: ;' ,. iii I' v : t. . f ::.. i . - : - j -k -!:: . ' -i Hi vv'i M l-." i ii t i i" - r j , 1 r j ij!; ! STtAND -BY THAT, WHICH! IS i GOOD. THURSDAY,! JAN. 11, 1894:. I; I YOU. . CHAPEL HILL, TjT,. 3STO. XI;1 i. i t i il. ; i. I;' t : li Ricnmonfl & DanyillB R. R. Go Samuel Spencer, ;F..W Huidekoper and Reu ben Foster, " Receivers. - Coijcteijsed Schedule. IN EFFECT NOVEMBER 19th 1893. ; j ' I I -I ' V M SOUTHBOUND Lv Kichr.ond ArBur.keville . . LvKeysville. - ,ArDafivilIe, Ar Greensboro. Lv GoIJsboro. ? , Ar Raleigh, f Lv 'Raleigh, Lv Durham; : Ar Greensboro. Lv Winston, Lv Greensrioro. j Ar Salisbury, Ar Statesville ' , ArAsheville, i Ar Hot Sprinjt, Lv Salisbury, Ar Charlotte, Ar Spartanburg1. . Ar Greenvillt, 1 Ar Atlanta. ; Lv Charlotte. I .'. Ar Columbia . Ar Augusta . 1 No. 12 4a p m 2 4q p m 3 jq p m 5 40 pm 7 33 ?rn 2 35 Pm 4 25 pm 4 40 pm , 5 37 r ;7 47 pm j7 40 pm I 7 3S pm ; 50 tm DAILY. . 9 55 pm 11 10 pm i 1 56 am j 3 07 lam 3 00 am ' 11 40 pm 6 '00 am 1000 am NORTHBOUND, Lv Augusta I w f Mnmriia Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta, Ar CharlotU, Lv Charlotte, Ar Salisbury, Lv Hot SpJings Lv Asheville. Lv Statesville, Ar Salisbury Lv Salisbury, Ar Greensboro, ArWinstonx Lv Greensbtro. Ar Durham Ar Raleigh, Lv Raleiga, Ar GolAsboro, Lv Greensboro. Ar Danville, Ar Keysville, -AcwBurkeville, AfRichmond. iso. : 10 6o prn 10 50 pm 6 00 am q 2o'pm 6 40 am 6 55 am 817 am 8 27 arn 10 10 a!m n 30 am 10 20 iim 12 11 pm 1 oq pm 1 28 pm 3 05pra 10 20 im 12 01 !pm . 2 45 pm . 3 25 pm 5 30 pm 11. 12 50 am 2 40 am r7 45 pm 11 10 pm 15 am 15 am , 15 am 00 am 30 am 04 am -03 pm 25 pm j 57 pm 14 am 40 ppi -36 pm 4 42 pm V oapm No. i 37 5 49 a re 6 54 am 3 18 am 5 35 am 6 45 am 6 50 am 8 12 am 8 17 am 9 25 am 11 37 am 12 3 pm : 4 55 P.m 9 35 am . 1 20 pm 5 25 pm t fDaily except Snnday DAILY. ' 12 - B 03 am r 00 pm 7 45 pm, b -5 Pm 2 39 pm I245 pm k 47 pm B 37 pm, b 52 pm 11 20 pm x am 1 35 pn 3 35 am. 6 co am S 45 am 12 c$ pm 1 35 pm 1 15 am 105 am ' 4 51 aig 7 00 am No. 38. 12 30 a m 3 5rm 7 30 pm- i2 45 pm 8 05 pm' 8 15 pm g 24 pm g 29 pm 10 42 pm 10 47 pm us 01 a m 4 05 am 4 51 am 7 oo ami ' .CHapel Hill Bfanch.; I MORNING TRAIN. iJn i J 11.: tV O I p Chapel Mill 1030 " University 0 30 . j EVENING TRAIN Lv Chapal Hill 4 18 i 'Ar University- 5 18 44 University 5 46 1 Chapel MiU 6 40 BETWEEN WEST iOINT and RICHMOND , Leaves est Point 7:50 a' fn daily.' -ar-d 8:50 am laily except Sunday ahjl Monday; arriving in Rich mond a-.oK and 10:40 arm. Returning "leave Rich mond 3:10 p m and 4:45 p m, daily except Sunday; ar- ive rvRpint 5:00 and 6:oq p m. niTV, tHMOND and RALEIGH via KEYSVILLE. -- Leave Kvtmr.d a.4 pm:dai!j.'iUiE.JeVsYiUe, j:45pm;arrivejOxfordi6:oop m, Henderson 9:55 pm; Durham 7:20 p m. Raleigh 6:60 a m, Se ma 10.35 a m Returning leave SeIma:3:3op. m. Raleigh 4:40 p m, Durham 6.00 p m. Henderson f.25 P; m. Oxford 7.30 p m; arrive Kevsvilie aij.55 p ra, Richmond 7.00 a m. . Mixed train "leaves Oxford daily except Snnday at q.5 a m; arrives Durhafrn 71.53 a m: Leaves Durham 7 45 a m daily efxeept Sunday i arrives Oxford 9.20 a m; Kevsrville 19:24 am. j I ' " j 4---ti Additional trains leave Oxford Jaiiy except Sun day at 7:00 a ml and 11:45 a m;5arri ve .Henderson 8.0. a m and 12.40 p pi. Returning- leaves i Henderso 10.30 a m and 2.25 p m, aily except Sunday; arrive Oxford 11:20 p m and 3:5 p m Nos. o and 8 connect West Point and Baltimd !at- Richmond from and to ire daily excert Sunday. E. BERKLEY. SuptU ! ! Greensboro, ts. C J. S. B. THOMPSON. Svipt. i Richmond Va W. A. Turk. Gen'l Pass.- A't. Washington. D. C S. H. HARDWIGKj Ast. Gen'l. Pass. Agti Atlanta, Ga W. H. GREEN, Gen'l Mir.a-ger ' Washington, D. Co SOL HAAS.-Traffic Mahager. Washington, D: C Ricflfflontl an fl Danville 1 1 : Coiany; . : SAMUEL SPENCER, f. Wf HLTDEKOPER and ' ' . REUBEN FOSTER, Receivers. . OPERATING TI1E.CR15AT i ... Washington ; and Southwestern Vestibaied Limited, AND THE ; ' : " Richindrid & Danville i l! TT X M VV i.N .XXi KKJ KJ I'M JL Winston, President " 'I ! - " for Raleigh. A kood Ladies Leath the. Racket Store. Dee it and w Mrs .a visi V NEW$ left 1 i V j S. W- Andrew; Be w today, '! i 7C at t 10 has better i. out iin a day on Norwood has 'returned tb her sister, i J rd, in; Durham. R tvvo. MrsJi- . R. Best will: open a "of groceries in the storehouse for mer - -1 ! .mm w' 1 v y occupied by Mr. J. u. T. y....Rurch, pf Oxford,1 W f ' 1 several uays visuin inenqs it from GeoJ stodk herefthis week. N 14 r- ; You will always find almost any thing you need in the grocery line at Webb's, McUade corner. Peter Winston on the Sth of win Sihipstuff, I DeGiaffi Willi I be public. Bran and the e "luing Feb. It best grades of Flour alway Ion hand at Webbr's .Mr.l Ballentine, who has for several vveeks Burlinston quite La -Grippe, has gone -to to visit! friends, and relatives. Miss Bettie Rogers, has returned been with to her hpmejih Durham, eral days visit to friends tiVes here. i"i -J - L . arier sev and reia held to be! 1 1 ,ii Something Spilling salt'js usually a very'nnlii(iky omen. evi L it is1 believed, will happen to .tlieifam i 1 v o r th e pe r so n spill W. Gates & Bro. i .i ' 'l)os. F. Lloyd's Mr, Geo. : and Miss Sula Gates Newton j of Fisji Dam, were married at the resi- father,; Mr. L. V yesterday ' afternoon dehce of the bride's ii. ' i - F. Gates, on the Oxford road near Durham, Rev. G. J. Dowellj' of the 2d Baptist church, Durham!, offici ating. The attendants were : Mr. Will 'Pardon hf ! Chapel Hiiri with Miss Viola Gates, sister of the bride. Mr, W. M. Couch with: Mis$ Laura Ward of Chapel Hill, ;: Mr. C. D. Glenn of Durham with Miss Katie -Pardon of Chapel Hill..,; Immediate ly after the ceremony the py a; couple' in company; with frieuds, left for Fish Dam. i . j. , !-! , . f -. ; . ' ' .ijgaj ,i; . - .,: , OUARTKHIY CONI'KREKCK Dr. Yates will lipid quarterly - iieetiiigs as follows," in part : Trinity, Durham, J Mclvlanncn's, Biirhain ct., jflillsboro, Roxboro, .Chapel HiUi It contains ;cribe, not i Dccciniicr 24 MI Jauuairy 1 6-7 20-21 VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE, 1894. de- V ' descriptions.1 that mislead I illustrations that instruct j not exaggerate.1 This year it come$ to us 111 a suit of gold. printed in eight different colbrs be- r -. v - t . r v sides black. Colored plates of ?,Chfysanthemums,' Poppies! and On the front cover. is ;,s: JVegetables. a very 'exquisite bunch; of New White n the back 'Anemone;, 1 We advise ' Messrs. J, leased'. Mr. 1 and Cotton ii - their lumber Gin and business' 1 q t to it luve Mill? move le depot:1 1 j Mr. D. Sparrow, who! runs on the University f train of the mond & Danville, R. R.l has not been on duty this week on account of sickness, we are glad. tb nowthaf he is much better and will be at his , . B t - ! . I I post in a .11 Ay or so. i' I H 'i Mr.) Herbert Weaver, of Milllborip, met.with a very painful in Winston last evening. ;He was handlin 1 while 1 to4 in some Way and it. accident Sat irday or I ri rS;- O T IT" -vent stnkirSg him in the. leg- jqst j above the! knee, s lie, was .brought ..ruBfT ful service, or any favorite piece pi M '- Between the! N6rth and South ancl- '. j Southwest. THROUGH lPULLffiAN i PALACE SLEEP INS AR6 BETWEEN iNew York and New Orleans,. . New York anil Atlanta, : : : New York ami Augusta, : : :-: Washington! and 'Memphis, : : '. ' . AND-i . j- ; Clos(5 Connections to all Joints readied via ' '1 ! " this Great Line. . 'j, '; The Fast and Complete Service cannot be N j 'Excelled. For time tables, niaps, and other infor mation, apply-to any ticket agent of the Riclimond aiid Daliville Railroad, or to C. Iv. Hopkins, Traveling Pass. A't. i Charlotte ,vN. C. W. A. Turk, h - Gen." Pass. Aj'eut. V. II. GREiXN, ; General Manager. Sol, HaS, Traffic Manager. ! General Offices Washington, D. C Off. home last Sundav morning. The last accpujit the pall is still ii Ijis leg. An old friend ought ne ver tojbe forsaken in a hurrv. ' , This id speciallvi tAie of! a rv service, or any favorite piece pf jcwpl br silverwarl. which has a pleasant as- assp!ciation. ' t Particular pains ! m repairing everything of this description .lis taken by our wide-awake friend, Sorrell. Hc iiiends T . ii il " ' ' i t ., "! ill ey-glasscs and" spectacles djes ad sorts of impairing, and carries a ver nice stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, . ; Gall, and hem. sc 2j The Burl Fmr, looo to npiton Route Chicago, dtir ' s 1 -i and froln local po licago, carried ioOjppcy 31 C ingi a total of 5,ooo,ocxd. : 1 - r - 1 Li mense'iiumqer or peopiq : - ...... ' 1 - i witnout any acciaem or any aha without serious dela ng ntsi riarried the near it: traveled iu want a Cook or ilea any pipe o piece belQugiiig to a-stdve or stove any size, go to II. H. Patterson s. 2W$. ; . i 1 Stove, Branching Aster and i: 1 . i i ! . is the i: New Double 2 pages filled with nany new novelties of f vallue as v&ll as all the old leading Varieties jf;flowers and vegetables. diir friends vvho in : S " f 1.! . y thing iin the gRrden conshlt-"Vick this year to starting operations. !..( SOME M'E'NEv YEAR ADVICF. ! 5i Don't wait for the . wagon while .11 the walking is good. j Don t gneveiover spi - Don't tell th( world v You can't bbrrojiv !io pn 'them Don't jet your. feet..:; it there. ' Go to thej goods, j Chicago. spil t milk while there's one! cow left in! the, pasture. !.: Don't say the; world is growing ' worse when yqu are to make it better. ! doing nothing th! . i The cows grass ing- Tire this week, destroying nearly all Plfhe Wo Fair buildings. j j olbred was ar- Dan- H. Gilyard, c rested in Tennessee, dharged; with nuue ui euKiiig unu ,iuiageu 111 ; jail. On being searched a our troubles. grow under ; can't get at i fi . I : . ' Racket Store fo.rtcheap -; -1 .v--- . n . .1 , iii- - ; hid ' i onther sweep ler sweep II,CXX),000 Id's found on him. four shirts,, a sheet iron on After bodice e-eighth of an inch thick was disclosed. , The sheet- ie, hadi shed ir corset of L 1 , ... t ing jvefghed. eighjt-pounlls and:made a c Ipse - fi tti ng,jb u 1 1 e t pjbof; coat 0 encircling the body from arm to hips.1 fThe i affair was fas tened in ..frohtlhyj Ieathter thongs, irj tne.back was a dent made : oy a large sized pistol ball. mai pits Windsor, Carlos Harrill s 1 N. C, Jan., 7. Don aged 63 j a prominent : i Send ip cents to Jdmes Vick's Sens Rochester, 'S Guide; it costs can deduct tne no order!- It certain- N; Y., for. V c nothing, as you cents from first Iy will pay y ou I M t 1 . Dover Egg Beaters 21c I at the R eket Store, .'jl;- 7 J. chapel Hill market! li ! ! 20C. . Butter,, per pound, 15 to Beeswax, " j 20c. CpflcQ, green, 20 to 25c per lb. 1 j. ' . roasted, 27c j" . ": ; C6rn , new per bushel , 50c. ; Cotton,- 7 to 7c per potiiid. Cotton seed, per bushel, :15c. ; Chickens, 10 to 25c each;. I gs, per dozen, 15c. Flour, per barrel, 3.00 to I5.00. Hides, dry per pound, 24 to 3c. ! green, " to 2c. Meat, western, per: pound, ioc. ! Haiiis, western, 14c j " country, 15c. ;' Pork, per p,ouiid, 7 tolScj . Sugar, granulated, 5c per lb. ' brwvn, 4c per lb. Tallow, per pound ; 4 to 5c Wheat, per bushel, 60 to 75c. Oats, per bushel, 35 to 40c Furs Muskrat 8 to 10c. v Mink,' 25 to 60c. Rabbit toic. Fox, 20 to ""40c. x.O 'possum 5 to 'ioc DressJ Making. I am prepared to do alx kinds of Dress Making. Children's clothes a specialty. ' The ; Metroolitan Catalogue of Fashions and other publications receiv ed regularly. - Satisfaction guaranteed. Terms moderate. I fFor further particulars call on iiie at residence Thompson. eacii. a : of Mr.! W. H. MRSJ COR.il WII.I.IAMSON. Judicious Adyfrtisingj CREATES many a new business ; ENLARGES many an old Jbusines ; ' ; REVIVES many a! dull business;! j j : ' RESCUES many a lost business ;. !. . SAVES mahy a miling business; and SECURES SUCCESS in any business. T farmer living hear Drem's. Station in this countyp evidently doe$ not ' believe marriage is a failure.' He' was married the ninths' time yesteri 1 aay.--:isLrjIe-rw-Mrv:-eU Williams, widlow of William Willi amis?, of Cashfe Neck. DO YOU WANT, si AN ) DO YOU WANT A 5cwinu Macfiine T OR ' A Good Machine fl iNf. FFor Half the Usua i! Price. - 1 We have a fmefcb- onized, fancy billed walnut imperial Up right Piano and two Firje : Organs, one a Pipe Organ. Wq Of fer these instruments way. below; agents or manufacturer's prices Call at NbWS otiica :,-.A We have two vri are offering at low J rates. ' '' 1 I " I i Call early if yom want one 'at the i - I Ni;v3 oflicb, so , JiOR Sai,k. f Eight: volumes of Butler Bible WpxkT. Glentworth Butler, D. DL Royal octavo, clothj65o j double-column pages in eacn, volumej, beautifully printed and illustrated with nearly 200 engrayingi of maps, diagrafris,, sqenes in Bible landi character sketeiics, etc. lit is ' a perfect gold mine for rqmisters, Bible students and Sabbath School teachers. . Apply at Newi Uffice. Soiiiebodm Bargain. is Going to . Lose d Has moved his stock of 1 ' . . '. : ' ' " ; I . 1 . ; j. 1 cBade to The where he has lliore room and will carry, a larger stock. TRY MY FLOlR All it Bri Rfiuildins x V si ' of my customers say is splendid-. YoiX wi say so too. jf you try it. COUNTRY PRODUCE 6f all kinds.x 100 Cents 1Q Ounces for a Pound, is my "motto. I 5cUKCoouuv-noo 1,1 any uuiic. j 1 j ; ;:-!.v;; .i:'v:r.-' !::.-v::p'i:.r!-iU: worth for a Dollar, Call II id : see me. : i i D. WIBB. . 1