ies insanitary in construction JL FIE EAYS w ’^ b® Placarded with tae sign, I‘Insanitary; Unlawful to Use,” PUBLISHED EVEY THURSDAY W. B. Thompson EDITOR AND OWNER. Sintered at the Postoffice at Chapel Hill, N. C.,as second-class mail mat- SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: One year $1.50. Six months 75c. Three mon+hs 40c. Susubscr ptions must be paid in ad vance. CHAPEL HILL, N. C., FEB. 5, 1920 Another Munificent Offer. It is not at all unusual for a man who has climbed high on the ladder of fame and wealth, with the greater number behind him that his heart and mind natural ly reverts to the scenes of his childhood. Captain Isaac E. Emerson is by no means an ex ception to this rule. Reared in the country near here and edu cated at the University, he launched out on his own resourc es, about a third of a century ago, with little support, other than a splenpld heritage, a big brain and a determination to do something in the world. His name today is known in almost all parts of the world and he ranks as one of America’s great est captains of industry. r* In addition to the splendid stadium erected on the athletic field and donated to his Alma Mater, it was announced only a few days ago, at a meetinglof the Grand Lodge of Masons of North Carolina, assembled at their annual meeting that he would erect and donate to them for this time honored fraternity a beautiful Masonic Temple in memory of his parents, as a mon ument of his love and affection for them, which never swerved and who were never forgotten by him. As a Chapel Hill boy we honor and respect him and as a nation al character we are proud of him. We trust that the fates may so decree, that un years to come we may see much of him in our midst and at least, in a measure, be one of us as of old, arid prosecution will follow im mediately- Privies Insanitary, Unlawful to Use.” (1) Where condem nation is due to defective con struction, the owner will be held legally liable. (2) Where con demnation is due to defective construction, the user will be held legally liable. In case a residence is not sup plied with any kind of a privy, it is unlawful to maintain such a residence until a sanitary privy is supplied and the owner, of the residence will be held legally lia ble. The Inspection Fee, The law specifies a fee of forty cents which must be paid at the time the privy is inspected. Thein- spector can not and will not make more than one attempt to collect this money. If not paid on demand the account will be turned over to the State Board of Healty which will proceed with collection by process of law. Both money and trouble there fore will be saved by having the money ready for the inspector at the time of his visit. Don’t You Forget It. Bear in mind that Chamber lain’s Tablets not only move the bowels but improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. They contain no pepsin or other digestive ferment but strength en the stomach and enable it to perform its functions naturally. Administrators Notice. Having this day qualified as Ad ministrator of the late Annie A. Tur. rentine notice is herebygivento all per sons indebted to the estate to make payment at once, and all persons hav ing claims against the estate to pre sent the same to the undersigned on or before the 31st day of January, 1921, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This 31st day of Jan. 1920. (Dr.)S. B. TURPENTINE, Administrator. Post Office, Greensboro, N, C. Sanitary Inspector in Chapel Hill. The State Board of Health an nounces that Mr. B. B. Ferrell State Sanitary Inspector, will be in Chaoel Hill for several days for the purpose of inspecting and ship, Orange county, N. C. adjoining the lands of Jno. Q., Garden and others , and bounded on the north by the Isnds or Jno. C. Garden, on the east —*—— • - by the lands of Babe Torian, on the- Notice of Administratrix west by the lands of Will Hughes and Haying this day qualified as Ad on the south by the lands of Miles m inistratrix of Thomas Boylan, de Nichelson Dumber company, and con- cease a with the will annexed of Or- taining 83 acres, more or less, it be- au . re county, this is to notify all per- ing the property of the late Miss s0ns having claims against the es- Lemuel Teresa Picket. state of the deceased, to exhibit them - . . . , Terms of sale, 1-3 cash, balance in to the undersigned on or before Jab- licensing privies in accordance; equal installlments of Sand 12 months with Chapter 71, public laws of 1 with interest on deferred payments at torn mi 1 i. „ . | the rate of 6 per cent privilege topur- 1919. Ilie law became effective chaser to anticipate deferred pay- i vuaaci iM an 1. r merits upon confirmation of sale. an the date of' its passage, name ly, February 24, 1919, but in or der to give every one ample op portunity to comply with it, the State Board of Health deferred the date for insisting upon com pliance with the law to October 1, 1919. Upon that date the in- ■spectors were put into the field. The inspector upon visiting a home will find it sanitary or in sanitary. Privies Found Sanitary: The proceedure in such instances is • simple. The inspector posts the state privy license number upon such privy and collects the an nual license fee of forty cents. Privies found Insanitary: Such privies will be found insanitary due either to faulty construction or faulty maintenance. In such instances the responsible parties will be subject to immediate pros- ecutoin but it is within the dis cretion of the inspector to follow one of two courses, as follows: (1) If reasonable evidence at the first visit is furnished to show that the responsible individual is acting in good faith, but for some unavoidable reason has been unable to meet the laws requirements, the inspector will be given authority to waive pros ecution temporarily. In this case the inspector will collect the in spection fee as usual, and affix to the privy the sign: “Privy Li cense Pending.” Upon his next visit the inspector will naturally expect the requirements to have been met, and few if any ex cuses for non-compliance will be uensidered. (2) All other priv This the 29th day of Dec. 1919. Bid starts at $2,945.35. JOHN H. HANNER, Corn. Sale of Personal Property, Under and by virtue of the author ity vested in me by law, as the duly qualified Executor of the last will and testament of Albert Lloyd, deceased, late of Orange county, North Carolina T will, on 1 Monday, February 16th, 1920, at the late residence of the seid Albert Lloyd, dec’d, in Orange couuty, N. C. I at 12:00 o’clook, M., expose to sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following articlos of per sonal properity. viz; Meat, corn, and foodstuffs, Farming implements, con sisting of ploughs, mowing machins, and the like, and vehicles. Household and Kitchen Furniture. B. H. LLOYD, Executor. of the will of Albert Lloyd, dec’d. This Jau. 23, 1920. ' Notice of Sale of Valuable Land. Under and bj virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Orange county, in a Special Proceeding entitled “Ab ner B. Pope vs. Bessie Lowe et al,” the undersigned Commissioners will, at Twelve O’clock, M.. On Saturday, February 28th, 1920, offer for sale at public auction at the 1 postoffice at Chapel Hill, Orange! county. North Carolina, to the high est bidder the following described land:—No. 1, Beginning at a poplar M. C. Lloyd’s corner! thence south 87 deg. east 37 chains to the mouth of a ditch on the Chapel Hill road; thence southwest with said road 11 chains and 50 links to a rock on sold road, Mary C. Lloyd’s corner; thence west 19 chains and 50 links to a rock in the edge of the old field; thence south 10 deg. west 5 chains and 50 links to a roek, Mi C, Lloyd’s corner; thence north 88 deg. west 33 chains lo a,stake at C. P. Lioyd’s corner; thence down the fence to a branch, thence down said branch as it meanders to another fence; thence with said fence to a rock; thence north 63° east 10 chains and 25 links to another fence, M. 0. Lloyd’s corner; thence south 63 O east 6 chains toa rock on the path; thence south 15 0 W, 5 chains to the first station, containing 68 acres, more or less, the same being the land formerly owned by R, J. Robereon and wife and con veyed to Jesse W. Cole by mortgage Jan. 15, 1886, said mortgaged fore closed June 12, 1897. No. 2. That parcel or tract of land situated in Orange county, adjoining the lands of Henry Lloyd and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at an ash on Morgan’s Creek, Henry Lloyd’r corner; thence his line S. 52 1-2 , degrees E. 4 chains and 58 links to a stake, W. R. Lloyd’s corner; thence his line S. 6 1-2 degrees W. 20 chains and 50 links to a rock on S. I. Pope’s corner; thence his line N. 87 degrees W. 17 chains to a stake, Pope’s corner thence N. 15 degrees E 6 chains to a stake; thence N. 63 degrees W. 6 chain to a branch; thence down said branch’ as it meanders to Buck Fork Creek; thenee down said creek as it meanders to Morgan’s creek; thence up said creek 90 links to the first station, con taining 36 acres, more or less, accord ing to a survey made by J. O. ^£^>b July 13th, 1898 and filed in the Papers in the above entitled Spectal Proceed ings. Notice or Re-Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Orange county ; in u special procee ding entitled ‘•Ben F. Smith and others against Jas. T. Smith and others,” the undersigned c I Terms of Sale: Cash or one-third OfllUrGay, I ea sh, one third in six months and one offer for sale to the highest bidder at ; third in twolve monthf, deferred pay- the courthouse in Hillsboro, N. C, the 1 ments to be secured by deed of trust •following described tract or parcel of , conveying the land as security, land situate in Cedar Grove town- | This the 26th day of January, 1920. L. P. McLendon and S, M. Gattis, Commissioners. uary 14, 1921, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. And all persons indebted to the estate will please make immediate payment. This Jau. 14, 1920. MRS. MARY C. BOYLAN, With the will annexed, Post Office, Mebane, N. C. Save a Part of Your Earnings How much of your wages are you laying up for a rainy day? Can you think of one thing you have been spend ing hard-earned money for which you could get along very nicely without? Why not put this amount in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT and watch it grow? It shpuld be the source of a grean deal of satisfaction to you, besides you owe it to yourself to do this. A good time to start is your next pay day. Make the resolution now. The Bank of Caraboro Carr, Ch’mn of the Board A. P, Lloyd, Cashier 8^ Yes, We MeanTo Do It Personal interviews, letters and phone messages from our badly delinquent customers asking if we really mean to do what we said last week’s News. To all such we answer YES. Tis true we propose to give all a chance. Fair no tice will be given to every debtor and then if no response their will be placed in the dead list along with Hollis Snipes and many others who make good wages but refuse to pay what they owe. We ate not seeking to offend any one, neither are we in business for health or exercise. Regardless of what the public may think, merchandising in a small town to day is simply a matter of existing and not one of making money as so many think. The manager of this store has had thirty- five year's of experience in public life, and never has he found so many socalled good people so careless about their obligations. Wholesale Houses haye cut their terms to a minimum, and it is collect or cease to exist. A man or a womau who will buy a merchants wares on a week or month’s terms and then ignores all statements, not even call to see about the payment, deserves exposure. The Banks have money and will gladly discount good name notes which would keep the merchant alive. Town friends and out of town friends read this, hand it along to your neighbors, tell them to come up and settle. To the greater m° urity of our customers, who pay cash or promptly, we again return our thanks and pledge you our best service and prices. Any customer who owes us long standing accounts who has had sickness or bad luck. come to see and so advise us We will withhold their names New Arrivals This Week. of all kinds, beautiful chick New Spring Dress Goods styles. Oxfords, Pumps, Shoes, Notions, Voille Waists, the Advance styles from Fashion’s headquarters. City Styles for less money. Chickens in big demand, Butter ready sale at 4o to SOcts, OPEN 7 A. M Andrews Cash Store Co St ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 8 Dollars and Cents. Counting it only in dollars and cents, how much did that last cold cost you?" A man may not always stop work when he has a cold, but perhaps it would be better if he did. ft takes about ten days to get completely rid of a cold under the usual treatment. That time can be much shortened by taking Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and proper care of your self, in fact, a bottle of this rem edy in the house is a mighty good investment .during the winter and spring months, NOTICE ^ I AV DOJ List Your Personal Property and Give in Your Poll. The County Supervisor will attend at the following'places and times in Chapei Hill and Bingham Townships. All per sons are required to appear in person, give in their Poll and list their Personal Property under the Revaluation. Act passed by the last Legislature: At Chandler’s Store, Feb. 9th, 1920. Cedar Grove, Feb, 10th, Carr, Feb, 11th. J. B Liynch’s Store. Feb. 12th. Efland, Feb, 16th and 17th, Cheek’s Crossing, Feb. 18th and 19th. University, Feb. 20th. St Mary’s, Feb. 21st. Roberson’s Store, Feb. 25th. Caldwell, Feb. 26th, Schley, Feb. 27th NOTICE OF LAND SALE. Under and by virtue of an order of., the Superior Court of Orange county, in a special proceeding entitled“ R A. Smith and others against Ida Smith ; and others” the undersiged will On Saturday, February 21st, 1920, i at the court house door in Hillsboro,! N. C., offer for sale at public auction, ; to the highest bidder the following! described tract of land or parcel of I land lying in Bingham township up on the waters of Collins Creek and I bounded on the North by S. L Ray, on the East by Ed Copeland, on the] South by R. A. Smith and on the! West by Lum Glosson and containing 27 ^ acres, more or less. Terms of sale—one-third cash, balance in equal installments of six and twelve months, interest on deferred payments at the rate of six per cent per annum and with privilege to purchaser to antici pate deferred payments npon confir mation of sale. This the 16th of January, 1920. S. M. GATTIS, Jr., Commissioner. Chronic Constipation" There are people who never have a movement of the bowels without it is produced by a ca- : thartic. Most of them have brought that condition on them selves by the use of mineral wa ters and strong cathartics that take too much water out of the system and aggravate the dis ease they are ment to relieve. A «mild laxative tonic like Cham berlain’s Tablets affords a gentle movement of the bowels that you hardly realize has been produced by a medicine, and their use is likely to be followed by consti pation. You are Still Eating And will have to keep it up to keep living and to get what you want to eat promptly, and the Best, at right prices, Phone us, T. W. LACOCK.