r ASK room 1SB TWlCtA-WEBK USPVAICB; BUSUMGTOj. N. C. FRIDAY. OCrOBEB 2», 1»M. FiibUsbcd Every T«es4«jr «iul Friduy By Ike Stet« Pid>lidlung C«.» N. C. Office, First Floor, Walkr Building* Telephone Nou 9^, SttbaertptiQn, Onis DolUr' per Year, p«y«1»te in . AU commuulcatioiis. In regard U either news items or business wU* ters slioiild be addressed to Tke State l^pateh Publisbing Co., and not to iwy indiYidii&l conuMted witK tbe pa per.. AU news notes and communica> iions of importance must be signed by the w'riter* • ^ : We are not responsible for opinions of the correspondents. Subscribers will take notice that no meipt for subscription tor The State ^spatch will be honored at this office unless it is numbered with stalmped figures. Entered as seeond'Class matter May 10, 190S* at the post office at Burliiif^ton, \orth Carolina, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Read The Serial Stoi'y of “The . Broken Coin*’ which begins with this issue, also see the pictuvc at Crystal Theater every Monday nijrht. Soiiu- thing new^ exeking and interestirii', don’t miss it. If you dr» not take -:ho suliscriliG for it now. CAPTUBIXG LIONS. Most Wild Animals With Carl Hageii-1 bock-WaUace Circiw Are From j Jungles. I Tell your friends to subscribe fo*; the T\vice-A-VVeek Di^pat-ch in ordei* to jre-: to read the serial .slory, “Th-» Broken Coin**. SomeihiiiiT now, excit ing and intere^iiiiijr. The be;t JiJory ever written. l>o yoiir i']-iL*iidi th--^ kindnors to call iheir aiientioti to thi? story, they will lhanU you for U. Get our Friday s is.^ue and l c;i’n the i'osrinninjr. NKW POVVKU l*LANT. whcF ^ witd animaU in cage. realize the vast amount of trouble, danger and expense necessary , to get 'th^A there. The greatest dan^r Hes in captui'ing the wild aaimaU in their native .country* With the Carl Hagen- beck-W^ftcc Circus, which wilt give j tw:».p6i*formanees in Bitfiington^ Sat-. urday, November t»th. There are sev-; eral hundred wild Jinimals, niost of I hich v,'oi'e captured in trie forescs; and jungles of their native country. There is ho mDre tickish or danger^ [ ous task than tracking: Uohs. in the* vast Cubian dei5rts^ The soarchijijf sun pours down with such force that . few men can stand-it. The effect on tlie eyes i.s blinding. There is Utile or no «hi\de. The wariest and mos: careful hunter, may he trackiiijr vm a-i- iniy.’., and at the same time Ik* truck ed by the animal he is seekiiig, who may spring on him at any moment.. For captunnj; folUgrtiWu lions lui’ijc traps of various forms, arc 0\w trap is Square, one of the sides lift ing: upon a spring like old the fashVD’'.- ea mouse triip. Thi' ti-ar« is biiitol '.vu':i a pio.-c cf f;Vr:h :n«.-at, and a:' soon as ihe lion has (.r.iLve?! ihe tr^;;) thf door shuts down and he i> a pris oner. More than a ^.-ove of lions v/iih the Carl Hagenbcck-Wallare Circus wert! captured in this nv.\nnji\ Kli*phiintR ;\n* i-t*^cr;illy cauirht in . .\ I'unibcr ■'I' men surround Rv;2 j* lir h:i\o n!.-w {k-v.-oi- plant, a ii‘ ‘.ill; S' :ullr.'!‘-’l Fowc - .! !■ noar the nia:;*. ’.r.o Huil- w:;v a:-.i y, W-r.'k f--' n]ru;:dy ii c!y ], j- thf' v '.•* t• i; riu'.- y;-.... Run:'-!- h-:.i j! \\:v jdant (.f ;lU‘ i! :hc I--niihi: P \\\ :■ ■. v.-r; If' o:--rh .p. . r, p(*WC!'. T!.i.- ih.' a:;J "'Vc .’i.-f'v • • ,ir- rari;:(.-;tiOfit ui’l !k'•«./Te't.'d. A '.risrAKK. \V- uiuiorsiahd ilui* :\\i- has irivc!. to allow ibo c ; - th^ nv‘-v gravi( d .-.-h.' ;! VV«‘ -fil;. vc^ thi-^ I,,' :1 t-i i v- jrin ini’" ’ati? in I'r.v K:-!!. Wo iisu:i.'!y hnvfi .'Mme l'roc/-i?'.,iX wi^.iihv;- in Xo- veml;er: arJ Ix-ji-in ihi.' \v.,rk ':ow and aUow it to frric/.o >.'ur :hen j^o on v/ith the work rl^ht apan iht* ton of the freeze wiu impair the strii^*- turo and ir.i^hi rcjulor li dani*:e;i''>us. Will r.'';t cur iioi;”!! nf irusLoes ^ive this nK’.ticr i()ii:^;icjatio!> aTal do Avhat is 'nest in the premise?. f^c aft.-i- iney iy a rirr!;; i>i' beast. The fire jrcL-' c to the c!eph;n t .'i‘m1 b: c»re.- };i" securely tied i/ a : f -'.•'.aui.’ './.c-iv u h;n‘o pri‘vio;3’- .'b’o aboiii th loser aj:d f’osr y a .’io6.',‘ 3 He I'/Oc ;j;h! Ml: ;ulc‘. Titnu' I'ihh out tlu?y are cu:.ip,!ii - w. r . ' i KiLi; ilANitS ITSKr.i' I U: 'i;.h MISS KIDDLE EXTEBTAINS. . On Saturday higrht, October 16th the fiaraca and Philathea classes af Concord Sunday School were enter tained by Siiss Bennie Riddle at- her bbine u-fai«h was beautifully decoratid with ferns and cut flowers. A large efpwd was present.' All reported a nice time. Music rendered by Miss Fannie Ray of Gx^am and MissV'srnia Lewis, Aft^r this the guests were ushet^ in to the dinmir room 1*> a tab:»i well toaded with all. kinds of delicious fruits and cake which,was very pJe;i3« ihg to the taste. Whes v/e had eate^ all that we dare ro^ we returned to the purler seeming both to separare ut realiiijng the late b>ur. We al5 we2?:-to o«;*'respective homcii feelini? that the evenlzig ha/d' been o?ie well spent and hoping Miss Riddb? would e»3t-ertain us again. There is more, charaeier in doin*> whju you can than in attempting thi impossiiile. TOE CAUSES DEATH—MAN IS T08SE!) BY BULL--TRAP ^EAR* LY FATAL. SHOES! Kinston, Oct. A number of serious accidents, some of them un usual, were reported here today. Mrs. John Marinini*-^ mother of t;ven ci)ildrt‘n, Jied of blood poison-1 >nii‘ l’:oin a ?'lii;h- injury on a toe. Her l)iisband is in j;>il al Xew Ijlern avi'iiin!’" trial in Federal court WE hiiv-e ju4f recaived a big shipmem of HOaE MON- VRjOS! E&Y fihiies tor Women und Children. Thew are the only shoe: on the market today, guarametd tg be solid l^eather. U i^ have cut a shoe open a^d you can se« for i tht>.v are made of. The.Hest pai'tof it is that you don’t have to pay mu(t^ for them. Just.Kjok over these pricoi; — Boys Phoes at $1.I9-$1.39-$1 ra-Sl.ea-iil.as&l^ 19. Ladies’ ^hoes ^t$1.65-$l,75- $1 85-$1.98 & $2.19. CmLDKtN S Shoes at $ .95-$l,l)- $1.29 - $1.39-$i:4a and $1.79. . Bejriu mini that we absoiuiely ;;ua •e .-ory p.jjr of the.^e shoe i t(j be solid leataei-t.nu weui; as shoes CO-t that tvvioe as much. . Who else will gire you ivch a giiaraRlee? On Monday afternoon at 2:30, we shall hold drawing for $10 00 in Gold. Everybody Cornel Next to O A T1?1?’C Teiephoae The Grotto ■■X/i.lJr f & No 71 Burlington^s Best Store ■'Where your $ works wonders” HEALTH AND UAPI’tSESS WILSON MAN SHOOTS nuy be had by keeping the blood puro, XKiHT PIJQW LKR IN UOMi: iar.d allowing it to pei’fom its lif?- givir^g work to the fulleet extent. Wilson, Oct. 27.-^>,*ear the i.our : cur ,SIN{»AV SCHOOi- tONVfiNTJO.X. Th'* s>nii ant.ua! runvomion 01 the Xoi'ii; Caroiina Caiviay Schoo: Association tVr all n>:iM-:atioiis \v:ll be hc-hl ihls y. rji ;n II ■ till V»'cin l;lbo Si'flv !.ho ^v-., D.? in voii\'t.iiieTuiy i'i.r. aio,-lrd : .'.nc: mr.g clcsin Th,- i:.;.. biii-y’K :i x**- v = 11 Jitia.Iy ;.;u and in y v/n ot a State convention. he program committee is rnosi i.'or- lunate is securing 10^* tiio- conv^'-uioii thr ab)v, conffeniiil. and voj-.aiijo \Vi! liam A. Rrown of Chicago. Dr. Brown is tieki sui'eriniendcnt 01 iho Interna tional Sunday School Association and covers the continent of Xorch Ameri ca in his travels On Wednesday evening' for the clos ing session of the comention, a pag'- eant will be given which wiU demon strate in a most interesting- and en tertaining manner the history, deve lopment, and pi*ogress of religious education as we have it today. This is a reproduc'tion of the pageant given at Chicago during the International Sunday School Convention of 1914. Nothing of its kind has ever been stag ed for a State convention in this state. It is not too early for those who ex pect to attend the convention to send in their names to Mj*. Frank Brovrr Salisbury, chairman of the enterta!n- toent committee, that free enterta:a ment may be provided. Tbe vtmutl rtdxictd railroftd fxre on plm be«ii. filled -..•cil r:. ■ !iu; hot- r}u‘ ;ii\v •Id rili’ij '.l‘ .Mr. ('M'iyk\ .1 ‘ ijr L'w rrn rn tr Mr.-. ' w:is fouiKi' yc>:f-'id.y ];.':v;r:'.' ;.i'.-f.)v;r;fiy huv-r ii .'iwi;;;;- w-ijit* iihiyiiiu' MUail child. V. FtsjbiUuii ;ers of' They ‘‘ni’talc every line, and nient offon; yr.zi fabrics See fht.'S aiid be jiivasut {■'air Oepariiiiei!! Slarc. ^■;0J;s))i23inJL^ Tlie rnfortiinate fainily ■reivlc.'; ::: Hi’ies !>;. i\ If. >.tc'\aii-y. rf f!:c Casuell school, W:'« hiiik:/ ‘uviuy iVcf by an af-.ury bull. T'ic suncrintundcnJ hu:dcd in a wire 'v.re. Tiu‘ ’.^/t'fjrhinjr almost a '.c.\*.vc.i :ho ;'.iTacii avi’aiii and i'c-rvrc iu’Jjj cann,'. Jh'. M"’- V;-:y • sfVo’’“!v ;i:-.d nKiy today -*^tatod. m; r,.L h iiirl’s Indigestion, nen-ous dyspepsia, rheu- eleven last night iive j»isloi i^hoLv in ^ mati^m and other sources of niissry quick succession, emaaalinfr i:;-- ‘ “Pank” Bryunt, ct; .‘..K.t’, P"''®'-'’®''-'* ■’lood quickly vanish with Sugg street, startled rt.sideiUs oi ih;- tlie use of npighborliooil'and caused large cro.' ds MUS. JOE I’KKSON'S IJEMKDV. returning: from a carnival to ;no]i ;;;,! A .-;iiei;tifi;-ii!ly eoni;)o«ndcd vego- inquire the cauEC of the shooting. U'blc remedy v.-htch hiu beo-.l used ivr’-, On close invostijjation it wa.s learn- i.(;;>'!’ii'.Iy f:ir r:vor I'oiiy yeurs. I'.;; etl that Joe ileCorniick had Iklii ;:c-vi-'n is to roiiiovc' ;;’l MofJ inipu!!- pcatcily warned by to kit" tifS cncrs>iy.e ;;r,d r(*(rii';U,- ;iil fw:,-,away from his home; ;i,;u ••ran ." uo:>j i>f the dij:c.ive syi;tein unU foeJ j after attendiiijr a show reiui rin! to ii!- iiic i.ci vi' eer.U'rs. You doi/‘t i.c-uii •to ’ hohio and found in ; .'u!rir ill hc:iUh ;ir.y loiiirei'. If y.jiir 1 wife's bedroom, uiul ‘i,;u i;... ■‘I’-.i',;" h:i: n‘5 Mr;;. Jce I’e'.Vi.i.' i ojiencd lir'.’ o:t Ihi- ■-. iv-.-iiU'dy, V.!' vJ'i .•■”))j''.y 11 i. j four eracrin^ i\; ihe juioe. iii u u;j-‘j;e iiolvlo ‘-■I.O l ;i )s u a: d. ^oiir di,;;'!-. t- ilivsiei : r.i. li'. r i j turini; the inlet^liuv; land one l-:dl lodiri'. in -IV.-,'Illy r i!i id.i iih'. i' llili'd fl'jur if the jri:\ lIK'^nCi^V SAi.KS t'OUi'OiiA'i i;!N, 'h:;r)oU ! BmW !!1 livllu'; 0',;d iiei'Jlh. A yii.iLild evi-r. let her lie wise. REWARD To the Public: Forty years ag'o tb.e half of a coin as £h-ov,'i> ::i the illustration . c rorden inGretz- :iT- BroKsn Coin , - ivr^. not for the . ontaa'\1>. but, to* ; •.. A c iher h3df, it is a r.c^cret of ‘/ast ina- wa.s} ho.rf^ ^ — r met?.} fjothc 7 i'no PC ".- ' 7%e Broken Coin u 3)i iaeheM in dianf eter, copper color, Aboce t9 a photon graph of the one side, identification CAn easifyie. made with illuttratiotu The reperee eide contitme a portion of a ettange in* wcTipiiom «A Le±iiL DrcKen. Coin hsr 5 sho wn v/as traced by-islecuves to themate of a schooner, tKe Marie Belie, who pawned it in London in 187B. It was then traccd to New YorK and from there caiTied by ai\ Armeniem peddler to Chicago- It has lately been traced to this city. Here the trail eads. Someone has this BroRen. Coin. It may be hidden, m an out-rf-lhe-way pl&ce—possibly tn an old coin collection. LooK everywhere for the Bro- Ken Coin. If you find it you will be re warded. If you can give any informa- mation as to its wKerealsouts, and it is located' through your information, you •wlU T^G^tvm a lar;s;e Report any clue to the who .'WtU tromeciiately taK* up u voEfe K»p«n, Oon»vl Graeral for Or»ta;hoffiMi» H. Y>Clty. • "I ■'KS lAl.lNt- I.- ::l:o src; H, .;i •.1;, je re')': ■u;-r..e'- ■■ f r ■■I f..r ; j T!ie v.f.undcil riian w:sk '.a’lv: n i '■ Wil.'ion f'olorod ho.-j.i(ai I’oc iN-.-. • j Thi.. r.ioi-liit’S ■•I’nu};’- ^ >■ -e:; t ' ;.i- JMr, w. A. ; ■ . .i ' .: '.i:!-:) :‘,"oiKlore.,j hir/i !.■» J yherill H. M. Ro\vc. He is nove in j li) await tile outeor/ir of thi' W’fi,: :..: inale affair. Defcndant’.s piea wii! I !hi Lhn I;;- W-S' ir'ii. '-‘f KWC5*3i>iB!:nvi ^serr'ir' *v r'. ;m ro Vi-i-, Tniii'.s -M and ;!2 I;el wft-n AK.'lST.t AXI) XKW VORK .'.s si’v-s. to .’''iii l.t juio.:, Oct. ■Jo',— the Ty.i .'M Siiditional iinr.i.xM ni SI\hs.\ s-i iiinii.. ^rH^1r^*?d in- S(:i e i-io :'i: cl Eiiucatioi). in den'.aiid. rt's ii _■ im i'or eatiiloff. Mrs. W a!u r I., i,. d.’a.r,;, I’l'il'- l:r, Dui'hun,. N. ' SAV.S HE AfiKKK!) TO i*AV J»,000 )■'()!£ l>K.\ rH. shiirijh'. Pa., Oe;. ‘Ji;.—Thom ii: C. yo:-ney, :: \Va.-;!ji;:no;'., H. C., law yer who .Vi-,.it4.-.-i;!y ple-ided KU’ilty 'o eanspiracy and .■ts.;:uliins his fathor- in-law, T. Fr;'.n'Kli:i Schneider, a inil- lionhiro candy manufacturer of Wash ington here last June, today tes-tifiod at the triai i.'f William Bowers, an other of the alleged coispirators, that he agreod to pay 84,000 to Bower-'., George McHenry and H. C. CarUs if they would kill Schneider. Forney said the agreement vras in WTiting. GHICKESTERSroiS , XrADIESf — - JUN for CHI-CTlKS-THft S “ 'AMONi> KKAKD Fn,£.S ia Rro and/ saetaUle boxrt, sealed trixl) Blue TAAm Ko omsa, n«#«r7*«r niidik 9mA »A tk^ ClR*eaRS>'fi&» 8BAKP MLY.A, for ytexM ftf^irdtd m Scalyftafei., Alwa^ AeliaMti SOLD ev AU DRUGGISTS _ Tcoura ^mtna DIAMOND Tlie SiU'.iiorn Rriiway ii'aUfTL'rata.I new trains cifwlive Sunday, Octoiier ;2tth. between ,.\u^n.'!ta, ColunibiTi, C'.u ricUe and (iro;':;s'ooio to Wash- ioirton, Baitimorc Philadelphia aa! Xew Yorl;, oii fa.** a:Hl convenient schedule. Xew '^rain Xn. :4-> iiarth- boui'd will p-a;;?. Grijen.^koro at ]0;->5 P. M.. arrive WashniKton, I). C., 7:i>0 A. M.. Xew York 12:.')? P. M. Wv train :',1 ^.mthiound ivili pas.'- (iree)'.sliuro at. A, M. Thi.- nevv train service shutild be pnv- ti'.;i;;\-. ly advar,i;';fOM;s to patrons from R;d._nph, Diirham, Burlinsto.i ;:!■ ir.tei'inouiate points going: t.-) W:i.;iiinslnn, Baltimore, Philadelphia. Xew York and Northern tdtie.-^, .is train \*. 131 from Raleigh to Creens- ioro will conr.cft with thi-^ new train r.c.rthbound. This elegant new train will consist of all steel electric lighted equipment carrying- Pullmar. Sleeping Cars, Din- injr Cars and day Coaches to Wash ington and New York. For Pullman Reser\'ations, inS^rma- tion, etc., call cn any Southern Raii- way Ticket .Agent, or communicate with, O. F. YORK, Traveling I'sss. Agt., .?0S Fayetteville Street, Raleitrh, N. C. -".criteni'es a,en:;ist per.sons who '.'.'crc ch;^■•};'od wi'.h ospionttjio itnd treason liave been pronounced by court martial, at Lii^ge. 'ho riew.^paper .-.■Jds that Pojic r.iencd:vt, Ihe kini' •, f Spain and Pres- i!e;\t WilsM have been appaiJed to by telcarraph to intervene in behalf of thi' i-on.k-ni;u:ti ;;o:-.-ions. Xever ask God to do what no man would do for you„ E«rth ban no ch«m for the ,»Ai -wife is a .wMow, .-\ny fof'l i:f a m.ui t-aii die, liut ic .k‘,:s a .'j'.parc man lo live. S! S By. w & Wesfern XOVEMBElt 22, 19M. I^ave Winston-Salem. (>:;S0 A, M. daily for Roanoke and in- tcrmediaie st?.tion». Conn£ct- wi-ih Memphis Special for South west, also m.iin line trains Xorth, East and West with Pull man Sleeperi;, Dinninjr Cars. 2:00 P. M. daily for Martinsville, Ro anoke, the North and East. Pullman Steel Electric Lighteii Sleeper Winston-Salem to Har- isburg, Philadelphia, New York. Dining Cars North of Roanoke, 5:00 P. iff. daily except Sunday for Martan.^ville and local stations. Train.s arrive Winston-Salem 10:20 A. M., 1:20 P. M., 9:35 P. M. Trains leave Durham for Roxboro, South Boston and Lynchburg, 7:00 A. M., daily and 5;30 P. M., dail-y except Sunday. „W, B. B«vill, Pugg. Trair. Mgr. W. ;. SKiMbr*, Gen. Pa»s. Ayt. POOR PF

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