BRITAIN SEIZES VESSELS FLY ING AMEKICAN FLAG. Takes Auerkan Trpns*tU|Ui« Co. Skips WUhout Pri*e Coiurt Pw>- ccediai:^; t'ltited States M«ke Pro test—Amazement Felt at Washinjt- toii Ovre Move; Lin* Foreigii Oh'#- ed, British Say. Washinglon, Dee. 'i.—Offxidl an-j nouneemeni that, the American steam-1 ship Hseking had Unen requisitioned by tho British ' Goveninies'.t. without ti;e formality c.f prize cjurL proceed- j ings wai rc^-ivs'i t>y State De partment today in a'clesp.'>teh from CO!'!.":!!!. Ce.'iera! .Younjr. at Ha'ifax, v,-!;e;-e the shui has de.t;ii"e:l si;lce Vi'o was sc;i:Ga .l\- Ei-itisii vvT-vship ■sviiiie. on v,4y froivi Nc\: York t3;i Xorfali:. . ... This proi.-,-d^rc-. will, le .Vigoroiis’.y' v-ontosted l.'V the Uxvitod St:;tes; Gov-. ;u. being illegiil and in vio’.s- lioii, of the ■.■eco'^r.ized rigl'.ts UTider bvlcri-atiL'uu'. 1:OT. OrTicii’.ls of the de.p;U'tmo".V bce;i niiore. cr Uss jkt-ptii-.J ri.ifai'dir.g oiSci;’.! reports of ihe ir.ten'.iar:? of Great Britain, ex- . prj;?sed amazement \yhori they Icaj-nr;!'Juu :.ha.Hoeking actually, had br.e.n requisitioned. The Ur.itcd Stjites. it was said, will demand that ihe ."ihip be retai.\ed in prize cMrt, t:i the fchargre :l:r.t sha is partly Ger-. man owned, and that the prize eourt :::t promptly in the case. -eeted 10 Seize Other Vessels. ..rniation of reports -c- -4' the action in the Hocking, case here 10 believe that Great .8;i:;:in ii^tends to take over for :t,^ own use other i-esse!.* of the fleet owned by the .American Transatlantic Company, if it has not done so al ready. The company has informed the State Department chat its ship CJenesee, at St. Lucis, West Idies, has be requiisitioned and that the Kanka kee, now at sea. bound for Port Stan ley, Faliilarid Islands, in charge of a prize crew from the British cmiser ■Maeedoniar.. will be lequisitioned up on her arriva; at port. Representa tions regrarding the Hjckin^ probably will include also the cases of the Gene see and the Kankakee. 'Kit'- rsw riiGurs ii Pie^iSij?e in the bright liffht of the >0 lamp ivtij On> YOt* KNOW THIS. The uniounT in pensions by :ht‘ Unitf.-d Stiitcs ^^ovornment to per- in thi.'v >iuto h lar^rcr than the amount juiUl our state ;?ovf!rnmcnt to «.‘ur coutediri;le pun.sionors, A re- rep.'/rt of the pension bureau at ' W;r.liir.j^lo5: show.-. th:it ther*c . were L-ist year federal pensioners in shis state and the iimount paid them w:t.^ S7.'J",Ti j, Thero are nearly 15^- (Uh; cr/nfc/Jcfa-te ?>en.'?ionei'.s (veterans vvftlnv-i i.’j irji.s state who are not 'juittr h.i’f ;» dollars.— "h.'tihnni Koord. We h-'S’e r.'i the >!ijjbt.cst doubt? i'Lit that Foi'ol could have pJenty i if he bud just invited ; - i i makes rcadiii^^ and sewing real pleas ures these evenings. Lamps The Rayo gives a steady light that can’t hurt the eyes. It requires alrnost no attention. Its simplicity of design rtiakes it easy to keep clean. \ou don’t have to re move the shade to lightit—just lift the gallery and touch a match. Most con venient — most efficient — most economical. Use Aladdin Security Oil cr Diamond White Oil to obtain hest results in Oil Stoves, Lamps and Heaters. The Rayo is only one of our many products especially suitable for use oil the farm. Standard Household Lubricant Standard Hand Separator Oil Parowax Mica Axle Grease Eureka H/.nu-ss Oii Gloss If your (k'uuT iloes not carry r!ie!i;, \yrite to t>ur lUMR-st sr.ition. STANDARD Oil COMPANY K,\! ^ 5Vosl;;-.el'--i. D. C t.harionr. N. C. Nor(,.lk, Vn. l,hir!e,ren. S. t. A.- M., in their luU w Jf«D^7 December i3th, 1915, »t 7:30 o’clock. Let all Ma^r Masons take due notice thereof and gfovern themr selves accordingly. GEO. W. HATCH, W. M. CHAS. V. SHARPE, Sec’y. Secretary McAdco might propose a ta.\ on hit air arid colleet it from .Congress. . . NOW S THE HME T ■ -nr , i. .. ! v:-: iC. A. AiickrsiK- i I2 K M- 7 •••■ ?•: FIRST NATIONAL SANK BlIltlKv 2URLJN^fON BROfi John H* Vei r^oJi Attornev and (lounss-iior •*! i- i-- BURLINGTON, N. t Office 7 & 8, iSeco'^ i f’..' ■! of First Nationai .Bank OfHce Phone, 337-J. Re*ulent Phone, 337-L. |Dr.J. H. Brook? I MIRCtON DENIlSr ' I’i.-it.-r' 1 BUiil.lN^n'ON, - - N. nnoaaaexs II C. iVlOSER AHorney Al Law BURLINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA Dr. G. Eugene Holt OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICFATi !TXrnit/tfftl Hittik ti Office Phone 305, R*f. 362-J. Burlington, - - • r N. C. Dr. L H. Allen OPTOMElRlSr Kit!in>r lilMf-'ses - A SPJ CIAtflV Officc over C F. NEESK’S .Slorc, Buriin^ion, N. VVi .cfi iliC cpUl winds blow, and the snow sieet and rain desecnd,. put I u -r: ta your cattle. Feed tbetn the best feed to be nad. Be good 1) vour diiujb brutes. The cow that feeds the family, and the horse piijvv', i-'v thi; best friends. The Automobile wont go without he horse cannot jjo without food. Its an old say, that the rnare ijo. ii’it thii is not true Unless vott invest that !.lv- -WE ARE H EADQUARTERS- For All Kinds of Feed. Trrn, Oa'.s. Jlay, Straw, Shipstuffs, Meal. C, S. Hulls and Mea), Flour, Me;-.'. 1 urd, Stigar, Coffee, Apples. Cabbage, P^.t;^to^^, Cn crs. Oranges. I (-moa , Raisins. Candies. Molasses. Vinegar, c »:k Salt, und all kinds of cfiickc'i f.'ed. tr-ed f or Cows. -BEET PULP- Sweet feed for Horses and Mules, Wr. 5 you canrioi get it irom your Mtrchanr, See us. MERCHANTS SUPPLY CO. Burlington and Graham, N. C. DU riWior-s and Millers Agents, Melrose and Dan Valley Roar and Feed I William ■f I Attorney I Prsctire in State a.mi l'eiifr%i i /i>i- I Graham. N- - OPINIONS REFLECTED JX CAR TOONS. It i.s always particularly interesting tii loarn ihe opinions of various coun- trieii on matters of national Interest, i'hsvo is tK;thinK more expressive of the cartojiis appear- ir '.7 ff u-y iay. it ii’ wcil^ there* 1 - I.-I \h:st e:;ch Sunday .1 '■ i,-H,-' ii Riven yoa ta sea .■ . .• . anl .-T.meric.on car- j toons—a page of each being printed I in tile Magazine Seeti-sn of The Phila- jdelphia Pres.s. ; There are nitiny other splejidid fea- ■ tures in this magazine including: fic tion articles on Science, Art, Music, ^ a page of Poetry and Fun. The Philadelphia Press is proud of its Sunday MaR.izine which is splendidly iUuctrateil and printed in color. Look it over next Sunday. It is rumored that the While Honn I has picked the .Democratic candidates ; for New Jersey next year. A Mr. , Katzenbock is to run for Senator and ;a certain Judge Haight for Governor. jThis is certainly kind of Mr. Wilson to relieve his party of all trouble in the matter of nominations—-but sap-J^ ' pose his party sh-auld insist on mak ing the nomination for itself. * .MASONIC NOTICE. There will be a called communica tion of Bula Lodge No, 409 A. F. and A. M.. in their hall on Friday even ing;, Decenvbcr 10th, 1915.. at 7:30 o’clock . Work in “Third Degree.” There will be a regular communica tion of Bula Lsdge No. 409 A. F. and TeleBhones - 4 on Farms 50c per Month and Up If there is no telephone on your farm write for our free booklet telliiig how you may get service at srnail cost. 11 Address FARMERS’ LINE DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE a:id telegraph company m • -• ' V I p t w ^ ■■i. V -i"L PAY Fair Pay Slow Pay Or “X How wai You be Rated? As every man’s credit record is of the utmost importance to him, we wish to give every citizen ample notice that they are be ing rated—prompt pay, fair pay, slow pay and no pa}", according to the way they pay their doctor, dentists, grocer, butcher, baker, coal man, rent man, milk man and every one who extends them credit As this book is used by all business and professional men of Burlington and vicinity as their guide in extending credit we trust you will find it to your interest to call on anyone to whom you may owe money and pay up. If you can't pay ail, pay as much as you can, so they can give you as good a rating as possible.

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