PB1»AT, SEPTEMI^ U, THE miCE-A-WSBK OISPI'ATCj; BCRUNGTON, N. C. ^EVES PAG*. i CHimCH MKECTORY 1 EPISCOPAL CHVJECH. The Church of The Heiy Comforter. Th« Reweiid John BeniierB Gihb^ It«etor. Services Every SttiMjay, 11:06 A. M. and P. M; Holy Cbnutmnion: First Sunday, 11:00 A. M., Third Sunday, 7:30 A. M. H6Iy and Saints’ Days, :I0;00 A. M. Sunday School 9:30 A; M. Tile public is cprdially inyitedi All Pews Free, > Vested Choir. TH£ Ml^UOOlSt PHOTESTAM'f CHURCH. East Dans Street. Rev. George L. Curry, Paitor. Preaching Services everj Sunday at 11:00 A, M., and 8:00 P. M. Prayer Meeting, WedivcaJay 8:00 1*. Ladies’ Aid and Missionary Societiet every Monday afternoon after TiM Sunday in each mont.ls, Christian Endeavor Society meeti ai 7:00 Fvery Sunday Evening, * £i»iday School. 9:30 A. M. A Goble, Superintendent. Oood Saraca and Phiiathea Clas'tei. Ycu are Invited to ittend all theti services. MACEDONIA LUTHERAN CKUBCa, CHUBC8. B«v. M. V. Biidt. Pastor. Ct>NVICT Gl’AttD SHOT TO DEATH, ; LN STANLEY. A VEXED qVBSTlOS. J. C. Fteeman Was DirertipK . ! Mi, au« ; Sunday Worithip, 11:00 A. 8:00 P. M. Sunday &hool at 9:39 A. M, J. il. ' Varnati, Superintendent. ; Praise and Prayer ^rvicea, Wed*** ; day at 8:00 P. M. Some Krvinhinan has said that the of a woman may be judged by the He Work \Vh«-n .Vegro tkwvict JumM temples and the end of the nose, on Him-\Va>. Shot Througf. Th.- if there are specVs in Bod.v. ' the nose or tho temples are withered 1 the woman is moie than thircy, aaj’s ;Albermar;e, Sept. 18,-One of th»' Modfirn Wuyld. To which Arth.u- ii*wr cowanjly mbrdersJn theUigbane .replW: • . . ChristUn Culture Claes, Saturday •> toiy of Stanley count/ occurred :his j ^ tl;CO P. M. morning about a mile west of Albe-j she i. thirty, or for that mj^t- fui-;y-five or fifty, is sim iJ to judge of a wo- ... , powtrs of attrAction Observance of Lord’s Supper, teniient of the eoiivitt camp, was shot Sunday, in each mcnth. . to death by Johii Hodgiii, a negi'> their respective noses may reveal as. fegarUs ‘spetkis.’ "—Exchange. | 1 AM WAR. KAT yiRES. ’ I am a pestilence Sweeping the wcvld- ;Hate is the lOot of me, Chiireb Conference, Wedne^y. :r.viric at a point on the new load from ' ter forty fo«( PSr«t Sunday of eaeh month ;Albcniarl6 to Mount Plc;i»ant, Ijy uonsens. A'k 7:30 P.M. , F>'eemf.n, aiisistant ?uperi'i- '^an’s looks, hci- ] ili.o inipoj-ta.A'c uf bcj- pl;tce in the vvoi-ld by liic; tip of her hose or the Woman-s UnioivPirst Morday of eic» convict, who was servinx a wrm, of world by the lip of her nose or the Month, 3:30 P. M. two years for stealing a pair of .sho>.-i ,^eins on h.r i. . IS wortliy FRONT STREET M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. Rev. U. H, Tuttle .Pastor. blue veins on liti- temple: from the Bortian Shoe Company; ^ ehsmpuiiz-w. The killing occurred at. a point o;) ■ „ , , • . ' What TOiil thins i» a human the road where they Avere building: . , . I , ■ „ ^ . ■being; .!.', is tf.e soul; . You cannot tv’O walls, preparatory to construeang I - , „ ! tell by the :i|> of-the no.t-wliether in'-- a bridge over Lpnff cieek. -Mr. Free-' Front Street. Her. T. S. Brown, Pustcr. Merning Service 11:00 A. U, Vespers 8:00 P; M. Services every Sunday except th» morninK of Third Sunday. Sunday School, 9:46 A. M. Prof. J. ^ Robertson, Supt. Teachers' Meeting Wednesday 8:00 P. M. (Psstor’a Study). Women’s Missionary Society, Fire-. Thursdmy. Monthly, 3:30 P, M. L. C. B, Society, Second Thursday • Monthly, S:90 P. M. Young People’s Meeting. Second 3u« day at 3 P. M CHBlSTlAft CHURCH, Cerner Church and Davis Streeti. Rev. A. B, KendaU, D, n.. Pastor. Preaching every Sunday H;Od A. M. andi#:00 P. M.^ ounday School, 9:45 A. M. John R. Fouter, Superintendent. Senior, Intermediate and Junior En deavor Societies meet for worship every Sunday evening at 7:00 P. M.. Mid-Week Prayer and Social Ser.'iee, every Wednesday at 8:00 P. M. Woman's Home ?.»>d Foreign Mission ary Society mesits on Monday aft«r rhe ii.-st Sunday in each month. Mrs. Aiisi A. Teague, Pres. Ladie.s’ .\id Society meets on Mo:id- day after the second Sunday ii; “ach month, at ft:00 P. M. Mrs. W. R. Sellars, Pres. A cordial invitation extended to all. A ChareK Home for Visitor! and foi Strangers. WEBB AVENUE M. E CH0BCB 1 SOUTH. Sev, E. C. Durham, Pastor. Preaching every first Sunday *t 11:00 A, T*f.. and S:hO P. M. Second Sun day at 8:00 P. M. Sunday ^'':li.‘n! every 3unda$ at )0:W A. M. . « A. M. H )■ Moore, Sii(ieriiitaed«tt WMeoiPA. PRKSRYTF.RIA-N CHURCH. Kev DonaSd McJver, Pastor. Sefvjcpp every Sunday at 11:00 A. M and S:00 P. M. Sanday School at 9:45 A. M. B. .H Sellars, Superintendent. Prayer Meeting, W-adncoday at 8:00 P. M. It* Public is cordially invited S® all servioea. reace to those who enters" Blessings to those who gol ?rea;hing every Sunday, 11:00 M.'and 8:00 P. M. Sas.Tanient of the Lord’s Supper with ,needed in securing his man Was Warding five convicts and had just olinlbcd up on the wiUl 1.5 ■show them how to do a ceitain piece of work and when his liack was tui'n- ed HodgiJi juinpecl on him and sui'- -run. In so du- offerinsr for Church chanties, F'rs: ''eK''o feil backwuiids iind ■Sundav in each month. . Freenuin jumped on him trying to get Sunday .S’chool, every Sunday, ^hat Hodjjin ^ shot at him twice, the first ?hot miss- Prayei" Meeting, Wfednesday, 8*00 P. mark and the second one en- A r;u will Met i. na\v the head of :» ■ Dcaih is ihc jrru of n»e^ niritch, l;ut cnkcb a keeii doli^bi \ >Swifl is my stroke; the wood piM-i. A rat j?:.y.vs ^ iilOod h. tht- of me, -.h- woo ] p;in .Xrciii iho hi^iul ■ .Si»el is. the twipc t»!‘ me, ihe ja?J /ocks ’s:’y much i T'aijn .■^h U yc kijovv me; like ;i lojij*; cut l>y a be:ivtM'. Ilf? will. I aro L.hc tieath of . ht-AVL'vei-, j-u.-: with ii mhick'-in itm rhe life of deaJh,' iviOLth, u:-d liu-iT is. no !aiv I Vt’ar!" his sirikinij- >i a wall as. he i - xiful he takes u match or-I an\ .m'-idiJc.sV tA'o rfumeii.Dos ;o i^is-ncft. Anti iht' ixrk.f'VJ' '.vlll biiiKl il a chimney iCh;i‘n»pin!;r rii-i^ieii. ri”ff t.hc'. .-.vfiiimer and the ;Slampin«^ of war lj*»rse ho(>iV started ii’. ihi? tali thoi'C 'is pren-! (l.hurgirs? orrJly (iiiite rr immlioi-• Of tiro.-' fi-oin |cl:ishinj;‘ of huyoheis, , this sourv-e. •••.Siiiety ..Kag'eerinft’. ' Kla.nhi.ji^r of. j^vvord *V»hules^ •' ;i [iumblinii'of (.-annon Avh.eelx. Care should . }>c taker* -\o .clean up uf kinirdonis,- y:ircs iMM\ iiurr. ntxunVulated. rubbish i. . :;re my barbi^ei-j^: a\ray from hui’diiig'.s ov fenceri where . ^ a tire'knight be started. Fires .'iiouM ^ Uie . kuv ol Ueath, Inot'be riiade oir tlays^ of hig'h winds. ^ U a/;*' M. itering Freeman’s back just below'-th® soul. is' old jr youi^jj;. A 'woman younc 'Nv.hiie >he retains mental ai-'t ity^ interest .'221 realities,'whiie it clear that her soul is stiil alive. -- ■ ‘‘There.nve tlum.saiids bf.littk-gVe^;ri.l®“tHei- the ii'i piles.on a.bai-.;; .apple'g-iris. fifteen-or ,i(ixteen or .'seven- ««J--bu!'i •when some p-iwii pc'.-- I teen years old, jusL as old as they will i’™” I’an .watch that i.u.ehild plays wi'h ever be. .i)e.cau:?e their nunds have relished tiieir Itnift and thrir kouIs arn :5tagrh«nt. . ‘•When.i. a woman young? “When a wonuin looks %vich loi'e ■a.'^d affection and interest on all chib Board of Stewards meet on SConday,;and coming out 1-hvu |whethei- they are her own or no:, averted by timely pi-ec-iiutior. 8:00 P. M;yafter Fourth Sunday of,’''® '^est; Mr; Freeman ran :ibout -10 each month. ’ i yards ;ifter bcinf; shot before he fell Woman’s Missionary Society ,neew Hodtrin held the other four con- *■.00 P. U.. on Monday, after 1*' at bay iinti! after he had nuide and 3rd Sundays. escape. .SVEECHI.ESS. Blo’.'idinc - Hear abou: Goi-iy Gid-i Parsonage, next door to Church, Fr»nt THE .MOST l.'MH)PL’L.\l{ THISfi. Street. Pastor’s'I’elephone, No, liS8. | v/e believe the most unpopular Ring—Talk—Hang Up—"Busy-’* . pr.rty in this state was th.e indi^. HOCUTf MEMOKiAL BAPTIST CHURCH. WEST BUKLING- TOX, X. C. thing ever done by the Democrtitic criminate ’-aising of the ti'.xes in Preuching Second and Fourth Sunday?, MorniiiK and Night. Piayer Meeting Every Wednesday Night at 7:30. t .^id Society Tuesday Night After Vcurth Sunday, Mrs. G. I>. Smith, Prcsit^ent. .nearly all of the countif!!. -\s an i *o,uaIization pt'oposition it is ab- ' surd and to many candidates at trie ' jnext eleC'tion it is going to be a ghost I which will not down.—Roxboro Couri er. Sunday School Every Sunday at 3::i0 A. M., W. M, Williams, Supt. A most cordial welcome is extended you to attend all our mccting.s. We want you to feol at home ia our scr- Vic»."i. JAS. W. ROSE, Pastor, Graham, N. C. REFORMED cuuaon, Corner Front and Andarsott Strrats, Rev. D. C. Cox. Sunday School every Sabbath it 9:45 A. M. Preaching every First and Third Sab bath at 11:00 A. M., and 8:00 P. M. Mid-Week Service every Wednesday, 8:00 P. M. Everyone Welcome. KarsonaEe Corner Front and TrM- t liniraT Streets. You Are Judged by she Appear ance of Your Letter If your stationery is up to the minute, vv'ith type the proper size and neatly dis played, your communication wiil command attention. That Is the Ki&d of Statiouery That Our Jo b Office urns Out Head the good ads In this icsue and jy.tronize vnth our advertisers. TWINS, “1 don’t like to see wairinK armies cj*II too persiFctcntly on Providence, It savors of arrogance and self-rightv eousness. Providence raay take re^ venge.” The speaker was Binhop Lincoln Miles of Duluth, He went on; ‘'There was once a younff couple that expectcd u visit fn>ni the stork. The husband w'aa anxious that the stork bring? a girl; the wife w'as anx ious for a boy. Heing very i-eligfious, both besouj^ht Proviieiiee morning, noon and ni^ht to prant ov her dc.vire. **A)uj F’rovidenco heard. Provide^'/e ffj’antod both prayers”. t;i.EVER. ‘'niifTKins. a clever .story teilor/’ y ‘'Why, he ha^? been tcdlinp the s^ame story Sot years!” ^‘Yes. But he k«eps you a^;£enin;jr. Kvery now and then he maruiges to think up another^ bej?innin»r and make you believe it’i .croing: to be a new one.” AHG UM ENTCFM AD FEMLVAM. RepreseiTtatlve Bou’die, of Ohio, whosv visforous anti-sutfrape spee*h wiOi the feature of last month’i; kui’- frajre debate, ?ut at a recent diunsy party in Washington beside a suffra- Kist. The I'UfTraffist, liesirous of sho'vin/j: woman's seridom of sei*vitude, *'ilr, Bowdie, why doe.s i\ wt^man when sho marrie? a man, take his i:ame?'’ But Mr. Bowdie. desirous to ^ho%v woman’s sheUered and easy economic position, smiled and answered: “Why does she take everything' 8l«ie he*s j^ot?''—Philadelphia Rullotin. "They tell zi\e that Smith was rested today because he drowned his dog- in the rive?*,” saJd Jones. •'How could they arrest him for drow'hing- a dopr in the river?*' de manded Brown. “Why, they claimed lliat a suaken bark obstructed navi^tion.”—Cincin nati Enquirer, she is siill voting. “When a Woman looks with love and pity at u sorrowful child, or aij overwoi'keci woman, or a shiveiriny; poor old m:in, she is still your.jr, Hnd\b^?ad? beautiful too. J Brunetta— VVliat about her'.' When 11 V-Oinan takes unseifts^h in*- '‘Knockctl •spc6chl*'?s liv a terest in ihe beauty; the dressing*, the dreaminjr and the happiness of some girl just beginning: her life, the wom an is youHK: as that jrirl. ‘‘The woman who tnkei? a deep in- terest in a I-ook, in an e-ljp5e of the sun or ill a new though*, is much younger than the lady whose violent interest is aroti.sed by a 7iew frock* a new m-hcme for freezinjr in the wai.st—r.o matter what the tip. .u a ha H at Seducing: the nation'; tre buniinp^ hia.'kJK, -(hat ibe /ir-:* , j ^n^hiniiitii lii; for me, ,U completely uuench.d liefore leavip.;;. P^iti'iot.-i die for me, it. Often coalj? \vin j-fvive after bcin?!:' Leavers J iack noi— apparently deaci\ -It inipfjssible to.niuulhs speak Jni- nu- be. too ca]’eful in thc^c jmrilcnlars^! ruek of me, ar.d many times disa.^rou.s iire? will Widow&d svives shriek of me. i Cuisinjr my name; ■ [ ant the death of Joy, |1 am th(; joy of Heath*, i ' I Hn:i Warl • AUar Hrady ir^ Outlook. TRYING TO BK MEKRV. era*.” I ’‘i yriu are t.'cins*' investigated,'' “But I just passed her a few mo-Si'.id ihe chatty youn«: womt.n. mcnts ago apd she -.^pokc to me.'' j “Yes," replied Mr. ('iimrox, with a “?kr,(;\v but she was on her. Wny to idetermined air of cheei'fulnens. “My u meetinK’ to make an addrc;-.s and j biisino.s affairs hrve been made the v/hen the car hit h^r she lost her man-johject of some fnrjnai curiosity.” I (ij.'oript. ‘Are you in the manufacttirinjr _ — ! jju-vine.s.s” ' The ffirl vho can look ijood ''Xo—urdes? you mijfht he piea.s^fJ her /^uvrJn ro be .‘^atisfK-d j to cfi)l our businp.sji ofiice a nialosfa^'* with htr a>-t and her photoj^rafiher’sJ tnry of ^rreat wealth.” *^rm looking for a tall man with a long thirst^^ “—and maybe he won’t be glad to see me5 Hope he don’t forget I’ve got some thirst m^/self for a cold drink of Pepsi-Cola. To refresh jaded spirits and appetites there’s nothing more satisfying. i^rop rounci lq uic lounuiin"" PEPSI-Co a I Drop ’round to the fountain—and prove what we say. Pepsi-Cola’s put up carbonated in bottles, too—at your gro:;er’s. For All Tkirsts—Pepsi’Cola Pepsi-Cola Bottling Works L M. SQUIRES. Proprklo! Phone 435 « • • a Burlington, N, C.

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