P^ I^AY, DBCBMBEH It, UU. TWIOt-A'WElSK BtSf 1>ATCJ> BUKUKGTON. M. C, PA«fc ltAi>Tiyr CHtfBCa SALE OF BEAL CHURCH DIRECTORY EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Hu Chttrek tt Tkc'Bair Comttrtv. Th« Ker^rend Jahm BtDuetM GibUe. Bcctor. 8^/vitm Every Su^y, 11:M A. ] •na 7:30 p. M. ,B«ly Gammttnioti: First Sat^j, 11:M A. M., Tliird SoiuUy, 7:39 A. If. Holy and Saiats* Days, 10;00 A. II. . ..^!|uaday School 9:30 A. H. Tbe public is All P«w» Fr«i. MrtioUy tBvit«d. : Ve«t^ Clu>ir; THE UETHODIST PBOT^TAHt CHPBCH. •Rcv. (Jtorge L. Curry, Pastor. Preaehine Semcea every Sunday at U;00 A. M., and 8:00 P. M. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday 8:00 P. ■ U. ■■ Litdies' Aid and Missianaiy Soeietim every Monday afternoon after First SiHiday In «arh month. CSaristian Endeayo; Society meets at T:UO Every Sunday ISvei^g. Sunday Sehool, 9:30 A. M. M. A Coble, Superintendent. Good Baraca and Philathea ClaSMft- ' Vou sre Invited to attend all thasc services. Kev. M. W. Bock, Paator. Sunday Worsbii!, 11:00 A. M., aw.- 8;00 P. M. Sunday School at 8:^0 A. M. J. U. Vernon, Su^rintecdent- Praisa an4 Prayer Scrviee^ Wtdmu day at ,8:00 P. M. Christian Culture Class, Satunlay a iHOV P. M. ■ Church Conter«DG«, Wadncaday ba ton First iSonday 4f each m>>au> 7:30 P. M. Obsarvanee «f lord’s Su|tper, Firv Sunday in each mmth. Woman’s Omoa,. Fiirst Monday of «But. Mbuth, 3:30 P. lb mON'f 8'iR£l£'l M. E. CHUBCb ' SOOTH. Rev. Jj. JI., Tuttle Pastor. g.yes, S. 42.32 ehaiuB, to the. begh- ni-’ig, containing !56 38-100 acres, less By virtu* of the power of sale con«^ acre in still lot, to wit, &5 8.^ taisad in a certain HKirtgagt dead niore or less, executed to Coble-Bradshaw Co., on i COBZ.E-ERADSHAW COM.AN>, the 8tb day of March, 1915, by James ; Mortgagee. Leath and wife,, and duly registered: This the IGth day of November 1915. in the office of the Register of Deeds I for Alamance County, Book No. 67, KING OFFERS TO TRADE 8 WO- •nnnuiHnanniiBniHnniiiB a M.\CEDO\IA LUTHERAN CHURCH. Front Street. Rev. r. S. Brown. Pastor. tti* Miiriiing Service 11-.00 A. M. Vespers 8:00 P. M. Services every Sunday except morning of Third Sunaay. Sunday School, 8:15 A. U. Prof. J. 3 Kobertson, Supt. j’eacbers’ Meeting Wednoeday 8:00 P. M, (Paator's Study). Woman's Missionary Society, Flrs> Thursday. Monthly, 3:30 P. M. L. C. 8. Society, S«cond Thoraday. Monthly, 3:00 P. M. Young People'* Meeting, Second Sun day at 9 P. H i'tucti 10 thb^e who enter, ilie^sings to those who go. yv.i.httig every Sunday, U:OU A .M.'and 8:0« P. M, Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper offering for Church charitsiis, P!rjf Sunday in each month. Sunday ScboOl, every Sunday, 9:30 A.M. Prayer. Meeting, Wednesday, 8.00 P. M. ■ . Board of Stewards meet on Monday, 8:00 P. M., after Fourth Sunday of each month. Woman’s MissionHry Society tr.er?" 4:00 P. M., on Monda;-, after U and 3rd S'lndays. Parsonaee, next door to Cburch, Front Street. PuEtor’s Telephone, No, IBS. Ring—Talk—Hang Up—“Busy.'* HOCUTT MEMORIAL BAPTIST rHURCII. WEST BURLING- TON, N. C, Preschintt Second and Fourth Sundays, .Morning and Night. Pages, 92-95, of Mortgage Deeds, to secure' the payment of a certaia note, and default having been made in the payment of said note, the undersigned mortcagee will expose >to public sade. to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court Houm door of Alamance Coun ty on PViday, December 17, 1915, at li o’clock A. M., the following land conveyed by said mortgage deed. A eertiun pi^e or tract of land ly ing and b^ng iii Alamance County, State aforesaid, in Boon Station Township, and described and defined as follows, tD wit: Adjoir.ine the lai;ds of ,.\va aad C. , A. Tickle, John WiMiams, Petsr Michael and others, and bounded as follows: Bsg'iiiiuiig at a crooked wliit^ oak tree on S. pide of Tr.-ivis Oeffk cornei' with snid Ava Tickle, rui;r.i:i^ thence witii the meaaOer of ^id creek coufsas, and distances a.s follows; . S. 6H4 de^ees, E. 4.15 chain-s,. N- 85% de grees, E. to Iks., N. .13 degrees, E. 2 chains, S, 62 degrees, E. 1.80 chains, S. To decrees, E. 1.15 chains, S; 1-i degrees, N. 1.09 chains.. S. 4.7 2-3 dv-grees, E. 2.27 chains, S. 57 de grees, E. 54 Iks., S. 69\k degrees, E; 1.3S chains, S. 77H degrees, K. 1.114 chain.'i, to an asii tree on North bark of said cresfc; as faJovr^ .to exclude C. D. Gen-ingar’s still lot S, 76 H de- jjraes, W. 2.70 chains, w a rock, the MEN FOR UMBRELLA. Chief Oficer of Ship Just In FrM Afrifs TeUs of Monarch’s Business Proposal Which He DecUaed, Fresh fpnt a voyage to Darkest Africa, S. Walter Hickey, of the four- master Judge Boyce, which arrived here yesterday, maintained that the least current market rates in Opaho made one umbrella “swappable” foy (■ight \vomer.. ■ Also the brunkette Kiiiii' . :hat territory declared in his choicest lii'.go, according to Hickey, that, the man who accepted the um brella would get all the better of the l aj-galn, as you can shut up a.-i umhrell. - The. Judgy Boyce brought 703 casks of i'ja.ni oil, - ar.d ihis is the first cr.rgo if ..tiiat kir.j that ever came dirfect f-;om Africa to this city.'; The voyags rcguired sixly-four day.s. Captain TWlIiam M. Maritine and u crew of r.h.a brought t}ie\sh:j> to this city.- They stopped at sevej*al ports on the way out and got hold of cargo tha'L would appeal to the in habitants of the African contineat. At Cpabo tl;cy fou.^d 20,000 natives. Money-1 Get the Habit Nothing Charged. Nothing Delivered. ^—Thats, \Vhy we scil cheaper. While hunting bargains in dry goods. Vifhy not Hiinjt bairgains idi Groceries We have them— You want them •• : Coirie to ice us - s JAMES WORKM.aN, Mfcage--, 5 firinK Stwiil - - - . n ear Ottice. ■ ■SHlBBMBiUfllSSISBnMHaUHS W'i3^i/2gr to icnick-knacki N. E. corner of .srid still lot; the.^cc; chief Offiecr Hicfcey put S. 88 degrees, W. B. S. E.j 1.23 chains to a rock corner with said stUI •* swap nr;d 5 a.-- and all of whbiTi li'ere their palm oil for trinkets. Tlie second day after the ship rival it rained “cats and dogs,’ up his .Mik I umbro!ia, and this bit of fashionable I ' and epochal furniture attracted Kin-^' lot; thence S. (B. S. S. 1 degre. IS' E.) j Garumbagui; 4 chftins to a rock corner with said lot; thence a right angle from S. l?s Prayer Meeting Every Night at 7:30. Thursday CHRtaTIAN CHUBCH. Corner Church and DAVfl StraoU. Rev. A. B. Kendall, D. D., Pastor. Preaching every Sunday 1:00 A. . and 8:00 I'. M. Sunday School, a:46 A. H. John B. Puster, Superintendent Senior, Intermediate and Junior En- . deavor Societies meet for worship every Sunday evenin? at 7:00 P. M.. Mid-Week Prayer and Social Service, every Wednesday at 8:00 P. M. Woman’s Home and Foreign Mission ary Srciaty meet* on Monday after the first Sunday in each month. Mrs. Ada A. Teague, Pres. Ladies' Aid Society meets on Mond- 'day after the second Sunday in each month, at 8:00 P- M. Mrs, W. R Sellars, Prea. Aid Society Tuesday Night After fourth Sunday, Mrs. G. D, Smith, President. s attention. He wanted ■ to sec how the umbrella worked and! when it was r.hown tj him he wanted I degrees, E. N. 88% degrees, E. 1.2& something for it. but Hickey. 1 a natural diplomat, gave it to the j W. 4 chains, t5 the beginning. King. Later when Hickey visited ,the royal the King clapped his hands and chains; thence a right angle N. 2 de-- grees, containing in still lot .5 of an acre, more or less; thence K, 76% degrees, v.ut E. 2.79 chains, to ti>e above mention- outstepped eight^f the most prised ed ash tree on creek; thence S. 39% Women of the King's household. King d«fr*es, E. 70 Iks., N. 74 degrees, E. ««rry offered the eight in return for 2.06 chains, to an iron bar on r^ck the or. N. bank of aaid creek corner with s L E t P P o R C H E S BUNGALOWS ■ ' ■ ARE YOU GOIISG TO BUILD? Jj H Let Me Estimate Kight Away ■ g Help you save money and fcuild better home.s BB tJet in Touch With The Most Up-To-Date ■ g Improvements K .MAKE YOURSELF BETTEU LN § BURLINGTON. s II L. D. MEBANE DESIGNER and BUILDER ■ ■ B R E IVI O D E L \ N G S BBBBBflBBBBBBHBBBBBBBE5BBBi RESU3ENCES Sunday School Every Sunday at 9:30 jaa- w. (B. S. 10 deg. 22’) 34.37 chs. umbrella and intimated that he was ready to do business for ail the Sidney Pettigrew; thence S. 7 degrees vvhito men’s stock on the «,me t«si» A, M., W. M, Williamsj Supt. A mast cordial welcome is extended you to attend all our srveetings. Wo want you to f{KSl at home U\ our ser- vicea, JAS. W. ROSE. Pastor, Graham. N. C. 22) cn«. The chicf officor says he is goinff to to a rock corner with said C. A. return ti Africa with a lot of silk un Tickle and Pettigrew; thonce S. 4% breUas, which he win trade with the king for a lot of palm oil. He offers degrees, W. 5 chains to a rock corner with said William.g in public rDad to Gibsonville, N. C,; thence N. 37 de grees, W. 12.7.5 chains, to a rock cor ner with said Michael; thence N. 8 de- io Det one of these same umbrellas that his story is true in every detail. THE PROTECTIONIST T« everyone who believes in Protectioa and Prosperity a sample copy for the asking. GILUAM GRISSOM, - Ef itrr Greensboro, N. C. 8£POKM£» CHURCH. Corner Front and Anderson Streets. R«». D. C. Co» Suncby School every Sabbath •• 9:46 A. M. Preaching every Kirs! and Third Sab bath at 11:00 A. M.. and 8:00 P. »S. Mid-Week Servicc every Wednesday, S:0O P. M. Everyone Welcorae.- Parsonage Corner Front linger Streets. and Tr'>{ A cordial invitation extended to all. A Church Home for Visitors cod toj Strangler*. WKBB AVENIjB M. E. CHURCH souxa Rev. E. C. Durham. Pastor. Preaching every first Sunday at 11:W i In., and 8:(>i) P. M. Second Sun day at 8:00 P. M. Sunday School avery Sas£ay at ltO:W V M. A. M. H. F. Moore, Suveriotea4«rt. Eve*rbody Weleoma. PRESBYTEKIATi CHUKCH. lUS WSorfslfc i Western Ry» Kev. Donald Hclver, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11:00 A. M and S:OC P. M. Sii.iday School at &:4S A. M. B. B Sellars, Superintendaut. Prayer Meeting, W«lacaday at $:0l- P. M. Public it cordiall; invited ta til •erficca. OCTOBER 31, 191S. Leave Winston-Salem. (5:30 A. M. daily for Roanoke and in termediate stations. Connect with Memphis Special for South west, also main line trains North, East and West with Pull man Sleepers, Dining Cars. 2:10 P. M. daily for Martinsville, Ro anoke, the Nor& and £ast. PallmaH Steel Electric Lighted SOUTHERN PLANS USING .MO- Tt)R CARS IN WAR ON JITNEY rrcbably Two Trip,s Each Way Daily Bt'twiH'n Raleigh and Ourhaai. The installation of a motor-car ser vice beiween Durham and Saleigh as additional traffic facilities between ihess two cities was the contemplated ni jve that took shape here yesterday between Southern Railway officials. The suggestion originated with W. H. Tayloe, of Washington City, general passenger traffic manager of the Southern Railway system and his co- I laborers on this divisiDn voted the innovation as full of promise. The details of the "motor car will be work ed out later. The cars operated be tween Raleigh and Burhsm wilt be supplementary the regular traffic service. The increasing business of the jit.>ieys between the two cities and complaints of inadequate accommo- Your children’s feet need shoes nations for passengers wishing to that give them frecdpin of action-" travel between the two points in mid- ts.pt?uLrrit,'h"r tt. ed that their tender feet will remain operate over the free from blemiish. VVhen you get rai!way tracks now in use and prob- these features combined with good ably two trips each dav wilt be the styIeandlongwearingqua!;ties,you schedule. O. F York'oi have a perfect ^ildren’s shoe, or ia Remington Standard Typewriter 1916 MODEL The mo3t up-to-date Typewriifr mar.ufaclHred. Six labor ljftifi.tr advances on thiit imptoved rr,o(ie> Carbon papers and ribbons for all makcu of miclnneft. Write For A IV'mon.stration. REMINGTON 203 Shepherd Bldg-. TYPEWkiTER CO. RalciKb, N. C. Buster Brown Shoes Raleigh, Sleeper Winrton-Salem to Hat- wordrrBu«M traveling passenger agent., and Ma- isburg, Philadelphia, Naw York, ‘ gruder Dent, of Richmond, district A beautiful piece of Rojerj passenger agent, coiiferred with Mr. silverware to all m sking a pU- IVlae on the proposition. The prac tical realization of the plans wiJ! signify an innovation in the State— no other points are accommodated by 5enii-st.reet-car rouT.es. Passcn"e:’S and baggage will constitute t>e iiiSgage An additional Pullman sec- tiDn was ordered for Dmham to New York by the railway officials. The feasibility of a Pullman train was dis- cus^sed. Dining Cars North of Roanoke. 4:15 P. M. daily fir Roanoke and local stations, Pullman Sleepers. Trains axi’ive Winston-Salem 11:10 A. M., 1:1.0 P. M., 9:SS P. M. Trains leave Durham for Roxhore, South Boston and Lynchburg, 7:00 A, M., daily and 5:30 1^ M., daily exMpt Sunday. „W. B. Beyill, P«»». T»ff. Mfr. W. G. Saunders, 6e«. Pmb. A*t. rchase of $3.50 or over. Raiff’s Where Your $ Wor.ks Wonders. Good Times Coining! Plenty to eat and %year in these good oid UNITED STATES’r Let's all have plenty GOOD MU IC and ;cci and live bet. er. Right now our store is so fwii of nice Pianos, — Organs and Sewing Machines that we can hardly put any more in. Prices are going higher We bought 25 Owan.s at old pnces and f h- prife.-^ wet.t up fjoni $4.00 to $12.50 each this month, while the.-e last; ue will s-11 at the oid prices. Parlrtv Organs $50.00. .S55 00. tiO. $65 00 up to 00 C,hurch Organs $25 00, $?,5.0t'. $J5.0 > in. to CO ' Nice Pianos $175,W, $^0.UO. i!;225 00, S2 5!) to $900 00. Sewing: .Machines §10.t;0, $]o.vyU, $2d CO to ?60.C0. Easy terms, 10 years EKsrantee aod delivered in your home free. Ellis Mcl). H ilsic L'o., Bkrungton, N. c. 25 years in Same business, ia Sa»ie town. PRINT I Patronize he DK^patch Advertisers.

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