fbE TtlKI^A^mWaL IHSPPATCV: BUBUKGKflf. V. C. r«H>AY, BBmOtBWjt |», Iftl. ONE mm nimv OF mmm lOc J\\hry i fivUii'dt^. ]4)it IS ii>' ]^r)urtt:f, i,rV‘V I li}hky >l' i- Vf‘S U -C 117, •mioi -h ‘U /V‘/V‘. DO VQU KNOW I hundreds of publij»heis would be) riad to send you a free sample oopy j cf their Matrazine if they only knew | your address. U is oiir business to furnish Publishers only \viti» the names I of intelUgertt raagaiine veadgrs. If i you v.ill wiit«.ypui- full addrees VEBY i plain and send Uj 0N.LV 10 cents (in Silver) or money oi-dcr,, we will send your name to several hundred pub lishers within a year, who will send you FREE sample copies of ’.'undredi (yes several hundreds) ■ of the leading Standard Magazines, Farm Papers, Poultry- Journals, Story Magazines, Reviews and Weekly Pa^'ra, Mail Order and Trude Publicf.tians, House keeping Magazines, Fashion Journals, Illustrated Magazines and iti fact about all kinds of high-grade interest ing magaEines coming to you in niost cverv iniiil for over a year and. all for ONLY 10 cents (in silver.) VVEtDO-AS-WE-SAV : so .send a silver dime at oiice and-yoarj wiU go on our next month’s { firculatin.ar list and you .v;ili be greatly i surprised ax. the ro.;-ults as we assure i you that you will be' more than we!i | pleased with she small investment. i And you WILL NEVER regret it. Address the Magazine.Circulaiiiig Co.,I' ' “ . . -. . Box Boston, U. S.. A. ■ Circulal-i' ^ " inc liepl C-T.S. 'DON'T fail to WTitej Some ’.2,'iOO men are on a slriVe a YOL'B full addrc.^s tAfkA_ Bridgeport (Conn.) corsei f:it: We liave sor.iethi.'sg in rtoro lor yoU| ^ ' -—a.-; a real surprise—if you will please ; tovie*. With the women foiKs, tn;; let us kro'^ in what p.^pei yi'^u sa,\ cut ouite it ngure thi.'J udvertiscfnent. l' ' ’ They Always IF YOU NEED PRINTING Drop In and See Us HIS ADDITION POOB. CABUAGE BUILOEKS' CONVEX- SAYS GERUANY WILL PAY Zte.^ ouru with >uit «f tbit velMin, tnd low TION. I FOB COTTON. [heeled ^boes of tan. ■tFt4« has , Fortuj’.e Toller—The lines on your hand, madame, clearly. A'ou will marry a second^ tiins. 1' Woman—That proves you a fraud.} If I ever marry again, it vfill be for | the fourth time,—Boston Tran=irript.( r ; I all the grace of movement of the indicate your futurcL j'Forty-Third Annual Meetinc of ’Ilie Berlin, Sept. 13.—Via Jjondoti-- j athlete, /lot? hamjpcred by tight skirts, “ ■ Asm- Count Vpn Bcventlow in the “ Carriage. Builders’ Xatioul As«»- Count ypn Seventlnw in the Tsees eiation, at Cievetand, September 21 Zcitung tiiseusses at length today s to 23, . r:j}oit that President Wilson has wan a victory in demanding that Ameri- (lovernment reports indicate that can cotton must be permitted to go t-o unsteady heels, or discomfort of ftny kind. The Separate Skirt, Since the introduction of th^ ^lirt- waist, ever so long ago, the separate • there arc about 23,000,«)0 horses in German ports. He treats the whole skirt has had.its ow'n .special niche in Atlanta may :;ot be much on .!'ase- the United States and that every one mattct- pessiniisticaiiy and doubtfully, j the well dressed womanV wardrobe; ball, iiu; just now she happens f>i be lof these horses is worth several dol-'dccl-.i.ring the qiicstlon must be held this season it promises to be even maSii'.’.g a hi.; wiili golf. hns more than he would ha»’e lirnu viU in abeyance until the bargsin is ciosed'more useful than ever before. It is two ago. f)-.e wonders’and that a victory by Prosidest Wii- ™ide moderately short, flares in the and is finished with normal 'waistline or It dce,i;;'i :\dd. to nii’.’.d wher. hi? of her:'.. yeai‘ or two ago. a nian s pe;Ki' j what all these horses can be used for. '.son caiipot be admitted until his desire j.[)"i^ved foshion, wife gives him a jgurely they" are not all employed on'to win is estiibiished. ' U belt at the I'.either are they all being used* "Should the entente poweis carry^sligh.ly above the normal. It is as by the. hare-back performers in thrtugh their efforts to make cotton |conscr\v.::.ve or as much trimmed as irrtis. Possibly a certain number of'contraband,” says Count Von Seventh I’faney di-t tes. Perfectly plain, de* -MhX OPENS. - -hem are doing duty on ranches in the low, “neutral slates will in the first .pending upoM material and cut alone West with a. cowboy in the saddle, iinstance, suffer. In their interest we for etfect, it i.; smart; trimmed with^ but we have our supicion thiit there^ar# .sorry. ft'.v more cowiioys doing stunts bqforef ‘*So far as .Germiiny is foneerned, the moving picture cameras today Its fighting' strength and ability to! than there are to be found on all the hold out, will not be affected by the plaii'.ft of ;he West. No, the truth of coton business, whether anythin;; the matter is this. The majority of comes out of the reported bargain or those 123,000,000 horses are engaged.’not;" ViKEENSBORO COLLEGE I'Oli WO-, Mayor .Murph.v, (’resident Foii*t of Noririitl. and Supt. J. I, coines Students. •Mann Wi'l- BURLINGTON SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 25 . ^ept. 14.—The. -‘rt'n- of CiivOKi-boro College for VVo- look ivlace \vith -the chiiuv' |erci.sos i\i 10r:»0 this morningf The laudiiovium was well filled \vi*j; siu- |vient!i :uiti i‘ric:ids of the cplle.tr^‘ and IxvuHioe^.. The tuet'ting. was piv.-ided lover liv I'^i’, S. B. Turvertiae J ■ * . jj. 11. Weaver, read the Scripture- tson ;'.r.d I'r Gilbert Kowe of lUiih I Poir: delivered ihe i;ivocat!On. I'resi- line after line cV stitching and quan tities of buttons, i. i? also smart—in a different way. The New Plaid Blouse Chief aniong the pleasing novelties in the blouse line, we must place the Ibiouse of plaided taffeta. The plaids h,!t'r,£ Tiirreiitino then ciilled -ipoii (Mayor T. J. Murphy of (Jreei.M'oro; i’.vhc',- oi: behrjf of the i’ity, I u’iioi'.ci;-. \V1-U'.''.ne to the new f ‘ 'lurr.irs; de;'laring th;i. '.h: ill puUiug some kind of a vehicle. ' That the manufacturers of carri-'^ermr.ny is willing to pay one mark age. and sui royf are a numerous, hap- ’(23.8 cents) per pound, an amount ' py, prosperous and optimistic bunch 'which it says is.twice that \vhich Erig- 'ivi'.l be demonstrated at. Cleveland, land offers, for cotton delivered at 'Ohio, during the week beginning Sep- Bremen. lembtr -0th, v:hcn. the torty-third an-. ■■ ■— nual convemion of the Carriage Build- , cr.s’ XatioiUil Association, will take = place, vviih a big exhibition in the Central .Armory. This -is the oldest '■ coiiiinuous trade urganlzation in the I'nitcd Swtes. Jlore than one thcu- The Morgen Post points out that 'or checks are not pronounced; Color ings are soft, r.lmost invisible, harm- jonktng wdl with the suit of dark blue serge pr gabardine. The. green and blue combinations are most popular although one sees also some attrac- j'tive dull Tedf combined with Hue ir [green. These blouses are especially [suited to the tailored suit. The crepe de Chine blouse .«till holds its own for suit wear, too, in soft pastel pink, yellow and lavender. ROBINSONS FAMS SHOWS ^ pPESENTING-^ Gi^and 500 PEOPLE ANB BEi\UTIFUL MORSES RICHEST COSTWES MASNiFICENT gquiPwewT FAMCOASTHE WORLD'S SHOW /beautiful ORLD*S BEST fmesT^„ FALACiCm w\m DISPLAYS MUSEU^f.j^g>ROMi& |-i3E=.rr-0' '^NAGERIE Siind ic be in ot' nai ! should no homo-sickness u>uil^ iJnirC* :M,d Uie UiiK' for thyir '•. nving • > arviVed* ( I I PvtMdt":: J- 1. i'oiist 'spukt’. :iiul riiH:--, .sp'rinp:?, axles, ieiivh |,un liio iriciidiy rt'l:',;uins betwvt:; th^.* painty vurnish ;inil other materiol’ j biale X.nrnv.;! li'-id (iroona.boro lused in building vohiidtjs. uilder?^ are expected atu^r.duMCc, tog:elhur with m-akcvs of pails, f:Uch ‘for Women, decuiring; that thcrt. ji'.L‘Vor ;-»ny rivalry betwec cxcept that a; had Vc. -iree.” said the secretary uf ing into every detail^ than the most ■ this a>sOi*mt;o!!^ \\]\en the jucstion ri^rid dress reformer couUl ever hnvi* i>ut to him, “ihty hnvcfi'i run 'ho;)ed for. The war, with its sober- their oontinon e;ui to driw hor^e out of business yet and tht' -iiijr influence, has don»' more at oik' j.'MiK'e oT!t of North Catolina. jl* il- ;tiaso;i is ihiit he ran be reUed upon, .stroke than coulsJ have i»een accom- j.'O empha.-^iKed the personal i'.’L-rtil ^i>od roads or bad, and pH.-.hed by years and year.'? of ariru- kind intiiiativt* on the part of the stu- that," ho said, "tbei'P aJ’e st:il inents. Th*’ short, full skirt, the trim, dc!it deolarinjr that no initrtutir-'i has ffrw of the nld Jashioned v>;xys left dark tiiiiored suit, 8par.>iley i»jd snian-1 reiterate that statement now/* he re* the njapif power of nwking* peuple j^; the towns and o:i the farms, nho ly trimmed hats, s^od, sensible, raih-!plicd. “No Koman of old, however educated .^impiy by keeping thpin helifvc lliat driving' with both cr hif^h, walking boots with straisfht I brave, was ever fired with a loftier within it.'' walls for a eej'tain j(,p jtieaJ way to enjoy th*? heels, \va.“hab!e srlovea—«ryl ivo on,ambition, a brav«3' resolution than L'' “Well, Tom, 1 want you to do som*?* thing really heroic ot me.” “Ask me to be your wife. We’ve NEW VORITLEnER. THK SENSIBLE IN DRESS. Fashion I'avbrs It to The Last l.ctier —The New I’laid Blouse. With an amiiibleness us surprisinK as it is suddon, llam.e Ka.shion has in troduced the sensible in dress— she has done it mure thoroughly, too, go- iwo TKUE HEROISM. He had been courling the girl for u lontr time. Is happened on Sunday rifiht after church. They were sit ting on the sofa, and .ihe looked with ineffable tendarness into his noii’e blue eyes, relates The Pittsburg Dis patch, “Tom,” she murmured, “didn’t you tell me once you would be willing to do any act of heroism for my sake’” “Yes Mary, and I would gladly a.shalile gloves—arjd .0 on jot time. mooniifrht and the society of the only down to the last detail. All this has I Pre-'i'Jer.t t. V\. UoJd of the (wjri.” There are some ROyd, old-fash- been hrought about with no sacrifico /C»reensboro Chambe-r ot i ommci'co h.-tbits in this world that don't becyminjjne^'^ or chic. spoke especiaUy of the value of the That's one of them.” The I'opularity of "Sport Clothe.s"' been fooling long enough.' I^girls attendintc colleges in the com- fhe carriaRe business is a flourish- Time wa.*. not \ery loitu ago, '.vhon {munity. j.-.jr one in the United .States, and it “sport clothes" were left, without a j H, Ireland, secretary and mem- would be hnid indeed to find anoth?r niomcjit of hesitation, to |ijer o) the c-xecutive conimit£ie 01 'industry in which there are iiicor- droges of the leisure cbss, who had’are groing to ithc board of trustees, addre.'sed the |,orated more brains, more ability and time for sports; 10 BIG SHOWS --THE-- FAMOUS NELSON FAMILY America’s Highest Salaried Act. ROBINSON’S 10 BIG WAR ELEPHANTS “CANT BE BEAT” I assembly with words of welcome; moie honest capiuil than in the ffvea jymphasfzed patience in study and American wholcsiilc carriage manu [work; bespoke the jynipathy and co-»f.^c‘tunnff business. |operatiott of Vhe Wus'-tees >vilh the r^iiidents and ^«po^e of the culture ot ^i— i mmtmn —— ■ mm.. , (Greensboro as a community, doclar-i j ihi.L thi^ ouU-ure wu.s Uir^ely due iiO the b»n^ pi'esence of a rVmalc col- llege in it* mid^t includihj.' the old jcaldweli Institute, Gree!;>boro Fe- , tnale Col!ei;e and tho Xormni CoUejrtf- • J- L, Maar, sUpLTintisuioni of the 1 ih-4Ci'isbor(> Pubic Scb.>o'., negan by ; >ayinsi; that he had persOiui'ly known , ihv rivsi woman who hati '. i s*eived a ‘ L'.>l!t ji*e diploma and sp(»k.- of the iwomievful development i;j vduoation j for \v->mon vohich had ti.Kcn plact? jwithin his experience,, c mmentcd ••jpon the college educau-u -woman ]ap-d her place and s^ervii'c, declarinjc ‘that ?he ha> not yet fouM i ber place ‘entirely and is not fully ap',»rocIated. J T. R. Foust, ^'jperinterid*. :t of pub-' ONE M!l.L10N\ JOSEPHUS? jlic; instruction of Guiifo'ti County,; decl2.rc'd that Greensboro l o'lege foi l 'Ve winder whether Secretary Dan- jWome!;—or (».• F, C,— h*ui been ci iel^ is correctly t^uored when ihese jgrreater iniluencfc upon hi.-, life than w'ords are put into his mouth;— any other educational instiiution not' “1 realize the wop.derful power and If the.se ankle watches lle^^onie pop» the war- uJtti' amonif the ^’omen, & lot oi men quit carrysnfc time- nowad«>.ys, we ^ pieces. :?port cUithos’' or in other words, com- A WIFE WANTED, I wish to correspond with a Nice Girl under 30 years, who wighe.s :;n eariy wiarriajn.'. Prefer one who iives in Aisniance cr adjoinidjr couruitSf. .A,(ldress: Box No. 107, SILER CITY, N r> » i: IK \OBOOr SHJKKEil I so; clear; that { an» I know not whence I Ciime, j 1 know not whither ■ But the fact stands I here, ; In this worlii of pKfcsure and woe; ^And out of the mist and murk ' .A.nother truth shines plain— I It is niy power each day and hour I To add to its joy or pain. I 1 |1 know that the earth exists^ It is none of my bu.Uncss why^ :I cannot find out what it's ail about, * I would but waste time to try, • My Ufe is a brief, briet' thing:, j I am here for a liule spacc, f And while I ati\y i would like if I may T-... and better the place. 101 OTHER FEATURES roSlIimY THE ONLY BIO CIRCUS exceptin.s his alma maU'-—that he tho great weapon thni the submarine Va;i a j-randson of the (-..'I'ejfe, his is and for this reason I am going t.olfortabie sensible clothes, in every war- U)1 (mother having- received !u r educa-^recommex’d to Congress in the Spring! droije. It i* quite as exhilarating as f'Olll&Tr’ here. He declared that rhe only the spending of .$1,000,0110 on this Uhe walk itself to come down the uUHliniilt ■ reason for attending col ,type of ship,” . s'Avenue any of these crisp, refresh-VCease \-.-iJerjng:-why you came 1 The trouble, I thir.k, witli us all, j Is the lack of a high conceit, Ilf c:\ch man xhoughl, he was sent ^ 1 this spot, 1 To make it a hi>^ more sweet. Frock of Tatfeta and Crepe Gtor- How soon we couid gladden the world, gette. ’ How easily right all wrong, ^ ! If nobody shirked and each one worked To help his fellows along? WEIGHED DOWN. A man from the East visiting in a small ‘Western townt stopped one morning to watch a funeral proces sion passing through the one long street. “Do you always have four horses to the hearse?” asked the man, turn ing to a native standing near. “No, not always,” came the reply. “The passenger in there came out to tiiis. cour.try bragging that he wa» the champion light-weigh of the world, and one night when he got too fre.^h Deadeye Dave pumped him so full of lead that it took the extra team of horses to pull the hearse.”—^Hr.rper’s. Dorothy Dix rushes to the defense t of the “wicked stenographers” by j ('eclaring that it is not they who flirt | :ies:e was to gain prepuruiion and; million dollars expended on sub- ing mornings behind a maid or matron 'equipmjiit for greater wfis. He toid‘marines would not go very far. The;dre.sed for walking. All Paris walks I the students that when they received modern uno^rs-ea boat i.san in an intri-; in the Bois the.se days, you knoiv, (their diplonjr:.^ they were incited to cate piece of machinery and the cost'and so we might say all New York jconie to the courthoa.se and get cer-Jis comparatively high. j walks on the Avenue, unless we ex- I cifioaces for the purpose of enlight- [ An expenditure of $20,000,000 for j cept those who select the Drive be- ening Guilford County. the purpose would not be too much.— c£use of its brisk river breeze, j r>r. J, H. Weaver pronounced the' Xcw York Sun. | The smart suit of tweed cut Nor- ! benediction. j — folk fashion, with short, pleated or J What has become of the old fash- j circular skirt, plenty of pockets both • • 1 Kaiser aspires to the role of "ioned younj? hoste.ss who couW make for use and for chic; a small hat, with their employer^, but the devilish Zealander who, as the last'a table walk?—Charlotte Observer. h*avy gloves, and heavy shoes, in tan old employeis who try to irt '®th|^^^ ■world, is to stand on the'And what has become of the accom- their stenographtrs. But oesnl: it bridge and view the wreck of plished younff hostess who take two to crry on ^ ^ wcli as to make a quarrel? | • Stop looking for faults and flaws. Rise up today in your pride and say, “1 am part of the First Great Cause! However full the world, There is rootii for an earnest maji. It had need of me, or 1 would not be— I am her* to strengthen the plan.” —Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Some financiers work wonders, and some merely work suckers. or black is a favored costume. Then j Czar Nick incidently tiinks he is could thei'e is the giri with sport skirt of j a better sprinter than the Grand corduroy, coat of vividly colored vel- jDuke Nick. POOR

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