UUt it# N. C. Ik Tifee-A Veek MUicM Ever; Tmni»j sad Fritiay ®r . Hc SMc ItetKUti P«iUi*imc C»^ . BarBiivtMi, N. Mkc, . FfDM fImt, W^ AiOlNc^ TelBiifcttM W«. a«. ^ JSefceetlpliie, (>■• D«Uar . ^jraM* is advaaeCi ^ Tmt, 'AB cMMHakatiaM te rcfard (• «iMMr MMW items m; hwtewa Mat- 4*M ItimM be to 'Mgjjtote MipatA t*«Miski>c C«u aid Ml W. Mr MivUnil t—with tke t*‘ ■ . All news «ato aM cMutmca- tW» ia»artwiee moat ke (isneil A'saas^ ^ will take Mticc tkat mi ^■vbseriptian f«r TIm State fill be hMored at tiUa aOce ■ikaeW' U naaber^ with staaipcd MSm -aa seeoad-elaaa autier lUt IMS, at the post oiBee at BvHiikitoa, North Garoliaa, tmder the Aet/K ^sre*s of March 3, 1ST9. At Indiaiiapalis, last January, Pres* ident Wilson assured a partisan meet ing which ha there addressed, that “thU cbuntry is not going to use any parly .‘h?! fii.vn-Dt do continuous and consistent team work.” The 1>emo- cratie party is showing that it cannot do this. Bryan, Kitchin, Bailey, Fitz- gsra'.d and others, on one suhjMt or another, are at odds with the Presi dent. Though crJmmanding a majority in both House and Senate, the Presi de!!! caiiriot bring his party to -work and vote with him on the vital quas- tion of national dafense. “Continu ous and consistent team work” is no longer a Democratic characteristic; and this country is not goinpf to usa that party any more. found,—pot even in tae county jail. TmSSTY JACK. NB1W*TOEE LEtTEB. ' i TAI^RED WnS AND KVBNtNG FROCKS' Won at Qpenias Ermia of the Seaa- ob; EawtaM CrecB a FaToi«d Crt- Hie announcement of the Presi dent's purpose to consult with Repub licans regarding his plan for national iefeaae indicate.'? a change in his at titude almost as great as that shown by his ahift on the question of military preparedness. It is only ten months ago that Mr. Wilson went to Indiana polis and made his Jackson Day speech. His utterances then dentan- stratod his opinion that the Republi- •aA party merited no consideration whatever in national affairs. He de clared the party to be a "covert and a refage for those who are afraid,” la that why he is now turning to the Republican party? Is he afraid th*t kk belated osnversion to preparedness cannot be imposed upon his party in Coayiess and is he therefore turning *0 the Republican party as “a covert iBid n refuge?" A NOTED PRISONER SAtL. BREAKS Mr, Editor;—Ths fe)Iows up my wuf are laughing at your apparent sorpriee that contraband ? Uquor cannot bo kept in the county jail. They say the joke is on you because you are juat now finding it evt. It does l>ok like a brand new jaii that flnxt tlM county ten thousand dollars .ought to hold any kind of pris- nur, but' John 'Barledor has been ar retted, seized' and taken prisoner by the strong arm. of the law and placed in the c^nty jail for safe keeping where 'ft *#oi2ld he supposed he could tie quiet asd unmolested for many years until ha became old, ripe and Keady to render valuable aid to any V in ^ sWingi it^ii^n^ in a blaM of glory with the .Ringing V^k of . the Metro- ^litan'i^, 4ooxs. iat^ V M^aiA^. ^is ftrst nigrhtjvaa klways, drew tlie usual brilliaht, opera-going audience, wondeifttlly s>wned in the soft shades so much favowd for formal evening wear this winter. The white throats, l.beatttifully dressed hair, and gleaming jgwe's distracted the attention more than oiice of even the “dyed-in-the- wcol” music lovers, who are usually immune to clothes when Caruso is to be heard. . The Favored Pale Tints Among the prevailing shades worn by the gorgeous “fiiretnighters” were pink, b'.ue, and white, with here and there a stunning black frock, ar one of vivid emerald green. This shade of green is an exception to the fule of white, or pastel shades, now so mod ish; there were several entire gowns i:: this shade at the opera and the most striking and artistic costume no ticed at the Horse Show, .some weeks earlier, wr.s also of this green. It is woi-.derfully becoming to a woman with v>'hite hair and a youtliful face. Black is favored for evening, too, and served as an attractive touch of con trast amo«g the pale tones in the “golden horseshoe.” The Matter of Fans an4 Gloves Among the ni3st fascinating acces sories accompanying these attrnctive costumes "were the fans; these were not the small, useless fancies of sev eral seasons past, but large, graceful fans of ostrich- curled and uncurled. Many were in white, or the pastel ■hades; one especially attractive fan waa o' midnight blue, uncurled ost^ rich. NOT JUSTIFl^ BRYAN. cf these, tM, bitt iSl tailored suit hrMdclotb, gabweWti-' duvetyn, wliipeord, and iioveltyj^li^rtBl ■ - ■ and stripe;. doll-eolM^. Bix- j Miam, F!a., Dect-fi.—President Wil- kUres were !wcm, irimnrsd, aKeewsc, | s.)n’s P^-American policy does not with fur or btidd, > . justify Kls preparedness program in fttlOA¥, SAYS MR. igent. totey;*' F^erai ’ said the IlAWteSf*S PLAN, partment ^arf i^ewed from the . .-V ’ ; iijh goverBHSWt copies of the I^na ler.ler to von linteMn jouncing to the county «nn- the e^es of Wtiliam Jennings Bryan. B^0a commented .favorably today oh portious of tfa# president’s mes sage; hearing on thftPhilippines, Porto Rir^ a government ship liiie and ru ral .fredits, “But wi«ii the president: touche'; ' n wide velvet the. niftjigj^jrtjek. the svfh^ae ef pj;eparedness he en-^ Another tai'oj^ suit, ten V Ae’d,” %id j^an, “and rrnooh, 11| ullj reeommesdations' An exceptiaeally dfective suit of dari£ gr|>n dnvetyn, was aikd^ with n flounced skirt and flaring rujnw on the coat. A wide soft eoUmr, of dark fqx and a. bairel jmaS oi^o^ aeeon^pliQjfd the suit. Other effeetiv^ details 4feh! Hllk^Matehbic spiat*^ the ■ government’s action i’.t this. inatt*|l- . |w(^nibr»i#-and chamber of eoumerce , -—^^ —^— .. |4i^miiwc««n iwew ni»t applied by ENTENTE WILLING TO D1SC|}^ |:th« lBt%rjEM%a» commitiee of the dbam* PEACE. jlAr itf=tesai^ Tfcursday at^ ll;M' Would Consider Seriou Fnemy Govemmeiita, Says qiiitli. «Us of dark bine gabardine^ nuSte opp^tion in. both a Russian blouse coat, pitttiieii; - /which he aves sltirt, trimined with ftaww'boi>a»,.of for ssal;.a snuill ball inuff of beavef #iid r«li>^\& a4!l^,^.«8id ■‘Mr. Bryan. i sea! .was carried, and spats of white j r—r-^'- coTrespondcd with the white faille rib-' BKAZIUIAN JEWELS FOB ¥flL- bon on the stiff-brimmed hat. ' SON WEDDING. THE COLONEL l^S WAR IN HIS W-asWngton.. De:. 8.—A bracelet of HEART, -Braulian jewels and o corsage of rare —ttiophical With^ eaijie today to Mrs. Toronto, Dec. 8.—“I caimct^ap^k Nonten .Gftit, the. President’s fiancee in Toronto until the war is ovw I as wedding i^ts. They iwere brought cannot trust myseli for I would c*r- by Dr. A. J.De Oliveria Boteiho, of tainly say what would be unwise to first to arrive of the delegaW to. I cannot speak except oh ^at .to the Paii-Anierican Scientific Con-1 in my heart and the thing t2iat is jgresi,. whi3i meets here December, in Ely heart now is war. I am criti- 'thj 27th. ! London, Dec. 8.—“If proposals of a urious character of a general peace ar^ put forward by the enemy govetn- mehts they will first be discussed by the allied governments. Until this contingency arises I cannot give any further pledge.” The foregoing was Premier As- .quith’s reply made in the House of Commons today to the request of Philip Snowden, Socialist member for Blackburn, for a pledge that no pro- posa'.s for negotiations based on the pvacuatibn; of conquered territory shall be rejected by the British gov ernment without .the knowledge of Parliament, Premia Asquith added: "As soph iis prop^al3 f sr peace are put forw.ird it wili be the desire of the government to take Parliament in- Tfrnts ^|i' In .drafting reso!uUotts eoneeroing .Vs-i^ proposed liM'iindw the.^^U^ of .[junius H. jflardMi' the tonuitiiaiee' it would be glad to consider p;h«r plana by Harden: or- other par- ‘tiist Durham Sun. ' ■ ■ -■> i ■" am - ■. cizinj; niy own country and I can not do so elsewhere.” ,, Thus Colonel Rooseve'.t gave his refusal when asked..to .address,-the Tortonto club tanight. . CECIDB YOURSELF. ■ —•— , ■ The Opportui^='‘y is Hei^ie^ Backed By Burlingt .n Testimony. Don’t take our for it. Don’t depend on a stranger’s state ment. Read Burlington endorser.ietit. Read the statements of Burlington citizens. And decide, for yourself. Here is one case of it. W. A, Lay, prop.-, of livery stable, Davis St., Btirlington, says: “As soon as ray kidneys i>i:e not acting I as they; should, I take . a few doses WOMAN FIGURES CASE. New York, Dec. 8.—A New York ' ^ j society woman whose identity was Henry Ford’s proposed peace ex- i shielded ^a» brought into the gov- podition ta Europe wi.l at least add {ernment investigation into the activi- to the gaiety of the nations. ' ti^s -zi Franz von Lintolin, German I to its confidence at the earlies;^*-, p;,j^ IN NOTED I sible moment.” ^ ^ I v^ays fix mo up to good shape. Doan’. j i Kidney Pills can’t be beat for a lame j At least before Villa gets ready to ; back.” carry out his threat of licking the - Price 30c, at all dealers. Don’; whole United States he will be coni-: simply ask for a Kidney Remedy—get peUcd to give Gcncral-Carranza that 'Ro:in’s Kidn?y Pills—the same that shave. It’s a bad scrape his in in, Mr. Loy had. FOSTER-MILBURN anyway. Co., Prop., Buffalt^ N, Y. Dark Sreen Dnvetyn Suit The matter of gloves with the sleeveless frocks, and all were sleeve- gojd citizen in case of a ;spider bite j les.? with one or two exceptions, has i •r briar scratch but they do say he I probably been a problem with many; breaks jail every time without leav-1 white gloves, coming just above the ing any trace as to how he get4 away. | elbow, were generally worn; now and It does look like one of those iron' then one noticed a pair in pale pink cells would hold a keg of good liquor! or deep cream to match the frock; but it will n’ot, they say. one or two pairs of black, too, were Mr, Editor, you say it is reported worn. Ths universal use of tuile, that it is first poured out and then malines, or the fine-meshed net was poured in and disappears. Of course, the very noticeable; it was used to veil It disappears. Notliing mysterious the neck and arms, as a scarf, ia the about that, but where is the jailer hair, or billowing, pannier-fashion, when the pouring is done? He should over the hips. -The men with their he responsible for his prisoners, black suits and white fronts made an eapeeially one of this character (which escellent background for these pretty doubtless he is) but we never hear women and their delicately colored tell cf his being brought to account frocks. and made t> teli how his prisoner | Dajiime Suits at the Hwse Show gwt oat of jail. He certainly ought ■ The daytime costumes at the Horse to be made to tell how it is possible Show were quite «a interesting as for « keg of com litiuor to get out those worn in the evening. While ■t iail withv.^t his knowledge or eon- there wera many attractive one-piece a«Bt *ad%t ,the same time leave no dresses worn under smart separate ti$pk or trace as to bjw it got away, coats of clotfc tailsred soii, WuM sinners are mice and men! as is (^rt wa^:Biost in evi- n*M do «« troahlesoow time*! Not dence. Not the ftrai|tltt awnnish suit * “we* drop** tire ChriatauM esn be entirely, althoc^ tiiere ware man; CHOOSE Your Gifts With Care The gift is erer a cotisiant nmind^r of rhe giver. Hew important it is ihen that \ut remembrance be a suHaMe selection. Here\fou msy find dantf pieces for peisonal idornment. CAMEOS Tha Cameo is posMt cd real ch«i-acwr and (J.' tinction, being carved by hand. The white head on • pink back ground anil « ii(. Ii brown head on a dark brown back yrounti arc th most favored and we have assembled * oh> rc ol lection of these Cameos. Cameo Brooches, JB.OO and up Cameo Lavalierres, $3.£0 and vp Cameo Rings $4,50 and up CLOTH BRUSHES. Eterling Silver and Plaiocj rflO.'S* Lavali«rrf !* Soiid Gosu $liOO and up. DiamcniJ Lavalierrea $51)0 and up. Everything guarentecd as reprt-- seist^, backed by leputation of 4 Waldemsr Knives, tS’W'WOKl on’ the WaM.'n Chains. A very nice pr^sent^for a gentleman BRACELETS .tioM Pilled and Solid Gold IM.Oiy «nd m> I- I- . ■ . VANITY Stoiiing Silver Ooiman Silver noli! Filled ... Mesh Bags CASES. flO.00 $2.75 and up »12;00 $1.50 and up TIE CLASP. Solid Gild, $1.00 and up. No chargs for engraving. We carry a complete line of W’atchos in nickel, gold and gold £llad cases; In- gersoll, Elgin, Waltham, Rockford. South Bend and Jliinois, froiix.ll.00 up. Also a n^ce line of Biracelet Watches. 'ii For 45 years we. have rocommendro End gold' the most i«liab!e makes of American Watches at moderate^pricc.^, and OUT reputation for satisfying oui- customers is ah asset of which .we ere justly proud.-' We carry a Complete line of Si/rer Wsre in Steriing plated, everything for the table, Xat^tas» and Hand Painted Also Toilet Sets, Military Sijts, Manicure Sets, Writing Sets, in Sterling aa4 Plato. China. Also a complete finis or plain sad fancy Stationary. C. F. The Jeweler 'Corner Main and Oavis Sfs. Bnriington, N. C. A Diaiiiond Ring for- $6.00 and up. A Set King $CM and up. ^ 1 A Signet Ring 11.00 and up. Kings, Rings, DiamoiKTSet And ^gnet . V - jCUKF » » ' i Solid Qpld. ana'Qol^ PSH^, 25c and No charge for «»grav- i»r ■■■ ■ - - ’V ■