rA« u«r. T0S tVK3I^A*ihBK MmATO; Bl K.C TtrsSDAY, NOVraiMCB I«, 19IS. «f Shadow ■■ g ■ a 8 g g ■ s m ' TWO SPECIAL. TKA]\'.> TO. RICHMOND. VA. ^ SOU'HERN railway PremifJ' Cd/ritr.of-tkeSouti!. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24TH, 1915. HCi-ov.ni • : Thanksgiving football came UXlVEHSITs£S OF NORTH '.'AVJOLINA AND \qKGINJA. $3.00 ROUND TRIP .00 ! and Fi-oni r\ii'yoir.t? (5ibsr.tni!!e to Oxfovil iivi-iusive, ir.clut'ir,«; Ch:;jV’; 1-- Rnleio'h to'Ourharn. inclusive:, - .. SCHEDL'LE OF Sf'EClAL TRAIK FROM GIR;0NVILL£ Leave Oibsonville.. 9:00 P. il. Leave Hillsboro . . .ll);Oi> \\ M. L^ave BURLINGTON, .. i*- ^1- Leiave Durham. . : . P.M. Leave Graham ..&r25 P. ^3. Leave Oxford . ,_;2:0r) .A. M Leave Mebane ^ 9:43 P. M. Avrivo. Hull Street Sta. .5;45 A. M. November 25th. Heturning Leave. Huii Street Sta. 11:30 P. M. November 2.3iii. Passengers frt-n: U;;lo;prh and ir.tn'nsediato points to Durliam use regular train No, 131 to Durha.i;. ConnectiniT with special there. SCHEDULE OF SPECIAL TRAL\ FROM CHAPEL HIL'. ST/'i JON. Le:ive Chapel Hiii 10:3(i P. M. Arrive Hull Street Stjitioi! 6:00 A, M. Nov 25fh Reurninp, leave Hu!l Stitet Station— — ll-.:-!U i’. M. N\;v. 2.3t1i. MOTE; - Aj-rargements have b?*jn nmde I'or the abiive spo^jial trains u> ar- li'.o "!ift v!efi;irt from Hull Street Station, this, in ordvr to noid uitf cotidicum at Mam Stre^rt, .Station, ai->o in order that Pasr'v'Mgers m:iy t;et aboard .SlffOiuj; Car,- by P. .M. for ret’irn trip, Special siresr cars will nic-.C thtsv '■■Hitis s.n ;ii';-!va; a Richmond, THK.E TRAINS o ILL CON’SiST OF MCE SLLIKPING CAR ANi- J)AV COACHES. Make your FuUman Reservations at onct? ii-fore i ‘ n tnt. i;iti-. I'his may be your last opportunity t,) wit.Viess this great contest in liichm >fiu. For Pullman reservations, schedules or a:iv other inrormation, call on any ■jouthern Railwav Awfit or communicate wit*! O. F, YORK Traveling Passenger >^05 Fayetteville St. Raiiisrh, N. C. asuAv miles away. The Shadowy History Lawn: Built 13 years ago by John A. Mc Call, piesident of New York Life In surance company, after insurance in vestigation® had wrecked colleague’s reputatiaha. Owner a sic!: man and died after J years’ residence. Piiice cost $1,500,000 and iiold fop JStfO.OOd. ■ . Bouffht l)y .\f.-H. Ppponheim, whos.-; i plan failed for raakinj? it a miliioii- ; :iiie's ciiib -at S:2,000 yeafiy mcmber- r .■ihip. - f- to ..4br:^h,ari Whito, presjde."it ■ (' I k‘ Forest, Wireless TeieRi;aph com- ^ ® r‘->' SSOQ.OOO,';is pHvaty opera X JJ- foi- hi.'.- wife., i M 'Vhire.w.cn;. hankvupt-in two ye:ii's g. ... “ nouac-A\as sol^t.by sliei’iiT. I !0- ' ^ I HK TMK OOI.DS or .M.4NKI\'1J C t'KKI) r* BY PINES! ^ X s .sa . . ^ j3S Have you ever gone ihrougli .') S S typit-a! pine forest when you had a I B coiii ■' What a vigorous itnpulsu .’t i ' . How you opened wide' your g gjunj^.s to take in' those invigorating’ Bl';!iid mysterious qualities. Yes, Dr. M Bell's Pine-Tar-Hpney possesses thoic g s.'imulutiiig qualities and overcomes m I'.ai-kine coughs. The inner lining of .H ihc- Ihi'oat is strengthened in its at- ■tai'k .i.uqiiist cb)d gi^rms. Everj-fam- ,ily, needs a bottle constitntiy at hanc*. THE l‘.ASSI.\(; OF (K'TOBEK. 111 luvo oicl October .>^o, Ig , 1 tan': IterU' t;» see iier go— I .'!eon].s t j me like losin’ some Bi ; Old home relative 'er chutii— H I’ears like sorto' settin' by ® old frie.'ni at sigh by sig]! m. Wii> 11 passin" out o' sight, milr.ti) everlastiii' night, B j Jiii’keniut..i a feJlcr heal'.-. HjUattlin' down, is move iifce tears m I Drappin' on the leaves bebw— Q|i 1ovl‘ Old October so! 5* .James Whiieomii Ki1?v. Good Times Coming! Plenty toeat and wear in these good otd UNITED / STATES! ! Ltt’s ;iii have pJenty GOOD MUSIC and f«el and Jive better. ' Ri^ht ncvv- cur store is so full of nice Pianos,—-Organs aad Sewing Machines that vvc cuii hardly put any more in. Prices are going higlieir W^ bfluglit 25 I Oru iV:;. at old (>r/c.>s a/>ij. the prices werii up from $4.00 to ^ $12.oti f.ch tin’s numthi wbite tKese last; we will .sell at. the ^ O.id p!’iir' .*■. Parlor Organ? ^50.00. S55 Cti,.$CO.OO, $63 00 up to $125,00. ilhiiroii Organs .$2u 00, ^^5.00.^15.0'> up to $200.00. N:c, Vuitio, :$.\75 00, $^00.00, $2^1(0, $2 .'Jl to $900 00. -Stjwiriir .,!av;fi;i'v-.'» $10.!.0, $25.10 to §^;00,. . . £s«y teruis, 10 y^srs gur.rantce and delivered in your home free, lipcli. & Music ft, 25 years ia Same business, iu Same town. A LOAD OFF HIS HEART. (From the IndiaiJapoiis News.) John Drew tells the following story of aji actor noy playing ia England: "He is quite a practical joker/’ says V>rew, “and his fi lends frequently try to get bai-k at him, usually with out .‘^iic.cess. Recently he received fiom i'. New York friend an unpaid h'ltt'i- nothing but this i>rief message: ■’1 ;‘.n'. ;]ui;(‘ w-.-i: and in good ;:pirit.-i. Kindes: reg^ni.s. Youri friend. ." “The actor was rather unnoved L.dve is like a stream, sometimes we know its sour^^ at others we -■icarcely kn3\y from whence it cotaes. The little attentions that love receives are the little springs that give added. current to the stream. In bounds this is the stream of life, beyond con trol it means destruction. Swollen by storms, it becomes a Jitad torrent, as uncontrolled passions, that sweep to ’estruetio!i. HEU SO.\ SUBJECT TO CROUJ*. ■'.My ,'?jn, Edwm is subject to croup, ' I writes Mi s. E. O. Irwin, New Kensing- { having to pay postal charges f.r ,uch 11;""’, f .. -X* . . . t - t ... . ut ni^rht before I learned ox Chajjibei'hiin’s Coug'h Remedy. 3-Ioth- ^rs neod not fear this disease if they keep ix bottli; of Chamborlain*s Cough iUwnwJr lu Jhe house £*nd use it ns dircL'iLd. U always Ruve my boy re- au GHS THAT AttE STOIM^KDI i vn. OMK.S I.N SHADOW LAWN ej;.s, ai d 1:1 COWS, hav> ex|»lorv(i tho in tht* portiere.s, rujjs «ud hanjrin;js, TAI.I.'S (;{•' J»A>:T. where iipaches. .irrum-s au-i -j njom in -Vih.- fri'O'A* all wiiifer; I'uej. . [-..j.., >ijv*,*c am! ivory, .-iJid h;us Ud iMt o\t*r tiie Kitchen j^iirtien ami reiuiis.-^uiu-c manUi'piuci.', Tho ‘IrjMch, N. J., Nov. i:>. - have ihe luxurious inarhV- ' room Mnish^Mi in Kn.dish ^VlU i':ic honcyruooti "'o; .iwimmiuff pool. Evcrythinjr a nwi {.Vj-tii,- ^;*y!e. ;it *'Sh:t!u\v l.itvv?;,” il:o ^=l.-;oouM doj^ire 1 found at “ShadOvv l-y thL'Sca? 'l.;nvn/‘ A-* Mayor ftryani R. Xow- Thciv- v. tv. inuj't ihuii a possi-^ivtn:ii-ktyi; i iiuy t.ha'i. it wtU. liie hot:t‘ymoijn ^ ii5an niijrht I-c hkK'kad^’ti fur a will conu* i;i the ‘hristma> ho!iJ:vy^'■... ^haaow I.av.'i, o-.iii JiL* | ■ vi'ii i.ut " .il l!":*';-.' i- iit. r>r.o\V If, f‘a.-s| 1 Thor*‘fv^ri'. Lhe \s Ksit ojirfs say.s thai j !a piece of news, but he forthwith de termined to j eijiliate. He motored out 5 ' Into the country anti pjcked up a iieavy stone, packed it in a b^x and sent h to the New York friend, ijig: the box, “Coilect on delivery.” ,• r*. i*Tj, V J J w 1 I Obtainable evennvhere. Jhe.'«ev\ 1 orker Never doubted but , that ilie conJeJits wore valuable, nnj ”* ■“““ “■— UjaU y ])aid the h'.'uvy express eilarjfex due. Openinj?- the box he f:jund to his ■ cousU*r:;ation and dismay, iiorhing- bu!:j the stone and a card, upon which W'lsl Uvritler I ot iK* il: ih'* hall aio drawin;?: .tii!un;r rount.s {'iiinrd and card Doivis. The bednf>;ns are ar- Vanj;e»i arotind (he .seooi’d floor j^ul- :.-ri*-r', Veiy wide slairw:;ys of mar- ' ' fiUJIicvl *ht‘ WVO StiM'ji'S. 'I'Jjo »ian.-iof. i;i whiit.-, wuh a red liiej voof which auppi^rtr^ tw.> pavf!- VA' Lavva*’ will hou.-u* the presi- ."frtl his l»ride ihv* Wf'.d- Is “iSh.vJfAV !-a\vn * hauiiteii*’ B;-uncii i-esidentri, who will i>e Jici"-bboj-;>t' the president and his :>ride, ajui with whom 1 have talked on the subject, point out that the h*>use ha?? never brought anything but bad luck to its owTiers. It has,' always been a hoodoo. Sudden death | - ’‘?rluvti»vv l.awn" >n :i bill iJje cvn*cr nf abj'HJi 10 ;k-]V. of .nUip.ff la/id which hws hyen huaut*- - i t a . t i it-n.--. surrour.ileu with nuv;ed cuhimas, ficd 1-v fvery an of the* buniscape . . ,u ^ ')vor the .‘V>rth portico i •gardener. The houiJe j;: of a coloni.i! a ?pacio*i^ t’areful peuple J-ee tiial they are ‘'i >ppod. hr. ivinjr’.s New IM.'^coverv , i. t.. .• 4 ' 1 •. 1.^ V ' "vceiviu!:; the that v»''t :i leincth \i{ trK'i M?erjt, It ha.s i:.- .nv:: the mai-kc Air l+l! """ “«•’ «'••- ye^rs. V-.uth :in! oW t.siify my !u-arL,- ^'Oiijhin}' and healinjr ijualitte.'. an*! lu:i.u- iryuble.s are of- HL'FKEKKU fc’KOM INi>H;KMION U'i) oM;>ed hy delay f»f ircai.ment. Dr.' UKLIKVKI). i'Cit.j.;’.'; W\v Iii.siv-j-.ory stops tho.-:e 'Before taking- Chamberlain's Tai--! h;U‘kii';r coujrhs and relieves ia grippe *'»y hu,-^’.;i!id .sulfereci for j^everal 1 (emiej./^-:e?. ^^0".ey hack if u f:ii]N, ■ y^ars from ;ndii:c-*stion^ causinij hiai | •;0e. :ivid ii.i have j»ain.s in the .stomach and di.s- Ir.-'ji after eating:. ('(lamberlaiu'.; 1 Fish and Oysters E'C-!-', ilay. The Lin Haven (»,' .'ifer.'i urc fhi; finc.st oyster In th‘ w-!rli. ! aiii : f ;l.f> Globe c.iiutidor itii.'ur's HalL L. B. Gross Ph«'11C J/b Bev.',i"e of Tor Catarrh That Coi;u:.a Lvrcurv Krs BE.ST AOVirK, T;i!.lets relived him of thest.- spi'!'si“*j l icit: ;'.w;iy. w? itcs .Mr.'. Thnrn;!.-? ® ilA- «,ii I; , i: ' of The ftdiouinir slory ir^ t «Id of a w;-ll kiiowi! advortuc ii;;y:^ Tht' Baltimore Ami^i ica.i- When Ger're;il iJeck was j a yiuri;4' iawvt';- a ina'i wa.'i arraii^ned arden. The interi;.:- a bleni’fo,- murder an.i had no i-ounsei. Casey, ie:.e^a, evervwiiere. \\ V. 11 !K Obtainable ' «”• :b- M-.v- • ..J- -•nySl V *i> 1* %\ Ju-si .' Su.a . I - > t il. •il . .’.Uls :iv. « ,. ..r ll. i- !-• .) 1.^ n .5. I "Try" is vv.irth all the “f can's It;i!ian renaissance ai:,i En,rlisii “M,., Reok." said the pie.sidiug rho iuiui-e lady of the white h.iu-'e ' j-othic ai.d c!.->ssic ronai.^.-.-ince style.-. “(i.Ke the prisoner into that willber.ble to r^^eive her guests like'The drawing room is aaornecl with room at the .eai- of the taui-t, he:ir a queen, in grand .social hall, which portieres and its womhvork is of hj;; and p-ive him the best ;-d- measiive,-; 70 by S.i feet, and from decorated ivory enamel. . The dini.n. vice you" tan." jwhk'h leads the grand .-staircaso j ,.oom is marketl by ornat-.. ftuted col- Aerardingly IJeck disappeared with i whieh is feet wide at the ba.se. jumns, embellished doors and man- the prisoner and in half an hour'j There is a large mezzanine floor : lei, with dark mahogany Avoods for tinio retui-ned into t'jurt alone financial disaster ha.*; invariably i “ P™””', “ background. “Where i.s the pri-soner?''asked the i tiU'.t ever lived. i til--. i It,-re. V \ I- I, II.. •, u.l - II ll •• \ U; .\ al'il J, : -..u- Mir- J'l h:\iHi: - t'afrfrrf* *'i:n’ If >.-u i.-'! !'.>•• U h;t.TM..U> iu T,-!.-l. oh:-. ‘ j. T,il(c> iS. t -- Tf Kf , .S.W hy I’rJ.-.-. TV- »-.t trakc iUtU'ct I'uUiU^ rill.-* been the tragic end of its occupants, enade hall, sm-rounding an open | Xhe bedroom suite to iie used by judge. “Shadow Lawn” is certainly the i eouit, lighted from above through j .he President and his bride is finish- “Well," replied Beck, slowly, “I abode of many sinister shadow.s, as J dome. The promenade ^ ed in old blue with a ceiling of heard his story and when I gave him the records of its tenants shows. j i>n I take eare of “Shadow l4iwn." slid down the water pipe and the last When the President want.s to in- * "'as getting over a the third floor is used as an art j cream white and ivory woodwork. the best advice I could. I said, ‘Pris- I have just spent five hours exam-j chambers, dressing | Normally it takes five gardeners, oner, if I were you. I'd get out of ir.ing “Shadow Lawn." both inside bathrooms opening off the | ten cooks, and .SO house servants to that window and make tracks.’ He ard nut. I have trod the $45,0001 bailway. north of carpets and raga in the ; Ivory color predominates in the so- ' msir. .“ocial ball and on the grand jcial hall, the fluted pillars, arches jdulge in his favorite habit of “medi- fence half mile away." . i'.’.artlc irtaii'caso: have been in the j anti balustrades being of that hue. | rating" he will be iible t.i retire to Tooni where Pi|-sident Wil.‘;on, will‘The walls are hung with green ta-j one of the cupola.s, From which he A true man considers a woman, hold hi.s Citbinet meetings, have seen! pe-stries, having Greek border effects, j will '’® gather food for, man's superior in most of the thing.'- i:e prize [)he:>..sanrs. the :!,000 chick-1 and the color scheme is carried out . thouglit from the sight of the Briti.s'n ' of life and a.s a being almost holy. Peeling Peaches With RED DEVIL LYE THt N£W WAY GREAT S i Mr. King Pharr, can- ner, of Catherine, Ala., wrote us as IbUows: “At yaax mggatioa I td*d Red D*vil Lye ibr p«d!ne peaches. Itwaaso soccawfut tSsat 1 bought aix eases and am saving $25.00 to $SO.OO everf day —and peeling tbousanOi of bushels, t £eel tbat 1 must (bank you.” Seat far Booklet thrt eiiplatna Wn. SCKIELD KFG. CO. ST. kOUIS. m. — 140 Acre Farm For Sale — We are offering the .McPherson Farm near Snow Camp, N. C. with six room dwelling. Jog barn, granary, good apple orchard, practically all fenced in Well watered One Hundred acres open for cultivation, balancc in wood. This is known as the Thomas '.si. N^cPherson tract and adjoins Grey McPherson and others. Soil Red and Grey, adapted to cotton and sma,!i grain. Price 53,750.00 ALAMANCE INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE COMPANY. W. E. SHARPE, Managfer.

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