FBEDAt, OCnWSR 2>, UU. nos tWlClS-A-W£EK Bi^ATCU; BURLtNGWN. N. C. TKASC fliir YEAK siimr Ullt IF MIUZniES I A 'situation gre»Uy. Our p»rti*ular I MQ:grievance just now is with the Mexi can iKW-der where Carranza’s limited We cannot “P-ted to .ndi.« indeftnitely a t-.i-— ig intolerable. The wiji CaAnia make it DO TfOU KNOW that hundreds of publishers would be power does not extend. yoor address. U is Mir'bssiiMss to situation that is intolerable, umish PuhJisher* only with the “»“«> „u,«,tion is of SnteUigent majaaine .i^ers. If ,9“«stion is, HOT-MOTTEB, Oh, where is^Mr. Winter gone? Why CiM't he come along? We’ve mowed and mowed and mowed the lawn, Till we. aie far from strong! We,’ve put our Palm Bcai;h suit away And now each day we melt; ■We melt so fast that every day We tighten up our belt. We are not one to sit aiid knijck; The summer lasted long, it burn^ our hair off from onr blotk But did not atop our a?ng; . And then the autumn tangoed in The way the autiinin does, 'And twice as hot, doggpne our skin, ' As ever summer was. When the cold snap came for a day We got. a winter suit— A heavy one: 'I'hat. is the way . We do things—we’re a lieaut! And then the days grew hotter yet, And then they grew more hot. And now with perspiration wet, I We wear the suit we got. you will write your full address VERY ^unnecessary Sir the United States to plain Md send us C^Y 1« =«.”*» (‘“ intervene with force in Mexico for »|ver) or money order, we will send . your luiiae lo several hundred pub- the protection of Ameneau rights, 5otTBEE*a4lJ“pi^^f American lives and American prop- (yes several handles) of the leading erty? Standard Magazine!!, Farm Patera, TOO U>VnH MUCH. Order and Itode Publications, Hou«e- , — keeping Magsxines, Fashion Journals, ^ Illustrated Magazines, and in fact villages of Hei ault, i about all kinds of higb-grade interest- ’province of France, a curious and ing magazines coming to;you in most,' . every mail for,over a year and all for- tpuching. custom has grown up suKe OMLT iO cents (in tilirer.) 'the great war began, says The New WE-Ito-Ad^WE*SAY ^ so send a silver dime at once and your York Evening Po.st; The .villagsrs name will ga on our next month's write upon the doors of" their houses circulating list and you will be greatly , . ■ . i- , ,1. surprised at the results as we assure **’® names of any members of their you that you will be more than well families who are fighting for the de pleased with the small investment. ' . Aiid you WItL NEVER regret it. jrf then- naiive landj and rfte.- Address the Magazine Circulating Co., ■ earh name they set down the glorious Box 5240, Boston, U. S. A. Circulat- , , , ... v ing Dept. C-73. DON’r fail to wr|te;o.'' tragic details of what has hap- YOUR. .full address EXTRA plain,;pened-to these loved ones a't the fnjnt, W* have soiaething in store for you '„, , j, —as a real surprise—if you will please. ^nere you learn that the son of the let us Itnow in what paper.you saw,H;)use |s wounded and a pi'isoner this advertisement. ; . . , , . j ..there that the father has been decor- . „ 'ated am! a little further on that the}We measure off the blocks in twos, WHAT ; WILL CARRANZA DO? j And each two blocks we pause ■ ! Upon one door a paisser-by found . Tib pour the sweat out of our shoes he recognition of Cairanza has noteloquent and pathetic inscrio-I And wipe our streaming jaws, brought peace along the R-,. Grande^^. | We’d gladly put the stoves up now where a marauding band of Mexicans ■ husband, has been j' And get all over-het, , ■ has just fought a sniall battle with a "mentio.ied for gallanti^y in army -!>r-'But if we did put them up—wow! squad of fifteen American soldiers on .jjgj.^^ jg more. I forgive | It would get hotter yet. American territoiy, killing j him. May he come home again! I;—Jurd M. Lewis, in Houston Post. Americans and wounding eight. This him with open arms.” will probably not interrupt our firing salutes in honor of the First Chief 01 the de facto Government of Mexico. His sway is not de faci(3 in northern Mexico. Chaos still i-ei^ns there. | V'iJia commands some forces in that j !-ectio;; and the Mexican.? killed in the i fight with fifteen United States sold-| ierS had white bands on their hats I thus bearing the words “Viva Villa.” j That chieftain has always been | more or less friendly in his expres sions toward the United Sutes and showed a readiness to accept the sug-1 frestions of our Government when! Carranxa was defiant. President | Wilson has forbidden the export ofJ THE PIANO. The janitor gf a hail out in the country was asked by an entertainer from the city if there wasn't a piano that he could use for the evening's entertai.nment, says the Baltimore Sun. “Wall, yes, there is a piano diw.'i in the cellar,” s.'id :he jantor, “but you couldn’t play in it; leastways, not asjt is, for it’s full of books." Then the jainti5r bawled to his wife; “S-Jsiin, where’s the w'oik.1 of that piano?" -"Vnd Susaiy's voi.;a. floatad du‘v.: 'from upstairs; - Ain't they out in the garden ?’’ mmmm 1 GIVE us A TRIAL! In the growing Devon district: lives H. B, Burkhart, a well known invest .r in real estate, who regularly journeys downtown on a certain nprthWestevn I elevated train. The frieildly crew^ oi | this train often chat with the real | estate man, but one guard espressed i | difficulty 'in “lemeriiberin the name.”jj “That ought to be ea.“;y for you," 11 said Mr.-Burkhait the guard being; |j an Irishman. “My name, though j I Dutch, is made up of two g'ood oldij Irish names—‘Burke’ and Hart.” || At this an old Irishman who was 1 j sitting^ behind Mr. Burkhart took his cutty pipe from his mouth and growled; “Shure. an’ that’s th’ foorst toime I iver heerd that it tuk twoi I ■ St m m m m m B- ■1 ■ We .Wi' to please. With pr6mpt, sewice und .of fresh ilrags and lyilei: articles, v. & zt2 In 1 position to give v6t! t ^.C'by i: ccmpeteiit s s^rve vda. ; bcSi- PresiTiprions- care- fuiiy (ilud and Grugsist. Let' ore ^ g NEAR POST OFFICE - - PKONE 477 ■ I “But my child is drra.sed as a but- j It takes a philosopher to meet pres- Ihiahnien to make wan JJootchman!" j tgj.fiy," exclai.Ticd the woman, “and I ent tioubles i j ! i NEGROES TAKE TO TIMBERS i WHArS IN A XA.ME? He had a drove of dispirited steeds^ jand paused to give them a much need-j ed rest. The gtore-keeper came out' and looked them over casKally. “Want a horse?” “Guess not,’” ■‘I’ll taiie it out in goods ” said the ! were sce*l Stranger, "I'll take it out in tobacco, I The snakes created a panic along III fact;' , * , . , J Third street, between Cher.nut and Might do some husuiess along^ ' J , „ , , , , } Walnut streets, before two of them these lines ^ responded the store-keep-j. i ^ VVi I er, “if we kin agree on a basis.” WHEN SNAKES GO FORAGING I At a fancy dress ball for children a Louisville Ky ^ Oct 22. Five ■ policemen stationed at the door was snakes c’-awled leisurely ovvi. of their t admit any adult, 'cage late last night into the heart af 1 An excited woman eame running tip 1 Louisville, which was aopopulated I hurriedly when t’.'.o viritinp repiilos i. polica- I man, “hut I can't let anyone in but ‘has forffotteii he-- \ving:s/’ that i “Can't hei}> it,” replied the police- ‘ ‘‘orders i.-^ orders; ywu”) have Lit let her gr:) as a catei'pillnr.*'—Liv&f- pool Mei‘eui‘y. >,• iird fool can meet those are past. Mun^s ;rre«Vuest fall is when he is \ eoi'.tsnt Co be u man. \ Love. of Paradiso by day ar,J i ‘'“S' dreanv.^ oi Heaven by nijrht. Go.>d-r,ight. When !-f>!^e keeps pace v.-ith e ti'i'; rl.'iVj.er a wpiiian’."! l.-iste. then you I cii2] .si'.iol3' c-riiicisD her opinions. , were killed and the others captured. .1 iMi X 1 -ii. 1 « ^ The snakes were kept in a large ‘ Well, I’ll trade with you, plug for, plug.”—Judge. The New Jersey suffragists are not arm, to that portion of Mexico where of coursc. All the ladies‘‘”’ Viilustiii is beiieveji to possess power. U,ve to 4. is to keep their powder i'orahp^ that has soured him aeaia-st • I Several fauiihes o; ag’am.'st this aauntry, but it is more likely that the Mexicans that are troubling cur border and making incursions in to Texiis ait; bands practically inde- pen«o»‘£ and conducting their own guerrilla warfare. These marauder?, vvl'.»v kill Amei’icans, r.re not soldiers ' I tii V::ndiis and should be iiMlowed up ' '\i\Ki ciipturoii or wln^t wherever they ^ O'. 'I'lii'-; bortlci’ that is wiiiioui wtHvrnmeiu or Perhaps the President was on tlie wroi^^ Side of the suffrage question to ; really help the Ciise in New Jersey, { I'Some people seem to tiiink so. i cage on ihe second floor lof a garage^ Their ownei* evidentvy had forg-otten The snakes became hungry, ced thei)’ way oil:, just a Uirpre boy., of negroes liV5 m Jan alley off Third street. The negrOfVi hysterical when the snakes u'.?re seen to er.ier the alley, five ishrca.st., QU their way to thf' street. A j .•in:, cnil was sent to pclice hcai)- * THE SLOW CHILD. I ‘’'’d tivo way'n loads of j v/cre div^patched on th.* One snake was found tl'.o ?te{ f'f ne^cc'o. Tl’(‘ I'-Cfjro h'?s ' nt.i I'oen fov.nd. VlA'.yTY i)V > AC ATIONS. .\s in firrinc'.- r»oinocratic adiniiii?-.- •'^ome cMc-liers j>imply loo); upor. su;*h , , ,, , ' ■ a pnr,;’o;v-'of eai'th'-^ unf L'rtunaie-v • ot.irol, noi ho a safe hWir;->* , . —. . . , vv)n|i* .--ome low iro so^ai* to call i>!;icf iih'ii jiucju on iian-owin'r anl, , , , , . . . , -x.:;.- tMuici' and Inv \h‘ Marne \^■hol!ever the on- _ . „ . Pvov)dciu‘t\ pi!''i.i.nuty , . ■ , , . . Siu'h f'hildrc.-v are unforUuuUc—Lo inc jn-i'ftotii. one is gfiv;r.ff Im* h.n v.i:j do with YiPa? . - . > • • . i * ,, . h;vL’ ur.traiaod af:n upsvinpatliotic ivropl-.-oi uu‘ LMiiieu rotates plenty >r • k* ju.'^t now a]>jK;ar.: to have olnainod ^ .• i ^ i . i* I te.u-hcr.^. Thev i's*e liko'.Vise uriforiun- ch:UH*e:) to tas^^e a vucuao.n. In Indt- li:c Ihmus' >f him. hut hat; ro; , i . ^ , , . , . , ::i.c in another ,S(MKse,. biii not as the as;-' ;.ioae ihe r.unuk'^* of unomptoyoil! *iiei nun, A:’, J t’co'^ni^ed hood o'' * • • 1 . .. teacher rhiiik^. Recenl 1^5 runnin.t^ away ».in inio the thou-, t.ie (ie (.juvornnical we. ... ' ^ 1 - v- »* » 1 i? “ tiidiof! of backward tTiildi'en denio.*)- aiui m Xew i ork. and rilher hold Carrar./.a rei>ponsible for iho fcty c.f Amei'ici'.n.s in Mexico. At i.he >;aine time we uidw th:u hi:^ pow- or is iMiwriain and limileti. IIo ha?5 never shown any disposition to secure the safety of American life anj pro^v ert.y even witliia his clear jui isuiction, . , ^ , .1 xxr-}. 1 . , ^ be tne causc; of the aullness. Will ]ie I'.o better now? We are )e:-• liaj> iiini ftct all the arms.ho v-anv-: i , :?(rate the fact that ?ueh unfortunates s!ate>* ll is the r'anie way^ If iiave Kome physicial dcfoe: a.s iheir i'^eross. llu" pon*i were net fio nv's.foriune. uumpinii: lead inLo each oihor, ■ eyesight, ades:oids^ d:sea>:ed have ])0 time to manufac- ; i.cv,filsi, bad leelh, easarse.i j^lands, aaythiiii? but arnnumition, the , anaemia, mainutritionj one or more, t'onditions here^ under the preser.l. tariT reiiulations, would be doubiv at when the Peniooratc: arc ia -Ml. Vernon 'ln(L) 'RenabJi- I'.o better now? We are lei-’ " ' \ ■ Kovtunatdy nil ^uch defects can he ; v/or?e. It is :i ?trr;n5:e couicidenro ' .'Viminated if properly treated. Provi-! that these conditioirs come alonji: il.is country whde cutting them off i ^ ^ i , . lU'iu'c is not rcspovis/iolo—parents :;nu a tune fior.i \ illa. Wil he rcw;;r( u.5 bv ' . , .... , „ • ; lo:v/nois are. reo.itro!. niaicint: -.iinc-noans 011 the Mexican ^ J :can. border .=ecui-e from ihe attacks uf -■'.rnii.c! J5exic!!;i Iwi.dii;'? If he cannot do this he surely cf.nnot object to our protectin.cr our.'olvos by tviping out ■of exisTonce the lawlc.ss tiaiids that l:arass cur iiortle.-,";. There is no frreat confidence felt anywhere that our recog'nition of Car ranza is going to help the Mexican If you r.re dissatisfied with yoiu' lot get a real estate man to sell it. til ! Many women who niake un tiieir minds to s'.;iy at home aisn maite up ' their when they i‘-n -.ciul. ; When moricy talks, it is best ksoiv' why before you believe it. | “ ‘ ; Charity begins with forgetfulness 0/ '•By curbing his tongue, a man gains j injuries and ends with remembrances possession of his mind,” to grant favors. children. Ml@3 DAL-Ub JLVIAN. Ic?lO&re> VITO HA3eN(2K:K' Cit?>CV>3 ou r i-Vvvs I Mi'S? GU-Apf'.-; SOl5’M.^fJ MIS'S Zi^UDA Vp KCKP^K Trt^ CiteCUS BA(3Y — 140 Acre Farm For Sale - We are offering the McPherson Farm near Snow Camp. N. C, with six room dwelling, log barn, granary, good apple orchard, practically all fenced in. Well watered One Hundred acres epen for cultivation, balance in wood. w j j- x* ou ; u One Hundred acres open for cultivation, balance in wood. This is known as the Thomas M. McPherson tract and adjoins Grey McPherson and others. Soil Red and Grey, adapted to cotton and small grain. Price 53.750,00. ALAMANCE INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE COMPANY. W. E. SHARPE. Manager. a NT ‘ v ■ ..1