!# {.tbwr '>CVOTE^j|^ tin UMtUlUjlNG Of AMBfilGAN BU». AMI BSPIJBUCAMS ' JPPEAif' Bc^ttlbliean* an slU in »it in- j. WSIX PLEASED “ ^ feon^e(« f»ni^ ud «bwt Um duly —^ .. ‘ *th|ng IcBoim for c«t»in is .that tite One» tkeiT C*i|4idmte: is N«p«l G. O. lenders desire tn bnfld up « more or , TMiMMe io Figkt s«:It N«*er.' less solid dciccation bdund ^nie ifs- WBl Uetr' voHU son. StKh a, del^ti»n ^tild TMk 'ibo a big iiMet for the iMders when WjuUngton, Dee. ).6:^—^Most of the the time caihe to lisnK.the man. msml)m ct the fieptibiieaa eojnmit-, tee |cd the Repiil>ti^n ieadent who '*tRS. HOSEA D. IjIMBOTH IS' come here for the banquet ot the CHABBiING HOSTESS ; Leegae of Republican Clubs, left to- '— day for (iiei? homes. Mr. DuncM, ‘ Brilliant Soeial E^ent at committecnvtn from the State, 1^^ ; in H«n«t of Hiss Smith, a P^alar tonight fo? Raleigh, after a final talk Bride-Elect. with Chairman HUJs and leaders from Slpn .Coliege, Dec. 'l5.-^ne:;i:^ the a numlMf of Statesi stated last'.most bHiliarit events of tline season night. Ml'. Duncaiii as a member Of'was a; miseellaceoas shower given at the committee on arransemcnts, -will the hospitable borne of Mrs. Hosea D. have ail important part in the w/'rk i Lsiribeth this afternoon fMm 2:'30 to of organizing the Chicago convention'^ 5 in honor of Miss Hattie Belie Smith, on June 7th. .. ! wlho is to b^me the bride Harvey So&e of the visitors, after sleep- 0. Bizon Decembet; S2, ing on the'matter. last nig^tj^ e^ IHie spncious hall,.pi;fflor and di-aw- pressed some feM^that^ a m^fc^ hW",i!;g^rbi>m were beantifully ^orated VMU^fjh ««% fiiAf*V0n4!{ AnIm AM%WlAnna VmTIm ^ NOOTH CABOUNA, PRIDAy, i.ECEMBiE 1^- ilad^ Mofftttj: 1iw«;W!^n, Fan- MESSAGrC FROM BCRLINGIX^jV'l aie Da^^on, EmoM TParreu* Jennie T^LLS OiP FAUCBTrS * Willis Atliwosn, Mary D; Atkin^n, DEA^ Leone Blnton,'Lena ' Ragsdale and ' ' ^esdames J, O. :AOdnson and. Carl ^ nesMge from Bwlington, briAg- Wheeler. in? news of the death of J. W. Paa- cett of that place and well known 'BATH OF MR. FOWLER OPP0RTU|IJP!T. ,p MAiBRIEO here, WM received in Durham eiuly Oh pecember 12th, 19i5, at 7:30 liuirsday morning. Sr. Eaueett m., at the home of i. W. Overman at his home in Burlington, Revs. D. Mclver and M. W Buck and [of Alamance Factory, Mr. R. B. New- [Tha^day morning at ,3 o’cl^k aftar; interment in Pine Hi.l Cemeter^. Un and Miss Emma Overman were ““ of several months. Mr. Fowley is survived fay several ]iuiet^7 htarriod by the bride’s pas- - is survived in Durham by a tor. Rev. Hi W. Jeffeoat, Immediate-Fauce^ He aW leaves ly after the marriage, they left for ^ wife end .flve children. Mie chil- their honeymoon tour .soiAwarAbraide -Mr. .Faucette. of Dilr- Many of the bride.’s friends gathered bam, are J,- A; Faacett of Burlin^- aroaiid her to express their eongrat'! Robert Gwynn, Sirs. U. C.! ulatiOnB and bestow upon her tokeus Sa“d^*'A MissLg ^ surprise , to those who knew his of sffcction and good wishes. Faucett, all ef. Burlington. j condition, for he had been in very Mr. Thomas Pow.er, one of Biir- ;®^ Jadge Wsltw Malone o*, lia^on’s oldest and most highly re- Memphis, specif citizens, died at his tome on, ^ wrong who say I coqie ' Ireland street Wedneida/ mgiiitng, no more, . ' , after a Uhgering period of 31 h^th., f kneck and fail *o find The funeral service was " cojfiduoted yw in; ^ from the home yesterdi^y jifterncou by ®very d^y I stand outside ^ur j Fniseral, w'll be he!d Friday after- poor health for several months, ’-noon at ^itoh church, of which the door And bid you wake, and rise to fight and win, children .-jnd a host •of friends and . neighbors who mourn his de^rture precious chances passed irom this life. .He was a member of away, the Jr. O. XJ. A. M., and S. & D. of "^eop .not for golden ages oa the ^ L, the former ta!;ing part in the bu- rjal ceremonies. His death camc not night I burn ths records of the iay; At sunrise every soul is born again. SKIN DISEASES OBSTINATE But they con be cleared away by' deceas^ was a member. Burial will purifying the blood and buildinjf up**.^*'® >" ^be cliurch burying the system with Mrs. Jop PMson's*^^®®*’*^-—^Durham Sun. Kemedy. N. W. Winton,'Aho3^; !i. )■ OBJECT OF SUSPICION been laadifr in calling the dcivve«t!on' in holiday emblems, holly, Chrirt'mas, before ttat of the Dei^ocmts., The e^ctus and ferns. IC., had a chi’d severely aflSerted^tS RECEPTION TO-CROCiffl^^ CLUB Idea of .the.^eitfemen .w)w tJ^t the Miss Annie Laurie Wicker met the:-skin disease. Doctors!: medicines ’ — • tariff a*l p^^ythe gii^ts at the doci^^te' l|^y Ifluiae | failed to do any good, ,i^t «ro' botv - 5^“- Saturday night,--j)«^faer Admini^^ti^^'that’’W^W showed tlig^ to ythe ' B'"' ' pdicy to .1^* " ^ Lftugh like a boy at splendors that have sped. To vanished joys be blind and deaf , j and dumb; Senator Jeff Davis of Arkansas jiidgme-its seal the dead past with used to tell this one or. himself: i its dead, I "I had .'in appointment to apeak at BHtf never bind a a town in eastern Arkansas on a Sat- %sme. moment yet to o^he ' Jfti tles of the Remedy m^,.«>rfect t^e H'nrday, and I arrived' . , . tomm, &rl j cure. “I cannot say t*o'miich . in P CrKhet (fe^gSve. the night before carrvin? nothW , prise the chief fis^s and l Wheeler, received the • ^ts. Mrs. •praise of Mr. Joe Person's Bem-dy.- - delightful re^ptioh to lt.%mfaers, tot a' small hand'grip. I weT^a "tw? that be al-ijl(>saa D. l^nlbeth i^o ho writes. a few friends at the iwtfiutiful w_i ^ , v t ® ^ tered th. ^ ^ | Mrs. Joe Per.on^» K..edy i. p.o- of H, Mr.. H. H. B^ne^. ^ I to all .ho say. .‘I ♦he convention before or ftftcr that Much memment tras caused by|nounc©d by many the best blood med^ various other games were porter, and he was acting aa ' No Bobs, mj^ ’atruction is, whttn The color scheme being emn plants comn from overseer, showed me a minutes ho catne sl^mefaced outcast ever sank so deep But yet might rise and be again a man! o9erJtive. The Democrats say th«y,t Davidson. ■ t«»p, are •atisfiod. ’ , Cuitting thti^bride'a! ®*ke created The «ft«m>»tk of hotel lobby got-Iir.Bch excitement The ring fell to Vend us "one dollar for large bottle. Buekner charming hoet- sip tod*y only resulted in confirming J^Miss Mary D. Atkinson; the thimble [Remedy Sates Corporation, Charlotte, * impreMiens previously formed. There'to Miss Pearl Fogleman; the dime to’N. C. ' i* llttls doubt that the committeemen,(Miss Hattie Belle Smith. Miss Pearl j Mr*. Joe Person’s Wash should be BUCHANAN-FAUCETTE or tho great majority of them, got;Fogleman and Miss Gertrude Mason; used in connection with the Remedy out of town without committing them- sang sweetly. “Here Comes the: for the cure of sores and the relief Nelvea (to any particular candidate‘Bride." while the minnturie J . .ffcmman haven't arjy bawraper to coi- Your drucifLvt should have it: if not ^J»n leaving all voted - advance.' • A f I " ‘Why, I’ve got baggage,’ I replied, pointing tJ the iittls grip, f "'I know, sir, boss,' he said; 'but ) you’ve stayed too long on that aU ready.’ Pituiburirh Chronjcle-Tele- The home of Dr T. ,S. Faucette on Rraph. I of inflamed end congested surfacet. I'ront street was the scene of & quiet. ^ for the presBency. No end of mis- .party entered, which was eompoaed ofIt is especially valuable for women, but most beautiful marriage Wednes- THE O.NE THING LEFT sionary work was done by the va- little Miss Wateii Lambeth, the bride, and should always be used for ulcer- day morning at 7:30 o'clock, when his' nous boosters cf this ind that can-san-ying white carnation, gowned inj ations. daughter, Mhs .Annio Morgan, and A British armv examiner hlTbl- didatfl, but t!ie visitors onljr listened a dainty white dress with train and{ Mr. J. L. Buchanan of Richmond, Va.. fore him a stupid candidate The in respectful silence. The merits of veil, her veil wks caught up.vTith lii-, CHRISTMAS SERVICE AT LOW’S were united in marriage by Father'man proved apparently unable likely candidates afe’under consider- Jies of the valleyi; Master Billie | LtiTHER,\N CHURCH Taylor of the CalhoSk Church of .mswer the ation, but the flu««tioH of who is to meeier, the groom, was dressed in| Preaching has been announced for Greensboro, be nominated may be an open one convention black suit, i;i full dvening ■ Christmas day at Low’s Lutheran \v'hen the convention is called to order, dress. to most simquo qucstion.s, 'the examiner fina^y grew impatient, ■^.e marriage \va? a quiet family and in a burst of sarcasm demanded: Dost thou behold thy lost youth all I>3st reel from rlghteen* retribu tion’s blow? Then turn from blotted archives of the past And find the future's pages white as snow. Art thou a mourner? Rouse thee from thy spell; Art' thou a sinner? Sin may 1>« forgiven; Ef.ch morn, gives theu wings t.-) flee from heil, Each night a star to guide thy feet to heaven. family. **Now lot it be supp'^sed, sir, that you were a cuptam in command of THE MOVIE MEN ’ j Church at 11 a. lu., by Rev. H. W. only laembo)** of tho Primaries arc to be held, ana then Little Miss Lois McAddams, maid | Jeffcoat, pastor. The Sacrament of relatives boitip; present. Imme- 4ho leadership of the party is de- of honor, in a lovely pi»k car-1 the Lord's Supper is to be udminis- diately after the ceremony, Mr. ,ind inf.-.ntry; th.it in your rear was an termined to bo sure >t is ri^ht te- ried large pink.. ch^santhemums.; tcred on the following d.iy, the fourth Mri. Buchanan left for North citios irrtpassable abys« tliat on both side.":' for# goiag ahead, in the hope ot be- Little Miss Madeir Lambeth and lit-,'and Jast Sunday of this year. *eir bridal loin-. Upon their ic-y„„ there rose penendicular ro^ks iag able to pick a, winner. Once tic Miss Emma Williamson Atkinson | Everybody is most cordially i:ivit- they wil' i-esWe at Richmond, of tremendous height- that in “s this way the candidate is named thrOrO.-p, acltid as bridesmaids, were daintily ed to these and every service, on the Mr.-Baehanan is a very successful of you lay the enem-- outnumbt-riji., wonder grows from day to day. leaders say they pro^se to fight as pressed in blue empire dresses. Mas- ' ■ .—-i;— . . ..i . . t ^ > a + .3....^ +u_* — j . . thfijr never have fought before, to .tsr Blair Hughes was best mau, clad i At wonders that they dj today. eountgement, they say, in the fact .groom and attendants presented the that buskiess interest of the country-gifthe bride gave this toast: Aam nev«r been so much in earnest Here’s to the bride of the hour in BTging tho wisdom of re-enacting To whom we’re offering a shower, a Jsrotoctivf tariff. May her pathway be stre\7n with Stmtt of thoie fiumiiar with the ' rssM sweet iObmion in M«w Ym* aft To make her life's happiness com- Mt i|r cMtofat Hutt the Smpin State plet*. will tmM jMt JMOusd former Sen-' The litUe groom's toast was: ,«tar iMt. It is jttrt possible, they Here’s to the bride of the tweuty- *»n *>»• Stot* wfll }*«tni«»for ■ second .. GorenMr iniitiiuui, «s a itot «f fa-jWe’W honoring her today v«5te pen praportcion. Of eottrse. With tokens of love and good wishes if Ke» Y«rt Bcpoblieaiu should'But we*» only enough for two. PDHUM ttdi eoacsej it would elim-j Mrs. Lambeth waa aatisted by mAt Nr. 8wi as a factor In the;Misses Jennie WiUis Atkiasoa. and "Marjn Lottiii^ Wheelsr'- in serTing a ] One time boys read Arabian Nights, second and fourth Sundays of sach t«ivy«ng salesman, with headquarters you to one. What, sir in such an 1 month. Let us begin the year with Rfchmond, and ia ft very popular |ej„e.rgency, would you do?” ‘ carry the election^ They find en- m white, before this litUe bride andji^newed devotion to our Master and highly cultured young man. The' “%>ell, sir,” replied the applicant.' His gwat cause. bride is the eldest daughter of Dr. ^ for mi’.itary distinction, “I shauld re j adventurous sights, H. W. JEPFCO.\T, Faucette of this city,;jj^i. ’ and toys a?e tossed away, I The Movie Man's the man today, Pastor. ^ most lovely and accomplish- BOX PARTY AT McCKAY young lady, who has many friends | A box party will be given at Me- l>'‘PP">e»s »»d suctes».i 'Cray SchooKiouse Tuesday evening, December 21. A short Christmas program by tho school will precede the sale of the boses. The exercises begin at 7:30.-p. m. The publfe is cordially. iji»it#d.:ESe .attend. FQl^DS t3«a^.fiN,s QdU> BOOK THEY TREED BRHIM Six school children, ,the oldest ‘The man who diows us all .today. i them aged nine, treed a be .r at the J.Oak Run, Cal., sckoolhouse a few day9 IMWidcfltM litBfliion. Ttlelw:cl^e in- •ueMiaac 4iMt the ieadens‘Jkn*w sea- ecaUr bceo to a xMiIS«Uofi fact dKt it wosl4H»Aa^fatBl Miirtak* to sMiniiwte •naid*d the m 'tiite «ert m^*«oa]ia ivtnH 'ia TwtthMT * chih ia tlw iianda of' Mr. BiM»wtt,.iggr.it ifcr;-:B#aij|4lMat' «4 jacit 4^. «e ^ 2a viiiwr- ct IImm eenfijeti:^ r»r p3tU, .it wmi24 yi«k|iU:e.ir«iliifgk to' tempti*^^ttlgad eoiirse, of leolfee ishd 'DDints. ^ ter BiitiewSeelcr.gaw liunatare begs lOf-rice, tied with bride'a eoiot^.pink s-'.. ■ sa; ., • n, Bi^^ir fvKoan, Gar- BAY COKGB«39 . Heoae: 'Rgo. **■ aoon. I During the afternoon recess while Miscellaneous bu^i^iess considered. | the tots were at play, bruin ambled I W«3« end tnetma eommittee >ub- intoechaol grounds. The ehil- ■r-iits n^jorlty «pdrt urging a year’s dfenj^IiMirking like doge, took rfter ’{Live .©*i, C«l.,. ’DisjiKtch- Los An-- extension of emergency revenue law. bear, who, taking fright, climbed : geles Tim^.) ■ . ^ Judicir.ry committee set .Friday for Mr*. Jebit-WestallrV'f ^isicitytis a hairing Re^reszrtative Buchanan'a grtt/t, b>»llsmrojiii chargee ag«i^le^ UttftedfsMH into «he sp>»^lhoni=f.- the ivis.”- .jBiHh ;tnu >eti>,|i}ways tha^'StaieitvAttorn^ Maeehalli.' '^1 ease, howev«r^iM(AaKr:ci)ps:-.«if ']Jw Adjourned at 2:18 p. m-.OBtU aootti’ -vl; ^de«e ««#, iwemaa-like, pulled i’iwr. Not 'fehie^eft ^-nut l!^-|#«^;(««iM(»«f4!eeflirjkha^’lai^ aMund Thurewky. wishe*, *•»» ^iiMMeite:- lerj som^yearaj wmymirt- .i-IUcently. '-lifrs. Wtisrtali! pUj^:jt9'ti>e book, i» itMdlAg 'thmqfh jportiws of it» fo^ tm 9100 ^»lls, 4t .%p)Mant the- Wsetells ia. PIbbi^»-ewinty »omt!)yaM~ *ga, .m aMnait»;wad of t«rsadJ«i» from w^ag Senate'. in aeteioa. VastMSi to Bnnyaut. DOStr CSUWY fABY vS yesii' must kiMi flui do it frnum- ef- , . _ CIP** into^^ j«oi|aB4. »?. S»MhMdiWl isaiiU' wentIlto ii»alrij5jiiil!^ at-eijANpital eli mind ? «K« ^ef« «i« eorta etf. ^ttt aftar « strM ear ride. a tree to got out of dan^r. Mine:Vivian Brauer cajfed the chil- ith»iil>lbidv--i.! ■■ . fl!,’,: iWrnb- yt down t>«e 'Ai&iji' Wek&’t teid, Mty: JSB»4 the creek. Wei^^akbt and Waed it. There wks a barbecue at the Oak Ron eebMri Itoiue tit* ^i^wiag day. TAKIW&..H1B Grig*»-Jtetp5q*i*f take *Barri**-4iJe? -|-»0 ..is-Tnno ' BHtAia 'Aeeordisg tej birilevdi—Boatan ' silent children '.i:>f the screen! none hsvo heiM and all haired seett^ We’ve laughed with you, we*v« walk ed with yoav But none of us have talked 1 We’ve wondered, s«t and walked wi# you. -ai? ■»£» ! « -c- J* • lii had the Kings fou|^tt on (h» screeiv . . ^.. V better world, the world had: been, . When they were, Aieked in the la»fc!iietf ;.s!j»»r trit jajj*,) ,LO(e villeins walked * of' irfsj/owJ Kings aad eaete in the lait ■attbiisaw ;> udt ;f!siimoK o»: dC. Whitlocke Cole^ in Baltimoxe^Smtv NOT NieKD£i> itrs: The young ^ijatWAT] •91. “(A, X .s^tt*tjmd thife,'* th« L]*^ in a mMori>« ton*. iw all right," ■ > ir, h'T'