J'/ •W 4l|V^ 53? i Wl ■ fff'SSTT in,” In Next Issue #5 A PBOGKSSSIVE KBPUBUCAN NEWSfAPES OFVOTED TU TH& l)l‘BllIU>iN(; OF AHERICAN HOWANII AMERICAN INDUSTBIES. suu BUBLINGTON.: ALAMANCE^ COUNTY, XORTH C-\ROLINA. TUE5DA.Y, NOVEMBER £0. 1915. KITCHIN’S STATEMENT. A *ttjjmiary of Mr. Kitchio’s state-; ra>ii\t of position on the questibs of, preparedness, over which there has' been a« abundance of newspaper dis-1 . cu^aisn the past few days, is that .ho' Stephen littles of Fairmont Dies of NORTH CAROLINIAN IS KILLEU, ANOTHER DYING, SHOT BY MEXICANS IN FIGHTING ON BORDER; CAIIRANZA TAKES, nOgales Villa Bullet Wound ia Head; U. &. Force Attached—Herbert L. Cates of Swepsenvilie, is Shot Twice ini Abdomen beiioves the country is already in a ■ si££^ient state of preparedness to meet contingencies of the present and iininediate future and that the possi bilities of trouble'^th foreign Nations —^^ is not of a characUr to justify the Another Amerifan, Five Mesicam, ejcpenditures called far in the Admin-* Five Mexicans Hit; Shooting Aeross istration’s plan. He holds that the talk of the prepairedness advocates is tbmmyrot and not based on a single fact, and he emphasizes and analyzes from his standpoint the enormity of the defense program adwjcoted by President Wilson and advisers. lUo Grande Follows Capture of Mexicaa IWa by Caria&za Soldi ers; Quarrel Between Villa Tit>oper and Woman, Starts Firing. LARGE MEETING OF FJIATjEKN- ALORDERi. Purity Cciiotil. No. 22, Sons and Baughtcrs of Liberty, Was Hoiiorcd With Visit Froni National Coun cilor aifd Slate Offirars—Magnifi cent Addresses Delivered. Between 150 and 200 members of the various councils of the order of Sons and Daughters of iibert/ in Alamaiice county gathered in the hail of the local council last Saturday night to witness the occasion of the official visit of Natipnai Councilor, William H. Jeffrey; of East Burke, Vit., State Co«fi!cilor, J. C. Kesler, of Salisbury, and other State offi cers. After the regular routine business Was disposed of, magniflceTt$ addres ses were delivered on the principles and objects of the order by the dis tinguished officials present, among them were; Wm. H. Je^rey, National Councilor: J. C. Kesler, State Coun cilor; J. T. May, ex-State Councilor; A, W. Cole, State Secretary, and Co!. D. H. Melton. These distinguished exponents of the order brought some very inspiring messages to the members of the order in this county, which will doubtless be an impetus to the extension of the order into other communities and ad joining counties where there is no council, and the advancement of the order in general. MISS ALBRi,GHT ENTEBTAINK HER PUPILS. Nogales, Ari*., Nov, 26,—Stephen jjg. Littles of Fairinoht, N. C., one of the further justifies his opposition on the soldiers wounded in today's bat- ground that the condition of the ^th Viila troopers in Nogales, Treasury is not such as to maice pos-, ^*ed here tonight. He was sible the meeting of so vast a demand through the head, upon it. The paramount objection, Herbert L, Cates, shot through the l.owever, is found in ti>e burden the “bdomen, and was shot through the tax-paycrs would be called upon to shoulder. Mr. Kitchin gives assurance cf the cordial relations yet existing Ntgales, Ariu,, Nov. 26. Nogales, between himself and the President, Sonora, the Mexiian town across the saying that it was with mutual regret captured to- that each agreed bD disagree on the Obregon's Carranza matter. He makes definition of the ^y Gen. Villa attitude he has assumed in being ^changed shots across the boundary hands off as a party leader and of American troops. Three Amer- feeling at liberty as an individual wounded, two prob- to make war on the President’s pro- fatally. gram. In passing, Mr. Kitchin pays Stephen Littles, 22, an expected compliment to The New died, home. Fair- Vork Herald, and does not hesitate N. C., enlisted February 1814. to reassure the p«ijp5c- of his state Herbert L. Cates, 25, shot twice in that, having the approval of his doubtful, judgment and this conscience, he will Home. Swepsonville, N. C., second en-' Albnght very del>ght- , listment. lUl-V entertained her pupils at the abide whatever of consequence that I , Arthur L. Saupe, 19, shot in right, ^r. T. R. mitsell near High- foot, home, Vernon, Ind. Five Mexi-, School last Friday night, Novero- cans, including a woman also were' from 8:30 to 10:S0. RESOLUTIONS OF KESPK7i'. wounded. The home was very tastefully deco- i. - ' rated with chryssi^thumes and tinsel. Whereas the Supreme Ruler of the ARREST STKUiING MAIL CLERKS guests first ei:g.ijed in a guess- Univcrse has seen fit in His Visdom FOB CONSPIRACY, ''•E contest, and the prize which was to call from this, oa^jncil to t-hs Coun- a box of candy, was won by Miss oil above our late deceased brother. Fairmont. W. Va.. Nov. 24.—War- ^^ianchfi Whifct. Miss Beal and Mr. E. L. Montgomery, rants |rere issued here today by Unit- I^ewey Bumbley. Various games were .\nd whereas, in his death this ed States Commissioner John W. Na- taffy candy was ^ served Council hiss lost one of its faithful than, jr., at the instance of Harry '*'f''ch was very delicious. The pti*c meltabcrs and while we feel very keen- Byers, Assistant United States Dis- ‘Other contest was won by Jy bur loss yet we bow in humble trict AttorncJy for the Northern Dis- ^"^isses Wi|]ie Boon. Eva Rumbley submission to the will of Him who is trie of West Virginia, for the arfest Messrs. Waiter Beal. Sherman too wise to err arid too good to be an- of former Postmaster A. Howard Clouse and John Roberson, the prize kind, Fleming and twenty-five employes of a bos' of fancy candy. Therefore be it resolved ,that we the Fairmont Post Office, who rwent- guests returned to their homes extend-to his family our sympathy in ly left their p3sitions and temporarily declaring MiSs Albright a most charm- this trying hour and recomend them tied up the mail service, as a protest hostess and entertainer. Those to Him who is able to keep that which against the dismissal of W. H. Brand, were: Misses Edith Crouse, we have committed unto Him against *or sevencteen years assistant post- Rumbley, tlva and Sadie Beal, that day. The men ara charged m-ith Blanche and Pearl Whitt, Therrfore be it resolved that a copy eonpiracy to delay the mails. Messrs. Floyd Crouse, Dewey of these resolutions be r«:orded on our Warrant.s also were issued for R*imbley, Sherman Crouse, Walter minutes, tt copy be sent to the bereav- Brand, the dismissed asei*tant post- John Roberson and Clarence e' family and a copy to each of the master, and Perry A. Burton, a clerk, .FKOJa VICE-PRESIDENT OF THK; SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO. CHAPEL HILL LE'ITKR. Chaj;®! Hl'l, N. C'., Nov.' 2y.—When' ’ x'i4 f;;rmers'came ever frcm Durh^ini : i.i n.utjmc.biles last-Thursday to bi | I CESMANS CAPTURE lM,Oi# !-',EaBS, SAYS BEBI.LN; CAM PAIGN CLOSED. Nov. 2.5;—(-Via Lon^M,)-^ Washin^en, D. G., Nov. 27.—Seek ing the enlist in tlic service of its mainte.iance of Way Depftrtment jlhe guC'sts of theX-niversity ai.dirnier ! TVilh the-cecapation of Budnik, the young men of teehnical training who j ;a Sv.-ain a departure was .made J capture of 2,700 prisoners and the were born and bred in . the Saath, ;-iVom the'asuai order of things. ' j fiiiiiit of the “.scanty remr.iTis" of the Southern Eailway Company ha.s main-j i reMi^rat C. S. Barrett, of . the na- 'tained during the past two years and ! ;‘icr:il farmers’ union, deelared that has aaw successfuUy established a ; it v.=s the iirat tim?.within his know- imiy follow, even to political martyr dom. school of.' student apprentices enlisted from graiiuates of the leading South ern Universities; This is in effect a post graduate course iti overalls with an assunjince of a practical life op portunity to those wh3 suceed. The men are carefully selected, af ter conference with university au thorities, their standing with tlieiv fellow students and general qualities of leadership displayed in their col lage life being considered as wel! as their scholastic attainments und speci al consideration being given to men who wholly, or in part, paid their way hi'ough college. The pay offered at the start is comparatively small and the work invol-.'es hardship and self denial to an uxte.it that proves the stamina of those who continue the ciurss. The course has been arranged to take the student appi'entica through the dai’y duties of track work as fol lows; 1st, as section laborer; 2nd, -IS laborer in yards ,ind terminals; 3rd, as laborer in extra gang; 4tb, as assistant foreman on extra gapgs or in yards; oth, as relief or designated sectioe foreman; Ssh, as assistant supsrvisor. From assistant supervi sor t^atudent apprentice ma'y be pro moted supervisor, to assistant raati- master, to roadmaster, and on up as his qualifications may justify and op portunity may offer as vacancies oc cur. Southern Railway njw has in its employ thirteen student apprentices of whom seven have lieen promoted ti.i assistant supcr^fisors and it is a source of pride to the management that, by stickinfr to the course under the conditions imposed and by winniii}f the esteem of their fellow employes ar.d their supervisor officers, these student apprentices ha.'e ju.stified their employment as we'.l as having assured the succe.ss of I'hL'ir individ-vuil careers. Sii-;4a>i cnay into the Albanian moun- (iiiirs Germany’s operations against Ker‘.ia have been. bfDught to a close .'vi/s the biScial statement issued to- ;!:>y at the headquarters of the general The object of these operations —^the operating of communicaSioiis with Bulgaria and the Turlcish Em- pire-^has been accomplished it is as sarted. Tribute is paid rjDt only. to the bravery, and endurance of the Aui^bro- Xaerman troops, but to the Serbians-'** we!!. The claim is made that tiiore than 10,000 prisoners, nearly fifty per cant of the Serbians effectiyeis, have been captured, German losse.; are said to have been “extreroely moder ate ” and there were no epidemics »f disease. The text of the communica tion follows: “Balkan theater: Southwest of >iilrovitza was occupied. We took mjre material. ‘‘With the flight of the scanty re mains of ihe Serbian arti!le)-y ir,to the ■Albanian mountains, our great opera tions against the same arc brought to a close, our object of effeejting commu nication with Bulgaria and the Tur- j kish empire having been accomplish- that ;i iarge body cf farmers, in .conver.tioii..assembled, - had ever been invited to meet and is dine at a large university. President H, Q, Alexander, of the state farmers’ uni on,, asserted that such a meeting a third of a century ago would cer- lainly have been improbable, if not impossible. He spoke with much ha mor .-ind grace in responding to. jhe address -Df ^welcome from President Griiham. Dr. J. M. Templeton and Mr. Barrett also made short and ap propriate responses. The dinner bell raii^f in the midst of Dr. .^ilexander’s speech, he declared that he could not continue with a g.5od dinner on one ■side -1 him a;?i a hu-.ig-ry audience on the other. President Graham gave the farmers a most hearty welccrne to the Uni versity. He declared that the au- thoi-itie.'j were mere'y guardians here of the property possessed by the state in common, just as it possessed the state capitol. “The farming class is not merely the largest but the most productive." asserted President Graham. “The j ed. farmers’ union mo^e than any other j “The movements of the army of justifies the hope and belief that [Field Marshal Von Macke.nzen: The Democracy can be organised into an j ope:ations of the Austpj Hungarian army under General Koevess, which was reinforced by German troops, again^ the Drina and the Save; the operations of the army under Gen. efficient working body. The farmers union han seized the es,Sf)it!al idea in Democracy, co-operation of a sympa thetic and understanding kind. It has not only stood for matting more cfFicient larnicrs but hus taught that ho must co-tipcraU' with othei* group.s in th(! stiitv. Ill' hus found that therti is a very definite relationship i>etween the farm aiid the church, the farm ar,d the .'choo!, anil the farm aiid the pi-ufcssional world." THE WOMEN WILL 5'RESIOENT. BOYCOTT city papers for publication. J. G. ROaESS, A. T. LEATH, RALPH yVuNGBR, Committee. North State CouDcil No. S4 Jr. 0. U. A; M. jWho also was dismissed recex^y. j The striking clerks and earners, "TWO OFFICEftS SHOT BY MOON- 1 each sent his resignation. ta the De-. SHINERS partment in Washiugtoii the ttigjit be- ' fore thely left thair key», boi the re- **en Ambwdud in JbciiMs signationa were not accepted. ! County After Captwiag Still. BSTABLISHES A NEW RECORD Vietor Carbton F2ie* 604 Miles iE Four Hundred Minutes; is a Oirtia Aviator; Said to Mre Bee* a Moat Remarkable Exploit. New York,, Nov. 26.—A biplane Sight of 600 miles from Toronto to New Yoric in just 400 minutes of fly ing is the new aeronatitical record es tablished today by Victor Carlston, a young Curtis aviator. In tli« lonf course he touched only once. He made the flight in a R-11 milit^ tractor Cartis biplane—the type being ui«d by the allies in Surope. HUGHES. CUBfMINS AND SOQt' Asheville, Nw, A. Gallo- FAVOMTES OF ItI!PUBI,ICANS)’’*3r, depiily eoUwtpe of internal j revenue, proiiably was shot fatally, New York, Nov. 27.~Justice; Luther Owen was wounded Hughes, Senator Cummins and Elijah' •^'ortly after midnight last night Root are the leading possibilities for! .they were a?nbushed in Jdck- New York, Nov. 26.—^“Put tl>e fac tory girl above the president.” This is the new slogan of four mil lion women voters of the United States. Translated it means “unless the federal amendment is pas.sed at this session of congress four million votes will be cast gainst the Demo- cratie.psrty." Announcement of this revolationary plan Whs thSiSi toiflay before .the eon- gressional union. Miss Frances J'oliS'e, of California and Mrs. Sara Bardfield, of Orngon, brought the messai^ which was becked up by a huge petitibiv sign ed by half a million women voters. This petition 'will be pi«sented to President Wilson December 6. Von Gallwitz aga3n.st the Danube near Semendria and Rambasias were com- mmcud on Octolicr Ctb, and the ad vance of the army under Gen. lloyad- IjulEarian ajrainst the Negotin- Pierot line began October 14. The same day a second BuJgarian army under Gen. Theodorow also commenc- dir°cfion of I’rcsuleiiL Graham then ii-ied to t-d opiiratlons in the r.’;ikc clear to the t'.-irmers how thn ■' Sboplje and V’eles. University of North Carolina was try-1 ^‘Since then our troops have accom- ir,f>- to functian in the life of the pUshed quickly and smoothly the st.itc. Ho declared that we must learn I formidable under,takin)r of crossing both iiow to (!o OU)- job wel! and live I the Da.nube in the face of the enemy impeded moreover by the untimely the Republican presidential nomina tions according tio a poll of Reipubli- can stata cbain»«n by th* World. Oitbers mentioned are Theodore Burton of Ohio, Senators Sherman of Illinois, Weeks of Massachusetts, Borah of Idaho; and Charles Warren Fairbanks of Indiana. The World said sentiment general ly favored a mid(Sewcst candidate in order to capture the progressive vote. No man is guilty whose thoughts are pure. aon county, near Wolf Mountain, afier a suoceesfW raid, in which two illicit distilleries were destroiyed. The wounded men were brought to Asheville today and posses with bloodhounds are .seeking the moun- tainers who did the shooting . They are believed to have escaped toward the South Carolina line. “I didn’t raise my boy to be a gobbler" may be the remark of many a mother today during the progreSR of the 3%anjcBgiviRg dinner. MASONIC NOTICE. There vrill be called a communicii- tion of Bula L^dge No. 409 A. F. and A. M, in their hall on Friday evening, December 3rd, 1916, at 7:30 o’clock. Work in the Fellow-Craft degree. Fraternally, GEO. W. HATCH, W. M, , CHAS. V. SHARPE, Sec’y. Everybody at Washington is talk ing about more taxes. What is need ed is aomaene who can do a little talking -for r*tr*nchmenU a life. The state university, he sai.l, as JeiTerson conceived it, was to teach youn«- men to be efficient in any pro fession and socially appreciative ot all profession.s. Every county, declared the Presi dent, but ten, in the state, is repre sented by one or more students in the university. There are more farmers’ sons here than those of daetors, law yers, manufacturers and merchants combined. The farmers who have sons here number 312. These students come from all classed and strata of society. “There is not a more seri- 0)M group of yoong Amcrieans any where than here, studying to be gos# citizess of North Carolina. The radiating impalse of a desire to serve the state has permeated the student body.” The work in the moonlight schools was menttaned as a proof of this. It has recflntly been determined that more Carolina university men are con- dnctinjr soil investigations throughout the United States than men from any other university. Sixty men since 1906 have won high honors in this work. In conclusion President Graliam ex plained the purpose of the extension work being done by the university and showed how the farmers might make greater use nf it. After dinner,-automsbiles took the party bark to Durham. ICossove assault, ar.d have captiired all the enemy frontier fortresses at Belgrade, at the taking of which the .A,ustro-Hungarian eigth army corps with (the Bra.>!denburg re.wves es pecially distinguished themselves. Za- jecar, Kajaievac and Pierot fell into tht hands of the Bulgarians. In ad dition to this )our troops have com pletely broken the tough resistance of the enemy, which in addition to be ing supported by the nature of the counttiy is insured to war and fought bravely. Nether impenetrable roads, impassable moontains, thickly nnow- clad, ftnd shelter were able to cheek our advance. More than 100,000 mpi, almost half the entire Serbian fight ing fi'rces, have been taken prisoners. Tbi-'i losses in battl* and by deaer- ti s cannot be estimated. Guns, in cluding heavy artillery and an in calculable quantity of ma,terial of all kinds have been captured. The Ger man losses, however deplorable, have been extremely moderate and our troops have not suffered froia dis- BUY GIRLS AT $S EACH WHITE SLAVE PROBE. IN New York, Nov. 27.—Trailing nn alleged white slave gang police tonight bought twior girls st 46 and arrestad two vice irsfScers.

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