FRIDAY, OCTOBER *9, 1915. TWlCB-A-WraC DUSPPAtCBi BDRLiNOTON. N. C. PAGE PIVSL ♦ Bsnanss! Bananas!! P^. at palph’3 Mrs, M. H. Newlin was the guea of her ^ug;ht«r, Mrs. E. Y. Farrell, at Mebane last Saturlayi iMr, JSiwes A. Zachary was a rwent vjritor to ‘Uebanc, Mrs, J. Q. Horn of Spetiier is iha i guest of her son, Mv. .W. J. Horn, foi‘ Mrs. J. K. MiUikan of Mabane was several days: a recent yUitcr lO our city, . ; - ; ; iliss Lelit, Florence Visited Jlrs. We regret to note the serioias ill- George Wyatte at llebane for a few ness of Mr. Buck Austori this week. ! (J;\ys list weeii. Bananas, Vi'ine Sapps and Virginia . Eiilh late ii siuder.t at the Smoke Hsuse apples at Ralph’s Place, i N'orr.wl eolie?e, spent the week-end ■ ■ - ; with relaliTSS aiid friends ,iii the city. Mr. Earl Guthria is spending- the ■ week, uich relatives Hiid friends near ■ Saxapahaw. . Mr. and -llis, Rosenthal Teer of Chicago, 111., are the f'uest of Mr. •and Mrs. J. X. Toer this Acek. Road the serial story, “The Broken Qain," which will appear in l!:e Di.'- pateh each week. j.mith c-i the eitv . guasl of Mr. Koy N'auce spen: last Sunday and Monday with his uncle, Mr. J. A. ■ Joskin, near Swepsonviile. Mrs. J. Ed. Jlooi-e fper.t iast JIo.'i- d.ay in Grahain. attendir.g ih-’ funeral cf her cousi:', .Mrs. D:i. Boal. Messrs. A. Cheek and W. I.. Heml- rix were recer.t iiusinejs visito!=. lO the, town of Mebane; 5!r. i;;ia M's. C. V. Shavja a;id,Mr. .'-iid Z'.Ii-s. \V. H. iliiy attended the (;:oen.«boro Tuesday night.- Mr. r-iKi Mrs. C. E. EJwariis f Mebar.e were visitors to ouv city la$-t Monday. , -Mids CiT.\vfji\i was i'loHt iji l::s; Sii!?day. Ur.' Miss Nettie H:tvnir>;i relurr.od yes- i terday from Durhnni. where she spent' Sailie Paacjvcn li.'ul Mr. .h'.ji:', ; W'Ofii'j, h'.f.t a:id Si;:;- 'clay ivit'! y..- W. .H. BniliirJ I fw days with vclaiivcs and friend-’. Jliss Katie \Yoo;l!',U oi Smiihiieul ■*' thai.'ctio is spen'iiinu the wcok I'le fwest of Mri. A. L, Davis. Mis^ Grace Moore and brother^ i'dwin, vLnted frier.t’s and relatives - -“.har;! Tast week. ill's, Lesier JLee Is vhe gu^s reiatives and fiier.ds at Hawfielus 0£ this Work has been be^n cn the hew s;hujl biiiidin", - The ol.l atii.diiig has been moved and e;xcav;i- tior.s are being inside for the r.ew building. The work will l>e pushed forward as rapidly as possible; OF LOCAL 'IN’rERBST, Some People We Kbow and We Will Profit by Hearing .About Them. Biggest Circus in th« vVortd! This is a ptirely local event, it took place in Barlin^on. Not in some faraway place. Vou .Kre asked to investigate it; Asked to believe a eftizeii’s word; To confirm a. citizen’s statement. Any article.that is endorsed at honie Is morp worthy of'cdnfidetice Tbian one you know nothing about, Endorsed by unknown, people. Ahjjng those who attended thel C. B. .Ellis, music' dealer. Front jones-Erwin >«'eidiiig at DurhaJtt lastSt., Burlington, says: “I can never Satui-day \yere: Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. speak too highly of Doan's Kidney CL!r,t. Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Holt, Mr. P>l's ^ haxHa always found them i;;id Sirs. Erwiii Holij Misses Dora “ mediciiio cf merit. Whenever my Teague and Jessamine Gant, Mr. kidneys gets put.of order, a few doses and Messrs. Ed. Jl'uri-ay and Doan’s kidney Fills, procured at Kcjrtr Gi;r;t. Freeman’s Drug .Store, give me-quick relief.”. Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney -pills-r- the same that Mr, EllU had. FOSTER-MILBURN CO., Preps., Buffalo, N. Y, ho -V.T;::: .’lIcQuJari Missionary ,?j- ciety of the Presbyterian churtii will tiu-:;- ;'.nr.uai .Hallowe’en Supper i.i ;i'.e nbv,- Isley Imiklir.g Saturday,. A.'ct'j'oer ;;0, I'jio.. o to i0::30 P. M. Oyoifi-s, c;cam, cake and. candy v.ill !. e sarved, l^vtry one is invil;c-d 13 1:. !,, Cates d.?sires to expi-ess ;- ih:::’l:r! r.pd appi-ociatiJn thrfjgh :• ;)isp-ALci) in- llic many act;-, . ain'.ii!;:-tei'ed i.:y iici- fi-i>;'ds ji i.i'i.v.hbci-.s liyi'inc the sicliness and :;h' of hi::- hus'iiiinr!. and pray-s God's hv-st ;>le.7.^i:i;rs upoj: one v.'lio hrr he!;) and .‘symnathy. V.! !!di *3 rio ,'sit A-shwer'd", v.d>j fipei': several da> with M:.-v Krod Xorwo-id at Mebane, hr.i- rel’aracd home. d . Ihilfni.:;; -.f near Kv:!; Creek WiiS I:; iibc* ui'.y Weilncribjy driving the Di.'patch oHice a plea;^:ii t ca’l. :d.r. V.. I |j. .ie.'r;-- i' a.’vi daj.U'Ir.v/ of (\A: t. >. ibc >i' Alr. i'.'ini ■^hU. S. t-.i yi fro'.ii ■ J -S.:b!/i ^vK: Wi-jk-i vishin^:; !■ -.1, -t; ■ Me )u',e rciin-.i' Pi'i.’;* Wi.'i- I,‘.vH h' uf :1k’ ; Sii:'i!av, (»ctoh'T | ' I I'.lv.-vc to Sux':ip:;- * r.ev; car i:i5t Siv.y.ljy, The .y‘ri IcLTr.iii^r to run iha car and . .r v.-J’.o ub'C’-vi? ! the .-ipCsU which • mjrvur r.ituine;:, o'o roi K'.ir.k I.o ' in ’!ar.p:c-i‘nj‘ nny 5-eiiou:- 'accidont litiblc! (.0 'u* taujrht fci** ' ihc sj90,00d STOLKN FROM POSTOI-- i'iCE IN YEAR/ Oct. —Postoffice robberies h;'.ve been so numoVous of hce that an order went forth ^jday to all postma.stevs exciept of the tirsi- class to keep on hand a smaller num ber of j'lvimps and other papers cf i-oinine-*-(!ial value and to guard thorn ni»jfe carfefiiliy. Report,-; to the Poslofilce Depart- nient sliov.- ih:it 1^400 claims, ag^^r-?- a of ?190,000^ re.-^uite 1! from robuc-i'i'v.'? of pciitofncfcs lasL year, j They wore : pcoived I'jiiim rit arly v^vcrv ! sectio’i of ihe (‘ountry, » • SATURDAY Wn NOVEMBER Seaman’s Big^€st Jiolid >>! 6 ■5 0 1 . rif >0 V -vd-: at at S-.ime Pritfes as CKargBd cn -rjircu . Or HACENBECK-WAUACE til- WALLAC&iUl A Circus off 1001 Wonders FILUNG & ARENAS! Its triu^hs mehes beyond the ms m Homiwo ajEUK£IT i« Aa eakth-sHiSTp.>}Y: \^~V% \ j/' Capital Invested, $3.COO.pOO! .jcr# fsaturv*. mor» thrj.'ls :ha» yen ever saw hi- 3 ririfi&t 2 «tides* gr«at eerhi «neiosure: qca>ter*fr>tt8 AiAMfonM frack ant! stoel 0{rdad erena fiffoct wKA CARL KAOenSECK'S performing lion** iMtKirds, pumas, pa Polar bciTb rcyai B«n^) Trgers and untamftblc) beasts. jarter-mtts WRL , panthers, V ,, .•u^ny :• 11:00 ,il :K-.; \vlii Br.'iv.a. Mr. ’.i-'i Wi.n.-.: is at the* hc'lsjwc t l John I*’, i-i rli m in Isuvijf»u*ioii. h'>i\ , hi:5 j i Kr. ?>iv. .•».'K-|.;a U. Crawf'rJ spc’it a few iluvin ;-i*cx‘:::ly in OrartjiO Cour.iy \vj\h rrawfor^j's :v.'hU.:\ Mrs. Jii.s. O, Qa:iUtM;!,u:-h, who i,-: vc-vy foeble. M:% il. ■ r^r.w l-.iCiitO ija, fonclLu Ip; lu.'.M' iv.niH* '.\ i:i the (‘ily of I’)ur- |‘ :i suci.'ci^suii unlnr- | I ba^iness. Ir? which has be- •-rotiivs,- at \\'.c Mcibjdi.U Prol'j.'t- at G*’cJi:i K^ivc::, iUv. K. Mojri^ari of Grahal"”., ;-,n'.r ariose- \Voilno^:»iay a vc-"y suvlx* :~fr J l:h';v ,--i'Vcral i>[ ■I' .ntiivh. ■ ' I r'.'K' i hthi:^.vA . ... • Wchh M\\ ] r’-u.-. J« vt i.) .vivt. a Jla)l ;ivc‘’“'’1 '.h^; "f’ M?'. I.-iV j ' il:t: next- SaHuilay (Mxf.i Ivc croajn, ca:u* id iiiv's, ar^; aLutn;;;- the thinji>'^ whkh V.{ scs-Vf.J. .''Id :hl'ke!) hi' ili5 I?’,!.-*: fn,*poi'tai32 pic ricrvt-d, hi- •.'ubdc il-Uy inviicd to nt- JCST the: right PKK.SLWT, j Doi^'i ‘i.ko ii’. Iho ’-'.iaiUT rliiir.n . Vcu don't Wa^.t I jL.r;:. Mkl iiia.ny o.‘Keis, to lie re-, • v.-';h 5n'jifftrt*j^irc or ic:: tiny:; af*;er ''hri;-’;nas to Iic | *ind foi'M,oiton. i t!S^\ "CTS, FEATURES and SEKSATIONS-iCi! 3 BAJ1.B0AD TRAINS 3 22 TENTS 22 . go riders—The Greatest;.: i;;c V-.uri: uD i PERFORMERS 400 0 SA.VC" .- -v-., ! 80 Aerialiais, the 6 H-:;*g VV^v.' 50 CLGWKS, the Woria’5r-' . .- ^ eo ACROBAT.-. CarlHa?isnfcBcli'bbla«c.: ;-:t -r ^'LSJ Com;*let0zoo{o3«alru. Shcrssof Elep>d:;^ W. CLASS emeus m mz ;-.KC -lira vu; BEWfLD- ?/>.GEANT, . - t'-i L^HGTH, : cxpek- :. v:..J},000 AT XQ AJA. cincus day. tn f.»i T) )' \\ ak-n i-iv*ii:M»siiip iri-Ms Th* Cluistian Kndoavur j?uiiei.y •'!'i the Mctho;H't?t I'rotoi/.ant •.hurth ho'd | a basiaes.^ riic-etin^: and social at the j home of one of it^ n\cnibc:rs, ^Iis. |.vn. .V .'ci :^.s oi revival ,• ervu'e."' ueiran at bo P»aptisi church ,;Ai Mond:\y r.ij^ht, R-jv'. J. M, Diin- llenson. N. C.. isi tonduciin: Read -be serial st^ry enlit'^d. “The Broken Coin.’’ appearii'.fr in the Pi=i- paith and ;hen ^ee tiie picture at the.jnisie Msse:-, U:si Tuesday :dijht. Af- Crystal Th;vU’re. next M.-'ir-1 ?e)- a very harniaidous busi:; ‘-^e.^-ithe sen'icc-s and piea.sitifi; the people ->iou-a de:i*^htful ^^ocial hou.* was ;j ]*j^ splendid ,ermo:is. Consider- c:.j(\V£.‘d. rhL.‘'"o vero ab.ju: hftcea ir.tere.5t has :tU*eady been maai- rie^e;it. ,i'(‘stvd anti seve.-al cor.versinuri have jvesu-tcd. The ^ci-vice>, "which ai’O The WeuV of sijrvirc.^ j UeU at :;:00 P. and at ni^:ht, will at ihe M. E. Church ai*e be.n^- ats.t'ad';.T.-,t.iiiue unul i^on'.e time nest \vee!c. ^ Vy iaT-o-e con^^-e^atlons and niuca j t]k- publie is cordially ir.vitod to a> has bojn shf»\vn. The pastor, 4,., I‘v-v. Tutlie. iie;ive.-i I'v a : >n ‘'Thinffs Left Uiuloi^e.*’, ' Fivf, r>, \Va!M Milan, a noted evanp:''*- ^ ilstiv'- ?i*:i;e;-, v.vJi,» wa.^^ in a ineeti:.^ ! here las=t summer, is coaduciinn* thj' son.e: servis-ei^. A '^•tdcoinc awaits you i to atteiui thc^.i^ >x.-i*vl-.*e£ and l,e jTreat- i •y ber.cthted. day, November 1st. The followinji- v.'cco visiiois 10 ou-* city frora Mebar.e la-si Salui”lr.y: ‘Mr-;, W. C, Ciarke and dausi’t'^’'.^. Me::- ' dameii Hug-h Smithy Alfred Syke;^ and Ciifford Clark. Miss Eula Holt, and Master Clark, ill'. Asblon SharpL' of Route 7, pasrrC*:] throuprh the city ye«tei'day on his way tvO DanluJ y \vhc: e he will teach dunni’- thi.^ c;:njr.s2: winter* Mr. Sharpe i- one of the IMsnatch’s loyal suppariers. We w'Uh Jiini niurh suc cess in hi.s pew f.eld w.^rl;. I'hc* niiiii who i* sritislied with pef'y ^ nevor achi;?ve trrea:, ■ wca. V,u I T!'J V-Uth’.' (%; I’M \Tm eve; v;' ;-lt it cai'K' : ii -i i;i)l eons tr-i'U* cr in s-.!/ \,iy!',iluv‘ isley sner.l f^'und.-.y I-- ?:• wc^rll; v.h:!'.: >'* r.;aKe a i.f. i.i:.::; v.iih i'k-rn'. K. V, i’atv:rsi!!i. aufl i\ \Vi‘--ih v»-hiU‘ \o r^-i ’i -'re wlu) aiiended ihe *Siati' I-'air -•.‘ive it, loo, for The C'oJnpanion ilia, -i fi’'t.j lu*;v v.--?rc AVIisse.*? Eunice Honu*- the best traits in America^i | w;I'ld, Lois and Elma Sharpe, Carrie life ia its >^:o^ifs aal skolclies un-1 XicI'rolriOtt, Alma (I-'aves. !!\'lini;ie » • i . * hohi.'? the he.^t s'landards la articles j anJ Mes.^rs. Charles (?obJe a:jd j;:ul oiher ci.Miti'iljUlIo;'?!^ and conildne's j •'I'.ard SUf,i;ford, the practical aiid ir.formii^ft' wiih the! Mi.s.s MiirOia Nic!u.lson fri»ni r.eai' tjjtiertainino: and I'tlood-SLirvia^;. Hermon has-* entered school ai- If you do not kn-:.\v The Companion ] I'riendship. as ^ is today, let us ."^end you one or; There will l)e a nallovve’en Pajiy two current issues free, that you may ; rVieadship Saturdayj night. ihc»roug:hJy test the paper’s quidity.' October :»Otb, Kverybedy is invited We wiU send al-^o tb.e Forecast for ! to come and have a ^oixi time, i Prof. and Mrs, Patterson attended r> I 1 V t 1 fot>ihall jcame rtc Greensboro bi',i Lvery new sabscnber who seiuJ^ I ' Saturday, $2.00 for t-he liftv-two wceUlv issues i r. t» , ^ ! Mr. M. Homewood, star ioot- of l;m> will receive tree all the i,aU player of the UniversiTv*, speiu ft")’ the rest cf and The*. Com-1 Sunday l^onio* pjcnion Home C'a!:';i:»ar for THE YOUTU'S (YLMPAX20X, Bii^aon, Mas:\ \ow subseripii'.>n received at ibi'. oincf;. D0.0r»5 TO OARU fe,: zoo 0?tf‘i AT 1 Af-;Q 7 Wi, ife' PERFORiVfA^aas at 2 f, AND 3 P. OUE 50o '^'scrc.'T M' ADMITS TO tVSRV'THiNO. CHILDfJKi UNDER 10 Year?, 25c. 1 $i,floo.eo year is what James I. Still esti- jnates a Bank Account hns {r»'n- (d for h:m from ii!c.'c-:t.std re- fspect of business men — increased f edit and increased opportuni ties. ifer, everywherti show re spect consideration to a man wit.i a Bank Account. Your ac count here wi!! g-reatly/raise you in the esteem of men w-ho.«e es teem is worth while. Wiien you pay by cash no one knows your re.sponsi- bi'ity. When you pay b- check everyone knows it. AUMANCE LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY THE LARGEST AND OLDEST BANK IN THE COUNTY. , (Tbe Oae Whk the Chinet.) BURLINGTON. N. C. IWt!! BUNGALOW llBll^aSSlSaSSBSaMBBSlMlll s 3 L ■ £ s ? ■ 1 ■ N S ■ PS o S R 5 c H c. s m ARE YOU {;Oi:\G TO BlILD? g Let Me Esiiiiiafe Right Awav Hi Heip you save raoney and build better homes Get in Touch With The >iost Up-To-Date S Improvement^! ^ MAKE YOURSELF BETTER IN » BURLINGTON. 5 P jty L.. ki L. D. m a.’.« KUILDEK R E M O D E L ! N G S Farniers are busy sowin.e: wlieat- i-.vvv:hL:ys and the prospect ar;- fa.- a ;;Vvd wheat cr.ip. Mis:' Alnm ( will leave Thuvr^ ’.;y ,".T ►^.:‘Na:-‘ahaw where -he ui-l Uacii ihis year, A n;.r:y of youn«JT pvnplo fro-u Bu ~ linirto;} .-pe)it Sundiiy at l>v. W. i,. IsJeyV. Mis.-' Kclcia PaLierson spent Sunday ;;e ■>. VV. L. L-dey’s. 'ihe Djrecior.'i of The Frieml^hio x a/r Old last Friday Kijj-ht and ar ranged tlU‘ pri.^cs to 1)0 awarJc‘d, Tliey expect to mako this the f2Ti*eatc.-i fair Ahimanee county has seeri f>r •'Ovviai yeaiv. ; ('!(K !i in cis il'*;'. > 0- i .iiv- in c.-( \.-iii’, h':toic I* >, i v:i a (. i l;u!l Ini,:. ■VV w'e r“. ;v- ; ut --'rial at •■'■t' f hi QSi ■ iA)d to cixW :m d I c [ ; ‘s ■*. i ' ' ' i'o U) -'Cioi iJliiii •' Cv>i"’■ 'X iSli' •(• r‘ii: iin^rton, X. C. r«i lis.;,- A WDman's life is r;e\ er iho sanv.- ftcr a severe disappointment in love. TWO UAXDITJ^ SHOOT .CASRIEB, GET P!i‘ .iuOj ; A -e’Jrime woman is a ^rowin^ jpiua:, every hard rain beats. lhC'(T UGV.':' $100 Reward, RESiDENCES Aii.stin, Texa?. Two masked nifn cntorad tl-.o V'ivst \a- tiona) i'ank at >i:;rhlr toiiji;,-, .^lot and fatally woundefi Robei-t H Heinptz, book-kepi»w. forced Walter Page, assistant ca.«;h)er, to cpon the safe, and escape*! with currency said to total $lt>,000. Posses are search ing for ths robbers. ' Tl5» r« r.tLTiT of lUls jv-t-t Ili.T* }.*j :i 1- •'* • - - . .•>;«• •! 'n;it i,;ts b.-.-n t t' in all lt« 1 nr.;l ijint i«. JL L ( rn.irrh } !•; !hi' tililj’ VOijitivP fJiv- in w kifv\!\ 1,1 tl'-‘ lUvJ- l'-:n C:il;;nh a .‘rugti; it{,..-:;il j r-'^niiro* t {rf.xtuio-.-.t. 11:4.Ts C:i»arrli '‘uvi> jk itjljffi U'' rv.nlS*. af.tirj; tln' Mo .;1 nn;c"iH snVfufOH of tlw* Rrstoni. Tlirrt'Lj' \lcsUojri*;}f fjn. •'oiiiniAM'-r of thir dU-i-asc*. s.nil sirijis; iLt- j-iHkn.-vircnjriri tiy boiidiiif; my Jho ff'uvtinjt* 'i» a«o na ture Jn ilofrig In vork. Tf**' j ^'prlott-rs'h;?r** •o amch fnlih in ItT ciirfttlct* iwiu-fM time tb»*y offpr On* }]iintiv'l ftni- fuat it, fftll* to core. S*n! f-r list of tefctljrK.nbl*. Addrm P. J, CIIENI'V A. CO , 0. SoM by all PrccKtAts. 7T»r. %3l;ke Q»ir« Fatnllf mils tut UNT