A PBOgBESSIVK REPUBUCAXi NKWSPAP£B ^^VOTEDTO THE UPBCK*0ING OF AMERICAN HOMEiS A.\U AMKRICAN IXJJlSfgiKS BURLINGTON. ALAMANCE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 5. 1915. state »-ijra?y A GREAT LEADEK COJIIHG, Beginning Ofitober 5th, North Car olina is. to have a two weeks’ visit from Mr. Karl Lehmann, Field Seo- retary of the United Society of Chris tian Endeavor, Mr. ^hmann is a I young inan with a message, a dynamo of enthusissm, eloquence, and spirited powei'. jtle is a Western man, for four years was the Field Secretary of the Colorado and NeSv Mexico Christiyi Endeavor Unions, . Five years ago he bccame the Field Secre tary of the United Society of Chris^ tian Endeavor. He has spoken in every state of the Union, in C.^^da, and the West Indies. Everywhere he has gone his Work is most highly com mended and he has succeeded in ex tending and strengthening Christian E.ideavor in a remarkable manner. Organized in February, 1881 in the Wiiliston Congregational Church, Portland, Me., by the pastor, Rev. Francis E. Clark, the Christian En deavor Society has grown to a mem bership of 4,000,000 young people in 80,000 societies. It is found in every country on the globe, and in 87 denominations. It has more soci eties in the Methodist churches thru- out the world than in those of any other deaomination. It* greatest strength in America is in the follow ing denominations, respectively: Presbyterian, Christian, Congrega- tionol and Baptist, In the South C. E, is. talunf on nsw lift, and is bocinninc t» emne into its «wn, 71m All'^uth E^naloa Com- mitte« was organicad in June,. 1914, at Chattanaoga, Tenn,. and this Com mittee hai called Mr. Karl Lakmann to be Southern States Secretary. N. C. is to have a^ month’s Held work from this great loader, two weeks in October and two just before the State Convention next Jane, His Fall tour 'Will include the following points in the Piedmont scction of our State: liexington, Winston-Salem, Mt. Airy, Greensboro, Guilford College, High Point and Elon College and perhaps others. His tour next May will in clude the Eastern and Southern sec tions of the State. In all towns where practicable a Junior BcJIy for the boys and girls wili be conducted by Mr. Lshmann in the afternoon and a Young People’s MEETIXG OF BABACA AND PHIL- ; 149 DEAD, 103 STILL .MISSING IS LETTER ATHEA CL.\SSES. j TOLL OF GULF CO.\ST STORM . . — ' ■ . i " ' : ... ' I- .'.Chap^! Hill, The regtilar monthly meeting of the Baraca-Philathea City Ufliori.was held in the First Baptist church Sunday afternoon at four o'clock. ‘ Mr. Wolslagel was presfcht and con duct^ the song and devotional service anil and sang a beautiful solo, after which Mr. J. G. Roge.?s, prejEident of the Union, introduce the speaker of thii afternoon, Prof,. A. K. Williams, Gen eral Secretary of .the Baraca-Phila- thea work in North Carolina. Prof. Williams s^ke '/« “The Work of tha Organized Class in the Sunday School." He proved to be a very i.'i- teresting .'.peaker, bringing to his ^ audience a message which, was fuil of helpfu! ideas and practical sugges-J tions along the line of efficiency in orj^anized class work. | .\fter the address, the regular routine business was transacted. The banners for the best percentage of at tendance at the meeting were won by FROM CHAPEL HILL. X. -MINEHS S.WED: LIVED ti DAVS OX Boxes a.nd oil UescuCra Ueacli Part.v of Xiiie En tombed by Water , in Coaldale Col liery—All are Very \Veak Grip On an ■A Dramatic C;, Oct. 4.—The 166 Are Reported Victims of Fierce query which vf:l! be discussed this Hurricane That Swept New Orleans year by the schools havJsig- m('mhGr- ■District—^Loss of Pro|K‘rfy Declared ship ifi the High School Debating MilUons^Couriers by Boat and Union, pf Xoriih Carolina is: “B.e-i . ■ Train Bring in Details of Havoc salved, That the United States should j Luckily One Man Kept Wrought by Wind and Rain Along adopt the policy cf greatly enlaigiiig! Immense Dinner Pail- Missis&i|ipt River and in Louisiana; tho Navy." A bullrtin of sixty or 1 St-enr. Wire to Xew Orleans. , seventy pages containing outlines I ^ and arguniehts on both sides , of this I . Pottsviilo, Pa„ Oct. y.-.-Six men WIRELESS PHOXE THE L.4TEST query and refeiinces to source from | ami thi-ee boys, who had been sntqmlj- TH^NG. which further material can be secured ! cd in the mine at Coaldale, since Tast — willJ>e sent free of charge to all j .Monday mornihg, staggered forth a- Possible to Hear the Human V'oice schools which ate memhers cf the-4:25 o'clock this afternoon 7 KILLED, 130 I.VJLRED .\S WIND REACHES 130 .MILES A.\ BOVH . 'VHE.\ HLBRICANCE SWEEPS NEW OBLEAXS ■ .Across the Entire Coatinenf—Nay.v Union. This bulletin wiil reach the Was Pleased. . schools not later than November the . ' ' 15th. Washington, Sept. 29;-^Long dis- Every secondr.ry and- high school taiice telephone, the dream of scie.i- in the Slate is invited to become a tists for yiears, became a reality today memi)ev of the Union arid participate When the human voice was transmit-. in th^ contest of ISlfi. Every seho)l ted from Arlington Station, Virginia, that enters ^will, as in fhfe past, i>c to San Francisco, about 2,500 miles. grouped with tivo others for a tri- It is believed now that telephone angular debate, each school putttiig communication by wireless between out two teams, one on the affirmative the Baraca class of the First baptist ’ Europe and the United States is with- :^.nd the other on the negative. Th;; church and the Junior Philathea class realm of possibility. schocls winning both debates will be of Wfcbb Avenue M, ,E. Church, j demonstrated also that the entitled to send their teams to the It was decided to change the time telephones can be comlected with University to compete for the State of the next meeting of the Union from | wireless. Consequently, it is championship knd the Aycoek lilem- Sunday afternoon to one night dur- thought that the day is near at hand rial Cup, , The triangular debates will ing the week and a committee will hoi"’^^®" ^ possible for a person i>e held throughout the State the lat- appointed to arrange foi* this meeting, j in the United States to take tcr,J>r.rt of March and the final con- which will be held at the Mehtodist M*** receiver off the hook, call up one test at the University early in April. Protestiint church the Srat. week in wirelees stations, and T?it eirart dates for these contests will November, hour in connsction with the meeting. There is to be a social eoBversation with persons aboard be !ecided upon later. ■hips in midocoan or in Paris. Lon-i' Sftice its inaunuratioB three yaar* dooy w «!»tiAere in Eaeope. .ago the literary aocietiw and An official Dtatemsnt giv»n t>at by hijr#|ii ^ Vnivamity, thf navy depKrtraeirt rmds m folkms:' tlie H%h School Deb«tint ITrifoh Kas "{iecrotiiry Daniela is pleased to met With splendid suecess. Three announce the successful outcome of comprehensive State-wide debates exptriments which have been car- have been held and schoils and com- ried on for the last few months by munities alike have been benelitted the American Telephone and! Tele- by them. Last Spring Uie State-wide graph company and the Western Elec-1 contcst was participated in by 250 trie company in co.operation with school* and 1,000 student debaters, ladio stations. ;md it Is a safe estimate that fully HAS TOBACqp tM)ARD. Mebane Buaieeu Men Electa OMcer* —Neir OrganlaatiOB. Mebane, October 2.—The Tobacco Board cf Trade has just been organ* ized. The following ofHcers wer« elected: President, A. E. Gordon; Secretary and Treasurer, F. VV. Graves; aale.^ manager, W. Y. Malone; arbitration committee, Murray Fur- geson and J. N. Warren. The work of the board is to perfect the system I ani writing to let you know oE of handling and regulate the rules »ome changes that are in prospect in of .selling tobacco on the local mar- J n>y field. Union church will want a pastor after the close of the present REV. i. W. HOLT RESIGNS. ■50,000 people from first to last heard the discussions over tjie State on the j question of subsidies for the merchant marine. The committee hopes that ‘ this year every school of secondary nature in the State will enroll in the 'Union for• the discussion of th en largement of the United States; Na-/y. Bally in the evening, to which al! the young people of the comrouniiy are especially invited, as well as the oWer folk* who are intere»tsd in the younj people. Mr. Lehmann will give them address** w»i! worth while. Immedi ately fallowing these Rallies, confer ences on practical plans and methods at work for all officer* of the Society, committti* chairman and others in- teTMted will be h»ld. Eati I^dtmann is Ote world’s gnatest aatborit; on (%ristsan Kniieavor methods, and a ,^JCni»h napctas to the work will result wherevsr he goes. ket. A discussion at length with the' conference year. I offered my resign- warehousemer. brought out the fol- ation at the close of my service yes- ®ankin, Secretary of the Union lowing facts in regard to the crop and terday to take effect after the second Chapel Hill, will be glad to hear Sunday in November. I hope the' the church may secure the right snan t-j i®bates. fill its pulpit, 1 may have part of my Winner of Aycock Memorial Cup, condition of tobacco in this imme- ' diate section: A little more than an ‘'ALAMANCE loan #TRUST CO. The Alamance Loan & Tmal Co^,. Mr. J. H. Holt, Pres.; Mr. J. M. Fix^ Treas., Burlington, N. C., has stem med the tide of strenuous times in line fashion and have evidently servc^ their constitaenby well in a period erf need; their loans'attiisiscoD^ts being, by a reoent statenic»t,i^a63;01S.42 and their cash on hand $92,3.)a.l5. The deposits amount to $249,907.46, sur plus and profits |5o,808,81. This in stitution has deservedly won first rank in financial circles and operates upon a safe and conservative basis.—Chris tian Sun. If Eng^nd could only find the bolt the Gemtans have shot, she xmght dioot it haelc. average a^unt of tobacco has been raised in the section Mebsn« draw* from. There is very little fancy leaf; but most of the crop is said to be good, working, ripe, sweet, forward tobacco, with practically no secsmd growth and it is generally well cured. Mebane ezpacts at least 3,000,000 pounds during this soason, *ai al! those interested in the kiciil nutrkei are fixing tlwir tya oo ttHM and above. The sales of Saturday were the largest of the present season, an^ prices seemed to be universally sat isfactory. About 60,000 pounds wer# sold at an average price of about 10 cents. _ The warehousemen are looking for. the better grades to begin coming within the txxt 10 days. So far very little except such grades as ^gs and tips has be^n marketed hjre. In, spite ofvthjs, tti0 average p^rice^.,Jias^j nearly reached 10 cents. NOTICE WOODMEN! Local Camp Woodmen of World will meet Thursd% night, Oc tober 7th. All memhers are urged to be pre sent. Some important business to at- ten3 to. J. W. «ATE, Con, Com. »;M. CHB5X, Clark. time »>ithout work next year. • 191S—Pleasant Garden High School. I held a meeting of some interest Winner of Aycock Memorial Cup, last '«mk in Orange county at a Winston-Salem High School, •ehoolhouse, six miles north of Hills-i Winner of Aycock Memorial Cup, boro, N. C. Yours in Christ, JEREMIAH W. HOLT. September 12, iftlS, PWN0 PART*, 191S—^Wilson High School. SERIES OF MSETtNGS CLOSES. 'Fke series of evangelistic mavtings jwhieit !■«»« iiecn in progress ait tha First Baptist church in this city for Tke Junior Philatiiea class of Webb the past twa weeks, conducted by lliev. Avenue M. E.,chun^ gave a Pound F, D, King and Mr. E, L. Wolslagel. Pvty at the .at-Mr.. W. H. A.'came to a close Sunday tiight, ^ffhiae Kance last Saturday.':itight for the meetings were largely attendett-when b«nefit of the class. ' I the weather wo\ild permit and were . The names of the ladies were plac- '.very sncceetsful. There were upwards fid in a sealed envelope and drawn out. of fifty conversions and almost that ,by the gentlemen. ’Hie of each many accessions, to the church. King ledy was steted on^tbe paece; of pap^r with the name, and the g«intle>»'n d**wihg -the name waa roqvired to .B«yrril.2i cent per pound, A votiKg Aantest wa^ f-ngaged in to determine the most^populai ledy and gentleman at the party. The proceeds smountej to about $17.00. The occasion was a most delightful and enjoyable oite. .and Wolslagel'proved-xhemselves ex perts and specialists in their line of wasrk and imde nany friends, not only in their immediate denomination, hut in the entire community. They did very effectual work while in our city. The influence and effects of the meet- -itigs touched almost every phase of human activity in our little city. An Oregon woman, suing for di- j The youngster iind the fiobert rifle vorca, alleges as one ground of com- is a ccrabihatio* which should be plaint that her husband has neither! T-atched; , &\»^n-year-old boy of Icissed nor offered to kiss her in four j Scotland Neck has just accidentally ycAs. Maybe there'* » naaon, hiaAwwitonxiM brother. Si.\ days and three hours before had come the crash, which preceded the rush of water, the fall of rock and coal and the horrors of the black Oamp. From that time on these men had sat in total darkness, absolutely without hope. They knew that nearly 300 feet of fallen rock walls and coal separated them from the, light of clay and that through this mass rush ed a torrent of water which maiie their rescue nearly impossible. The story of the rescue of these men will be told many years in this section, for it was only by bulldog persistence and the most frenzied work that the rescuers blasted and shattered and clawed their way to the rock hole in which the little band sat waiting for death. For six days and three hours the rescuers had matched their brawn and brain against the ciutch of the pit and wlien they won through the Sabbath, silence was split b;r • aairhty cha«r fm«>the.throst3 of more than five thousand men, women and children; i^ho realited' that the battle had been won Under the gi Oimd', J>2,OpO,()W Property Damage Done hy Tropical ,. Storm Which Unroofs Hundreds of Buildings, Demoliisfaes Others And iv reeks Telephone Poles, Sij^ns, Trees and Wires S,000 Telephones Put Out ' of Order and Greater Part of City Flooded by Lake—Scarcely Single Plate Glass Window Remains in Down town Sertion; Fifteen OSrls Cat by Falling Glass in Wrecked Telephone Exchange; River a^ Lake Water* Recede After Fourteen Foot Rise. HILL No, 191 FALLS TO ALLIES IN FIERCE STRUGGLE TO BREAK DOWN GERM.ANS’ SECOND DEFENSE LINE French Troops Gain Footing at Sev eral Foints and Some Charges Go Through But Teuton Reserves Stub bornly Resist Further Progress in ChampagKi: District Kaiser Rushes More Reinforcements From Russian Front to Aid in West —CoUapse of Gcmans* SeconA Experts Declare, Would Acut^ Heitaee Greater Part of Their PMi- tioa in France; Von HindeiAarg' Nearing Drinck in East, Bet Still i« Lone Way Fr«n City. ENTRE .NOUS CLUB. Miss Kate Cler.denin very delight fully entertained the members of the Entre Nous Club on last Tuesday evening. All the members brought their em broidery, and the pleasant evening was made doubly pleasant by musical selections rendered by Miss Thelma Stafford and Miss Nina Ingle, Delicious Fruit Jello and cake were served t>y Miss Clcndenin, assisted by Miss Sailie Foster. The evening was enjoyed by all present. There were no visitors. CARRANZA OIKFICBB COMMAND ED BAND MEXICAN RAIOEBS Trooper Jotiiikim Captured and SK«rt, Says Guadeloupe Cuellar’s Ceofen- »io»—Hand and Sara Taken Away For So«Tenin~Parad«d on Pole Unconfirmed Report—Snipera Fif ed on Patrol Yesterday. GET THE BUILDING AND LOAN HABIT. The building and loan association has assuredly been the most eifective ?gent that this city and county have known in promoting fnigality and teaching the desirability of saving a little each month to get something worth while afterward. It has taught ‘self-eontrol and sdf-sacrifiee,' and it bp.s had a treraandous infliieqct in making citizens carefijl of their righta and persistent in their demsnd for sound government. Ita effect upon all the body politic has been inspiring.— Newark (N, J.) Call. PARADE POSTPONED. The great parade which was to have been today, the opening day of the.-People’s Fair, has been put off till Thnrtd^y,' Educational Day. All schools in th* county are invited to hav« a float of their schools in the parade. This postponement is made on account of the inclement weather. Jn New York a man who stopped to listen to the arguements of a pretty suffrage speaker fell in love with her and married her. Now hell have to drop that old refrain, the “woman's plate ia in the hoTBe.” 70 GERMAN SUBMARINES SUNK BV BRITISH WITH NEW ME THOD. Washington, October Ist.—Great Britain has discovered and put into effective operation mean.s of combat ing the submarine which, accordii^ to oflSlcial reports to the United -States government, already have resulted in a loss estimated at between fifty and seventy German su^imarines. The re port declares that the British Admir alty confidently bclieve.i it has crush ed the German undersea campaign. New methods of offense and defense that may revolutionize naval warfare have been adopted and high British naval officers are of the opinion that unless the effectiveness of the sub marine is incrused, it will cease to be a mcnace to commerce and i>attle fteetsF. MISS RILKY WINS CASE IK SV- PBBME COURT. Verdict «f Lower 'Trihunai iu Aetimt For Falct! Arraat is Set Aside. P '.eigh, N. C., Sept. 29.—The Sii- vreme Court reverses the iower court, thereby making a new trial necessary, in the noted c^se of Miss I^ula Ril^y versus W. H, Stone, Jr^ from Cha tham county, being the case in which Miss Riley, saleslady in the dcpart- mer.t store of the defendant in Greens boro seeks damages for false arrest, ar.d. chi^ges nuidc agrainsi her of stealing articles from the store. In the trial a verdict for $1,500 for the plair.tiff was set astdc and also a motisn of non-suit allowed against ithe plaintiff, ;■

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