"Scus us, fnend Adani its « ahame, «f thoir Magaiine if they .oaly knew i town of Hillsboro today your a4dres&. It is our bwinm to, . « lumish Publishers only with the names when Miss Slargaret Koliijck »rry j of intelligent magazi^ readera._ U g^orij in as a practicing attorney fSix thoussinj years have iSoated by you will wnte your full uddress VEBY _ : . ^ ^ 1 plain and send us ONLV 1# cents (to brfore the Superior court of Orange Stiver) or money order, we win se.^d county Miss Berry is the fourth your name to several hundred pub- . ' . . r. i- i fishers within a year, who will send woman lawyer jn North Carolina and you FBEE sample copies of hundreds the first to receive the degree of, (yes several hundreds) of the leading . . . ■ . j ^ , j i. Standard . Marlines, Farm^apers, bachelor of laws. She was graduated ,Six thowsaiid years; shame on nil we- Poultry journal^ Story Ma^zines. in 1913 from^ the State Nornial and i You've borne in silence all Ord«^^nd*T^ad^^bficf.UoM!!Ho^Ml Industrial College with, the degree of j This scandal of the apple tree, keeping Magazines, Fashion Journals, bachelor of scicncej in IS13 froiti the [ An’ ’bout the human fall. Illustrated Magazines and m fact ,, .. . * .t . v atoot all kinds of high-gra^ interest- University of North ^rolina withj ing magazines coining to you in most the degree of bachelor of arts; and j An’ you so innocent ole man every mail for over a year and all for ; . i. v , ^ .... t ,, ^ . ONCY 10 cents (in Mlver.) rceeived the degree of th* bachelor of 1 Thrtjugh all these long, long yeaj'?, \V£rBOrAS-VVTE-SAY laws at the let-ent Umversity com-'We’eve bee;)'heapin’ the withrin’ ban BO send a silver dime at once and yoar j ., . . name will, go on our next month’s ' .4bout your sin.sss ears, circulating list and you wili be greatly The uiiiveisity-hi\v building (i'or:>i-., surprised at the results as we assure , , .. u :u- \ , . ■ ,, you that yoi* ■will b® than as ..the swjth. building.) j j^uu riCVtM* ktcw, it wou^d appear, • pleased with _the small iiive^tttent. in which Miss Berry was a student of ^; About the apple yarn; Addrls^^the^Mrtgazinf cfrcul^fii^g^^^ designed and erected hy;Fact is the tning did not occur, . Box 5240, Boston, U. S. A. Circulat- her father, Captain Ben-y. of] 'Xil long since yoii Were born. VOL^**’fiSl^lkrS^ EXtL^ county, in 1848, and this? We have something in store for you building is generally considered to- wliht a j:rc;u man tells us hov.-, Iet“u3 ^kno^^irwhTl Vapcr'^you'saw artistic on the campus.! Two -.houfana years had swept this advertisement. TO YOUTH. The court house at Hillsboro in which^-xween Adam’*'day an’ this o3e’ row, 'she received the oath of office was ' ’Bout which folks long have wejit. likewise designed and built by Cap-{ 'tain Berry in 1S46. He ^¥as also the'xMs highbrow says Noah's the liiJ, (VValter Savage Landor.) 'architect and builder of many othav* Tha^ lie's -he c’nap to knock. Where art thou gone', light-ankled‘public buildings such as Wake Fo!'-‘That he’s the gay that raised the lid, youth? |est College, St. Johns College at Ox- ' g.jve the world With wing at either shoulder, ’ford, many court houses in Piedmont! And ?mite that never left thy mouth VN’jrih Carolina, et;. Captain Berry wondrous shock. Until the hours grew older, ' "■ Then somewhat seemed to whisper near. That thou and I must part; I doubted; I felt no fear, No weigh upon the heart; iiin't it, what we know, ih^ ovrvcv of large plantutior.s j marvelou? our ways; :r;::u ninny r-iavoi', a number of whom j wonder how we Show, Up ‘fore the ole time Jays? -^Exchange. (were trained [builder’s arts. in .-jsnie of the' He served the State' .In the convention of 18G1 which with- 'drew the state from the union and in If aught befell it. Love was by And rolled it off again; So, if there ever was a sigh, Twas not a sigh of pain. I may not call thee back; but Returnest when the hand '3 866 which reinstated the stiite. He 'also served in numerous legislatures, !both in the house and senate, and 'was one of the participants in 'ji.mous contested election case of 'Berry vs. Waddeli, which was won by Captain Berry through a very able thou attorney, Duncan MacBae, i Miss Berry is a young woman of h t * ( Leading Man Of gentle Sleep waves o’er my brow pleasing personality and to quote the His poppy-created wand. Then smiling eyes bend over mine. Then lips once pressed invite; But sleep hath given a silent sign, And both, alas! take flight. Yackety Yack for idlS: “.V rare combination of high aspirations, keen! inteliect and "just girl.” A suffragette of course, and proves her right to the 'ballot by standing among the first in ; the class. But she is too full of the; ’joy of living to sacrifice her girlhood in Traveling Com pany—Wo play “Hamlet” tonight, do we not? , Submarsager—Yes, Mr, Montgo- tne mery. ! Leading Man—Then I must borrow ^the sum of two-pence, ; Submaraager—WTiy 7 ' l^eading Man—I have four days’ ■growth upon my chin. One cannof ■play “Hamlet” in a beard! Submanaggr—Um—well—we'll put on “Macbeth!’’ PEPSI-Cola I For All Tfdr^t—Ptpn-Cola **Whm ifs 9(^m the shade 1 irink Pepsf-Co&i and keep cooV When the sun rides high and the heat simmers up from the pavement, there’s nothii^ you need mctte than a bracing glass of Pepsi-Cola. Brings to heat worried mind and body—in the office or on the street —the refreshed, in'vigorated filing that makes you complete the day’s work with a dash. Drop around the coroer to the fonntaia with yoor tudntl, or lo.the deol^ ia bottled Pepsk Pepsi-Cola Bottling Works M. SQUIRES, Proprietor Phone 433 « » • I • 0 Mngton, N. C. DREAM OF THE V. S. 'BIG TOBACCO SALES FOR WEEK AT KINSTON. I THUSBAND SLAYS WIFE, HER "MV ~ , , u .u ■ oi. 1 • ‘More Than 7-iO.BOO Pounds Sold on! ;rs;TFn -tvl) HIM.SELK . - ■ The voices behmd the movement for lo her theories. .She excels m arguing ^ ... ■ • Istf'K , j ^ , I, . , , , U • ' Tuesday and Wednesday. 1 ^ soldior in oanip Ir.y dreaming, ankle watches for women are apoar- “ :a-^e, but is more at home in a, ■' I . ... .... ah.^:„rr' nn v.Khrlllv Foff Drcaming 01 his mitive laiid, er.tly those of the jewelers, but isn’t drawing room. • .hatal bhootin^ on Nashvilk ..t nt ? Vin.ty:;, c., Sept. !).—llore thanj Cur Follows Separation and Divorce *>«»• statesmen .' three-()uarters of a million pounds of^. suit blood-stained heroes grand, , .L, 'tobacco was sold here Tuesday and i *-'■ her soldier.'! and •■sailors, hands of the oculists and the opti- when the plants ara dug out of the _ ■ ' cians ? ' bath tub to make room for the coal .1)1. ,■ A.”' Germany a>«d the Un.1(te4 Statiis 'are winning all the victories in this ■War, Ihera ground for sus;, icion that tiie hands that are engineering it are the' This is the season of the year UNITED STATES JN NEED OF 1,000 ■ AIRSHIPS, AVI.\TOR SAYS. sour^ .^s tH0 lAST MOUNTAIN Escarsion -TO- ASHEVILLE, N. C. Tuesdav, September 14th, 1915. -VIA- SOUTHERN RAILWAY' Premier Carrier of the South Schedule and low round trip fares, as follows: Lv. Goldsboro,.. 6:45 A. M $6,00 Lv, Selma, 7:40 A. M. , 5,00 Lv. Raleigh,, 8:52 A. M 5.00 Lv. Durham 9:50 A. M 5.00 Lv. BURLINCTOH 11:18 A. M 5 00 Low fares in same proportion from all intermediate points up to and including Lexington, N. C. 'ricketa good returning on any rejtular train leaving Asheville up to and including SATURDAY, SEPT. 18th. THE AUTUMN SCENERY IS VERY PINE IN “THE LAND OF THE SKY” Don’t miss this last opportunity of visitinsj Western North Carolina at very small cost. Use regular train No. 21, Parlor Car service. For detailed information, see large flyers, ask Southern Railway Agents, or write 0. F.YORK Traveling Pats^nger Agent RALEIGH, N. C. irnmMilmamammmmiiiaiamBBmmfmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmm ' Without Saeh a ’ Flert Coast Never ' Will be Safe, 4oh« L. Callan Be- ciarra—Has Served in Italy. A fleet of one thousand aeroplanes and hydroaeroplanes must be put into "Wednesday, according to an estimate | Xa^hville, Tenn.. Sept. S.—Piin.i- ^'^e and gray, 'of the tobacco board of trade today, passengers on o. stieu! car '^hen iurniiig to his comrades, Aiound SfiO.OOO changed h.-)nds. early today witnessed the fatal The.se words I he,ird him say;- |bicaks were the rule at all the ware-! shootir.R of Mrs. George Smith and i'houses today. The other marktts in her si.stcr, Mrs. Maud Sloan Hutiteis ; Chqras. I'thc bright leaf belt are reportin): the Ly George Smith. Smith left the .heaviest sale^ of the se^ison .-'o far. |c.ir. hurried home and shot liimself a-? ^ Wa^hin.gton cross the Delaware,' service before the coast of the United (her two niillio!! pounds will be sold officers -.vere entering his gate to a'-* ^ S'uirk ’mid mountain green •■hero in the five sales days of r.ext'rest him. Smith and the two \vom;-,i *' ■ Wane:! fight al Bunker Hill, Nvteii, the tobacconists confidently pre-'arg d»s-d. .A;;drew Jackson at New Orleans, yict. ^ Smith, who was a nic-chunic, aged ^ '^avy Crockett at the Alamo, i This week's total will be in excess |thirty-five years, had been separated Taylor fight at Monterey. !of 1,250,000 pounds, and a hundred ifrom his wife, who was suing for di- they all foujrht far our liberty. thousand dollars or more will go intc'vorce. He started to shoot withotit' I” ™y dream of the U. S. X. ,the planters’ pockets, although Mon-,'^yarning and panic reigned in the car; day's sales were scant and tomorrow's as he continued firing and one after ■-'t Plymouth he saw the landiiig ■ are expected to be smaller than the |the other of the women fell prostrate' the g-a!lant Pilfjrim band, ' averasre. Five counties contributed to ‘ t© the floor. He heard a he rig! Liberty, the piles here this morning. Quality of the offerings has been good all the week, with the average price grad- 'ually improving. C«M OW Sons, Sttiar RenittfMt Won't Cun. vomitttr oi boti- Rtaadittg, \ &re cttred by the won4er£uV oid r«liiible S>r. i Porter's Antis^rtic llmliii; Cil. tt relieves j At dawn untl and HeaUatthe f}m«. '25c*£Oc.Sl.(F ^ so COX&mERATE. ■A.nd Freedom through the land; 'O’er battlefields he wandered. Where the heroes fought aud ffll, hisf comradcs. These words I heard him tell^-:- Stutes will become .secure from iiiva- ' sion by a foreign power, according to John Laniiinfi' Cailan, an American "aviator, who served as a lieutenant in the Italian Aviation Corps until two weeks ago. M»‘. Callan now is i.nstructin^ Ciarke * Thompson, of Merion, how to handle his huKe new hydroaeroplane; which took several trial flights at league Island yesterday afternoon. Such .machines as Mr. Thompson’s are mak- |ing history in Kurope as scouts, Mr. ‘Callan said. I •fifteen missing when sub- The lesson in natural history had j been about the rhinoceros, and the j teacher wanted to know how well the | lesson had been learned, i “Now, name something,” she said, l“that is very dangerous to get near ICO that has horns.” I -I know, teacher, I know!" called. I little Annie Jones. “Well, Annie, what is it?” .in automobile.” GERMANS TAKE RUSSJ.A.N CITY. MARINE SINKS SHIP. It had been their first separation, and during the one week the young! husband had .ent his dear little wife 'ter. letters, fifteen post cards and four ■ telegrams, says the Pittsburg Chron- jicle-Telepraph. j i Why. then this touch of coldticss in I her welcome on his return? * “Dearest,” he whispered, as he drew | J her to his many bosom, what is j [wrong? What have I done to upset j my little ducksy-wopsy ?” j Waverly—What has becomc of Pen- “Oh, George," she replied in broken elope, your attractive friend? j tones, "you didn't send me a kiss in j Marcella—She has been in a bad,' your seventh letter.” w'ay for some time. George thought like lightning for a ! Waverly—Not ill, I hope, jmomsnt before he replied: j Marcella—Rather, You see, she; I La Rochelie, France, Sept. 8.—Tlie Berlin, Sept. S.—German forces that tBritsh steamer CaroKy was fired upon have been engaged in batUe with the J and sunk by a German i^ubmarine last Russians ii the district north of the j night. One boat with the caiit»in and Bielovieh forest have captured the | H of the crew Is reported missing, city of W'olkowysk, it was announced j Maritime records do not contain the by German army headquarters today., name Carony. There is a Caroni, 2,- |652 tons gross, owned by the Royal Don't buy a pig in a poke just be- | ^ail Steam Packet Company, caui5e you need a poke. HOLDIXG A BABV. T'ne Wilmington Dispatch is engag- i ed in spreading a report that some proper way to lift a baby is proraineJrt citizen of Charlotte feli down on Trade Street “and sprained 'his wrist wat«?h.” We shall expect “I know I didn’t, petsy, but I had .was voted the prettiest girl in towa, 2 steak and onions that night for sup- at a carnival contest a few months per and you wouldn’t like me to kiss ago, and she now has nervous pros- you after eating onions, wonld you?” jtration from trying to live up to j reputation. We notice that some people are | the Charlotte News to counter And tell about the prominent Wilmington- jian who slipped up on a scuppernong grape hull and .5howed %n ankle [ready to stand behind the President , Any good themomcier has with a Big Stick. iupe and downs. its' Among those who ca;i come back . arc the j^old dollars of Kiir‘>pe. to slip the left hand under the back beneath the shoulders, spreading the fingers out in such a way as tc sup port the neck and bead, and lift the feet uid legs with the right hand. It is dangerous to life a child without giving its spine proper support in this [way. A l>aby should never he lifted by the anus. It is quite possible to dis locate the shoulder Joint by this *7id otlier careless method* of lifting. POOR