ttt firicE>A-wcnit MspTAtois wmjswjH. SL e. ■^3 Kli y t CALOMEL DYNANTES YOUR LIVEIIl '$ Uw Tm" Sitrts Y«r Umt litlir nu CalaMi lirf Ym twl Lsm t fiv’s Nut Lived up four slu^rglsh liver! Feel 4na and dwrful-. woJce your worlc s |»l«uure; be vigorous »Bd tull of Mabi- tioD. Btit take iw Biwty, 3«wroua etloiiiiel becaUM it makes you side tai foa may loee a d&} ’* woric. C»lofB«I is mteurj or quicluili'pr •kich causes neero«s of the CaWioel cnobes into tour bile like ^TUBkite, bre«kiw it )^>. That’k when you feet ^st .airluriiiiuiiet, aad «nunpia(;. Listen to me?' the nioest, If 2TOU want to gratlest liver and bowel ^aoain)^ you ever ei^rieaced jiu^ take a ipoonitu. b(. bftnnlw Dodm’t Liva attacked Ojo de Agaa. WOULUNT WED WirBOmr IX>V%; All eii^fat of the American womuied SHE NA.Y LIVE. were expected to jecover, be «aid. New Bern, Oct. 21.—Contrary UBIfPA Vllil Aim oil IlflTCC bandits appear to have to decU/«tion8 of j>kya>cisn£ that UnRCo I ifll diun Anil V ALiV n I Ev nver.after this fight for' !>dlie Pi'iee, who was found Tuesday . • - a trial of blood, made r.;>parently by ■ with # bullet in her body on ^ floor 'nt least two lyoiiided men, Wjis fol- of a hotel room here, was dead she *Dod^'i flowed for several miles untU it fiaaliy recovered ronsiousneo and tod^y is Liver Ton* under my pereooal moae^ ‘ was lost at a; point where the bandits malcinj' « fight for life ai^inst over- »i^j£ guaras^. ^teixmi'ul inl._^ obtained horses from soise soiit^, whelmiag odds. The t^rl’a name at ■ . first wa(s given as Vsjlie Trite, : Dollie Price, desiM>ndent over a love 4ffaif. declared ^ would, railier dio than become a We when she didn’t love. Clitige t« Lit*. . When doctors first rearhed her side aft«r the. shot hid been fired the^y feit so sure that death was only BnmieM Man Praises Dr. M3e*' Heart Remedy IHHTH GALT US SBmiHC OC» SOCIETY SCOBE. li rrwiful Marehaiit Altar tutfwttgitl— f'wwl a Rcfl^y Tkat Rt- Itantd Hi! Heiltli. your idfiggish liver brtter tban 4fl«e of aaafy ealomei snd that it Biake yoa si^ DodaMi’8 liver Tonr is veal !nc; nHdieiiie. You’ll know it uext inornui;. becaiue you will wake uj>. leeliiig lii - your Uver will be working; headnii'^ and diizinMs gone: stpmich will U cweet and bowel* r^ular. Dodson’s Liver Trae is entirrfj- ve^c table, thei^ore' haroifesA anJ cun nut wiivate. Give it to your ■.■hildr^i. of people are using Dodson’f Ll'MCHES AT WHITE HOUSE Mrs. tialt is Guest of Mias Market ’ WilMn. W’ashingtpn, Oct- 22.—Mr. Norman Galt was the luncheon guest at the Liver Tone intt^ 01 dangerous calomrl white house today of Miss Mairgaj-et I Washintrton, Oct. 21,—Ur*. Nor- j mao Galt, soon to be Jfo. Woodrow j Wiltoa, it .aettfing .im old aeore with "This is Tiiimk*tivii^ iar In tiM f Washlngtoa socitfty. Her hushaiid waa p=oasy.v»nla.^.^r,^ tj J «i„ trade," go Washington soei«y did It h. »ntia« a not ta^ h» in, TRie score has besn l«t»r to yo«. ' • Ob the : :th W ot JSfoveni'.'W.'i*, I was w 11 h be a r t trouble. Ur Stmlly phnicLin eaUed k Anfflna Pectorta.. I Im4 from one to five atttcka la M boon, fa tk« latter Dart *f QKemtaar. 111#. tfae *ale of eatiielir ben. Cal«^ is’‘a!i^t^'stop^ Wil?6n, the president’s eldest daugh- ® 1“®st‘0n -of momehtg tha^ they did S AMERICAN TROOPERS DEAD, 8 ‘at Ojo dc Agua. The Japanese had Woodrow Bones ter. Ill the afternoon th« president's remove her to the hospital at fiancee, accompanied by Miss Helen that timet .4 s the hours went by and went to Baltimo.e youne woman tenaciously clung ^llii^ up f«r 19 y«srs. Before marriage, Edith ,Bdliiig .of Wytheville, V»„ did not Iradw what it wiis to receive a social ioiub. The Bailing were “kin” to all the - first families in Virginia, aiid Virginia’s P, F.’s hold tbenwelve^ soperioir to' any^ing which sttperior weidth may have brought to the later aoeiai coiners. But trade—retail trade—ven though in jewelry, and even though the business h^d been established has put WOCNDED 1?J BATTLE WITH MEXICAN BANDITS ON BORDER. apparently been shot in the fight, but on a shopping expedition. . spark of life, they felt that there is nothing to indicate that he A quite definite rumor has it thiit should be remove to a hospital belonged o the raiders. Eight .\meri- ' can soldiers were wounded. .^■'orjy Minute Kieht Ensues When 75 Ti)e Rio Grande was used today bv Men Attack 13 L. S. Soldiers—Five seprrate b:inds of Jfe.vicah bandits io Bandits and Japanese Killed the ainiooiiccment of the date of the done, wedding will be mude next Monday ®>“ce Swain, who was to have 01' Tue^ay. It is almost certain "'^^Vried the young woman., left his lake place ca::ly in November anJ Elisabeth City yesterday will be performed at the bride's hou?e en route to this city. He before only a very few friends; So¥tte Fiee Across Rio .Gr&nde When Cavalry Reinforcements Arrive on Scene, Whiie Biands on Dead Mexi> cans’ Hats Bore Words **Viva Villa’* BrownsvfJle., Texas, Cetober 21.— Three American soldier.?, five ?rle-\i- cans and one Japanese were killeti in a fig“ht early todaj’ between United States scldicrs and Mexionjj bandits When men are in trouble, they ro- i‘P gard women as their equals. stop pursuit of Aimericar. s5ldier5, most of the bandits crossing into .Mexico in both instances, "the firsi crosjilrip was in the retreat from the Ojo de Aguti fi^ht, sixty miles the river, and the second about . miles up the river. Love should never be taken , C;i}^tain Frank U. .McCov. of the j granted, even lifter years of married I third cavalry, commanding: the Mis-[life, j patrol uistricl reported tonijjht j hi'' belief that there wr.s not moie i “The Dr. Mite** H«ftrt Aemcdy tt 9014 u%4 0(iftraiitqMd by nit druggltte. 1# MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, ln4. had not heard of the shooting before arriving 'here and not until he had gone to the Western Union Telegraph clRte to inquire about a message he ■ had sent his intended bride did he (learn of the. affair, j Groom*to-he Distracted. Upon being told that the yoiing j woman had attempted to end her life! Wi/iiam Allingham.) i Swain dashed out of the office, crushed ) airy mountain^ ucces^ful man is the man who ^10 the hotel a few doors distant and j ^^o'vn the rua-hy glen^ 1 wroU to Util Medical Co., tor iafomutidn cod- my CMM*, in6 In 1 retired • v«r7 kind iJid instructive which I h«itd^ 'to my. doetpr. aad h« told m« to use your' Remedie* in: conn^tioa with the ixi^cfne b» me, so I did.; I used five bottkii * , . . ,®f I>r: Heart and sev«n' | along with the co:iSiitution bottles ctf Z>r. Mills’ Nervlnt*. .1 wo« - • * • coafined to th« hous# for &bout four j'®® bar si^.st€f on, tn6 tmm€ mocth». The of my h«^art !#• now, and haJ bel‘D norrr.&l for the last six months, f can truly r*coTnmen5 Dr. line** Nervine ami Heart Rr-midy to do what thc^y are intended for, it used aecordlng^ to dtr>r;ions. I thank you kindly for advjo** in an«wi*r to my monthly repn>-»s. i um now pJxi:y* •even y^ars o? s*ce. ha»-' ,Sn the »«rc*ntlle bu6Jirje^j tl,irty«five ytar* and lived retired for }::.«•! fblrteen y«ara.** a. B. IIOI.IJKGBR, lincoln.. Pemuu THE FAIRIES, than 30 Mexicnns in :he party which! knows a good thing when he sees it.” (sought the room in which the victim We daren't go a-honting 5 Green Jacket red cap, And white owl's feather! **Fm looking for a tall man with a long tUrst^^ “—and maybe he won’t be glad to see mef Hope he don’t forget I’ve got some thirst myself for a cold drink of Pepsi-Cola, To refresh jaded spirits and appetites there’s nothing more satisfying. Drop ’round to the fountain—and prove what we say. Pepsi-Cola’s put , * of tlie shooting was lying. During I littie men; I the eveninR- he was allowed to see her j foik, good folk, [and the two had a long conversation, together; I Swaiti, who is a comparatively ■ ^oung man, seems to be thoroughly j ''in love with the young W'oman and | [ever since learning of her action in |the rocky shore •attempting to take her life, has been ■ "distracted. jThe'y live on crispy pancakes I Wants to Live. j yellow tide foam; • Whan hotel employes broke into ; reeds jthe room in which thss young woman black mountain lake, 'was found, she declared that sbei^'* watchdogs, i*hoped she would die. After making j awake, [ithese remarks she became uncon~ ^ 'scious. Last night, after her moth-l^'®^ *'**1^“P j'er had come to be at her bedside ’the young woman said «he wanl-'**® *"** ®*'*y fed to Uve, but that she felt^ *’’® ***» fas though she would not live to .see: !the rising of the sun. jColumbkill he crosses, I The young women had been work- i“'“»eys ring in Goldsboro and while in ihut SUeveleaguc to Rosses; icity she became acquainted with W.'*'" up with music j r\ Snuth, the young men whom she [talked with over the long dUtance j telephone a few minutes before she Northern Lights. was found with the bullet in her. a hodv. They stole little Bridget ■ While attending physidans hold' out no hope for f^aving the life of the 'young woman, it is possilile that aha'***" fi>ends were all gone, may live for .-everal days. 1 Between the night and morrow; jlhey thought she was fast asleep Th# QiiWM Thft D«ft Nit Att«t The Hvatf p.,*. .u. Rccntij.*; oHts tonic and laxative rtiect. LAXA- ' dead With s>01}0w, TIVKRROMOQUINlNEi«bt«erth*noriinary iTh-^v havn ^ Ouinme Add doe* not c«u«e nrrvou9nr»9 nor * Kep^ hc-. ftvei bince finaritis in head. Kemembrr the f«n name an^ ,* n.»rtn «o)c lor the tijniature of K. w GROVE. 45c Within the lakes. On cold starry nights, Tj iup wich the Queen PEPSI-Cola up carbonated in bottles, too—at your grocer’s. B I For All Thirsts-Pepsi-Coia Pepsi-Cola Bottling Works L in. SQUIIS, Proiirietor. Phone 433 ••• a » fkmt • ft Burlington,'N. C. I On ii bed of flag-leaves, NINE YE.\RS rOB C.VSPEK A.\l) i Watching til) she uake.s. FINE OK S;W,000. ' ! the airy mountain, ' Fori Smith. .Ark., OcL. 21.—Join i «''‘hy glen, L. Casper of Kansas City, alleged I daren’t go a-hunting head of the moon.Vnine t*onspi"acy whoj ^cur of little men; pleaded giiilty in the United Stat«s Ifolk, gooi folk, district court here yesterday, v/as sen- i drooping all together; tenced today to nine years and three} jacket, red cap, days in the LcriVenworlh prison andj'^'^*^ white owl's feather! I ordered to pay a fine of $33,000. ; j' The six others who admitted guilt! I-ONG KNOWN, I were sentenced as follows: J. Henry Brewn, Harrison, ArU„ government gauger, 2 year.^ in the prison; fined $1,000. S. L. Willism.^, Winston-Salem, N. j C„ former government revenue agent; •‘Father,” said the minister's son, I '“my teacher says that “collect" and ! congregate mean the same thing; Dj they?" “Perhaps they do, my son,” said the venerable clergyman; “but you may j'Chas, Brewbaker, Kansas City, and!tell your teacher that there is a vast I of . Galt. iSo Washingtion did not ex- 'tend its arm®. Drove ^abby Electric; And >jot being a climbing or a push ing person, Bidith Bolling Galt accept ed ^e situation, without bitterness and amused herself in other ways She gave, attention to the business of her husband; she traveled, she went about in a little shabby electric which^ j'she drove herself and in time formed fa small circle of friends who were not I of Washington Society, j' So when the country was startled jby the announcement that President Wilson would soon choose for First I-ndy of the Land a Washington widow and everybody asked, who is this Mrs. i Galt / It was discovered that she was I not of Washington’s “cave dwellers” 'set, not yet of the “smart set,” nor yet of Mrs. Chailotte Hopkins settlement j house, and associated charities set; I nor off the Preston Gibon’s theatri cal and dancing set, nor the Chevy 'Chase Club golfing and tennis set; ^nor the Eno Riding and Hunt Club set, nor the Younger Congressional .set, nor the Older Congressional set; nor the diplomatic, nor the adminis- 'tration, nor the judiciary., nor the church, nor the highbrow, nor any ’•other set. It was discovered that she ■ iva» nominally a member of th« board ^ of St. Thomas Episcopal Church whicfi ‘furnished auspices for the Eye, Ear,, and Throat Hospital; but sinK she hsd withdrawn her IsUcr from St. Thomas and taken a p«w at St, Mar- nr-ret’s 0\en this committeeship had ..rabably lasped, St Margaret’s had !'oo;i slow in appriKiating its social .guilds and societies bear not the opportunity and the roaster of its name of Galt. Picks Unknown Pei^n. So there you are. The President had picked for the greatest social honor Washington knows-, r. person juite unknown to social Washington. He had elevated this “person" from trade to disipensc the social honors j cf the nation. i • Tiilk about the Prince and the beg- jgar girl! It isn’t only in fiction that j there is romantic drama. ! The marriage epidemic which ^me j time ago struck the White House has I Veachcd IsabeUa~ccmmonly known i «3 “Belle”—Hagner, ex-social Sac- j relary for the Roosevelt’s and eng- j-.gsd in the same capacity by the late "Mrs. Woodrow Wilson. Misis Hagner is to marry Mr. Norman James., of, a millionaire widower with three children. Mr. Janies was Presi- |dent of the Atlantic Transport Com- Jpan'y before that company was ab- I sorbed by the Morgan interest-s Ye.s, 'is very, very lichl I A youth adofes a woman; a young man loves her; a man of middle age stops to consider if she is worth while. [ George Hartman, Kansas City, 1 year [ difference between a congregation and • and 1 day, fined $-l,000 each. a collection.”—Christian Register. When a man takes a chance in wife, then marriage is a lottery. :“YOUR PEACE OF MIND”: depends upoa freedom from worry--If you invest those haif worked or idle dollars in PIElJMONT FIRST MORTGAGE GOLD BONDS, which pay SIX CENT—payable seraii-annuaiiy—you will have no WORRY-and FOREVER “your PEACE OF MIND.” PIEDMOMT TRUST COMPANY, BURUNGTOW, N. c POOR PR