H.C. WILLS. CHAS. B. WILLS. | H. C. WILLS & SON, j DEALERS IN HARDWARE, Paints and Oils. Roofing Material, 1 Contractors for Roofing and Guttering. Sheet Meta! . work of all kinds. HOT AIR HEATING A SPECIALTY For all Kinds of Building Laths, Shingles, Plaster, Rough and Dressed Lumber. OUR SPECIALTY: Heart Pine Flooring and Long Leaf Framing CARY LUMBER CO., SALE OF LAND FOR DIVISION Under authority contained in a judg ment of the Superior Court of Orange county, in Special Proceedings, en titled James L. Ray and others vs. Eugene Ray and others, the under- signed will, upon the premises, offer for sale to the highest bidder, at public auction, on Saturday, September 28, 1912, at 12 o’clock, noon, upon the terms stated below, these tracts of land: The First.—Beginning at a white oak on Collins Creek, on Elizabeth Cates’ line, and running with her line East 163 poles to a post oak in Henry Edwards’ line; then North with his line f 104 poles to a post oak, said Henry Howards’ other cor ner; .then South 80 degres West 172 poles to a stake on said creek; then down the creek as it meanders to the first station; containing 94 acres, more or less. The Second Tract.—Beginning at a stake on the bank of Collins Creek, Sidney Ray’s corner; then up the creek as it meanders to a stake on said creek on Morris’ line; then South 77 degrees East with Morris’ line 3.50 chains to a hickory, said Ray’s corner; then South 29 chains to a post oak, Sidney Ray’s corner; then South 80 de grees West 20 chains to first sta tion; containing 43 3-4 acres, more or less, both tracts subject to the dower of Estelle E. Ray, already allotted to her. Terms of Sale.—One-third cash; one- third in six months, and one-third in twelve months, interest on deferred payments, right in purchaser to antici pate the same, and title reserved until final’payment. J. L. CHEEK, This Aug. 24,1912. Commissioner. Administrator’s Notice. Five Points. DURHAN. N. C. Phone 174 We call your attention to our complete line of Iron Beds. Felt Mattresses, Springs, Sates. Tables, Rockers, Cane China Dinner Sutes and every kind of honse furnishings, Novelty Stoves and Ranges The best in the world. A written guarantee with every one. Price from. $18,0010$65.00. Chatham Furniture Company Having qualified as the adminis trator of the estate of . Luther K. Dur ham, deceased,late of Orange county North Carolina, this ’is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to rhe undersigned at Chapel Hill', state and county aforesaid, on or before the 12th day of Sept. 1913, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery.. All persons indebted to the estate will please make immedi ate payment. This the 12th day of Sept. 1912. Joseph Durham, Administrator of Luther K. Durham. CHANGES IN VOTING PRECINCTS PARBIRH ST. DURHAM, N. C. W. S. ROBERSON A. E.- WOLTZ Roberson & Woltz Attorneys at LaTo, Chapel Hill, N.-C. PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS. Frank Nash, Attorney At Law HILLSBORO, N. C. Practices in all the Courts. SPECIAL SALE, ONE WEEK FIVE LOAVES AND TWO FISHES. Mark vi, 30-44—Sept. 22. “Jesus said unto them, I am the Bread of Life.”—John vi, 35. ONLY, ON HEN the twelve Apostles re turned to Jesus they ex plained the instance of their tour and what they had taught; and He called them away to a desert place to rest awhile, because of the crowd and because they had not even time to take nourishment. So they went privately by ship. But the news went also and the crowd went on foot from various cities. Jesus would have no time to Him self. His entire life was devoted and being rendered up a living sacrifice to the Divine service, in feeding the sheep of Jehovah’s flock, and His own sheep also, because all that were the Fa ther’s were His. As He looked upon the multitude, He felt a yearning com passion for them: “They were like sheep without a shepherd;” and He continued to teach them. But did they not have synagogues, and regular reading of the Scriptures? Did they not have Scribes, Pharisees, Priests and Le vites? How could they be without shepherding? Ah, they had a soul- hunger, which the forms, ceremonies and burdens bound upon them not satisfy. could They really wanted the “Bread of Life,” which Jesus had RUGS, MATTINGS, HAMMOCKS, CAN OPIES, HASSOCKS, GO-CARTS, and TOILET SETS. We make a specialty of MONITOR STOVES AND RANGES. Call to see us when in town. Motto is TO SAVE YOU MONEY ON ANYTHING IN THE HOUSE FURNISHING LINE. CHRISTIAN & HARWARD Opp. Postofflce Corcoran St. ^WMWWWWWWWWWWMtfW Ancestors of ite evo lutionist. KING’S Kidney and Bladder Pills For Backache, Lame Back, or any troubles caused by weak kidneys Patterson BEOS. (Successors to University Drug Co.) Give us a call when you need Medicines of any kind. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded by a Competent Druggist. Chapel Hill. N. C. LOOK THROUGH THE RIGHT GLASSES If you would see properly and con tinue to do. Just because you can see better an first with glasses doesn’t always mean you will con tinue to do so. ONLY AN EXPERT TEST of your eyes can determine just the glasses which will be cf perma nent benefit to you. Come here and get that examination. W. B. SORRELL, Jeweler and Optometrist, Chapel Hill, N. C, LOUIS H. WEBB, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE: Webb Building, over University Supply Co. OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 11, a. m. 7 to 8:30, p. m. Chapel Hill, N. C. OUR CITIZEN’S DE MAND dr. WILT JAM’ LYNCH Office,' in LindsayJBnck Building 2d F chapel Hill, N C. Norfolk Southern RAILROAD Route of the “Night Express.” New Short Line Through Eastern North Carolina DIRECT LINE BETWEEN ; NORFOLK Fully Complied With—A Chapel Hill Citizen Furnished It. There are few items which appear in this paper more important to Chapel Hill people than the statement pub lished below. In the first place, it is from a citizen of Chapel Hill, and can be thoroughly relied upon. In the second place, it indisputably fproves J that Doan’s Kidney Pills do their work thoroughly and not temporarily. Read this carefully: Mrs.|Eliza Mulholland, W. Chapel Hill, N. C , says: “I can recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills, for I have used them and they have given me great re lief. For years my kidneys troubled me and I ’suffered intensely from a lame and aching back. I had pains through my kidneys and the kidney secretions bothered me A few months ago I used Doan’s Kidney Pills and they not only relieved the backache, but also restored my kidneys to a nor mal position.’" For sale by all deilers. Prica 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s—and take no other. Oidered that a new precinct be es tablished at Venable beginning at the north-east corner of the town of Ven able, thence west with the corporate line to the Chapel Hill raiboad, and thence northward with the said road to Hutchins cressing and thence west ward with the old road bed to the pub lic road leading from Hillsboro to Chapel Hill, at the Pleas Cates home place, thence south with said road to the branch at W. R. Lloyd’s, the pres ent line between North Chapel Hill and Coles Store precincts, thence with said line to Bingham township line thence with said Bingham township line southward to the Chatham County line at the point crossed by the flat bridge public road leading from Chap el Hill to Chatham county, via. of the I. W. Pritchard, and Vance Daniel farms, thence with said road back to the south-east corner of the town of Venable, thence north with said line to the beginning. North and South Chapel Hill pre cincts are thrown into one precinct and to be known as Chapel Hill Pre cinct. Beginning at the north-east corner of the corporate line of the town of Venable, thence with said line to Chapel Hill R. R, thence with said R. R. to Hutchins crossing, thence eastwasd with the old road, to the public road leading from Chapel Hill to Hillsboro, intersecting with the public road just south of Oscar Ho gan’s, thence southward, with said road, to Bollings creek, the present line of Patterson’s and North Chapel Hill precincts, thence eastward with the said precincts lines to Durham county, thence southward with the present lines of north and south Chap el Hill precincts to Chatham county line, thence with the Chatham county line to the road crossing said line, that leads from Chapel Hill to Chatham county, via. of the I. W. Pritchard and Vance Daniel farms, known as the flat bridge road, thence northward with said road to the south-east cor ner of the town of Venable, and thence with said corporate Jine to the begin ning. Ordeoed that the line between White Cross and Cates Precincts in Bingham township be changed as follows: Be ginning at the public road at Richard Cates, end running thence westward with said road to Jas. O. Webb’s. By order of the Board of Elections. Jos. A. Harris, Sec. When Church Property Becomes Tax able. Raleigh New Bern Goldsboro Via Washington, Kinston, Greenville, Farmville, Wilson, to Points North and South. The Corporation Commission has given an interesting opinion as to whether property held by churches as an investment is tax able. This question was raised sometime ago in the Eastern North Carolina diocese of the Episcopal church. There were opinions of big lawyers that such property should not be taxed, but the commission decides other wise. Chairman C. D. Bradham, of the county commissioners of Craven county, asked for the opinion and received the answer that property not used as a Ointment. 50 cents at any drug church ’ as a Parsonage, or as a st ore _ ' religious meeting place, that is . to say, preperty held by churches Don’t think that piles can’t be cured. Thousands of obstinate cases have been cured by Doan’s ELECTRIC LIGHTED PULLMAN SLEEPING AND PARLOR CARS. Fast Schedules, Fest Service Double Daily .Express Service t. L. BUGG, W. W. CROXTON, D.V.CONN, Traffic Mgr., Ce «• Pass. Agt., Cen. Agt,, NORFOLK, VA. N . 9RFQLK, YA, RALEIGH, N C Uncle Ezra Says not actually owned by them for “It don’t take more’ll a gill uv effort religious purposes, is Subject to to git folks into a peck of trouble” and | taxation a little neglect of constipation, bilious- । ' ,^ ness, indigestion or other liver de- You will find a beautiful line of £ff e £ eDt ,? ill , do -^ l^ 1 ^’ the famous White House shoes take Dr. Kings New Life Pills for quick results. Easy, safe, sure, and only 2.5 cents at Eubanks Drug Co, low quarters, for men and wo men at H, H. Patterson’s, —which Jesus was. for He personified the Truth. Why then did they not re ceive it? They were bound” by super stition. prejudice, the fear of man. traditions of the ancients, and the op position of the great and learned of their time. Did they not frequently inquire. “Have any of the Scribes and Phari sees believed on Him?” The common people always refer to the learned. The learned therefore have the greater responsibility. Jesus declared of them. “Ye have taken away the key of knowl edge;” you will neither enter into the favor of God yourselves, nor will you permit others to enter in.—Luke xi, 52. And is not this true today? The learned of the colleges and principal pulpits are telling the people that the Bible is not the Divine Message which Jesus and the Apostles declared it to be, that Moses and the Prophets did not write the books accredited to them; and thus- indirectly telling that Jesus and the Apostles were deceived when Jesus said, “Moses wrote of Me,” and the Prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah said thus and so. The Sympathy of Jesus. The multitudes in their enthusiasm went a long journey from home with out making proper provisions for food. The disciples urged that the people be sent home. Jesus suggested, “Give ye them to eat.” But they declared they had nothing wherewith to feed so many, and that if even they should go to purchase it would cost much. Finally they found five loaves and two fishes. By Jesus’ direction they seated the multitudes in companies on the grass, and the loaves and fishes, under heavenly blessing, were divided again and again, and all ate to their satisfaction: and the fragments amounted to twelve baskets, while those who had partaken were 5,000. This wonderful miracle not only at tests our Lord’s sympathy, but also spoke volumes to the people of the Divine power that was in the Great Teacher: but there is still another les son which it teaches us. Like all of Jesus’ miracles it was merely another foregleaming, or illustration, of His fu ture glory and of the coming blessings. This miracle speaks to us of the power that our Lord will then have for providing for the necessities of the whole world. True, we do not expect that during the reign of Christ the world will be miraculously fed, but rather in accordance with the Scriptural promise, “The earth shall yield her increase;” Ask the auto man to drop in and get you 25c. box Durham N. ^uuwuMuwowuow^^ C THE PEOPLES BANK Officers J. D. Webb President Herbert Lloyd W. F. Carr Vice-Presidents C. B. Griffin, Cashier J. B. Hocutt, Bookkeeper. Directors J. M. Cheek E. V. Howell Geo. C. Pickard Lueco Lloyd J. M. Neville J. D. Webb W. F. Strowd A. C. Pickard W. H. Rhodes J. Southgate Jones W.E. Hearn Herbert Lloyd L. H. Webb C. B. Griffin Attorneys: W. S. Roberson Robert H. Sykes The Peoples Bank Wants you to have a bank account. It is the first step toward success. It will protect your family in emer gencies. It will educate your children. It will make you independent. It will give you a standing in the community. If you haven’t a bank account, let us suggest that you start one with us. C. B. GRIFFIN, Cashier. "Five loaves and two and again. “I will fishes. call for the wheat. and will increase it,” etc., etc. But specially the feeding of the multitude reminds us of the fact testified in our text that Jesus is “The Bread of Life” —the Divine Provision for the necessi ties of the whole world. “I Am the Bread of Life.” As the Church no^v partake of the merit of Christ’s sacrifice, and become members of His Body, the one Loaf, and thus partake of eternal Life through Him, so in God’s due time the Bread from Heaven is to feed the mul titudes of earth. During the thousand years of His reign, the Bread of Life will be freely distributed amongst all mankind. That Bread of Life is the Truth—particularly the Truth connect ed with the great redeeming work of Jesus. He is to be the Bread of Life to the world, because He bought the world with the sacrifice of His life. The Church, however, in this present time, has another privilege which the world in the future will not share, and that is represented in the Lord’s “cup.” His “cup” to us represents our privi lege of suffering with Him and becom ing His joint-heirs in the Kingdom. It’s inventory time again, and this means it’s time for re ducing stock. We’re going to ride over profits rough shod, and clean cut everything in the way of new Fall stock. LOOK AT THESE PRICES. Can You Resist Them? Boys’ $3.00 Fancy Spring Suits at n “ 3.50 “ “ tk 41 Inventory Sale 10 per cent off on all Men’s Spring Weight Black and Blue Suits. 20 per cent off on all Straw Hats. Men’s $’“.50 Fancy [Spring Suits at “ 8.50 “ “ “ “ “ 10.00 “ “ “ “ “ 12.50 “ “ “ “ “ 15.0C “ ^ “ “ “ 18.50 “ li “ “ “ 20.00 “ “ u “ □ “ 25.00 “ “ “ “ $6.75 7.25 7.75 9.75 11.75 13.75 16.25 18.50 Boys’ Spring Suits Reudced. 10 per cent off on Blue Serge Suits. £ ■4.00 4.50 5.00 6.50 $2.35 2.75 3.25 3.60 3.85 4.90 Men’s Spring Weight Pants Reduced. Men’s $2.50 Spring Pants at o “ 3.00 “ »“ 3.50 “ “ “ » “ 4.00 “ “ “ “ 4.50 “ c“ 5.00 “ “ “ $1.85 2.25 2.75 3.15 3.65 3.85 Y on can make no investment that will pay such a handsome dividend as to clothe up the family during our Great Inven tory Sale. Sneed Markham - Taylor Co.

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