, 1 ; f ! i L4- y i i i !'! : ' 1 j.li 1 i r V Jf, V J r i s i j c JVeta. t WILLIAM ft THOMSON,, E-UblUhe l893 y j h. , Cha Bfti. N a.Jane! i9o5. WE ITEMS OF NEWS Epitome of Current Happenings of j Interest Briefly Told. Sihiujorj Joseph Ih Burton, who was n-uteuwdj lo jair aud fined for irreg ularities, t resigned, and Governor lWh t:aioiiited Foster Dwight Co bum as successor. . Iu a .battle between spiking miners j"u! guards near pluni Run Mine, in .iio, four men were wounded, two ix-ihaps fatally, and the militia was ordered ot. ilt ' - The gght bet j reen Mexicans and Auieficaui at Cauanea, Mexico, is said to Jiave been fomented by revolu tionists' from St. .Louis headquarters. . i L , J r.urut of Mio large meat-packing Si-eras -.o-'ued in a siirned statement p-otcsting; against the Xeill-Reynolds report. j . The jState investigating board re lated ki the San Francisco earth quake, ; which it claims, was due to ruptures iu the earths crust caused Iy geological changes. Richard A. Canfield testified in his own behalf in the suit of John Del n!:unty'agaiust him and declared that he was j' tipped off""on Jerome's pro jected raid. . Drs. illarry Adler and J. C. Hem netr. j Baltimore, were speakers at :t medical convention in Boston, which is throiged with visiting doctors. Sixtyj aasrehists, alleged 1o be from Paltjm.re, are believed to be in Wil mington. Delaware. t ' Ex-Mayor Phelars of Sau Francis co, announces that the total :ash re ceived if or the relief of the.aity is isl.243,000, and.a?ials for funds to aid in rehabilitation. A oi reception to William J. Bry an upfi his return from abroad is pnijectd, ad is to have national pro ltr:ions. j ' King; Alfonso and Queen Victoria attended a brilliant military review. Thj Spanish police are on the track bombthrower s accomplices. person- were drowned and lightning at Odessa. ir Pue Gorman, of .his residence, 1432. a. yesterday. Federation of at Alexandria lected for the fenl will be de- is,'piesidfjj oration ot La- and other labor feeders. llornl'iug disclosures, as to th conditions, in the Chicago packing (liouscs ;ate -inale in the repit of rCharlei I'. Xeill and James B. Rey nolds, whif h was sent to Congress yes- -rdav :lvv President Roosevelt. ' Kiloiis will be made bv this (!ov- ni:ne:;i to secure laborers from Si nii; to work on the Panama canal 1 W T( ! American I eC J jA; Ti e ; British ship Lismore was vret iieu at rania -nana, v mr, ami Uarn von Beck has beeii intii:sted u-itU the task -or formilig the new Aur.,lfuiigarian Cabinet. L j Vv" ! Atiencans were coi FyJ. W.dlm iu London and - '-f labor. I'tiencans' were convicted oi tenteiieed 1,... . -. , . : of Vesuvius' con lsl4, u U ai tjie suvers of ashes he sjuwi . :.valAlikh.inoff, Govercor-Ger V, and the "pacifier" ot . e t-'J-,asuI wik, ser'ouslv iuiured f.v ono ef'tvvo bomls thrown at him.- -dr. ' hubridge, the special envov "j n.e tuuw Mates to attend g Alfonso's wedding, presented airgraph letter of ood wishes -V ltteniby President Roosevelt. ' anarchists of Kmrland. in are alleged to Lt on the .way to 21 ksassinatc Allonso on his ut-ddin Elks i" had iiemorial services ovei if i-.infp'.inii nT!UiL io as their dead at Pedford City . . i- ,. - Eleven person were killed, two so . badly liurt th::t 4hey aix- expected to die and a' score seriously hurt in a trollv aeckleui at East Provilence. R. i: 4 Carl Sln;rz was eulogized by jrom inent litn at a niemorial service held iri Ciiitiasrv Piesidcnt ; RooseveH ex pnssed higli appreciation of him in a letter. .' 1 XrtA;lor.'' the Bostock Jleopard- ' lion-tiger hybrid, died, and a lionessin Mr. B-istock's mauaseria cave birth to a pair : iuma-jaguar-:ion prodir gies. ; . ' Ch?eago,vi'ittsburg and St. Loins re-lrt-.repiarl:able advances in business roHty in their respective sections of the couttry. f Richmond College and the I'uiversi 'iv'CoIlte of. Medicine at Richmond : J 'n:av unite. i I: i it. i'i ii..,,,rt of Wisconsin de- 'maud theabolition of the Lnited States Senate., charging it with being ;-a Bulwark of capitalism and ttust iocraey.f' j ilManael Morales, who killed Inmse.f g,v,'en a!oiit to be captnred, was iden Itilie,! as the bomb thrower by tha own-,-t of the Madrid hot 4 from whom he " Lifted the) balcony. ! Rrv.Barinould. the noted au jijior aud f-Wchman, dicd m South liy'ric Hi Hi A -onflu t between the JIussian ''Vi-nma- and the Ministry over the pro posal to abolish the death penalty has " ' teen averieu ny a urcisiwu iuc i iof the Cabinet, to support such measure, j ' ' , j ;: The jec in Ki&cheneff held a mect rg to iexpres sorrow at the death f j ilUieai Pavitt. , j I LrR?r Swanson has refused tc ! Z, l? case of Galnet Battaik PL'S! BRAVE DEED Shoots Down Her Would-Bc Assailant and Resumes Work A SUM A TELEPHONE OPERATOR Miss Pearl Jones, Night Telephone Operator, With Rare Coolness, Puts Tatal Bulletj Into Nogro Who Pre meditated ah Assault Upon Her Negro, Trapped, Confesses His In tended Crime His Accomplice Larded in "Jail Admiring Citizens td Present Brave Girl With Gold Mounted Revolver and Medal. Scliua Xi- JO., Special. Saturday night 'about 1:30 o'clock Miss .Pearl Joncsyrhe telephone joperator at this place, jshVt and fatally wounded Bud Richardson, a licgro, who, by his own confcsfcu.n, had ; premeditated an as sault tipon hej. i ' ' The .telephone ofiice is located iu a narrow roonj between a large store and the hank fronting on Main street In the rear of! the cilice, eiu-l.;sed bT a high board will, 3s ii small back lot private to tbi ioperators.' I This '!, is entered through a screen door in 1 1 ; . & . i ' ' . . IS also a lor tl: rough the wall in the which js kept' fastened rear of the lot by a hook on he inside About two weeks ago a negro was caught climb ing over this high wall and scale away by one of the operators. Three nignts atterwarils,: as one: of the young ladies Stepped Lito the back lot from tLe oftice, she was 'confront ed by' a negr'ojman.. This time there hapjei!ed to : bis a yoiuig man in the operating room! who ran to her rescue, only to see the- nerro's back ainl piv a iiiiiiitjs Cliase.j j ' Tired Five Shotsi ; Hearing of this second atiempt the young men" of. the tow n decided to trnard tlw otlicp at. night.' vhich they did regularly, taking turns, iintil Sat urday niVht, he two men; assigned to this duty were sitting in from of the drug store jawaiting for the stores io ciose so tliey could take their po sitions, when ? at 11 o'clock thev heard a pistol hot, followed by four more in quick succession. These two. with the chief, of police,- ran to the ofiice. when theV found the youngs la dy with the -pistol in her hand. She told them shej started out into die hack lot and some one started toward her. then she jumped back into (lie ofiice, grabbed; the j pistol and : tired' once. By the aid of that, tire she could plainly $ce some one j ei-ojiched in the corner.; , Then she aimed at him and firel the other four shots as he went out the door and thought she hit him .with the last mie. . The lector's exaniinatiou showed that" the ball taeut.', through his left ana aud u;4 his biMtv h.etween the third Mn.l Jbuirth ribs.. .The bullet was proNsffor.; but could not be lo cated. TheJ wound was jdeedin? and 1 he wa bmithins throuiih the hole. The doctor says he, will not live, but eighH-eu hours; later he is slill living' and is conscioin. IThiee t: this ne gro's associates w ere , ai rested aud held in the loifknpj 1 At 4 o'clock; Sunday they were, all sriven a iieliniinafy hearing before a magistrate, resultiug in two of them being released -!ahdj two held. At the trial tlie wunded iiegro. realizing his condition, said he was ready to make a statement,, wjiich he did in the form of an afildavitj as follows: i Wounded Negro's Confession. - ( . i '"Xorth Carolina, Johnston . eouu ty: Bud Richardson, being sworn says: Jim Merntti and I went into; the back lot of the. telephone com panvs, office Saturday night, June Pth fol-" the purpose of committingj rape on Mises Pearl Jones ami Jessiej Hunt, who were night operators fori the companv. j I got shot and Jini ie he bad been there twice be fore' 1'orflSxarne purpose, but coitldi not succeed bvlNIf- 0,le elsq was with us. i L , (Signed - i I- : ' "BIT RICHARDSON." Vera Cruz tJ Have $6,000,000 .Rail fay Terminals. Mexico Cy. ;Si)eeal.-tWoik : will soon Uj;iitajlbu ! the Jfew railroad ter-j minals aff xra Cz which wnl hej the finest! NJiials n the country Ud makeL ?er of 'goods and pas sengebetwetfcteamers and rail ways easy and cNaomical. i The cost of the termiuals is Wunated at !?$, 000.000, gold. A larg custom house will be built on :tne raimay pier iu tracks connecting with the railway vanls. i The new tenninals will be used bv four railways). Drowned in Mill Pond. (Spartanburg, S. C, Special. Palm er Lester,. a young white man 20 ycard of agej was drowned in the Appalach Uan Mill pond Saturday aiternoon Lester and 'his companions were bathing and he fell from the. tpringj board into seven feet ot water. .Be ing unable to fewini he sank to rise no more, after frantic efforts to save himself. iNo inquest was heid. Eleven Killed by Explosion, Lancaster, ! Pa., ; SpeciaL Eleved itkIi wpre blown to pieces aud five others were seriously injured by "the explosion of ; a dynamite plant near Pequea, along tue fcusquenaua mer. The accident was one of ihe mrjst horrible in the! history of Lancaster! The victims; were literally f torn . td pieces, uot eubugh remaining of f siu-rle ' body i to make identification possible, the eanse of the lexplosjou s not kuown- i ' ' Americans Among Rebels, Mexico City Special. Xews fron the Guatemalan revolutionisis cper. atin in the southern part of that re public is that ah American eohtingeir consisting ot M men enlisted n SaU IranClSCO,! 01c - ninuuru i General Toledo's aVmy lura down on the stt-ticaijy Q now cTOP"S' SL;' i'1" of the re THE W0RK0F CONGRESS What is: Being Done Day by Day By the National House and Senate. Danger to Quarantine Bill. ! There is decided danger that the quarantine bill intended to give Fed eral aid in yellow fever quarantines! which has passed the Senate House, win rait; because of a deadlock amolig the conferes on the seventh section of the Ijill providing that iiUer-State1 traffic may be carried on without in-i terruptioh through a state under yfl- iow ievpr quarantine, under certain regulations' that is, that . through trains may ; make their, regular runs without faking on or letting off pas sengers or freight within die quaraa- unea statej j i . : :.- . I Report on Packers Matter. -IVUn T...,., ii ...-ll.. ... .A 1 ("ic ii?ue ..oiuujiiice vu Agricul ture dectclifil io comply with the re quest olpihe Chicago packcis to ba heard 6?i the Xeill-ReynOlds report regarding; (the conditions u the Chi cago pacing houses. t The request was made by Mr. E. Wilson, who said he jwas an employee of the Xel-? son Jloijtis Company, bub in this in stance 'as1 authorizeil to-speak foi all the Chicago packers. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson. Dr, A. D. Mel vin of the jDcpartment, aud Mr. Xeill were p4se)it at the hearing. j ' Mr. Wilson made a sreheral denial of the existence of the comlitionsHu packing hduses as set forth in ' the Xeill-Reynolds report. Some of ihe suggestions- made in the "report j he said, hail already been complied with by the i, packers, such aa( additional sanitary facilities.'- ,; j '. As to t ie charge that canned meats were borltjd in water to "freshen them tip." Mri Wilson -said there was ab solutely ; nothing in this. ' What the cans wei jput m hot water were! to soak off ;t ie old .labels, which he said, was an injury io the appearance i of the goodi n sale. ., i j: lledeiled absolutely'that there were any j deceased cattle or heis butchered for .food Mrj Wilson de scribed in detail the operation of pre paring cached meats and when asked by Representative' Scott of Kansas; a menibefi ittf the committee, "How about the jrbpe and other foreign inaN ler found; tvith scraj s on. the ilior,", ;31r. llspu explained that what vi a; probably ; tsief a . in this instance was the string? o?i the kuiukle and what had been jliieid beef. This string was used with ivhich to hang the beef j in a smoke .aioiYse, a nd when, the beef had been -sliced oif, tbU knuckle end was left. !'.Thef-e was a boffe iu ifJL The ()oie wouh smash the machine if Ian attempt w'as made to use it."' j li, j Tlopded With Petitions. t! As Senaitbr Tillman suggested there was "A streak of vellow" m the Senate due to the fact that practically every deslt in tiie chamber was cove x ed with telegrams of protest against the Auti-I'ass provision in the Rdil- road Rat Bi:l;as reported by the Commit ee. . l ! Conference They were jail from railroad men and in each case consisted of pro tests against cutting off the privilege of riding If ree., j In addit ion there was' a fornlal statement on behalf of engineers, lirenWu, c"iuductoiis awl trarnmcn say ing that (hey '"represented. 2:ji),o6o railway employees. . Bill to Be Sent Back. ' " .1 The discussion of the Railroad Rate Bill conference report iii the Senate showed that the bill would be sent" Ijack to the coiifcrence. The conler-i; ence announced that they expected that resulL - '. Busy Day in. the House. Against! the da vs when the House oT Representatives was iii throes of a filibuster ;br "putting off, until Jo-i moyow wjiat it might have done the: day befort," must be set the work accomplished in the lower branch !ot the natioilal Legislature. . , In many particulars Tuesday Was a "red letter day" in the HuSe, not only in .the number of bills passed, but m the general character of. the legislations enacted. What bid fair to cause-endless trouble, the natural ization bill, was passed under suspen- s On of the rules,, the, Sjeaker and the geutlenian in charge of the bill, Mr. Boynfe, of Colorado, doing tteam work ot ai superior kind. J The Hoiise refused :to pass a bill leasing to i a private fiim or corixira- t;on the riirht to 1111116 coal on the I.-rand of Batan in the Philippine ;roui. although it. was stated that fetich, alejase would, decrease, the iuuount piid by the government for coal very considerably. ) I'or two hours the House worked under suspension of the rules and then, with the time set apart for these nieahpres. exhausted, and peace ni-cadiutrl-itj winirs ;Over the .mem bers, the itst of the day, until ad j jurumen was. taken up (with the passage tt in'ils by unanimous con sent, a foh f legislation f only pos- sibT-i v hel there are no breakers m si--iii . 1 ' i r News Items. The village of Scottown,- in Ohio, was completely washed away bv flood, two pel-sons being) drowned. j The Souiheru States' Immigration Commission elected officers au4 estab lished a Xew York' bureau. r i ' President Hoscvplt ris said to have detennined; on a complete reorganiza tion of thci Bureau of Animal Indus try. - : ir; ' 1 - - ' ; i Supreme i Court Orders. Served 6b Chattanooga Lynchers. ! Chattaiipogn, Teun., jRpecial. Uuited Htates' Marshal Duulap ' seiz ed SupreJite ('o:rit-orders oh all de fendants lnited to appear before the United Slates Supreme Court iu Oc tober lo iuswer for atiempt in j the Johnson lis rue'iing rase. ' The mar shal was! aided "in locating the de- fendauis ty sheriff's deputies, . -all fill addition to the sheriff of whom aire iuclifded in , Attorney 'General Moody 's iiulioi mat ion, . Senator Gorman's Successor. Baltimore. Speeial. The rumors &s to who would be appointed to seryt out the rVmainder of Sei alor .Gor man's nnp'xpired term wet-e put tc rest Fridsvv- night when Govenioi Miounced the sippointmeal Whyte. Mr. Whyt iycrnor of the State, may lonl .WP- Whyte. Mr. Whytt J etfeivornor of the State, may j j .. ipre, ahd has twic?--hi Jr S3' Jiff PACKERS REPLY Claim That Conditions Are Not As Bad As Represented ARE CLEANING UP, HOWEVER It is Admitted, However, That Some of the Suggestions in the Neill-Rey-nolds Report Pertaining to Sanita ry Conditions Have Been Complied - With. . I ' ' i. Washington, Special. Thomas ! E. Wilson, representing the ' Chicago packers, was heard by the . House committee on agriculture on the Xeill Reynolds report! regarding conditions in Chicago packing houses. Mr. Xeill was present at the hearing. Mr. Wil son, who is an employe of the'Xelson Morris Company, made a general de nial of the existjeuce of conditions at the packing houses as set forth in the report. He began by inviting Ube committee1 to coime to Chicago ah spJend a week in personal -investigation of conditions, that, he said, would be the onty way j for members to gain 4 proper idea ot. ivhat the eonditions really were. Some of tue suggestions made in the report, he said, had ; al ready been Complied with by the pack ers, such as additional sanital'y facili- xies. t He denied ah oiutcly ' that there were any diseased cattle . or hogs butchered for food. In every car- ! y load of cattle or hogs, he said, some were likely to.be dead and some dis- eased. The dead or diseased hogs and cattle were sentj M the ." Standard Rendering . ('omijauy, . ' different from the Standard Slaugh tering Company.;; although the two were likely to be confused in the mind. The renderinr coninanv turned the .dead and (diseased meat into grease which --was a co-product "in the manufacture of soap. . i . Packers Court Inspection. ; Supervision of every branch of the packing business was not objected to by the packers, said Mr. Wilson. "The goveniment may; put 'on as many in spectors" as it desires, he added, so long as the packers do not have to pay for them." He Said the packing busi ness would be benefitted bv the in speeton of the different branches from the "hoof to the can." Good in spection is whatjtlie packers, want, he declared. j In addition to! the question of who shall be the judge of sanitation Mr. Wilson said that the only other sug gestion made by the Xeill-Reynolds rrport to which; thff packers would have any objection is the requirement tnat the date ot banning be placed on all cahned articles. lie said that would serve no purpose except to in jure the canned meat business. "Nat- urally a buyer M ill choose ( he article vwith the freshest ippiaring iabel." said-' Mr.- YV llsonJ ' whe. as a matter of fact, the canned nieaU does not , de teriorate wita age." Tu Piieakiiiff of the return of gohds be said that con- iiguments are sometimes sent back to the shippers because a hail has -been driven through i lean in f;is!ening up a boxJ This, he aid. would cause that the consignee would whole shipment had t is possible in rare can to sjxil. and imagine that th'a spoiled. Then instances for tiir to have gotten into the can ar.d caused it to swell, lie de scribed such cars as "swellers," ; but said there is 110 danger ot tliese ever being eaten and added with a laugh: "Xot the slijhtfst." Xo one asked him whj'. PutrifieS Meat Not Canned " Would it be can meat which- possible to put in a has begun to putre fyf" asked Chaiirman Wadsworth. "Xot unless the meat were accom panied by che cicals such as it would be suicide to bat," replied Mr. Wil son. , He declarejl that the use of bad meat had never) been attempted by reputable packers, and that it. would be suicide to their business. At this point a recess was taken for luncheon. ." A Disastrous Cloud Burst. Johiistown, Tc ., SiJecial. A cloud burst at Hoove rsville, IS miles north of here, caused Stony creek 10 rise suddenly here and portions of the lower part of t hie city are under wa ter. Island Park, a ileasure resort, two mile's fromj the city, has been practically washed out of existence. The only fatality, so far; reported; is the killing of s 11- unknown woman, who ikas struck by a rain while standing on a bddge watching the high water. Reports from the torns above sav the waters "are subsiding rapidly. The-damage jis; $250,0001 Purchaaexs for Canal. Washington, Special. rBy a vote of 8 to 3 the house! commit tee on W4ys and Means' authorized a tavonte re-: poi-t on the Senate resolution ie-i stiicting the puijchases for the Pan ama Canal to larlicles of domestic manufacture andjfrom the lowest bid- dei V Unless th ! President shal, any case, deem the bids or tenders; thereof extortionate or uureasoiia blel : ' . iii. . Russian Officers in Toils. St. Petersburg,By Cable. The 3a- val Court of Inquiry has presented an indictment Ro jestvenskyr against Vice Admiral kvho commanded the Ru ?sian fleet Ses, of Japan, atj. the. battle of the and the' officers of the torpedo boat estrover Bcdovia for surrendering I tjhe enemy after the battle. The liMicitment is a crusting arraignment or 4iemoiatizaiion : anu co ardice of jhej; effieers. The trial l.as been fixed! for July 4. rJ?he penalty is deah. jl'; -' '-, Teleg::aph.ic Briefs Gabriel Bat tlaile, the negro who lit to pe hanged today for assault upon Miss Rogers, ih King .George's coun ty, confessed ljis Icrimc. W. L. Fran is,j of , Richmond, who vak arrested on a charge jof embez- the, charge and icy : with ihms of Interest Gleaned from Various 'Sections FR(M MOUN AIN TO SEASHORE Min Occurrences of the Week of Merest to Tar Heels Tola in Para- griphs. Charloht.fi Cotton Market Tse juices represent tie: prices paitiH-wagons; j Goodjiuiddling. . '... N. $trici middling. .! .1 . J Midd'ing. . ' . . . J '. . .'.'. Good jmiddliiW, tinged. . Staini.' .. .V . J- .j; i ....12 .. ..11 !. . . -11 L .11 l-s 19 to 10 IGeneral -Cotton Market GalveAou, quiet i 11 1-3 Xew3 Orleans, quiet 10 13-10; Mobile, teady, . Savanaii. 'q'uiet. Charleston; quiet .10 .10 5-8 7-8 : 5-3 10 Wilmiigton." stead .1013-4: ...111' .11 1-4 ...11.20 ..11.20, . .11.45 -7. . . .ii-.-..n Xorfolk. steady Baltimore, nominal Xew Ywrk, quiet Bostoii.Viu'u.'t PhiladeIahia, seat Hoaioa, easy-. . Augusta, steady. Memphis, (iiiet.. St.: Louis, steady Cincinnati .... ;. Louisville, firm. . .. .1.11 li i .11 3-S Suicide Attempted Durham Special. Benjamin II. Crideiv a voting wtme man maue a despaiaie attempt to comniit suicide After - niflkiiiw 'a Inui to a inWmber oi; drug stores" at linght purchasing a 'one ounce bottle five of them and of! lauda-niim, from 4 ! one; box of tiiorphmc he crawled under tern pant of. the a house injjthe wes- k-ity near lis board- ing place. At ai early houiC! in i the mornina: when found he had; drained ; three -of 1 1 cm and taken the box of -morphine tablets. He left a! 'note ad-; dressed i his brother, Reji Crider of 'Kentucky, 'Wyiiig: "It! had! no cause for the act except that there.; is nofhiug. for me to live foK"'. 'The j note and his. jMijketbook we.i-e found ! on the door knob fof. his jboardingj house. After pumping mucjh' of thei drug figm his stomach tlicri is some! chance for his recovery, '" -' ' -1 r . . il "A House Exhibit.'! Raleigh. Special. -The Staite board .j of 'agriculture at tlie urgent request j of Governor Glen a who scntiiai spcial j commuiiica"tin on the subject, made a special appropi iation , of -f-j.000 for the equipment of a ("house iexhibit'' of Xoith Carolina products ttt be -eon-sti-uctcd and equiiiped on citjrs so as to lie seat: on the! circuit jjiof- Xew England fairs especially nexji fall. for: the) attraction of immigration and: capital to this State. The! proposi tion ireceived a bare; uiajority vote of the boai-il membcisliip, several inelud-);'. ing L'ii)iirmaii 1'ai j.erson, . jpeuevuiy . that j (Jf!4ii-vet!uit would -iiot1 . j-ield .,1 - -i. . .i ti .1: returnb lfc proportion to tne cost. Board Completes Wok. . Raleiub. Siiccial. The Stale Board: of Agricul trine comleted ts -work: Eiiitl tadjoured.i i: Later theyiK'oted to;f rojeK the special 'iajiproprjatioii ofi '750 i'or .special agricultural :pre-i; mniiiis on faim products at jthe State;! Fair October 15 to 20, to bd awarded! 011 14 lieldi. crops on the same condi-; tiou fas last year. The Board adopt-!; ed food standards for . lh " United! States Government for - Xofth Caro-i lina 'in operation! with, the Striate Pure; Food Iaw. I . .: li ij ' :! ' V I . I 1 - . '. . -;i Part of Train Goes in River. jf AJheville, SpeciaLA traii oh thei Kiioxville. division of the Southern Railway was derailed about a half i Lile west .of Alexander, -on j a curve ; md the olivine, mail, express and bag-; irage cars left the track, and the en- gine and eixpress ear fallingf into the river!. -jThjj mail car was destroyed, -but (only one person was' injured. Hailey Goode, the mail agent, who sustained a- laceration of the scalp. Farmer Kills Himself.. Winston, Speciah William Bohan- non, I a 1 adkm county larmer, near Rockford committed suicide ! Wednes day morning by hauging himself ink M.-s barn with a plow line. !j Bohan pou r.rose early and went to ibis barn mid (fed his stock after which' he took his life -as above j stated. He uas 10 years old and had been mar ried three times, j Financial and fam ily trouble arc given as the pause Of his rasa act. ; - - .L New Enterprises, jj .' The Montgomery Lumber Company, of Spring Hope, Xash - couikty, was diartered '. at j a! $250,00Q I capital, authorized, the incorporators being: G. BJ Montgomery aiid btherf ' i A charter was issued for-tlie Smith Electric Manufacturing Co;. p Char lotte t with . Jt2o!,000 ' capital! by S. J. Smith, E. F. Creswell and others. The Trvoh Kindine Medicine Co. bf Tryon, with $50,000 capital au thorized and $1,800 subscribed,- by E. H. Merton and others, r .3 , Another charter was to theifBlowiug Rock Mercantile Co.!, at a capital of .$25,000, by J. F. Robbins, aait others. ! the Secretary of State chajrters the Elizabeth" 1 Manufacturing Co., of Mooreboro, Cleveland county, with ,460.000 capital authorized i f ud 40, 000 subscribed by M. (Mke, Jr., S. S. Royster and others. I fhe Cor- bitt-Burwell -Tobacco . Coinisny. fof Henderson, with a capit;.f of .$40.'- (500 bv J. R. Corbitt, S.. BiuWeif?aud i.i...... I : ' WIUCIS. ' Items of State New'si The cv'unty commissioners eoiiii ty have requested GovernoiJL-Iemi tki.liMiiop :in order for a special tern, df cavil court; which bad be'eyt.r(le-.. ed mr June 13. ' The docket il. fakeit-u'u at a later day oris anof Buildint t?o7l!loaivi lar-y attendA, i2""Ss.sion nr Wj- I e Stfe NORTH CAROLINA CROPS ! '.'.' j; ' ! i i' i General Summary of f Condition 01 (North Carolina Crops for Week Ending Monday, -June 11,1906. ' if ' ' 1 i : ' i The mean temperature for the State for the past week was: about 4 degrees above normal, j The entire weekiwas warm with the'highst ifem peratures occurring oji the. 61 h, j7thf Sth, and 9th. The highest tempera tun rejiorted "wts 99 degrees sit TO ijon ton J the 8th, ' closely follO vedj by 98 degrees . at Lhmbertqn ion t he ,9th. A maximum, of J 96 degrees occurred at jseveral places throughout . j the State. The 5th, 10th and 11 h were not so Avarm, H The jowest tempera lure' reported was 00 degrees at Ashe- ville on the 8th. Frequent -thunder storms occurred all over: the . State aiceompanied bv fiood; shower:!. The ajvei-agej precipitation? for tk State was 'about normal, although in some pi a es it was much below iibimal, and- ih bther places I it was much s above, north- Tli4 re was a deheieiiey iii the past iaud' northwest counties, aud an excess in the southest,! central, and westierni portions. Some hail aiid high F11 d. occurred in Johnston County, h',d ho jdamage wa. veported..4-r-A; IL, Thiessin, Section Director. ill Charters Granted, The Secretary of State Saturday grakited eharters to the J. ,H Coffev AVaWm Company, Le;noiir,i capital $6,- 0('M iauthorized ; incorporators J, II. Coffey, II. T. Xewlaijd and T. F. Sea- hoi 11!; the Creel more Land & Improve incut, t 111 pa ny, i C r-e(d moor, Granville. couftitv. to. develop tllat sectio 1 under a ! hiutej1' to D. P. WakstaM L. V.! i-ce and others, alithorized capital 0,00(rof which ,fK)0 is aidjlr.f the! Aydeii Ixan and Insurance' Coni pany, Avdcn, lias .tfi.o'M pal in out of :r total authorized capital hf ,50,- 000, E. G. Cox. J: J.'llurnage arid other stocUeholders ; the fxingtoti Eucl 'Company,' Lexifigtoni. ha paid: in capital : stoejfc. jwhiih scribed bv J. Mi Riley, IJ. L. 1 Ice and .fthOOO is sub eacock. t). H Everhart and dlhdrsL Riidsville Ls chartered a treaf)nent corJ)oration under the name at' I the Mk-Kanna Tln ec Ihiys ,Li'i'norpuie, -Company J. J. Jicivanua. ana oiijeis incoiMnaioi9 authorized capital stOckl; $ 12.000 I I Dayid T. Oales Dead. Ea vetteville. Special. Dav i4l Gates. a Jjirominenf and sul-cessful lawver at this bpr.Tdied; in Rich 'moud hosjii.tal .) -(' cb-i-k S lied lit ilitrdav iiiulit lk'ii v a.4 4p .11 'last com i Wed 1 'dok Saturday '.-for pM;it(iiti-!.; . A mail' of the .jiiidirial -exeViiU mi-ice, si.j pvesda v 'i. i em poii-m uy org? n w t io-1 a an ar-tive .part in' the lii-ocecdliig's tor Mr. Sinclair, lie) liadlbeenidoii g much work tor the. Ralehjh -and SJutb)ort Railroad, lvpresentiiig it here Thurs- EriIy ckiv i he was taken (si.-k and curried to RicIiinbiMl. accoilipanicd iMV w;f0 ad brotheif. John A t)ates, cfd.itof (vf The;1 Xorlli Caiulu -f Xn junction fSrar led- Riilciiili. ' Special .-jr 411 forptjiration 'ioniuiissioner i&sued n older restrain-. ing the Southern jl'ihvLy Company trom makiiif. ctiaFgj oilscheduie ef fective :Suvulay,j Jutie ifciih, ik-hereby the passenger unjvuUu n-rain fo. Ill, leaving Raleigh It ; 1.54 ia.' ui. for 0 1 eensboro' aiuljtjie 'Wf f.! would ha-ve diarted. at 12 vmluii'il.! The order states': fit is oikleml by ihe corpara-!tii-nrcomnissiou fhai the said connec- not brokleu until the 'complaint ifctilions and ailiswers thereto can be hvaM aiid a thorough investigation lie in'ade bv the conimis.-ionj Prof. Bivinsf SuccefSDr. :. i . - i .- ! . i Ihuljam, Special!. i-The executive cTunmiltee elected Rev.' -I Harry M. Xorth.lof Elizabeth'City, bead master f Trinity Park High School to suc ceeded' Prof. J A,' Biviiis, resigned Mr. X()rth .was heielaiid has accepted the jiosition tendered hini.i Mr. Ivorth was graduated froiilf Truity with the class 'of 99 ajid s, a preacher of ability. - ; !-. I Died Vrhile iiSpeaking., - I Asiicviilc, Siseciai. i-A gloom was Seciaj. I ;!00 dele" cast over 4 he otyo delegates .here at- tending the I'itlilanhuat Southern eqh-i . r - i ii , ierence of the death of Mrs. W' C. A., by the Geog H. Atkinson, I secretary'of the committee of the C ai oliitas. liich occurred at; 6 0 clock Satftriday moniitig. hue; making an address at the oiicniiiw rexercises Mrs. Atkinson was att.'a'ck(d yl t It heart fail-j ure anu never regaujeu; wui-iuuiicsoi She was Miss Frincejs Bridge, w ho for several -years was " secretary of the American committee Mi - - ;'. - ' j Big Damage Suit. . Liunhcrtoii. SiJcciah Suit has been instituted bv atjoriipys-for Evander Godwin; against jlliej Atlantic Coast Line Raihvay asking! darria'ges in the sum of 40,000 on acQduiit ot personal mjurie received) wubic iri: me iilCiynieBit l.of the coiipany i as brake Godwin wits coupling cars at. Union ,!!S.I C, when ip some way one -'f bis'ieet was (cut off. The suit is wrought! ni Robespn county. Trick of Vinyardists. ; i Vine growers in) France market fresh 1 winter by a new outdcori Vi-anes al curious Tl -RunChM of uiiuiio i - , r .- , grapes Jw 11 en ripe are: cut so. that a: piece ofi'ihle vine live or six inches long ll.V-r.,'!- 4 iar-rp tiumher of remains! aUached. A large number of white-netc'ied bottles filled with water are ui;,ied in hor zoutal rows in racks in a cemaruand tre si-m-.ui ev is piacld n the :nouth of the bottle, while the grapes jnang vuisiue. 1Uc grapes Ao hot touch tne water, dui are suppjj A Trtth water through; the stemj The uniform! temperature 01 tM favorablij to the' preservation fruit and water is suppded the bottles to make tip for the ion. Country.' life. In Amer-; cellar of h i' Years tl SM00TT0BE0US1K Mormon Senator Must Not Be I: Seated ! " SAYS MAJORITY OF COMMITTEE Of Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections, Burrowis, Dolliyer, Dubois, Pettus, Bailey, Overman and Frazier Hold Against Morman Senator, While Foraier, Beverldge, Diilinsham. Hopkins 1 and Knox Take Opposite View. '-4 j, ij j - . ' '-. j i ' wLhiiiritoi), Special. The niajpri- ty and minority reports 6f the com mittee on Ipriyileges andielectiong in the Jase of Senator Reed Sinoot, ' of Utali, were presented in the. Senate, . the i'ormer by Senator Burrows, 1 de claring that Mr. Sinoot is! not entitled to . his seat and the latter-"by Sena tor' jForaker, taking ' opposite view At the same time Senator Bailey i-ho isj-alinember of the committee sfateid that while he concurred iuthe. view of the tnajority. that Mr sewdjeLl Suioot is; hot entitled to his fof the opiabS Tmit'Mr. Suioot ws ecf l(JSAf be deprived of his seat un-j dtt.' the constitution except by a reso- tion of cjcpulsion." ..,-' Ji '-',' j'.j Mr. Siirrows gave notice that he would' call: up the case "it the earli- est possible moment consistent with the publicj business,f and Senator; Foraker expressed his dppfoial of this !aiiiioiiucement. .- jj . ,v ' j ' The reason for the- action i'-of the Seua,;te committee on i. privileges' ' ai d elections in declaring by a "majoriiy vote to a that Reed Suioot wnot c5ntitlel seat mthc Senate, are stated in the Cport Submitted to tlie Senate by Chairman Burrows and signed 1 by 1 f 1 knows '. Doljiver, ' Dubis. Pettus, Bailey, Overman and Fra- zief, to be as follows : j The Majority Report. "That Mr. Smoot is otie of a self perpietuatiiig body of men, known as the jFirst Presuleiicy and Twehe Apostles of the (liui'ch of Jesus Christ of Ijatter Day Saiiits, eommoii- IT Iy known las the First, Presidency and Twelve Anwstles of the onnon chuiich; t-iiaf thestj hicn authority I to control the aiin j di i lie riiieiubcrs of saurt church iii nil- tiling temporal a L welljas sijiiritual: that this authority i-, and (has been for vera! Vcijl-S Jlst xerctsV Jby. the saij I Fitst li.J;.1..n..i tin.k ''riii-pl A nobles as iii. eiicoutiige lh" practice 01 i)lya i"nmv nd olyf'.amous- cotiabitat ion jiii the Staite ;of Utah! siiid elsewhere, con- tiaiy to the consiitulioit! and Jla.ws of the State of l't;! and the law ot the land? thyl ' the .si aid Kiiil Presiuci ' aiid pTwel aiid l or 1 , e Apt'sl lcs.do now 'con! 10I 1 lung time pa's 1 have con trolled, tlie .political aftairs of i tlie Static of Utah, and havertlius brought aboijit in said Slate, a union church aud jSfatd. diiti:aiy to-rhc constitu tion of the I . intM Statics, and itl al said 1 Reed Snlo4 1 conies here, uot as the' iiaccreditcil r?pf-escntiiiti.vc ot'j lhe State of 1 tali ni Ihe Senate of ' the I'nited States, b it! a the choice !of v i-t ' ! . -.i 1 ; . 1 . the-jhierai-chy wihch controls flic church and has -usurped, it he function of tihe .State 111 said State of Utah." Tlife, majority leport Pcliaraclerize!- "asjiiwholily u'nte table " the jKisitijoii t ha tf because Smoot hiniiself does not practice jjolygamy andji there is i evi1ence to show t lat he has person ally; and SndividJ; practice "In .theisJlie li night ' not to be C(indemiid hcealuse nj!l! the acts of his 'associates. It is 'IcHarged ''Mha'- Senator Smo'd is an insepaip.ble part of the governing body of! the Mormon church the 3 First l Presidency and Tvvelre Apostles land those who com pse . that ! cnsaiiiJatioii' is the act of each aijd every- n cthbeJr.lt hereof, mid wliaiever jM.licv yk dA,h ed and pur- n iijoui iii.ivv'if iivi 1 ............. j , - ; sued by the body whicili controls the Moimon ciimrch. Mr. Suioot niiisl I held! jo be; res)iisiblc fV as a mem bcr bi -that body''.! I, ;, Tli .report declared 6 that"' while Smojit kieAv the polygahiOiis ipractice of ltesident Smith and bther church officials, hi has sustained by his. vote as ad apostle, and at 110 time uttered a wont ot protest against tne cn- duct bt hi s associates, but; 011 thfr con- traiy has sustained': them bv his si- leu eel, "111 the nulrnieiit of the eOimnit- tee,Mjthe report says, 'Mir. Snloot is no nMrre entitlel to a seat in-the Sen ate than he would be if f he Were as-' socialiii. in polygamous cohabitation with a ploralitv of wivesjf ' If- L;.. ' ' ! " News Notes. The split between ; the Radicals in the iJouma and the -Constitutional Democrats was widened by a debate over the proposal to -demand a ''reply tromithe Oovertroient oi the abolition of thp deatli penalty, The wirkmeuf0'f Moscow aud other eitiesijare binjr jarmet 'i"ith Mauser riflesj and the spirit of revolt is beiii"- spreajd among the Rusiatji jeasants. -: il ' I I i .. l! I : ' - ! .- Twelve thousand ncfirili. from l.,in. caslnr-yvent toi 1npdarij to protest aaaint the r.ducaliohal hi II neiidin 111 Barliament. , I ! ' . 'I . , . . .. !:J - i; 1 Interuatioiai Congress ox .Mine Workers declared for the uationaliza- tion of mines' Tlid eiluM-r- Maibleliead left Pana ma uuuer iiuriy .vea orwers and 1$ thoiicjiit to' be heaiUiur fori Guatemala Senator Blackburn- is to-be chosen -licmoj-ratic icattcr.iu tin? Senate to succeet Mr. jOormau. Cleansing "Crtam Almond oil ouncei w nue; wax u ........... .2 ouncei Orange (flower, water..,. .4 ouncei leu tne wax in a double boiler, add loij siowiy. when all are heatH m -me nre, stir -until partly n oeac. in the orange flow- V- ...11. , .11 t,,WlUl coia Vrs are glad io get $1.93 ahoutlwenty-slx gal- red wiXci ':. ; .' i . SEVERAL Kit x TM(r4 Mininr Tow Fatal 1 Clasn sevwec Btnxers ana jcmu vj. OVID VI vvimmwu. i er. Fired His" Revolver 11 Wo Responded With Volley Fr Carbines. Six of wonnaea in t- irious condition na ahico " Die. indiaiiaptis-, , Secial. -The new mining town "of EnicCt, on the Buf- falo, Rochester & Pittlurg Rail road, five miles from herf, w t!io scene of a conflict between a ; ; tail of State ' cpuftabularv !ud bt ik-tn"- -coal-niiiiers,-iu wliich (two Ml ik- !ers were killed and eight' wounded, three . lataiiy. j -,- '( Shortly sifter daylight a Lrodv f strikevs, headed liy a brass biiutl,' tjuu-ebed roan l'nitn" Miuf-'V inJcl!r . ferson couulv to rcccue one ot the, i; .1 . nine olricials expected from , Puux- sutawm v. On theXwuy to the hial- tion the mart-hero Micomiif red dci- 1 tail J)f twehe mcmbvjs i,( the SUU4- constabulary ninl, as ' they passed 4- memher of'Mhe band hied hf H'f- volvcr at the troops-. Xo one was, struck, bu 8tabulary inimcdiaU'lv " fhc 4-oit-i retaliated iirbine,.- j ' .with a volley from their. Wlieiv the . smoke cleared e'gl't strikers) were 1 JyiiK-Von I ie ground and others had ! IVd picclpiiatcly- down the hill. , Two of those hiit enj killed, inj- stanlly hml the: H Vol lici weie scj wously M ounded. DENIED BY HARVIE JORDAN. President of Cotton Association Haa Not Advised Farmers to Sell Spot Cotton for Future Delivery. Washington, j S'cial.- -President Haryie Jordan, of the' Southern Cot ton Association uadeTlio follow iujjf statement: "In; view' of tlie present misinterpretation- ot" iny- posiOoif o.i prices of spot cotton' i hi. Im.i licep given genOijil circulat ion in tin: p'cip during the past ;lcw day's,, 1 wish t' uiKinalitieclfy jilel'y 'any- report that f have advised finiiiei or others t-r sell.spol c!t.tAif'i I'nimc. delivery or o deal jn cotton It'luiCH at all. Myj)ilioii in 'favor of higher prin-s it) tincliangcd and wi!l, coiUi:nic - long as present ! splendid' frade con ditions last and i: iuoljability of abiii'ini.illy l.-.r; cidjN IwIh.; iH'UJg ducld.,'-' . j Report fvp Washington. Spciii.i . In .-, -In. IV-pOII.-O ib'lTse Coliimi' e,id'llt V'f-i".r to a request from the tec 'oil agi ieulturc,' ' velti- forwiirdcd ta leprescnlali jWadswoith, chairnuni ot? that K-m-mitbi'c, the ici-oitl made Io hiii;hv V'uoul tee ; ol , t Ii ncpartin-ut 1 'A L'rietil t mo n.-ifi nn -i,ii,lii!,.ii. m the Chicago meat packing housen.-'Ai- conipunynig 1 1ir icjhh t w:h k-U points out that there ia im inrflw t in ubstaiice het'rt-w:i the N'f-il Holds' leport anil that of 'the Airu- cultural Department cvjieils. rale Work for Yale Man in Chin, i; ' The largest commlssion 'handell out. to fl, Vale' man recently Is the . inU whh-h has .been offered to Yu .Clniaii' Changi juj. hy - t! empeYof .;, dfi ChiUfl.; up t!io Be has 'Invited' Chanc t J UhH. jlegal avstem of Gennqny ;.ni: 10 ma1j n" ffflclaJ report Of It t4, t),l "npi trocrnmrni. Viiar.K ImH ju . j J P """'-V u nan koi- .0 uviiiii -10 ucgin :u task. 11 s p . ... ni B...i ... . 1. . . 1. - wni- ur; iiinut- lit I nr J!Hft.-t;U Chlncfci commission which Is iia touring thl .count'--,. . Clmnit wa Blven -ft degreo of d cibr mf cotnnmi. aw from Yale law achool threo icai jo, EraOrctins rwlth high honors. SOUTHERN I ' ; 5 ; . - RAILWAY; THE STANDARD XAXLWAY OF TH8 7"- PIBJEC7TLINE TO ALL POINTS LN Texas, .';..( California, Florida, Cuba Porto and Rico, Strictly first-class equipmeri on 11 Through and Locals Trains, and Pullman Pal ' Sleeping-cars on , all nfcht j trams. Fast and safo scied- ules. a- 1 TrTi by th fcOTJTHT Apply to Ticket AgeaU for Wt, lutei ' and irener Infonnntloa dirim WH. TAYLOE, OenraJfw. Afe,v a. It. 1 1 SOUTH; V i warship8' teaialan v.