TVESPAY. NOVEMBEft 2. tf IV tajS IWICE-A-WEEK OISIi'ATL j; iSUttLINGT^N. N.C. *!E\'EN PACK. *i CHURCH DIRECTORY | EPISCOPAL CHUSCH, The dwrch of Hie B0I7 CoMferter. The Be$«f«nd Jokn Benoerii CibUe, ,. 9Mt«r. * ServiMt Eftry Sunday, I1:#0 A, M« T:» P. U. . Htiy Caauuuuon: First Sunday, 11:00 A. M., Third SttiMtay, 7:30 A., M, , Holy end Saints' Days, 10:00 A. If. SuBday School 9:30 A. M. ^ ^ , . IV pnUie is cordially invitad, . All Pewt ?ree. Vert*^ Choir. taS MiSTBODlST PBOTBSTANT cBtnicH. East Itevis StrMfc ^ Rev. George L. Carry, Pkitoc. Preaching Services every Sunday at 11:60 A. aiid 8:00 P. H. Prayer Meeting, Wed»es!ay 8;00 V. U. Ladies’ Aid and Uissioaary SodetiM every Monday itfterobon aftar Firat V Sunday in each montlk Christiatt Endeavor ^iety meets at 7:00 Every Sunday Evening. Sunday S^ool, 9:30 A. M. H._ A CoUe, Superintendent. Good Baraea and Fhilathea Clasfca. You are Invited to attend all theM se^ces. MACEDONIA LUTHERAN CHURCH. Front Street. Rev. r. S. Brown, Pastor. BAPTtST CSUBCK. Rev. M. W. Bock, Pastor. wd Sa^y Worship, ll.-OO A. M. 8:00 P. it. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. J U. Vcrrion, Suporintenda^ Praise and Prayer Sartieas, Wfd»ea- day at 8:00 P. M. Christian Culture Claaa, Satania^ *• 3:00 P. H. Choreh Conferencii, WedDaaday be fore First Sunday of each aMth. 7:30 P. M. Obsttvanee at Lord’s Supper, hlci» Sunday in each month. Woman’s Oniou, First Monday of Month, 3:30 P. M. tf-BONT STB^ M. fi. CHURCH. SOUTH. iilorning Service 11:00 A. M. Vespers 8:00 P. M. Services every Sunday except tb» morning of Third Sunday. Soi^y School, 9:46 A. M. Ptoi, J. 9 R^jertson, Supt. Teachers’ Meeting Wedrooday 8:00 P. M. (Pastor’s Study). Woman's Missionary Sodaty, Flm Tboradayi Monthly, 3:30 P. M. U C. B. Society, Second Tharyriay Monthly, 8:00 P. M. Young People’s Meeting, SMoad day at 3 P. M Rev. D. ii. Tattle Pastor. reace to those who enter. Blessings to those who go. Preaching, every Sunday, 11:00 A. M.'and 8:00 P. M. iSacrament of the Lard’s Supper with offering for Church charitiM, First Sunday in. each month. Sunday School, every Sunday, 9:30 AjM; Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 8.00 P. M. Board of Stewards meet on Monday, 8:00 P. M., after Fourth Sunday of each month. Woman’s Missionary Society meet» 4:00 P. M., on Monday, after li' end 3rd Sundays. Parsonage, next door to Church, Front Street. Pastor’s Telephone, No. 168. Ring—Talk—Hang Up—“Busy” lOc flur mrs sHPriT UnL SF MAGAZMES DO YOU KNOW that hundreds of publibhers would >>e glad to send you a free sample copy of their Magazine if they 01^ knew your address. It is oar husuMSs to lirnish Publishers only with the names of intelligent lungazlne readers. If you will write your full address VERY -ilain and send us ONLY 10 cents (in lilrer) or money order, we will send 'onr liamo to several hundred puli' ishers within a year, who will send you sample copies of hundreds lye» several hundreds) of the le^ing Standard Magazines, Fam Ptcoen, Poultry Joumals, Story Magaunes, Reviews and Weekly Papers, Mail Order and Trade Publieatioas,. Boose- keeping Magazines, Fashion Journals, Illostrated -Magazines and in fact about all kinds of hj^-i^adie interest ing maga£inM coming to. you in most everry trail ter over a y^ and al) for ONLY 10 cents (ia ^ver.) WE>00-Ad-WESAY so send a silver dime at Mce and yoiir name will ^o on our next months circulating list and you wilt be greatly surprised at the results as we as^re yeu ths:t you will be more than well pleased with the small investment. And you WILL NEVEB repet it. Ad&esa the Magazine Circulating Co., Box. 5240, Boston, U, S. A. Circulat- in(t Dept C-73, DON’T fail tO writ* YOUR full address EXTRA plain. We have something in store for. you —as a real surprise—if you will please let us know in what paper you saw this advertisement. Carranza Making Strong Efforts to Vanquish thi.> Villa Army; Troops in i'evas—Five Trains With Men and Gdus. Crossed the Border. TRAIN GOES OVER HIM, YET HE WILL RECOVER. CHIEFS WILL FIGHT rr OUT. HOCUTT .MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH, WEST BURLING TON, N. C. Preaching Second and Fourth Sundays, Morning and Night. Prayer Meeting Every Wednesday Night at 7:30. Aid Society Tueisday Ni/^t Alter Fourth Sunday, Mrs, G. D. Smith, President. CHRfSTIAM CHURCH. Corner Church and Davis Straata. Rev. A. B. Kandall, D. O., Paster. Preaching every Sunday I1:0C A. M. and 8:00 P. M. Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. John R. Foster, Superintendent. ' Seaior, tntermediato and Junior £o> deavor Societies meet for woiahip every Sunday evening at 7:00 P. M.. Mid-Wcdc Prayer and Social Service, every Wednesday at 8:00 P. M. Woman’s Home and Foreign Mission- aiv Society meets on Monday after the first Sunday in each month. Mrs. Ada A. Teague, Pres. Ladies’ Aid Society meets on Mond- day after the second Sunday in each -month, at 8:00 P. M. Mrs. W. K. Solars, Pres. A cordial invitation extended to all. A Church Home for Visitors and loi Strwagsrs. WEBB AVENUE M. E. CHURCH SOOTH. Rev. E. C. Durham, Pastor, l^eaching every first Sunday at 11:0® A. M., and 8:00 P. M. Second Sun day at 8:00 P. M, Sunday School «TMy SsBdav at 10:i* A. M. A. ?.!. H !• Moore, Snpermteiiee*. n1 i VTERLVN' CHURCH. Ktv, Donald Mclver, Pastor. Services! every Sunday at 11:00 A. M and 8:00 P. M. Sunday School at 9=45 A. M. B. B Sellars, Superfotendmt. Prayw Meodng, Wednesday at 8:00 P.M. jy, Pahlie U eot^UOv Sundsy Shoo) Every .SuniJay at 9:30 A. M., W. M. Williams, Supt. A most cordial welcome is extended 9«u to attend all our meetings. We ■want you to feci at home i:i our ser- ^ces. JAS. W. KOBE, Pastor, Graham, N. C. Rocky Mount, Oct. 25.—:One of the most remarkable escapes from death so far as is recalled by some of the oldest: citizens hereabout in railroad history was that of late Friday af- ternoon at South Rocky M.ount, in which B, B. Gre^ry, a flagman, sus tained injuries and severe bruises. The young man was at work on top if a coal car which was being shifted, when in some way, while the train WES moving at a fair rate of speed the dumper doors undor the bottom of the car, became unlocked or broke and the car load of oaal was precipi- liited under the ti'ain and a small quantity, probably a fifth of the car load through the sr.iall holes made by the V shape in tiie release of the jloor. It was thi-ough the small V shaped hole tiiat the >»ung man was thrown with ^eat force to the ground, without a wheel striking him, or be ing mangled in any way by being dragged by the train. The young man was hustled to the Rocky Mount Sanitarium where a c.irefu! examination disclosed severe (sriiises over his entire body white his gi'e.itest irtjury was in having his left, shoulder crushed. While he will never again have normal use of his left arm, so physicians think, they likewise de clare that he will recover. BEFOBMEO CHVBCB. Corner Front and Anderson Streets. Bcv. D. C. Cox. Sunday School every Sabhctli at 9:4S A. M. Preaching every First and 'Third Sab bath at 11:00 A. M., and 8:00 P. M. Mid-Week Service every Wednesday, S:flO P. M. Everyone Welcome. f*ftrsonage Corner Front and Trnl- Ijiurer Streets. 'Avtsorattdg to the Pale andl Sickly Tlie Old Standtrd it«ceral stTvngtlsealDic toaie. JROVE’S TASTSI.ESS cUiil TONIC, drires out MftlRria.enrich««theblcod,andb«ilds upthesys- A tnit tonic. For adf Its «i?Uchi3dreiJ* S*. Platter a woman’s taste, then you can safely criticise her opinions. Are you GUILTV? Have you The Broken G)in and don’t knovr it? Have you djne your share to locate it? Look again, maybe your search was careless. DHi’t give up —The Brdcea Coin will be found—watch for it. El Paso, Texas, Oct. 29.—Two bat teries, of Amoncan artillery number ing eight guns were secretly posted after dark tonight with their muzzles pointed towartl Juarez, where a Viiia garrison of 1,500 men had given ap- parntly hostile signs tow^ Ameri can troops on border patrol. first train load, of the .5,000 troops, which General Carranza is sending thiuugh the United States from Eagle Pass^ Te.vas, to Agua Prie- ia, Senora, was expect^ to pa^ through this city, socm after mid- mght. T'he passage of these troops over .American soil to fight Villa in Seoora has angered the Juarez gar rison and there is danger of troubia All the American soldiers stationed here, about 5,000 men, were ordered out tohight to guard the railway aver which the Carranza train will pa«s to prevent Villa suppoi'tc-rs from at tempting to dynamite the troop tmi!:. SpolTord, Tex., Oct; 29.—Five troop trains, loaseii' with 5,000 Carranza 'cavalry men and four three-inch can- ron, passed through here this after- noon on their way to -\gua Priet-.i; Senora, pi attack Villa’s army from 'the American side of the border. They were entrained yesterday at Laredo, Texas. This is the first time in the Iiistcry of the Mexican revolution that Mexican troops h.".ve been allowed t..' cross American territory with arms. General Carranza will arrive at Piettras, Negaas, opposite Eagle Pa.s? tomorrow where he will meet John Lind and John Silliman, spccial agents of the state department. Gen eral Obregon, it was reported here, refused to accompany First Chief Carranza to the boi'der owing to a misunderstanding between the two cliiefs over the distributicn of cer- tiin moneys. Obregon remained at Torreon where reports that Carranza had been made a prisoner by his chief njiiitary commander were ofB- cially denied today. FINDS SON 20 YEARS LOST Mother’s Search Eads at Pan««ia Exposltkm. Concordia (Kna.) Dispatch. Robert Nelson has arrived here f rom San Francisco to visit his mother who has been searching for him for nearly 20 years. Believing her son might at tend the San Francisco Exposition, she inserted i^vertisments in newspapers there and v,*a‘ rewarded by a message that her .son had been found. He was taken from his mother by his father in San Francisco 19 years ago, when he was 8 years old. Thf mother was left with a 2-year-pli! laughter, and $50 and told to go «' Concoraia, Kan., to her motlier. A sister. Miss Josephine Mol.^on, APOSTLES’ CREED !S OPKNLV CRITICISED BY CAMBRIDGE MINISTER. Says It Ccntainn Phrwes Modem Mind CanniM Aixept at Face Value— Suggests .New Oae. Boston, Oct. 26.—After criticising the Apostles’ Cr«ed as '“containing phrases which the modem mind can not accept at their face value,” the Eev-. Wi3oUm&n Bradbury Cartt- bridge today offered to the Baptist ministry a new creed. The new de claration was placed in the minutes of the meeting, held to celebrate the two hundrek} and fiftieth anniversary of Baptist religion in this state. The creed sagge,sted by Mr. Bradbury fol ia ws: "I believe in God, the Father of all races; in Jesus Christ, our hard, and in the Holy Spirit, the purifier of hearts of men; “I believe in the pospel as the pow- ot (iod; and the wisdom of God a:;d in Christian goct! will as the force to transform the world; •‘I bolieve in the church universa!. lives in Kansas City. One of the incidents leading ui> jf>'^ communiun cf the good, the com- the discovery was the premonition fn the jiingdom and the life ever- the grandmother, Mrs. C. Gilbert, tiir.' j lasting.” the hope of her younger days would | — return to see her before she died. Sho , ,\sks SLELTHS TO GET ROBBER OF TRCNK BANK. lips at the point of death at !iOr home. 1 This is the message recoivn! by '!' ■ j mcthtr in answer to the advrriis: j ment: Dearest Mother: 1 am coming home to yon. liy heart is filled with love and grati tude and will wire yiou latter the exact date of my arrival. Will be there as soon as I can arrange me affairs. With love, I am, ROBKRT. We shoulid perhaps be thaniifu! that ■8 fJot AffCrt Tfto ^: c,o:nc European nation did net gobble of it» tt^r.ic auO laxa?!’.' rleoi. '.A.XA- : ^ •'’VK iiROMOQr’.NrNEi!* Hei«erth«nrtrdin8r> uo -nnff being’ a& We V/ere jttbiiins h«d di>es wot cBusc iie-rvou*rse> n.>r • ^ ■ ringine in ho.rt Kfmtmbt. (h fun nimc ano , ^ resistance, Mk for the timsture of B. w GROVB, zai j - * Wiie.. u;e adir.Uiisuiation prese .lsj When the wa its plan to Congress it might als^'jbe so mar.y in Kinston, Oct. 27.—Jioe Gant, a Greene county pjanter w'ho never had much faith in banks, has. em ployed detectives to search for $2/>00 i taken by an thief from j a trunk in his home. The money was | the savings of a !ife-lime. After tak*-1 iiig It the robber cinefuJiy Icrlco.l . the trunk as before. is ended there will n the division the I suggest where the money is to come | chances are that nighty small slice | .■ : ’-■■i’l be 'eft for ti.i little ones. j The Perfection Completes Your Shaving Outfit Touch a match—the Perfection glows in response. In five min utes the bathroom is as warm as to^t Why endure coW, damp and chilly weather when this inexpensive little portable fireplace is always resudy to m^e things cozy and warni in bedroom, bathroom—^ over the house. The Perfectkm & clean, ccmvenient, eas ily carried wherever you want it. Ten hoiirs of comfort from a gallon of ofl., it is smokeless and odorless. Costs noth ing when not in use but is always ready to make your house the home of cheer. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain best results in Oil Stoves, Lamps and Heaters. STANDARD OIL GOMPANY (New Jcrtey) BALTIMORE WaAbiotfra*. D. C. Norfolk. V*. Va. CtMrJoit*. N. C. W. Vft. CIbarlMtoo C. L^k for the Tri an gl e Trademark. Sold in many styles and sizes at all hardware and general stores, and wherever you sec the Perfec tion Cozy Cat Poster. mimnl Ptmamm- jfiKSSe £ipe«iiwt Int-PUR-PEH 1 PBR7BCT10N iPilf -I RINT